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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1906)
'Tim ORECCII DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY CVSNKTO. AUGUST 13, IZZV m OilOGER If CRITICAL STUDY j Dr. Myron W.' Haynee Daclam t Reeponeibla for Million or Lost Souls. SKEPTICISM THE BAN i ; OF MODERN RELIGION Churches That Tolerate It lor Mo " mciit Are Lost. He Declare- .1 Young Preachere Should Do Evan- : '-j: galiatic Work.,"'- ..;.' ..:"'.- ' At h. WTiit"mnl Yesterday. T Myron W. Haynea, pastor Of ths first Ireebyterlaa church r Beattie. eeoiareo that doctrinal Differences were reapon ' atble (or th Iom of thousands of souls. M rtarlared himself a rains t too mat erttloal etudy ( the aorlptur end raised the Roman Cetaolle chore for . having a enangeiesa otm. "look render at that telegraph pole," said the preacher, pointing dramatically , toward AMer street, and half the- audi ence eraned necka. "It you' look at that telegraph polo five Klniites, It begins to ' away. It ta na longer a telegraph pole, bat a arayln substance. "ia It ia with religion. Toa much crit ical atndy reeulta to skepticism. For my part. I car not who wrote tha books of tho Bible, whether tha whole thing la a . collection af Berths. - It la only aaoantial that wa believe that there la a Ood who , la powerful to oar. . "I would have every young preacher, freeh from tha theological aomtnary, go forth to preach aa evangelist. I would have him apend thraa month tn a bet Ua for souls. Thla practical training would ha of creator value ta him thaa all hla book theology-.. , , ... "Toa cannot build up a church an tha movtng aanda of skepticism; tha church aauat atand an tha firm- rook af ballot. X have known Instances, many of thorn, whara ' strong man Joined tha Roman . Cathollo church baeauaa thara thay would at laaat know how thay stood and whara they atood." ' Dr. Haynoa proachod last night on "Carbon and Diamond." and addraaaod tha T. If. G A. In tha afternoon. Ha win preach at tha White Temple again nat-unday. .. r SPEAKS ON ADVENTISM. Sr. ana OrtMclam af the : At Oraco Methodist church yesterdsy , evening Dr. Clarence True Wilson de livered tha elxth of hla aertee on "Mod era Bubatltutee for Christ,' taking- for hla subject "Seventh-Day Adventlsm." Dr. Wilson declared that, the Babbath la tha mala prop of civilisation, and that the Adventlat faith la tha enemy of the Lord's-day, or Christian Babbath. Dr. Wilson said In parti .There la no subject In Christian teaching that haa so auf fared at the hands af blundering- translators of our Xing- Jamas' version af the Bible aa tha Bebbatb,. Tha Greek wtltera af tha New Testament took the word -Sabbath' from the Hebrew and made It a Greek term for the day of rest And every one of the pine times that the Greek word ab- .aetoif occurs in the New Testament u should have been translated Dabbath. If thla had been dona we ahould have no confusion on the Sabbath eueetlon and that retrograde movement back to Judaism, known as seventh-Day Advent- lam. would never have been thought af." 'At the close of Dr. Wilson's address Pastor George A. Snyder of tha Advent let faith arose, and after asking permis sion o speaa, aaia: T came to this meeting tonight e paoting ta near the Adventlata 'roasted,1 but I wish to say that I admire tha courteous manner In which the pastor haa referred. ta our people. I will re ply ta the remarks made hara tonight next Friday evening at tha Auditorium on Third street, just above , tha Taylor uwi aa. m. onurcn. I can assure you taax my reply will be marked by the same courteous spirit which haa been sown nara tonight.' - At tha close of the aenrlee Pastor Wilson called on Pastor Snyder to offer tae Deneaicuon. wnicn ha did. v'-PRIDE THE FIRST SIN. Aa4 KamOrty tha Only Bafs renndattoa af Tlrtae, Xeelaree rather 0Xara ' i Trlde la the first of tha caoltal alna. humility the anly safe foundation of virtue.- aaia rmtner UHira last night " astiTwrvu at m iatnearaj. This view af pride and humility, said taa pneet. la tha Catholle view. But ' Hers ars trousers for all IcJnds of pocketbooks and 4 all styles of le'rs. r. -'...'., v For . the small pocket book $2.35 trousers j . that were $100. For 'the large pocket- book $3.45 trousers that were $3.00.' . (DlcllunqCo Man's and Boyi' Outflttars 168 AND Itt THIRD STREET - Mohawk BulMing. i HOWS THI3 V ' Kid With Eight LafS, ONE, PORTLAND WOMAN KNOWS , HOW TO GET OFF STREETCAR Mr. Fart Faragrapher. you are fast losing one of your etandard toploa. For to. these many years, you -have poked fun at the woman who geta off a street car before It halts for sura. Time and time again have you described haw aha calmly faoea-the rear of tha ear' and how Indignant aha looks whan tha pave ment leaps boldly at her and she alights on taa book af her poek-a-boo waist But now- Put It In the past tense, Mr. Para- grapher. . For womankind la rapidly learning tha true art of getting off a ear. Of course, aha hasn't seriously attempted the audacious awing of tha young brake man who knowe the eyea of the girls at the country town depot are upon htm, but aha la doing very nicely, thank you. Ferhapa the physical culture clube are teaching womankind how to make that aged Joke a bank number. Possibly, the world loolra through different eyes. Tha Greek phUoaophera Ira said to have been without the concept of humility. It would be true ta aay that they un derstood tha 'meaning of humility, but egarded It as, a defect of oheraatar, not a virtue. It might befit the char acter of tha slave, but of a freeman, never. Father CTHera declared that tha mod ern world haa no higher conception of Humility than did tha Greek phUoao phera. . By a clever euphemlam It sub stitutes self-respect for pride and thera py nnoa the weii-eprtng of ita virtues. Humility, tha speaker denned aa a just and reasonable aubjeotlon to God. . i , NEED OF TRUTH. . ' a n Xa taa' First Bassatlal af Af Ugwa, Baolaraa Bar. Vr. Troo: Swedenborg lana and Unitarians united In servtoea at the First Unitarian church yontCTday morning. -The First Essential of Religion" waa discussed by. Rev. Hiram Vrooman, who said la part:: "Tha first essential of religion is tha reoeptlve attitude toward truth, ' "The chief bualneea of every man In thla world is to-build hie personal char acter. Character la tha thing that en dures, and tha true type of character la that which protects Inviolable and In destructible eternally tha man'a men tal aequlrementa and aooompllahmanta. "Every position of trust, whether ac cepted aa a gift from tho publlo or aslsed by right and might of Individual Initiative, If considered aa a field - af character culture will direct Mm. upon whose shoulders rest tha responsibilities af the offloe ta regard above personal material interests tha eommon good, tha manhood of hia aubordlnatea and unlveraal justice. "But the particular thing of aU oth- era most powerful,, even almighty. In tha Improvement of human eharaoter la truth. The apeclfle function of truth la to elevate, ennoble, purify and even to create Character. . "Religious psychology demonstratee that the maa who la reoeptlve of truth haa ayes for aealag truth. The mind haa eyes aa well aa tha body. And there la a mind within tha mind, as a wheel within a wheel, which may be called the Interior or spiritual mind. Thla Interior mind haa ayea also. "Tha young man at a particular age becomes conscious, for tha first time, of a new and higher rationality than tha one of hla boyhood. Thla new ra tlonallty waa dormant until the evolu tlonary hour had struck for Ita awaken Ing. With Ita aid ha adda greatly ta his knowledge. "There la likewise a psychological time for a man to become conscious of hla Internal or aptritual mind. It is re lated to hla asternal mind aa organically as tha higher rationality la related ta tha young maa who la first beoomlng conscious of its awakening." THE NEW OR THE OLD. B. X. Mease Preaches aturhly Xa- tsroatlng Sermon am Thla Topis. , "Tha New or tha Old" was tha text of the sermon preached by Rev. V. I House at the First Congregational church yeaterday. Tha sermon waa a very interesting one, of which the fol lowing waa a noteworthy paasagei "The . old has no future aave aa It reentera the new: the new has no past save as It waa nourished In the bosom of the old. The two forces are not Inde pendent; 'they' are mutually dependent and complementary foroea. Both orders are a part of God's plan. The moment one order ia withdrawn, ha has another harnessed for tha oourea.- The new ia never given the reins until It has served a more or less protracted apprenticeship; and tha old ia never cast eft until Ita work Is complete and the new has so thoroughly got hold af Its leaeona as to carry them on to tha future." UNIQUE INSTITUTION. Saab Xa tha Okavoh, Baya Br. J. ghormley, sjU BtrpUIng Why, Dr. t. ' F. Ohormley spoke on "The Church aa an Unique Inatitutloa" at the Central Christian church. Dr. Ohorm ley found his text tn tha statements In Pster lv:, "A Peculiar People," and I Tim.. lit:il, -The Church of tha Liv ing God. the Pillar and Ground of the Truth." Following la aa attract from Dr. Ohormley" e sermon: "Every great Institution In tha world haa some spec I fie object In view, the accomplishment of which brought It Inte existence. - Tha ahurcfc af Jeauj lb FOR A FHIAX? :: Bom Near Airlie, Oregon. barely possibly. ' she haa observed - to some purpose how her brothers, hus bands and sons do It - At any rata, nearly every day an In stance of tha new emancipation can be notloed. Here's one: A Fifth street car wag gaily bowling along toward Morrison, running down hill and therefore moving considerably faster than a walk. - A middle-aged woman with her full share af avoirdu pois, signalled the conductor at Tamhlll street but ho didn't aee her.. Gathering her aktrte about her, aha atepped down on tha- running-board, turned her back to tha eutelde, twlated her face to tha front, lowered her . left foot and dropped! r Alighting upright and without being jarred In the least apparently, aha trot tad up ta tha aldewalk and went bar way while tha males of the passengers extended hearty If unheard congratula tions. . Christ la different from every other In stitution, and has an organism peculiar to Itaelf. It has one supreme purpoae In tha world tha redemption of tha race. - It haa but one way In which It propones to aeoompllsh this end, and this la by holding forth the Christ to tha world. It becomes, therefore, the ground and pillar of tha truth. No institution, however good or great, which doea not aupport this speolflo In the divinely ap pointed, can lay claim to being the church of Christ" BASIS OF MORALITY. It Xa a Belief la tha Brlrtearia af Ood, Bay Bar. A. A. Winter U Sermon. "The only basis of real morality Is a belief In tha exlstsnee of God," said Rev, A. A. Wlntsr in a sermon laat night "It follows that if there were no God there would be no religion or morality o moral obligation of law and henoe no possible transgression. But every ' man knows with absolute certainty that him' self and ather beings exist There was a tlma when all beings began to exist or some being or thing existed from eternity. And that being waa Uoa Cosmos did not eoma from chaos," . "What Is Tour Lifer' was tha sub ject of tha sermon. ; RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL Yery lew, . jbeag-riaaa, Bound-Trip TMiaea ts o. s. a a, August 1. a, . and September and It the O. R. N. sells very low, long time,' round-trip . tickets to eastern polnta.' Partloulara by calling upon U W. Stinger, elty tieket agent Third and waahlnirton Streets, Portland. anAFEOUASS) YOUR INTERESTS Wa offer the facilities of a well-ouipped trust company, guided by, the experience of successful men, in the care and management of your In tereets. If age, ill-health." lack of time or any other circum stance incapacitates you from f lvlng your affairs the atten lon they demand, plaoe them in our charge. Consult us free ly aa to what is best to be done to protect ana" further your property Interests. We do a general banking and truat buslnees, receive de posits subject to check, pay 4 per cent Interest on time de-'-poslts and current ratee on savings accounta. , OAPXTAX fiao, 3. Frank Watson. . . .President R. L. Durham.. Vloe-Preeldent W. H. Fear Secretary ' S. C Catching. .Asst Secretary Uerchssb Investaecl & Trcst Ccspany : ST Washington ,BU sol . C y II:- ... wiu. lira- OSa IViwSLOV'S -CC3TI3 SYCL? bee been usef by MUaei ef Mam ftwthetr falldraa wklle Twthloe for err yiftr Teue. 1 It eooUMO the atilld, eortane be gaaiL aUsri ' all pain, sens wind eoli end Is toe bart renwdr far euyrVee. , TwawTj-riTa rtnrra A BarrLV. at a a, s T I Ttlophomi Briquette. 4 A thing mdoh neglected, especially by women, la tha etiquette af tha telephone. Soma ' weeoen, it la true, adopt what might be called a " 'phone voice." It generally high and affected, and all that tha person at tha other end af the tine tears la an unintelligible squeaa, uux ere -are ao ultra refined that they ab ject to the' una of tha word "Hello' when answering tha "phone. They pra ter "Tea," "Now," and other such ab surdities. ' Usage haa made "Hello" perfectly proper when --- anewerlng tha telephone, however we may dislike It a use in anv other connection. We have all read of Instances where a maa baa been attracted by tha aweet voice or soma telephoaa girl ana suoeaquenuy married hen but girls with aweet voices are tha exception not tha rule, and it would be a blessing to the publlo It all 'phone girts would keep these etortes ta mtnd and modulate their voices accord ingly. 'Phone glrla are not the only ones to be .criticised In thla regard. You often hear neoole sneak over tha telephone In a way that they wouldn't dream of do ing If , they were m too omer person e oresenoe. They are often abrupt ' and discourteous. Men will swear at "can trel." when If they eould .only aee her Tthey would be politeness personified perhaps tha muoh-taikeo-oi -seeing nhone" would be aooredated by a good many lonr-euffenng central gins, bong conversations are abominable. An often reiterated warning la don't talk private affaire over tha telephone. Tou should try to have a elaar voice, use pleasing Inflectlone. and common sense when using that wonderful Invention., ,-.V""-;;"V:.:: ""'':'." . Trim Your PtrssoL The naraaota aa far this season have bean rather slain, but the tad for late summer ta to have them much trimmed. Tha white parasol la passe, and tha del- loate oo lore ta the lead, u you can paini, how la your ehanoe ta have a beautiful parasol at small cost, una, wmie sua, that had bean uaed all summer, waa sent to tha cleaners and than painW In a lilao design and four tiny ruff laa of chiffon added, two white and twa lav ender. For a parasol that haa a band nf embroidery, get a eolor and put under tha band. Tou cannot imagine now mis will lmnrove It Another Idea ta ta com pletely cover tha parasol with ruffle of pompadour ribbon. wnatever rss ao make your oaraaol look entirely differ ent . from tha ana yen have carried all summer. 'H It ft Kate Qreanaway Party. In tha publlo library ta a new blos raDhv of Kate Oreenaway. the English artist who Is bo beloved by all for her auaint and artletlo pictures af child uie. An -original ana pretty iaea is u give a Kate Oreenaway party ana nave ail tne srlrls come in oostumes copied from illus trations found In tha book. This Idea would be good for a lawn dance aa the costumes are dainty, ana aummertiae. To Ramove MUdaw. Rub tha linen well with soap, and then scrape eoma fine chalk and rub that also on tha linen. Let It atay where tha air will reach it and after it drtea, wet again and the mildew, after a. second appil cation, will disappear. . H For Tgatiag Cake. A domes tie science teacher aaya. thai one ehould never test a cake with a straw.' Always Insert a ekewer, lightly, and If clean whoa withdrawn, tha cake la dona. St Woman's Cruelty. Julia Ward Howe was asksd to deny that women are cruel to one another, but - she rather begged the question. anly Insisting that womea were not aa cruel ta one another as tney usee u oe; thst women advanced every day. - "Women today." aha said, '.'like men. are trained ta consider themselves ci ti sane of the world, and they may aay, like the Dhtloeopher of old: " 'Wa are human, and nothing that eoneerns humanity la alien to our Inter- "This la an advance, moral and Intel tactual, ao great that many of us fall to take It in. It la none the less true, and not to . be gone back from. Thla consequent amelioration . haa coma to stay." ' ( at ! , Hot Waathar Desserta. , Pineapple Baeha. One cup tapioca, three-quarters cup sugar, butter the sua of a walnut one euo of pineapple, two cups of water; soak the tapioca in tha water over night let it warm slowly- until It clears, then. add augar, butter, pineapple, and let It come ta a boll. Serve with whipped cream. . Ooooaaat Taplooa. ' , ' . . One cup of tapioca, soaked over night. one quart of milk, yolks of four eggs, whites of two, one-half eupful of sugar, two tablespoons of grated eoeoanut. Bake one-half hour. Make froeting of whites Lot two egga, three tablespoons of sugar, twa tablespoons of eoeoanut spread over the pudding when baked. Set In the even till a light brown. . Foe Cuataada. In frosting any kind of a custard or pudding to be served cold beat tha whites of your sggs until stiff, add sugar, and drop In a pan of boiling water, plaoa In the oven and brown. For floating island drop In tablespoonfuls a little distance apart, or If you wish it In one piece put In tho else of your pudding dish. It can be made flat and smooth or heaped aa high as you wish. Thla saves lots of time, as tha pudding can be cooling whilel tha frosting is being made. AGED MEN IN FATAL ' DUEL OVER TRIFLE (Speelel Mteeteb e Tae Jeer eat.) Chewalah, Wash., Aug. 11 As the re sult of a quarrel over the right of a party to fish in a lake near here, two men past tha half-way mark of life, fought a fatal dual with rlflee, resulting in Ihe death of William Daugan and the arrest ef Mlka McKala, cbargsd with Dougan's murder. when tha men quarreled they Imme diately grasped their rifles and were soon pouring' bullets at each other. Twelve shots were fired, Dougan firing six times aftsr ha had received a mortal wound from McKale'a rifle. McKale was lramerttete'-'Mted and will be bald tec murder, lpOETT; TEAES AGO tin::, ctztj n; thclat be? dSLl. n:V lyn PAEEG0EI0 cr hudanma fc naka it else?, Thc23 drrn ttCI is3 clp, tzi A FEW DltOPS TOO HAHY Trill produce tha BLEEP iiO 7HiqiI THESE IS HO "VAKIITG. Many are the .cMdrea Trbo tsT3 b::i E:l c?" 7hcc3 hsalth has been ruined for Ufa by paregorio, laudanuia and ncrp!ilzj cij cf wnich ia a narcctia product cf cpiua, Drucsta ere prohibited frca H!? cither cf the narcotics named to childrca at til, cr to anybody tsithcut htdlir thsa apcisoii.w .The deflnitica cf "xtio" "ia! "A medicine which rdUvespizt and produces steep, biit which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, oozvuU sions and death, " The taste and cnell cf nisdicinc3 containing opim are di: jsiicd and eold tnder the names cf r"I)rop3l' " Bocthin vytxp,9 eta. " Tea: Ehould not permit any medicine to be gim to your Sdrea mthcut yea cr your physician know cf what it is composed, 0A15T0EIA D0E3 HOT 0011 TATlf IfAEOOTIOS, if it. bears the rignatare of Chaa. H. Ustcher. 1"' AUge table fTeparatio&lbr As Unitatlng ttxroodandResuia Bng (tie StaBeXtacuid Bowels of it ill i tn Promolea DieatioaQieeTful- cesa and restcoo tains netrner Ouumf orpfcJnt oor rSatutL Not Nab c otic. , SSrrSS ndLOSSOr6LIXE 1 aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeaaeBBBBBBBBBBBBSaSBl II (Sinai. Signatiara af new "vonir. 1XACT 00 av or WHAPew.ll. jagg i mttrsmtimmmM Exclusive and Confidential Market Reports on the The Lord & Thomas -Record of Results constitutes an exclusive and confidential V market report " on the VA L UE Mhdadvertiser of spacein alhm media, regardless EVERY da we receive confidential reports from our advertising clients who sell their goods direct by mail or who hare a direct cheeky through retailers. , .. . these reports (compiled Into our Record of Results )jire us the actual returns in sales and inquiries' from hundreds of advertisements in thous ands of papers. And because no other commodity bought and sold fluctuates so violently in value without affecting its price, this . direct check on the VALUE of adver tising spate is as necessary to the advertiser as the M ticker " Is to the stockbroker.;':'-" .. v. v.:. Ordinarily, conditions that control the REAL value of space in publications are likely to change without the loss or gain at once becoming apparent. But we are ready to show you how the Lord & Thomas Record of Results gauges the rise and fall of media aar accurately and quickly as the thermo- ' meter records the rise and fall of temperature. cancAGO , "V Letters from Prominent Pbyolclono : edd ressed to Chos. II. Fletcher. Dr. 9. W. Dlnicala, of Chicago. Ill, aarat aae your Caatorta aa4 adrlae Ita nae la all famlllaa where thara are children.'' ... . - Dr. Alezaader B. Mlatta, ef Cleralaad, Ohio, aarat - gv. frequaatl preaertbad roar Caatorta and hare tooad it a ralUbla and pleaeaat rata ady for chlUran. , '":,-: . Dr. J. B. Alexander, of Omaha, Nab, eares "A medicine ao valaabla and .'banefldal for chfldran aa rear Caatorta la, daaerraa the bighaat praiaav I bad ft ta nae eTarxwhoro.w '. . Dr. J. A. UoClallan, of Buffalo, N. T, iara: ! bare fraqaenUy preaaibad your Cutorla for chlldrea and alwara got good reaalta, la fact 1 nae Caatorta for mf olra ehlldran." ... ... - Dr. J. W. Allen, of Gt LouU, Me, aaye: 1 heartily ondorae yomr Ca. torla. I have frequently preocrtbed It la my medical practice, and hare alttmy. found It to do ail that la claimed for lt" . v ' , ' , Dr. a H. Qlldden, of St Paul, Mlna, aayst "My ezperleno. aa a prao tltloner with your Castorta haa been highly eatlataotory, aad I coaalder if aa excellent remedy for tho young." Dr. H. XX Banner, ef PhlUdelphla, Pa, aaya: "1 hara uaed yoar Caa torla aa a purgative in tho caaea of chlldrea far yeara peat with the auat happy effect, aad tally endorse it aa a aafe remedy.1 , - Dr. S. A. Boexman, of Kanaaa City. Mo, aaya: "Tour Caatorta la a aplen did remedy for' children, known tha world ever. I w it ta my practice and. hare ao healtancy la reoommeadlag it for the complain ta of Infanta aad children." -: .-..v';- '. Dr. I. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y, aaya: 1 oosilder your CaatorU aa excellent preparation for children, being composed 4$ reliable aadlcinea and plaaamnt to the taste, A good remedy, for all diatorbanoea af tha "II,B JHO I t . .dSBBBHBBaeBr In Use For VMS MUTMM IHHWi V of its current price. The Kind You Have Always Doogiit We will show you how every, rise ia value gives us an opportunity to secure greater returns for the adver tiser's money, and how every fall in value warns us. to enter a stop-loss' order if the fall reaches the danger point . ,. V ' This is but one of the many exclusive features of the Lord & Thomas service that we want to tell you about ' . We want to explain to you, in detail, the workings of the Lord & Thomas Record of Results, the ONLY practical SAFE-GUARD FOR AN ADVER TISING INVESTMENT. : i - One of our representatives Is in your city every few days looking after the interests of1 some of our present clients. That is why we are-advertising In this newspaper to you NOW. A letter, granting us an interview in your office, will not obligate you in any way. ;; ' , We are leaning a aeriea of email booka (cloth boand) covering advertising in all ita phases, . which we aead free to Interested advertisers. &.THOMA NKWePAPER - MAOAZZNB OTJTDOOft . . 7 ADVERTISING , 1 TA.nn'Rfln' AdvebtutNo Aonrjvr! AMvntra -. s r. I. UkilA : ALV7AYO LlMMtlrt Of Over 30 Years. av evaesT, mww veea err.