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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
"7... THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY. Qr.NINQ. AUGUST 12,. Commencing Commencing1 Tomorrow ; ik Savaatk Weak GENUINE SALE VALUES FALL STYLES OF THE Warburton DERBY HAT Now Re a d y Tomo Saventa .Weak. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD c MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Six weeks o! unparalleled sale value valuei such M were never -before offered taking into consideration everything quality, variety, regular selling, values and the convincing reductions which have been so evident during this notable sales Eeriod. Each successive, week has offered equal opportunities for the selection of desirable articles for every part of ; the ome, and the seventh week, which commences tomorrow, will be a repetition of the generous offerings of the previous weeks. We invite your inspection of this immense sale stock, and we know that you will find here many suggestions for the replenishment of the home. We quote here only a few of the opportune bargains which comprise the gathering of sale articles. GENUINE : SALE; VALUES v , Ki. ? v. ALL TWO AND THREE-PIECE SUMMER SUtTS AT 25 Per Cent Reduction mm ro taxvs, von so o gay am ui rARGERS FACE SERIOUS PROBLEM JJ SHORTAGE OF GRAHJ BAGS May Not Interfere WHri Handling of Crop but Will Mean ' t Increased Coat. t , REASONS GIVEN FOR HIGH PRICES ASKED Pile of Rawftterlal High fa Cal- - cutta and ' Restricted ' Output of ' Factories Besponaible for Shortage and Advance Duty Cuts Figure. J ( The shortage of grain bags la the Pad no north west la a aerioua problem to tbe fanners and Its full effect can hot be told for some time. There la a bare chance that tbe shortage will not interfere with the handling of the crop, bat It will ooat tbe fanners considerably more 'to-sack their wheat thla season than It baa for several years, aa tbo prloe of bags today la 1 cents higher ' than a yea ago. ' Oa an sstlmate of 44.000,000 sacks to be used, this means that the farmere of tho Pectfle northwest will have to pay to the bac manufacturers between 4740,000 and 41.000.000 more than they did a year ago. Thla Increase, tho bag manufacturers declare. Is due to the Cal cutta market, tho canter for lute, mm the piioe in that market for Jute la higher today from 14 to 40 per oent than It has been la the past 40 years. -. Mr. Ames, of Ames. Harris 4V Neville, one ef the largest bag manufacturing concerns on the Paclfle coast, yester day made aa Interesting statement re garding the grain .bag situation. Be '-said! .'. "Bags today are bringing 1 tents . each, and I see ao prospects of a re daction. The cause for this Increased , price is the Calcutta market for raw material. Today the price In Calcutta for raw material la higher than It had been for 40 yeara They are receiving more for Jute there than I have known to be paid since ths civil war. . The flguree of the prlcee la Calcutta would give little Information, and about the only statement I could make that would srlve aa Idea ef the advance would be to say that the prices range from 20 to 40 per cent more than X have ever 'known them to be. Frloe Bid Vet Bros. ' "When the prices In Calcutta com menced to mount the manufacturer In ' America did not lay In a very large stock of raw material, as they all ex pected the price to break, but Instead it has kept ollmblng; therefore. In view of these restricted purchases of raw material, the manufactured product has fallen off. On top of this low produc tion, which affects the Paciflo coast, came the Ban Francisco disaster and an enormous wheat crop In California. In the San Francisco fire t estimate that something like- 4.(00,000 to 4,000,000 bags were destroyed, and not 4,000,000, as some of the estimates make It, but this shortage, together with the great crop In California, has made a shortage that Is having a direct effect oa the Paclfle coast" .. "Does ths -customs duty en the raw material have any great effect r was asked. "I do not think 'the present situation ran be laid ta that .cause. . The duty Is a combination one of specific and ad valorem and I should estimate that It makes today a difference of from IV.. to 1 H cents per bag. being based on the Calcutta market, but 'the cause of all la ths Calcutta market, where we have to buy our raw material. There are ruber reasons which make the price of i sea this year seem excessive. Ia l01, 1104 and 104 there was sa overproduc tion of bags and the manufacturers bad to sell them for less than cost. In those years bags were remarkably low. , lst year tbe price was t cents, and 1 dare say that the manufacturers made more last year with bags at cents than they do today at l centa I know we did, for we did not have to pay any where near the high price for Jute that e nave to do today. ' l Tiers is eat thing that X lilnk J oaa make clear, and that la, that aa far as we were able to learn there Is. no combination In the-Calcutta market to make a uniform price or to control the market. We bought of several parties and each of them Quoted aa different prices, which seems to ms to dispel any Idea of a combination to maintain nrlcea. From the Information I have been able to obtain I feel that ths high price of raw. material Is d us to. two things. One of these, and possibly .the most Impor tant, is laoor troubles In Calcutta. There were strikes, and the Jute men could not get out their products. .- The other cause, and It la also Important. Is aa increased demand for burlap goods 'of ail tunas. These two things have kept the price of raw material up and they with tbe fact that the American manu- facturers made llgat purchases la ths expectation of the market breaking has caused ins bag shortage.' ' Wha lbs Bvty If earns. , Mr. Ames statement that the cus toms duty adds from 1 to ltt osats to the cost of each bag Is of great In terest to ths farmers. If this duty was removed bags this year would be selling at aa advance of only 4 to H cent ever the prloe last year,' even in ths face of. the great advance In the price of raw material. - This Is easily seen from the fact that ths total ad vance la 14 cents, and If ths tariff is removed the advance would be very slight. . Ia years whsn ths bag pro duction is up to ths proper mark the reduction. If the tariff was removed. would cut Quite a figure. The Increased price this year Is due to two things the high price of tho raw material and the restricted output of factories. With a normal factory 'production and ths tariff removed . on raw material some of those who are familiar v with - the trads claim the bags would cost Isss than they did In ltOS. ' - ; V That thla -tariff ls Increasing the price of bags this year practically 1H cents each te believed by many and Is evidenced from a recently published letter of Kerr, Glfford 4k Co the grain exporters, which says: "We consider the exaction of this duty a decided imposition oa tne . farmer. and so far aa ws dan see It protects only the few bag manufacturers In- the east" , .., . . . THREE MILES OF CIRCUS PARADE COMING TO TOWN The parade with which the great Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers' enormous shows will begin Is announced to leave the exhibition ' grounds at 14 o'clock promptly, and go over the prin cipal business streets. This free page- act has been enlarged and magnified so that It presents mora dsasling features than were ever seen In a display of this kind before." "All of ths men, women' and children connected with the shew will have some part therein. There are more than a .thousand people employed by the immense enterprise. Many of ths animal cages will be open, end the little folks will have a special division for their delight. Pert end berlbbonsd ponies end graven counterfeits of fairy land ideals with roly-poly clowns are conspicuous factors in this section for ths little people. - Lumbering elephants,, three great herds of them, supporting enoumled thrones with radiant canonist and flashing embellishments, and gor geously garbed and beleweled riders of the great nations of the world, meekly following camels, soldiery types of all nations, graoeful women riders fashion, ably gowned, famous equestrians, spir ited horses of blue-blooded pedigree, musical vehicles of recent Invention and tremendous volume end tableau floats with picturesque groupings of racial types, and a hundred and ons other Items, some of which are familiar, and many more refreshingly novel and fas cinating, are woven Into the three miles of processional glories. Much of tbe firs-fighting apparatus of ths big spec tacls called "Fighting ths Flames" will be seen In this great procession of won ders. Hers August 20 and 21. PrlnevUle capital .IS becoming Inter-I esiea in tne mucn talkea or denatur ised alcohol, and It Is believed a plant there would pa, v- Many Handsome Bedroom Pieces Comprise t af Part -pfy tke ; SaleStqck M " ' ! , THESE , AREj A. FEW VALUES , r ; . ' DRESSERS, CHIFFONIERS AND DRESSING TABLES. ' (30.00 Dressing Tabla in selected quarter sawed golden ok;-sale price..;.".. ... f20.0t $32.50 Dressing Table in highly polished mahogany; sale price ......,..x........?2.00 $36.00 Dresser in highly polished mahogany, two patterns to select from; sala price ........ 29.00 $36.50 Dresser in selected quarter sawed golden oak; sale price .........V..........JTr.V..7.s)29.00 $48.00 Dresser in birdseya maple; a handsome de sign; sale price ...... ............... .....3T.OO $60.00Dresser in birdseya maple, richly finished : sale price .TV7TT7rnvrwrsJ-, $90.00 Dresser in polished walnut, hand carved oma- r ' .mentation; sale price-.., .........fw.w " $90.00 colonial 'Chiffonier in mahogany, richly fin v ished;' sale price ..................... ,..,s)62.50 $75.00 large: Dresser in highest gride quarter sawed .golden oak; sale. price. ......60.00 $90,00 Princess Dresser in the best grade mahogany; a stylish piece! sale price..... ........ ...aTO.OO $100.00 Chiffonier in mahogany, colonial design: sale ,,.vf70.vy ;. pnee urnn 1 : ,1.. I l polished: sale price .w..4545.0d carved and richly finished; sale price. ;...$OT.B, $88.00 highly polished mahogany Dresser in richly . $71.00 Dresser' in the beautiful Circassian walnut; aaie price apoat.uv BEDROOM CHAIRS AND ROCKERS. $4.50 Bedroom 'Chair in the birdseye maple: sale price ...r.7. ..Jl.... .....-.....$3.00 $6.50 Toilet Table Chair in golden oak; sale price.f4.25 $775 Toilet Table Chair in the mahogany finish; sale price . ......... f 5.25 $8.50 Toilet Table Chair in mahogany; sale price. fB.TS $9.50 Toilet Table Chair ia mahogany; tale price. f 5.90 $10.00 Bedroom Chair in mahogany; sale price.. S6.25 $11.00 Bedroom Rocker in mahogany; sale price. f 7.00 CHBVAL MIRRORS. $34.00 Mirror in the birdseye maple; sale price. 24.00t $42.50 Mirror in polished quarter sawed golden oak; , sale price .f30.OO ' $67.50 Mirror in mahogany, handsomely carved: sale price 49.00 ' FOLDING BEDS. . $33.50 "Welch" Folding Beds in the polished quarter sawed golden oak; guaranteed "Naticmal' spring; ; . sale price 23.60 , IRONAND BRASS BEDS. $10.30 Iron Beds in four cojoraj sale price.. $11.50 .Iron Beds in green, cream . and 1 .T.50 d gold; sale ........ r.T5 . price $15.00 Iron Beds, in cream and brass; sale price. f 12.50 uu.uv nign art crass Bed in poluhed and dull finish; sale price ..,V.. ...... T8.0O , WARDROBES. " $20.00 Wardrobe in the golden oak; sale price.. flS.OO $21.00 Wardrobe in the golden oak; sale price.. f 16.50. Rockers and" Gbairs IN A VARIETY OF DESIGNS W FINISHES i $3.25 Arm Rockers in golden oak; sale price. f 2.50 '"$5.50 Desk Chairs in golden oak? sale p rite. 53.50 $6.00 Arm Rockers in the mahogany finish; sale price ...........f)4.50 . $8.00 Oak Chair in antique finish; sals price. ?5.T5 . $8.25 ' Arm' ' R6cker in ..the mahogany finish;' sale price ..;.."..... ..:...,'..'...-;.... f5.90 $9.00 Desk Chair in the golden oak; sale price.55.T6T $135 Arm Rocker in the mahogany, seat nphol - stered in leather; sale price.... ' ..SS.50, 114.50 Reception Chair in the golden oak, carved design, leather seat; sale price .4) 95 $15.50 Arm Chair in the polished mahogany finish; sale price ......fll.OO $15.50 Morris Chair in the polished mahogany finish; sale price .....fl2.50 $1600 Arm Chair in the polished mahogany finish; sate price ,f 11.50 $16.00 Reception Chair in the mahogany finish, carved , design, leather seat; sale price ..e. 1 S11.50 $16.00 Arm Rocker in the mahogany finish; sale price .... 11.50 $27.50 large Arm Chair ia polished mahogany finish, seat and' back upholstered in a a A. . saeaaa leather; sale price i . .. ; 520.00 SOME :: ATTRACTIVE PIECES FpR J-fiDrary ana Hall- HALL SEATS. .'."" $19.00 Seat in the weathered oak; sale price... f 14.00 ; $37.00 Seat in . polished quartcd ' sawed oakr sale price ...1. .525.00 $36.50 Seat in the mahogany; sale price.... i. 526.00 $45.00 Seat in the mahogany; ia" 'price $32.50 . -: LIBRARY TABLES. : v " ... $20.00 Table ' in the weathered oak, op ' covered In leather: sale price .............,...........15.00 $23.00 Table in the fumed oak; sale price. ;;,..fl.50 i.OO Table in polished quarter sawed golden oak; C?" p .- sale price aixi.ww i $30.0Q Table in. polished quarter.sATgcd golden oak; sale price ... ,.$20.00 ?.' ... -.1 '.-,' . w - , . i i . . .- . . ' --. ........ . . . f 1T.00 WRITINO , DESKS. 1:26.50 Desk In the mahogany; sale price .......... ,.....f 18.00 ., 127.00 Desk in the fumed oak, trimmings of solid copper; tale price.. S19.T5 34.00 Desk in the fumed oak, trimmings of solid copper; sale price..... $22.50 ". BOOK CASES. $57.00 three section Bookcase In the mahogany finish; tale price ...t..... .$42.00 ' "$125.00 handsomely carved Bookcase in the oak; sale price..... ...$85.00 ' Drapery Department icials MADRAS CURTAINS. In assortment -of ' colorings and art s; efxeota. -. . u I to per yd. Madras rednoedAe, yd. ...204 100 per yd. Madras reduced to, rd... .254 TOe per yd. Madras reduced te, yd....404 T4e per yd. Madraa reduoed to, ydi...40e tl.40 per yd. Madraa reduced to, yd... .504 ' 41.11 per yd. Madraa reduced to, yd... .664 LTt per yd. Madras reduced to, yd.5i.OO - DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY FABRICS. lie yd. tie yd. lie yd. lOo yd. I1.C4 yd. I1.J5 yd. 11.14 yd. yd. l- y. yd. . 11.00 yd. 11.04 yd. ta, yd. Sittollne redaoer t. yd.. 8 1-84 Sllkollne reduoed to, yd....l2H4 SUkollne reduoed te, yd....l2H4 Sllkollne redsoed to, yd.... ..154 BUkollne reduced to, yd......504 Sllkollne reduoed to, yd...... 654 Bulgarian Stripe, reduced to, 804 Cotton Damask, reduced to, . ..wei Corduroys, reduoed to, yd... 604 Japanese Gold Caoth, reduced 1.10- Our Remaining Stock of Go-Carts AT REDUCED PRICES- 11.40 Folding Oocarts now. . . . . . ..82.00 $1.71 Folding Oocarts now ...$2.60 14.00 Folding Oocarts new. . . ... . ,$2.75 , $8.74 Folding Oocarts now.. ......$3.75 $1.74 Folding Oocarts now. ...... .$5.85 $11.14 Reclining Oooarts now.,....$4.00 $11.00 "Alwln" Folding Oocarte now 87.50 $14.00 Baby Carriages now. ...... .524.00 144.00 Baby Carriages now... ..$26.00 ' , . :;' . ;..:'"'', .' TV; aa. anous ficccs in the rts arid Crafts' T 1 1 Ts - . t- Ta 1 T iaeai rwecs .ror rorcn cntf xawn : CHAIRS ROCKERS AND SETTEES. ' ' ' .4 Xa tke Fopala Mees CMeea Flalsk. $1.14 Rockers Sale prlee......S1.50 14.00 Arm Chairs Sals . price. .1 13.40 46.44 Arm Chairs Sale prtoe.-.i 13.75 44.00 Arm Rockers Sals pries. 1 14.00 4T.00 Arm Rockers Sals prloe. 1 14.65 17.40 Arm Chairs Ssle prloe. . 85,00 , I Arm nocssrs ata pnoe.g0.7a 110.00 Morris Chairs Sals price. 86.65 tlt.OO Largs Arm Chair Sals Pries . ..............98.OO 114.40 Large Arm Chair Sale - price . ..U $9.25 49.40 ' Settee Sals price .......$6.25 414.00 Settee Ssle price $8.65 . s THE POPULAR OLD : HICKORY EVERLASTING . I'UftnnuKH. tl.40 Hickory Tabourstte Sale . Price ..........$1.75 41.14 Hickory Rockers Sals . Z" Prt0 -.9 1.90 It.KO Hickory Arm Chairs Sale- -price . , $2.90 $4.60 Hickory Arm Chairs Sale price t .93.50 44.00 Hickory rm Chairs. Sale '. price . ........95.00 14.00 Hickory Morris Chairs Sale ' price . .........97.50 14.14 Arm Chairs la the Weathered finish Ssle prloe -92.75 $4.00 Arm Rockers In ths Weathered -finish Sale price .J.. ...92.90 $4.50 Arm Chairs In the Oreen 1' 1 finish als price 93.75 $4.00 Rockers to match Sale . , price . ....,.. ...i...$4.00 111.00 Beed Chairs Jn Oreen Satin . Sals pries .-98.00 $10.00 Morris Chairs in ths red finish Sals pries 96.65 fl.00 Settses (4 ft) In green or red , finish Sals price ............95.50 ,$1.74 Settees (4 ft)-in green or red , finish Sals price .v. 96.00 $4.44 Settees (4 ft) la green or red" finish Sals prloe ..96.50 ' '' : '"' ; '" " ' 'tr1.' . 44.44 Stool In the Fumed Oak. aphol stared In leather Sale price.'..-.. 92.95 . $7.00 'Tabourette In the Weathered Oak Sale prtoa .4. -93.95 17.40 Stand la ths Weathered Oak ' Sale prloe ............94.OO 14.04 Chair la the Weathered Oak. seat ' . covered In leather Sale price. v 96.00 $14.00 Chair In the Weathered Oak. seat eevered la leather Sals price.... 95. 75 $14.14 Magaalne Stand In the Weath- ered Oak Sals prloe ..$7.00 114.44 Arm Chair In ths Weathered - Oak, seat covered In leather Sale " pries ..'-98.50 114.00 Arm Chair In the Weathered . - .. Oak, seat upholstered .In leather -Sals prloe .k.:.. .-96.75 $14.00 Rocker In the Fumed Oak, up- bolstered In leather Sale price. $10.00 A Few OAi, Pieces -. rrom rurniture , Sale Stock ? $L44 Towel Stands Sale prloe... ..$1.25 1 14.00 Pedestals' In ths Golden Oak Sals prloe . .....92.90 16.00 Tabourette In the Mahogany . Sale prloe ..4........ 92.90 ' 14.00 Pedestals In ths Golden Oak-Ssle .price. . '94.00 14.74 Plats Rack In the Weathered Oak Bale prloe ...94.00 $$.00 Mualo Cabinets in the Mahogany , finish Sals pries ........... ...$4.90 Odd Fornltmre -Pieces , ..:., Tery. Descrlp- K ' tio ' ', . . YOUil CREDIT . IS 0000 COMPLET&H0U5EFURraSH 1 . A