The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 13, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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r . .
ljlaud dutts
Charlie Y Moore.'' Out -of r Form
J ' Makes Three MisjJIaye and
- Freeno Wine.
Despite ; Heavy ; Swatting Oiim
" Might Have Been Won bat for Mie
T cue at - Second McOregor - Kept
IfcCredie'a Giants Gueeelng. '
mnMmt TMaMk tn Thm Joaraal.l
1jo Angele. Cal.. Auk. 1J. CharH
Moor wm oft hta fed ysterday and th
result wss that by Ms mlBplsy Frsn
nstund th nine. Score. to 4. Moore.
however, w not th only ono that wss
' oat of hla strid, for Bum was not in
form and the Rateinplckrs put him
ever the blah Jumps, touching htm for 11
, hita and the beauty of tho thing from
" tha. Fresno .standpoint -.was that thay
were abla on two ccaaionB to bunch
their hlta.-r Once when they fathered
them tn a group Moore put In hla bum
checks and boots. Thla waa In tha eighth
and tho reeult -was that FYeano ran up
three large lulcy tallica.
- The loalng of thla game came hard te
McCredle's Gianta. They were Juat
going some when they butted into thla
defeat, the flrat they have drawn In tha
aeiiea of six. While tha hitting- of Gum
waa rather heavy, none of them were
long ehot a; in fact, tha longeat ahot. of
the game, a, two-spot waa drawn by
Sweeney, Of the 11 gathered by FTeeno
from Gum, all of them were alnglea and
note of them were bum alnglea at that.
Despite tho heavy touching, ho could
have probably held the game hut for
Moore, who in tha eighth, when tha
bases were full, booted one and then
made a bum catch that allowed three
runa to croaa the plate,
- McGregor' for Fresno pitched a nice.
steady game and he kept tha Gianta
f ueaalng. Ha whiffed seven of the heavy
hitters, but the beauty of hla work waa
that he kept off the heavy hittera at tha
head of tha list with tha exception of
Sweeney, who got tha double, before
noted. Tha ocore:
-..-i . 4 PORTLAND. :"'
McHale, er. 4 Lei
' Hweeney,-aa. 7 ; J;. 114
Mttcneii. ir. .
MoCredie, rf. 4
Smith, lb. ............ t
Moore, 2b, ........... 4
Donahue, c, ........ 4
Lister, lb, ........... 4
Gum, p. I
4 I it It I
AB. R. H. PO. Jl E.
Doyle, cf. .......
i i i e e
Walters, rf, .........
Ceaey, 2b
Hasan, aa
McLaughlin. If. . ....
Delmaa, lb. .........
f'artwrlght. lb. ......
Hogan, c.
McGregor, p.
. 1
a l
,' Totals . .......... .11 u 17 t a
Portland a 0 4 a 4
Hita ... 0 0 0 10 10 1 I
Freeno . . M 1 M 1 I -
Hita . ...,..... i i a a 4- n
Two-baee hit Sweeney. Sacrifice
)ilta Smith. Hogan, Wolters, Caaey.
Flrat bane on eriora Portland, I;
Fresno, a. Left on Raeea Portland, 4;
Fresno, a. Struck out By McGregor, 7;
by Gum, I. Double pUye McCredio to
Hater.--Stolen baa Woltera. Time of
game one hour and ia. minutes. Im
jure Perrlne. . . ,,
' y Won.
Portland - 4a.
Pan Franc! eco ..41
I .os Angelea ...... ....IS
Seattle . . ............44
Oakland . .......41
Freano ...41
' rtpecUl fMapttrk Tke )wmtt
' San Franclaco, Aug. 11. 'Frisco and
th Angela made an even break In their
double-header yeaterday, th scores being
a to a and I to I. Th afternoon strlfs
waa pltchera' battle. In which Hitt
bad a little th beat of th. argument
The scores: '
Morning gam R. H. E.
Ixe Angelea . . . 4 ! 1 a 1 4 ( 4
Ban Franclaco ..9t9 1
Batteries Bums and Hoag; Tyaon
and Splaa. " - .
Afternoon gam- R. H. E.
Ixa Angelea . .. e 1 4 1 1 I J
Bsn Francisco ..14244 1 1 a
Batteries Hitt and Wllaon; Randolph
and Mangerlna. L'mplre Hod son.
I '--I ' ... .MHBMHM- ....
'-" Btovom Zaaiags at Beam.
' (Special Dliateh to The Josraal.l
. ' Seattle, Wash Aug. 11. It took 11
tnnlnga for th locals to win from Oak
land, the scor being 1 to 1. A triple
by Strelb In th eleventh and a bum
throw by Francka gave Seattle th
game. Vlckers pitched a fine-gam,,
whlfllng ten. Th scores' .
Seattle .i ,.0 90e14 11 - i
Oakland . -.fv.4 9 1 4 0 4 1 t T t
Batteries Vlckera and Hansen; Reldy
and BlUa. -.empire MahaRey.
Hutt . .
.BlteHea Bandelfnuand Swindella;
poyl and Shea. .
Z?. '1; - ' At XoqaiajB, ''r "
"'1 - ' R-H. E.
Grays Harbor - ...ill t
(tpokano . . .....7 14 x 4
Batteries Goodwin, Iaw and Boettl
(r; Ruah, Duna and Altman.
- 4 i ., Won.
New York . ,...17
t'hlcago . . ......... ..41
I-biladelphia . t ......ft
Cleveland . . ....... ..64 ,
ft. Ixuls , 1 '
jietrolt .....ft
Vashlngtoa ...... .1
Uoatoa SO
' ' At Vaooasa.
R. H. E.
r 1 . . . .r.T. til ilTI
Lost p.C.
40 .SM
4? huh
40 .14
71 .2(1
At Chioag-o.
R.H. E.
,.1 7 4
Oilca a o , ,
l.ew Yorl
tatieriee - waian ana ouiiivan; orta
and Klelnow.
At St. Xmla.
R. H.
..T 19
ft. Louis .
1 r-tiadelnhia . .
..4 7
LeMeriee Glade. O'Connor and Span
er; Bender and Bchreck. ,
1 ' m 11 , i,
Milwaukta Country Club.
7 Faatera and Seattl rsoe. Take
rilwood aa4 Ursgoa City ears at Ural
I ai .
Connie Mack of the Philadelphia' Ath
letic haa another atar roped. He la
Shortstop Nlchola of tha Mamphla club,
and la reported to be the beat Inflelder
la the Southern league.
Word from Blnghamton, New York,
haa It that negotiatlona are. pending
with Preaident J. H. Farrell, who la
preeldent of the New York State league,
and alao secretary of the American As
sociation of Baseball Clubs, to bring
the teams In the outlaw Trl-State
league, under the national agreement
Preaident Farrell. when aakad regard
ing the matter, aald fhe proapecta were
good and It would be a step extremely
beneficial to all concerned.
- Umpire Jack McCarthy, who quit the
Western- league,- haa been engaged by
Preaident Bert , for the , Pacific Coaat
league tarr. .V .
Clark Griffiths say he la going to win
tha American league pennant Evidently
in this guess he la not eountlng Connie
Mack and "dam Athletic," or Chicago,
which moved to second place yesterday.
Sammy Strang, the handy man of Mo-
Graw'a Gianta, may be traded to Boa-
ton, the Beaneatera giving young Cy
Young, th southpaw. In exchange. '
No mora Sunday ball will be -allowed
In ; Kentucky. the official yeaterday
atopplng tha Loulavllle-8t. Paul gam at
Loutavllle. - . . .-
San Franc! eco la putting up an awful
yell about tho work of Umpire Dun-
lea vy tn the aeiiea with Los Angeles.
Parke Wlleoit- la very much pleaaed
with Tyaon, hta big blonde twlrler, and
says that he la a find. - Tyaon, In a re
cent game with the Angela, not only
pitched good ball, but fielded hi poel-
ucn to the top notch, - .
Joe Thoma. the Pacific eoaat waiter-
weight, and Billy Rhodea or Kanaaa
City, will . ha their fight tomorrow
night at Davenport. Iowa. They will
weigh In at 141 pound, and Aba Pol
lock will refer..
In a recent meet' at tha naval train
ing elation at Newport, Rhode lafand.
Seaman Tag of the Alabama proved
hlmeelf the middle-weight champion of
the North Atlantic aquadron by putting
It over Seaman Condon of tha Kear-
San Franclaco aporta are eore b-
rauae Goldfleld got tha Gana-Nelaon
fight, and are yelling that the tSS.oaa-
pura la filled with atage money. Both
Gana and Nelaon . have had a doaa of
"native aon."
Becaua Berger made a allowing
againat Jack O'Brien recently at Phila
delphia, he la now poalng on tha ataga
aa a champion. 1 Berger la Juat another
lemon that O'Brien will equeeae when
tha high dollar ia hung out Tou can
not find a man that O'Brien ha not
fought twice, and thla la the way Jack
adda to hla real aatat holdlnga.
"Brooklyn Tommy" Sullivan, boxing
inatructor of the Mlvoourl Athletic club.
haa algnfn to fight Abe Attell for the
feather weight championship before the
club offering the beat puree.
TWTar PaTmwr;; tha Anglian 'light-
weight champion, recently In court
when arrested for non-eupport declared
he waa broke, but th Judge ordered
him to go to work and produce ft a
week. J ,
Frankle Neil, unchanged by defeat, ta
after Abe Att-ll and haa offered to atop
any 110-pounder In four rounda or for
feit IJOO. . , ...... .
Burr Chamberlain, captain ' of th
Yale 't football " team, who waa re
cently in Philadelphia, had a great deal
to aay concerning th. coming football
season and th new rules., Cnmber
lain b-llevea beyond doubt that tha
much-iidlculed rule will prove effi
cient and that a system of play will be
devised thst will successfully overcome
the much-talked-of difficulties, " ' -
Tha definite announcement of th
Tale-Harvard football game, to b
; r 1 ' i . -
Portland Players Won Fresh
' Laurels Delightful ... Social
Features of the Gathering. :
(gpeelal Dlseetck te Tea Jearaal.)
Tscoma. Aug. 11. The annual tour
nament of the Pacific Northwest Ten
nis assoclstton and tho International
annual meet got together th largest
assemble g f tennia-play era thatver
congregated at- Tacoma. - From the
opening of tha tournaments Tuesday to
the last gam In th twilight Saturday
tha pluylng was spirited . and drew
crowd of apectatora.
. On of th moat Interesting game of
th week was that between W. A. Goes
of Portland, th holder of th Thorn
trophy, and Jo Tyler of Seattle. : Go,
who easily won the championship lau
rels of-th Pacific North weet associa
tion last yeaf, waa put out of ths Inter
national race on the opening day of th
tournament by Payne of Tacoma, and
Friday waa downed In a bard-fought
battle by Tyler. , .
Another notable match' of the week
wm In th men's doublea between Gobs
and ' Wiokeraham of Portland, and
Pooley and Rlthet of Victoria, and won
by the Portland team by the does
score of 4-4. 4-1. Both th Portland
Maw U Protect Oneself Against Meat,
Fatigue aa Disease.
Many people are ao eaally affected
by thai hot weather aa to be capable of
but little work during th eummer
months. .,InquJry among , this class will
show thst In nesrly every Instance
titer Is a weal stomach and more or
leaa Indigestion. Put the digestive
organa right by Being Ml-o-na atomacb
tableta and the summer time will prove
th pleasanteat most deslrabl and en
joyable season of th year.
On little Ml-o-na Ublet before each
meal will give you life, vitality, energy
and physical endurance during th heated
term and ward off th ordinary . dls
eaeea of summer. Mi-o-na ia not an
ordinary Bummer tonic or dlgeatlva. It
Is a trua atrengthener of tha digestive
ayatem, building up th organ to per
fect health and vitality by curing the
indigestion and abaolutely removing all
palna and diatreas in the etomach,
apecka before the eye, alck,and nerv
ous headache and other aymptome that
coma from a weakened stomach.
MI--na makea positive and lasting
curs and Is sold by Woodard. Clarke A
Co. under an absolute guarantee that it
will cur all disease of th atomacb.
except cancer, or th money will be re
funded. Ask Woodard, 'Clark (k Co. to show
you ths guarantee they give With every
It box ol JM-- ;
played at New 'Haven on November 14,
haa aettled the fate of football at Mar
vard. The laat deanerat effort of
Preaident Eliot to keep the Crlmaon off
the intercollegiate gridiron thla yea
failed. - It la aafe to ear that in view
of the hard fight Dr. Eliot mada
aaainat the gam, the Crlmaon author!
tlea will be very careful to eliminate Ita
evila thla year. Dr.' Eliot ha let It be
understood that football I not aano-
tloned at Harvard, but that It la mere
ly on trial, and If the gam la not eat-
lafaotory thla fall It will be cut out
ntlrfly hereafter.
Tha new football alliance will bring
together a meeting between two of the
atrongeet teama of the east and wast
Thtawlll be furnlahed by the game be
tween the University of Pennsylvania
and Michigan university, to be played
on November It. There will alao be a
game between the Carlisle Indiana of
the eaat and th Umveralty of Minne
sota tn th west
Billy Cole, who waa a winner at Cleve
land recently, taking a record of 1:07 U
waa a let hors In a livery atable out In
Ohio two year ago. -
' Alfalfa, la now th property of H.' T.
Hawa, th Johnstown. Pa,.-turfman, wha
at on urae ownea om raicnen.
"At the Ardmor Driving club races re
cently Bd Bryan, a bay gelding, broke
th world's trotting record for two mile
on a half-mil track.-' Tha horee cov
ered tha dlatancs In 4:6. Th best pre
vious record waa :14. held by Tempi
Black Lock. 1:07. who worked a mile
In 1:01H recently over th Davenport,
Iowa,1 track. Is now owned by C K. O.
Billings, who paid 110.000 for him.
Twenty-five- ysarltngs, - thoroughbred
eolta and fillies, have been shipped to
Nsw York from James R. Keen a Cae
tleton atud at Lexington. Ky- .to b
broken and prepared for racing In 1M7.
With them were ahlpped these untried
1-year-olds: Kingston. Ben Brush, Com
mando, Voter, Disguise, and Humburg.
Jame B. Brady la evidently deter
mined to get a powerful racing stable
regardless of cost, s he recently pur
chased from Pr A. Forsyth th 1-year-old
colt Fountain Blue by Oddfellow
Farral for 125,000 cash. Fountain Blue's
sir brought 130,000 aa a 1-year-old.
"Pte" MtNally. th American awlra
mer, la making them take notic In Eu
rope, by attempting feata famoue tn his
tory. He cabled the other day: "Swam
Lake Como on Sunday andth Tiber thla
morning from Pons Subllclus to the Pal
atine bridge In IS minutes, doubl th
course of Horatlu and Caeear." Mc
Nally Intends to swim th Hellespont
and Bosphorus. ;
Ray C. Ewry, holder of th world's
record for th standing broad Jump,
broke hla own record on Saturday after
noon In New York by a Jump of 11 feet
f Inches
Th Corinthian . association - football
players from London are du to arrive In
today. They hop before they
return to play a soccer gam with th
cadet at Weet Point ,
Aleck Smith, Amertca'a open profes
sions! golf champion. In th recent games
at Van Cortland r park, . New York,
ahowed he I worthy of hla title. He fin
ished the two-day contest 71 holes, medal
play, flv strokes ahead of hla nearest
competitor, winning th fUO purs by 101
strokes. . ' i .
Cecil 1 Healy. tha Australian amateur
champion awlmmer, yesterday at Ham
burg won th Emperor's cup and broke
the German record for 100-metres, by
going th course in 1 minute 7 second.
For th first time In athletic history a
Japanese athlete claim world's track
athletlo records. Walter Camp, Yale'a
athletlo adviser, haa been notified that
Minora FuJIl of tho University of Ohio.
cleared the bar at U feet 1 Inch, and won
the 100-yard daah In 1-1 seconds, at ths
annual Toklo games, breaking tha world's
poie-vauit record or 11 feet and th 100
yard daah figure t-t second.
men did neat work, their lobbing style
appearing to worry their opponents. In
th second set it looked for a while
a though th Victorian would win.
Thay ware buckling down to th work
Ilk woodchopper and had flv games
to their credit The ess with which
thy won these game appeared to spoil
their playing and they began to ease
off.. Then th Port lend team got an
Inning and won six straight With th
acor t-f against them th Victorians
rallied and Pooley won th twelfth
game by aome splendid -drives well
ptaceo. Tnen th Portland men won
thn two auccodlng gam is, set and
matcn, ins last gams being a love
game, . . -. ... ,
buii another men's ddubles match.
"' i account or ids skill shown
by th flayer, waa between Goes and
Wlrkersbam and McBumey and Drake
of Spokane. Th Portland team waa
utiiuckv in mat it atruck no enape.
Tn men It met at every turn were
t layers rrom in ground up. In th
am with th Spokane team the Port
land team won th flrat set 3-t, but
after a long and hard fight McBumey
and Drake won th second by a scor of
11-10. Th third set reached ths deuce
rtage. out lc Burners form fell off
oranvnu ana in set wa never In ae
rtus dsnger from Ooss and Wicker-
snanra point - of riw, , th Portland
team winning.
Thxre were a number of social events
In connection with th tournament
which will make th week long to be
reraemoerea by those attending, but
" moat note 010 social function waa
in tennis ball .at the Tacoma hotel.
Th ball I th distinctive social feature
of tennis week and brings together ths
smartest assembla of th entire year.
Prior to -th-party a number of dinners
wr given by prominent Tacomana to
tennle guests In th city, and at th
moi or wnica army officer from
American lake were honored gueata.
Aa a number of th player on the
Trunkmakers team will tsk their va.
caUona this month thla strong amateur
team will dlsbanj for tha season. ' Ths
record of. th Trunkmakers haa been
exceptionally good and ' th various
player look on their performance with
pride. During the Mason thy have
traveled 1,15a mile and played 14
game, winning aU but six .of thm.
Th majority of gamee . played have
been outald of Portland, and they tack
led th atrongast amateur teama in thla
eactlon.' .
When next keaaon opens th Trunk
maker propose to hav a vary strong
team and la addition to thla will have
their owa grounds. Inclosed. Thay will
bring to ' Portland th best amateur
team In th stats. - Options have been
aecured on - several location On of
the will be eeleoted In th near fu
ture and will be put In ahap and In
closed by .spring.
Prefewed gtoea Oaaaed yAa
Uaa Lawiaf Beat BraaaV , 1
riAnnnno ncccAT
uimuuuo uliljji
Hugo Stabels' Twists and Bands
; ; , Could Not B Fath-
Exceptional Support Given the Tall
Twlrler Maybe the Rusty Horee.
ahoe in' the Batbag of Brainard's
; . Team Had Some Charm. .
Hugo Blebela cam jier being th
whol show in th gam yesterday be
tween th Schlllers and th Maroons, for
by his heady work and. awlft beoda h
managed to tuck the gam away for
the MAroone by a eoore of 4 to 1.. Re
sult, much rejoicing for th followers
of th east side teem, and th gloom
around Fourth and Washington trets
can be. broken off la chunk . with . a
grub hook. - . . '
Laat Friday evening white th . Ma
roons war practicing on th prorea
alonal diamond. Manager Smith picked
up an old and ruaty horseahoe and
alippad It Into the Maroona' bat nag.
Yesterday afternoon. In the presence) of
several hundred excited fane, thla horse
ahoe wa th fetich that blinded the
ye of th mighty swatter In Schiller
uniforms, and likewise opened those of
th Maroonsr-' - -
Don't thing the r.orsesno was an
thsr waa to it There was alao Hugo
8lebela, th alim and graceful twlrler,
who dished them up so crooked that big
Arch! Parrott and hi crowd could not
touch them. ' Then there war eight
good men behind Slebela, who speared
everything that cam within BO yard of
them, -whether ground hit. Iln ariv or
fly ball. Everything looked alike, and
thua tha mighty Schiller met sore de
feat Th amateur championship pen
nant fluttered down from th Schiller
flagstaff only to be hoisted anew from
th Maroon pole. Manager Gardner
chaaed his mascot out of th grounds,
and. Ilk Napoleon at Waterloo, wept
and aald a naughty word or two.
. Were you there? Well It was a great
gam, possibly th best that haa ever
been played upon, th professional
grounda by semi-professional or ama
teur teama. For alx lnninga neither
aid could send" a, titan serosa tha rub
ber .although th Maroona cam near
turning th trick In th fifth, when
Campbell opened th inning witn a
elaahtng two bagger. Parrott kindly
walked the next two up and tha bases
wer full, no man out Brock hit to
Rich Parrott who caught Campbell at
th plat by a lightning return to 81a
vln, and Rlavln threw to first stopping
wmc.fc. . Riebels walked on wld one,
and Gray retired the aid by a ny to
Th. Maroona openea in. ice to in
th venth, after Gain, had tiled to
Fay. McPheraon walked. Brock hit to
first and Slebels smashed out a beauty
to left field. It went through Ollve'e
feet and McPheraon cam horn on th
throw. Then there waa notning aoing
for another Inning. Ia tha ninth th
Maroona cinched the game. McPheraon
rubbed his bat on ths horsesho. mads
a nlcs singls. Brock fanned, Slebela was
hit on th pitching arm by a awlft In
hnaL Orav ranned out a alngl to right
advancing McPheraon and Slebela. Par
rott tried to cut off ncmeron at inira,
throw th ball a mil high and McPher
aon. Slebela and Gray scored. Hukl
fouled to Slavln. Trowbrid go-rapped
out a two bagger and Mangold ended
th agony by hitting to Burn who
caught him at flrat . ' .
in tn ocnniersr it mm, purai nw
pretty single. Parrott riled to uaina.
Oliver hit a flelder'a choice to Mangold,
who threw high over Trowbridge' head
and Burna scored. ttoh Parrott picked
up a horns run bat and lammed on out
to center field: It dropped Into a well
and Oliver atarted horn on th throw.
Well, th ball beat him to th plat
about 10 feet, and it waa all over but
the velllna.
Whll Slebels' pitching waa tha etar
penormancs ' 01 me b"iv
must not be overlooked, and thatwaa
with th exception of Mangold' bad
throw In th ninth he had th finest
kind of support. Th Infield waa there
all th tiro with th good, and any
thing that got past them waa pretty
sure to be found by th outfield. Mc
pherson's work In th outer garden waa
particularly brilliant and aeveral times
when the Schlllers thought they hsd
got th ball where "nobody wasn't" Mae
was there with hi two pawa waiting to
grab It. Ha cut down several good
long drive -and - got - hi - har of th
aoDlause. At third Mangold piayaa
good ateady game, with th exception
of hi on wild throw In th ninth, for
which h can b forgiven. In view of
th balance of hi performance.
Thl game will be th laat for th
championship of ths Portland, at least
for soms time, for th MeCredle'a
Giants' return Wednesday, and ws will
all meet for tha next six weeks watch
lng them cinch th Paclfio coast cham
plonahlp. Th score:
Aa R. H. PO. A. E.
1 ,r . mm.
1 1 si
Henkle, If. .......... 6
Trowbridge, lb. ..... 4
Mangold, lb. i
Campbell, lb. , 4
Gainea. cf. .......... 1
Hathaway, cf. ....... 1
Smith, rf. 1
McPheraon, rf. t t
Brook, a. , 4
Slebela, p. 1
1 0
t a
.....i 1 i 7 27 11 1
Fay, ss. '..... .
BurnsY Jb. . . .
A. Parrott. lb.
Oliver, If
4 9 1 2 1 , 9
1 1 e
e e it
e e i
1 1
K. parrott. p.
Houston, lb.
Patterson, rf.
Chapin, cf.
Biavin, a ....
Total ; J7 1 S7 It
Hits . ,
..e 0 a 0 0 1
.eeeeoeoe 1 1
Hits . ,
J 1 1 t
SUM MART. -Struck
but By Slebels. Ir by Par
rott I. Bases nn balls Off Slebela, 1;
off Parrott. 4. . Two-base hits Camp
bell, Mangold. Doubl play Galnee to
Brock; R. Parrott to Slavln to A. Par
rott. Sacrifice hit Trowbrldg, Burns
1. Stolen bases Gray, Hsnkls, Man
sold 1, Hathaway. , Hit by pitched
halls Grsy, Slebela Psssed ball
Slavln. Flrat base on errors Maroons,
1; Schlllers, 1. Wild pitches Slebela,
Parrott . Left on baaes Maroona, 1;
Schlllers. 4. Tim of gam On hour
and 10 mlnutea Umpire Rankin and
Klth, ' 1
Buy Your Millinery-
At I. Palata Royal and aav. money and
tlm. All our trimmed hata going r.
gardiaaa of ooaV 17 .WaiUlmton aytj,
: : Kin-oiiB can
Reception Being Planned '" for
Coach Murphy and Hi
. ,C Winner. ;
Portland la proud of tha achievement
of ths four-oared craw of th Portland
Rowing club In taking second place In
me international regatta .on Lake Quln
atgnmond on Saturday. . . Going. Into
such a atrlnuoua rao upon uch abort
notice, th performance can rightly be
judged wonderful. If they bad mada a
winning they- would ' hav mad th
whol country ahout. with aurprta; but
as It la, tha taking of second place haa
maa in east sit up and take notice. -The
fact that Portland rowed second
to the. celebrated Nonnarella. of New
Tork Is an event of national importance
in aquatic cirolea. and that ths Port
landers wer going , some Is evident
rrom th fact that In th final they do
feated th Ravenawooda, their conquer
or of ths previous da v.
On Important thins: counted againat
rortiana and that waa th weather. A
atlff wind .waa blowing and -when thay
drew plaoee Portland waa unfortunate
enough to draw ths wind course. This
waa a serious handlcan and th slow
tlm Indlcataa that th wind eut quite a
ngur. :'',,..'..,.:
Tha performanoe of Murphy's crew
wa remarkable in that they defeated
th crew of th Winnipeg 43oet
club, tha champlona of Canada. Thay
were never in th race, th Oregon boy
leading them by four length. There I
little doubt but for th wind and If the
Portland craw bad had longer tlm to
practlc on th lake they would hav
com out winners, but aa it la ths post
tion aecured la one that many of tha
crew envy.
That th performance of th Portland
four la appreciated at homo la evident
from th talk Indulged In by th mem
bare of th dub. - Plani ar already be
ingmade to glv th crew and Coach
Murphy a roualng reception upon their
return to Portland. Th club haa tha
greatest faith In tha crew and if It can
be held together it will b sent east
again next year under Murphy.
Thar ia only on question about hold
ing th craw. Pemberton, who row
No. t and baa proved a tower of
strsngth. la from San Franclaco. but aa
h la living In Portland thla aummer
he joined th rank of th local rowing
club. It la possible that next aummer
ha may not be in thia city. Th other
men . of th crew ar old realdenta of
Portland and can b depended upon to
remain In tha crew. '
Showed Nolan That Goldfield
Wa Producing Reafr Coin
and Not Stage Money.
Lawrenc .M. Sullivan, banker, miner.
and fight promoter, baa reaped nsw lau
rels, for It waa only through th diplom
acy and tact of Larry that Goldfleld got
th Neleoq-QaJiflghirWhn tho big
pure waa rlrat announced th Frisco
sports commenced to yell " that It waa
filled with ataga money, with a confed
erate bill on top of each bundle to fool
Gana, aa be comes from south of th
Maaon-Dlxon 11 n and soma of'th peo
ple down there still sm to think that
note bearing Jeff Davie signature are
good. Nolan sent a hasty note to Eddie
Graney and he atarted to hot-foot It to
Goldfleld to try to turn th fight back. .
Before hla arrival, howeve. Larrv Sul.
llvan, with all hla tact and diplomacy.
got next 10 in 01 an, ana it aid not take
him long to ahow th manager of than
Bwede that It waa real money th -Gold-field
bunch waa putting up. When It
cornea to an argument on these lines
Larry can alwaya produce tha evidence.
and by tha time Graney arrived with th
amended offer Goldfleld had tha fight
cinched. It waa all of Larry's doing, and
if ha wanta to be mayor or town mar
shal of tha mining burg all ha haa to do
la ta aay th word, and tha delighted
cltlsane of Goldfleld will glv him any
thing. Th fact that th fight la going
to-Goldfleld la relieving th monotony
of its style of advertising, for whenever
a atrlka ia mad there th town boom
on of two pegs, but with a fight like
the Nelson-Gans set-to It goes up In
public estimation about 10 points at a
Larry Sullivan haa a right to fsel
proud in his achievement, and it la
doubtful if any one with lass diplomacy
could bring tha two fighters together.
When h took hold of the situation It
did not tsk him long to close It - After
it had all been aettled and Nolan' had
aecn that it waa real coin and not stag
money that Goldfield produced and ths
papers had been signed, on of the first
persona' Larry notified waa Jack Grant
who got a telegram from th former
Portlander .that Larry had fixed up and
had tha artlclea duly signed and
stamped. Th telegram stated that tlfa
fight would not hav been arranged ex
cept that Gans gave in to Nolan or
every point. Jack Grant will attend
the-fight and h will be accompanied
by several of tho other fight lovers of
th city. Already a plan haa been
atarted to try and get enough together
to eecure a private car to go to Gold'
field for September I. . , .
' Seventeen birds under tha auspices of
th Oregon Homer club mada a remark
ably fast fly on Sunday - from Eugene,
covering tha distance of .110 mllea In t
hour and minute. All of these
birda were young, and their perform
ance la considered one of tha best on
record. Th previous Sunday they
Were atarted from Salem, and next Sun
day the race will be from Roasburg.
and the following Sunday from Grant
Pas a The birds In yssterdsy'a flight
are owned by J. P. LJmertck, R. H, Ds-
buhr and BX H. Bauer. The first bird
to arrive home was one owned by Lim
erick, and ha waa closely followed by
ths others. - ',. 1 '.
Boston, Aug. It. The Eastern Yacht
club haa completed all arrangement for
th elimination triala te be sailed off
Marblehead thl' week to determine th
thtee American boate Which ahall be
selected to meet tha German in th in
ternational match for the Roosevelt eup
next month,
Th trial races will b Bailed ever
courses similar to those designated forJ
tha International match, alternately tri
angular If mllea, and windward and lea
ward It mile each. Seventeen boat,
representing eight different yacht cluba
along tha Atlantic and gulf eoeata, are
euterea iot toe trial
on rrr
11 Wli
t Mcn NowVUItlngth
City Invited 1 9 Call.
$10 Examination :
' Qlven Free
It paye men to go to the Dr. W.'
iviii mrw i in wuriu v pei --speciaiiaia. j ney are Known inrougn
out th northweat to be reliable, honest, upright physicians and surgeons.
Quick and lasting cures bave established their reputation. Cured patients
indora them. Grateful men recommend them. . ,
; Call at Once If You Are In Trouble v -
' ' XBsT Toung and middle-aged msn who hsva Injured themselvea tn
body and mind, with weak back, falling strength, sunken cheeks, hollow
eyes, bad hablta, diBBlpatlon, poor memory.
Over ,50 Per Cent of
Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the
;v Past 17 Yearsjn This CityWe Qlve th
; v , Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices.
W ar alwaya willing to arrang terma to suit Tou can pay by th
vial t, by tha week or by th month, and w give liberal discount for cash.
Remember, our chargea ar the loweat and most raaaonable in th city,
and you get th very best treatment Call and And out about your ease
at once; It will be the happleat day of your Ufa Consultation free.
TABZOOS3S TBIsTS, wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with
out cutting. No pain. Rupture, hydrocele and plies cured without op
eration. Consult us free and find out how w cur without th knife.
Our eric for a cur la the cheaoeat In tha northweat
OawOsTZO akin dlaeaaes, sesame,
Ins. heart, ktdneva. liver, atomacb.
Una of Town Maa Ttalttag th City Consult us at one upon arrival
and maybe you csn bs cured before returning heme.' Many cases cm
be cured in one or two or more visits. Consultation and edvlce free.
- WaUTB 'People who live In outald--town and la th country wh
caanot call should write for consultation and advloe, free. Many easaa
bave been cured by horns treatment
.Our new treatment has cured 1,000 other and will our you. ' Com
to us and you will always remember It aa tha most Important transac
tion of your life. If you can't call, aend for ' our free symptom blank. '
W will telf you If you ar afflicted. Conaultatlon free.
If rem live oat of th eltv. aome foe? ana visit vom aea aw aaak aa
:he ala. . .
Y ,-Yu Nccd "ot Py until You Are cured
Should yon desire, you may depoatt th fee with anrbank or busi
ness house in Portland, to be paid to ua after you have neea reatored to
halth. . . - .
Office houra-t a. tn. te t p. m.; Sunday a and holldaya. It a. mTt II aa.
' - ZieadlBtr paotallata te fh
tajt lor iom, bsh txxbs
REN we declare that our
eases ia almply a series
boasting or making any
facts which are known to
reoentlv cured and mad
w will do for you. Cora to our office and let aa explain to you our atriotly
modern methods of-treatment -'Ton will then, not "wonder why ear cure
see afe, rapid and permanent;" and" why
casea that have reelsted the treatment of other doctors.
Our Fee
Onr well-known and long-establlahed institution la equipped "with
modern appliance for the treatment or men. . .,
- Remember our chargea are reasonable and In reach of any worklngmaa,
' Tha best Is none too good for any man who is a sufferer from any of the
diseases below mentioned, to which we have devoted sxoluslvely the best
years of our life. "'.'".'.
We cure all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases, Sores, Ulcers, Knotted
Veins, Nervous Decline, Piles, Kldnsy, Bladdsr and all Urinary Diseases
dus to weakness, Inheritance and axhauatloa and the result of apaolfle
dlseaaes. , . -r "...-';,.,,. ' . , J
OIBTAarrT OP CUBS Is what yon want Be aura aa w are that we eaa
cure disease. All our yesrs of experience and office equipment ar at pour
dlapoaal, oonoeatrated In. thl declaration; Wa will glvs yon a Willi , sjaaa
eat te eare Special Dlseaaes er refund your money. This means that we
- hav confidence tn our ability to cur you, and tbat In taking our treatment
you cannot loa anything. . . ':,. . '
Hours t a. m. to t p. m.; Evenings, 7 to tilS; Sundays, t a. m. to It nee
St. Louis uScT Dispensary
eossn noon ajts taxxxxiZi
. Zatsrnaaloaal Ante
Janfee1 Boedst Brvls.l
Bruaaels. Aug. It. Ths Ardennes
circuit automobile race, which la being
contested today, haa nrougnt togetner
some of th fastest cara and best driv
ers In Europe. ' Added Interest Is given
th vent by th fact that of tha tl en
trie aeven will be seen In th Vender
bllt race tn America thla fall. They
ar Clement Bayard-Clement; Heath,
Panhard; Duray, De Detrtcb; Janatasy,
Marlaux and Foxhall Keen .of the Mer
cedes team, and Hommery, uaracq.
rovalaa O.B.aE Xxaaiatoa Boat Be-
enaaee Tripe to Beach.
. Tha T. 3. Pptter" leave Aah street
dock for North Beach, touching at Aa-
oris, aa followai
.August 14, 10 a, m.i Aaguat It, 11:10
g. m.i AUgUBl IB, p. in. .
From Ilwaoo: August II, t p. m;
August It, I a. m.; August IT, I a. m.
Ticket at Third and Washington
streets and at Ash street dock. Msala
may be secured on th boat ,
f Jnom.1 BiwHal srrvtes.t 1
- Greenfield. Ind., Aug. It. The sixty.
seventh annual matting of th Indiana
contereno of the Methodist Protestant
church opened today, and will continue
through the week. W. W. Llnebury of
Plymouth I th presiding officer.
Th conference will take action on
the proposed, consolidation with th
Congregatlpnallats and United Brethren
sjut transact eUter bujUnts ralaUsg te
"V ''f ) )'-
Norton Davla company. Their phy- .
Our Patients Have Been
ulcers, sores, piles, constipation, I tab.- T
catarrh, rheumatlam. nalna.
Vartkweei. ' BstaUlahad lSSt.
st, ooii rara. yoanaro, tn.
record In treating Mala Pelvi Dis
of splendid ' aucceasea, we are net
falae pretenses we are merely stating
b- true by many men whom we hav
happy. What w have don for other
we' are so successful la ao anany
OAtnrOT 0AZ,Z,
POB LAaT9, om.
Mrs. Nation Say t Shs Will Sua
Secretary Loeb for Throwing
' Her Out the White House.
(Journal apeetat rsl.) 'f
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. It "Tee, sir,
I'm going to sua that man. I'd have him
arrested, too. If I could. . He Insulted tn
and I'm going to -make him suffer for
Mrs. Csrri Nation aat In a Pullman
car attached to a westbound train at tha
Union depot. Shs had lust read about
a damage suit for $60,000 brought by
Nadadge Doree, tha Jewish writer,
against William Loeb. Jr the preai
dent' secretary.
"Didn't I go to see th preeldent a
couple month agoT" aha continued, "and
didn't that man Insult m and call two
policemen to throw m out of th Whit
houssT" ...
"How much will you bus forT" aha waa
"Why, tt.000 or 110.000, or maybe $306.
OM. I'll leave that to my lawyer; but
they'll hav to make It big,"
Carrie waa on her way to Denver
wher shs waa to apeak at a meetina-
arranged by th Denver Antl-ctgarette
th affairs cf the rhuroh." Tha 1MH
congregations have provided Interest!.
entertainment for the vial tins dale.
ta, . , , . i
. .." 1 ' ,