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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1906)
TII2 CSZCOIJ EUIIDAY - JQUSHAi; PORTLAND. SUNDAY irorJIINO. AUGUST 12. ' 1SC7. SPORTiiiG GOSSIP OF THE DAY "Wariy Llnet of Sortt Touched on for Journal Readers' " Information , ' DAMODY FIRST TO MAKE , , TRIPLE UNASSISTED '. Protest Mad Against Sharrtnf, ' v Winner of tha Marathon Raca at Athena Go sa of Yale la Honored by Royal, Society of England. . . .". , V Baron Pierre do Coubertln of Pari has eddrassed to th governor-general f Canada letter protecting. as preel- . ' . dent ot the latrntlonar Olympto com- mlttee and restorer of. th.-modern Olympic game, aaalnat -ths gifts Of money. 6 William Unerring of Canada, . th winner of the recent Marathon run at Athena. Bherrlng la aald to -have , received 16,000 In money, beildea a house and lot and other gifts. Aa he Baa announced -hla determination lo re- tire oa hla laurela he la beyond the reaclfof the Amateur Athletic union. It . U aald. however, that hla victory at Athena will not aava him from being . . protested and disctDllne&.by the A. A. U i If he attempta to enter any game with in ita jurisdiction.. ,., v All the reoorda ahow that Third Base . tnn Hlnda .of the Cincinnati Reds of 1(76, made the first triple play ua . assisted. But Marlon, Ohio., bail fana assert . that . the first play of the sort - Was made ' by Second Baseman John Damody of the Marlon Star In 1174. ; ' The original acorebook has-been found In the possession of K. O. Allen, a re tired banker of Marlon, and a great - ball fan. It shows that the play was . made In that elty In a gams with Dele 'ware. - In the second inning Delaware ' bad three men oft bases and no one out. The Delaware batter hit a liner over second.- No one hoped to see It oaught, as it was eaaily three feet above - an average man's reach. Damody, how- aver, hurled his 74 Inches of bone and alnew Into- the air and caught the 'ball. ..He touched hla base and overtook and ' tabbed the baaerunner from .first -to sec . end before he could recover the initial , . bag. Damody is the owner of one of the leading-hotels and a capitalist. , V.;'v v e e -; -. v. - 7 J George Goes, Tale's L giant " football guard of three year ago, ha been ," elected a- member of the Royal Geo graphical eoolety of England. This . honor came to him because of his ex- Jiloitatlona la the wilda of Borneo after eavlng Tale... toss engagement to Mlsa lisle Terrell, the wealthiest girl Jn Con necticut, was announced last week. ; ' - y e- . ..: ,; . Alf Allen, for many years a middle weight pugilist ' Canada, : and form erly a aaioonseeper in uttawa, Ontario, haa been converted to the Christian re : llgton. At the Torrey-Alexander mis- lion meeting In Ottawa recently Allen ' . turned his back on pugilism and - has decided -t became a missionary among vthe men of hlrold acquaintanceship in the sporting world. - The ex-flghter Is In -Chicago to arrange for' a "course of .atndy. at the Moody Bible Institute. He " wiu endeavor to neip uplift the city, New Terk has had a parson fighter In . .'"Stonewall" Allen, a eolored fighting Yet ...... ' e -.e '-. The Chicago White Sox have a record ' 'for winning games from opponents who . outnif menu standing a bad last in team, batting .end .fighting for third place In the American league race Is out Of the ordinary In baseball. - .' ' , - e e , '' Some it the Cincinnati scribed have evidently got Ned Hanlon's goat. The manager of the- Beds -says- that cat - alders have mora to say.. about, running . the team than the owners. '' . ' ... ' . . Now that the pitcher, of ' the New Tork Glanta have struck their gait the . nampiona will give Chicago and Pitts- 'burg. a good run for th flag.-...- O , e e ' ! . ' ' : In Henley, Case, Malay and Barrett the Booheater ctub of the Eaatern league has quit an array of former major league piayera, ? 4 After leading the Texas league the en tire (nrst naif) seaaon the Dallas team bltw up In .the la st. series f with Port . Worth. Th. latter took three games . out of four and won the pennant by on . With the first four teama changing al most dally the -Trl-Btats league race . aontlnuea redhot, Too bad Harrlabyrg ' and Johnstown. ' two good bsseball , towns, should be at the bottom of th .list r e ., The Houston club of the South Texas . league won the pennant for th Brat half of J.h seaaon and evidently has It . olnohed for th second half. V. , ' ; . '. e e ' - "' " Heavy hitters are searee this sea inn in the Eastern league, th leaders hav ing a percentage of AOt to .108. - ; -- t . - " " The surprise In the South' Atlantle league, has been the great work of 8a ' vannah and the hard fall of Columbia. RIVAL TEAMS WILL -r- MEETVON DIAMOND ,'V. Th Ichlller and ' Maroons will en i deavor to setu an old grudge at ' Reoreatlon 4 park this afternoon at I 'clock. - Th teama are so confident of : victory that It Is Impossible to see how , It can be decided. Sir Eduard Rankin will. officiate and thla Is how the teams will line up: - . . i . - chllUr. ,s ' . ' Maroona. Slavln .. ..,...... Brock '.Parrott ........... .p. . .v.. .. . OoodaU Parrott lb Trowbridge Burns ....,..,... lb. ....... Campbell Houston Mangold Pay ............ ,;ss. ........... Gray - Myers .If . Hsnkie ' Chapln ' Oliver ef. .......... Gaines ,rf .'. MeKenna DfcoouraaoD? :,bccaus&your hair keeps allhiff outbreaks off, feels harsh.tums gray, makes you LOOK out t KBm Yom looking Yotma k Stately gtopo ralllaar ' eteree Voathfel Color l y Je raded mm Gray Hair. Nat Oreaey. st S Dm, PHILAHATOO.. Mewsi. K. J. : , coo. xxx cr.'jzz&TS . - ; -a- -. .'V" - SEli.a CAY Till . . GO TO All LS Parke 1 Wilson ' and Hie Crew Give Nick Williams Very 5; Poor Support. (gaerlsl Dlseetrk ky Lmm4 Wire S Tke Jeveel) Oakland. Cel., Aug. - 11. A ladora park today the Seals presented the An gels '. with, a game, and Incidentally played th dumbest baseball ever seen on, the ooaat Bergman did th 'heavy work for the visitors and after th In itial SDasm Ditched fair baseball.. Nick Williams pitched for th Beala and while he did fairly well, he got the rankest possible kind of support from the men behind him. . . Umpire . Dunleavy. smarting . under Just crltlolsm and not able to-stand ths gaff from th fana tn th bleachers, tte. clared that he "did not want to be an umpire nohow." He sent In his reslg nation, and so .It wss that Hodson was called upon to act He did not fare very well.: The score: . . ; ... . . w SAN FBANCIBCO. ' " V AB.H. H. PO. A. E. Spencer, ef.. .......... I 0 1 I 0 Wheeler, ss l . . I I ", i 'I I 1 Mohler, lb ....! 11 11 Hlldebrand. If. i. t 0 1.1 0 1 Irwin. bl....,.,......I.0;l f,i 5 Wllllamap Sears, rl I 0 0 0 Hples, o. i $ I 1 Wilson, lb........... t 6 Oil 11 . Total ........ ... .11 . IT 11 4 - ... V.. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. samara, ci. ....... cf 4 00 4 0 Uochnsuer. ss........ Cravath, rf .......... . Dillon, lb.......,... Toman, ss. ......... . Kills, If McClellan, lb.....'... 1 11 Mangerlna, o Bergman, p. ToUls ..14 t t 17 1 SCORE BT INNINGS. fxa Angeles .... I 1 M M I II- I Hits 1 ! It 1 0 I 1 1 San Francisco ,,,10 1 0 M M 0 I Hits ..... M I M t H 1- I SUMMART. Three-base hit Hlldebrand. Two-base hits Cravath. McClellan. Sacrifice hits Mangerlna, Cravath. - Clrat base on called balls Off Williams. 4; off Berg man, I. Struck out By Williams, 1; by Bergman, I. 'Double plays 8ples to Wilson, Mohler to Wheeler to Wilson; McClellan to Dillon. Stolen bases Ir win,'. I; Spencer, Wheeler, Mohler, Cra vath, Dillon. Ellis. Wild pitch Will lama. Time 1 hour and 60 minutes, Umpire Hodson. '-. i- ' .PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ' ' Won.,. Portland .......... r. it -. San-Francisco ........ (1 Lios Angelea ......... 64 Lost PC .!' .(04 .(10 .414 .191 .171 Seattle 44 Oakland ....... 40 ; Fresno . ,'. , 40 . Taooaaa Wins On. " ; (special Dhpstck to Th Joorol.) ' Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 11. The locals won an easy gams today. Boor: ' . R. H.B. Tacoma ... 119 11 4 S 1 Butts ...... 0 0 0 1 I 1 Batteries Taooma, Butler and Shea; Butte, Toren and Swindells. ,, V NATIONAL LEAGUE.' v Won. Lost 10 IV 65 61 (( 7 . 41 PC. -.70S .461 .(10 .441 .417 .410 .141 .141 Chloaxo 1 New Tork Pittsburg ............ (1 Philadelphia ......... 47 Cincinnati ............. 41 . Brooklyn ..'41 St. Louis lip , Boston 14 . Yesterday's Besnlts. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 0; Chicago, I. At Philadelphia Philadelphia, lr Cin cinnati, l. v . . . ' . At New Tork New Tork. I; Pitts burg, 1. . At Boston i irst game) vosion, i; St Louis, t. At Boston (Second gam): Boston. I: St Louis, 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE. - Won. Losfc . 41 - 4 61 (0y 71 PC. .11 .60 .14 .667 .610 .490 .194 .191 jvew iws 67 . It Philadelphia so i Cleveland 4 60 60 t 10 St. Louis Detroit Washington Boston . , Teetardays SmIm. At Chicago Chicago, : New Tork, 1. At St Louis St Louis. 6: Philadel phia, 4, ' .At Cleveland Cleveland. I; Washing ton. 1. - ' At Detroit (First gam) Detroit ; Boston, 1. At Detroit (Second gam) Detroit, T( Boatqn, I.. . . ; , THIS GABRIEL WANTS TO TOOT HIS HORN i . Jim Gabrlfl. a cowboy, who broke en durance record for the United States government fn a - l.SOO-mlle trip on horseback from Sheridan. Wyoming, to Chicago, has Issued a f 10.000 chal lenge for a relay rids from New Tork to Ban Francisco. He say he will make th trip in 10 days or less, bars no on In the world as competitor and ays he has th amount pf money stip ulated ready to place In stakeholders hands... .. .-'' If no ons accepts his proposition, Oa- brtel will wager the sum that he 6an reach Chicago from New Tork In quick est time on one horse. His average dally epeed for he entire long trip, he tells In his msnlfssto, would b 60 miles. Gabriel has spent Ma" life of It years ahorse. He was bom In the far west and hss been cowboy, scout dispatch bearer, hunter and bucklng-hore break er. H exhibit proudly an official letter of high compliment from General Nelson A, Miles for brave service dur ing th Wounded Knee and Cheyenn oampalgna. . . STAR SKATERS WILL ; PLAY BASEBALL GAME In th skating rink at th Oaka next Wednesday th Multnomah club and a picked team of th Oaka rink and a number or profeaalonal akaura will play baseball. t. V. Kan will head the Multnomah club team and Mr. Raadall the ali-kaif team. of th skating rink. .The players win appear in regular baseball uniforms and are all xprt (skaters. ular t YACHTSMEN ARRANGE FOR CHALLENGE REGATTA As mentioned In last Sunday's Jour nal, th Oregon yacht slab member will hold their ohellenge regatta on next Sat urday afternoon. The local yachtsmen are making special preparations for the affair i and promise some Interacting races. Three olassea, A. B and C, will be represented in th regatta, . ... PifilE IS Ulffl -ill North Pacific Championships Come to a Close With 4 Brilliant Matches- PORTLANb PLAYERS NOTV ' IN FOR THE HONORS Plajrlng of ' Payne Was - the Finest Ever Witnessed In the Northwest and ' the Thorne and Multnomah " TrophierArg Won by Him, - .. .1 v ' '. ' ... i -. i .' : - (Special riispstek to The Jnnraat)' Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 11, The annual tournaments of fh North Pacific JInter nhtlonal Lawn Tennla,and the Pacific Northwest r Tennis association eloeed thia eVenlng. The feature of both tour naments was 'the playina of Payne of Taoom.-Not only did he win th championship , tn .the- men's - singles- In both - tournaments, but, according t Goes,' of" Portland, ons of ths crack ten nis players of the Pacifla coast he put up a olas of tennis playing heretofore unknown In th northwest Jo C. Tyler,- of Seattle, made the next beat show ing. . Th game between him and Payne for ' the .championship In the 'Interna tional singles was th best exhibition ot tennis playing aver seen st a tennis tournament in ths northweet After beating Tyler in the internationals Payne had effectively taken his oppo-. nent's measure, and the Fsoirto north west championship played this after noon was never In doubt McBurney, of 'Spokane, , who '' held the Multnomah trophy, waa suffering from a bad ankle, and waa not at any time able to throw hlrftself Into th game. i (loss of Portland missed beating Ty ler In th semi-finals by only ons point nd this pomt was offered to him at least a dosen tlmea, but he eras unable to break Into Tyler wonderful net gam.. .... '""...'' ' What gave ' unusual . Interest to th playing, of both tournaments was ths wlds territory from which ths players earn, and the fact that th winners of the championships could not be ticked out until th last point wss won. - Following aro the -winners - of th championships: Pacific Northwest ehemptoashlpa. Champion, Payns of Tscoma; runnsrup, Joe C, Tyler, of Se attle; men's doubles, Russell and Tyler of Seattle; Payne and Armstrong Of Ta coma, runneraup. Ladles' singles, cham pion. Miss B. Byan of Victoria; runner up. Miss A. Ityan f Victoria. Ladles' doubles, champions, ths Misses E. and A. Ryan; runnersup. Miss Loomls ofj Tscoma, Mies Robertson or uowegan. . Mixed double Rlthee of Vlotoria and Miss E. Ryan, both of Victoria; runners up. Pooley and Miss A. Ryan, also of Victoria. . International championships men's ingles Champion, Payne of Tacoma; runnerup. Tyler ef Seattle.. . . .. . . Man' doubles Champions, Armstrong and Payne,. both of Taooma; runneraup, Rlthet snd Pooley, both of Victoria. -All of th-' champions received tro phies, both th Thorn and th Multno mah trophies going to Fayn. ' YESTERDAY'S RACING ' V AT THE MEADOWS ftteeela! Dtapstcfe to The oenaL Seattle. Aug. 11. tToday's results at the Meadowa: . . . Seven furldngs J. C Clem (Keogh), to I, won; Black Jem, second; Rustio Lad. third. Time. 1:2. Six furlongs Interlude (F. Sullivan), 1 to I. won; St Winifred, second; Pro crastinate, third. Time. 1:11 to. One . and a quarter mnea jsnera (Keogh), to 1, won; Old Mike, second; Iras, third. Time, 1:07. ' Mile, selling Entre nous turanami, to 1. won; Ralph Toung, seoond; Flo msnola. third. Time. 1:40U. Six and a nair lunongs, waaningron selling etake Mystys Pride (A. Wil liams), 4 to 1, won; Royal Rogue, seo ond: Silver Sua. third. Tim. l:lto . Mil and 60 yarda, Nome handloap Supreme Court (Qraham), i to 1, won; Gorgalete. eecond. The Huguenot, third. Time. 1S4IK. Mile, purse Rudebek (McBrtde), to I. won; Bombardier, seoond; Fullstta, third. . Time, 1:40 . LOS ANGELES LUMBER DEALERS B00ST,PRICE (Speeisl Dlipatek fey teased Wire to The Jearasl) Los Angeles, Aug. 11. -Local lumber dealera held a conference this after noon to consider a greater advance In lumber prices than was predicted earlier In the week. The plan for the advance la II Instead of 1, . making the baae pries of rough lumber 117 In stead of 111, Dressed lumber sdvsnees II and select grtdssjfl a thoussnd. RestoresEyesight Spectacles Caa be Abandoned "Actlna," s Wondarful Discovery That Curas Afflictions of th Ky Witb . out ' Cutting or Drugging. There Is nerneed for outtlng, drug ging or probing the eye for the euro of most forme of disease, for a new sys tem ef treating aJTllcllone of the eye haa . o e e n discovered, I whereby all tortu ous methode are eliminated. There le no rlek or experi menting, a hun dreds of people have been cured of fall ing eyealght, eata- . racta, graulated lids and other afnictlene of the eye through thle grand discovery, when specialists, they state, termed the cases Incurable. Gen. Alexsndsr Hsmtlton, Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson, N. T4 highly recom mends "Actlns. Louis MeyerrtI Herman St.; Roches ter, N. T., wrltss: "'Aotlnarhas effect ed a wonderful cure In my wife's case, Jurlng her of s aevere ye trouble, ana would not b without If Mr. A L. Howe, Tully, K T., writes: " 'Actlna' has removed cataracts from both my eyes. I ran read well without my glasses; am slxty-Ave years old." Robert Bsker, Ocean Park,- Cat wrltea: "I should have been blind had I not used 'Actlna.' " Hundrsds of other testimonials will be sent on application. "Actlna" la purely a home treatment and e If -administered by th patient, and i sent en trial, .poatpeld. It you will and your name-end eddreaa to the New Tork dt Hindoo Electrle Association, Dept 1SB, II Walnut St, Kaneas City, Mo., you will receive, absolutely free, a valuable book Prof. Wllsoa'a Treatise en DU- TACOMA TT ttv of (lie 8 fine Swell West Twelve miles east of Portland, Base Line road, three quarters of a mile north of Gresharn, three quarters of a mile south of Fairview; French chef; poliie attention; cool grove. Spend a few hours at Castle Edel Brau. Long distance phone, Twelve Mile. Automobile call (week days), Main 825. Sund, Sixth and Washington street. ssCXXZZZZ. as: SALVIDORE WINS THE SARATOGA SPECIAL Thlrty-tonTwo. Soot Walks Away ; With Rich Stake; in Young Held. (SmcIsI DIsDetck by teesed Wire to The samel) Saratoga, Aug. 11. Interfered with. cut off and carried widely into tn stretch, Salvldor cam from II lengths behind the flying leader with' amaslng courage and astonishing speed to win ths 111,000 Saratoga special by a length and a halt from McCarter, with, th Keen pair, Peter Pan and Ballot, three lengths away. Demund rushed away In front, of oourseL' and In aa many strides had taken a lead of two lengths. with Pstsr Pan and Charlss Edward three lengths before McCarter, , upon whioli Miller was ualng all his skul Just after th start Salvldoro was shut off on the ralL knocking him back and off hla stride. Sprawling and lumping In ths air Salvldor was down to taat and seemingly hopelessly out of ' th rsce before Bewell could steady blm own. ' - ..... i . Just after making th first turn De mund hsd a lead of seven lengths, out in the short run, to ths bom turn his yellow streak cropped out and bis long, hlgh-cllmblng strides began to shorten. McCarter flashed up to hint In a few more strides. Peter Pan also passed th Rainy counterfeit And then Salvldoro surged uo on th outside from nowhere, f In flash Luclen Lyne on Ballot realised ths dsnger f Salvldora's stretch rush and he carried th Hltcheock horse widely Into ths stretch. No obstacle short of dVh Itself, however, seemed Insurmountable for Salvldoro. He was not to be denied, and running two jumps to MeCartefs one, he came under the whip and won. The time, 1:11 ' 1-1, was remarkable on- lderlng that a great deal of rain bad fallen on the track. Salvtdore cost 11,100; Demund sold for 145,000. The Saratoga Special has been run six tlmss snd Mr. Madden has won just half Of the renewals, one with Irish Lsd In 101, Aristocracy In 1101 and with Salvldor today. Summary ef Sventa. ' Seven furlongs Dinette (Miller), T to I. won; Memories, second; Rebo, third. Time, 1:11. . About two and a nair mime, tne norm. American steepleohese Alfsr (David son), T to 1, won; Del Canta, second; Hylaa. third. Time, 1:21. Sia furlongs, ths Saratoga Special, for 1-year-olds Salvldor (S well).-10 to I, won; McCarter, eecond; Peter Pan, third. Time. 1:11 -. . Mil and a quarter, th Travers Gallivant (Millar), II to 10, won; Mo hawk II. second; . Reldmoore, third. Time, 1:01 1-1. Five and a half furlongs J. C. Cor (Millar), 4 to I, won; Lo ring, .second; Blondy, third. Tim. 1:0s. Mil and three sixteenths Oeraniura (Miller), 1 to 10. WonrTh Picket, sec ond; Corrlgsn, third.- Tim, 1:01. POOL-ROOM AGENTS , OUTWIT TRACK jUEN Saratoga, Aug. 11. Early In th day th track officials put a number of long canva screens around . the portion of th . traak on th horn turn. It waa for the purpos of obscuring the view of poolroom agents. Ths officials war outwitted, however, for a high polo of probably 10 feetVss put In poaltlon anS. a platform was erected at the top. On It wer plaosd telegraph Inst rum en ta and two men with telescopes. Thsy ob tained all' ths Information as to finishes, but Monday they will have te shift th position, for th Jockey elub folk will erect a banner high enough to absonr ' Amateur Hot. Th Hop Golds will cross bats with ths Flshsr-Thorsen Grays this morning a tn former's Held at Inrtngtor- - OLD TWELVE ji - t ' -x fa "::.7r v-V SIVMSHES ARE BEATEN BY . THE COMMUTERS Oakland Wake Up Long Enough , to Take a Rough Came From Seattle, .-y" tSaeelsI mesetek hr Leases Wire te The Jearaell Seattle, Aug. 11. In a gam loaded down with balrlln decisions and con siderable wrangling, Oakland won from Seattle in th. ninth Inning, score 4 to I. Smith's single and Tan Haltren'a double counted one In th first. Smith's single, followed by doubles by Krugsr and Hackett, added two In the third. Ths aoorot ., , SEATTLE, : AB. R. K. PO. A. H. Mm, Aft ........ ... . . e Van Buren, cf........ 4 Blankenshlp. o. ....... I Householder, rf 4 Croll, lb I Btrelb, lb 4 Mott, lb 1 4 Janaa, aa...... 4 Jonea, p.....n . 4 r u , ! i 1 I : I Totals II I . OAKLAND. I IT 11 1 lf AB. R. H. PO. A. B LHalt'rini Vt.V.-"! I I t ger. rf.. I 111 f muller, lb I J 111 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Bmitn Van Kruser. Heltmuller, Hackett. r:.:::::: I T.l 5 i I Devereaux. lb rranoas. ss.. s i i Haley, lb....... I 0 0 0 1 Hopkins, p..... 44' 4 t ' Totals It 4 0 17 14 I 8CORS BT INNINGS. Seattle 0 100 1000 Hlta 0 I 0 1 1 I 1 0 0 I eV4YAA.J4kV v W ,. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 .. 1110 0 10 11 Oakland Hlta . SUMMART. Two-base bite etrelb. BlankenshlD. Van Haltren, Kruger. Hackett, Dev- reaua. Three-base hlta Householder. Croll. Sacrifice hlta Kruger, Francks, Haley. Lert on oaees neattia, t; oak land. 4. Stolen baee Kruger. Doublt play Heltmuller and Franoks. Baaes on balls Off Jones, l; off Hopkins, 1. Hit by pitched bail croll, by Hopklna, 1. - Struck out By Jones, 4; by Hop- Bina, i.. lime or gams rw nour. Umpire Mahaffey. ' A RVer Will Do It. Tuok a five dollar pitoe In your pocket , and come to Bller Piano House and secure choice of fin high-grade pianos, which ws aro now retailing at aotual wholesale cost and lees. We're doing this to keep thing moving until we reopen eur new etore . in th fell. Think of It! Besatlful brand new pi anos cheaper than renting. Kllers Pi ano House, "Th House of Highest Quality,"- Ill-Ill Washington street ANOTHER DIME NOVEL - - VICTIM IS ARRESTED Anothsr victim of th pernicious dim novel haa fallen Intn th polio dragnet H. W. Gumbert was arrastsd at Kalama Friday night on a warrant charging him with larceny and ho was brought to this slty yssterday by Detective Carpenter to stand trial. W. A. Lauder, a livery man, st 101 Front etreet, alleges that Gumbert rented a rig from him snd failed to return th property. Th young man was taken . Into Custody at Kalama while endeavoring t dispose f the tig for 111. 'VatATtSVC ' When pains or irritation exist on any part of the body., th application of Ballard I Snow Liniment give prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, si Reno, u. i., writes, June 0, not: "I take nleesur In recommend. Ing Ballard' Snow Liniment to all who ere effllcted with rheumatism. It le the only remedy I have found that gives Immediate relief." llo, lOo and fLOOv Wooderd, Clarke Co. G RMMLL, Proprietor iill MIL,t3 MOUSE Mr ' - "VmVf . " f"-ew ' i ' ' P if ,e. .VVsMlAU-. ... to; v r : iiiiil , . . ' . , . - . - y - LIKE A GLIMPSE 0E THE SEA? THE There Is charming th handsous W. ull 'mrr An J LINE . - lor atrt. and sail at ail.way. point , , EN ROUTE TO ASTORIA It Is a daylight rids all tbs way ?o ths brink of the merry Ocean, on a . splendidly equipped steamboat, politely officered and with food upon th table Ilk your mother need to make. . . PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT AT LOWEST RATES "' , Ten wmaTnow Onr Boat by tk Plajuwd nE.- - . ' Vancouver Transportation Co. ITALIAN FAMILY REUNITED AFTER TWEHTY YEARS Joseph Oeyullo Brings His Wife to; American Home He Has Provided. Junction City, Or.. Aug. 11. Th hap piest ma la Oregon la Joseph Deyulio, who lives eight mile weat of thla place. Twenty years ago he waa a realdent of Cam po basso, Repobottlnt, Italy, where he waa married to Maria Mareogllese. Leaving his brlds of a fsw month hs shipped as a sailor to America to seek his fortune, after wbloh hs waa t send tor his wlfs. After reaching th United State he went to work with the on Idea In view of saving enough money to send for his wlfs. In a fsw months hi wife wrote him of the arrival of a little dark-eyed daughter. w,ho had oome to. blese their horn wh-?n shs reached America. la a few month Mr. Deyulio had saved enough money to bring hla wife and baby to him. This he sent to her In Italy, expecting she would com at one. His wtfs . was living with his mother, who wished her son to return to Italy to live, and she thought If shs could persuade her daughter-in-law to remain, her son would return. Shs borrowed ths money cent to buy the tickets with and spent It for other things, bene th wife and babe had nothing to buy a ticket with to. America. She wrote Mr. Deyulio of this and he waa ao disgusted that he refused to send any more money, hence for II year they have been ea pa rated by th ocean. About two year ago Mr, De yullo's mother died and his wlfs thsn wrote him It wss her desire t come to this country. He. remembering hla first experience In aending money, thought It th safest way to send, ner a ticket for herself and daughter. Thla he did, and after many delaya In proving his Amstioaa eltlsenshlp and-his ability to ear for them when they arrived In tbla eountry. he at last got them. They started and arrived her this week, rlls dausrhtsr. whom he had never seen, had married and was left a widow with on mall babe, which ah brought with her. Mr. Damn has a farm of 10 acre of good land and it la weu stocked with goats, sheep and om eowe, DR. MYRON We HAYNES TO SPEAK AT Ye M. C. A. Dr. Myron W. Rayn of Seattle ta te th city and ha been engaged to speak to men at th T. M- C. A. auditorium this afternoon. Dr. nayne I an elo quent and forcible apesker. His theme today will be "Facing th Oootdenj." Mr. Reno Hutchinson will sing. All men are Invited to thla meeting. Dr. Hayne speaks at th Whits Tsm- nl atornlnai aa4 anlna r I:- A t , ' s . jv."' v reoreatlon tn tiding down th rtvee steamer dav but Bunds Wrom the 'foot Of TaT- 'I Cafe end VSoak Ul ; ihtk afegfnnlns n6ndayt-Auff.l3 ALL 6TAR OIL.L CLIFFORD and LANS And Their ' Tlckanlnle. Dtawst Front th Keith CtrotOt, . LAPASKA ; comsdt JuaaLm. ' ; LILLIAN LESTEQ ' 4 j TOCAUST. DORETO C03D10 CHIO SOUBXXTTeV THE ONLY HELEN SBRIO-COMIO KNTKRTAiniEB. B10CRAPH' WITH THB LATEST FILM. Sally Mstlnee frasn "el. a iPkaafS r M n tora 1Tr3 SL SS and SS rsr r eA stJOs. asWl t"i t l Tea a He. I naiss yen wt. j v Waal AA , , , i. ' -. '' ' . v ' ' X'- iN ,1 ', US V1 A : -