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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
tits cr.zc o: : cuiida y journal1, pohtl a:id. Sunday i:or::i::ot august it, ugs. : Cnalit7 fcr; CJLity, Priica .Aro Lowest .? ' There-are' epleiidid reasons foe the increasing interest people .have - in Robert Bros.' great trade.. First We maintain our reputation as the' store where the best "values in Portland are to be obtained.' Second V We-expect only - that, which is -just, and-exert ourselves-to-living-up to -what is right. Read and carefully compare each item.v You'nb surt of ''a saving far beyond your ordinary expectations.1 , - , ; Bottcr Vali: Low prices here don't mean cheap goods, "Not a bit of it." We use the terra "low prices" in 'the comparative sense only. 'Some goods are " too cheap for us to. handle, others too dear. In neither case do you receive proper returns for. money expended. You can shop here with, the full assurance that you are getting " one hundred cents' worth of value for every, dollar spent. ' , yt. V v ,': .-'.'. rj::c2rpSs3 Cii! HOUSEKEEPERS and all others .aonapie goods. n.vcry section presents a wonacrnn list or mi pargama " aa . f . . . fl - ... a . f . ' ; : -...' . will certainly prove irresistiDie to any woman wno is lnxercsica Win find pronounced savings prepared for them.' While every day sends out good news from this section,, this for tomorrow is rather un usual, and if you have a want, tomorrow will be the time to fill it. ; .. '" ' '' v. ' "Wool Finished 18o vFallBuitiners;. Tomorrow! we place1: on sale for ' .the first time a greati assortment 'of handsome Wool-Finished Fall: Suitings in the very .latest styles ' and colorings, pretty shadow ) checks. and plaid effects in a big variety -of colors; .usual . 25c grade. Specially priced New Flannelettes New Flannelettes, full 34 inches wide, superior" .wearing quality, , all the i best ; styles j and cblors, warranted fast colors; moderately priced at,'. per ; E " yard. -.v.' ..... a tj v Hade Dlieet, 72 Hade Sheets, 81 by 00 Inohes J65o by 0$) Inobes, 60o Ready -tor use . . Bleached Full ; Bleached - Sheets Sheets, made oi good made of. excellent quality quality . round .thread muslin, extra large and. muslin, full size for rdou- heavy, 81 by, 90 inches ; ble beds-72 by 90 inches unequaled to wear; other excellent .wearing qual- stores ask 75c . for this ity. Specially priced for grade Our special price ;i . 1 ii 1 1 .1 1 i hi i 1 ii i ill Q1.21for7oxaen'd 03.00 Handmade Osfords MONDAY IN THE BASEMENT SHOE DEPARTMENT. "it.: When we hold a 5hoe can always rest assured, of one fact, and that is that the Shoes are always new, fresh goods,' not 20 years', accumulation of old styles offered to; the people at a slight reduction. We give you two and three .times your .money's worth in wearing qual ity and in style and up-to-dateness as welL We were the originators of thus monster Shoe Sales and have always given what we advertised, and are doing the same in our present hand-made Oxford sale. We are charging 21 cents more than $1.00, Women's $3.00 hanti-made Russia calf, chocolate vici, gunmetal 'calf andblack vici kidjlace and BlucheTOxforJsTTJJl.Afl Girls' $1.75 and $2.00 Oxfords and Slippers Monday 7Qf .Girls' $L75 Barefoot Sandals Monday .99 A Sale of Importer's SAHPLE HOSE . LOT 2--AImost all the new designs, . ' which in regular lines are regarded aa , exclusive, are to be had in this lot aa dainty effects as a woman ever wore- 1 made to sell 50c and 75c 1 s Sample sale price, vt ........ .OOf Drebo Ooodo apd Sillxo AT 50 New Arrivals in popular nov-, ' elty Plaids, large variety of light and dark grays, come "38 inches ' wide. ' A special value for 'Monday and C(n Tuesday at.. ...... ..... 'Vl . AT B0e Large, Assortment of(the new Ombre Plaids in latest colorings and 7 styles, rich effective material, in colors , red, brown, geen, blue. : Special for Monday and Tuesday at, per 5Q(J AT ,T5l New gray Over Check and Ombre Plaids in great variety of new ' patterns, comes 44-48 inches wide. Very ".exceptional values at, per 75r V-yard.... a.................. ..IOL Silk Specials for Xlonday and Tuesday - f 1.00 LAurssienes for 60 20-inch genuine .Swiss finished Louissiene, made of . purest silk fiber, very lustrous and effective, all the latest colors, also cream Aftr and black.. Very .special, per yard... UL $1.00 French Measallne T5e 20-inch satin finished Messaline, one of the choicest silks made, comes in all the wanted colors, both .staple and evening shades; 7Ca our regular $1.00 values. Special-at,-per-yard..... r..... ............ I uW '75c Silk Poplinette BOe 19-inch real Poptiriette, Very handsome and durable silk, ' comes in all the wanted shades; regular 75c, quality. Special for Monday CA and Tuesday at... ,..;..v....... ....OUC 'I ... - '. - 4 5 .... . 1 who know the value of money will do . . ' . . . at a . ! IJewChallies rr. 1. n-r ov jinones w iae avv ', Pretty, new' Challies m an endless ' assortment of nobby new Persian X designs, light,; medium and dark- colors;.- full 'SO; inches wide; nice; . - soft finish; unusual value f A, at,: per' yard. . , . . ...... V 1 Uv .", . i!mim ) '. hj-' "' r""'" - New . Outing: Flannels ' ' tn Tluree Qualities .At 8, 10 and 12j4We'aVe now showing an ' extensive . line ! of new Outing Flannels in a com ; plete assortment of colors - and . patterns, all 1906 styles and the very best qualities to be had at the following prices fin 12y3t, 0$ and. . . . . . , . . OL 1 Pillow Cases, Best 15o Grade, 12Xo : by 86 inch Pillow Cases made. of fine soft finished even thread mus 4ln, well made and neatly hemmed; splendid . value value at.'ISc each, Spe cially priaed this sale at. but they are worth $3.00 and no less. .Women's $3.00 and $8.50 Patent. Leather'Pumos and' Slippers- Monday '.. .'. . . .r;'. ... . . . . r.f 1.00 3Ietr$30i.du,:$5.00 7 Shoes -in patent leather and . gunmetal calf,'' hand made, - Blucher and lace, slightly factory damaged. AO Monday. ..1.40 7 A hosiery importer of Chemnitz, Germany, whose stock of samples runs into thousands of dosena annually, has Just dosed out to us his entire sample line at less than cost of pro duction abroad. Entire quantity on our coun ter tomorrow at savings that approximate one half. Stock includes the finest grades and handsomest patterns of the season, t The very newest things" now being shown in the most exclusive shops, and hundreds of choice nov elties. LOT 1 In this great assortment of over 300 dozen pairs of women's stockings, we offer hosiery that never sells in the regular way be low "25c and 35c; all styles in lisle thread, black with silk embroidered insteps; over 50 styles to choose from, at, the . - AZn .......... a. ivb LOT S A -marvelous assortment of the richest and most exclusive patterns im aginable, fine silk lisle hosiery in all col ors; .French lisle hosiery in handsome embroidered effects; reg. 75c and CAa $1 qualities. Sample aale price, pr. uvt AT ft.OO-New Gray Broken PUlds and ombre effects, in both light anf dark shades, new and effective styles. Anextra good value at, per J J QQ AT; f l.J68U-New Gray Shadow Pana mas, exclusive designs, shading from it'eel to dark gray with neat .overplaid effects in dark colors. , An ex- t 7C tra' special value at, per yard.. AT f 1.50 New gray Shadow-Plaids, made from finest selected wool, great variety of exclusive designs to choose from in light, medium and dark grays. Our special pries for Monday d CA and Tuekday, per yard . . . . . v . V " well to visit this store Monday and m ecaeonapie meTcnanaia.g, . innpnngiyiyiiii pneca wuw m in every - - . 1 - f-a . a - V aT 9 H-a f - 1 1 ' . . 1 .a ' . aw. . . . in positive mcwr nnor. modoiti Oenu'e Japanese q 'w Kimono Crepes ,wOC -We are now showing a hew line ' of : genuine Japanese 'Kimono'. f Crepes in a full assortment of at- '- tractive Japanese patterns in both, ; medium and dark jcolorings ; ex .cellent wearing quality. Moder ately priced at, per : . :. ; ' New Flannelettes at lOo At "this .price 'we are showing a great assortment of patterns , in fight,. medium . and dark, colors, - advance' styles ' for fall of 1906 ; : absolutely fast coiprs j and the best value in the city-at A. ; this pripe, yard . . . ; . . . x . 1 Uw , v.- ' . -:,';: ., . . Pillow Cases, Best Dotted Percales 20o Grade, 17o W at 15o 45 by ;-86 inch- Pillow 00 pieces just received Cases, made of the best New D op t : e d Percales, Frfljt of the Loom muslin. fi; well made , and neatly JtAnLznAssiLAoii hemmed; nver betore -in au izesLone of the sold for less than ' 20c. m09t wanted and popular Specially priced for this fabrics of the season. Spe sale at 6 for $1.00, . m , cial quality at this r br,, each ". I'l l . 1 1 C price, yard. . ...... .10L r..i2'4c for : Unit Underwear FOR WOMEN and CHILDREN We are enjoying the most sue cessful - business in the history of this department; an extra effort has ..been made by us to stimu late " baying. in this section, '.and .tomorrow -we shall offer yon a .series of excep tional values that wilt be the means of crowding this corner . of the store from early morn till eve. 'The most remarkable offering of the season; all styles in bleached lisle thread Vests and Pants; best 50c quali- ties. ' Tomorrow. . . . . .-, ......... . jLOi SLEEVELESS VESTS. 200 dozen best 50o Quality lace trimmed lisle Sleeveless Vests, ordinary' or extra I . I f . a . e. t large sizes; ineie. are imporiea owiss garments and have never been, on tale at less than 50c a garment All sizes to morrow Half Price " - . KNIT PANTS. 100 dozen bleached Knit, umbrella style, Pants, made - with wide sateen band, trimmed with dainty torchon lace; best 50c quality tomorrow.. Half Price Long-sleeved Vests, Ankle-length Pants all aizes, in high neck and long-sleeve Vests, ankle-length Pants to match; best 50c qualitv. Your choice of any OC of above items at, the garment... aVoW FINAL CLEARANCE SALE OF V.- FANCY RIBBONS. - " 3,000' yards- high-grade silk .Ribbons in polka 'dots, 'Dresden, printed warps, stripes and checks; 3j4 to 5 Inches wide: suitable for millinery sashes, girdles and neckwear; our regular 35c value. On Monday and Tuesday at, yard.. ...16 Another Corset Sole 50c . : FOR THE BEST - DOLLAR " -.CORSETS Extra Special Monday and Tuesday . An extraordinary sale of Corsets that are made to fit and 'to wear. Three different ' models for the slender, the medium, or the stout figure; these Corsets are well made of coutille, boned with steel, trimmed with lace and have hose supporters' at front and sides; colors drab, and wfiite; bst $1.00 grades. C(n On sale tomorrow at. ..OUL fe'KfMay ani Itaiigy Tuesday. They will make a profitable investment of time and a most m .1 1 . . 3 ma xucsoiti mhzuu ut vitwius A. F. C. Qing-hams lOo Best' standard quality A. F. " C. , Dress Ginghams, . in an extensive ' line of patterns in light, medium and dark colors ; checks, plaids, . stripes and plain colors A all at one price, yard. ..; . .' 1 Uv Great Clearance Sale V Wash Goods 15c, :18c, 20c and 5c Qualities . All to Go at 10 a Yard For , tomorrow's sale we place on1 Sale an unequaled a s s o r t m e n t . o( Eretty Wash Cottons, Organdies, Hmities, : Batistes, . Mohair: and ' ; Serge Suiting all the " season's ' stylesregular 15c, 18c,'' 20c and ' 25c qualities, all at ' one . f re price Your choice, yard. . lUv . lien's FnminhiTiga ! MEN'S HOSIERY. . Men's 20c Fancy Hose. 12 Men's fine cotton Fancy Socks, in black, with silk-embroidered figures; plain black, tan and black with white' reet; regular 20c value. Special........ .lat Men's 35c Fancy Hose Men's fine imported Fancy Black Hose, all the lat est colors" and patterns; 25c . and 35c value. Special 19a " MEN'S NECKWEAR. Men's 50c Neckwear 25WMen's all silk, Four-in-Hnd Ties, large assort ment of plain and fancy colors; regular 50c grade. Special. .S5a Men's 75c Neckwear 50e Large as sortment of all-ailk Four-in-Hand Ties, made with French seams; all the new shades, every one nobby and dressy: regular 75c value. Special at 60e Hen's 06.00 Panama Hats Q3.95 EXTRA ' SPECIAL Men's genuine Panama Hats; best $6.00 quality; spe cially priced for this- O Q AC sale at SlOsVU TTtmHii V TJkiderw'p Specials ; NOTE THE EXCEPTIONAL RE- . DUCTIONS TOMORROW. . . Qowns Trimmed with embroidery, in sertion and ' clustera of hemstitched tucks, high and V necks; $1.00 and $125 value for ......8a Gowns Made . of very, fine cambric; round, low neck, embroidery beading and ribbons, sleeves are ' three ' quarter length, trimmed with embroidery; $1.25 value xeduced to SOf Gowna V neck," embroidered 'lapels over shoulder embroidered edge and in sertion, with T tucks; 75c, 85o -reduced to , .eaev Chemise In short and - combination styles; $1 values for ; Tff Skirts Fine quality of r Muslin Skirts, with deep flounce, . trimmed with" em broidery and tucks; $1 values for..68v Corset Covers An endless assortment, in all styles and sizes, trimmed in lace -insertion and lace beading and ribbon: 35c and 45c values for....... ...... 3f qcparmicntr - ine lnaucemenis wnicnwe a a.l I . t t . a a ihi . . . . . mi a . aa a uui unoroaen iront 01 onuiant values xor tne tnnrty Olivers. - n. :. M WAeiJa. V UVU AAA WUIV tUlVVUI r-: for Ilonday - incyny in gooa gooas is tne oest aavertiscment ana tne ctaxe ment cannot be denied: but' in coats,' suits and women's outer "garments generally goodness without style would stay with ua forever. Here is a store full of quality and style, the novelty - things that are as individual mnA vr1itaMk mm 4hmiart ntinntwl K aiiiii 4raemslrn a faaiklAtlA tailor, and more' are being unpacked every day. Note the money-eavinr ' offerings for Monday and' Tuesday.. 01 5 Silk Suits at O l d These are not- the ordinary ;kind, : but are of the most advanced "style,; cut generously full and made of good grade taffeta, all sizes; colors black, blue, gray and green ; regular $15.00 values. ffSpecial ' f A AA Monday and Tuesday. . e)lUUU Pongee and Serge Coats Very Special v; We place on sale, Wednesday,' a 'sample line of Women's Pongee and WW4 Serge .Wraps in three-quarter length. Evety garment this' season's style. ; Fit guaranteed. Excellent quality material, used, : war ranted to wear. We cannot uree you too stronjrly to examine" these hpoats. . This sample lot to be sold f" i 4 V xe Wa.. vlaa we made are good . . I ; and to. ' value make where. MIXfiAl T TtiTW A Wash SMrts .Women's Wash Skirts, : made of good ' grade- linen, Indian Head duck and covert 'doth, in a variety of pretty new styles, pleated, circu lar and . gored effetts. Come ' In white and , colors. Perfect-fitting garments. Exceptional values at $1.00, 91.25, . m nc 81.95 to............... ePeVO Walking SHrts New : Walking Skirts, in pretty mixtures, Panamas and white mo- :.:.;;..$4.50 Smart Walking Skirts, made from the fashionable check ; and plaid Panamas; $10.00 and- 7 Cil $12.50 values for. .......$ iUV Dressing Soeqnes and Kimonos Special ' We wish to call your attention to a very large ahipment just received of pretty Kimonos and Dressing Sacquea. " ' " - - ' r; Kimono Sacquea of white lawn, buttonholed around edge in dainty; color, a delightfully cool summer garment at. ..... I....... ..C5 Dressing Sacquea of good quality percale, in dark and light colors, with neat atnpes or floral desiens. Exceptionally good value at. ......... 434 Full-Length Kimonos in fine lawns, universally admired. Specially priced at 173 ? and Jof . Crepe Kimonos made of excellent quality Japanese crepe, in plain colors, blue, red," lavender and pink, neatly finished with pretty : Persian trim ming.' Specially priced at. ........... . ... .V. 815 White Embroidered Robeo Heduced foi Qtdok Clearance Sale About 50 of them altogether j trimmed with bands of exquisite Maltese lace on skirt and waist. These Robes, soft as silk, durable as linen, are' our regular $10.50 and $12.50 values. On sale Monday and Tuesday at a price that will insure their rapid clearance. ' ' ; , ' . , r. , ; S . '; ; $4o50 Eaclhi A GREAT OFFKR1NO IN LACE AND EMBROIDERED LAWN BOLEROS. About , 20 .dozen pi above, the residue of importer's stock, purchased at half coat of production. About 30 distinctive designs will be eja sale Monday and Tuesday. Aa Impressive -collection, aa unrivalled assort ment Coma and aee it. Good values apeak more eloquently, than words. w . economical exchange of cash for sea- a a aa .... .oner are, competition anq . 1 . ir. a tuid Tuesday :y; VI . " "i-: xsoz tuoats, i ex7 utyxea New . arrivals in Women's and .Misses' 'Box Coats,. made of high-' grade novelty suiting, in checks' and 1L 1 J Cl 1 1 1 uiatius. : oiyica rc au uic very new- u est, are double breasted, have regu lar coat collar, full sleeves. ftfl An unusual offering at... y devil at COST. .;, v;'-i-,: ?. Sale of is) OampleWaists at TTholesalo Cost Hundreds of dainty Walata in white and colors at actual costtconanufacture. These menuxscrarers sample une wmca we .1 a- KrVa am 1 fifl XT aa. 1. k.aa In a. a . . . . , . ! a . such an astonishing offering. These Waists, stylish, handsome and made , a . a. a a t . . . a irom ue season a cnoiccn laDnca. . uo not zau to take advantage of the aale. In order tctap creciate the beautv. daintiness and emartnesa recognise the full importance of these' ana ahnuM visit" tha ttmirhnmt MnA comparisons with what is shown else-v EVERY WAIST IN THIS SAMPLE . m mm. S lltlf nM . v a a-v tat J.AAbll.1 VVnUUIiSAUlitUai, V Am A-rk TaB ul 1 -taaan. flAnia !'; upoouu f noes : Superb collection' of the smartest and most distinctive styles in ; Women's White Coata, made of good quality Indian Head, in Eton m . 1 1 ee a . a ana dox ciiccis, ciiecuveiy inmmea, well made. " Prices, Monday and Tuesday, f 250, M CA mfmm v.aeeeeeeeeeeeeeee WVW V t ' . " . '''' Wash, Pettiocata Good Values , Wash Petticoats, in blue and gray, chambray, made with good full skirt with ruffles on deep flounce, extra good. quality; our regular 75c and $1.00 values. Special at, . HEm" 65 znd. .................. ICC with' large, floral designs which are so c':t: 7