The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 13, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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serious cuineE
"' ' '. 11 V"'
Patrolman . Portir Accu;d 1 of
Creating; Disturbance at
" ths Oaks Rtsort
Accused Mm Denies AU Charges, but
Is Impended if Acting Chief Brubt
and police CommlMiocis Will
Deal With His Case, i V '
CttrfM of vneffieerllke conduct will
lu anlnaf .pAttfilMan :PfitM K w
Acting Chief Bruin. An order was Is
sued today euapendlng the policeman,
and before he wilt be stain allowed to
, wr ms siar ine police connuinnniri
' win determine the truth or faleltr el the
berloue charges preferred.
ini irouDie in wnicn gorier is al
leged to have been Involved occurred at
been customary for all policemen In jo
ins through the extt to take the cars
for this eity te slirn a slip for the gatekeeper.-
Porter waa requested te follow
thta rule, and It Is claimed ha absolutely
refused. The man at the gats would not
allow htm to paee the turnstile, and tt
Is allesed that thereupon the policeman
drew his revolver.- He Is accused of
flotirlahlns the weapon In a threatening
' Hiinatr tnl cpmimI a navnfa In the ernvd
Of women and children awaiting the ear.
porter wag taken Into euatoay Dy two
Special policemen and taken to- the Oaka
' police . station. He waa , subsequently
.Inspector Bruin. Porter's stsr-and keys
were taken from "him this morning, and
he has been suspended pending a hear
lng of his case, ' He emphatically de
nies an or tne allegations against mm
and asserts that be waa net Intoxicated
as la claimed.
Acting upon 'the information that
Members ef the police department are In
the habit ef riding on the Oaks cars and
entering the pleasure - resort without
Kylng for the privilege, captain Bruin
s decided to issue an order prohibit
; tng all policemen from continuing thie
practice. ... . - ...,. .-
What Fortes Bays. , '
Porter's story of the affair is ss fol
lows; . .
"I went to the Oaks Saturday morning
and bad net drank a drop ef liquor ex
cept at lunch time. Then I drank two
glasses of beer. About I o'clock I was
i realty to g" t""n,lr"1 pesslng through
the exit did not notice anybody at the
gates. I naturally supposed that It was
all sight to go through. After 1 was
In the station a young men In plain
clethes without a badge or mark of au
thority called out and wanted to know
where I was going. I supposed he was
some fellow who wanted to be familiar
and paid no attention to bint.
The flrst thing I knew he Struck me
and I staggered back. 1 did not have
my wnlforni en. but carried my revolver)
se all . pot icemen do when off duty.
When falling back the revolver slipped
from my pocket and I picked It up and
pu$ it back. I then asked the man who
he was and wanted him to , give his
number. ' He refused to- do so snd en-
other young man oat running up ad
vising him not te glvs hla number." ...
I uuunu - uni i uil una niiu
DiioCe DniiDU umior;
iimol nuuuu iiuuui
Would-Be Desperadoes Are Cap.
tured and Now Languish
(Special Dtepates te The Joaraal.)
Oregon City, Aug. II. Wild excite
ment prevailed last night on the last
csr out of Oregon City for Portland,
when five young toughs tried to take
possession of the car. The party board
ed the car at Canemah, where they had
boon spending the afternoon and even
ing, and all ef them were considerably
the worse for liquor. They were vio
lent end noisy and thslr language wee
anything but choice.
Conductor Cessna wae the first vic
tim of thslr desire to create an un-
filsasantness, and when he tried to eol
ect their fare one ef them called him
a vile name and declined to pay. Thle
wae evidently the elgnal for general
outbreak, and all of them entered Intd-
the spirit of' a rough-1 -house. They
pranced up and down the ear, talking to
every one and frightening several wom
en passengers, defying the ear officials
and doing the desperado act to a finish
' When Mllwaukle was reached there
was immediately something doing and
the employee at the ear barn took a
band In the fray and attempted to sub
due the ruffllans, who put up the liveliest
kind of scrap. One woman fainted and
had to be taken through a car window,
others screamed and a pan la ensued.
Windows were emashed. and Jack Ad
ams captured one of the toughs snd
wiped the eerth up with him. Finally
C.iy Marsha) A. H. Dowllng appeared en
the acene flourishing a wicked-looking
revolver and after a free-for-all fight
lasting about II minutes, all of the men
were secured.
A special 'ear wee' VoTled out of the
barn-and the men were brought to thle
city and lodged In the elty Jail and will
have a hearing thle afternoon before
Justice -of the Peace Stlpp. '
Mayor William Shindler and Marshal
Dowllng were in tho city thla morning
conferring with the local officials about
the matter. The Mllwaukle Justice of
the peace is away and they will haye to
be tried here. It is expected that a se
vere example will be made of the of
fenders. ;
- IJnaraal Specie I gervlee.)
Richmond, Cel., Aug. II. Because
Kerne Plnnl refused to marry him and
threw hla ring at hla feet on the. street
yesterday, which was the day set for
their wedding, Louis Follete, a buteher,
committed suloide by shooting himself
in the mouth laat night. Foletta met
his bride-to-be en the street with an
other suitor, and after soundly beating
his rival, announced hie Intention to
eommlt eulolde.
Destrnottve Fire la aUvetslde.
(Jearael Special Service.!
Riverside, Cel., Aug. U. A thousand
acre ef hay land near Perrla, Riverside
county, were burned over Sunday, and
the stamp mill ef the yirglnla mine and
bulldlnga ef the Indian Queen mine were
destroyed, together with several bouses,
apiaries and much grain.
.: : l :: ' s . '.,
i . v
zAciir.avc.isE is
II; DEG0:i
Government and Dafante Grant
ed Delay of One Day In
v. Which to Prepare. :
Contrary te expectations the trial ef
Clarence B. Zachary for perjury in con
nection with the homestead claim ef
Charles A. Watson did not begin this
morning. Both sidee ooneented to a
'postponement of one day- and Judge
Hunt ordered the jurors to report at
:!0. o'clock tomorrow morning.
As most of the evidence against Zach
ary has been presented in the esse Of
Coe D. Barnard, who, Jlke Zaehsry, waa
a Anal-proof, witness for Watson, the
government hopes to save time by mak
ing various stipulations with the de
fense. United States Attorney Bristol
and Zachary's Counsel are to bold a
conference. If .they- reach , an agree
ment the trial of Zachary will not take
more than two days.
The Blue Mountain reserve case. In
which State Senator Franklin Pierce
Mays la to be the principal defendant,
was caHed this morning, and continued
until- Thursday mornlna. by which time
the Zachary ease may be out of the way.
Special Assistant Attorney-General Ho
ney, whe will have charge of thle pros
ecution, left San Francises last night
snd will reach Portland tomorrow morn
ing. . ... .... ,
In the ease ef WIllard N. e'onee,-recently
aenteneed for complicity In the
nets reservation land swindle, Judge
Hunt thle morning granted the defend
ant another week In which to prepare
papere on appeal. -
Mrs. Lamport Victim of Bold
Thief, Who Walks Off With
Bagful of Money. . - '.
, (Josraal Special service.)
San Francisco, Aug. II. Mr a. C. Im-
perf of 400 Lopes street, waa robbed of
eatehal containing 11.100 in gold in
the lobby of the Baa Francisco Savings
Union, this morning. She drew . the
money from the Htbernla bank for the
purpose of purchasing some realty and
aa she did hot meet the seller decided
to deposit the coin In the Ssvings Union.
While standing before the teller's win.
dow she wae appeoeohed by a man ahout
to years eld, who, tapping her on the
shoulder, saidr
"Oh, you are Mrs. Smith. I believe."
Mrs. Lamport said she was not end
the man apologised and turned awey.
It waa then discovered thst her satchel
had been taken and one belonging te an
other euetomer In the bank bad bees
substituted. , . - ,
,. .V . : .... ,
' Mayor Lane this afternoon
vetoed the ordinance creating 4)
the office ef assistant building 4
Inspector and appointing William . s
K. Benzie to the position.- e
: , The jnsyor held the tthe ordl
' nance was similar to that by
d-which aa effort mas mult to . O
give the poat of bailiff of tho o
municipal court to William Mao- 4
.- Donald, and on thle account re- e
fused hie eanctlon. The Mac-
Donald case wss taken Into the
circuit court and tho mayor was d)
ordered by Judge Oantenbeln to 4
sign a voucher for ths bailiff's 4
' pay. Resolved to test the lsw, . e
he appealed to the supreme court.
Mayor - Lane said this after-
noon that he had no objection
to tho council's choice for the
position of asslstsnt building In- 4
spector. but took exception to
the manner In which the post-
tlon was filled. He eald that he e)
would be glad te sign an ordl- 4
nance creating the post if one
could be framed that would not 4
contradict his stand.. , Bensle
' wse the highest man on the e
eligible list fpr. the poet. e
Little - Emma Xlldow, who ' waa
knocked Insensible, presumably by a
Woodlawn car, a week ago last Wednes
day, has not yet recovered from the ef
fects of the accident Though 13 days
have passed snd ths child Is sble te
eat regularly and to run around, she ls
subject to strange attacks of lunacy.
Sometimes the child will go Into ,a
sudden fit, screaming at the top ef her
voice. At other tlmee she tears her
clothes snd cries ss if her heart would
break. , While In these unnatural eon.
dltlone she continually talks of the
"bad atreetcar," and It la evident that
aha la haunted by a hideous vision of
a murderous vehlole which ls Seeking
to crush her life out Mre. KUdow be
lieves that little Enfma will never re
cover. Today ahe made the etatement
that If the Portland Railway, Light A
Powsr company pay damagee
shs will enter suit for the same.
(SseeUI ftapatrb at The JnnraaL)
Helena, Mont., Aug. II. There was
a big sensation In the United Statea
court today when District Attorney
CarJ, Raseh made the charge In open
court that Will Carroll, a well-known
eltlson and the brother of the socueed.
wss sndeavorlng to tamper with the
Jury In the second trial of J. T. Car
roll, a prominent Butte merchant, who
was Indicted on the charge of unlawful
fencing of government lands In Sliver
Bow county. At the first trial the Jury
disagreed and Raseh charged htm with
attempting to "fis" the present jury se
there would be a almllar reeult Judge
Welverton ordered the Jury kept under
lock and key escept when In eeurt , .
(Joeraet Special bWtIcJ .... . -Constantinople,'
Aug. II. The sultan
la a bad patient He refueee the treet
ment ordered, but hie physician suc
ceeded In getting him i to use simple
remedies watch brought relief. .
. The physician was Immediately given
the rank of general. It Is thought the
suites juuj Kie&sx jreiuue, . , y
Adolph Janeen and His Bride
Have Departed for Parts
t ; Unknown.
Declares Matter Is Ended and He
Has Dismissed It From His" Mind
Mother of . Girl Refuses to Con
demn Or Approve.' .
No word hss been received from Anna
Huck, who eloped Friday on the eve ef
her wedding with Harry A. Hemp, with
Adolph Jensen. Mrs. C. C. Huck,' the
mother ef the girl, alts grieving In her
room at the Perklne hotel anxious te
return to her home, but unable te -do so
aatll her physician pronouneee her able
to withstand ths fatigues ef the travel.
Mre. Huck has been an Invalid for sev
eral years,"
At tho age of II. Anna Huck has al
ready been mart-led and divorced, en
gaged for two years te a man who
wanted to make her happy and to glvs
her a Home ef her own, but at the laat
moment severing all tlee of love and
kinship for a man whe held her In hie
power by running away with him In a
clandestine fashion without leaving a
trace of her whereaboute.
At tho age of II or II years Anna
Huck married A. RJ-oss. r Their mar
ried life laated but two weeks, when
Ross la eald to have forged a oheck
end wae eenteneed to the penitentiary
for hla deed. A divorce followed en the
girl's part and her maiden name waa
restored te her. Her career sines that
time has been one that hss given her
parents unceasing worry, but . tbey
thought that all their trouble would be
ended with her marriage to Kemp. Rosa
has died elnee hie marriage with the
Huck girl. .'
All waa in readlneaa when Janeen
a tapped lm Kemp had made all prepa
ration for the marriage. He bad gone
to greet expense that his wife might
find herself Stted with ell of the neces
sities and many ef the luxuries ef, lire.
When a sea today Kemp eald: -
"There la nothing for me to eay. The
affair la ended. - I did everything I
could to make Anna happy before our
marriage and I would have done the
same afterwards. - That te all any man
can do. I nave dropped the matter from
my mind."
Mrs. Huok Is heartbroken over her
daughter's action, but with all the.
demn or approve her daughter's action.
"I do not want to talk about it," shs
said. "Anna has beerfwlllful, but there
ere things going on that I have known
nothing about. Jensen has teen her and
I knew nothing about it Her father
will be engry, for he did not like Jan
sen and forbade Anna to havo anything
to do. with -him. She has chosen her
own course and I can do or say nothing
. Nothing hss been heard from ' the
-missing couple since "they left .Mrs.
Huck le firm In the belief that they
have left Portland, but doss not. know
whether they are married or not .
The girl's father ie a prosperous and
well-known farmer In Sherman eounty
and ls regarded with hla wife as up
right and honest by neighbors.
Deaptte the positive testimony ad
duced at ha trial of Mrs. IE. Monk, F.
J. Stretch snd Percy Golds tons, thet the
woman waa the prime mover In tho at
tempt to debauch pretty 11-year-old
Julia Sunby, and in face of the ecathlng
denunciation made by Deputy City At
torney Pitsgereld in his review of the
esse. Judge Cameron this morning sus
pended eentence on Mrs. Monk In con
sideration that she return to her hue
band and child. Accordingly the woman
waa relessed and left the court la the
company of her spouse. .
Judge Cameron stated after ths ad
journment of court thst he was actu
ated aolely by a desire to reform the
woman In the event any complaints
were heard of her conduct he would
order her commitment to Jell for 10
"I feel that If I sccompllsh her
reformation by suspending sentence." i
ueciarea cameron, "tnat i have done
good work. She promised to return to
her husband and sin no more, eo I con
sidered that the best eourse te pursue."
'(Jearaal Special Service.)
Olouceeter, Mass., Aug. li That
fear Admiral "Fighting Bob" Evans is
patron ef the flstlo srt cams out today
when Oloucestsr announced that It
would wait a day or two before fixing
the . data for thle week'e bouts. The
North Atlentle fleet le now off Rock
port, In eommand ef Admiral Evane.
whe expressed a desire te see the bouts
here thla week. It le uncertain yet
whether Wedneeday or Thureday will
beat suit his convenience. '
The chief bout le between "Kid" Kats-
enberger of the battleship Maine and Al
(Jearaal Ssee!l Servlea.l .
Boston, Aug. II. The Indlotmenta re
turned sealed en Saturday, It waa an
nounced today, were agalnap IT Individ
ual lee dealers, charging them with
combining . unlawfully to manipulate
the price of loo to eeeure a monopoly.
Six corporations are charged with con
spiracy. President Louie O. White ef
the Masaachuaetta.Iee Deal era' associa
tion, the secretary and tl . members
wers Indloted.
SohlUere so Flay
' The Schlllere have arranged a game
for tomorrow afternoon at :IS at Ath
letic perk with the Oaklsad team tof the
Pacifle Coast league. French will pitch
for the "chillers and Slavln will do tbe!
Brooded, sad Bled.
(Jearael Special Service,.) "
Goshen. Ind.. Aug. 1. County Treas
urer Drake killed himself thla morning.
He hed been In 111 health for enme time,
and had brooded ever the failure ef a
bank of which he had been treasurer.
. . i i aMf Fire as PenUagtsa.
(Sseelal npeteh The Jearael.)
Spokane. Wash., Aug. II. Fire at
Farmlngton today .destroyed four stores
and city bulldlnga.. The blsse is now
tinder eentrei., The total damage is
A fine Joke was framed up laat week
end only a snsg in the river apolled it
but aa the Jokers had all the fish to
themselves tbey didn't object so very
XSi. Key Churchmen, Bert Dsy and
W. E. Rothery put their heada together
to "Job" L. P. Beno and Jack Williams,
their Invariable companions on fishing
and hunting excursions. The Informal
club leases a tract of ground on a
slough near the mouth of the Willam
ette and baas fishing hss been good
down there this sesson. It waa reported
to the trio that several hundred pass,
together with a "quantity of carp and
ether flah, had been cut off from the
slough by the fsUlng - of the river.
Plsherhnen. were engsged to drive the
tll-fsted base Into 'e nore-from which
there was no escape. . '.The fish were
cut off enyhow. -
The Beno launch went down Satur
day afternoon with Messrs. Beno and
Williams on board. It was the frsme
up that these gulleleea ones ware te be
Medford Miner Meets Death
While 8eeidng Man Who
Wrecked His Home.
W. R. McKisslck Chases Law Out of
Town, Than Starts to Follow Him
to Serrs Warrant for His Arrest,
but Dies.
(Sperlel Dlipatea te The Joaraal.) '
Medford, Or., Aug. II. W. R. Me
Klaaick was killed while attempting to
climb upon a moving freight train in
the Medford yard yesterday afternoon
at o'clock, hla body being literally
ground into fragmenta.
McKisslck was a miner working In
the Blue Ledge mine. Coming home un
expectedly, he found a man named Law
Interfering with hie domeatle relations
Saturday he attacked iw and chaaed
him down Seventh street-In Medford
andlhrew a rock at him In front ef
the Nash hotel. Testerdsy MeKlsalokH
swore out a warrant for the arrest of
Law and had the chief . of i police at
Grants Pass hold him. It Is supposed
he was attempting to board a moving
freight train to go to Grante Pass to
have the warrant served, ae the regu
lar passenger train was lste.4
The warrant wae found on the muti
lated body after hie death.
The dead man'a ' legs were cut off.
hla head crushed and hla brains In a
pool In the duet, and It waa necessary!
to gainer UP tne remains in oasaeis.
A brakeman'aaw him swing against
the oar and fall and the engineer
atooned the train at once, a carwheet
being on the body at the time it atopped.
The widow has charge of the remains
and will attend te the burial. , No In
quest will be held.
( Jearaal Special gervleeJ ---
Tonopah. Nov.. Aug. II. Ths meat
cutters struck today. The men belong
ing to the Intsrnational Workers of the
World demanded that the shops close art
I o'clock every evening, except oaiur
day, when they ahould remain open until
I. and aUy closed all day Sunday. Four
of ths Ave shops refused the demand
and told the men to report for work
thle morning. ' The men did not do eo.
The employers say It la impossible for
families, jthout icehousss to use meat
bought on Saturday, ae the meat usu
ally brought from cold storage In Reno
ls eight or ten days old when It reaches
The men are receiving II a day for
full time, including half day Sundays.
The boeeee will Bght. .
(Special Dispatch te Tbe Joaraal.)
Helena, Mont, Aug, II. Congressmna
J. M. Dixon today announced bis can
didacy for the United States senate to
eucceed W. A. Clark, whoss term expires
next March. , Dixon is a Republican and
tbe present legislature hae a Republican
majority of II ballots. Among other Re
publican candidates mentioned le former
Senator Lee Mantle.
On the Democratic side 'Governor
Toole, W. C. Conrad and even Senator
Clark are those receiving the greater
conelderatlon. . .
1 I -
' (Special Dlasetrh te Tbe Jesraat.)
Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. II. Much
grain wae chattered, trees uprooted end
fences, and outbuildings demolished, by
a terrlno wind storm aoouc mianignt
Saturday night that swept over wsiia
Walla and the valley. The wind reached
a velocity or nearly ee miieo an nour
and farmere who have not yet cut their
grain eay they fear the wheat hae been
badly ahattered. The wind wae accom
panied by a aevere electrical storm.
(Joarstl Special Servtte.) ' '
Birmingham, Ala.. Aug. II. Alexan
der Cheaholm, paying teller ef the Flret
National bank, hae been arrested and
eonfessed that his accounts wsre snort
te the extent ef 1190.000.
(Jesrnal Special Serrlre.)
Elisabeth. N. J.. Aug. II Four un
identified boys ander II yeara of age
were killed this afternoon en the Cen
tre! railroad. (
4 (tempers Answers Saonte.
- Unaraal Sptett! So1ra )
Washington. Au-. II. Gompers Issued
a signed letter this afternoon aeeklng
to . refute the atatement ef Theodore
Shente that Ms judgment wae aa far
from the truth aa It was from ths fact
iSavA Ua tew.
lured Into fishing st ths hole which
wae Se full of hungry flah that the
wetere churned. After they had
bragged of their accomplishment they
were to be Informed the hole hed been
stocked. .
, But the launch ran upon a snag, ths
propeller wee broken end the two men
had to paddle three miles to ths oabin.
Nearly sis hours was lost and Meters.
Williams snd Beno declined to go fish
ing tho next morning. Their live belt
had been spoiling while the boat was on
the anag for three hours, and they were
so, disgusted they returned to town.
The Jokere sallied forth. A 1-year-old
boy could have caught the flah.' . It
eeemed a shams, but, they hed to do
something to Impress' upon the mind
of the Qtilttere -the fact that ether peo
ple could else eatch flah. .. . -
Over lit bass snd carp were pulled
in. WlUlama and Beno met the others
st the boat landing In Portland end were
duly eraased. They ere still unaware
how closely they missed going against
a hole purposely stocked with flsb. .
Indian Squaw Takes Children
. .From Chemawa at Point
; of Oun.
Mrs. Dora McKlnnon Becomes In-
suited and Endeavors to Kidnap
' Her Own Papooses but Is Stopped
by Deputy Sheriffs From Salem.'
(Special Dlspetrk te The tarsal.) '
Salem, Aug. II. Mrs. Dora McKln
non, an Indian woman from the Klamath
reservation, living on the California aide
of the etats Una, went to the Salem In
dian Training achool at Chsmawa Sun
day morning and kidnaped her two chil
dren, who were etudente .there, took
them to a treln and with a drawn re
volver held the authorities and by
standers at bay for an hour. Deputy
Sheriffs Mlnto and Escho wsnt out from
Salem and arrested the woman. , Sne
waa dlaarmed and under- promlss to be
rnnA waa not prosecuted. The woman
was made to return toTallforn
Mrs. McKlnnon wrote an Improper
letter to a grown Indian girt In the
achool six months ago and waa severely
reprimanded by the . euperlntendent.
Since then she hae felt Insulted snd has
been trying to get her ..children away
from the school.
(Special Diapatch te Tbe Joaraal.)
- Spokane, Wash.. Aug. II. A big fire
at Waterville at 1 o'clock thle morning
deatroyed a number of wooden, bulldlnga
In the bdalneaa section, but the brick
f store of tho Rochdale- Mercantile com
pany etopped the flames. N. D. Berge
eon waa severely burned and John Sag
htne waa out by falling glass. .
The lossrs are: -John Buchanan,
livery etable; O. A. Tanoey, real estate;
Hannun Clapp, lawyera; Judge Renan
at Hanna. Dra. Wilson and Russell.
Knameyer Bros., saloon; Pickering aV
Walling, barbers, and The Nook res
taurant. The total loss Is 110,000. .
(Joaraal Special Servtee.)
El Paso, Tex., Aug. II. Two thou-
ssnd employee of tho mechanical de
partment of the Mexican Central went
back to work today after a etrlke laat
lng two weeka ae a reeult of the meet
ing between the strikers and President
Diss. The latter advised the men te
return te work, saying he would recom
mend where the men are the equals ef
Americana In skill that they should re
ceive the aame wages. A failure te fol
low . this plan waa the causa of the
strike.- '
The freight business was almost st a
standstill. .. .
(Joaraal Ipevtal Servlcs.)
Chicago. Aug. 11. Theodore Btenaland
gave himself up on additional enargss
today and gave an additional bond In
110.000. The polios found a sserst room
In Stensland's home which waa entered
through a panel opened by a secret
spring. There wss no indication ef re
rent ocoupany and nothing waa found
to eld the search for the missing msn,
aocordlng to the report mede to tbe
" Oenaaen loa Basalt of Flos,
(Jmars.l Special Serrtre.)
New Tork, Aug. - If. Colonel Green
declares that New Tom speoulstora
furnished the money which csused the
riots at Cananea. He has been Investi
gating the mattes for a week and de
clares It was . a deliberate -attempt - to
depredate hla property. ,
President Talks Polities. '
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Oyster Bay, Aug. 11. Chairman Sher
man of the Republloaa ' congressional
eommlttee, with Theodora Shonts. are In
conference with the president today.
. Fierce Sees aTaakoa.
(Joaraal Special Service.) ''
Chrlstlanla, Aug. II. Mrt Pierce,
American minister to Norway, presented
hie credentials te King Haakon this
morning. '' .
, Yacht Spokane Wen First Trial.
(Speclel Dispatch to The Jearsal.)
Marblehead, Mass., Aug. II. In tbe
trials for tbe Roosevelt eup the yacht
Spokane .won today'e race.
As the Wbeels Oe Bona. SJ
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
"Queer thing. Isn't ItT" remarked the
thoughtful thinker.
"What's queerT" aeked the other party
te the dialogue.
'That the second hand on a watch te
In reality the third' explained the t, t,
' Oboe eea the As.
From the Indianapolle Star. ' ' '
.. a ri.U,A man kn vtA a M.klM
, A . 111 v a V .a..... .... ... II ihiiivii i I
a friend by playing ghost was etruck on I
the head with an as, and hew the ghost I
won't walk for soase Urns la ooma . k U
l!J:!!i TO f.f,!(E
Councilman Will Demand Report
Southern Pacific
Track Matter. ' '
Others of Council Seem Inclined to
.Let ths Matter Drop and the Rail
road Proceed Without Being. Mo-
' Jested on Fourth Street,
' This afternoon - Councilman Vaughn
will make another demand en the Judi
ciary committee of the counoil for a re
port of some kind upon hla ordinance
which - will chase the Southern Pacific
tracks off Fourth street.
As Shepherd Is out ef the city snd ss
Masters, the chairman of the committee,
la known to be against the measure,
there le emell chance, of any report on
the ordinance coming before the coun
cil Wednesday evening.
When Vaughn begsn his fight to
fores the Southern Pacifle to reoognlse
the rlghte of the elty to one of Its most
Important business thoroughfares' he
waa warned by members of the council
thst his annual pass ever the lines ef
the southern Paclflo might bs revoked
ss punishment for hie temerity. ' '
r"l don't care If I do loss my pass;
I'll never use It enyhow," ssye Mr.
Vaughn. "I'll keep en If t lose the
elothee off my beck, ae well as ths
It hae long been the custom of the
Harrlman road a to Issue passea to
membere of the Portland city council
ever year.
There la no doubt apparently ss to
ths desire of a majority of the council
to lot the Fourth street ordinance aleep
Ita life away in a committee box. ' Mr.
Van grin has had little support In hie
K fight. On the ether hand a strong ma
jority seem to coincide with the Harrl
man system that it hae a "perpetual"
franchise for the use of Fourth street
without money snd without price.
Devlin Informing Himself Before
Earnings of Companies.
No reply hae yet been made by City
Auditor Devlin to the letter of Mayor
Lane calling attention to the provlalon
In ths charter by which public-service
corporations may be required to make
statements ef their earnings to the au
The communication from the mayor
called the attention or the auditor to
the charter section and promised him
ths hearty support- of the executive
branch of the city government in carry
ing out us requirements.
Mr. Devlin saye thare te a queetlon as
to whether the charter can be made to
apply to those eompanlea which received
rrenchMes before tbe new charter, went
Into errec?.
"That information would be of the
greateai value to the city," eald he this
morning. "I Insisted that section II go
Into the charter, and I tried to get It
repeated. In the blanket franchises of
ths . street railway oompantee. The
best I could do was to gst In the pro
vision by which the books of the corn
pan lee can be examined during the last
five yeara of the life of the franchise."
Mayor Lara Is determined .to fight
the thing out and learn once for all
whether the eompanlea new enjoying
valuable privileges In the elty can keep
their, earnings secret from the people
whoee dally contributions make them
"Some lawyers say we can't do It, and
others ear we can, said he today, "I
want to find out for sure."
(Joaraal Special SottIc. r
Chicago, Aug. 11. Railroad msn ssy
they sre willing to unearth all the
transactions between the roads and
Standard OH. It la said Immunity from
arreet la the price the federal author
ities are paying for the Information.
Indictments agalnat the Stendard Oil. It
is aald, are all ready to be returned
when the Jury meeta on August 10.
Columbus. Ohio, Aug. II. It la al
leged that Standard Oil hae eetab
lished a meane of getting Inside In
formation from the atate and national
legal departmanta which are cooperating
with the prosecution. The attorneye
found there hae bean a serious leak and
are endeavoring to find where It le.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Springfield, Me., Aug. 11. The trtil
of Foae Oalbralth, charged with mur
der In connection with the triple lynching,-began
this morning. Hundreds of
dsputles surrounded the court hones, aa
It wae feared a-teecue wae-planned.
Nine taleemen qualified by noon. -Men.
women and children hissed one
Juror, whe said he would be willing to
let the law take ita -couree ir nis wire
or daughter were attacked by a negro.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) 3:30 p. .
Pacific Coait League Oround, 24th c-lVc"
srcra el:
it cioa
Deoltfres.He Did Not Use Hen
drickV Typewriter, as Hu '
Been Alleged. " v
Bays .Hendricks Wss Never in HI
Office While Final Proofs Wars
v Being Taken, - With Exceptioa of .
.'Four or Five.-
V.nlted flutes Comiolssionsr James S.
Stewart of Fossil, who at the trial of
Cos D. Barnard for perjury, flret ap
peared ee a witneea for the government '
end then went on the eund to deolere
that the new convicted defendant here
a good reputation, takes exception te.
an article referring te himself which '
waa printed In isst flaturdar's Journal.
In hie letter he says:
"With regard te the ebarge that my
final proofa on homestead entries were
being made out on Hamilton H. Head
ricks' typswrlter, the tsct le that not a
alngle one of all tho homesteed proofs
I have aksn waa made out on Hend
rleka' typewriter , or any typewriter.
inr are ait in m j twn auawnuai.
writer In Fossil, permit me te eay there .
sre at least 11 typewriters In that
. "As to the -hole la the wail': Mr. .
Hendrlcka owne hie law office and tot
ground It ocouptea; I own my office "an .
the ground It occupies. The buildings,
are entirely separate and apart, with a -clear
apace between them, and a open
lng of eny kind on the eldee facing each
other. The only meane of communica
tion between theaa offlcee la te walk out
of the front door of either office elong
the-main street of Fossil II feet or se
te the ether.
"Mr. Hsndricke was never la my of
fice while a final proof wae being taken
and I never took final proofa In hie ef- ;
flee excepting the first four or Ave
which had been advertised by him te be
taken at hla office shortly before he re
signed. I took these In Mr. Hendricks'
office at the request of the late Judge
Bellinger, to save the eettlere the ex
pense of readvertlstng and the time and
expense of an extra trip to town with
their witnesses.
."As to my going on the stand te tes
tify to the reputation of Coe Barnard
for truth and veracity among his neigh
bors, permit me to eey that the defenee
called me lie a wltneee. and aa I had
known Barnard for II years In that
iJeitJfiedjse to hie repu-
tat Ion, , Just what I knew to beTris
truth. Previously, In behalf of - the
government, a &h tuny ana irwviy mu
lled concerning Barnard's appears see
before me ee a witness in the Wstson
homestead proof. Tours very truly,
The Journal's article referred to con
ditions of three yeara, not te those
of the present time. . t
conn DiDc mccioc
: i nuiei nnnL uiuinut
Purpura Hemorrhagacla Causes
Death of JYoung Washtucnft.
School Teacher. ; :
Wslla Walla, Wsah., Aug. II A. D.
Sharer, a young school teaoher of Waeh
tucna, died et 8U Marye boapital this
morning of hemorrhage due te purpura
hemorrhagacla, one of the rarest
dlseassa known to medical selenee and
the first ease brought to the attest,
tlon of Walla Walla-physicians.
Bherer arrived from Twin Fella
Thursday and eonght medical attention
from local physicians, when the rare
disease wae first discovered. - Blood
waa eoslng from his ears, none and Hps
and had eettled In great blotches Juel
under the skin all ever hie body. He
waa vary weak and at the hospital
hsmorrhsges, both Interne! and asternal,
became nerfect torrenta deeolte the ef
forts of the phyelclana to check theaa,
Laat night blood waa oosing from nearly
every, nart nt hla body, -.
(Jesjreel Speees! Sarstss.)
Rio Janeiro, Aug. II. The Pan
American oongrese today adopted a nat
uralisation treaty, heard the report ef
the committee on arbitration ef pecu
niary clalma end listened te II ef the
II articles conoernlng reorganisation ef
the bureau of rspublloe.
The Ecuador delsgate objected te
making tho United Statea secretary ed
atate secretary of the legislative soon- .
mlttee. The provision waa allowed te
stand for ths time being. . The congress
111 reconvene Thureday - to consider
the Drage doctrine.
. (Jtmraal Seeeiel ervfs. --
Oyater Bay. Aug. II. Henry Tafl
Secretary Taft'e brother, and Robert
Bridges Joined the Roesevolta and
Longworthjat Sagamore H1U and took
luncheon there today.
"-The Longworthg , will remeln with
President and Mre. Roosevelt for aocai