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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
r rcr.TLAIJD, SUNDAY I !Ctl!JIHO, AUGUST lt,' IS SU1IUZR RES02TS. sakeorTaera a lad Tea aa Ml - at kulta, tea li aawaort. A malar rearaaj liar delivery wul ke ait.tD. Or itreet tiM mi Ht a tow palate 4 be wlUyettead yrempUy to oYo'; bzacm-xmu cm. sgeati , kHlnutm tt Ilweee, Wuk. D. U WT 1 U BOtnU M MS RAIIbl AMD ABHABX 1 . B. Whiimea. aamti kMlgnuuii I Lewie 0,'s ervg etere, al. Or. .Delivery m au petsie e , nwrdit Am TAatmrA kutt - otmuu ' faMii .. rallread, asset ' Hea4- 'quarters U Mewpart, Or. Delivery to 1 all Mints ea tha aaa nh -v rWIlSblT IPBIMOb I. W. aaeat. Wilhoit Or. 01 LAXI ilo Lak kattariaa 0e ftrtnL Hot rakav Or. OAMOB, WAAK-MiMrat Sfriags Jtev OAAOAoi. wuk-Taeseae staff art, coliis mtb-zbax mim, WAgg. , 0. , Beloker, esaat OelUae, WeV trrle.. ....... "Jaafc me OanhUf' far ; , Vaudeville Peatafee Vaudeville .' Workman yeeterday suoc ceded la rax ing to the ground the last bum! and rafters of tha hlatorto old Multnomah vtwa; uu aula jajumaon airwia. 117 means of a powerful engine oablaa . pulled dowa tha aturdy boards and planks that yielded only .after tha strongest resistance. : Tha building baa ' baan completely wrecked and tba -work of romoTlnc tha rulna and debris haa t l f la aaaall aJanar with thai tmarinm Anmn i prooeaa. Tba around upon wbieb - tba building waa altuatcd la now vacant and workman will Bearln at nnra , avoa vatlng for tha naw It-atory atruotura that I to be erected by tha Corbatt es tate, Tha Multnomah blook waa at ena time tha moat pratanttoua apartment houaa In tha city. . It waa xtrmly popular with Tlaltora to tho city from tba rural aootlona and ratalnod aa axi : tanalra patronage until It waa a ben- oonao a lew waajia aco. t .. . . - Circuit Judca A. X Fraaar will betrln nazt Wadnoaday to sat tha biialnaaa of tha olroutt oourt in ahapa for tha Sap- tambar tarm ao that tha trlala of eaaaa may ba prooaadad with Immodlataly whan tha court oonyenea Saptambor 4. On. Wadneaday Judra Fraaar will call tha trial dockata, and aat a data for tho trial of aaoh civil and criminal eaaa. Ha will alao baar notion and aamurrarf In criminal eaaaa and auch motlona and damurrara In ' civil eaaaa aa may ,ba takan un hv oonaant. Judca Fraaar la ih only juaa ox mo cirouii. tuuii wnu haa not taken a Vacation tbla aummer. Praaldlac Juda ,iaara baa baan enjoy ing a compute reat In tha mountains, tha flrat, ha aiya, for 10 yoara. . Judge Claland la apandlna; tba aummer at hla cottage at Beaaldev Judge Oantanbein camped for 19 daya near Mount Hood, and la now at tba aacampmant of traopa at American lake. . ... , . ., . r - . ii .. . Tha renlar claaaaa of tha Oragon Art Btudenta league will be auapendad dur ing Auguat, many, memtrara being out of town.- Thla claaa in olay modeling, Under . Madame von Dydlngsward, will ha raauBaad In Bentember. Partloulara of thla. aa well aa tha drawing, palatine and' other elaaaea, may ba- obtained at the art muaeum after September It. la connection . with an evening 4laaa In do. atgn. an art craft aerftloa will ba formed .n hat falL with thai AhlaM nf dnlnar work la metal, leather and Illumination: Tha flrat of tho league's publlo exhibi tions will be held la November. --. Judge Fraaar ' yeatarday afternoon named tha eommlttea who will draft roaolutlona axpraaslng the aentlmeata of tho Portland attornaya at tha death of the lata (X F. Jfexton.rThe eommlttea will renort at a. meetlna? of tba attor neys that la to ba called by tha presid ing judge of the circuit court. . The membero of tha committee are: Joseph Simon. J. V. Beaoh, F. V. Holroan, Whit nay Boise, and Honry B. McOlnn. I JL Stlnaon of Salem and grand keeper of tha reeorda and aeala for tha state lodge of Knlghta of Pythias, aad M. F. Davie, grand ebaacallor of tho or der, were! In the city yesterday, en route to Cooa Bay, wnero they will inatau a now lodge. Tho new lodge Will Start oat with a large membership, and will be provided with quarters equal to many of the old lodgea In tha auto. ... yards or aldewalka, or washing porches or window, must ba paid for in advanoe and naed only between the hours of and I a. m. and I and p. m. It muet not be used for sprinkling atreeta. If used contrary to theaa rules, or waste fully. It'. will ba shut oft At the White Temple Sunday Zr. Myron W. Haynea of tha First Baptist church, Seattle, will preach. He la one of tha strongest preacher of tha Bap tist denomination. Morning topic, Oo and Comi." Evening, "Carbon and Dia mond." Strong subjects handled by a atrong man, . ' - -. " ', . v ' Funeral services over tha body of tha lata William F. Riley will ba held to morrow afternoon under the auspices of the local lodge of Rlk and Camp Scout "Sticklers lor Quillty War ought to have a lively run on , v , our large stook of 4 . Cut Glass ow that everything In the store . a reduoed elnce building onera- Tions were commence! next uuvr. We promised the .people that If they would stand a little of the Inoonvenlence of being fenced off . from our place on one side we would give them , the benefit of ' vary low price, and w are keep ing our word. And w will have to continue thla discount for sev eral months. . .. . G.HcilhemperCo. J SM MOmmiSOaT 8. "aVowee PiloM gewetry X . foa Xiao oeoV ' Don't ct dlscourassd. Lo, . . , i i ' t,-roi..j;t ia sTsxyuun erjjocuiuy n carlnj your debts, I.IainUln your latcrrltr as a sacred thlnr Eave totns rtrularly out of your income, and nothing can prtvent your success, we pay INTEREST. r vm m r5iiaj tin Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Or, Oeneral Bankiifijf Business. W,I4 MOORE, President - -E. t. LYTLE. Vice-President. W, COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. SAFE-DEPOSIT BOXES. Toung No. I, tinlted Spanish War Vet erana, Services will be held at the Elks' hall at t o'clock, after which tha body will ba escorted to tha Rivervlew cem etery oy the mam bare of the aoldler or der, where a military funeral ceremony will bo had. Tho deceased waa a mem ber of Battery B. Second Oregon United veiumeera. Article Of InoortMimtlon nt TsIn Boarda of Chrlatlaa ahurohes were filed In tha office of the county clerk yeater- wjr. auiernoon- or T. H. H Rvan r. Ateiton, and Alvm 8. Hawk.. They In- una q maintain a rella-loua amniam. tloa for atrengthenlng tha oongraga tlona of tha Chrlatlaa ohurchaa of Port land. Tba artlelea IUU .that tha prop erty of tha Incorporation I valued ' at A party in honor ot tha alarhth kirth. aay or Alloa Burrouaha. . tit Tavior lf"t wu given rrioar nleht. The "t tha aty park,-where the cauarea enjoyed themeelvaa. going we noma or AJiors parents, wnere rerreshmanta were Served. Thoae present ware Alice Burrouarha. loln Davla, Stella Davis, Jennie Kin Alloa Darrough and Fred Thayer. " Fifty members of the TJnlverattv ilnt, went on aa excursion down the river last night and apent aeveral of tha maat enjoyable hour Imaginable. Tha ex cursion down th river la a regular aveat with tha members of tha Univer sity club, who enjoy aeveral during tha Bummer season, rne neat lert the foot of Washington street at I o'clock and returned at a lata hour.-' ; Tho regular meeting of the Portland Ad Men'a league will be bald Wednesday evening at o'clock In tho rooms of tha Chamber of Commerce. Special adver tisement will ba prepared by various memoera and wm b generally erttlclaed at tha meeting. It will likely ba one of tna moat interesting tho league haa held, ' Robert Andrews, president of tha Art Furniture company, baa gone aaat with hla family, to ba gone aiz weeka. Mr. Andrewa while In the east will vlalt tha furniture factories of New Tork. Boeton, Baltimore and ether manufacturing cen ter. .-. ':.' Vacation Notloe The Oregon Trust Saving Bank haa a large fire and burglar proof atorag safe deposit vault, where yon can store your trunks, silver ware aad valuables for- tha aummer, at reaaonabla ratea. Sixth and Wash ington atreeta. s aatoBawaB ' ' Milk in eae. tree Child's -So-boa-So and the fllea wUl -not bother tha oowa. It enable then to feed quietly all day and give more milk. Coata only H cent par - day per head. Sold by Portland Seed Co, Front and TamhlU atreeta.' . ' -r, j Unitarians and Swedenborgians will have union aervicea thla morning In tha Unitarian ohuroh, with tha Rev. Hiram. Vrooman of tha Swedanborglaa church officiating. Th subject of the sermon will be, "Tha Flrat BsaenUal of Relig ion. I . ,. V. ;. , . . - " i. ' ' S' Diamond, watches JUd Jewelry on eaay payments at less than elsewhere for cash. - Wo give you possession when making first payment, demand no se curity, charge no Interest Marx a. Bloeh, T Jhlrd street . Trolley Tripe' on O. W. P. To Ore gon City, Canemah Oreaham, II cents. Estaoada,' 10 eenta round trip, Care leave from First and. Alder streets. Ticket must be purchased, on sale In waiting room. " ; 1 " ,- - ; River Trl Today. Qo to Cascade Locks and return on steamer Aallev Oauert- Leave Alder street dock i a. m., returna 1:10 p, m. Dinner 10 oents. Far IL . Phone Main 114. ' This will remind you that now la th tlms to have your hair mattresssa reno vated and returned the same day, Phon Main , 4T4. Th Portland Curled Hair Faotoryr H. Metsger, proprietor. . Tour Eyea 'Examined Frae.-tWe are till selling cyeglasse at 11.00. A per fect At guaranteed. Metsger at Co.. jeweler and opticians. Ill Blxth street Oregon City Boats. Sunday trios 11:10 a. m., 1:10 p. m., returning Isat trip 1:30 p. m. The best river ride in the west Bring your friend. Round trip tig,. Baseball today I n. .,m.. Schiller versus Brains rd Msroons. Twenty- fourth And Vaughn treat,.' Admission II eenta, including grandstand, --. , . Baaaball' today I p. to., SchiUers versus Brslnard " Maroon. Twenty- fourth and Vaughn atreeta. Admission II cents, Including grandstand. Launches to th Oak svsry few min ute ovary evening from Favorite Boat ing company, touth aid bridge, toot Morrlaoa street , .-. Visit Hotel CasUe Kdel Brau todav. Cool grove, French hf. Aa ldai spot Nuf sod. - . i. : Acm Oil Co. aella th heat safety coal oil and fin gasoline. , Phon Eaat Tit. Fof Quality, Quantity and Quieten, g t Morn' reataarant j . W colter 1I everything 4fll Wash. Panama hatter, 111 4th. Phene PM.IIT. iHMi tax rnautti o ', ' Peach Plums, Cling Variety, From the wick Street, 12 of Which Oqew on Brandy Six Inches Long and Lss Than One-Fourth of an Inch la Diameter. FREE HOSPITAL FOR LUNGERS State Board of Health tarium for the Tubercular Poor, Operated on Same Policy as Insane, Asylum "What 1 to b don with tha tuber- eular poort" , The answer of the Oregon state board of health to this vital question Is; "Build A state sanitarium that the patUnts may be cured." For this purpose a bill providing for tha erection and maintenance of a atata sanitarium will be Introduced at the next aesslon.of the leglelature. :.. ' An open air sanitarium on tna unea of tha Inatltutlon atarted through tha efforta of members of the board near Portland' la planned. It la held that there la no question a to ths power of modern medicine to our th dreaded "whit plague." Early attention, the board ears. insane a positive cure. salvation from aa awful, lingering death, a loosening of tha grip of a die ease that la feared, but whose victims are ao little eonaldered because of their hMeoua .number. . i - ' ' - -It la estimated that tha state loaea 11.856.000 every thro year through th loss of wage and prematura death ot tubereulosl victim a J Less than five montha remain before tha legislature opens, but tha members f the etate board of health have bravely gon to wor to enlist th aup- port of the mam bare oi notn nouses. Iff ths August bulletin Dust issued by th state board the queetlom "What Is to be done with the tubercular poor" is discussed from every point of view. While there I no Intention to reflect upon th humanity of lnan aad blind asylums, it la pointea out mat sucn Institutions can show but a mJl per centage Of cure at tha best At the same .time It 1 claimed that tuber suloals can be cured by proper treat ment and It 1 deolared emphatically that pen air sanitariums can and do produe actual cures. V ' - What th Baneea . Ti Ttnllatln aavst TuWeuloals 1 th ' most Wld- anraaA of dlseass affecting man and animals and transmissible from on to th other; It 1 rponibi ror one out of seven deems in tne unuva wwieai It affect a a rule men and women at the moot productive period ot their Uvea, when their family and tha stats Is moat In naed of their greatest ao tlvltlesj above all It la a preventable and In It earliest stages a ...m. niaieaas. Bvrv cats of tuber culosis 1 contracted from a pre-existing ease, and worst of all, every cass of tuberculosis 1 a starting point for th pread of tn oiseass " The disease I essentially a chronic disease, requiring for its treatment the most careful 'hygiene and the most nourishing of foods. (The poor can af ford neither, and a a? result for months, and in soms case for years, they strug gle at their work, hopelee of cure, spreading th infection and eventually as Inourabls wrecks seek th charity of "th community. TW have possibly earned during the greater Of thla time a meager existence, but only at the cost of thsir lives and tha Imminent danger of their assoolate., atow Disease I Spread. How tuberculosis Is spread broadcast by Infection, mostly through the sputum, is pointed out very plainly. "The tubercular ' patient must b Isolated," aaya tha bulletin. Here the gist of tha bulletins Th only solution for th tubercular que- TAYLOR STREET' Methodist Episcopal , Church 1 FRANCIS BUROETTB! SHORT. 10 ISO SBBKOaT CALLED TO SERVICE -. t vi4s uotvu '. THE PASSION PLAY . . also .. .. 4HR0W OUr THE LHELtftE" '; aXfiVSTaUTBB. M-r-litrtitI ni ltllltVVItw-l The great crowd present and th Jreater crowd turned away la at Sun ay mean "a early If you dealre a aat. . Oamrmala Fostlaad, I: Orchard of A. Petarion, 179 Borth- Suggests State Sani ' .- tloa I It treatment In properly regu lated aad supervised sanatoria." One of the arguments preaented la: "It la tha cheapest meana at the disposal of the state. Comparatively Inexpensive buildings are needed. No lururiaa to the way of food a. only plenty of milk, eggs, meat and vegetables." . During 10 there ware at least K0 0 aat ha In Oregon aa th results of tuberculosis.- In' all of theaa eaaaa "tuberculosis' .waa. directly named. In hundreds of Other bronchitis and ton kllltla were held responsible for death where tubercular complications existed. "There la a doubt that tubtroulosis caused many more death thaa th no hewn," said Dr. Robert C. Tenney, secretary ec ens state aoara ec health, laat evening when asked about tha facta stated in tn Bulletin. The follewtng - organisations hav all pledged uieir eupport M a bill far a state tubereulosl sanitarium! ' 1 Tha tat board of health, the SUte Medical society, Portland City and County Medi cal society and Oragea Stat Health as sociation. - ( - , . LMHY FAVOR BAR SURVEY IH CODS BAY DISTRICT North Bend Representatives Say interest Is Shown In Matter , Throughout 8tat. "Peter toggle, president of the North Bend chamber of commerce and Carl IrAlbrecht, traveling representative of tha same organisation, have returned from a tour of eaatem Oregon In the Interest of ths project to secure a new survey ef the bar and harbor at Cooa bay. They have visited every, elty of Importance In th state with the excep tion of Astoria and Nswberg and left yesterday for thoss plaoes, aftar which they will return to North Bend after having been away oa their mission sine Jun 14. Mr. Albreoht said yesterday that wherever they had gone, they found th people enthusiastic over the project and willingly signed their name to th petition that will be preaented to the Oregon congressional delegation. uur suoceaa," said Mr. . Albrechl. "was sven greater than we had dared to hope for. The people were anxious to hav action taken on tha matter be cause it would give Oregon two port or importance inatrad of one. This conamon may say may want, because It VI 11 make competition and stimulate trad. Th opinion of slL seems to be that th state of Washington obtained her wealth and standing almply bcus of the rivalry of her port, They want th came condition to exist In Oregon. Thar Is on point about th -Coo bay project that few people seem to understand. It 1 not a new appropria tion that w are after. An appropria tion ha already been made and part of It used. W want the remainder to be pent for a new survey and w want congress to understand that the whole tat la back of us In our petition." ESCAPED INSANE MAN ' CAUGHT BY DEPUTIES Julius Tbsen, who la said to iiav s- csped from St Agnew's lnssne asylum at Stockton, California, at the tlm of th earthquake, waa taken into euatody li ' mile eaat or tnis city on tha Bass Lin road yeoterdey afternoon by Chief Deputy Sheriff Jacob Proebatel aad Deputy H. L, Moreland. Sine eacaplng from th California asylum Ibsen Is said to hav wandered over th entire coaat M earn to Portland from Tacoma, and mad hi way to tha horn of hi sister, who live on ths 'Baa Lin road. She notified th brlff at ones, and th deputies were sent out to bring In the Insane man.! He Is not violent. HI sister stated that Je had been an Inmate of St Agnew for six years. Ibsen was examined by tne county oourt adjudged, lnssne and sent to th baylum at Salem last night Pish laka. In th Unrt county moun tain regWa, U also a dry LET Ol'lilERS PAY, SAYS DUGilTEL East Bids Man Dossnt Want Southern Pacific to lm- '-. t ', prove Property; - DECLARES IT. WOULD . WORK AN INJUSTICE Sec No Reason, H Declares, for Changinc - Policy .in East. Third Street Matter Other Prominent . v East 8ider A jre With Him. '; - 'Baa Side Department. . : ; T see no reason why property hold ers on ' Eaat Third street should hav their property Improved by the South ern Paelf lo railroad la payment for a franchise that belongs to tho entire city of Portland," said Joseph Buchtsl, a prominent eaat aid real sstata dealer. "A costly fill haa Just been made on Grand avenue, the expenae ot which was borne by the abutting property owners. Fills are now being made on Union avvnue and in other parts of the east side, all ot which are to be paid tor by tha adjacent property; hence, as I said, I see no reason why the eame procedure should pot be followed on East Third street I am. In favor of granting this franchose to the Southern Paoiflo and I am also in favor ot re quiring the road' to pay Into the city treasury the full value of the franchise. This I think would be fair to th whole ast side." . . - Bast sld buslnesa men gsneralty agree with Mr. Buohtet that whatever compensation la paid for the right to lay a track on Bast Third street ehould ba paid to th city,. and that abutting property on the street should be re quired to pay for th fill It was also th opinion of many that this fill should be msds aa soon as practicable In order to make available for ware house purposes ths district from Eaat Morrlaoa street to Hawthorne avenue. . Bid for th construction 'of th St John city hall will be opened Tues day svsnlng next by the council. Bid ders sre required to stsy within th 110,000 limit Th remainder of th 111,10 received for tho bond, will be used to furnish the city-offices. Th structure I to be two stories with a baaament. In which.- i to be housed the fire department The of fice of the mayor, recorder and other city official will be en the first floor and the -second floor will be chiefly used M a council chamber and com mittee room. Blda are asked for on a basis of rod brick, and cement blook construction, with an understood prsf-. erenee for cement block. ' A tlm limit probebly January 1, will be inserted In th contract ' . Th council mad three attempt to sell ths city hall bonds, Two year go th flrat bond sal was made, to be later turned down by the purchaser Of th bond Issue. . The second effort met with a similar fat, but th third ale of two month ago want through and th money I now oa hand to carry out th council's plan. . Th people of St John are proud f th fact that their flourishing little elty can Invad th money market and U It per cent bend for a ub tantlal advene abov par. . s. ju, neison, wm vast aria vuuoer, I of th opinion that th volum of building In that part of the city 1 not a great by half as It would be b If th price of material and labor wsr not o high. "t know of a number f prospective builder who hav temporarily aba' Boned their plan on this aooount" said Mr. Nslaon. "A houaa that could have been put up two year ago for 11,000 will coat now, and more likely 11,100. . Lumber and eement hav near ly doubled la prloe la th past two year, while brlok and aand are much dearer." . i Uwnara of deelrable eaat ld lota, who contemplated building flat and reeldenoe for rental purposes, claim that th prevailing rental rata will not bring a fair return oa tn investment A two-story four-apartment nat oently eonetrueted In on of th beat residence districts at a coat, On a lt worth 14.000, rent for 110 month. Th owner ef thla property ay that It Scarcely nets him' I per eat, making a allowance for wear aad tear. - .... Resident of St John are up In arm over th alleged negligence displayed by the city engineers department In aurvsylng th streets for proposed Im provements. Th- charge 1 mad' that the grade on th streets were improp erly planned, that th out wer too deep and the fill too high. : A a result of these complaint th Council ha under consideration th proposition to reorganise th engineer office. Th engineer has besn Instructed to eecure a naw force of deputlee, hi bond ha been faised from 11,00 to 11,000, and' th street sommlttee ha been Instructed to mak a more careful xamlnation bt all street grade level before bids r eaked on street Improve ments. The result of the Hayes street Injunction suit which will probably cost the taxpayera several hundred douars, haa awakened th oounoll to th neoes alty of exorcising greater - caution la proceeding with axpanalva Improvers eat projeota. - , ,- ' Bishop Thobura of the Methodist episcopal church. 40 year a a missionary In India, will address the Hope School Mission band, th only organisation of Its kind in th United States, at ths reeldenoe of H. S. Harcourt, 100 East Thirty-first street on the Waverly Woodstock carllne, next Wednesday evening, August. II. . fhe Hop school band consists of 41 members, and It Is engaged In supporting and educating a Hindu girl for tha position of a medical missionary In her natlv land. A medi cal missionary had entree t th home of all castes of Hindu people, whloh la the reason that this student Is being schooled In medicine aa well a In other necessary branches! ' On next Wednes day svsnlng tha little onea will render a delightful missionary program at Mr. Haroourt'a home such a one as has never before witnessed In Portland, which will ba free to all. A large atage haa been erected en tha lawn, and seata alvectea's Sea Wall , matt' life now saf in that elty on the higher uplende, B. W, Ouodloe, who reaide on button street. In Waco, Tex., neede no aea wall for eefbty. He wrlteei . "I have used Dr. Klnga New Dtecovery for Coneumptlon the past Ave years and It keens me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough whlchJ ror year sua imn growing worse, now It's gone." .Cures hronle Coughs, . 1a Orlppe, Crowp. W100plrig Cough and prevents Pneumnnl. Pleasant ta take. Every bottle guaranteed at- Skldmor Drug Co Frle 10 aad 11.00. Trial settle free, . .- v veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttietttttt::;. OUVt A FEU DlVS -tm IN; WHICH TO TAKE ADVANTA03 O? Great Reduction Sale SUITS ANl5 EXTRA TROUSERS OF SAME OR ; STRIPED MATERIAL TO ORDER 1 " . From $25.00 An endless variety of fine fashionable fabrics to select from. -t:v-7 No trouble to show goods.:' :, '2!S;J' -i r V You worl't be asked to buy, yet we fully appreciate yout orders. . -Satisfaction- Guaranteed Garments to Order In a Day If Required,' ; run Dress end Tuxed Suit a Specialty 108 THIRD eeeeeMeeeeeeeeeeeeee4ee eeeeeeeee EMolivell (reraMrty turn.) W2SLEUUE AND RETAIL CKOCEI Ml. Ml, Ml TMrd ., ear. Jetfeiss. i BIf Store of Uttla Price rottownre riion wnx sats tov sm ox tvxay poixab. avautv vABAanxa oimtne'S van baxix ravrssji la etui, par lb ...,. Me SBT OkAVVLATUt MAM, PBS IAC..T WTSTZBV PBT . BAaTUlAXBO OAVB lOAB, PIB BAOB - 0 Ul. WUTXBJI BBt BArnflACTD CAMX IUOAB H. I pkf hUgsells elesae aarraats .See I pk sew I erne's seede rstelsS ,..M I hw aew Icrewa leeae sfoarttala 1-1 ess Seyal kaklag aawar , .... troaae ' Siaebweirs eUve ell, gt baHiee.S I lk kg Arm BaasMr eess ..............e lal eaa faaay table eyrsp. , H-gal eaa ftsey table arras .So Bara4e Wkeat blaeeH, av Mg ......... .10 raaey Serly Jee Pees, par das... ,Mr II sere Bayal Sates aeap SM t eass beet aardlses ta aU........i SM lib eaa para lar .SM 10-lk eaa pare lard ..Il l Cere art tare. 1-lk sees, selM, pat da..,.. 11.00 H O aata, l ib pkfs, set Rflredde seeaaset set w .......le Bar-wkea sear, per seek ....... ........Il-M leek aata, set skg 10s Poetasj eereal, par pkg ,.. ............... Jot fell's Heptka soaa, per bar a Beat aoft-irbeat fleer, per east. ..,...,,..$1.0 tava S Mocha eeffee (renter Met ISe H bra eda eraekers (akoet 1 n) o Ragllah BeaakfaM tee. per B) ............ resay OoapewSat tea (ragala Mat ,.....le TJaeaaa Bt-ealt per ska.... ......... Bast Side Deltterlee Tkeaday d Prllaja PXOBB MAIB . W offer th facllltt of a well-quipped trust company, guided by the experlenee ef uooeeeful men, in th ear and management of year in terests. If ag, ill-health, lack Of -tlm or any other , elrcnm tane tneapacltat you from fiving your affair th attan lost they demand, place them In our charge. Consult u free . ly mm to what ta beat to be dona to protect and farther your property Interest. W do a general banking . and trust business, reeelv de posits subject to check, pay 4 per oent Interest on time de posits and currant rat oa saving aooount. , ' ' : CARTAS SlS0,6a) " - J. Frank Wataoa. . ..Preeldent R. L. Durham.. Vloe-Preeldent W. H. Fear Secretary S. C Catching.. Aea t Secretary Merchants Invcstaccl & trnst Cocpiaj 1 SOT Waahlagkoa -adOfJ provided for aeveral hundred vialtara The bishop will doubtless tsll thoae preaent many thlnga about India not generally undaratood, and aa he la weU acquainted with Mrs. Suhkoda Banarjee, under whose auspicss Hop school la Calcutta la c6nduotd, hi talk will like ly be listened to by all who can make it convenient to attend. I cream will be served at the conclusion of th pro gram. -. - . : ' : Joseph paquet I having a cement Sidewalk put dowa In front of tha block on Grand avenue, south, knows Cen tral Park. Th old wooden walk that I being displaced has been an eyeor to that part of th eaat side for a num ber of years. It had become a stand log Joke among Grand avenue reeldent, many of Mr. Paquet's neighbor ehafflng him about hi peek-a-boo eldewalk. , . In Business Again. Armstrong th tailor ha opened ele gant room in tna. naieign building, corner Washington and Sixth street and I taking order. He ha a larg took of new good Just received t Se lect from and, guaranteee all hi work. . Oard ef Taajaka. . . Mr. and Mrs, Hyde and Mr. and Mra Dusenbery . with t thank their friend for th kindness arid sympathy during tbq.slcknsM and daatu f their UtUS Ctrl, 'Op , . ; , I If.' ; a 1 . a .y -J: !-: ' in All Caees.- STREET. ; Special Coarse tn Husk, Art, Literatures The Languages rr Inforautioa Addr ilster Superior St. Mary's Academy ; T tt Portland, Ortzsa I North PaclficCo!!: or Dentistry On of the largest aad beat qulwoad institutions of H kind fn th ea- ire West. Ko dental achAnl aaa feoaat ef a better force of specially trained teach ers, wno oevoie ineir enure uat to la Interact ef the student. Th elinle are unsuroaMed. be rear ta xcee of tha neede of the etudes t a. The annual eeealon bag ins October I. For information and Uluatrated aatalaj addreea th dean. DR. HERBERT C. MIlXJBIt. - Pertlaad,-Orearoa. ' aau.i V a I AT'q f I "4 f l ' kuuA ArtHOg aaaaa. Isarae. sad seflai4 o .aalfr t rreea tke ' , warble aa era- - S . ttaak V tan Exi r -1 PC-IT LAND Dcnlinmt Sdo ' Of the (3.000 Stoci LalvlING & CO., 3 6th St. Udlee' and Otnte rwol-Meg all kiss at uu m Cam ta aad look ever ear hsweaee atnek bemre Mrlaf eleewhere aa yee will be aura ta aaak a snrrhaae tree, ee after getttag eer estreat! knr arlaaa, ' m mots aas on r salt. " MAN. CNO O CO. U Hath Street. Setweea Oak ad runs- CUT OATCC fan top toll M O, dold Crown -f II. Gold Crowms.... I 110. M Plates ..............' 111. PUtes ' rtUlaga, ap frew....T... w , ' Wart Costcn C::.:r! r s tu c t asm IJaM If" ' ' Last Seeert. . Frf lb Toyava Cr In 4 country rieHU.rr nan fell vrythlrv the agar fr t j t ilJaBej , --ir- i a i n