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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
t:i2 orrcou Sunday ' jqurjiAi; pohtlaniv .Sunday tioshing, august . 12. icci PliliEBlBDlISl GAUESTER'S SOB HITBES ESTJAOT Best Values Here - Always . YOUNG GIRL IS TO 60 HOME Q RE .AT Watson Hildrelh Elope With Second Rich Find Is; Made in ! Old Placer District Which Is , v Worked for Quartz. " Al Johnson's Boy, Charged With Theft of Diamonds in Berke- ' ley, California. '. Declares They Are Losing Money by Staying to Testify In Land Fraud Coses. Pretty Inmate of George . Junior Republic. 5 BIIIER- SIlllilE ill FL0I1R1CE 1 1 ACCUSED PAY SPEC ALS ; VoUTH WHO DERAILED FAST MAIL1 IS MARRIED ;.:. , V '-- J After Being Pardoned Young. Man I Plana, to , Wed Sixteen-Year-Old Agnea.'Rydlng and I Succesafiil in Hi Plot , ... ; ..... , . (SparLI br Leaeed Wire I The JoBraal) ' ; - Byracuae. N. T-. Aug. -41. J. Watson : , Hlldreth, the young , train wrecker who was-recently- released from Auburn prison by pardon of Oovernor Hlgglns, ' while he wss. serving a life aantence for planning and carrying out the wreck ef the -fast mall near -Rome in 1S5, ' eloped lut week with Agnea Rydlng. . pretty Syraauae girl. It yeara of age, ho wae committed to tho Oeorge u ' , tilor Republlo In ItOi for truancy .and . waywardness. .'' With the couple was Laura. Swan, (a Brooklyn girl, .aged 17. who had been likewise an Inmate of the Republlo. How Htldreth and Mies Rydlng became acquainted la a puiale. Butte te. cer , lain that he not only secured entrance to the . circle of girls, of whom Agnea ' wae one, who occupied the cottage in ,j the woods -ownedby a wealthy New Tork woman, and situated on the bor aer of the Republic's boundaries, but i even got aome one on the Inside to keep the girl posted, on his plans and - tnovements. . .-i ' . A week ago Friday the young man ; litre a horse and buggy at Ithaca, and trove to Freevllle, where hs stopped at i a point near the cottage.. The two-girts ' ? appeared on the open road, . met Hll ' v reth. climbed into the rig and were ' nrtven away. From Freertlle they drove i to canaetota, a dlatanca of aboutM . tnlles. where they arrived Monday, when Htldreth sent the girls eaat on an ae ; eommodation train and left his rig. I Notifying ths Ithaca sUble-keeper of its whereabouts. He then took the next : train, met the girls somewhere oa the road, and drove with them to Delta, : Madison county, where he -sailed on the Rev. J. M. Thomaa of the Methodist t church and told him he wlahed to be s married. He said he was a Cornell man nd that the two girls were Sage eollsgw students. The minister married them nd they asked lhat . the ceremony should be kept a secret. Then the three ? "drove to HUdreth's old home at Canter bury Hill, where they still remain. $ The authorities of ths Republic are iindeclded whether to seek a warrant J" or HUdreth's arrest 'for abduction or et the matter stand. They had sent out : letters to the polios officials of all the - large cities In the state describing the , alrl and asking to hava her apprehended it possible. Hlldreth was pardoned May . Hs Is ths son of 3. Hilton Hlldreth, a New Tork attorney. v4 JlmmVt-Wouldnt the boss let you-off e go to your grandmudder's funeral? Johnny Nope; said he wouldn't even give ma. a aay io go to mj own. . We Cart Make One Hundred A' Week We have doubled. , the ca ' pacity of our Vorkthop. The Columbia Woolen Mills workshop has for the past six months been too email to han dle our trade satisfactorily. We never have' alighted a garment or turned out any careless, hur ried work, but the disparity be tween our buainesa and our facilities baa sometimes result ed in unavoidable delay in de livering clothes. . Henceforth we shall be able to deliver salts promptly." ; Our new fall fabrics are ar riving. . , We shall place about three hundred patterns on exhibit to . morrow. - Cheviots, Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and .Cash meres, v-' ' ' Suits to Your Measure $17.50 to $40 Trousers l 'To Your . Measure I Our offer of a fancy vest or extra -pair of. trousers with every suit, costing $22J0.,or more still holds good. , Visit our store ee the finest collection of men's dress goods ever exhibited in Portland. Ex amine our new, modern, up-to-date-workshop. . See how the Columbia Woolen Mills Caia keeping - her -placa in the van guard of the march of progress being made by "Greater Port- G t "J 09 EIXs Ci.s jv 7th "cal'Sttrk suits (THOUSAND DOLLAR ORE IS BEING TAKEN OUT Latest Discovery Is Also In Aban- v doned Tunnel, Gold Being Discov covered ' Ten Feet Beyond Place S Where Old Timere Quit !" ; j (BtMclal Ptoyetea te Tke Jesrssl-T OrangevUle, Idaho, Aug. 11. Follow ing dose on the heels -of the fabulous strike mads In the old abandoned tunnel of the Old Realdenter mine, 'half a mile from Florence, last Sunday nght, comes he news of m second strike last. Thurs day, in the Florenos camp. In an old tunnel, opened up on the Hlyu mine, lo cated la lITi. aad a paystreak that as says $1,000 to the ton has been encoun tered. H. K. Moore, a well-known min ing man of Moscow Is ths discoverer of the new ledge, which is 10 K miles from ths first discovery, and is thought, to be on the same lead. It Is of the same character of decomposed quarts, and Is free milling. Flakes of gold as big as peas can be mortared from It' . Mr. Moore was doing assessmsnt work In the end ef the tunnel, and when about 10 feet beyond where the work was abandoned by the old timers be struck a strata of decomposed quarts sight feet wide. The excitement attendant on the first dlsoovery has. If possible. In creased upon the announcement of the second strike. Mors miners left Orange, vllle end vicinity today and others will leave tomorrow. Parties arriving from Florence state they met many miners Inward bound. - County School Superintendent t- A. Carpenter arrived from Florence today and stated that he had -visited ths tun nel strike made by Messrs. Benson. Hlnkson and Mosher. - Mr. Carpenter gathered a pan of duat from the rotten quarts rock, and after washing obtained over a dollar's worth of pure gold. He states that ths strike made In the Hlyu tunnel Is of the same composition ss ths first discovery. - Ha states that before he left Florence, prospectors were ar riving there from nearby camps who brought news lit the general feeling 'ef restlessness. r- PANIC SEIZES EMPEROR (Continued from Page One.) Ufa guards, the crack regiment of the Russian army. . it was learned that more than 100 shots were fired, but the military authorities are finding great difficulty In their ef forts to fix the responsibility on ths guilty persons. Those In the -confidence of the government are greatry worried by the occurrence.' - . Fearing soma such episode, .orders were given ' to ' the '-officers before the sham fight which Nicholas was watching to taks an the ball cartridges away from the men and to carefully search their eartrtd g- boxes. . That this evidently was not done gives color to tne susplclbn taac lae ernoere were in the plot. The first Intimation that the grand duke had of the attempt to shoot him wae when the bullets began to fly close about his hcadV- Burroanded by his numerous staff hs was seated on his horse watch ing the mea who were attacking an Im aginary Intrenched enemya position. He was warned by an aide of the danger out he displayed not the leaat nervous asasv Oa the contrary hs turned coolly to a staff offloer and asked him to see that an order waa aent to ceaee firing. When this was done hs rode slowly to the general in command of the at tacking force with the request that hs Institute aa immediate Investigation. Then he ordered the men back to their camp and returned to his own quarters. The newspapers have not been per mitted to print a Una concerning . the ehootlng. , MADE LOVE (Continued from Fage On a) sultsd ths secret service men and be came Ms own detective. Finally he saw the ' woman 'and then the arrest took place.:-, , ,v wi wants so wee. -Despite the fact that ho caused the arrest MoClelland still sighs for her and aays he Is willing to forgive her. "It has been stated- thst I do not want' to msrry her. . This Is not true. I am perfectly willing to marry her, and eo far as I know she lias not changed her mind about marrying me. She made mo very happy while our courtship laated and for that reason I have not lost confidence in her. It Is unfortun ate that there was n necessity for her srrsst" ; , BOY IS CONFIDENT NEW FOOT WILL GROW ' rSsedal tMspeteh to The lesrMLt Mount Angel, Or., Aug. 11. Confident that a new foot will grow to replace the one Just amputated, Leo Yarro. aged t. Is not grsatly concerned over having been run over by a train hare Thursday svenlng. . Having placed aome nells on ths rail road track, that they might be maahsd Cat by ths car wheels, the child was standing by ths track as a passenger train passed. The nells wars Jolted from ths rails before the entire train had passed ever them and the little fel low stooped to . pick them up. As he did so ths steps of one of the coaches struck him and he was thrown under the wheels.. In tome manner he man aged te save one leg, but the other wss crushed at the ankle and It was found necessary to amputate the foot. ONLY EIGHTY-NINE DEGREES AFTER ALL "Only II degress ?- - . , Tea, it wae hard to believe that yea- terday e temperature wasn't any higher. But the smoke In the air waa, partly te blsma,. . y: ... ;.. i Beginning at I a. m., when the mer cury etood at St degrees, there was a somewhet uneven rise -up te a o'clock when the top mark of ths dsy. It de grees, was reached. It was the sam an hour later, but by I o'clock there wae a difference of one scanty degree. But by o'clock j everybody knew they Were still In deaf told Portland, for ths svsnlng coolness of Tl degrees; was a fact which nobody wanted to dispute. A Linn county men eany near being run over by a Jaokisbblt and no chance te buy. anything; te quiet hia nerves. YOUTH BOASTS OF HIS NOTORIOUS FRIENDS Says Murderer Constantino Cave 1 Him " Chicago Paper Describing Crime Which Paralleled That He - Was .Arrested for. v" (Special Dlspetek by Leased Wire to The Jooraal) San Francisco, Aug. 11. The arrest of At Johnson, IT years of ags, for steal ing a tray of Jewela from the store of R. X. Miller, In Berkeley, la liable to solve the mystery involving a series of daring jewel robberies that have oc curred within the past two months In ths leading cltfes weot of Chicago. While Johnson absolutely denies that he Is ths man wanted for stealing a tray of precious stones In Chicago, hs admits thst hs Is ths son of the notorious Al Johnson.' 'one of the most Infamous gamblers of New Tork, aad seems to be proud of ths fact that hs was associated with Frank J. Constantino, charged with the murder of Mrs. Gentry. That awful crime was committed in the city of Chicago on January e. 1 "I did not srtal the dlamonda ' from Miller's store -Frldsy - afternoon - and I do not know anything about thst dar ing theft." said young Johnson yester day,, shortly after bis arrest in Berke ley. ' ' "While- I have known Intimately a number of people who have been called notorious by ths newspapers, I have not been guilty of a criminal, act in my life." . So far as sppearances go, an outsider would Imagine that Johnson could not tell anything but the truth. His man ner, is exceedingly affable and he has a straightforward manner of addressing all who question him that carries a note of conviction. "Are you in any way related to Al Johnson, tbs New Tork gamblerf hs h-was asked. "I 'am his son." he reolled. "How Is it that you happen to have in your possession a copy of ths paper containing a report or tne jewel roDpery in Chicago committed' under Circum stances similar to the erlmev for which you have been arrested r . -"Oh. I don't know," he replied cheer fully. T Just happened to have the paper. Frank Constantino gave it to me. I am Interested In Chicago.' ; "Did you know Frank Constantino , "You mean the man accused of tbs murder of Mrs. Gentry T Oh, yes, know him ery well." f ; BALL PLAYER KILLED BY A PITCHED BALL (SeeeUl DlaiMteta bv Leased Whe to The Joaraai) Lynn, Mass., ; Aug. 1 1. Thomas -' F. Burke, left fielder of the Lynn New England league) baseball team, died today as the result of Injuries received In the gams with Fall River on Thurs day last. Burks was hit In the temple by a ball pitched by Teaser. He lrn mediately lost consciousness and never re sained It. An operation performed by physic's ns reveals that the brain . was - badly. crushed. - Burke was II years of age. and made his horns with his parents in East Boston. . . .- YESTERDAY HOTTEST ' OF LEWIST0N SEASON i (Special tnsMteh to The Jeersal.) ' Lewlston, Ida.. Aug.- 11. Today was the hottest of- the year,-tba thermome ter creeping up to 107 degrees. - The extreme heat can now do no damage to the grain Industry. Threahlng Is In progress over the Nes Peres prairie and In the districts about Lewlaton ths grain is nearly harvested. On Camas prairie It Is sstlmated that there Is IS per pert loss In late spring grain. Fruit is feel ing ths effect of. the heat and ths crops are likely to be even -shorter then waa anticipated. Indications . tonight ars good for rain. ) - ( REINCARNATED QUAIL Novelist's , Story' of a Second-Hand - "Restaurant Bird. "I waa dining last night at one of our best restaurants." writes Mr. Frank Richardson In ths Pall Mall Oaxatte, "and on analysing my quail, I found that It was only a scsnario, that ths skeleton existed, but the bulk of tho bird had been "made-up' with potted meat. My neighbor s quail,.! noticed, lacked a leg. Now, what happens Is this. During a long dinner, the chances ere that one only cuts off ths breaat of the bird. The rest remains Intact ..The quail la than carefully collected, taken to the kitchen, and reconstructed. Most of the best hotels and restau rants ars run In connection with cheep er restaurants, and to them tho quail reincarnated la sent. It may than, pro vided It haa not been too seriously dam aged by the diner, be aent on to a third, fourth, and even a nrtn reatau rant" . Neither In London nor In Paris Is It prudent, we Imagine, to Inquire too cloaely Into the vicissitudes of fortune undergone by sny dismomoered oira or beast ou the table, even though the res taurant be ons which ' Is beyond suspi cion of Ms food coming from Chloago. Currlea, minces, salmla, fractasees, and' viands in aaplo ars rarely made of freah meat and ths wooden, savourless taste of the meat In them Is among ths leaat of their dlaadyantages. They sre quits out of fashion, t may be added (with ths exception of the ssplo) In most first claas restaurants. Mr. Richardson's quail might, how- aver, be a perfectly honest bird. To pick the Tleen rrom a'quaii, pound ir up, replace it on the skeleton, and serve the bird in ssplo Is a common, if foolish, ef fort of cookery, utterly ruining the two or three delicious mouthfuls of which a quail consists. Chickens sre sometimes served In this fashion, and In tha fsmll ar "caneton rouennala" certain parts of the duck are pounded up into a eauoe for the reat One Ukea, however, to be well ao qualnted with the' restaurant where these dishes are presented. At a cheap table d'hote dinner In Soho or tho Palais Royal they are best left alone. ' The Slowing atabtt, : "That young Meddere aeema rather new to the city, but he'e got a lot of money. How did he get It f ' , "Oas." - "Tou "mean he was engaged In the manufacture of gST" "No a rlcfe W uaclf of bis Uev. tt. UNCLE SAM DOESN'T PAY THEM ENOUGH Can Get Five Dollars per Day Home at This Time of Year, While Here They Get; Dollar and a Half 'and Have to Board Themselves. VaM A ' the. wsrlf iaSigiaBl KvOt1 avKF t A la the land fraud cases against Charles A. waiaon. ioe v. sirmra ana iiirawi B. Zachary are complaining that their vtalt Is proving most . unprofitable. Uncle Bam paye only $1.60, without found, and every man called can make more than that at home. The thria lanA fraud Uil mentioned grew out ef Charles A. Watson's final proof on a Wheeler county nomesieao. Much of tho svldence gathered by the government must be introduced three times, snd this necessitates holding ths witnesses. They have already been hers a week. Watson and Barnard have been tried, but the Zachary eaae will not bo taken up until tomorrow, and this means that a dosen or II persons from Wheeler county where the offenses were committed, and Washington coun ty, wnere waiaon spent a gooa uw ths time he wss supposed to be on his homestead, must remain hers another week, spending their days loafing around ths corridors of ths third story of the federal building. - t. Hm vrAiin tf witnesses ere farmers. stookralserS, range riders, farm handa. laborers ana sneepnerasrs. jui are lin ing money. The sheepherders could - be tin mnA found. Laborers, farm hands and range riders are losing even better opportunities, as mere m clamor for men and wages are better ha usual Varmers aav that their in terests are suffering because of their sbsance. - - One witness said yesterday: j-a uka tn t-out of here. My time le worth $1 a day to me rltfht now, but I'm forced to accept $1-10 and board and lodge, myself. I can't live on that amount so every day. represents sn actual loss. Thess trials can't end, too soon to suit ms. i want xo get nomo. And to this wish at least a dosen others say, "Me, too." AXWELL STONE REVENGED : FOR IMPRISONMENT He Has Man Arrested Who Had , Him. Jailed foe Raising Bill, , V V He Alleges. ': Aawell Stone, who was recently re leased from county jail after it having been learned that he had been sentenced to a terra In the penitentiary lor a crime of wnicn no was innowuv, j afternoon had D. Smith, a hod carrier, arreated on a charge of larceny, alleging that Smith atole two aults . of clothes from him snd that he Is the man who cauaed hla arrest and conviction on tne charge o having raised a fl bill and passed If upon a lodging houae keeper. TTiui. hla p.U, aa from the countv tail Stone declared he would find the man who had been instrumental in sending him to Jail, and he came to the con elualon that Smith was the man. Prior to his arrest Stone had missed two suits of clothes valued at $50. and he al leges that ha learned that Smith, who roomed In the aame lodging houae at the corner of First and Washington atreets. had taken them. According to a statement made to the police last night atone aecuaed Smith of having Stolen the suits and the Utter, upon learning that he was under suspicion snd naoie to arrest, concocted a schema whereby . aa. atnna o the nanltentlarv. Btone alleges that in order te carry out his scheme Smith circulated tne rumor tnai Stone waa the man who had paseed the aaiaaa Kin ini avantuallv. eueoeeded in prtnglng about his arrest end convlc- As soon ss he got oat of Jail Btone ,l A hla nA loriarlns-a to find Smith. but he had moved and Stone hunted him In vain until yesterday afternoon, when he ran across him unexpectedly In the ..... v. UmltH atarta Ia -tin awav. I ,U1. ..-. - " - - - - . - - ww but Stone followed and finally captured nim. ijetective nn, wnu uno pened to be in the vicinity, took Smith a ha nailr-a atatlon. where - he waa locked up on a charge of larceny sworn to by Btone. TARIFF ON HOTEL TIPS. i ' The Swiss hotel-keepers snd other in terested persons decided to draw up-a fixed tariff of tips for the guidance of the traveler staying at Swiss hotels and pensions. The tantr, wnicn is upon a iv per cent basis. Is devised to remedy the ever-Increasing burden of tips. At present ths traveler Is frequently obliged to psy almost ss much ss his hotel expenses to the army of servants. The Idea Is that by reducing the expenses of traveling in Switzerland a large number of visitors will be attracted to the country and- tha the hotel staff will be recouped by the extra number of "tips." Ten 'years sgo the per cent system wss In force, snd geve. satisrsciion in all. Now tl per cent or the hotel bill would be nearer in Th Amer ican "lnvaelon" tf- Swltserlaad Is tbs real causa of ths Inoreass In tips during the pest few yeers. for the Americans distributed largesse on the American scale of tipping, not reallslpg ths faot that life and living is mucn ensaper among ths Alps. 1 oa. WV. W. atlVSHAW, rmldeat. Chicago Audi tor law BMg. Chicago. Conservatory The Most Complete Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art In America The Fseeity ef SO SMeibers enorsere some of the sinat sble snit enaMl'ntkHie la strnctore la tbls eonetry snd Europe. ApsllrstleM sre bains vepelTad far te ran avo iw vajitiax. SCHOXAKIHirS. , 1st Seaaoa Begins Sept. U Ppatat Isdanaeets tn talented penile with JloiMad aieena. Oar lntwatlnf booklet No. i will be eest free on pln-stlon. Cell ee RIONDAY, - t - 1 t 1 V; These are bound to be banner, days; in this, ever-busy store. Standard grades of mer chandise at lowest possible prices have made, this stpretheEcpnpTn Summer Goods reduced to nearly actual cost price-we, want the room. Great. reductions in Shirt waists, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, linens, Curtains and Parasols. .The following prices are good for three days only Better come:; ' .-- , , v: ' : - .'. .;, ? ;': -;'K v.j -V UNDERMUSL1NS Ladies' Muslin Drawers,' hem r stitched, lace trimmed, full size ; regular 40c ralue. ; Three Day laTe... ............ .25V : :. -., .... - - : . A . ; I 50 dozen . Ladies' Muslin Skirts and Gowns, lace and tuck trimr ' med; ' values ' up to , $1.25. Choice, Three Day Sale. ,50f Ladies' Cambric Corset Covers, 2 rows wide torchon insertion; regular 60c value. Special, Three Days 31e Ladies.' Cambric , Gowns s.nd Skirts, - lace and embroidery trimmed; best $1.50 values in , town. Three Day Sale.-., 97 Curtains Reduced White-Nottingham Curtains, full 3 yards : long, 50 inches wide, new fall patterns; regular $1.50 value.' ; Special Three, Days' Sale ?1.00 .White Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long, 54 inches wide, choice patterns; . ' good $1.75 value. - Special .for three , days, pair , .$1.25 I.White Nottingham ; Curtains, Zyi vards , long, 64 inches wide, several-different patterns ; $2.00 value. Special for three , days, pair ..... ... . . . . . ...... .$1.50 . Ruffled Swiss Curtains, V yards long, v extra wide ; regular $1.50 value. Spe cial for three days, pair .$1.19 Ruffled Bobbinette Curtains, 3 yards ; ' long, insertion and edging ; $2.50 val.- . ues. Special for three days, pair. $1.95 86-Inch Curtain "Swiss," fancy stripes; -12y2c grade. Three Days' Sale, yd.8e NEW COATS AND - ' We are now showing advanced styles in Fall and Winter Wraps, Suits, Coats and Skirts. Ask to see the New Jacket Suits in plaids and mixtures. We -are showing an especially strong line at $25.00. All the new styles and cloths are here. You're welcome to look them over. Wrjte for Samples 1 NO SIGN OF STEHSLANO - SIHCE DISAPPEARAHCE Directors of Wrecked Bank; Ex amined Will Probably . t Be Arrested. (Special Dtapetch by leeeed WlrtO Tbe ,"or1 cmcaeo, aub. ii. -Milwaukee Avenue State bank were to- i--i kv k, nnllne denartment and the eute'e attorney and it ie e- pected warrante cnarin iiu ..i. criminal negligence Will I be laaued The dlrectore are K. L. Johneon. Marcue Klrkby, M. A. Louy, jo.epn in-r. b- t frane. Paul O. SUnaland, end Theodore Stenaland. When the police department offlolale were told to bring theee men In for - . 1. aaa Intimated that BrO- connnni;. -- - ----- - , . oeaaea had been eecured that would make foreign tripe certain m evem any ef them failed to reapond. Paul O. tenaland wae today no near er the JaU than he had been alnoe the day of hie dlaappearanoe. It U eeJd . . -u. ... .1,1 wa it n iMlne on a now in . a - - . " ranch that haa eerved aa the eummer home for prominent ,Dicaaw". . wiida ef Idaho, he eeeke -relief from the clty'e care a. MARQUIS OF TOWNSHftND IS CRAZY IN SPOTS . ' a (Oepyrlfbt. neeret we Service. by.Leaaae Wire e Tke Jearaal.) i .London, Aug. 11. That tne Marquie nf Townahend la crasy in epote la the Seeullar verdict handed down today by be Jurx he been tnqutrlac tato TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, ONLY ' J- ' I" . aa-a. c... jLa 1 ; , '$5,95 VVII -l-.e.. New Plaid Coata for fall, well - made; .regular values. Choice - for three daye, only -95.95 . : natural Corner Third and Morrison hie aanlty. Briefly, It la decided that while thla notoiioua nobleman la compe tent to direct hla own peraonal move monta' he la financially irreaponaiblo. He will be allowed to retain hla peraonal liberty unfettered, but hie property will be handled through a guardian, who will regulate hla expendlturea aa if he ware a -child. The Dowager Marcholneea Townahend Inatltuted the proceedlnga, alleging that her eon'a wife wae detain ing him a prlaoner on the ground that he waa of unaound mind. She aaked to have him -declared; eane end able to at tend to hla own affaire., . ESCAPED INDIAN IS V v CAUGHT IN PORTLAND Dun Wllaon wee arreated by the police last night in the vicinity of the , police ataUon, upon requeet from the euperln tendent of the Chemawa Indian aahooL, Wilson escaped from the echool a few daye ago and the police were aaked to keep on the lookout for him.' He "waa taking In Chinatown In en orderly man ner when hta dusky hue caught the eye of one of the eleuthe. l' PORTLAND PEOPLE AT NEW ENGLAND RESORTS (Speetal 'Hapatcb te Tke JearaaLt Boa ton, - Masa., Aug. 11. Portland. Oregon, people at New England reaorte thla week are:- Mrs. C. H, Preecott, Center Harbor, V. H; Q. N. Pearee, et the Oranlldsn, Sunapee Lake, tt. 11. tj "A Myetety SV1 red. "How to keep off periodlo attacke of bdtousneae and habitual conetipetloa waa a myatery that Dr. King's New LI' rills . solved for me," wrltee John N. lessant of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed te give perfect satlefaclion to everybody or m.pney, re funded, palx a emorj trug Co. KNIT UNDERWEAR . Forest Mills Vests, '. Tights ' and ' Union Suits for women. ' lace trimmed; -standard 75c and $1.00 values, garment.... 50r i , " '"-1 'Ladies' 25c French Ribbed Lisle Vests the balance of diir sum- mer stock Take your pick for' three days at... .......... 12 Ladies' Plain Ribbed Cotton " Vests, taped arm and neck; a standard 15c value. Special for three days at... .. ...... 9 Ladies' RibMd Vests about 1 - dozen In the lot-Choice, while . they last, at. ........ . . . . ; ,S.s Linens Reduced, 60-Inch Silver Bleached Damask; a regu-, lar 45c STader- Special for three days , at, per yard. ....... .29 64-Inch Mercerized Table Damask, fine satin finish; standard 75c grade. Spe cial Monday and Tuesday. ..... ..58 72-Inch' Silver, Bleached Damask, extra' heavy; worth 75c a yard. : Special Vfori . three days atTper yard . 58 58-Inch Table Damask, Oregon flax, color; worth 76c a yard-' Spe- , Vcial for three days, per yard .; .. Napkins, 16x16 inches, bleached ; our regular 85c grade. Three days, dozen ......... ,. . . , ... .60 'Napkins, 20x20 in'chesi mercerized; our regular $1.75 quality. Three d7 ' dozen .............;....,.,.. $1.25 Write for Samples BRYAN AKD HIS 17IFE SEE PARIS. TAKE 1.1 SIGHTS 1 i ", Nebraskan See Signs of Popu lar Awakening .Through . V WortA (:, l, Oepyrlgba Heeest Hewa Serrlea. by . wire te The Joerael.) Parle, Aug. , 11 William J. Bryan, accompanied by hie wife and daughter. Colonel Wetmore end Mr." and Mrs. DUnlap: arrived here today fnr-a four dayr visit. A number of friends gath ered at the railroad etatlon snd gave the party a cordial greeting. On reach ing, hie hotel Mr. -Bryan found a stack of mall. Including many Invitations to dinners and sightseeing eaourelons. The party lunched at' the Hotel Rlts aa the gueata of ex-Governor David R. Francis ef St Louis. Mr. Bryan dil not wish ' to talk about his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, saying he had already 'been lengthily quoted and that he had 'nothing te a te his previous statements, ITe much Interested In ths social pre' of Prance and ths recent enantm of the workmen's pensions law end t ' enforced weekly day of reat. . "It appears,- aald Mr. Bryan. t t part ef the democralle develo which7 I have ebeerved te be go. all ever the world. I noti'-ed I China, Japan and India Every one seee the earne evtdenee ef f . awakening" 'M .1- Thle afternoon Mr. and 7 vlalted Noire Dame eatherfrel i along ths Seine to ths ne the Pantheon. Tomorrow l. r an auto ride tc the fori:t i.1 bleeo. ' " '