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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
.1 -" ' . -4 - , ' "v a ' A a . , ' PAGES 15 73 13 ..: I i r '-.f '. .,: - PORTLAND. OEECOM, SUNDAY- MORNING, . AUGUST 18. 103 ; ' ,"'-.'v.'-,' '-; 'V r C ?7v? 'v--.v I - , . 1 Jbnxj word on this printed page matt be backed op by the goods in' th store. ';'''.". v . OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO. A Different Store "Storiette?: 10 vvjicc vii a i aiiu vviiiiucmc . Mrg. Holland la an out-of-town v fueat of Mrs. Brown this month. It being the bargain aeaton, shop pins Is ' one" of) the pleasures planned for the gueat "Let's, shop today at the '"Different Store,'" i suggested Mrs.' Brown., "What Is meant by the "Different Store'?", asked Mrs. - Holland "aren't all great ' department ' stores the same?"" "Indeed, no!" replied the hostess, "and all large depart- "ment stores are not eren great Old, Worttnan eV King bring, us . the best merchandise to be found m the world's foremost manufac turing centers.' In fact, they not' only send expert buyers in qnest of ' the best and newest several times a year, but maintain resi dent buyers at the leading fashion centers. Again, they employ only expert . and - superior representa tives, which assures us of the best that money will buy at the earli est moment of production. Not only do they sell dependable mer chandise," continued Mrs. Brown, ss she helped her guest to s sec- ond cup of delicious coffe "but! they insist upon retaining only, the most painstaking alesfolk." "Ah! then one may depend upon courteous treatment," exclaimed Mrs. Holland. ;, "Yes, indeed one can," said Mrs. Brown, "and well shop at the Different Store" today. And,", she continued, "I want yon to' note what an atmospheft of quiet satisfaction v seems to 7 prevail ' through the crowds; they know bargains are plentiful. Every one finds the goods as advertised, and that original, fair prices have not been inflated to make reductions seem greater. . All the Olds," Wortman & King store sales are conducted on honest reductions from reasonable pricings. There one meets no surly doormen, no nerve-racked, tired-out clerks the 'Different Store' closes even ings, and salespeople- are treated with greatest consideration con sequently 'the shopping crowds sre never antagonized by dis courteous treatment, and rude ness is unknown." ' ' "Let's shop- there today,", cried the guest; "it certainly sounds ideal and I'll tell you later my impressions of. Portland's 'Differ-' ent Store.'" . ' , i- Vomen's Hosiery , Wamaa's $IM Xfse' Se.' Sounding made bottom reached, . In, this HbeUry ' prtolng. A llnof manufacturer'e Mmplea In blank lr. plain (ue lisle and black embroMerad Hose; veluae t1.2S. Special, pair 49e Tlie Olds, VJortman& King Store J- UNPRECEDENTED PRICE SACRIFICE TO INSURE POSITIVE AND IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE OP Bargains Extraordinary I The loss will be tremendous, but' we're, determined to clear 'out the Summer 8ho Stocks this week. Bear la mind, the Shoes which go to make up this great sals axe from our own standard, high-claas lines, not a heterogeneous collection of odds end ends from "Tom, Dick and Harry," that are valueless except as "Sale Stocks." The Shoes told of below. are smart, new, fashionable models, built over stylish lasts, from dependable leathers, selected with expert care for our critical, regular patronage from the leading shoemakers of America. ..The bargain story in detail follows I . , - Wamam'a Sjs.00 Oxforda fJUlS. , T0 pairs of Roman's Oxfords In black or tin, with Usht or heavy eolaa; several sooS : atjrlaa in the ahowlnx; our $ value. Rpaclal ' . at, tha pair , ...... ......91.19 Wesna's JM OsfMs tLM, 1,100 pairs of Woman's black or tan ., Oxford In Blucbar or resular cut; with lieht or heavy eolaa; -value to t.e. Bpc4 at, the . 0 pair .irx. .;..-.. .t49i 'Womam- akoo Oxford tue. S.S0S pair of Woman' Oxford In patent .aadi dun leather, in but ton and TixjeTHl,- OoodTar "T wait and turakolaa, Bluchar or resular out; aavaral atyla laate; values to SI.SO. 8peoll at. t he , pair Women's Pretty ' Vhdermuslihs -OAVR xm votso. ; Annex Second Floor. ; " The Sale of Corset Covers Continues ' SIM OeeeeO A' line of ' Cor . set Covers In fine nainsook, . trimmed with r H-lnch embroid ery, insertion. 1 between t row -: of 1-inch Valen- olannea lace, ln- saruon ' beading , id . drawn lib-: 'boa, t fintehed with, Vaien-. ' elannaa lac edg-. Ing around neck - and a r m h o 1 : regular value Special. 69e Bee Washington Street Window. Ladle Pattlooata . ot whit earn-' brj. deep lawn " flounoe, with I , ' rows linen lace lneartloa end 'edg- i , ing.. or of heavy mualln. deep ' flounce, with eluater of fine tuck and S-lnch embroidery edg-;- . ing; regular prices fl.0. Spe cial, each ................91.19 XAdlas Petticoat of fine cambric' deep lawn ruffle, with I wide ( Ism Inaartlon and edaV ng. or petticoat of fine lawn, - having circular flounoe, I olue tar of fine hemetltohed tucks ' each and lawn underruffle; reg ular price 11.00. Bpaclal. 91.47' The Underwear Store Haa designs upon the woman with Summer undergarments yet to buy, or the foraala-htad. thrifty ahoppar who buys now for a future season1 wearing Special ' Monday F1rt ' Floor. , . ;, . , .','. ' . Women's SOe Tests es Paats ao. Xxtra slse white 111 Veat, . low neck, sleeraleaa; neatly trimmed, lace knee pant to match; regular. , Talus iOc- Special, each....88e Wesaea's il.TS Vsdoa Salt tl JS. , White ' "Merode" Union . BulU, silk' - and cotton, aleevele, - long and " short leave, knee and enkle length; - regular value II. 7. Special ...91.85 Women's 91.00 Tests or Tights Tee. "Merode Bilk and cotton Veat or Ttithta; vast with long sleeves ' and' no Bleevee, knee and ankle length tight; regular valua fl oe. Special, each T5e Aafofrt Sb1 of , 4' Pendleton Blankets Fourth Floor. , , Y ' - . . . For years tht store haa' been , foremoat in Portland'e blanket bual neas. - There's a logical reason. Our .great outlet allow buying from the millsdirect, consequent low prices meet our patrons Monday w offer , . 97J0 Watte Wool Blankets' M. ' 100 pairs fin whit wool Blankets, . made by the ptndlaton Woolen ' Mills; regular value 17.80. Bpe- ' , clal, pair 94.85 mm I1V3- Af V stamina inaucemems to $noe &uv Woara'i Os-fovts, Talu -. x 9&.SS. l,0e pairs of Woman' Oxford tn all manner of striae - tn patent . . leathers, daml-slaaa,' ; gnnaetal and kid leathers; all new, down , to-dta lasta and pattarn. The lot embraces -our popular Flnsree (. Gloria line, Hallahaa A Bona, 1 Val. Duttenhofera, Wright, Peters - Co. and many . othar of eual fame; values to .0S. Bpaclai at, .the pair . 92.69 ' Kern's tsjo'exfexe fSUS. v Man' Oxfords In black er tan, ' Bluchar or resular out; fine salac . tlonj values to Spaolal Bale ; prtca, the pair 93.19 Women's Reduction is "let out to the last notch" In the glove stocks, gloves now and later. ' ,. , ,--.' i "WOMEN'S 12.00 SILK OLOVES $1JU.. ; A fine new lot of 16-button silk net Gloves in. black, -white and cream; other stores sell for.JZOQ. Our , spedaU pair V.'.vr;:.f 1.85 ' ;v i ;WOMENt $1.73 SILK OLOVES $lja r Line o 12-button, silk .Gloves in black and whiter regu-: . lar valne $L75."- Special, pait;...v...f .......9 10 Z25 SILK OLOVES IIJS." 1' Elbow length silk Gloves in black sad whits; our 12.25 value. Special Sale Price, the pair ..81.T5 Worn 1 i u v r Pretty VJash Suits "ttittpZ Tomorrow $1.95 The final mark-downs have been made.v." The blue pencil has been run through , prices unsparingly. .' ." (Dont risk phone orders on theae)-Summer Suits in white and colors. Jacket and Eton styles, pony sod box effects, elbow and regular length sleeves;' some sailor styles; materials of duck,. Indian head, and linen, all preiuiy inmmea wiin lace ana sre $16 dresses, while some run , we say come earijr at a cnoico mi i . i : Choose From Our White Wash Sillts at Half Price . . $5.00 to $15.00 Values Take any you want; buy for next summer; materials are linen; skirts made in gored circular and plaited styles, .some trimmed tastefully with dainty embroideries. AH Mondsy at HALF PRICE. , T - , ooos ml fob KOTarna. Infarits' Wear ( ... . , ..-.. , . At Closing Prices ;"' Baby-te-atlss Shops Beeoad Ploos. Broken line of Infanta' soft sol Shoes In lace, buttons or straps; , whit, black and colors: regular, 'prices from SOo to fl.00. Tour' eholo at BtAXP PBXOS. Children's white pique and . colored ellk Jackets in plain ' or - dainty . trimmed In lace, embreldery. and ellk braid.. While they laat at ......... ...... XAXP.PBZOB. Just a few Children's White Drees a. ' ' Thar are allghtly aolled. For ' quick 1 aelllng w have . marked t ' them as follows: v Regular price ll.eO to 11.00. ' Bpe--clal, aoh , 89 ' Regular price Il.tO to-lt.tO. Spe cial, each t 9195 Regular prloe .7I to 11.00. Spa- , clal, each , . .98.35 The The "Different vSfcre' MMrt fAeo Oxforda Man's Oxforda in patenta or dull . . laather caad In the bast poaatbl ; ' maanar ovar laata that are the -. nowaat eraatlona of modern ahoa maklns; valua to I6.0S. . Bpaclal Bale prtoa. the pair. 92.98 i'a sno vnaas oxxoroa. Mad by Tlorahelm at Go,' Hurley . Bro., Edwin Clapp A Bon than . , which -no batter ahoemakers ax-' lt your eholo of any f thaa . fine Oxford at the following epa .' elal prloea: . - - Our 11.00 value. Bpaclal pair : Our 17.00 value. . Bpaclal pair Our 18.00 and t.00. value. at, the 96.60 at. tha .4.9S Bpaclal 93.9S at. the pair Long Gloves : Short Prices Sprightly Styles In ; ; a Special '. Garment Salons Second Floor. 4 More new Coats in from New York, where the department buyer has , 'been busy making selection for the How could we help it whem offering such commanding styles in smart new Coats for fall wearing as told of here. ' Best $15.00 Coats That Will Be Ottered the Coming Season Special Monday at $11.65 AU : in the popular "H" length 48 and 50-inch models very newest, ' swellest modes,, smart shepherd plaids and checks in handsome mix- tures. AO plain tailored and very "mannish" effects, made in master ly workmanship, boxy snd half-fitting, styles. The coats are all in f swagger colorings, greys predominating. . Select the garment tomor row youH need soon for the cool evenings, and & A A ' AC later for street and driving wear, at a marked sav- T f J W ing the difference between $13 and... .K VFeV OUOHT TO B A 8CRAUBLK FOR TRX8X I s - j tmoruiucou. Huuimu uoun o.w m ss high' in value, as $1Z50. Tomorrow, t ii ... .... , f Maeell Outs Thro' tke ' Einbrtildery Stocks tr . ' . rPlrstPlee'. ',;'. '.''''.. ' . "''. ' t The important reduction Monday. Bmteolderlee sad ,A lot of Xmbroid- . eries and insertion n Bwla and najn aook. in peat Tr pat-., . terns, and value to . Oo the yard1 In .atrip ef yards and OH yarda. Spe olal Sale prioe, the, yard . 15 SOs Taleaeleasee ' "A lot nf Valenciennes Laces in In . aertfiln and edge value to 00 . 'the dosen yard. . Special Sal price, the dosen yards...... ,85s Olds, VJortman &King Store SUMMER FOOTWEAR! (ANNEX FIRST FLOOR SIXTH ST.) . Women's Bhoae In patent and dun leather la eollage and regular cut, with mat or bright top; - several different etyle in the ee - ' lection; valuae to lt.00. Bpadal J at. the pair ............. -91.98 Womaa's $9M ana se.00 Oxford Woman's Oxford In finest gradae' , of patent and dull laathare, with.. wait or hand-turned eolaa, Bluoher or regular laoe stylea. , All-ar made In factories where y nothing but nigh grade ehoea are manufactured. Nothing ta the lot worth laaa thaa IJ.80, - and erica, tha nalr jT And so manySromen need the fashionable long ! i ;.:S5o.LACE EXTENSIONS S'XfSV. Silk Lace Extensions in black and white; to be used with .the. short gloves; our 85c value. Special , Sale Price, the pair .63e 7Sc LISLE EXTENSIONS 53c, V 16-button Lisle Extensions in white only; our 75c vslue. .Special Sale Price, the pair,. ............... ..68 : . 1 $1.00 SILK EXTENSIONS 79c Plain SHk Extensions in black and white only; oar $1.00 value. Special Sale Price, the pair...... .......79 7 $15.00 Coats af $11.65 Sale past six weeks. And we're busy, too. um iui, iuu v cu tr M fWm while they last need - T. J MS asr m iv'sr Women's "Fixins 9t -A Beauty Trio Sacrificed In the . . A ;. the Markdowna. ; . ., ' ,. First Floor. ' '." BS aad SOo Taffeta Bibhoa SSo. Satin Taffeta Ribbons, five to sevea inches wide In all dealrabla col-" - ore and eur le value; also a lot , ' ef Silk Taffeta Ribbon four and one' half to six Inches wide our -lie 'Value.. Special for Monday . .and all week at. the yard....8Se : SS Uaaa Baadkarehlefa IS. -' Dainty hemstitched and erabroid ' ered ' ltnea Handkerchiefs good' lie valua. Special Sale prioe, each . lSet ,. lUMMja BBOB-WBAB. '. i tee &ae OoOare Bee. '.' Fancy - - Collars ' made of Valea- elanne lac and insertion: some' of linen and lawn with hand em- broidery; made with tab fronts; - our lie value. Special Sale price, each ..S4e wm it ers i"s 9MB Baeee Woman's Shoes In tan) and eharo pagne, made of the Zlneat mata rlala, with welt or hand-turn ad - aole, with or without ' tip; Franc h, Cuban or military baala and many new atria last; regular value to IS.00. Special BaJe prioe. per pair ...........91.98 Woman's Bkoaa, Talua to SoOO foe - ssas. 1,000 pairs of Women's Shoe, made in patent and dull leather; made by soma of the form oat faotorias of -the country ehoae aelected from our regular stock whtoh meane they are as good a it' possible to gat shoe "O. W. K." Bhoae are the standard of merit; value to 16.00. Special at, -the pair 98.19 XAABTXo nn nsozxara op In Vash Goods Aisle a smaA OKossa orr OP WASOK SrOOBfll IS aad BO Waea Ooods le, Our Una af TMmttiae, Lawn and ., Batista, in , beautiful pattern! valua at Me and 0a Speolal, yard loet SOo aad rs Btovwlty Slaads BS. High clas Imported lorlty Wash Good; value at leo sad TB& Bpaclal, yard ..89e A lot of fin white embroidered batiste, mulls, silk finish Kadraa and Jacquard Walatlngs; valnea to Me. Speolal. yard. 19e .'" 00 tspreeae furt. ' Fringed and hammed colored Bed spread a; regular value floO. Specials. 91.75 PBXop-ourrrjrci In Millinery's Realm Annex Second Floor "Bijou' Salons. Isn't it surprising to ' choice of high grade Bat in world-famous make for ........... offered $2.50 .Wefw determined on drastic sieaa . ore to clear tha Millinery Salons,' "from stem to stern," of It re maining stocks. There' - proof poaltlv of our rasolv in today offer. Monday we will allow full and free choloe ot all the follow-. Ing named make: PHIPPS: GAGEi " ATCHISON: CONNELLY: -: and other, celebrated high grade creatlona of famous parentage no matter what the regular prioe or preeent worth at a choice.) for ,. . ...,83.80 Pretty Art Pieces BXBTOTXOBr .. nnaasi BsseaB Plea. ' . Batten berg laoe Deylie Patterns la a great variety ef stylea, in elsee from 0 te 10 Inches. Tour choloe, each . 14 Flna linen hemetltohed Doyllea, stamped in a large assortment ef designs .. . y , a 0 (nchea: regular prioe 10 to lee. Speolal, each ...... . ...,6v T II Inehee; regular prioe 11 to lC , Bpeclal, each. ...lOel Mercerised Embroidery, a ail eol or. Special, dosan 10e Kew Ventilated Hip Forme' and Summer Bustles In white, drabser black; regular price 1 0c Special . each i , 86e be TTT O His) store that sells greet stocks the fastest Is the one that can make prices the 'lowest. Such a. store la : " OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO'S. Hello! Keep in Touch Vith the Store: ; It's always best, of course, to come to . the store. There are times when phone orders can't be filled; customers on the spot "early birds" sometimes just get everything in sight A case of the kind happened Friday when we advertised stoneware at cost of, freight an unprecedented rush carried off every piece before 10 o'clock clerks so busy with the crowds. they could't , respond to phone calls. And yet we thought there was enough to last all comers sll day and supply phone patrons. .We regret to have dis appointed any one. Our phone service is now the largest and most complete on .the Pacific coast. Phones dot the . store everywhere; you msy call up any , department from your home and talk with any salesperson. ' If yon can't come down town, shop by phone at ..Portland's only great "Telephone 8tore." ' . PBIOBS TAXX BTBAXOBT TO TfJ To Men: And the point the Men's Furnish ing Btore makes It convincing; via, newest styles, best value. . . Judge , for yourself, from Monday . spe cials. Annex First Floor. . Meat BLOO Vmloa Bttltai Ta. - Men's Jersey rfbbed TJnlon Suits fat ' ecru color regular vein 11-00. Bpaclal r..... T8 Victor Arm Bands; regular value 1 c" Special ..........I for Be)' Bwys TBs elblf BhartB dsn, Boys Fancy Madras Oolf Shtrta, figured mohair and silk fronts; regular value Tlo. Speolal. .4oe) aa BO Xaadkerchlafa loo. Mlrn's pur whit linen hematttched Handkerchiefs; regular valua lOet, : Special ....lOe) s ai.00 oonr BUrt as. A line of Men's Fancy Madras Oolf Shirt, with Whit plaits; value at TBo and 11.00. Special, each . 85e Odds and Ends ' v ' KOBTSAT BAM Am. ' I First Floe. ';; ' ; lie 1-lb. r package Linen' Writing Paper. Special 22 le package..Whtte Wove Knvalope. . Special .3V le bottle Carter's Ink. Special.. 3 tlo Crepe Paper Lunch Seta. ' Sne- , elal . .....17e 10c package of 100 Decorated Paper Napkin. Bpaclal , ....94 10 bottle WMteola" for eleaatng white ahoa. Speolal 74 10 ImportedJCooth Brushes. Spa clal 14 . lie can Bathaaweet. Special.. 74 , Tie 4-lb. bar Caatll Soap. Spe- elai . i.494 Can Berated Talcum Powder. Special 104 Pair lie lightweight Dress Shield. Special ICS 10c card ef 1 Boawa Pearl Bttttp-a. Special ..A le paper Washington Plaa Special . ..,,v..j... Z4 lie Amason Hairpin Cabinets. , Special . .., Ci lie Smart Set Rhinestone KM 1 Back Combs. Special . . J Exchange T-$ Please