The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    zs sunday jcuz::au ppyrCAin). cuttsay i:pr;:?K:o. aucuct i;.
lo;;g fight
United State Court Decides
Nebraskan's Oration on Brother-
hood of Man the Hit .of Meet
': , Ing Hald In London. ' :
Mining Corhpany Had PfiOC
" Right to Stream. -
ielitrn tWith Jefferson That News.
Without j Government
Bt ' Better "Than Govern-
ment Without Newspapers,. ;:',;
. Would
' ' ' (r frr oorreeaBt.i
lemdoa. July J. WUliajn Jennings
.'Bryan was given a greet ovation at the
inter-parliamentary conference held here
- during the past tMk. Hla speech on
The Brotherhood of Man" waa decidedly
the hit of the convention, and delivered
with be athualaam and eloquence ror
whlob the dlstingulahed American U fa.
, none, mad a decldedlr favorable 1m
' preeeloa. ; Mr.- Bryan said in part:
1 "I regret I eaonot speak to you In the
l, language which la employed usually in
thts body, but I only know on language,
. . 'the language- of mt own oountry. and
-' you will have to. .pardon ma If I use
: that. I desire. In the first place, to ex
' press my appreciation of the courtesy
shown to me in the presentation of my
part of th& resolution by Lord Wear
, dale and by Baron von Planer, who Is
' the chairman, and actively i influences
the eeuaclt which baa framed this eub
1 etttute. embodying both the ideas that
; were presented yesterday. I appreciate
'the superior' wisdom and the greater
': .experience of this learned council that
' bu thus united the two Ideas, and I
.thank the parliamentarians also for the
opportunity to say just a word tn'de-
; fenee of this part of the resolution.
- "Passion la hot '"often 'aroused by
, Questions that do not affect a nation's
Integrity or honor,: and for fear these
'questions may. arise, arbitration is not
always employed where It might be em-
rployed. The first advantage, then, ' of
this resolution is that It aeeuree an In-
. vestige tloa of tha facts, and If you oan
.but separate tha fact front tha question
' of honor, tha ebanoea are one hundred
to on that you will settle both tha fact
'and tha question of honor without war.
(Cheera) There' la. therefore, a greet
advantage' in an Investigation that
- bring out . the facts, for disputed facta
between nations, as bat wean friends,
'era tha cause of moat disagreements.
'The second advantage of this investi
gation la that it gives - time for calm
'consideration. .-
v, aaoUllae BabUe Opinion,
"That has already been well referred
UTy tEe-tenUeiajrwhniaa-niur !ll-7thT ttlr
1 nead not ee to you that man excited LBt?! vT thJl 4
;. to a very different animal from a man L tvthwiiV.L3
calm (laughter and cheers) and that httm" "T1"
calm (laughter and cheers) and that
. questidns ought to be settled not by
passion, but by deli be ration, and If this
would do nothing also but give time for
'reflection. . for deliberation, for eon-
f Versa,, that. -would be sufnolent reason
j ,for Its adoption. . If we oan but stay
1 atha hand of -er until eonaolenoa oan
.assert Jtaelfv made mora
remote, when man are mad thav Saras'.
'gar around and tell what they oan do;
whan they are calm they consider what
,tney ought to do. Cheers.) ,. . , ,
', The third advantage of this investi
gation is that it gives opportunity to
j mobilise publio opinion for tha oom
pelllng of a peaceful settlement, and
;ihat la an advantage not to be over
looked. ' Publio opinion la oomlng to be
,more and mora a power in tha world.
.One of tha greatest statesman my coun
try has producedThomas Jefferson
and if It ware not immodest I would any
,X believe him ta be the greatest statea-
man tha world baa produced said that
If ha had to choose between s govern
ment without newspapers and news
papers without a government, ha would
j rather . risk the newspapers without a
government. (Laughter and cheera.)
reaae ef Basils Opinion. 1 :
. "Ton may sail It an extravagant
.statement, and yet It presents an Idea.
- .That Man la that public opinion la the
.controlling force, and X am glad that
, the time la coming when public opinion
Is to be more and more a controlling
To roe. glad that the time la oomlng when
the moral sentiment of one nation will
pffsct the differences of ether nations.
Clad that the time la coming when the
, world realises that a war between two
nationa affects others than the two na
i tione involved, glad ithat the time la
oomlng when the world Insists that a
nation cannot sit . by idly and look on
while two natlona fight out their dlf
.fereneea. without protesting that they
shall settle them' by some peaceful
aeens. If you give time for the mar
. abating of the foreee of publio opinion
,you oaa promote peace. , (Cheera)
"We meet In a famous hall, and look
ing down upon ua from these walla are
plotureo that Illustrate not only the
lery that la to be won In war, but the
i horrors that follow, war. j (Cheera.)
There la a ploture of one of the greatest
figures In English history. Mr. Bryan
.pointed to the fresco by Kadlae ef the
death of Nelson. He la represented ae
dying, and around htm are the mangled
.figures, of othere. I understand that
.war brings out great characteristics. I
am aware that it gives opportunity for
,the display of great patriotism. I am
aware that the example of men who
have given their Uvea for their oountry
.la aa Inspiring thing. -
. .( tribute to wladstoae.
"But I venture to eay that there Is mm
anuch inspiration in a noble life as there
la In an herolo death, and I trust that
one of the effects of thla Inter-perlla-
mentary union will be to bring ta the
; people of the world the Idea that a life
lived for the public, overflowing like a
fprlng with good. Is aa Influenoe upon
he human race and upon the destiny of
the world as great as any death upon
the battlefield. (Cheera) And If you
Flaahlight Photo of W. J. Bryan
;' ' Taken in' London.
will permit me to mention one whose
career I watched with Interest and
whose name I revere, I would say that
In my humble Judgment the years of
spotless publio service Of William
Bwart Gladstone (loud cheers) will in
the yeara to come be regarded aa - as
rich aa ornament to the history of this
nation aa the life of any man who
poured his blood out on the battlefield,
(Cheers.) ' , - .- .' ..- ''--',.' .
"All the movementa In the history of
peace have at the back of them the Idea
of brotherhood. If peace is to come In
this world. It will come because people
more and more clearly reoognlee the In
dissoluble tie that binds every human
being to every other .- human being.
(Hear, near. If we are to ouiia per
manent peaces It must be on the founda
tion of the brotherhood of men. ,
. World's OreM Tamil?.
-A uoet has described how in the Civil
war that ranged our oountry Into two
hostile eampe but a generation ago he
has described how in one oattie a sol
dier in one line thrust his bayonet
threuah a soldier In the opposing line.
and when he stooped to draw It out be
recognised In the face of the fallen one
the face of hla brother. And them the
poet describes the feeling of horror that
overwhelmed him to uina tnat no naa
taken the life of one who was the child
of the same pareata and tha companion
of hla boyhood.
"It waa a pathetlo story, but la It too
much to hope that aa the yeara go by
we will begin to understand that the
human family la but a larger family
than the one which we are eo well sa
il it tool
yeara go toy
human sympathy will expand, until thla
feeling of frlendehlp and fraternity will
not be bounded by the members Of
family or by the members of a clan er
of' a community or state, but shall be
world-wide? (Cheers.)- Is It too much
to hope that we, la tMt assembly, may
possibly by this resolution, contribute
to hasten the day when we shall feel as
Individuals and as- memfra ef netwit'
appauea at unini ox any, nurnan
Ufa and atriva to raise all Questions to
the level of aettlemsQtby reason and,
nor or jorcei iMa aaa. proiongea
cheera; .. ; - 1 ',.
Judfo Boatt Intimate Only Re
course of Settle X to Ffle Butt
for Damage Don by Tailinga la
River. ' ;y;V
' (apeeUl XMsseteh te She leerssU
Boise, Idahd, Aug. 11. In the United
States court today Judge Beatty ren
dered a decision In the ease of Timothy
McCarthy, arid a large number of ether
settlers against tha Bunker Hill and
Sullivan Mining company at aX, denying
the Injunction prayed for.
COmplalnanta allege that taiungs irvm
tha mills of the mining company are al
lowed to float Into the Coeur d'Alene
river, overflowing their lands, poisoning
vegetation and animal life, and ruining
the lands of the plaintiffs. , The case
has been In the oourta for the past rive
yeara, and the testimony covered over
1,400 pages of typewritten matter, ana
at the request of all parties .Judge
Beatty made a personal examination of
the property Involved 10 litigation. -
The court neia toaar tnat tne muis
were established long before the lands
were Uken up by the settlers, and that
to put the mllla out of business by aa
injunction would Involve a greater loss
than the entire lands Deiow tne worse
were worth. The court intimated that
the plaintiffs' remedy was la a suit for
damages caused by the mills permitting
their tailings to poiue tne stream ana
overflow the land. :
la the main thla ease la a parallel to
the famous Oold Cola mining ease,
which has occupied the attention of the
Oregon courts for the paat year, In the
Oold Coin case, however, the mine waa
opened and the mill erected after the
settlers had been farming their land
for many years. ,
In the Oregon case the Baker county
circuit court dissolved the temporary
Injunction, and allowed the mining com
pany to operate their property, which la
aid to be one of the meet valuable gold
lines In the west, but the supreme
court, on appeal by A. P. Brawn, the
plaintiff, reversed the circuit court and
granted a permanent injunction to pre
vent the owners from running the oold
Coin stamp mill and polluting the
waters of a stream crossing the ranch
er's land with tailings from the mill.
Eic&mtnfttion for - Reclamation
r Work to Bo Hold In 0.
- " n a a -a '
fon next Monur., -
Entnutiastlo Greeting Given
Chief Justice Who Is Can- (
. didate for Governor.
v . (Iseelel tnsmtea te Iks JearsaL)
Boise, Ida., Aug. 11. Chief Justloe
Stockalager of the Idaho supreme oourt.
who was reoently nominated for gov
ernor by the Democrats of Idaho, re
ceived aa immense ovation on. hla return
to Boise tonight. ...
Early la the evening Judge Stock
alager addressed a large gathering 'at
Nampa, a special train going from this
city to attend. -
Two special trains brought the entire
party to Boise, arriving at e'olock.
A parade formed at the depot, with
bands from Mountain Horns.-Welser and
Boise, and marched to the Capitol hotel.
from the balcony of whloh addressee
were made by Justice Stockslacsr. Judas
Perky, probable chairman of the state
central committee, . and ethers. ' The
speeches were received with much en
thusiasm snd Justice Btockslagsr was
hailed as 'the Chamberlain of Idaho.'
, ' rweeklnrtee Boreas ef Tee Jeeraalt '
Washington. Aug. JL Aa opportunity
la afforded western people (o enter the
reclamation service. The civil service
oommlastoa announces examinations Sep
tember U and 0 at Portland, Astoria,
Baksr and Eugene, Oregon, to make
up a .certified Ust of ellglblee for recla
mation work, as examiner at fLMO
salary, and assistant examiners at from
$l.lo to 11.(00. Irrigation law and prac
tical Irrigation count 10 points, the pub
lio land law to and the other W points
are divided equally between eontracta,
real property and abstracting.
(peelal Dtspateh by Usee Wire te Tee Jearaal)
Tnl&4it An 11 tlUM ' AmmA Mk
dead, wife dead, no home, no business.
no money. Is there any object In living?
Notify my sister. Miss. Nettie Punston.
Columbus, Ohio, and bury me beside my
wire. -. . -
Tnis note round on the aresser in a
room at the St. Charles hotel explains
tne motive ror tne suicide of C. H
Punston of Culumbua, whose lifeless body
was round m bis room today by the hotel
people. Fuhston Is said te be the nephew
or uenerai urea erica runston.
runstoa had ended his exlstsnoe br
swallowing two ounces ef carbolic acid
and an empty bottle whlth had contained
tne deadly poison was discovered lying
bt nis srae -on ins ceo. me oeed mao
was about years old and was aa In
surance agent.' -
Real Benefit In
So Easy" Eye Glass Mountings
f-CpVlf f CP aprlag adjusts 'itself ' eeavemiently, eete
In Solid .
Oold Only
eaey ea the face without plaohlag, and never drops
The coastoueMoa la simpler sTotklag whaaever to
eet cut ef erder.
They are geateeMooking and are a gaeael of nsat
nsss in gsslga.
All a ell the beat out, . You'll Ilka them. , , .
- V vTbg Diamond Leaders of the Northwest. t ' ;
(BpMtai Ussetch Is The Jeerasl.)
..Rainier, Or4 Aug. 11 Thle after
noon while driving by the C. T. Wilson
Lumber company's ' office. Dr. A. P.
McLaren was thrown from hla buggy
quite a distance and sustained eome se
vere Injuries, ths extent of which are
not yet known. Hla main injury la near
the right lung. Thla evening he wee
reeling as eaally as possible. . It will
not be known for a few days whether
his Internet Injuries are serious or not.
Ths team was owned by the doctor
and ths beet horse of the two was killed
Instantly by striking its head on a pile
ef lumber. The other: horse, waa se
verely out and bruised and acted .vicious
ly afterward. , k -..,- , -,..,.
Two little boys, Jamea Lowe and a
boy named Martin, . were , both - In - the
buggy at ths time, but miraculously
escaped injury. .
. Tha contents of the doctor's pockets
wsrs scattered, and he recovered his
watch and 110. Hs had more money
than this, but doee not remember how
much. ......
The doctor haa been In Rainier for
many yeara and until lately was the
only doctor here. Hs is a prominent
member ef the Elks, Woodmen ef ths
World, the Masonic order. . Knights of
Pythias and others. Dr. Schmidt, Miss
Margaret MoLaren, a trained nurse, and
p. Spencer are attending him. Dr. Mc
Laren was unconscious when found, .
(serial Dim tea te Tee SasraaM
' Boise, Ida., Aug. 11. John B. Peters,
for more than so years a respected ciu.
sea of Council, was arrestsd at that
place this' morning charged with arson.
The warranj was Issued on complaint of
J. F. Lowe and alleges Peters set Ore
te the store of Lowe A Jonea one night
about two weeks ago by placing a
lighted candle In a box of shavings
undsr the sidewalk In front of the build
Ing. The Are was extinguished after
doing some damage.
It Is stated that ths act was done
through revenge for Injury done by
jonea peters naa always been held in
the highest esteem and his arrest caused
a sensation. Hs was released under
$1,000 bait
Oaetle Beck Oirt
(ftsertal Dleeetrs te The Jearsal.)
Castls Rock, Wash-, Aug. 11. Miss
Mabel Buland, daughter of Mayor Bu
land, left this week for a three-years'
course of post-graduate study at Tale.
A farewell reception waa given at ber
home before she Is ft -
Miss Buland Is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Washington, and for the paat
year was aaststant principal ef the high
school here, which position she filled
with greet acceptance. Miss Bulsnd was
aooompanled by Miss Orace Dykemaa,
who goea to Eaat Portsmouth. OhlO) to
spend a zear u the otudjr of muaie .
: .
. If I ' tyrj 111
III! I . . 11 , ..U
111 II that It a quarter of . an inch thick?
WVW This
' vvvi
l-mMB-iip-wfpBfBpJBJBBBP-i ..MsafAa,,. ageaBWBBYawseBUaBWBBBUBBAmTasaBWBl
lie; oi raTi"Hf; m mm
....... . 7 .
The musty old furnished rooms that "put wrinkks in
'- your face, or a sunny, cheerful cottze, with your own
furniture?. Ask HER about jit and she will chooss the
cottage every time. Come in bring alon$ your wife, or wifs to be, end let us
show you iust the kihd of furniture you would like, at just the price you want :
to pay; then divide the cost into small weekly or monthly payments, end your i
penses wul be just the same as if renting rurnisnea rooms ana such a Oittcrcnce.
Maae o bohu v - mm, . , . 'tiweF
golden iiaigh. Measurea 18x18, inphet U -iT'
god la fitted with three ornamental braee , f.
Handiome Buffet 017.50
The picture doesn't begin to do it luetics
made 'of beautifully grained oak, in golden or
weathered finish, and fitted with a heavy elate
glasi that meainret 18x30 inches. Cabinet
work and construction are of the very best
01 wooll buraanr
article in the store
Kitchen Set 60c
sat iLJjoliffht piece by-
would cost at least $1X0. Made of
ground eteel, with ebonixed bandies,
and not to do compared to tne cneap
bargain-counter articlei usually ad
vertised- Tne uuicner iuuie,ran-
ke Turner, Basting Spoon. Serrated
Edge Bread Knife, Emery Steel
- and Paring Knife,' all for 60c
tajsselktle C&rpeU
r 33c a Ytura
500 'ytrds of Reversible '.
Carpet in mottled red and
green effects. An excellent
?uality bright . and cheer
ul looking that will give
50c worth of serricew. - ;
Ybu are welcome to credit
V . ....... I
" Porch Chair 92-95
'' XAvT4 If'.'.
Isrge heavy Ann Chair, green finish, '
with rattan seat and back. .
" We still have s Urge stock of Porch
and Lawn Furniture that we do - not
wish to carry over till next summer and -
in order to close it out we have marked
everything down to actual cose .
-4Xeaf Palme 25c
Not ait imitation bat the natural
Palm Leaves preserved by 'soma
secret process. Better than a live
palm, needs no attention or wa
ter and makes tharoom look just
as bright and cheerful. -
4 - .
los Angslss Man Acquire Mill
-" and Largs Timber Tract In
1 ! Lans Ownsd by Hytanda.
"aeeel Inenatak s Tke Jeeraat.
Kagene. Or Aug. II T. B. Yerger,
reeentlf from Los Angeles, haa pur
chased tke Hylsne Bros.' sawmill at
Mareola. In the Mohawk 'valley, te
gather with l.SOe neree of timber land
and two mllee of tramway, leading from
the mill te the Wendling branoh ef the
Southern Paelfle railway, for sie.eee.
Mr. Tsrgsr is new In Eugene and will
take pesseeeion cf the property Imme
diately. The timber land la all con
tiguous to the mill end le said te as
some ef the flnest in the county.
The mlU naa a oapsclty of 40,009 feet
ef lumber each day. but Mr. Yerger an
nounces that be will enlarge It. nearly
doubling the eapaeity. It waa built
about five years ago by the late A. V.
Hyland and hla son. N. O. Hyland, and
haa been owned during the last twe
yeara by Ernest, Wilbur and Ira Hyland,
all sons cf A. D. Hyland. -' who waa
known aa the "timber king of Lane
county," probably owning mere timber
land . than . any. ether Individual, la tke
county. . . y . ... . .
'. SeiV smMauem.
(BseHel rrtesetA te The leeraeL
Castle Reek, Waslu Aug. 11. The
Boys' Club battalion, consisting cf com.
pany A cf Castle Rock and' company B
cf Kelee, la making extensive prepara
tions (or a two-weeks eaoipjng trip en
Oobel creek, commencing August. 19.
Tha battalion oenslsts cf about 10
beys yet in their teens, who aeek their
mental and physical development by
means of regular literary meetings and
the military drill. Ber. Xred W. Jack.
son, pastor ef the Christian ehuroh, la
the organiser ana military airector.
Over MOS people at Seaside Saturday.
More Bunaey.
' - xuutjujrs
Bendsrs the bile more fluid and thus
helps the blood to flow; it affords
prompt relief from biliousness, indi
gestion, etok and nervous hesdsehea,
iq TmnguiivaM im iuva ana arinx.
u. L u.iaweu. ail M. a. a T. R
Cheeotah, Ind, Ter writes, April II:
was siok ror over two years with en.
largetnent cf the liver and spleen. The
onoiors om me no gnoi aae t nad to
give us ell hope ef being cured, when
my druggiet advised me te use Herblne.
It has made me aeund , and wall." see.
Mroo4erL'larke A P ,,, , , i ;
, Is the best, 'most up to date and satisfactory Interior pUye , '-,
, Piano in the World
Just cell and see, hear and operate it and you will know the fact
for yourself. . . ' ' 1
The Knabe Angelus has not been advertised in this territory to
any great extent. The first, full carload of Angelus Players ever
shipped to Portland has just arrived. , - ; ..-.
Don't Make the Mistake
Of paying a big price for an ordinary instrument, when the same
rrioney will buy the very best. It will pay you to investirate-TO
SEE, TO HEAR and you will then know THE TRUTH.
aThe House of Quality
Allen & Gflbzrt-nca
' Cor. Sixth and Morrison Sta.
i ill
;. ill
' H
1 r" w i