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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
.THE - OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTL' AND. SUNDAY ' tTJRNINO, AUGUST IV. 1SC& CORE FOR LEPROSY FOUND BY NEWSBOY . .77.; V-7 7k- r -r .a- ?ortland Vsndor of Dally Papers Has Formula Which, - Hs Ds clares,' Will Drlvs Dread Disease From Anyone's Sys ; r: Jv " tern and Effectually Establish ' Cure. V- Oa knlf -point full f areealo. On teaspoonful of Vsnetlan red. ' i Twe) teaapoonfuls of black antimony. . On and ooo half tablespoonful t ewlphur. i' - ,", - ' ' Dissolve In on fialf pint of aaaple . arrun. , let stand for aix flay. : wen f urtherv -dissolvewi . teaaponful In a halt tMrup or mapia syrup Mia ewawvw at one dose. ' - '-'.:. , For whatt v1,-"; ;;',, -.-V; A, Portland nswsbor. Robert 8. Andar- eon. haa Inrantsd a treatment wnicn ne la aura will cur any leper, from the ttoverty-etrtcken Chinaman of 'the Tanner creek anion to the multl-ralllton-alre Mexican who haa e'fered hla entire - wealth for a,.- cure for, the horrible ' Benof J. M. Brings, a Mexican min ing magnate, haa offered H,00o,00 for K-cur for leproay. Robert a. Anaereon, a . Portland newaboy, .- bellevea ha baa (he cure, but be aaya ha doea not want , the I&.000.000. . - "All I expect aald he; 1s a liberal reward, after which my formula la free to the world at lane, and all I want In return la th worlds good will." Anderson, though apoken of aa nswsbor, la not exactly a boy In years. ' ie went to the Phtllpplnea aa a aoldler, Join; duty with the First Washington volunte-srs In the campaign of 119. He ftrat cam In contact with th dread dlsetiee while traveling In the Hawaiian Islands. He visited the leper colony near Honolulu and afterward! observed cases In the Philippine. Aa far aa known Anderson haa not tried hla leprosy cur on any on but th reasons he advances for ' selecting the different Ingredients are Interest Inc. . "I read onoe -or twloe about cases In England." aald he, "where dead bodies were subjected to a post-mortem exami nation, and during the examination anti mony was found in various part Of the odG-JLn ail cases in the spots where the antimony was found th body was In a remarkably fine state of preeerva tlon. Therefore.) if antimony haa th tendency to preserve th body of one who la dead, what will It not do If used properly on a body that Is still alive? , ..fence, black antimony In tha formula. i "Arsenic, aa ia well known, when drank with water, haa tha tendency to make the pattest radiate wit b beauty. All I have to say now in this connection is that -what lara trying; to brlnt out In 'th salient points of two parts of my compound is that when properly used the combination haa tha tendency f Robert 8. Anderson. , to preserve the eah' and make It more beautiful. ... . "Aa to Venetian red. It la a nappy medium between black antimony and arsenic. It will keep the leprosy germs so busy that the other parts bf my. for mula will have a chance to drive them out of the system. - "Now. then, the old-time remedy for the blood In tha spring of tha year, sul phur and molasses, need not be dwelt upon by me, aa it la tha old standby of our mothers." . . Besides being an Inventor of a leprosy cure. Robert Swan Anderson clalma tha distinction of being an Inventor of other things. He la the eon" of Mrs. Carrie Renstrom Plummsr, who. h claims, with himself and half-brother,. O. A. Renstrom, discovered tha lost art of tempering copper. He 4a also Inventor of the Oeorg 8. Anderson alloy procsss for the hardening of aluminum and the R. 8. Anderson roller shield and breast work for defense In tlm of war. Anderson la proprietor of tha curb- atone newa-atand at the corner of Sixth and Morrison streets. FIFfY-TfiREE 7 APPllCATITS , PUSS tXOHTIOiiS : Cut' Fifteen of Large Class Are ; Refused Teacher's Certifi-, i . , cates in Lane County, ' (special Davateh te Ike JeeraaL) t Eugene, Or., Aug. 11. County School Superintendent W. t. XMllard and as sistants today completed th work of marking th papers of those who took . th teachers' examination her, thla week. ' Out of a class of but II war successful aa followa: - First Orade. Myrtle Stuart, Eugene; Editk C Myers, Eugene;. Myrtle Green. Eugene; Mary B. Bennett, Creswell; ' Henry A. Cook, Vlda; Minnie Spong; Cottage Orove; Mrs. E. D. Beyers, Ku- , gene; Mrs. Mary B. Norton, Blackley; William - Jones, Cottage Orove; Mrev Delia Ouerney, Florence; Mrs. Lillian Poyner. Eugene; Beasla Meats, Eugene; Daley Somera, Eugene; Edith Haggard, Eugene. Second Grado-Maude Hayes, Junction City; Ma Klnaey, Eugene; Myrta Pit nay, Junction City; Wilfred, E.. Qren, Creswell; Mearle E. Boott, Creswell; Mabel C Johnson, Mound; Clara Emmona, Florence; Laura, . Dahlia, Florence: Myrtle Purvaoce, ' . Cottage Orove: Theo Hewitt, Ooahen; Dorrls Hale, Hale; Francis Pugan. Dorena; Ora Wllllama, Dextar; Inea Caaebeer, Waltervllle; Oertl Owen, lvlson: Helen ' T. Ouerney. Florence; Frieda Rhodea, Eugene; Anna. V. Betting. Eugene; Mrs. Cora. C Uhllg, MapUton; Pearl M. Bee be, Eugene. : k Third Grade. Neva Perkins, Cottage Orove; Llnnl Lerwlll, Junction City; , Edna Houston, Eugene; Frieda Zlnlker, 'Junction City; Mildred Prlngle, res- well; Ora Inman, Madlaon; Sophia An derson, Eugene; Myrtle Hedgpell, En- : gen; J. Edward Boyd, Halsey; Irene M. Maltman, : Junction City; Faflr Jennings, Eugene; Grace Smith, Maple ton; Laura M. Humphrey, Fall Creek; Oenevleve Thompson, Creswell: Mary Whitney, - Creswell; Maud Maxwell, Eugene!; Zelma , Edwards, Eugene; Louisa Bartholomew, Eugene; Josephine Kurd, Eugen. :, - . - i i m . Douglas county real estate is becom ing more valuable every day. guards hake assault Oil HELPLESS NEWSBOY Toss Youngster Roughly Then Take His Money and Spend It In Saloon. '(A . Twelve husky guardsman who could not wait till they reached American lake to begin th execution of military maneuver did a front and center dou ble quick and caused a 10-year old news boy to surrender kt Front and Davis streets at t o'clock 7etrday morning, according to I Barlow, r who la em ployed by th QUlen-Chambers com pany. ' ' I' '.' - ' : : "l saw; th' newsboy running away from a gang of a down or more mili tiamen, said ' Barlow, "who overtook the little fellow in a vacant lot at Front and Davis streets. Th boy had a bundle of papers under hla arm, and struggled to - escape. - Th soldiers roughly tossed the lad about. ' throw ing him back and forth between them like a football "His money fell from hla pockets and his papers dragged in the dust When the men had become tired throwing the little fellow around, they picked up th money that had fallen from hla pock ets and proceeded to a nearby saloon. Tha boy darted off up th street In search of a policeman, but did not re turn." ' MAYOR REFUSES TO ' : APPOINT POLICEMAN (Special Dkptrt te The Joeraal.t ' Independence, Or , Aug. 11. Th con tinued refusal of Mayor Paddock to ap point a city marshal la stirring up con siderable feeling among th merchants and others here. Last night a crowd of youngsters "took in th town" and held high Jinks for tha reason there waa no peace of fleer her to hold them down. Andy jTupper, who nerved th city e marshal for a good many yeara. Is an applicant for the position, as well a Robert Taylor. Either one would maks an acceptable marshal and there la so particular objection from any sourcs to either th on or 4 b other. HEBMISTON HOTEL FINISHED .tf" - t ':'y.ti it tort,.-,. ' ' i V ' i i., l ii ih,, mmm for EUlOCEi Trip to San Francisco Was Made In ' Interest of Hyde- ' V;s Benson Case. HE CONFERRED WITH PUCH WHEN IN SAN FRANCISCO Attcroiy VfW Take Charge of Qor- nunent's Side in Prosecution of FrtnUin Picrct Maya, and Cat May Taks Two or Thret. Weeks. Haa IIoulry Ertcttd in Heart of East Umatilla Reclamation Project. , (nperlsl tMapatek t Tse lewaat) Hermleton. 9r.. Aug. 11. Th Hotel llermlston, which haa Just been com pleted at Hermleton, Oregon, at a coat ef l.e, by th Maxwell Land as Irrl ration company, la located 1a th heart of th Beat L'metllla Irrigation project la Umatilla, county, and I one of th moot modern, un-to-dat hotels In any email rlty In eastern Oregon. It Is rmvtd4 with all modern conveniences -4 will at-ironi modal a large number I r-aMta. It la the tatraUoa ax th company to hav th hotel open early in September, The government la 1 now completing the erection of several buildings at Her mleton for headquarters for; tha era Ploy, One building will be used as aa of fie for ,th officers under th pro ject, a residenc for Engineer John T. Whistler, a dormitory for th amployes, a email house stable and storehouse. Real estate la selling in Hermleton- and It promises to be' th most ' thriving towa under to project, -. .. ' Th secret of Special Assistant At. torney-Oeneral Francis J. Heney's un expectedly long stay-in 8a Francisco la out at last. Hla . trip, was taken, not on private business, as was given out at th tlm he left Portland but to prepare evidence for presentation tn th Hyde-Benson land fraud case, which la to go to- trial in Washington in Oc tober. - When Heney went away a weok ago last night hs expressed his Intention to oe Dae the following Wednesday. pressure of business prevented him carrying out hla plans. At Ban Fran cisco ho; waa met by Assistant Attorney- uenerai "Pugh, who came from Wash ington for th purpose of consulting him. and both -were kept buay all last week arranging th evidence against Hyde and Benson, whose alleged of fenses were commuted In California. Heney was expected to leave San Fran cisco last night, but no word to that effect waa received here, and It la now believed that be will not be back be fore Tuesday or Wednesday. Heney will surely be here to take charge of th Blue Mountain reserve cass in which Stat . Senator Franklin Pierce Mays, Is th principal defendant. Thla Is the bsse In which Congressman Blnger. Hermann obtained a aeveranc. A great mass of svldenc Is to b In troduced against Mays, and th . trial may last two or three weeks. ' i This means that if Judge Hunt per sists in hla determination to go back to Montana tho first week of Septem ber only two more land fraud cases can be tried at thla term of th court. Theae two will be the perjury charge against Clarence B. Zachary and tha Maya case. Under thla schedule th Illegal fencing case Involving ex-Btate Senator Wr W. fltelwer, Hamilton H. Hendricks, former United States At torney John H. Hall and several others would go over .until tho next term of court, . , : . . , ' , ,:' f.TEN AT WORK Oil LEWIS AKD CLARK MEMORIAL Big Granite Blocks for Monu. ment Being Shaped and Pre- ' ' pared to Be Erected. ; Work on th Lewis and Clark memo rial monument at th City park la pro gressing. Seven men and a powerful pneumatic chleel are putting th granlt blocks and th shaft In snap to be erected. - President Roosevelt laid th corner ston for th monument when he visited Portland tn May, ltd. Th rain was pouring down by th bucketful when th ceremony waa performed by th presi dent, who distalned an umbrella and got drenched to-tb akin. For two years - and more th' monu ment rested where th president left It. Finally the block were ordered. They came from the granlt a quarries of Rock lln. California. Th shaft weighed 14.(0 pounds when it arrived, hut about 100 pounds has been chipped off sine to get It Into th proper proportions, Th second stone which goes next to th has weighed 1TH tons. Th ma sons are working on theee and th two other blocks of granlt which will go Into th monument. Th pneumatlo chlssl la th busiest thing In th city. Working under a pressure of Tl pounds to th Inch, It does aa much aa flv good men. Th four prong which do th chipping fly up and down faster than the eve can follow, twisting sideways at th same tlm. 'The chip and dust fly up tn a anowar. . The monument-will greatly Improve the appearanoe of th Park avenue en trance) to the park. , JOINING & SONS TO MOVE. Win Oocmpy tha Quarter : Blook at Seooad and Kogttaoa SUssm Wm Goods Arriving. . ' Henry Jennlng, th furniture dealer, has Just returned from an eastern trip. Mr. Jennlng went east to purchase fur niture for hla new store at Second and Morrison streets, which he propose td stock with an entirely new line of fur niture, carpets, linoleum and every thing that goes with complete .houae fumlshlng. Mr. Jennlng says that on this trip he bought In very large quanti ties because he has a very large ator to stock, having flv floors, each 10 feet square, besides th numerous bal conies which add additional spao. H claim that, buying in large quantltlea makes It poaslbl to buy at a big dis count over small purchases. He wss also able to aavo considerable on th freight proposition th goods coming as thsy do In straight carload lot. Henry Jennlng Sons hav outgrown their present location at First and Yam hill etreete and have for several years been on th lookout for a location that would meet their energies and rapidly growing business! Thsy hop to mov Into thnw build ing about September 1,1 but there la. a probability of the. present tenant not being able to get Into new quarters, which wilt cause disappointment all along th lln. In th meanwhile they are disposing of th good In th present location at a reduction of from If to 10 per centl aa they do not want to take any of the"! goods with them to second and Morrison streets. t-. RUSHING LINE FROM SALEM TO CHEMAWA 1 (Special Dtoettek tn Tse Jesreal.l , Salem, Aug. 11. Work Is progressing wlth'dlspatch oa th Willamette Valley Traction eleotrlo lln from Salem to Portland. Much activity I manifested and more than T men are working from here to'Chsmawa, th rail hav been laid a distance of one mile, and ona mil Is graded ready for ties and rails. Th lln Is to be la operation between Salem and Chemawa by September 19 or th oi peg lose 1U loaei (raacUU i Sale Prices prevail all over the store. Saturday was a hummer, and we r are going tp make Monday and the balance of the week as good if hot betterTotice the prices disband we bck our assertion by delivering the goods. 7. 1 -:v7 - i . v; i A .5 v7VVv777: '''Syi'r' $25.00 Three-Piece Suits, Clearance Price $20.00 Thfee-Piece Suits, Clearance Price "$17.50 Three-Piece Suits, Clearance Price . $15.00 Three-Piece Suits, Clearance Price MEN'S PANTS 01516S - mi V Wea- 011.65 $9.05 . .f'-r 51.95 53.95 53.95 $3.00 Pants, Clearance Price ; $4.00 Pants, Clearance Prife ' . V $5.00 to $7.00 Pants, Clearance Price : MEN'S SHOES i 0-: $4.00 Patent Leather Oxfords, ;Clearance Price $2.35 $3.50 Tan; Oxfords and Bals, Clearance Price . 133. 1 5 $2.50 Kid' Oxfords and Bals, Clearance Price . $ 1 45 77MErSi,s::;.iL 50c Underwear, Clearamce Price ; ; v v 7 29c $i.op Negligee Shirts, Clearance Price . ; 45c 50c Fancy Black & Tan SoxClearance Price 15c, 2 for 25c Choice 'of any Straw Hat' in the house, Clearance . Price .-NV.v::.J"i ;-vTi?'i."-.-.?100- o 3 & 5' gEl WINDOWS FOR THE ABOVE FACTS CMmm F. D. SMITH, flanager V " " '.,?'..,.-., ' '. v' 7"" - '.'".', 69 and; f ,' . ! i 'lXi a?i'a, , 71 Third Street Utile Rents Little Expense Little Prices Little Down tittle Monthly 364-6-8 East Morrison Street THREE BLOCK8 EAST OP MORRISON BRIDOB . Our. idriniige over our com petltort It so jreat that we are able to save our patrons many dollars. f - ;. fft A J It' Stop in and look over our stock. We can furnish your home and'saVe you mbney. Come see our new line of -7 , : Rugs : Carpets LaceCurtains Pbrtieres 7 . ' .; V';. :;'V::?;7;i; '. ,'.-;.,.7-': V-'-:.'-' We have a fine line of DINING-ROOM FURNITURE which you should : r see betore placing your oraer. '