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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
11 WDCc v 1 A ' Richard Mansfield. Moat Intellectual -.'''.' One New Flay N: OW that the opening of the the- . etrlcal Huon is almost at band, a great deal of Interest la manlf aat la the proepecta for tha coming yaar. In New Tork they any tha aaaaon will ba a good ona that thara la much naw work full of v promise, that thara era tiew atara ex pected to eclipse aoma of the1 old ones. Soma of tha foraraoat stage peopla will continue with old oueceascs; others will - take up saw playa and naw eomlo operas 1 , end try to add another, victory to their , score. ..,-- v Mtu Mary Mannerlng. tha sweet ee traaa who ftrat cams Into favorable notice through "Janice Meredith." will : come out In a new play, entitled "Lad Bettv." bv Rida Johnson Toung. It It -aald to ba a charming comedy aultad to ' -Miss Mannsrlng1 capabilities. Tha play la being billed gorgeously la New Tork , aad great things are expected of It" It la rumored that many thousands of dollars have gone Into tha production. ' Mlaa Mannering will ba supported by ( '. strong company.. . - - : ri , : More of the "CHrl" for Blanche Bates Blanche Betas will stick to "The Oirl of tha Oolden Wast." In which aha mad " auch a hit last season. lt Is expected that before the aeaaoa has half passed away Mtaa Bataa will ahake tha due ' of Ootham from her little ahoea and hie -' herself and her-company weetward to com pal the country to kneel at her feet - Tha earns company which helped make ." tha production notable last aeaaoa will ' be retained with one or two minor ex- ceptton " ; .- , Ethel Barrymere will also stick by last season's play, BSrrle's magic "Allce . Sit-by-the-Ftre." In this Mlaa Berry- mora la winning her way Into the oold ..heart of the New Torkera, and It la hardly probable that they will tire of r bar soon enough for her to visit America with the play this yaar. It ta aald that Should the play grow old, Mlaa Barry more, instead of taking It on the road, will open with a new play aad let the Id one take to tha road headed by a eandle Instead of a star. , - What Mr. Flake Will Do, Mrs. risks will drop "Leah Klesehna" and coma out In Tha Naw Tork Idea," THE WEEK AT H HEILIO Dark. ; v ; BAKER Park. EMPIRE Dark. LTRIC AU , week, with dally matlneea, Lyiio Stock company. In "The Marching Regiment" GRAND Vaudeville. STAR -Cloeed for repair. yANTAOES Vaudeville. . -. ' At the Orand. . ' " Tomorrow afternoon the Orand will ' ' reopen u doors after a week, of dark , aeaa During the, past week, while tn - Orand ahowa waa transferred to tha ' Star, aoroes tha street, the Orand has , been a busy plaoa, for there waa a large force of paintera and decorators who completely renovated the Interior of tha popular theater. When the Orand opena tomorrow It will bo the moat beautiful theateav Ip- tha west devoted 'to vaode ' vUle and will bear comparison with tha , most handsome theaters of any class on . the yaoUlo coast ' In honor of the renovation, Sullivan , i Cenaldlna) have sent to tha Orand a J vaudeville program of noted entertain er. This bill Is ona which will easily live up to tha atandard of the houae and It la one which gives promlaa- of being ' just what the publlo likes beat At the top of the bill comes Edward Kallls, tha ' humoriat la a collection of after-dinner odds and . ends. Mr, Kallls Is wall , known In Portland, having appeared here on several ocaaalons with popular : dramatle and eeenedy companies. Hi , will be remembered for hia great hit at , the Marauam Orand few years ago Is "Are Tow a Mason r He Is as familiar ' to the patrons of the Marquam as ta those f any other theater In the elty, and Mr. Kallls's past reputation la aa auraaee of his euocess this week. -A mualcal oomedy act which Is said te ooatala aU the good things there ars In vaudeville, ta promised by Jos White head aad the Orleraon sister. This trio have made a tailing Impression in other cities en the circuit and will undoubted ' ly duplicate It la Portland. Charles B. , Carter add Ousale Taylor, with their aa alaUnta, will present a one-act novelty entitled "At Camp Rest" . This Is a aaateh which everyone Who has had a U NEW SS,uhJ5) 'MM of Preeent Day Actors, Will Hare This Season. ; J written by Langdon Mitchell, and aald to ba a "corker" by crltlca of the me tropolla. It la said that thia bill gives Mrs. Flake ample opportunity to diaplay her well-known mannerisms and her auburn hair and apeak tons of Fisklan. that wonderful substitute aha has found for English. But It can ba gambled upon that Mr a. Flake will act "The New Tork Idea" as shs acta ether thlnga better than moat women could act them. Mlaa Viola Allan la to atar In "Cym bellne." . That critlce and public will ait up promptly and take notice when aha appears In thia bill la tha forecaat from the east Everyone la willing to alt up. Who wouldn't alt up with Mlaa Allen T Maria CahiU in "Marrying Mary." Another- "Mary" play will ba put up aa a vehicle for Maria OahllL Theoa "Mary" playa are getting numeroue. We have had "Mary. Mary,1 Quite Contrary." and "Merely Mary .Ann." and all aorta of "Marys." It remain to' be aeen what sort Maria CahiU will bring out Eleanor Robeon, who was In tha dun geoa before aha starred with Kyrle Bel lew In "The Gentleman of France," will be prominent in new playa by Rostand, Zangwlll - and Jerome K. Jerome. Be hind Mies Robson, evidently, -there-la a myeterloue power with money who is determined to aacure reeults. At any rata tha results ara forthcoming, for In the past two. saasona Mlaa Robaon's name haa gradually widened on the bill boards from six Inches to the ultimate three feet They don't make type much larger than that . ... Mlaa Blanche Ring will appear In "Mlaa Dollle Dollara." , The name sug gests ths character of the piece. Mlaa Ring will endeavor to make her name a houaehold word., Crltlca In tha eaat do not expect much of either Mlaa Ring or "Mias Dollle Dollara.". But some times the eaatern critics are mistaken. Where he Men Come In. Kyrla Bellew will coma out thia sea son with a play founded on .the life nf Moliera. No one appears to know any thing about the' play. It la taken for granted that It aulta the atar, else he would have had none of It The first night la awaited) with Intereat In Naw Tork. It la possible that Bellew will THE THEATRES vacation will enjoy, as It strikes hems and nits hero. Ths oreat rontlneiu, a masterpiece of mechanical Ingenuity, Is among the features programed, and Mias Sldonna Dixon Is also advertised to ap pear. There will be new llluatrated aongs and moving, pictures, Today la tha last of the current bill of vaudeville at the Star. - Star Closed Thia Week. Tor ths coming wsek the Star will be closed and placed la the hand of deoo rators. ' Beginning Monday, Auguat 1(1, the Star will become a dramatle stock house and will shelter the Allen stork company for an Indefinite eeason. Thia company Is now In T aroma, where It has been playing to capacity for more than a year. The eompsny eomes to Portland with tha best recommendations and tha reputation of being one of the very best popular-priced stook companies on the eoaat Tha opening bill will be "Caugnt In tha Web," a four-act detective drama The Allen stock company will make a specialty of society melodramas, chang ing the bill every week and etaglng saeh drama carefully. As for the members of the eompsny, they are clever people and eeveral of them are not unknown fn Portland, since they have appeared here with ether organisation. "Caught in the Wsb" will give the - local theater goers a good Idea of the work of tha Allen company and It la one of the stronasst detective dramas on the American stags today, Ita only possible rlvsl being "Sherlock Holmes." . Sulllven -at Cenaldlna will have ths Star refitted and painted aad whan It opens a week from tomorrow. It will ne aa eosy and pretty a theater aa can be found In thia section of the country. , . v ; At the Lyric - With continuous perform nee begin ning with the matinee this afternoon the Lrrle stock company will close the en gagement of the most Interestlna melo drama, "Jaek the oambler." which haa been playing to packed houses during the past weak.. Thia la a very pretty story of tha mlnln district of Idaho and carries with It tha many fascinat ing Incldenta of Ufa among tha moun tains and should be seen by all. , , I , Tree te the sustonj , q eoaat ge- i rns oncc:i Sunday journal; Portland, sunpay Mr. Minnie Maddern Fiska, Who reaeh the Faciflo eoaat thia season. ' Richard Mansfield will play reper toire and one new play, fhe Identity of wbloh has net yet been announced.- This is the famous Richard'a "reet yaar," and ha la expected to reet probably while atalklhg about stages In waetern cities wnere. na tnlnke. people went m m Mansfield and cannot tell whether ha la acting or not - We have tha hatchet ready for Richard If this occurs. Esra Kendall la billed to appear la "Sweet-Elegant Jonee.'- Kendall may be depended upon to amuse. It Is de clared that "Sweet, Elegant Jones" Is one of the best vehicles he has obtained for several yeara. . ( "Pippa Passes" to Be Staged. Tho-e who talk of tha Intellectual atage will gat their fill. Mrs. La Moyna la to appear In Naw Tork tha coming eeason In Browning's "Plppa Paaaes." If this ba Intellectual, make tha most of It John Drew,wlll gallop another furlong toward fame In Plnero's "His Houae In Order." - Thia play haa been subjected to some sbuse by -London critics, who ntver think on tha aame level as Amer icana Tha ' difference is found In tha fsot that Americans are filled with good, red blood, love to laugh, and do not make eteady diet of dill pickles for ths disposition. ' Forbes Robertson and Oetruda El- ment of this popular playhouse, tomor row's matinee will wltneas a change of bill In which tha Lyric stock company will Introduce that charming military drama, "The Marohlng Regiment." la four acts. This Is, aa Its. name Implies, a story which embraces many atlrring and exciting features together with nu merous dsiicate altuation and light and airy comedy parte of which elementa all plays of great Interest must partake of a generoua quantity. Following tha wall written- and constructed play tha great easentlal to establish merit la tha ca pabilities of the company offering the attraction: on thia ecore the patrons of the Lyrio are well satisfied as to tha efficiency of the Lyric stock company, as it 1a a wall known faot that It la not excelled by any similar company In tha weat. In aummlng up the bill for the coming week It la with no Small degree of pleasure that we look forward to the Initial performance. The eaelgnmente ara well made and are aa follows: Frank Fanning will be seen aa young Ranaoma. Warda Howard aa Constance, HerbertAahton as Kins. Tha comedy la supplied by Lilly Brant combe aa Kate, Mlaa Powera will ba aeen as the daahing widow, McKensle win appear as coote. Jim Moore aa Wecker and Carroll McFarland aa Brooka. . r There will be new moving pictures and a vary Interesting Illustrated eong Dy Master newoergar, 8P0TLICHT FLASHES. C. M. S. MeClellan will write a musi cal comedy, entitled "Nellie Neil," for which Ivan Caryll will furnlah the ecore. It will be aeen In New Tork and London. "The Dairymaids." now run ning st the Apollo, will come to New Tor a in the fall. "Tha Hoyden." a naw muslcsl plsy by Tristan Bernard aad Coamo - Hamilton, and another by Pay mour Hicks will corns later. Paul Pot- tar and Edgar Smith have written a naw muelcal play, to be called "Our Qlrla." Harry Smith and Ludwtg Englander will furnish another mualcal place, and "The Third Moon," a Chinese mualcal play, will alao be produced in this eoun- T' -'A'-' From ran Mr. Frohman haa a naw oomedy, "The Triplenatte that has been a reigning success over there.' An other French comedy la entitled "Lee Flumes du Oaa," aji4 another is "&ui Will Open the New Season in Langdon Mitchell'a "The New-York Idea. I ' t r ' 7 .'.. ' A Kyrle Bepaw, Wm Open the Season In New Play Pounded en .the Life of Moliere. " Perd Osne." by Alfred Capus. . "Lea Fauvee", eomes from the able French playwright Henry Bernstein. A farce, entitled "Braslllan," and a pantomime. called "The Scapegrace." are among tht list or French plays. Mr. Frohman - ha also arranged for the production of r"Sherlock Holmes" la French at ths Amblgu theatre, Pari, and a company presenting "Feter Pan" will go to Australia. . . The following are the names of soma of the more prominent principals whom Edward A. Brad en haa engaged to ap pear In his two 'The Oingerbread Man'' companies for ths forthcoming saaaon; Eddie Radwey, James Fennlmore, Lee, Roes Snow.- Nellie Lynch. Almyra For rest. W.,H. Mack, Francis Carrier, Ous Welnburg, Will Donnelly, Nell McNeil and H. L. Zeds. Colonel Brad en an nounced laat week that If the strong de mand for time for his "Oingerbread Man" companies keep up It may be neceaaary for him to send, out a third company. Oeoree J, Appleton, for II years man. agar for Nat C. Goodwin, is to ssvsr his connection with the comedian at the end of the preoent 'tour. Mr. Appleton will still remain, la the family, for he la te have entire charge of Maxlne Elliott's tour the epmlnf season, Mr.. Good wis Mpnmi:o. august u , :', t ' , f . ' 1 llott win tempt fate In Bernard Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra." The play Is naughty.'don'tcher-know. -It Is alao ex pected to draw good houses. In it ac cording to eaatara expert a, there are a hundred separate and distinct bomb shells of the Shaw make ' " Henrietta Crosman. in New Playa. "All-ef-a-Sudden-Peggy" Is the name of the-comedy with which Henrietta Croaman will optn the season. You may speculate as to the bill. - It 1 declared to be a Jumble of mix-up and fun. better than "Mary. Mary,' Quite Contrary." Later In the season. If the production can be arranged In time, Mlaa Croaman will appear In a dramatisation of Bun yen's "Pilgrim's eProgress," something which the actress has desired to do. It 1 aald, for aoma time. - - Elsie Janls, who created such a sen sation In New Tork. last season In "The Vanderbllt Cup," will continue with that play at the old stand. New Yorkers ars still fighting to gst tickets. Miss Lena Aahwell will corns out In "The Shulamlta." Ths Lew Fields Com pany will play The Orchid." Thomas W. Roes and Florence Rockwell will give "Popularity,"- and seek It at ths same time. E. 8. Wlllard wUl play "Colonel Newcorabe." ' - Virginia Harned will eome forth In state that Mr. Appleton will rejoin him in two year, when the actor begins his long anticipated repertoire tour of the United State. Charlotte Dean ha succeeded Carol Arden In the cast of ths Vallamont Stook company, which Is playing a sum mer engsgsment at Wtlllamaport Penn sylvania. Lillian Rhode haa Joined the company. ' J. Lealle SpeJuv well known to the theatrical world through his long con nection with the Helen May Butler La dles' Military band, has written a one act Indian play, which will be produced gt Denver, Colorado, September 10. , Mias Cheater Prince, era t while with t. Newton Drew, will play the title part to The Red Oirl." Dorothy Tennant wboae lllneas eaussd her to close with "The College KWidow" late laat winter. Is recovering unoer tne oui-aoor treatment in winr ton. Kentucky, Miss Tsnnant haa Joined the Hunt club and' spends much of her time In the esddle and In other out-door, exercise. She will be In the cast of "Ths Stolen Story" this coming season; ' KING IN RAGS. Tha hna eelaalal efftce has bees Officially Informed tbet King Behentu, whom the rrrark ettbroned from Pehemeyi f ferlag from lapeeoaloelty la Algeria. Not only that aut h la tetullr la nss. tnd Is ebllaed, to eotne extent, te dpnd on pablte charity. Bit credit le sens, end toe trademea ef Blida. where he n.- thraatn hha with Imprisonment eently he wee uwta to ue waiuaniioe rmen and fetee star BUda, hot waa enable te ff tor cooTereacet r himself tod hit mire. Tht ere tnltort of the fetee very eeneinertteiy pitted eevertl laadaat tt the king's .dltpoeel, aa wat tnie to nw v mam w Arab ftntaama ef following them. Befctortn hit family were allowed I10OO m jtu j the colonial afSee, bat tt tppetrt that the koner net paid regularly. Tht foTorameat hae, however, sppnuited s treatary erociai v woa inw m -ttfalra. The eolonlets art sow petltloslng Ut government te tend Bebtasts hak Je Da aomey, before the Alger lan wtater, which It variahlt ta Its temperature, tett In. The king It aU right la thet tammar. weethar, tjnt Is December tad January, wbta there art heavy rama aad siting blasts, ha tnf fere from la troabm aad from aeate rheomatlam, la the thealaare. A loetl orto hat ttreagiy sacses tha aapUetttoa af tte eoioaiatt ana is s let ter 7 tht colonial minister, ht Georges Lay teas, ttatta ihtt nestnsia t aaaira win nt terioetly Imptlrvd If heat t Bllde earing the winter. . i neejejrleaL ) - prnm the Mlchlgaa Trtdeamea There le ' ue aeratioaal tSTtataae ta t taraoe that laaas awa ts gctr fa Its aad. Usw acd Inserted PrcuucllonrVii! American, Enfllbh and French Stars Will Do the CcniinYcar - I f , a . I . ;r Mln Blanche Bates, Who WU1 Play Again Thia "The Wooing of Eve," by HanUey Man ners. Ths plsy is said to be a good one and to give Miss Hamad a chance to do excellent work. . v , v- - James T. Powers will play "The Blue Moon," an English extravaganaa that won Instant success when presented In London last year. He will be supported by a capable company. William Gillette will play "Clarice," while William H. Crane will attempt to gather shekels by producing "The Price of Money." a comedy By Alfred Sutra Arnold Daly will appear In "The Mon keys Paw" and other plays, while Otis Skinner will- eontlnut The- Duel" until the people get tired of It Marie CoreUl's "Barabbas" . has been dramatised, and In It Will appear Tyrone Power. William Norrls will keep up with the times by playing "The Stren uous Life." ' ..,-,.,, ' " 'The Measure' of a Man." by Cora Maynard, will be given Its premier- by Robert Drouet It le aald to. be a charm ing play replete with unusual situations. and one cntio who has read the manu script -declare It will be one of the sea son s hits. , v 'i f. -- ' -'a.-n; . rie.: V e Mountain Climber' .7; ' r The prosperous run .enjoyed by Fran cis WUson In "The Mountain Climbers" haa Isd him to. continue the bill during the coming season. If It play out In Gotham It will be taken on the road. It received more favorable notice last year than any new production. It Is a comedy In the strongest conception of the term. The story of the play deals with a man who, to gain- notoriety,, de clare, ht has climbed hitherto unsur mountable peaks of the Alps, and who writes a book on the subject The book aalls and the man la a hero for an hour. Then there appears another author, who declares the boo was stolen from an old manuscript, and threaten exposure. A compromise is reached and the cli max of the fun IB reached when, to make his reputation good to his wife he has. won and to his friends, he ts com pelled to attempt the ascent of a diffi cult Swiss peak, whereas he had before never climbed anything worse than an English hill. The way In which he es capes disclosure 'Is original. Another' year ef "Strongheart-'V Robert Edeaon will play "Strong heart" for another season. It will prob-. ably corns to the coast this ysar. Miss Hilda Bpong. a hew light la ths NEW ATTRACTIONS AT OAKS l a i i l i i i -No matter how large the erowda at "The Oak a," there Is always amusement for svsrybody. , In addition to the 100 amussmsnts, each of the highest merit there are new open-air acts. ' . All the popular attractions stll( draw large crowds and the . opening of the park free to womsa and children on Tuesday and Thursday aftarnoens to o'clock has drawn still larger crowds. The old mill, the giant whirl, the dancing pavilion, Hale's tour of the world, the figure eight the mystie ma, the f onny bumpe, the chutes, tem ple of mirth, and the marvelous Japan ese exhibit all cores in for a share or. the buslnsss. . At present ths bathing pavilion is drawing a great deal ct at tentloa and the prices have been made popular by Issuing a special ticket good for. a bath and admission- to, the park from I until 11:10 in the morning, with free lessons by an expert, teaoher in swimming and high diving. Roller skating has been unusually wstl patronised la the rink at "The Oaks.' which ts ons of ths finest In the country ana novsitiss are inirouucaa escn wetc. A movement is on foot to have a real professional basebsll game on skates at aa early date. Magnlfloent fireworks ars displayed every inurenay ntgnt and prises are glvsn each Wednesday night at the dancing pavilion for the best waltsers. Among the features is the continuance tor another fortnight of Marian Llljene, who has oreated a great sensstloa by hsr novel act ths high-wire dive from a 71 foot pole Into the Willamette river. A new act which will be seen for the first tlms on Monday afternoon and every afternoon and night for a fort, night la the "Dip of Death" by Frank Comar, whoae seneationel aerial terrific plunge through space haa been ' Justly termed the title which-It bear. On Tuesday next Mtntser Frledlander has arranged for a children's carnival day, 'when all children and women will be admitted free Into the park te wit ness among msny other feature - the crowning of Cinderella, the presentation to the lucky girl of Cinderella's golden slippers' (providing she eaa wear them), the grand march and beautiful May-pole dance, and other unique feature. A number ef well-known children srtlsts will take part among them Max Shaull, Us wonderful little singer and oaaosr. "The Oirl of the ' Oolden ' WeaV Season.' ' i -'-!.-. theatrical world. wtU appear ta "Ladyi Jim."., by Harold Heaton. Herbert Kel- cay aad . Effle Shannon will appear In "Daughters of Men,"-by Charles KlelnJ Mlaa 'Rosa atahl will e-lva "Thai Chorus Lady," by James Forbes,'." Miss Grace George will , appear In Ttupero Hughes" and other play. Maxlne ElUott will continue In' "HtH Oreat Match" and may make a. trip tol Australia before the end ef .the m son. . Clyde Fitch 1 engaged la wrUlngr a new play for. bar. . ;. Other Plays Scheduled.'' .1 1 Other productions scheduled for thtf coming season In New Tork arer i Joseph and - William JtStrson lis Tlaylng the Game." , .-Charles J.'Roas in The Jolly. Host i Montgomery and Stone In "The Red! Mill." ... . . . "... ..... Mis Julia Sanderson, la "The Meter! GlrL : . ' - - . - ' Frank. MOulan In Plxlay- and Ludar'al "The Grand MoaruL"v ' '. Fay Templeton; (if her nsw" kaabaadf doem't make her leave thestaga) num-1 ber one oempany Of -"Forty-live Minutes! From- Broadway." '-v- -.)'.. -Corlane In -numbsif twe eompaay eff the same production.' '' ' ' Harry -Bulger In The 1 Man .Troral Now." v - ' ---.-" ' . Eva Tan guar la "A Good Fallow," May Irwin In "Mr. Wllaon That'sf All." by George V. Hobart ' , . - John B. Hensbaw In "Captain OareH lesa" '- - Richard Carle la The Mayor ef Te-4 klo" and "The Hurdy-Ourdy Olrt" Anna Held In "A Paris ModeL" - Raymond Hitchcock la "The- - Oel loper." by Richard Harding Da via Jefferson De Angsll la "The Sprint Chicken." ' Frank Daniel In "Sergeant Brus" and! "Omar." Edwin Arden la "Told In the HlHs.' ' Ulllaa ' Russell in "Barbara's MU- Uons." by Paul M. Pottsr. ' Robert Loralns'ln "Man and Super-j man. - - - Wilton Lacks ye in The Law aad the Man" and other plays. - JC H. Sothern and JultaMarlowe In repertoire. David Warfleld la "The Muale Mas ter.",? -.' Chaunoey Oloott in ."Eileen Astbore." Maude Feely. in "The Illusion ef Be atrloe." ''... 4- k .. -. Olga Nethersole la new playa. . 'A ... . : . I - f , , , ' Madame Marion Llljeng. The dsnclng pavilion will be given ever free to children and prises offered to the best boy and girl waltsers. ; v There I alao another areat atfniA. on the way to Portland, the first exhibi tion of Galatea, a wonderful Illusion of the SOtn century. A grand mssausrad ball la aian k.i.. arranged for to Uke piece at an early ante, ine commutes representing the Federated Trades hsv - selected frhi Oaks" where thsy will celebrate Labor day, on Monday, September I.- - v The Democratic MMb.i m It tee of the Eighth district of Missis sippi has formally dselared John Sharp Williams thsl oartv- mmmiu . gress from that dlstrtot -