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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
t:: ctzchu xu::day jouiujai; romxAiiD, Sunday iror.miiQ. august it. iecx wmmmms m journals LIBERAL EDUCAilOWAL CONTEST AmbftIou Contestants ; FtlthfuJIy and, Plfi Labor UP Hunches of Vote. SEVERAL CHANGES TAKE ' PLACE IN SCORE LIST Workers for Scholarship Writ Let. ,'ters to Contest Editor Telling of i TheJr Work All Peel Encouraged 'and Art Succeeding Well ,- ' ' Ml a Malale O'Donnell e( Buxton, the new contestant to' enter the educational r- eonteat from Washington county, cam to Portland . Baturdey mod 'called ; at the off lea of Tba Journal. Tha Washington county -candidate fulfills all expectations that war era eted by tha praise of tha nominating let. tar of Professor. Case of HUlsboro. In conversation she employe as much con vincing taet aa tha exhibited In tha let ter published August I. In which sha aoeepted bar nomination. She means to make ' a - run la tha eonUst which wM be creditable both to herself and to the rich, prosperous and populous county which sha represents. . . . i ' The Argus at HUlsboro and tha News f Forest Qrove both are in sympathy -.. 11 . 1 .i J i i . . h n I " ' J aV, ' U5Sf Uliaa MeVlcker of St Johns, "the Parson's . Daughter," la Getting , Votes Up the Willamette Valley. with Miss O'Donnell, and are belplna her to give publicity to bar candidacy. ,-Bne appreelatea tha help of tha local , newspapers aa well aa that of bar other ifrlende 4ft Washington county who are making known her ambitions. LiMi ''Un : rnoay miss uuonneu niuanea tha teachers', examinations at HUlsboro. This is has third successful trial in teachers examination. . Her first ef- . fort resulted in a third grade certifi cate, her second effort airing bar a sec ond grade certificate, and her standing . In . the two examlnatlona having been above JO par cent in seven studlea sha , waa exempted from that number of t studies in the last examination. Tha third trial being a short one. Miss ODonnell hopes that It .will result in the honors of a first grade certlfl oata . ..-. . ., Achievements in tha common branches .. are not sufficient to satisfy tha ambl - tlon of this Buxton lassie. She aaplres to become acquainted with tha daisies and the modern languages and to finish bar studies in tnuslo, Sha is tba pleas ing ' typo of country girl who is sura to succeed - In college. Sha haa her , . ayes fixed on a high mark and no ob stacle appears - before her which Sha eannot overcome. ' , Question Answered, John Benson, the educated Chemawa Indian, writes a letter full of confl- Bene aa to his Intentions. Tha t pen manship, as is usual with educated In- Blans, is exceptionally good. . ' His inquiry about tha distribution of Scholarships may interest other . con . testants and so will be answered her. - Tha scholarships aa advertised will be given out In the order in which contest- ants finish tha eonteat. Tha contest ant who finishes with the most votes wHl have tha first call on cash prises 1 end scholarships. Having selected, the . second to tha highest contestant will have choice of what are left; and ao ; joe) until tha list is exhausted and so .' to the snd of tha list until tha echol . ershlpa and cash prises are all glwtn ; -.out. ,. ... - . - - . .Xsttsr .of loam . Tha Chemawa boy admits that, he did aot accomplish much In tha contest dur- Ing tha II ret month but he promises from, this time on to go op tha score ladder faater than be went down in tha beginning.' Hla letter follows "Contest Editor i will now be able to rive my full attention to tba eonteat for free education. Tba school Is closed and I have no other dutlee to Interfere with my canvassing for Tba Journal. Last month I was not able to do a thing, other things being more pressing. . As it is now. all over I will try and . climb ay tha list faster than I dropped down. . ' "For my field I wilt take Salem and sret all-the votes' that I poealblv can ' get. -I mat your traveling agent Sat : urday. He gave ma fresh 'inspiration and eenfldence in myself. I am mere '.' ly Toting thla to ' assure you that I 'am still . in the contest to win if I possibly can. ( Any? help you . can . ex tend ma I will gladly accept.. Can. two or three eontestanta go for one scholar- .ship and all be winners of that scholar- viianr wo awev est swsawa BJs wsis.?" vim SjiWBa- itaatantr Very respectfully. "JOHN BENSON." ; ' " Orphan Boy Winning. Carl Shelton, the hustling orphan boy who entered tha educational con gest on the recommendation of W. T. Gardner of the Boys' and Girls' - Aid ' society, closed ths week very success- fully. Teatorday morning he gathered sufficient sdvance subscription money to entitle htm to 1,150 contest votes. This boy shows some sterling quali ties ' of character. Ha la Industrious, economical, appreciative, hopeful and ambitious. He - Is winning friends every day. Another letter has been sent to .The Journal In' his behalf. Carl's new champion Is C. W. pease of Mount Tabor station, and this is what Mr. ' Pease says about tha boy: "As an Interested wstcher of tha scholarship contest In The Journal, I would Ilka to say a word to tha friends ' of education for Master Carl Shelton, rorty-lf nth street. Mount Tabor, Ore r STAJTOatO) OP WM TJUTAjm 0 TOTSS, p. ' Horace A. Wllsovl8 Hslsey St.. Portland. Or.. ...,,.. ,11,111 Nellie May Shannon, III Tentno, Portland. Or. ............ ....J.T40 LIUUn MeVlcker, ' St. Johns. Or. . . . .'. . . ., ....... ... . . .4.01 ' Guy Graham, TreSjtdale, Or.. r.. 4.40 : Khoda U SUlnakan Albany. Or,; ,41,11a MUdred L. Clemens. University Park, Portland, Or. ... j...l,OI Charles Gross, .Y. M. C, A.. Portland,;,......; ................. ..17,081 Carl Shelton, Forty-eighth St., Mount Tabor.'Or. ............. ....I6,J0 Roy Johnson. 74 tMvlslon St., Portland, Or. ..t .................. t.8l Bertie G. Chan, til Clay St Portland, Or. ...... .. .1 .... . .J1.14I Mas Pendergrass, 111 North Seventeenth St. Portland, Or. ...... .1I.I8S John Benson, Chamawa, Or:.,...,.......,'.'.. .........'..(..'.....K.Xt Clay Jonas, 40t East Twelfth St, Portland. Or. ................ ..H.T7I Edith M: Harris, 411 Oxford BW Portland.-Or,......';. V.V. Mary B. Powell, 417 Salmon St. Portland, Or. .li Paul Nygren. ttt East Third St.. Portland, Or. av 4 'tvav aa a 11.730 Dorcas Vsn Schoonhoven, Cove, Or. .......,,,..''.'. I.. .10,401 s a s a M00 1.17 '4 Mil 4 4,16 4 Harry Brant,-; Tha Norton, .Twelfth and Morrison. Portland, Or.... 1,170 4 Uoyd Riches, Stlverton, Or Mabel Magneas, Amity, Or. Dean Knox, Corvallls, Or Clay Cary, Salem, Or... Alices Hackman, Myrtle Park. Portland, Or.... 1.710, Ruth. Turner, 801 Kerby St., Portlsnd, Or. Malalo O'DonnclI. Buxton, Or... Guy 'Johnson. '101 Grant. SU Portland, Or...... Louisa 8cott, Central addition, Portland, Or; xv w. vyrus, dcio, jt....,, ........... ........ , Ivy Owens. Cedar Mills, Or. .... Edward I Kinsman, Llnnton, Or.., M00 i.iie Mi 1,110 1.714 Vi Agnes Evans, . Latourell. Or 1,100 W. X.,.Owynn, 144 East Thirty-seventh St, Portland. Or......,..'; 104 n ' . . ri George D. King, Kingston. Or, Richard W. Gllvln, Roseburg, Or. OS-, io- is o o 000000 000004 0000 ooooooooooooooo means except what - la ' furnished' by friends or earned ' by his own exer tion. . ' . " . ! , : -. ' .; ' "He has passed tha eighth grade with honor 'end desires to prepare himself for a profaaalon. ' As bis parent died when bs was very young,-no record of his age has been found, but , he la thought to be about It years of age. "He la a manly, well-behaved and In dustrious youth deserving assistance in the battle of life. Give the lone boy a show.", 4 - , ;-.-.- "Zdsn xcant xwaia. W. J.- Applegate. whose -name Is ered- ttably Interwoven with the early history of Oregon, rises in approving the can didacy of Mildred Clemens, the re sourceful candidate of University Park, who- haa worked her way up among "the high five" In the soore list .. . Tha last week has developed growing popularity of Miss Clemens, and she haa been reaping a harvest of subscrip tions. She Is patient and tactful and people deem it a privilege to have her call and ask for a subscription. ... Mr. Applsgate's letter follower , "Contest Editor The journal i am very. gad to nave an opportunity through your vaiuame paper 10 say a word in favor of Mildred Clemens, your Little Mark Twain' In the educational i-ontML This Toung lady, .known to many of us for a- long time, has re cently Joined the Modern Brotherhood of America. Uly of tha Valley lodge. No. 117.' We ere much Impressed with her good social qualities and earnest desire to .improve - herself. ' Whatever she undertakes to do. she does well, and she undertakes a great deal, as she has dona in entering your educational eon teat. luat at thla time, as she haa all the housework to do at her home. Her mother Is taking a long-deserved 4aca- tlnn at her old home tn the east lei nnthlna daunted. Mildred forges ahead. We expect her to come out aa one of the leaders ir not tne rirat in me oonun. "I commend her to the favor of all members of our order and to the consid eration of sll people whowant to help a deserving young lady who Is willing to help , herself. "W. J APPLEOATH. "State Manager Modern Brotherhood of America." . ' . Tmthfml Haa ladergraaa. Miss Mae Pendergrass. Ill North Seventeenth street Is described aa very truthful, honorable and deserving D her teacher in elocution. C P. Smith. Mr. Smith's letter follows: - - "To The Journal's Educational Con test I . take great pleasure in recom mending Miss Mae Pendesgrsss, a can didate for tha scholarship contest Sha haa studied elocution with me and I find bar alwaya eager and ambitious to learn. She la induatrloua, honest, . nonoranie and truthful. Her wish is to take course In McMtnnvllIe college. A schol arship of that Institution would be of no email benefit to her, as ana nas neen deprived of finishing her school on ac count of sickness, and I commend net as worthy of esteem and assistance. Very respectfully, . C, S. SMITH." ' ' "Tha Parson's Dangka. - Professor D. M, Metsger, dean of the faculty of Dallas college. Is enthuslsa. tie In bis praise of Miss L41UnMo- Vlcker. During the last week Dallas' heel yielded some subscriptions for "the par son's .daughter," and the letter in her favor is here given: - ' - "I am glad to speak a word of assur ance and commendation with reference to Miss Lillian MeVlcker of St Johna to any one . who may be Interested in your most commendable scholarship cot. test "Miss MeVlcker haa been with us one year, and Is registered In our classical course. She haa shown very . positive strength In tha various Unas of work belonging to thla course, and is In ever way worthy of- all tha encouragement that tha winning of a helpful place In your eonteat. might bring to her. . "Any aid given bar in this mattei would indeed be -a confidence well placed snd A favor appreciated by yours truly, . , . D. M. METZGER. ' - , .V ' w ' "Dean of Faculty." Prises at Stake. Tuition In best Oregon schools, 70 in gold ana casn commissions. - - Following Is the list of scholarships, with approximate cash value of eaoh. offered as prises, Detailed Information concerning them will be publlahad'from time to time, or rurniahad on applica tion to tha contest department: Academy of the fiuiy Names, As toria,, value. , 1110 Albany College. Albany, value...... 14 Behnke-Walker . Business , College, - Portland, value 104 Capital Business College, Salem, Value lot Columbia v University, Portland. ' value 100 Dallas College, Dallas, Value.. 100 Gillespie School of Expression, - Portland, value' lit HIU Military ; Academy. Portland. value ..... ..... ., lot Helmee Business College, Portland, value 104 Holmee-Plandera Private ScE6oL Portlsnd, value ...140 International (Jorrespnndepcs Schools, Scran ton. Pa., value.... lit McMlnavlUe. College, MoMinnvlUa, "Cad Is ao orybAA fcor. jrttluut sax1 Oregon - Conservatory afu Muslo. ' . Portland -v--,,. - One Pianoforte Scholarshlpayalue lot -One. Violin Scbolnrshlp, vahia..., HI One Guitar and Mandolin Scholar--ship, valoe lot Paclflo College, Jfewberg. value..... let Paclflo Telegraph - Institute, Port land, value .....!. ...,... Ill Portland School of Domestic Sal- , enoe, Portland T. W. C A), - value It Sacred Heart Academy, - Salem, value lit St Mary's - Academy, Portland, value 100 ' Besides the cash commissions which the students receive when -they secure new subscriptions, cash ' purses to' the total sum of $760 wUl be awarded as follows; t. A purse of tlOt for the general ex pense of the winner while attending any public or private institution, providing free tuition. ' ., .,' . ' r: . 1. A puree of 1100 to be used in the eame manner as tha above. - I.- A purse of $100 for incidental ex penses .to supplant a scholarship sa lected from the foregoing list, - 4, A purse of 171 tn addition to one of the foregoing scholarships. - , I. A purse of $40 in addition to one ef the foregoing scholarships.- 4. A purse of til tn addition to one of the foregoing scholarships. .-. - ... ' i. GOOD ENGLISH RARE? SECURE OT FOtl ELECTRIC LIHE Ryan and French Return From ' Trip In Interest of Salem- . . Canemah Road. ALL OLD -CONTRACTS ! . HAVE BEEN . RENEWED Intimation Is Given Out That Con - struction on New Line, Uf ill Begin 8oon and Koad WUl Be Gradually " Built to Portland. ", Attorney J. B. Ryan and Lector' B. French returned last night from Salem, where they spent the previous two daye in renewing right-of-way contracts fo an alectrlo railroad from Salem to Ca nemah. The contracts were f lrat securedj two veers ago. They were all renewed and French Intimated that he would not allow another two years to go by be fore beginning construction of the road. Though the contracts were made out in French's1 name, it la generally under stood that ha la acting for other parties, probably tba Portland Re II way. Light at Power company. The dlstanoe from Sa lem to Canemah ia II miles. The attor ney and tha promoter drove over the route together, securing a full right of way from tha farmers;.- 1 Tha projectors undoubtedly intend that Salem and Portland shall be con nected by an electric line on the eaat aids as well as on tha west . Work on an. alectrlo road on the west side haa been going on for some time ty the Wil lamette Valley Traction company, The route is rrom saiem north to -Wllsonvllla. thence serosa ths Willam ette river and Into Portland on the wesv side, ' The track Is now completed to about a mile north of Wllsonvllla . The newer route will follow closely the Southern Pacific tracks on the eaat aide. and touch Brooks, Gervala and Wood burn, which are not approached nearer than two or three miles br the Willam ette Valley Traction Una. . DR. SHORT TO PREACH ' ' ' ON WEALTH OF SAGE What would yea do with the wealth of Russell SageT . Rev.. F. Burgette Short hsS v been thinking what he : would do with a cool hundred million, and has taken. "What Would Tou Do With the Wealth of .Rus sell Sage" aa the subject of hla Sunday morning sermon at the Taylor-Street M. E. church. - - . - - In tha evening be will deliver hla ad dress on the "Passion Play." - Many ef those - who. wore unable to bear bint when he spoke on this subject have re quested him to repeat his address. ' Tha steal Botasje Ooramaa or The Fonmal are intsisstrsr to bays and Xolxaas-Plaaders pertaat Qmeetloa tn Sdnoatlon, ; Mrs. Holmes-Flanders of tha Holmes Flandare private sohool, 171 East Burn side, waa interviewed by tha contest editor yesterday. ' She was asked to say something About the scholarship which The Journal offers in hsr school, which Incidentally will give the reader an idea .of what tha Holmes-Flanders private school offers those seeking an education, Sha launched Into an - im portant subject anil this Is the way she handled It: . "Ia it true that the correct and fluent speaker of English, the composer ef a well-oonstructed letter and the good speller is becoming so rare among the 'educated', young people of Our land as to be almoet a curiosity T Many edu cators assert thla to be the tact ' Sev eral of our beat eollegea and universities hsve recently decreed , that all candi dates for sdmleslon, whether coming rrom accredited schools or not shall be required to peas examlnatlona tn Eng lish. Among these young people there hss been' an astonlahing number of failures. "Many reasons tor this State of af fairs are clear, but In the space of a short newspaper article eannot be dla- cussed. ''-. "Students of Holmes-Flanders sohool are taught how to use En dish In oral and written expression and to appreci ate the grand and beautiful in litera ture. They early learn that T know but can't tail' will not o aoeepted as a reci tation; that every pupil, no matter from whence he comes or whither he Is going; must learn to spell, for bad spelling tn this school Is regarded as a form of depravity and will not bo tolerated." Mrs. Holmes-Flanders savs that ehe le r& old-fashioned that sha Insists npon the drilling of every pupil In thle neg lected art until, at least he knows when be doeen't know an accomplish ment which many or those en route for college balls have hitherto failed to ao- autre. ... Having been for many years a spa- eiallst In. tne teaching or English, Mrs. Holmes-Flsnders Is qualified to do much for the student Under her Instruction he will become able to help and, ulti mately, to perfect himself. With Max Mueller Mrs. Holmes. Flanders believes that "Language and thoughts are Insepara ble. Words without thoughts are dead sounds; thoughts without words are nothing. To think la to speak low; to speak le to think loud." ' - , - The etrenlatlen af The gonna! ta Portland and ta Oregon oaeeeda that af any other Oregon newspaper. . ' An Unzzzzllzl; ' of Novell!: 3 Novr and Attractive Features at L:C FREE tACTS Daily fit 3:30 and 9:30 P. M. TTTTT? iliiiliij 1M1 !e) ' 9 ' '.: ' . ' & H. FRIEDLAMDCR, 8o)s Manager. MARIAN LlLeJBNO : " The Human Comet, fire high diver; the acme of daring, akill and dexterity. DAILY at 3:30 snd 9:30 p. m. FRANK COMAR t - In his terrific, death-defyinf ' and awe-inspirinr snd .. breath-holding act. The incredible dare-devil achieve-,; ment Making a terrific whirling plunge -through space. TUESDAY ;'v;::::'--(; FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL fl. P, M A hoUday for the ' v. children. ' .' ' '".'.'-' u'-f . ' AT 3 P.' Mrar marchTheaded by DtJrbano's RoyaT v Italian band. Cinderella and her escorts in the golden , chariot. The crowning of Cinderella and thecontest-for . the golden slippers. ' ;- t ; V . 20 P. M. Grand May pole dance on the lawna, direct- , ed by Profesaor W. H. Woodward.- , , - ' 8 P. Mi-Free dancing for children exclusively in the ' dancing pavilion. Beautiful and costly prisea to the Dest boy and girl waltcer. Grand concert. Songs by Uttl Max Shaull, the wonderful singer. , ' . . WEDNESDAY NIQHT Prize waits dancing for adults In the dancing parOion. WEDNESDAY NIGHT" Grand ball game on roller skates in the skating rink be tween the Multnomah club team and thf Oaks rink team. Both tams will play in uniforms. , . THURSDAY NIQHT v Magnificent display of fireworks FRIDAY NIQHT ; ' Wedding celebration of MrrRpbert -Waddell snd Miss Dolly Ellery:1 Weddinr march from the main entrance, headed by D'Urbano Royal Italian band,, at 8 o'clock.' I-The reremony-will be performed ':. k. i..i;ne minister In ona of 'the car of the' Giant' Whirl flviag machine ' while thocoimla' are .'J. - 1J -U. Whirl . Vnllnetfiner tha CeremonV. Iha lunio -niml. tmin" Ainm a K- Ra,lfit " -' '. I' "' ' ..... . ...... . riven a 'Tavern Out on. the Willamette. , Special Notice ; TUESDAY AND. THURSDAY AFTERNOONS Free admission to Women and Children from 12 p.' m. to 6 p. m. -.4.- A COMIINQ EVENT, -'The Federated Trades Labor Uniona of Portland will celebrate Labor day, Monday, September 3, at THE OAKS. EXCURSION RATES OVER ALL RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT LINES. - - - BOARD OF TRADE WILL ; . : ; MEET TUESDAY NIGHT ! Tha- regular monthly meeting ef the board of trade, which waa postponed on account ef tha Alaaka-rortiana steam ship agitation, will be held en next Tuesday night - Secretary Labor has aent 1,100 pleoes of advertlalng matter to Minneapolis to be distributed . at the national encampment of the O. A. which convenes there next week. -t . LYRIC THEATRE Beginning Monday, Aa. 13th ,jWery Afternoon and aTvealag remand's Fopnlaa Steek onse. The Saeoeesfml MUttary Sraama, "The Marchinl 7 Regiment ' ZaT TOVM AOT8 FOLLOW THK CROWD CON TINUOUS PERrORMANCB. Art ADMISSION -IA- SS4.l,BStlwy,BSif,.Stl Week of August 12th r- PMTAGES Fourth and StarkSts. Best Family Theatre J. A. Johnson, Resident Manager CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES TOD A Y - MR. AND MRS. GEORGE M0RRELL Wanted: XA Nurse, Jeanette Fletcher The . Scottish - Nigh tint "... ' sale. '" THE BtOGRAPH latest Moving Pietures. First time here . HENRY lAcCRW 'AND TROUPE In the Stirring. Drama, ' "THE OLD GUARD" ,. A . Drama Uo - Treat. :.. :;.', THE GREAT MELN0TTE , ; -Is It Re or Shot" . MERRtn SISTERS Novelty Entertainers. - ' JACK IEN0R . niustrated BaUad. TODAY'S BILI "Sappho." the wonderful mechanical enigma:.; Is It Re or ItT Musical ; Spargualloe; Beverly and Dan vers; Jack Lanor; Truxede and Robeson; the Oreat Walls ee; Moving Pictures. . Performances daily at 1:10, T:IS and t p. m. ' ' Admission lOe and 10c; boxes, lie. Ladles and children take any seat at weekday matinees for TEN CENTS. . TUB ONLY Bid SHOW COMIISO 2 DAYS '3fiL AUG.2Q&21 Base Ball, - on Roller' Skates Base Ml Base Ball on . - . ; Roller Skates ; . On ' 5 Roller flkatu OAKS RINK Wednesday Night UULTNOUAH Capt. J. V. Zan.) Base Ball ' " on Roller Skates ; - VS. - . APOLLO - , . , (Capt W. Johnsoa) General Skating Before and After the Game.. : ' . f SHune eallad f ISO y, aa. JONES eV RANDALL OAKS RINK Base Ball .".v .on Roller Skates TuamORAND Week of Aug. 13th BACK HOMB AQAIN A SPECIAL FEATURE EILL ; l- ' SXADSO ST - m xtmxo ooirzstaJi MR. EDWARD KEttlE xm ATrxa-nririrxs onss ass , urns. . SnCIAt AS9ZB rtATVBJS . Joe Whitehead and .Grieraon Slaters , A krosiOAt ooirrar nr on aot, utso ovooio XTxiTTimo soon rjr TAvosviLLx. - okas. a. OAtraa. strssrs tatlob oo. la s aew tod NotI Bketrb, "At ferns Rett." TBS OSXAT F01TTIXrxUA Msstarplsca ef Medienlcel Inlt. ansa siDosirs dixox Beiudist.' KX. lAincS SVXXS "VaM m. Oeldee ltvee Tura to Oold.' ' SXAXDABCOrt Uteet Fatks rredsetieel , THIII SHOWS PATtT it I S, T O" ssi p. at. ' PXTCEa Rvenlnira, Smfl.ri snd HUtar, V. tr end Fmr Bests Sue. Itsttssee, hot Including assaas sad Uolldas, lOe e All Beets Xnept Bases. 1 LJ ItT BMA -111 IV SQlSSBBS t ENORMOUS SHOWS UNITED Jliii'itlllSsEiaeslSfcifci Cj V.':.JJ T hVUeS l Aha AJJ thm Thrltllmal ' - ''1000-CWARACTER SPECTACLE FIGHTING THE FLAMES .Scencry.Reprcsentlnz A Whole City ?:': Stage BtzgerJTheih lOQThestm 'auperDjuostumes (.;;;. . .,;.;;, . Magnificent Electrical Effects fMOST GIGANTIC AMUSEP-IETTU FEATUl EVER.DEVISED ; BIGGEST MENAGERIE ON EARTH TalIeatCJrafreAEv . V Den of Ciant Polar Bears ... Huga Hippopotamae .. I . A Wnole Caravaaj ef Caaaab OnlylUuWsminagt!vr Three Herds ef Bepfceaxs AND" THE BICCEST COUXCT10N OP CACED ANIMALS tH ' THT. tWORl Tk SUPERB 8-FOLD CIRCUS MOST ASTOUND-. Oil Vn0 Kl Drill TDin Tfe Tlir flrtftM inq op.alu umliu o iLflnruL inir iu mc i.iuuj , THE MOST. HAZARDOUS FEAT OF ALL Tba Greatest Acrobats Tba Foremost Riden ncornparabla Aerial DispklSi Atbletk an) Cysaaie Stars Suprems Gigantic Company af Funny dowas Crowpes and ConpanUe t Trainee! and Actinff Animals THREE RINGS . THREE STAGES HIPPODROME CONCOURa ,Vr ' ,. , , AND AERIAL ENCLAVE FILLED WITH ': " THE WORLD'S FOREMOSXi AREN1C-STARS Gorgeous Free ; Street Parade AT K O'CLOCK Au M. . THE MOST ELABORATE. LARGEST PAGEANT EVE&.SEEN, kaW BrVaar ' MfJ f n0 P1RJ0XMAKCSS DAILY at.) sad S P." HV- Deeni Open Oae RewEarUef. "niw "-as.3T ALMVirrcl TO ALL. A GrULXRBN UNDBsyV..e n n . . . 'ed Beats and Admission Tickets tan aa aeenred on- show a ays . . Oo.'a Plane Btare, SsS Waeblagtoa Bteeat, at same yrtees ehargod an the ahew (rynnaa. i fa fir- 1 m B saves CLOSED fOD CLEANING AND CXPAlNn.'3 OPENS. AUGUST. tOth WITH 7HB ALLEN STOCK CO. HCcu.-:,-t ta r.S.? ir mri a i t-r a mp a rc DA'