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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
tub onrc c:r Sunday journal, Portland Sunday )tion:,i:;cr . -.august, is. j:ci Ill I BMSMBaraaMSBaBBSegBSegagSgaBBna nmMMBBRi THREE STROilG CAIIDIDllTES III: RAGE TO FOR COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS PRUDE GROWERS '.'.-. i ML Shelley, believe thai bis ohanoea are by long odds better than the otbesven tries. '. And la support of their conten tion! they relate how he was a member i Senator Fulton Bwy;Welghlng George CV Flanders "JplW: How ,. V Sacrifice of Crornyjay' ' BV Prevented. . . . - : ; :..:: GROWERS ARE UNABLE ' :J; Their Qualifications careruiiy of tho stats legislature max awuciea tarr. Fulton aa Senator from Oregon, - and how ho remained loyal ta tho piatsop county man throughout the session. That In itself, they sayi aside from hie long and faithful service to tha Be publican party In Oregon, should give , - and Deliberately. ft PATTERSON NOT OUT v; FOR THE THIRD TERM ' TO GET ENOUGH HELP him the advantage or a nanaicap. inai tha other candidates will be unable J. GIVES ADVICE 4 i P. S." Malcolm of (Portland, .0. A. : .Weetfate ef Albany and "J. M. v Shelley - 1 Eugene Prominently Mentioned for tha Bit Plum. " 1 ' Senator ml tea '.A le ' figuratively . scratching his head and -knitting his brow biiiM of hia inability to decide . ' whom he shall recommend for tho post tlon of collector of cuatoms fbr thin . port. Ho U considering tha matter earv . (ally and deliberately, whtlo candidate, r ere bringing ovary possible Influence to boar apoa hint to aid their cbanooa la . ; his flnoi decision, i - . . It la up to tha aonator to decide, and " ; that pretty shortly, for tho second term , ; of XT' I Patterson, tha present Inoum bant, expired July 11. Having served two terms, Pattsrson haa announced " ' that ha 1 not a candidate for reappoint--'. nent-and Indeed there ta alight possx Ability, of hla succeeding hlmaelf for a : third term, for on who ia very close Ui ; , the senator ear that If r. Fulton hat sn . . nooneed that Pattereon will not bo con - Bldered. - With tha present collector oat of tho ; ( race there are three strong oaadldatee ,:' la oa tho get-away. How they will ' finish la a problem that many local pot. I tl clans would dig tip their. oola freely. t ta be able t eolve. Among hoee acsatlomed, ' Ia tho list of those who are facing tho barrier are P. & Malcolm of Port : ' land. O. A. Westgate of Albany and t. , ! it- Shelley of Eugene. The names are ' i- placed Indiscriminately, not with an ' Idea of Indicating tha relatire poaitlona f the candidates at tho pool - Frieada of tha Lane county cltlsea. 3. UI(A 11LIU Salesman Just Returned '' Says Northern Men Are Eager to Trad With 4xcal Ftfirrsv- ; THEIR ORDERS ARE FEW , ; .? BUT EXCEEDINGLY LARGE Pnrchaaea Made Only Three Times --- Each Yesr and Shipments Have to Be Heavy Steamatiip Line From Portland to Noras Would Help Edwsrd Mores, who returned Thurs day from three months' trip through Alaska... la the interest of woodard. , Clarkvs Col. says that be not only ae , eered a'great deal of business for his ' firm, but that ha found tha Alaakaas I eagerly awaiting a, line of steamers - from Portia sd that would enable them to transact their buslnees with Portland t baslnees men. "Whoravar I went." si Id Mr. Morse. 1 found tha people waiting for Port-el MERCK - aaad sualneee men to enter oa the trade. ,t I talked to nearly every buslnees man of any eonsaquence la tha whole tsrrl- ary asd tbs unanimous opinion Jada u aldedly ta favor of Portland. , They are . , tired of Seattle and Seattle methods. Tbey claim that they hare been held 'J tip too oftoa by the Seattleitea and that If Portland wants tho trade she can , fcavvs It and keep It aa long as aha V gives them a square deal. ! "TVhen I left Portland three months ' ago I was forced to go to Seattle t to take a steamer for the north; It would i. have ' been much mora convenient to - have taken ana here la my home port, . and would have saved me money and J. time. The first place I visited was ' ' Xstohikaav From there I went . to r Wrangell, then Douglas Island. Juneau, ' Skagwsy. At tha last place I took the ; White Pass railroad to tha headwaters . ' ef ths Yukon. I went down tha Tukon njVJ Unlimited (fefl J Gossips ; ..y j J Individual --IfllM Visits or TiS : ,J Service . Listens ; esiaaaos . M-leee Central" '- , Baataeee ' ' , Adopted in 60 leading cities in the United States Here Is what they say: ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN V ; ; , - V ,; ' LINCOLN. NEBBASXA : " J j k ' "The oervioe of tho Automatip Telephone in thin I city1 ia very Batisfaotory indeed..' .. . -'! -.. -yi-.':.' , ; "As you probably understand, we ring up our party direct; arid' when we are through, we disconnect ourselves. The fact of secrecy is a great element in business matters. We can. hear distinctly ; in fact', the people in- the city ra tauohvpleased, with the telephone and with the service. Many of . ; them would not go back to the. Bell even if it were given them free.: v ' t - ; '. ; , ; -f:--.-r-. ..:;...'. rl ''-:?:v:ly : ., ...-,j.' : ' " ' "S. H. BURNMAN, President. . J-'j ; 'Arrttiffe to TCtch yourJxnise to a Hotnc,M when the oUdtorjMdla. 1 ' the home , Telephone., company. t Friends of O. A. westgate are sup. porUng his claims for tho colieoioraeip by telling of hia work for the party aa chairman of the Republican state cen tral committee in tha recent campaign. The -appointment to tha . collectorahlp would be, his frtenda say, nothing more than a proper expression of appreols tlon of hia services: But vWestgate's elalma would 'bo materially stronger If his conduot of the state campaign had reaulted In the eleotlon of Dn Withy combe, tha Republican nominee for gov ernor,, , . P. a Maldolm asks tha collectorahlp not la return for any distinguished po litical servloes, but because, he thlnke ho Is entitled to It He Is a Masoa of htch standing, and members of that or der throughout ths state are urging his eaadidacy with vigor. . They predlot thai ha is a aura winner.y .... ' roattlOB ta Ckw4 One. . The position 6t eolleeter'pf customs at this port la regarded as one of the best political plums. that the party has to offer. ' There is a salary attached to It of $4,100. and quits a bit of political prestige. The duties are far froroon eroua, practically all the .work of the office being done by subordinates. ' , -j Those who were once considered wise In ths way of local political - prophecy disclaim any Idea f the result of tne present race. Judge C Hi 'Carey de clared emphatically that he had not heard the matter discussed.'-and that la actually taking nd interest what ever In politics. He has retired .alto gether, he aaya, having graduated about a year ago. ' Whitney I Boise was equally reti cent, saying that he dared not prophesy concerning the outcome. But be bad understood, he said, that Mr. Patterson had declared that ha would -not be a candidate for reappointment. . - GIVES TRADE TO -OF PORTLAIID to Dawson and from there to Gibbon. Than I traveled on the Tan ana river ta Fairbanks. Coming down, tho Tanana and returning from Fairbanks, I landed at St MlchaeL And from St Michael I went to Mosii Alaakaao Favor Fortlaad. Ton see this, gave ma a good ac quaintance with tho country and en abled me time to obtain the vlewa of tha merchants. Thev not onlv that they wanted Portland, to enter into trade relations with them but that they wanted Portland to establish a lino of steamers to Alaska, so, that they would be able ta- get- their goods on the re turn inp or tna vessel that earned the orders. - J. r This la the chief difficulty. Fort- land men have In selling their, goods 1 Alaska at present . The orders ar rive at Seattle, are passed on to Port land, where they are filled. Then the goods have to be packed and carried to Seattle, where they are put aboard the steamer. All this tskea time sad by ths time tha goods arrive at Seattle the boat has sailed and tha goods have to be stored until the next steamer sails., "Another phase In tha traffle that la advantageous tor Portland la tha con dition of trade la San Fraaclaoo. The Bay City la unable to handle her Alaska trade and we should go after it The sooner tho better. - . ' Ordera Few Bat rrge. "One feature about the Alaska trade that must be taken into, consideration Is that ths orders ars tew but they are large. The merchants make but three ordera In a year.- The first ona la made la the early spring. Ths second, which Is generally composed of articles over looked ta the first order, la about the, middle of summer. The lsst order of1 the year la tha largest and comes just In time to be shipped before naviga tion closes. This makes ths trade de sirable. Portland business msn should nave a line of steamers in operation be tween this harbor and the Alaskan ports aa aoon ae possible, and by all mesas not later 'than t the commencement of nest spring's trade." . ' ' Theao are maay want Ads ta sdays fennel that vffl Uteres, yea. Prunes This .Year WW Sise Smaller Though Crop Will, Be Lerce ss Compared With Crops of Other Yea--;--'- - : ' i ; . TorUaBd. August 10 To itee Editor f Tha Journal Please allow me space In your valuable paper fokn. few timely1 remarks on prune-growlng and market ing. There la now maturing tn tne norxp- west a large crop of (Italian prunes hloh should bring the (grower a fair price, but unless soms afctioa Is taken by the growee-at once tile erop will be eacrlf Iced'just to ssttsfi ths greed rt i - ...-..fnlaJ I II I I. ' WHr. sold short and want to ail their orders and make a. round profit I at the expense of he grower. ' i '"Crop ooBdltlona are lust about tne same this year as they were la ltol as to quantities, bat ths sues win average much smaller than they hid in that year. For the benefit of tite nnpnncipiea broker I will state that there will not be aa many prunes eufed tbia year aa there were la lOI; tbia oa account of the inability f the grfower to secure hela to d the work, the drying season lasts only 10 days ha tha curing must be done inside of that time, for what la not dried In that number of days will go to waste. - But with, the capacity ror drying now in tha country fully equipped, the growers would not turn out mere cured fruit this year than .may did In 10I with ths chances thsyonly one halt to we thirds equipment will out aowa me output. - i Trying to Secure Melp. Tor tha last 10 days prune growers -have been making desperats efforta to secure what help they want ta wont during the drying season, but up to the present time not one half men enough to run the dryers nave Dee a securea What doea thia meant It means that fully ona third to one half of the crop will go to waste. The unprincipled broker telle us that all ha can get of fered, for our prunes bow Is 1H cent This means 1 cents for los-tes. ttt cents for sts-iOs. and t csnta tor lOs-COs. isss a psr cent commission. The crop this year will not average better than sOa-tOa In the northwest, giving ths grower only 1 cents per pound, less par cent commission., in soma caaee this will not pay tor the dry ing wittTthe high prices that will, have to be caid for help. fuel, and for other expanses Under these isoudltlnna. (loesi the smart broker think that a bumper erop will be cared in the northwest T Not much I What ths prune-growlng' com munity of tho northwest should do Is to gat together and taut tne -matter over among themselves and agree not to sell for loss than IH cants base or I cents net This la tha price paid In 101 when the market conditions were not as good aa they are today. " Ia 1901 there waa quite A large surplus of old prunes car ried over from the year before. Tbia year the dried fruit market la bare of an kinds of fruit. Another condition la more favorable now than in' 1 101: Canned fruit la scarce and high, much mors so than it was in 1101. In 1104 we had no crop; la 101 we had about one half a crop, this year we have a full erop of prunes, but they will be smaller and there will not be ae many cured ae there ware tn 1101. - f Advtoe be "A word to the grower: "First: In harvesting the erop,, pick only the beat fruit, leave the small Im perfect fruit oa the ground: this is what yoa can afford to let go to waate rather than! tne oset rruix. 4 "Second i Demand IH csnta base, lesa commissions, and you will get It Vefl may not sell your, fruit before It Is cured, but you will eell It aoon after It la ready for market. The public la will ing to pay you a fair price for your prunes. It la tha broker who wants to make all the -teioney, and he will do It unless you are firm. 1 1 "If prunes ars sold thia year on a base of 1 H cents It will end the prune Indus try In the -northwest, for not grower would want to raise another erop nd sustain a loss In drying them. "I have plans by which the prunes ef tha northwsst can be marketed oa economical lines, but this article le ee long, and as It la too late for this see eon. I will not give the plane tn thia let ter further than to state that your' D runes can be marketed at an expense not to exceed 11 per ton and bring 1 cent Oeneral Office,' Park sad fiuraeide . J&.,ISi BEWTJ-7g fiUlEHl V' i: ' v f Tbis conchas made with en oak frame, roll edge, 'covered In plain eY figured velours, Ths ; .l . 'j' - '4.-"r .f .' '" sprinfg are oil tempered and will wear for years! .. J-Vr". : ' V s l 'HI 124.00 Settee, weathered finish. '18.0a Library Table, weathered- A fU . .. ' rA. rVTl Ml loots- rep cushions, Uced oak; top 30x42... ;..;S13.T5 Q D U 1R . : V I W WW ' back 16.50 $34.00 Cellarettei in weathered i . I , 0 ' 1 , . Tl f $2500 weathered oak Library oak, complete with glass- I rXj.i fS f - lym "ri Ml Table, top 28x48, two drawers, A.wi .... I fy I t 1 "fl I . yT Jl . pinned .construction.flT.T5v, $12.00 weathered oak Smoker's I ill , ......, I KX I v".MM-;-.:. Cif ' v$23.50 Cellaretts, weathered osk WX,' 'ALliyi"?? ' - LVTTy ' " ' ' '' --,-' t Porch Furniture 7 ; -' AT COST ' And to dots out our line s great many pieces will be sold .st lees than cost. , $373 Rustic Birch. Rocker . . 2.25 $6.50 Rustic Birch - . Rocker . .....4.25 $6.00 White Maple Chair.3.60 . $3.75 Rustic Hickory Rocker 2.50 $13,50-4lammoth Rustic m est A Kocker ato.wv tt OO Reed Seat and Back Rocker .v'.j ..... .....2.T5 $4.00. RatUS :Sea Chsif ,3.50 $6.00 Rustic' Birch X 1 Rocker ...i,. A... i..3.T5 per pound more than you . have obtained tot them In the last five rears and eut out the broker absolutely, and. to a great extent, the jobber. Tours truly. "OEOROB C. FLANDERS." APARTMENT HOUSE , WILL BE ERECTED nermlt for the erection of a three- story rrame building on coiumnia atreet berweea Eleventh and Twelfth to be used as aa apartment house has been Issued to Elnathan Sweet. Thia dis trict la rapidly rilling up With high grade residences and apartment houses of the latter class. Permits have been Issued as fol lows :"r August Siewert, two-story dwell ing. Pippin between Wabash 'and Cleve land, cost $1,109; Ernest Karl, two story dwslllng. East Seventh between East Clay and East Market, eost 11,000; If. A. La. Fox, two-story dwelling, rour two-story dwellings. East First between Clackamas and Halsey. Cost tt.400 each. . B. W. Orabam, Seventeenth be tween -Elisabeth and Hawthorne Ter race, cost 11.100; O. W. .Shark, one story dwelling, same, eost 11.700; C E. Curry. Kearney between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth, two-story dwslllng, eost f 4.000; T. Ok Sands, . one-story dwslllng. Orange between ' Oak and Myrtle, eost si.soo; same. Maple be tween Palm and Cherry, cost 1 1,100. BIG COPPER COMPANY FORMED AT ASHLAND (pedal Dkratrs e The JosreaLl Salem. Or- Aug. 11. The Oregon Copper eqmpany, with a capital stock or ii.ioo.aoo, tiled articles or incorpora tion today. - The Incorporators ars C. W. Evans, George H. Dodson, C. C. Hicks, Clyde A. Payne and K. B. W. RusseL The principal office of the company will be In Ashland, Jackaon eounty. Ths Cornucopia Mines company of Or- sgon filed their declaration to do bust ness In tbis state. The company has a capital stock of tl. 100.000, and waa In corporated under .the lawa of the state of Maine. Portland Realty Trust company in- eorporstors, George W. Brown, G. C Purdln, Oeorge C Pqwers; capital stock. 10.0Or principal - oKlce, Portland, Oregoa -, LACK OF RAIN HAS INJURED HOP CROP rSpavlal DMeatc te ! losrsaLI . Indspendence, Or . Aug. 11. Hop growers are busy oompleting arrange ments for gathering ths crop. . Some yards have already listed all the pickers they want, wnue otners ars stiu rustling for help to be resdy for picking, which will In, all probability begin ea August II. The erop will net be ae large aa. was prophesied s fsw weeks ego, owing to the eontlnued dry weather. A rata any time within the pest two weeks would have guaranteed a bumper erop. A great many of the smaller growers contracted to sell their crops a month or so age at price varying from IH to 10H -cents, whue ths larger, growers wlU get the advsnoed price. . , ; A Talker That Talks. brop in at Ellere Plane House this afternoon and enjoy the talking ma chine recital free. We handle only the best talking machines at the lowest prices. Largest stock of Viator and Columbia recorda ' In the-.north weat Ellere Plane Housv Ill-Ill Washing - s(T.w wviicg, wuiciu tiiiiau, loose rep cushions, laced back 16.5 . $25.00 weathered oak Library ' Table, top 28x48, two drawers, ; pinned . construction. 1T.T5 v $23.50 Cellarette, weathered oak -with heavy steel trimming, at ...v.....i.........l.00 $28.00 combined - Cettarette . and Card Table, weathered osk, with copper trimmings, at fT. ..i0.T5. $14.50 Mission Chair, weathered finish, spring seat, upholstered in Chase Spanish leather, at .....95 . - r' iVAV 'r - - y a e nrfl ;: . ' V . f r Canadian Money Taken tf Pai Buster Brown Camera, No. I Buster Brown Camera,. No. 1 folding... ......... 6.50 Ansoo Camera Mo. 1.......... "Postal Card Blue Prints, 15t Dozen.' No Chemicals Required Beautiful Results. P- to select from. We can fit you and no extra charge is made for the service of our ekpert fitters. - Private fitting-rooms.- Ladles In attendance. -Absoluts satis faction guarantsed. , . j , , i . v . The Ladles' Special Spring Truss $5.00 : r CRUTCHES AND INVALID CHAIRS FOR SALE AND TO RENT M: Elastic Hosiery Furnishes enlarged or varicose veins, that painful and. often dan' gerous trouble common to men and women ef middle and ad vanced age. Our Silk Elastic Hosiery will cover every pos sible requirement We know Just how te fit you and our Hoalery will wear because It's fresh' and new. Manufactured on our ' own fwC4? A itff(Lf looms and guaranteed to fit. ' v. Private tltUng-rooma. Ladles in attendance, Beh'd for measurement blank and price "IVe Knit to Fit" or - ' VAPOR BAT CABINETS f 4.00. f 5.00, ? T.50. 912.00 awaapaBM TURKISH 'TOWELS 251 - TO 92.59 ' $18.00 Library Table, weathered . oak; top 30x42... :..:13.T5 $34.00 Cellarette in weathered . oak, - complete 'with - glass ware .......21.T5 $12.00 weathered oak Smoker's Table "JT.ttw ' $21.00 Library Chair in weath ered oak, upholstered in rep 'with laced back loose cush ion ,-.t.-v..,-.13.50 $11.00 weathered oak Corner ( .Chair, mission .design,' uphol . stered. in ' Spanish -leather, -at ........k.-.....T.T5 i $32.50 Library -Rocker, - weath , ered finish. ' upholstered in ' best of cowhide. ...,19.T5 1 5? e thm-j t M..Mfvl. . . . . . J . l- Bl 1 Si - I f onrruini pwrwning to raorograpny, ootn, zor the amateur and pre , fsastonal, will be found In this department ! . ,.. . - We are ezelusiva agents for Ansoo Cameras and Anace Non-Curling rtlma, Seneca- Camerar and - sundries. Lumlere Platea, Cooke Lenses. Baursoh Lorn b Lenses, Sallmeyeea ssSd Ooera Leases, V V ', , . ' I We Develop and Print .: " :V': Our facilities for doing this work are complete. Only skilled epere r.tore employed. Bring us your fllaaaaoT platea. Perfect work guaranteed No, Developing Machine Used .3.50 Aneoo Camera No. Anseo Jr. Camera 5.00 Seneca Camera. Trusses Do yon need a' Truest re have them of every description. Fifty styles match and fit fort and perfection. the only cure for Highland Linen ......................... loe Twill Mousseline 40o 1 Bord Dentele Tse Batlsts De Lolls tie Clawood French Linen. 'Thia bog contains ' 41 sheets paper and 41 envelopes ..'..-. 10a 'Unruled Tablets ., ISO Unruled Tablets too 'Unruled Tablets Ho Thomas' Sponge Mocilsge lie Mount Hood Pioturs, ready to malt. I6e Ho Par ' 1 SCENIC AND Jewiel: Stoves ; , and Danflcs - Ars yoa satisfied with the store " ' or range you ara naing? If yoa - sre not, let us supply yoa who' "' s new Jewel Steel Range. , fi Item where fuel is expenarva. . Quick Baking A' qnsUtjr. that' ' will appeal to ever housewife Everlasting The JeVel, tpsr anteed for 15 yssre.Vi .'': i I 'I ..... 1 ..7.35 ...... .j. ....... ata.w Nat tl ..6.00 GOERZ, TRIEDKR Affi PERNOUX BINOCULAR TELESCOPES Irf f ca Cyes - We have a stock of 1.000 Artificial - (Olass) ' Eyas, all colore and Ihspss, and never fall to make a perfect Our "Reform" Eye la the acme of com-. AIDS TO THE: DEAP Perfumes . Our stack le the moat complete on tho Pactflo Coast All the popular odora of auch well-known manufac turers aa Roger A Osliett Pinaud, Houbergan, Le grand, Lubin, Violet, Piver, Ouerlaln, Bayley, Coty, Halt Palmer and Wright . . , Two of our new favorites this season, arei , f Myolena -, t,,-u.....fl.OO u ousce, ' Oriental Bouquet ..i. ....... ........ T5 en ounce. : DR. VAUCAIRE'S: VAUCARETS i THE FLESH PRODUCER . Stationery Dept. "Specials Reg. Special. 294?) 29e 4Ts.' 63e' 85t -., 15e ' ls) I8w' WONDERS OF PORTLAND COLUMBIA RIVER, 50e . TRYPSIN THE CANCER CURE v NOW IN STOCK - ton street. . . -. ' , A s'