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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
t::z cr.zcou cukday ' jour.riAU Portland, 'sunday .:oriiino. august 12. it RAY CLOPlOD, III SHOT W Only Seventeen vMore Business Days in August and of Thi t? v DROTIIER, HILL RECOVER Vhyslclait Declare Tha Unless Unforeseen Complications Arise Boy WJ1I Survive Wound Caused by Bullet Pierce ins His Breast and Lung. ', V-"",,.1" . : 1 v x a j r j x y y a j j " ,-S:,VV!r,.: f f - &-;f:: tfrry-iwr-'i -irnllrn itt,kmmfi it ilSn turf hi .Three brothers who figured in an accidental shooting which, nearly r V suited fatally.' . Claud Ctdpton, who did the shooting. In the oral plo "7r ture; Ray, who was 'Shot, below bims and Leonard, who stood In the doorway at the time, shown sitting at the right of Ray. " Unless unforeseen complications arts Ray Clopton, the li-yeer-old boy . who waa accidentally shot by hl brother Friday night, will recover. Physicians K,at the Qood Samaritan hospital stated lata last nle-ht that tha bov had rastad "wall, and that his ebancea J or reoovery "axe excellent. 11 ' Claud Clopton.- aged. It yearn, wa .showing a new IS-callber revolver to a friend, and wban ha attamptpad to put It In his pocket tha hammer caught In hie clothing eauslne; tha ' weapon" to o. plod' Tha bullet struck Ray, who had ben alttlng on tha bad In his night clothes watching tha two alder boya han dle the ravolvar. Leonard Clopton was standing- in tha doorway at tha time of tba accident .- Tha left lung was pierced, causing a dangerous wound, and it waa thought for a time that tha boy would die. Ha showed a slight improvement yesterday rooming, however, .and ha has Improved steadily since. !JAWN MANNING ONLY HONEST I MAM HM Phi IMTV- O A VC rVirPDA I mnii in uuun i i , onio ncunu Here Is One of Our Bargains W 100 Solid quarter-sawed oak and polished, 45-inch top and very heavy legs. This is a good buy and they won't last long at the price. OTHER GOODS IN PRO- - a " i r i , PORTION. . V -t , Yoo will profit to a biff extent if yon take , advantage of this Re moval Sale. Every day, ' the stock gets lower and lower, so do " - .- -r- . ,p, j not put off attending this great Removal Sale: ' ' - . s Imagine what a task we have before us seven teen, days -in which -to ' dispose of all the Carpets,' Furniture, etc in our store. We are straining erery energy to accomplish this. task and are totally ignoring prices, costs and losses. No loss is too great no price too low providing it serves to accomplish oar aim, which is to make a decisive dean-op of all Uu-' nishings before removing into our new1 building -Southwest corner of ' Second and Morrison. - ; ' ; m JEWRKE k 174 First Street, Corner Yamhill m PORTLAND CLERGYMEN THOMAS' CHI TALK OF DR. THEORY ; "All da county officials am la oa- hoota wlf thlavas. Say aught to hab a gran Jury. Dere am only ona honest asan In Po'tland. Dat am Jawn Man- i ulna and ha am out ob da city," is tha general opinion Bam ' Johnson, col ored, has of Portland's department of justice. Brer Johnson had a trouble story to . tall, and' ha began with tha polloa. , Thsy listened and referred ' him to tha , sheriff. ,Tha sheriff sent htm to Judga ' Fraser. Judge Fraser said, tha district attorney was the man to apply to. so '. away to that office went Johnson, and round Deputy H. B. Ad am a Mr, Ad ams listened to- tha labia and ho says tt sounded Ilka this: "While on my way tarn tha east heah, " S was a snooslh a little In da can, suh, an' a genleman came In that said he ' was tha conduetor. Ha says; ,, . "Whaah's you tlckatr "I showed It to him, and ha says: klm that "Wmm you' baggage checks, said fee. I had bean a travelin' about three er four days, an' was kind o'sleepy, and S handed out my chocks. Ha took them and ' gav ma these. Now I ean!t gat uy - baggage wfthout payln' tham money, an' I say they dona stole my baggage aad -I want 'em arrested.'' How much money do they want,' asked Adams. . . ."Fifty cents." said Ham.' x "Oh, I guess you pan afford to pay mat mucn to nave your trunks hauled UP tOWB." I . "Den yon Won't prosecute that B. 4k o. t. car -There Is nothing to p roe acute them tor," said the deputy district attorney, "AU tha officials am In cahoota wit' dem thieves that am a.tryln' to rob honest man. X dona beared befor come heah dat dey was. all thieve In Po'tland except Jawn Manning. But ha ant out ob da olty, and tha rest of da thieves am In cahoots. I will wo.jw seen tha gran Jury." and ha made his way back to to tha courthouse. where ha aooosted Deputy County Clark T. B. wells, and learned that there Is no grand Jury In session. vmciais or the a. ft O. T. Co. say mat no errort was maae to charge John son anything but that ha bad refused to show his . checks. , He was finally taken through the storeroonu and,, after ha had got his hands on his pieces of luggage, surrendered tha checks and took bis baggage away. ' , I .1 as TABLEr ; IAN&N : WITH CD 'CO V 20-Mule-Tcani Pure Borax alsoclcans without injury the finest china, brightens silver, pewter and glassware. 'Jn facT is an economical and labor saving aid to the household. ParaaWalramlM tf year Sestet iaaa't'ainjt-'ISiaid SOaAX SasM labia leestltule aad etoat swy sras,wblsh laallan adoV teratadl watts as, atatog dialu Wissss mV Sva eassa. aad wa trill 4 , yea a 8- 4a. aaekaae. aud Isatuie mssjsj u MM." raa ia tha Ham." M20-r.Tu!o-TcaiM Dorax Soap tavaavKanda, aotbaaaod Labor. AU Oroeara. . FM8awp1aiaVop iwa IJbl W-Mule-Team Boras Packaga. -Addrtsj Pacific Coast Borax Co., Bacon Bldg., Oakland, Calif, Merely an Attempt to Be Smart 8ayt Clarenoa True" ; Wilson. "f OTHERS INCLINED TO 8TUDY THEORY Soma Declare It Another Outbreak of Chicago University Eccentricity 'Rib Story in Geneila Xa Defended aa Logical, Beautiful and True, Tha vlewa of Professor W. L Thomas of Chicago university on tha order of tba creation of man and woman, as re viewed la Friday night's Journal, have attracted tha attention of tha clergy of tha city and will doubtless be tha text at several sermons before long. Vex! oua terms such as "unique," "original.' "sensational" and soma lass flattering have been used by tha ministers in speaking of tha professed ideas of the Chicago scholar who Is head of the chair of aoclology at Chicago university, - Professor Thomas claims that woman Is the natural superior of man rather than tha Inferior or oven a mere equal. He believes that sha waa created nrst as the master and that there Is no basis for the rib . story given in Genesis. Woman Srst domesticated animals and began her domestication, with primeval man who did not want to stay at noma. and It Is tha middle an it higher classes that have since given her an Inferior position. In addition to these views ha holda that women who lead fast Jjlvee make uncommonly good wives, and that education is a remedy xor woman s secondary position. it na means ny tnat," saia Dr. s. Mucklsy of the First Christian church, those who live immorally, I cannot see how ha could make such a statement; but ha may. mean those woman who at tain to remarkable intelligence and so oast aside their Inferior state. Of course the more intelligent woman al ways makes a better wife, but you can not aay that of one who lives a fast life and I do not believe ha haa any data for such a statement. The whole article. I believe, ia some mora Chicago university eccentricity cropping out. There are a certain number- of men there who say and seek to say such things regularly. , For my part I cannot sea why thi Bible story might not as wsU be accepted aa his. But tha Chris tian religion does not hinge on that story at all but on tha love of Jesus Christ, 'The rib story has nothing to do with tbs essentials and It is not neces sary to take It literally. The account in Oanesls is rather allegorical than scientific. I have no objection to giving woman the position of superiority over man, but sha does not crave It, So why not let her remain his equal, profes sor. Thomas has attainsd to another piece of sensationalism. Ha evidently wanted to vary from the traditional Ideas and ha haa dona It In an original manner." ' ' - What Br. Souse Bays, Dr. B. I Housa of tha First Con gregational church looks st tha quea- tlon from tha Standpoint ofan inter ested listener who wants to lsarn. "It is only an hypothesis, of course," ha said, "but a very Interesting' one. "At any rata if it does nothing mors It seta us to thinking. Of course tha review gives an Inadequate Idea of the artlolo written In the American Journal 0 Sociology, but be undoubtedly must have something . to substantia ta his statements wnloh Is not gtvfe hero. After all It makes no vital difference which came first; It does not materially changa conditions but it is a matter of latereat" "It Is merely an attempt to be smart." waa Dr. Clarence True Wilson's vordtot "Of oouroa there are always two inter. pretatlone to tha aortptural etotiee the literal and nguratrv mere le always dancer la the tws extremes tha s lupus who disclaims everything in tha Bible and tha man whotakea poetry literally. Aa a prose poem tha story of the crea tion of man and woman haa never been excelled in literature, and tha old story with Its modern Interpretation is just aa useful now aa ever." - ' Old toxy Xjogioatj Says abort, ' - Dr. F Bnrgette Short read tha review of tha antiole and said: "I can give neither a fair nor an adequate erltloism of Professor Thomas' declarations be cause of tha lnaufflolent report of his lecture which ia said . to have -appeared in the American Journal' of Sociology. However, tha old Bible story, of . the creation of man seems as logical and common-sense aa' tha recent declaration accredited to Professor. Thomas. . The other things referred to by the learned man aa reported and submitted to me ar too nonsonelesi and ridiculous for sarlous thought." .'And with a laugh ha added that it would pay some people a great deal better to go to near his own lecture on the "Passion Play" tonight than to give attention to such stuff. Rev. H. C Shaffer of tha United Brethren ohurah protested his willing' ness, or rather eagerness, to give the women a compliment whenever ha could. but in this ease tha statement made seemed so rldloulous. "Women are deserving of far mora credit than thay get, I . am aura, but they are apparently men's equals and tha story of Adam and Eva aa it stands. or as amended by Professor Thomas, does not changa their equality. The old Bible story answers all our pur poses very satisfactorily aa It stands. and without any of Thomas' views, given ror notoriety. , . BRUIN AT PRESENT . CHIEF OF POLICE At least temporarily, tha prophecy of ma Knowing ones who ventured the pre diction that Captain- Bruin would be made chief of polloa, haa coma to pass. Chief Qritsmacher Left yesterday morn' ing on his annual vacation and during his absenoa Bruin will preslds over the destiny of the polios department, tlrlts macher Is dua to return ia 10 days and than, unless ths powers that be will otherwise. Bruin will again- take up bis duties aa head of tba detective bureau. That Oonactenoes) May Kurt, . From' ths Detroit Newe.- Jack Gideon, who held up a stage In Idaho and robbed the malt 'pouch of S 1.100, gets Ufa Imprisonment, while scores of organised and unrestrained Jack Gideons hold up - the public for more money vary day. - Shreve & Company have on , a!e. theu usual complete stock of DIAMOND and COLD JEWELRY WATCHES SILVWARE,CLASS WARE ETC.. AT Poet StrJ and Grant Avenue and 2429 Jacheon Street Sen Franclsco Prompt' and cartful atUnt ion given to corrupondinot. OIL BURNERS WILL BE INSTALLED " . Steamer George W. Elder Will , Be 6peedler Than Before ' . Accident. , CONTRACT FOR PLANT ' ' AWARDED YESTERDAY Repair Progretuhig , Satisfactorily and the Intention la to' Have the , ' Yeisel Lowered . From, the Dock Before the find of the Month. When the steamer George W. Elder again gets into her element aha will be able to churn the water with greater rapidity than before because hsr steam will be generated from oil fuel Instead of coal J. H. Peterson yesterday award ad a contract to ths 6t Johns Shipbuild ing oompany to Install oil furnaces, ths work to commence at onca so aa to have them ready for use aa soon as tha ves sel is lowered from tha dock. The plant will cost In tha neighborhood of flg,000. , At the time ha raised tha radar from the rock at Oobla, Mr. Peterson prom- isea tnat no would maae the abandoned and dilapidated passenger boat a much better -vessel than sha waa. before aha mat with tha mishap that took bar oft tha Ban Francisco run; and Indica tions now are that sha will probably be turned out a better vessel than when (lrst launched from the ways at Ches ter, Pa., in 1874. In thosa days ships wer strongly constructed, but modern appliances of today were then not even conoelved and with these equipments In stalled there Is nothing to hinder her owners from making ona of tba finest craft on the coast. The material for tha : hull has now arrived - and Ironworkers are busy piaomg the new piatee. Tha ribs and keel hava been placed In position and the plates are being riveted on at the rata of from five to seven a day. The Intention waa to have tha Elder off the dock by the 22d of this month, but It waa ascertained yesterday that aha can not possibly bo floated before tba 17th. in the meantime a large force of ma chinist Is at work overhauling the ma chinery and woodworkers and painters will soon beput to work to trim the upper worts. The-vepslrtng of tha Elder here means the distribution of many thousands of dollars and considerable Indignation was expressed yesterday when it was learned that complaint had bean made to tha Fort of -Portland because the dock was being. used for long Jobs.' It is said that had ths Elder been towed away to soms other port for repairs a great howl would have been set up be cause the work would not have been dona here. ' ,. The BREAKERS HOTEL ' AMERICAN PLAN. wTrsT UAscre tvwaoM bxiob or ra paozxto mom: Kleeul tight atesm. Hot and Cold salt Wsttr U Krery Tab. Buy Tickets to ansa are, facta Ooaaty. .Wash, rastofaee address. Breakers, Week. mkxxi ara0caTxxrzzzzxzr Bail OPPOSES SUNDAY WORK. aTevertheless Captain Oberf Stag to Seep Canlkera Susy Today. Although being strictly opposed to unday work. Captain Oberg. master of the' schooner Admiral, will hava to keep a gang of caulkers busy today tightening the seams of his vessel. htch was lifted on the drydock last night. Tha work Is being dona under contract to Anderson A Crowe, - Ship carpenters and caulkers are so busy In this city at the present that In order to complete work at tha dry dock they hava ta work Sundays and overtime a great deal. The gang that will be employed on tha Admiral today will be drawn from tha various boat building establishments along tha river end henca tha work haa to be oompleted today or be poetponad for a week. Tha" Admiral arrived In tha harbor yesterday morning from San Pedro after a rum at 1 days. Captain Oberg ra- ports having encountered Ideal weather all the way up the ooaat. In fact, too fine for good sailing. He sighted number of whales off tha coaat and says tha oaehalots seem unusually plentiful thla summer. Ona of the monsters brushed sides .with tha vessel. but neither was injured, although tha oompact could be plainly felt by thosa on board. Captain Oberg la accompanied tMs rime by "his wife and four children. Tha vaesel will load lumber at tha mills of tha Portland Lumbar company and tha Eastern aV Western Lumber oompany for Baa Pedro. v LIKE PHANTOM SHIP. Bark Ooloma Make spaamodieai Ap- pearanoea Oft tha Columbia Bivea, Tha old bark Coloma haa bean unable to. get In over tha bar, although she naa been outside for nearly a weak. Dense foga and tha strong southerly current have undoubtedly kept her out Of reach of- tha bar tug, although every onoe In a while aha has been reported by the lookout at North Head. Tba last report from tha wall-known square rigger was received last evening when the wires from tha cape ticked the news for the fifth time that a thre-' maated bark waa outalda at i p. m. Everything polnta to it being the Co loma. which waa sighted day before resterdav standi n close in. Bhe bobs up like tha Flying Dutchman, and then disappears as rapidly aa ins proyeroiai phantom ship that all sailors have heard of but only a few hava seen. That the Coloma la outside la made certain by Captain Oberg of the schoon er Admiral, who passed her near the mouth of tha river. Bhe was then well in shore, but stood out to sea to keep out of tha current, and disappeared from view. Captain Obergf believes also that tha schooner Taurus' Is off the river waiting for a chance to be picked up by the tug. Tha Coloma cornea here under charter to load lumber for Ban Ftanclaoo, - MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Or Aug. 11. Condition of tha bar at t p. m., smooth: wind north west; weather cloudy. Salted, at 10:1k a. ro., -steamer Redondo, for San Fran cisco; sailed, laat night, steamer Tlver ton, for San Francisco; outside, at I p. wn m thH.miitid hark. San Francisco, Aug. 11. Balled, at I p. m., steamer Roanoke, for Portland, via way ports. '....-. Redondo, Aug. 11. arrived, schooner W. F. Jewett, from Columbia river. ALONQ THE WATERFRONT. he etxainer Meteor Is coaling at the eoal bunkers and will probably sail for Redondo today with a earga ef railroad ties. ' Tha schooner Carrier Dove Is finish ing a cargo of lumber In the stream off tha mills of ths Peninsular Lumber company near' St. Johns. Charlra P. Doe, manager of tha North pacific Steamship company, w4H arrive In Portland next Tuesday oa the steamer Hoaaoa mo want to Ban rraactaco a few days ago to bring bla family here ta Uva until tha steamer George VT. HOTEL MOORE om aU Clatsop Beach. Scsslie. Cre;:z oxrrr movmm or esseex." Directly on tha beach, overlooking tha ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bat a Ing. Recreation pier for fishing. Sui rarlors, electrlo lights, fireplace ' anu umaoe heat. Fine walks and drive. Sea- fooda a specialty. Bales $2.51 cad .CI PcrC- - SraCXA BATOS BT TMM WMMM. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Eaton oo a. voaaxtoB ajtd wxrr pass n NEW BasdsMMlr romlshd, elegaatly 4iMS, fireproof. It. nlnaUs welk frost boeri at happing eaa Swisses oiatrtct, su trr, sutetae men, stoeoi keetee. llfhrs, telophase tm esek apart. Lares efOcea, toasting, eatokina, ladles' reception parlors. Booeaa bf bmO or telephone. Solvate eesalbss sieeas wstas end Rooms fl.OO to $3.00 a Day ssekU Bates te Coemnierolal Haa, xaa. MAX XATOV, ' - (ramarl af Bote! Ctdpsta, Spokaaa.1 lanre. leetea, els m is Krtnnt. eta. am, wittlaa. reserves SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE. OREGON r. . OAOOXTT, Xeasaeev Boulas, 0 ' 17ndor saw si.n.sffm.nt f. ana aawto fnrnl.hed. aloctrle llxhta. rraak and aalt . raining, ooaiuia. iMoins. rroai our ova a.iry. r Trh ml In and i reeti vesetablM Croes m garden. Beteel 12 &0 to ft.M r a.'. Bpaclel rates by ths week or stoat b. Vree mat. OSTEOPATHY DR. B. T. SHEPHERD Ol-S naaleay Bldf. Phoma Bfala President California College af Ostec--athy. ' . - Member Cal. State Board of Exam! Elder, In which Mr. Doe Is Inter:.: Is ready to go into commission. Tha steamer Costa Mice is e arrive from San Franolsco this ev and the steamer Barnusouia la echo to sail for San Franolsca Monday r The Written shin Herdowia is r tha stream, but she haa a full e board and will probably leave an j morning. Several af tha m- signed before tae mast are i boya ' Xugeaa Quard aaoh trr' 4- ' i , .... - -