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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
''. . TII2 OREGON SUNDAY JCirn:TAi; PORTLAND. SUNDAY I.IORNIN0, AUGUST 12, : IZZ1. 5 " v' ' .Yzrrr. ' s' - ' -ASk leading Furriers t ;. -L:'-::': Fourth Morrison '.- -i ' ' ' ' ' .'.'.-- ' v ":. v e " V"i, "r .v V. ,:k i ' ' " ', ' i' ' .'. "-' ' 1 f - "i ,' .' v ' ; : . , ' 'r'"" J M OTORINO and boating are the chief ports of the few who ' are new left la town. ' July .was a deserted month In the 4 rank of eeoletyr Arirtli mor so. Kott of those who loft town for -the ; month of July will remain away till September and. tbooo who have only ono month to spend at the beach or In tho ' mountain chooao to be gone In Au gust There aro a fow early itniflwt coming la from tho oool resorts, but fcnoat of these aro preparing for a win tar's absence and have lltUo tlmo for ' Boolal dutlea Many of tho young girls aro returning to mako roady for tbatr ', wlntor at collar- Soma of the older people are planning to go -abroad or to ' winter In' tha east, and A start in tha oarly fait occasions summsr prepere-tioav- .- k, " .: :i Th oaason of ongagemanta has again arrived. Tharo ara two period tn every r wear whoa thero Is aa epldemio of those i Interesting conditions ono Is . la the ' spring, "when tho young man's fancy." to. Then Is played the necessary pre ' lud to the proverbial month of wed . dings.- June. ' The other period signifi cantly follows tho summer season, and Mitt Elizabeth Hamas. whether It Is th new winter - coming on that encourages young people to make a fresh start la life, or whether tho summer girl id suddenly desirous . of turning serious, cannot be known. It I wilapeMsV'that seversl more en gagamsnts will soon Join ths publicity ' of tho two Interesting ones so recently mods. Reports of gay times come from so- . - elety at the beach. There are boating . parties ' on the Necanlcura at Seaside , ; and launching parties oa tho bay Xxmg Bekch. ' Bonfires,' clam bakes, , clam diggings and crabbing partlas, surf . parties, tramping parties and coaching . parties serve to keep the people amused ' and Interested. And in addition there aro the -indoor amusements and lunch . eons, dinners, card parties, -supper . dance and muslcales are given at the various cottages and hotels Just the same aa ' at home. The beach season has been a gay one this ysar. r (t, - : . , Slgnor R. A. LucchesL tha Sao Fran- eiaoe musician, who ha been hero sines , last May. has Just gone on a flying trip ; fo Hew Torn, caned there to make rinai ' arrangemsnt for thepubllcstlon of his book. "Notes on Modern Italy," which . ho started to write last November in ' Saa Francisco and finished here. Three hundred photographs and engravings. . which should hsvs illustrated hla book. were burned. He will endesvor to re . . plaoe at least part of them. Tho book Is - a sort of guide for travelers, showing th great progress mada by Italy la her third renaissance. Ha will also ses about tho publication of some of his . snusloal compositions saved from tha Saa Franclsoo cataatrophe and ' heard '. hero at hla successful concert given last Msy. . , Slgnor Luccheal Is very.enthuslaatlo about Portland, foaling highly honored , by th warm reception accorded - him. He declares that tha aesthetic atmos . phere It decidedly superior to that of , Saa Franclsoo. . On his return here he will also begin rehearsing with ths Graham string juartet, having mads arrangements wltn Mr. Graham to appear In the three chamber muale concert., to be given the oomlng season - by tho Graham atrin quartet. It has already been decided i that Slgnor Luccheal will perform ths : celebrated Schumann pianoforte quintet . in the first concert; his own quintet in "ths second, and probably tha Brahms quintet, op. 41. In the third one. giving . (bug thchaae to onr music lovers and tudents'to hear those compositions never performed her before. ....a. During his short sojourn tn the great metropolis, Slgnor Luochesl proposes to . give a rec(tl of his o wr-co n positions, ' helped . by tho New Tork Msnuscrlpt ooclety, which elected him a member several years ago. '- ! ' Mrs. Byron Nichols has been the guest th past week of Mr. Wslter Burrell at tho beach. She is sxpected Jome oa Thursday., . ' Two) fngsgsmsnt recently announced of two of Portland s most charming young women bars put society in a flutter-of Interest. Miss Ruth Smith, ths daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Smith, has bees an acknowledged fa Yorlt tn th younger set. aad th an-' nownoement of her coming marriage to Frederics; Leslie Warren wa greeted with beau of good wlshss. Suaday Miss, Emma railing, tho daughter' of Mrs. " Edward Tailing, made publle her engagement to John Lena, who has lust returned from a trip of seven or eight month.- It la-understood that both ara to be October, weddings. . ,-:.. i - w- , ; ' . M Las Marlon- Stevenson, a very ohann. tng member of San Francisco society, was last week th -guest of MreVv Fred Walker. . There, was porno pleasant en tertaining for her, In aa Informal way before she left Thursday to bo tho guest or Mrs. W. T. Bhsridan, la Taooma. Miss Stevenson is a delightful girt, full of quick wit and entertaining manners! who readily mages friends, and is a (.favorite with her set at home. ; Mrs. Axel Eckstrom (Florence Moray) of Now Tork and her sister. Miss Maud Morey, have arrived and are now at tho Morey country place at Oswego. w ' -.' Mrs. Philip Carroll and Madams 8. A. Barker. jt ho left a few weeks ago at the invitation of Madame Langen hare' to visit at her beautiful summer home In SwltsOrland, were heard from In England last week. On their arrival Mils Marion Stevenson In New Tork they ' found they were unable to secure passags on the Kaiser Wllhelm der Gross, so thsy changed their route to go by 'way of Liverpool Instead of Berlin. , The party spending this - week at Ecola, the charming eummer home of th Lewis and Flanders fsmlllss, will be one of the largest and Jollisst of the season. The Holt Wilsons, tho Howard Mathers, Dr. and Mra . Herbert S. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. David C Lewie, Mlas Hoyt, Miss Kathleen Burn. Miss Nan ' Wood. David Honeyman. . Waltsr Bee bee and Harry Corbett, aro all ex pected to Join the party,- v ; , ; ;. , ; " Announcement has been made 'of the coming marriage of Miss Katharine Bull of San Francisco and Covington Pringlo. Miss Bull . Is well remem bered hero from her recent -visit, whe sho made many friends. - , it ft ' . ' Mrs. William BrewsteL Mra , W. J. Van Sckuyver, Mrs. W. O. Van Sehuy ver. Miss Van Schuyver and Mra Frank Hart war among tho guests at the Seaside house. Ths three Weldler girls and Mrs. William Honeyman were at tho same resort. - - j ., Mlas Villa Whitney Whit I nowi being ntertalned by Mis Maud Alns worta. w Miss Dorothy Holbrook was ths gusst of Miss Celeste Moore at Seaside last week and wamuch entertained. Mra Leo Frlede and her motherMrs. t. Falgt, ntertalned a Bumper of their friends one -day last weeav- Tiie lunch eon was served la a grove near th homo and tho enjoyment was greatly Increased by th ahady bower, mocks and easy chairs. . . , S - -. '),. ;-"W - Mrs. C E. 9. Wood Joined her daugh ters, HIm Kan and Miss Uaa Wood, at Oearhat Park - last week. Miss Wood spent part of tho week at the Moor at The Irvtngton- people find the Wed nesday night "informal" a pleasant re laxation during th dull season. ' and every week there Is a goodly attendance of summer stay-at-home. - uk woes Mrs. Frank S. Doe rn backer "mada a. de lightful hostess." As usual th program arranged va short and very iafemai. Mrs. William Kerr Soott sang ana Mr. Jordan . recited. A delightful feature was th Interesting talk given by Rev. Mr. Baker of Oakland, California, who came up some tlmo ago to address ths and who has since then boon fishing, tramping, playing golf and doing everything that would aerve to ao- quaint and delight him with tho coun try. That evening ho was the dinner guest of tha WUllam Kerr Boot la. who took Mm along to tho elub and ho was prevailed unon to spook. Ths Irvtngton elub is revelling la ths proud grandeur pf a braad-new Amert eaa flag and Union Jack, which were hoisted last week. Announcement has been received In Portland of the marriage of John How ard Lewis and Mlaa Agnes E. Bheparo, daughter of Jfr. and Mra. J. R. Snap ard of Salem. Mr. Lewis Is state engi neer of Oregon and well known to many Portland people. Ha will reside with his bride at Salem, i K- '( Mrs. W. H. Mills and Miss Mill were lunched Informally at tho golf club laat Wed need ay, by friends. They are plan- nine to leave ror homo mi a wee.. Dr. and Mra. A. E. Rockey entertained delightfully Thursday evening several of their friends at- their country-place Owyhee. The occasion was la compli ment to tho birthdays of Mrs. W. U. Mills, the Rockeys 'California guest and Mrs. Anna Selkirk . Norton. . Tho guests wsre Invited to dinner, aad th evening continued their pleasure. There were Z5 guests, and among them were Mr. and Mrs. w. w,- cotton. Mr. ana Mrs. A. D. Charlton. Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. R. R. Hoge, Miss Camilla .-Dosch. Ar thur Alexander. Paul and Eugene Rock- ay, ..-Mlaa .Oenevleve Thompson,. Dr. Harry, Bladen and others. : - : 1 There -wao -a pleasant -supper , and dance for a boat it guest given at the Dosch. country horn at Hillsdale Satur day evening a week ago.. Mr. and Mr. Byron. Nichols were the honor guests. of San Francisco. Mr. Nicholas ha recently arrived with his bride,- formerly Nancy Voorhees of Lexington, Kentucky, tho story Of whoss romantic marriage . 1. generally known. There haa been much Informal enter taining for them. Mrs. J, N. Tsal and her little daugh ter, and' her 'slater, : Miss Genevieve Thompson, hare returned from month's outing' at Hood Riven, Thsy ara preparntgrfor anotnsr trip very soon. ' . V 'A Mis Lillian Dosoh and hsr brother, Arno Dosch, left ysstsrday for Mount Hood, v They expect to drive tho entire - " it it , Miss Annie Dltchbum haa returned from th beach prior to" her departure sasu .. ... -. - ' Mr.- and Mrs. B. C-Froat sntartalned at dinner on Friday vnlng at th Portland In honor of Mr. John Wilson of Grass Valley, California. Mrs. Wil son is visiting hsr sea. Dr. Clarence True Wilson. Tho. other gusst wsre Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg C. Flanders and Dr. Wilson, I . : Miss Maud Hahn and hsr slater. Mia Delia Hahn, and Mra Harriett Sheldon, and her gusst Mrs. -Cummin and Miss Edith Cummin of Dayton, Ohio, formed a party to th Moor at Seaside last week. . , '. : ' ; , Mr. and Mra -F. M. Branch gav a musical lawn fat Saturday evening, en tertaining 0 friends In a delightful manner. Vocal music was well given by mambsrs of th musical department OF SUMNER GOODS STARTS MOHDIW AT ONE P. f.7. The policy, of-this establishment is NOT TO CARRY ONE ' SEA SplSPSlGQODS ; WEfeflNTO ANOTHER Therefor we will close out thi balance o goods REGARDLESS OF COST. In Cloaks, ; Suits Skirts coats, Muslin Uhdervir Move all our Summer goods in the NEXT. FEW JDAYS in order to r 'L":. !m atr fnftm fnr our tntX7 . T7a11 ctnnlr .xxyninTi e?,rtcfaT1Tolflf"" .' r. i. - - ww , II J - ft - - of the Woman' club and reading by Mr. Nina La row and clever little Mar- arueiito Egbert Mr. aad Mrs. B. W. E. Jennings and Miss Sara. Napper, from Salt Lake City; Mrs. Caaaady. from St. Paul, and Prof. Lucchfsl, recently from Ssa Franclsoo, were among the gusst. . - Ths houseboats moored up th river ara popular retreat these days .and those who own - them are kept busy, en tertaining their friends who have remained- in town. Some live In tholr water house all the. time, but other merely carry parties up ths river ooca- aloaally and stay there for a day or two at a time. One of tho most popular -of the boat 1 Arthur Honeyman s and thsr bar been a number of Jolly par- tlea oa board. It Is moored on Roas Island. Will Morton, Condon Bean, and H. Judge have boat on tho same Island aad anothar river colony has been formed near Riverside and Riviera, Judg Carey, th W. D. Skinner and Hoamerv Arnold ar among those living UP thsre.; Miss Helen Bates. Miss Dorothy Hol brook, and Miss Leolts Weldler left Long Beach togsthsr last Tuesday to return to Portlsnd. Miss Bates Is preparing to enter Smith eollegs this falL Mr. F.-W.-Vincent, -of Pendleton, is la the city for several weeks .with her son. Maatsr Linden, who 1 la need of surgical aad medloal attention. Mra. Vincent ha many friends la Portland and I wall remembered a a frequent gust of Mrs. C S. Jackson. . - Mrs. R. R. Hoge and hsr little daugh ter Jane left Friday for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mra John Forbls at thsir summer plaoe near Forest Grovel Th Forbls family llvta at Butts, Mon ana, but thsir summsr ar spent on their farm which. It Is said, approaches th model farm. It Is Mr. Forbls Idsa to rbake this ono of tho finest place In Oregon. It I much admired and guest, who corns frequently, enjoy being en tertained there. Miss Marjorie, - a stu dent of Smith, college, la spending the summsr with hsr family thsr this ysar. Mrs. John O. Peters and her mother. Mrs. R. C Waninsr, ar guest at th Breakor. Mra. George. D. Peters I a guest at hsr motherVoettsge at Tioga along with her sister Mrs. Ross M. Plum- mar, .- , , .. Mrs. Frank M. Warren aad Mra. Frank M. Warren Jr. have taken room for this month at ths Hotel Breakers at Long Beach, v v, . Mr. and Mra S. H. Baum and Mra Bsa .Nsustsdtsr ar guests at th Break sr at Long Beach. - . Dr. and Mra. Clarence Nlohols have opened their eottag at Tioga beach. . - Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bronsugh ar at their eottag at Long Bsactu - w Mr. and Mr. Albert Feldenhelmer ar at th Hotel Breakers at Long Bosch. Mr. and Mra. J. P. O'Brien and their daughter Mis Lillian, with Mr. and Mra F. B. Stanley and their daughter, made up a party that spent the week at th Breaker. ' Th W. M. Kllllngeworth eottag is ono of th most popular cne of an tertalnment at Ssavlew for th young people Ml Nina Kllllngeworth nter talned Monday evening with flinch in honor of Mr. LeRoy StowotL who I th guest of Dr. aad Mrs.- Tern plot on, and Miss Lou KllUngsworth gavs a Uf f y-pull last week for hsr guaat. Mite Orao Jar ren s 17. urn w we e.v v v .., ma utvwu . Tf mwm .4U . VWUtf wum r Ullilltlti . ....... t ........ . . I" . . .. r . -.. - . ' ' LJ! via ' A number of bonfire and other forms of entertainment have marked tho season therO and th eottage la a pop ular meeting place for the Omega Nu crowd. " The Maatlck eottag Is another scan or delightful gatherings and there Is company tharo all the tlmo with the four popular young daughters of - ths bouse. Mrs. Sol Bsum and hef son, Tsd Baum, are guest at tha Brsaksrs, Long usacn. una or ths largest, bonfires on ths beach was given by Ted Baum laat Wedneaday. Red fir and fireworks were th feature of th occasion. i . - Prominent among tho unique feature of tho aummer' entertaining was ths dinner given by Mrs. R. R. Hoge Wed nesday evening la honor of Dr. and Mr. A. E. Rockey and thsir guests, Mra William H. Mills and Mis Elisabeth Mill of Saa Francisco. It -wa a Chi see dinner and Mra.- Hoge wore a hand some pomegranlt. brocade princess Ki mono, recently brought to her from China by Mra McKay. : Everything about the service was extremely Chi nese. Handsome linen and Chinese dlshs kept ths thought in mind and course followed course of Chinese noodles, chop suey, ginger, mataua, and othsr native dishes. Each guest had been requested to bring his own chop sticks and soms proved experts tn thsir manipulation. A pretty .Chlness bowl was givsa to each as a favor, . w ' - ' Mel via Ogden will preside at the Trinity church organ through ' August during tho abssncs of Carl Denton. The complimentary concert given by Mis Elisabeth Harwaa Friday evening st tho Hsckeney eottage at Seavlew was one of the delightful events of the beach season. It wss. largely attended and the program given was snthuslaatio- ally received. : Miss Harwaa, whoss vo cal abilities are well known and recog nised in Portland, was tne chief per former, but she wss most ably -assisted by other, talent Miss. Edwlna Maatlck. solo soprano of tho First unitarian church, gavs several delightful numbers. and Miss Franoe Brigham, Mist lien nynn. Miss Nancy, Seals, Mis Maud Bell, Sidney Rasmusssn and Mis Jen nie Hagerdown, a clever reader who ha recently returned from the east, con tributed musical -and literary numbera The Seavlew -Mandolin club was appro- ciateo. Mra Richard Koehler and hsr daugh ter. Miss Use Koehler, ara at Osarhart Park. .Mr. Koehler wont down laat wsek for an over Sunday "Visit ' Mrs. W. C Alvord came up Wednes dsy from a stay at th beach aad As toria. , V , ... WW ' Mr. Sol Blumauer and hsr daughter. Miss Hasel, returned Wednesday from seaside, - ww" ' Mr. and Mr. Phllo Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. O. A.- Dobls and their daughter Helen are among the Portland, gusst at Nyebrook hotel, Newport beach. - The announcement of the engagement of Miss Nina M. Lane to A. O. Flneh of Salt Lake City Is mst with much lntsr eat Miss Lan Is th daughter of Mayor aad Mrs. Harry Lan and haa a large circle of friend. Th marriage I to take place early In September and they will go to Salt Lake City te maks their home. Mr. aad Mrs. & 3. luttoa snUrtalnsd j EVEIMT8 OF THE WEEK, j a - ...... , .. - . .. .. . j m.1 wear. .1 .t: Thursday evening in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. -A number of useful and - handsome gift were brought thorn by their, friends. - Th evening was spsnt very pleasantly, Whist wa playsd by th greater num ber of the guest and - prise were awarded to Mrs. Henry Martin and Wil liam J. Ham. Tha consolatlona fall- to Mra. Edward German and T. J, Wil liam For the pleasur of . othsr guests who did not play cards thsre wa music la ths library- Mis Jen nie Anr and Mis Myrtle Bowman sang, and Mra Jamas Waster played. Late la th evening elaborate refresh ments were served by a number of young women gowned la white. They were Miss Esthsr Bull, Mis Mamt Harder, Mis Jessts Bowman. MlSs Myitis Bowman and Mis Jsnnls An as r. The hosts - wore a handsome gray silk trimmed with black Irish lace. The guests of th evening weh Mr. and Mrs. B. F. James, Mr. and Mr. Edward. Henderson. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ceetsr, Mr. and Mra. Jam Penney, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Maatsrson, Mr. aad Mra. William Borden, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Garfield. Mr, and Mrs. Anton Fox, Mrs, B. L. Dardea, Mrs. Frsnk H. Dodge, Mrs. L. Karl Bailey, Mrs. Awbrsy Denton. Mra. Anna Loo. Mrs. Harry Olson, Mrs. 8. D. Tat, Miss Esthsr Bull. Miss Maml Harder, Mis Jsssl Bowman, Miss Myrtls Bow man. Miss Jsnnls Ansar, Mrs. Henry Martin, Mra Edward - German, Mrs. James Wester, William J. Mam, T, J. William. Morton Ross, F. H. Pat ton, Oeorg Rodney and Howard Frank. A. E. Curtis division 1(1, Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl nssrs, gav Its first picnlo July If at Hawthorns park. At 1 o'clock a bounte ous dlnnsr wss spread upon tha tabls for 4S guests. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Love- Joy, Mr. Fltoh, Mrs. L. MoFaddsn, Mr. j. Kehoe, Mr. R. c. Morrla. Mra i. A. Randall. Mr. W 0Mally, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fields. Mrs. J. Paulsen. Mrs. W. SwanL Mra Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodges of Colorado, Mra E. J. Hodgee of California, E. P. Morrla J, Rudd, J, Kehoe Jr., Mrs. L. H. Davison, Mrs. O. R. Henderson f Grand Rapids. Miehl gan; Miss May Cahlll, Mlssss Mlldrsd ana Margaret trMaiiy, uaro juoveior, Mis Bernloe LoveJoy, MVas Ella Healy, Earl Swain. Arthur Randolph, . Mra. Hawthorn. Thl plonlo will he followed by an other at the Oaks on August 16, and a larg attendance is expected. ... . w. .. r Mrs. J. , Tool entertained at lunch eon Tuesaay in nonor or ner cousin. Miss Lillian Hall, of Vlotorla, British Columbia. Covers were laid for eight The centerpiece was of red rosee and ths plaoe carde ware representations of th mapl leaf In autumn . tints -ths Canadian symbol. . Vina mapl wa used In decorating tho rooma and th side board was banked with It -The guests were Mra Mariana Moms, Mra J. H. Wilson, Miss May Pferdon, Miss Lsttls Bisck. Miss Violet Custer and Mr. C H. jams. .... .. ... it t Laat Monday evening a pleasant picnic waa enjoyed at Sellwood park by th girl of th Clover olub of Mlapab Pres byterian church. A fsw of the party went early ia the evening and the rest of the girt on tholr arrival found a dallolou aupper spread on th grassy river bank. A dusk cam on Chinese lanterns were lighted under the trees and later an Impromptu program tn which everyone had to take part waa given. The rest of the evening .was spsnt with story-telling and song. Ice cream was served Just be for ths party Started horn a 'Mra J. Peterson 'chap eroned the party and those present. In cluding the eluh's.4TUta, wr Miss 5 ' -," i ,. .'.' ' , , " ; v,'r Mml. t-.v ... , ... ; A .: ,, - o- V "- it V'V- I.,,' 3 WEDDING AND VI5ITINQ CARDS W. G. SMITH & Co. Washington: Balldlnc Agnes Duncan. Mlas France Dunoen. Mis Eva Klnsey. Miss Tessls Lan caater, Mia Kthsl Adams, Mlaa Hasel Lee, Miss Florence O. Herman, Miss Christina A. Btanwood, Miss Agnea Klessling. Miss Myrtle Helm. Mis Essie Sbinn, Miss Nomas Bhlaa, Mis Orao Ceathorne, . Mlaa Leila Paffeabarger. Miss Edith Paffenbarger. Mia Rubyl Good ridge. Ml Helena Daniels, Miss Jsssl Danlela, Miss Ann! Wslff, Miss Edna Hsckman, Mis Winifred Hook man, Miss Lillian Petersoa aad Mlas Jsssls McLaughlin. Mis oertrude Evans entertained a fsw friends Tuesday vnlng, th occa sion bslnf her llth birthday. ... Those present wsre the Mlssss E. Kerns. Ry- msreoa, Auavs, Coleman aad Bsrgsr- soa. Mrs. Charles Moehnk of Willamette Falls gavs an tee crsam party Thursday svsning in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Edward A. France of Portland. - Ths guests were Mrs. William Bluhm, Miss ivy tuunm, miss Marl Bluhm. Mr. Fred Fisher, Miss Rsglna Flshsr, Mra Edward France, Miss Geneva France. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. LeBean. Mrs. A. Brady Mr. and Mra Charles Moehnke. Martin - Dsschsr, Frank Keegla, H. Sohrooder, Re Franoa Roland Fore berg, Harold Brady. August Moehnke and Levesa Moehnke. Maslo waa fur nished by Mr. Ksaale aad An rust and Levsan Moehnke. A pretty children's party was that given Monday afternoon by Genevieve Burton at her mothers - home" on ths east slds. Ths party was la honor of th little) hoatsas tenth birthday and 10 of her little playmates gathsred te celebrate the event. They were enter tained on the lawn aad thoroughly en- Joyed a series of such game as " Drop th Handkerohlef," "Black Man"-and "Pussy Want Comer" till their exer tion made them ready for the oool re freshment provided for them. Mra Burton, Mrs. jarass, miss Etta Hill and Miss Jennie Norrls served th - little oompany. . IT,, hostess with the small est guest was seated at a table In the center and th gifts brought by hsr little friend- were given te hsr thsre aad arranged on the tabl. .. . Her . guests wsre: Adelaide . Rises. Jsssl Portsr, Amelia Wilson, Betty Brlgge, Bessie Hooper. Ell Jarvls, Effls Gray, Clara Hart Hannah Morri son, Dorothy Smith, Ruth Jams, Helen Harding, Millie Turner, Frenoea Wilde, Eva Scott, Mertle Down, Vara Fame- worth. Alii Burton, Tllll Long. Willie Smith, Jamee CConnsll. Lloyd Howe, Philip Lane,. Dave Borden, Ralph Brlggs, Dan Hooper, Marshall Way,' Harry But ton, Willis Edwards, Jamie Miller, Jack Reed and, Tom.Stsvsnscff. - - , I 1 WEDDINGS. Miss Luey Holmes of Aberdeen. South Dakota, and George A. Whitman- of Seattle were married at . 1 o'clock..last ICenUaued oa Page Seventeen.) if