The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1906, Image 1

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    i , i - -
I Journal Circullicn
v J v v c; ii v
Plr and not so warm; northwest
winds.' ' "'"" ,',-
Vol. in. no. 3.
MM i
HusSV Oregon r.Ieiv Lose to Nonpareils
or New Yoft by a Length and a
Half After Magnificent Fight During
Which They Led for. More Than Half
the Distence Crowd Cheers Visitors
. . -; -
(Sped! Diapatck fcy Im4 Wirt to lb Jearaal)
' Woroeater. Mass.. Aug. 11. About the
biggest surprise of tha nations! regstta
cam int tha fntarnstlonsl four-oared
race, when tha husky Portland. Oregon,
eraw, whom tha crowd wanted to win
alter- coming ,ao- fsr: to- compete. - waa
defeated by tha Nonpareil erew of New
York by length and a half ' after a
magnificent fight, tlurlng which they
led for more than half the distance..
. The long-distance vlartors did not hold
bo true a. course -a the winner, whloh
co them dearly In the laat part of,
tha race. The. Portland men refrained
from competing in -the final heat for
enter four, though eligible In qualify
ing yea tarda y,. because of the turn neo
eesary In the courae. they preferring
to take their chances on -the straight
way course Used In the ihtsrnatlonal
contest r '"v,;--,'.n
Crowd for Portland. . v
The spsotatere felt aorry . for the
Portlanders, for, they .ha Jumped Into
papular favor by their showlng-snd gsn
..i iic. The Nonpareils' time foe the
vent waa nin mlnuUa and eight aeo-.
Onde. '. ' -
I The International four waa Claret
truggle from atart to finieh for the
five atartera, Thla waa won only after
fine race by the tNonpareila of New
York by length end half from the
Portland. Oregon, crew. The Bavene
wood erew waa third and the Winnipeg
fourth. . '4-. 'v ( ' .
. , The aenlor elht wa proteatad. to be
rowed off by the New Tork AtbleUe
Jury Decides His Case
.Within arlfourjAfter
Being Givemli)$triic
I tions byJudseHunt
i y Cos t. Barnard committed perjury
when h swore on final proof piweeed-
.lnga at Fossil, . Wheeler ; county hat
Charles A. Watson bad complied with
the requirements of the homestead law.
This wss the verdict returned last
night In the federal court by a jury of
Portland bualnesa men. Accompanying
the verdict was a recommendation to
the mercy of th court.
Ia order to save, time a night session
was held. A feature of the final proof
proceedings was that on of the Jurors,
Waltr H. McMontes, who had been 111
with fever for three days, was pro-
. vlded with a sofa and heard the closing
arguments while lying in a recumbent
position. Another feature was that, th
Jury deliberated In 'tha courtroom in
stead of retiring- to the place set apart
for Jurors, v After Judge Hunt had de
livered his charge be suggested lhat
: the courtroom be . cleared in order to
avert the necessity Of moving Juror If e
Monlea, and th suggestion waa" fol
lowed. " .'.v -
Judge Hunt began his charge shortly
before 1 o'clock After giving the
Jurors the law. he resolved the. case Into
two Issues: Waa Charles A. Watson a
homesteader ta good faith, and did. Co
D. Barnard a wear falaely in regard to
. Wtaon'a realdenc and Improvement T
Th instruction took 40 minutes, and it
was 10:40 o'clock when th oas was
finally submitted for decision. ,
' : Clarke Ohosea'Posemaa, '. ' ,
Organisation of th Jury was soon
ffeoted by th election of Lpula O.
Clark foreman. . From th start all
wr In faver of conviction. Th only
. question was whether .Barnard should
be recommended to meroy. After much
discussion and some balloting this was
attled In the affirmative and at 11:
word was ssnt to Judge Huat, who was
'still In his chambers, that a verdict had
been reached. In five minutes - the
books of th federal court held a record
of th conviotlon of the defendant
. Judge Bennett, attorney for Barnard,
gave notice of a motion for a new .trial.
Th court set next Wednesday as ths
data of sentence, on which Hamilton -H.
Hendricks, convicted of perjury, and
Charjea A. Watson, convicted of per
jury, will also, be sentenced. Adjourn
ment Until Monday was ordered and tnea
most of th Jurors, asked and war
granted rsleas from ! further aervle..
When aaked what he thought of th
verdict Judge Bennett said: "I think it
. waa unjust. Ws were up against th
earn old ston wall;" ', :W -'.
- ta Seooad eoavtoctoa.
The Barnard case marks th second
, 'oonvlotlon secured by United State. At
torney William C Bristol in connection
with th final . homeatead proof' of
Charle A. Warson. 'Homesteader" Wat
son, who proved up on a . claim fh
Wheeler county without ever having
last Wednesday. Barnard was ons of
Watson's - witnesses on final ' proof,
wearing that Watson had oontlnually
raslded en
his claim, from January,
119. ' until
June, 1104. barring su
month of, lllneaa. and that he had made
numerous llmprovementa. Clarence a,
VUTt U.h Ovher wltaaaa foe .VYastoa,
m m m . kamav m sa w "- . ,c sw .ar . w .,' w
club, and- the Rlverafde Boat club of
Cambridge at Norfolk, Virginia after
next year's regatta at the Jameatowa
expoalrlon. -
' Seventy-five . thouaand people wit
neaaed today's racaa. The elght-oared
vent will be raced Sunday at t o'clock.
Today's racing of the regatta, of the
National aaaociatlon was marred by col-
llaiona In three 'events.
' Three eolllatons.
In the Intermediate pairs and senior
fours thero war no penalties but In the
senior eight the Argonauts of jjToronto
were diaqualif led. for .fouling the -River
sides." The New York Athletio club fin
ished tirat and the Argonauts second.
Referee Pllkington -ordered u Riverside
and New . York Athletio club to row
ver. x! ";'' ' -:i '.' . -
One of the biggest surprises of the
day was the ease with which Conatanoe
S. Titus! of the Nonpareil Athletio club
of New . York defeated Fred - Shepard
In the championship singles. The men
rowed on eves terms to the turn, where
Titus began to draw ahead of his oppo
nent. . Tltua. working to' the lee of the
woreeeter anore ana tne Detier ox ino
oourae and woq aa he pleased by 100
yards. , ' w ''!: ; jh'ii'
In the Intermediate pairs itha ITas
saus and Nonpaell re-the. onjy en
tries. Tho Nonpareil ron. 'tn
pleased by -.10 loncths.' : v r
. (Cbnttnuad ey-Psg 'rku r'P
wa also indicted for perjury, and hi
triall will begin (tomorrow. v v.
. " . Border Spin aUrrrsd.
'While the defense wss closing Its ease
yesterday - afternoon: United : Stataa At
torney Bristol .brought out soma testi
mony that suggested a revival of th old
border spirit William Bhepard. witness
for th government, had told f a con
versation with Charles A. Watson, m
whloh th latter had confessed to runr
nine? off with a band of Wheeler county
horeee and expressed a fear he might
not be heartily welcomed if he returned
to tha neighborhood of . hie, homestead
claim. The defense sought to break
down th fore of Sheperd's testimony
by putting an witnesses to swear that
his reputation --fot truth' and veracity
waa bad. ' a - '
C. B Neat, known up Fossil, way as
"Bob"- - Neal, took th- witness stand.
After h had aaid that Shepard's reputa
tion waa not very good, Prosacntor Bris
tol set off a few fireworks ,,- ,. -
"T-n't it a fact that thers baa been a
whole lot of bad blood between you and
Bill Shepard r.' asksd the ' prosecutor. ,
"In a way." ana wared the witness.
,'In what wayf - (
"He refused to let m pas aver hi
land." - "
"Didn't you at on time earry a dirk
for himT" ( - 4 r .
.i .awlad a a-otoUon., ,
' JK;-
w .mp: mm-., .
.4" - V" , .'- t i rk";- . ' w' ' 5.'
.. 4 S"' - f i XJ -TV." ''''!':' i
- - . ; 1 wSc- " '
A . J i ' J '
.)'.:: Cos D. Barnard. , ; 5
1 1 "1 ' ' "
Hetty Green, : Richest Woman,
Says She Would' Give Her Off-
spring a Hypodermic , If He
Led Bad Life. .
rXiMrlal Di.n.tch br Laaead Wire to TbeliaiaiO
Bellowa ralla.-Vt, Aug. H-"If my
boy Ned lived a life of orime l'fi. give
him a hypodermic myself ana. put nnn
iiT' where- there would be no more
chance for dlegraoe." , - .
. This remarkable atatsment earn from
a mote remarkable woman, aald to be
the richeat woman. In the United States,
Mra. Hetty Green. It ws u tared as
aha poaed for a newapaper picture, the
flrat time aha said that sne ever piaoeo
herself . before j
"I really don't know why I should al
low you to do this," she declared, and
ahe BDoke rather petulantly, "for I have
never Dosed for a newspaper picture be
fore .and never shall again I under any
clrcuraatanoes." ; L - ;- '
' With a grim countenance she stood,
turned slightly to one side and struck
an "erect form at posing totallyunllke
tha erafullv oreDared attitude and ex
pression of the average woman before
a camera. Then' ahe talked most inter
estingly.:' '. .
traelfos oolstr.
."People have made;all' kinds of aUa
gaiipna,' shesaldt 'Tor lnatanoe I want
ta -break UU aociety for .Sylvia's sake.
Evers -word ef .that is- Ue. I am not
fT' '
"Didn't you threaten t stick tha dirk
int himr"
"Only to protect myself." . . i
'"Did you not in this courthouse. In
th' preaeace of Isaao Blsdso. C. T.
Scoggln and Elmer Metteer, threaten
io thrash Shepardt"' V : ' ' '
Th wltnea wanted to xplaln, but
Prosecutor Bristol insisted an a direct
answer. - ; ' '
saia me ifiiness, . inen n Honi mi
Shepard had threatened -Mm and that
the teatlmony of Shepard mad him
angry. V- . ' .. " '
Th incident referred to by th gov
ernment'a attorney occurred day before
yesterday. Neal, th man who caused
the1 trouble, la the father of Henry
Neal, a ,wltnea for th prosecution, f
P. I Keeton, . a former sheriff of
Wheeler county, gave character testi
mony In behalf Sf Barnard. A few
minutes lster hs went back on th
atans and testified that Shepard' repu
tation wa bad. ? . ' -. !
tee aajntaad.
Albert Cleveland, a Portland livery
man, spok a good word for Barnard.
Mrs. Mary Potterton of this city did
likewise. S. Btarr. a Wheeler oeunty
aheevtalaer. who was one ths busl
ness partner of x-8tte Senator W. W.
Btelwer, waa oauea to
CaapajrA's MputaUaa
teetlfy that
has, -tat aa
! paiil O. Stenslttid After His Behrd Was 8haved, K
: ttrn iiinw inn run nmrn
nronuiii IIHIJIU ULilLu
- : I I "llll llllll
Defendant " Is ; Recpm:
mended to the Mercy
, at fnd of Session ' :
fallse . to (torn up to th expecUUoos
of tha defense.. When the erlUcal ques-
Uoa Waa aaked h . replied. l nave
nothing to 'say against his reputation."
Judge . Bennett ,. dropped Starr. , in a
hurry. Prosecutor. Brutal had no aua-
tion toaak, and; th, defens .maa
haste U tsall another wltnea a.
Prior to the taking ef tha testimony
relating to Shepard' reputation, John
Edward Boyai an expert stenographer,
testified from 'hls notes that Shepard
had denied. atrth trial af Watson that
ha had any ccrnvaraatlon with ' Watson
atf OreenvUl regarding th ' latter
homeatead claim. , ; .
Th govrnmnt i offered a I Ustl
mony In rebuttal. , ' , , V.J
' united States Attornsy Bristol In hie
opening argument rofond to tha wit
nesses f or th defense as "the men-who
have- practically ruined Wheeler coun
ty." Alter' finding vldno of Bar
nard guilt In Judge Bennett: opening
statement and fa Barnard's affidavit as
a final proof wltneaa . for Charles A.
Watsoa, the prosecutor laid, stress on
tha book, accounts showing- that. Watson
spent several - months asch ,-yar . In
Greenville. During" the ours of th
argument "Bob" Neal . waa dubbed '
hlggblnder from iWheeler aounty." . v ,i
Judge Bennett began' his argument for
Barnard wltn a piea lor sympamy. "
are all In a awns culprits," he said, f' "If
all of na ' who hav - violated th law
were put In th penitentiary I fear some
ef us would hav to be drawn out and
mads sentries In order to get guards for
th rest."' Counsel denied that Barnard
was guilty of more than carelessness or
negligence. He reviewed th evidence.
Jutting It la ' aa favorable a - light . for
he defendant as possible, and aonoludsd
by appealing to ths Jury not to take Coe
Barnard from his wife and baby, not t
ssnd him to- McNeil' Islsnd. - '
. iinitxt atatea Attorney Bristol In hi
closing argument objected to . th. plea
.fr sympathy, saying that whether the
defendant was to t amjt to nign uesvvn
or low hell waa not th issue. Th quee
tlo tn be decided wa th gUUt or In-
noeenc of C D.. Bernard. Then the
rnvernmant'a. rsoresentatlv ."sssalled
Barnard for his affidavit In eonneoOon
with th final proof of John M. Morgan,
hit naver anent a nlcht on his home
atead claim. , Barnard had sworn thst he
often stayed at Morgan's houss as a vis
itor, when ss a matter of fact, Morgan
had' no houas. Th similarity of thla
affidavit to th on mad by Barnard In
behalf of Charle A--Watson was pointed
out aa evidence that Barnard waa In
th bahft nt Mrlntlnr him sell
The prosecutor aeat went Into the de
tails .of .Watson's wsnaenngs ana uraie
steed "Improvements,"- ending his aaaly
aia with.Uie declaration that the evl-
denee proved eonolnstvaly not only that
Watson had Ignored ta law, nui xnai
nam Mraanf was aware of th facta at
the time he aided Wataon to mak final
proof. . In oloalna hi a argument Proe
rvitor Jiriatol aaid that the crime of
perjury had became altogether too prev
alent and tna it was me auiy.ux bjuw
eltlsems ta bring such offenders te pun-
.71 .''
Attempt to Assassinate Grand
Duke . Fills Czar With Terror
and ' He - Abandon His Visit
of Inspection. .
(Obpyrlfht Hearst - Kews Sarvlee, by
'Wire -St Tea oeraai.
: St Petersburg, ' - Aug. 11. Nearly
hundred aoldlers of ths Imperial guard
are under 'arrest In ..Tsnrskoa-Sla for
oompllolty in ths atumpt today, to. aa
aasslnate the Grand Duke Nicholas .In
the summer camp. That tha grand duke
escaped with his life la probably due to
ths fact that tha men who used ball
cartridges instead of blanks, while at
drill, began firing at too great a dis
tance and In their haste aimed badly.
It is not doubted that th whole af,
fair wss the outcome of a deeply-laid
plot and it- Is ' strongly believed that
aome of the officer are Involved.
Bo great la the panic caused by tha
Incident that the oaar, who Intended te
visit tha camp -ths coming week, has
suddenly changsd hi plans, owing to a
well-defined belief that hi life will aot
be safe with the troop,- - ' - -
Tha men were advancing by ruahea
In extending order when the shots war
fired and for a time It waa difficult for
thoa with th grand duk ta tell whloh
way - the bullets came from when they
began to whla by the head of Nicholas
and bis tarr.-
' An tarAmr "to neeaa ' flrlna wa
at once and' then it waa-found upon In
vestigation that the bullets were from
the rifles of the first battalion of the
. t. (Continued -on Page Thirteen.)
. l
(HyeelU Ptapatek te tha JearsslJ -Seattle,
- Waah.. Aug. 11. Bsthsr
MltohsU Is lying close to death on a eot
in the county Jail and may, by the in
tervention ef death, be saved from trial
for murder In th flrat degree for slay
ing' her brother Oeocge. ' for four day
th girl ha tossed delirious upon a
fever-stricken bed. but not until yester
day afternoon did the jail physician de
cide .that ah has typhoid fever. Bven
now he refuses to state definitely that
thlsJ is hsr aUmsnt, but he admit that
all th symptoms of ths disease ar
Esther Mitchell aino har confinement
In the jail has enjoyed fairly good
health until about a week ago, At that
time shs complained of the prison fare
and ef her Inability to eat it
Pour days ago eh took to her oft, aad
haa aot been able te rise from It alaoa.
The girt murderess Is but a shadow ef
her former self. Always frail, the con
finement has worn hsr down to a mere
shadow. - Whoa shs Was first taken HI
the Jail physician thought that it was
simply a esse of Indigestion, but when
her temperature continued to climb the
visits of the physician moreaaea is it-
Beautiful Woman Used
Her Charms to Rob
Suitors; of : Wealth
Then Reject Them
HuTrffred Men Parted From Their
Cash; by Laughing innocent
Eyes and .' Unsophisticated
Meln Rapid Course of Love
In Case of Cincinnati Financier
asiital tHaaateb by tueaaad Wire te Tee Jeoraal)
New Tork. Aug. 11. The mesnes ox
tha federal court : today closea more
tightly - around "Helen. Hsmllton." the
beautiful woman who la under arrest for
ualng ths mails as a medium of obtain
ing money fraudulently. ' As a result of
an Investigation Into th woman' career
by secret ssrvlo agsnta, there oome a
remarkable story, on telling how the
womsn with ths laughing, Innocent eye
and unsophisticated main, with the se
ductive manner, for years hsa used nor
charms for the purpose of fleecing 10
en of their cash.
Detectives believe they have absolute
evldenoe that James B. MoClsUand, tha
Clncinaatt financier, upon whom Miss
Hamilton played to the tune of SS,00,
government in Its endeavor to eend thl
alleged thief, to prison la using every
Instrument at . it command to gather
together, those enslaved by the beauty
under the name of Mra., George T. Ver-
rault and who naively advertised for a
husband at various times. , Attorney
Carmody aald today:. .,; -t
acted as m pioneer la punishing this
woman, othsr mart wha have succumbed
to her eharma and have been mulcted
will eummoa courage ta appear against
her- . - ".. - - - - '
Tha first Urns, id f ar as known, that
tha woman appeared In publlo print was
In January. liO. whan shs attained
notoriety by thrashing har husband with
a horsewhip for tauung aoouc ,ner,. sne
said. Evan At tha present tannle" In
which the woman la Involved did not
bring her notoriety, the love letters she
wrote to MCCiejiana, once nw aunur,
now hsr aoouser, would . command at-
tantlon, , ; - . t ' ,:,
"Beginning en nunaay wm a iuruw
vv Daar Mr. McClelland," they swift
ly went through tha graduations most
womsn wouia nave uuwn mouuia
develop. On Monday MoCleHan was
"My dsarest friend," f and Instead ef
signing "Helen Hamilton" the woman
wrote merely "Helen." j On Tuesday ths
fervor Increased and McClelland was
graduated to the "My dearest" class and
"Helen" became "Tour eweetheart." It
waa "Dearest" aa Wednesday and algned
"Sweetheart- After Wednesday Mo
CMland had capitulated and "Helen
waa richer by l00. .
Parsoaial That Oaaght Kin.
The psraonal that baited th alleged
trap Into which men fell waa: ,Toung
widow with a liberal Income and '
beautiful horn desires meeting young
gentleman of character, - bualnesa and
position. Trtflers and aganta will be
ignored. Slnoerely. I Broadway. New
York"- -i -
MoClellaad answered and was Invited
ta call, . He did, and subsequently made
frequent trips ta the city. On one of
these trips the woman casually men
tioned the qoeetlon of . an engagement
ring and the gentleman . permitted her
to ehoose one. - v
It oost him M. Suddenly he re
ceived word that heri fortune waa en
dangered because ef her brother being
Incensed at hsr Intention to marry.
Would McClalland send l00 so that
shs, might fight the case at once and
nip litigation in the budT
Certainly McClelland would, and he
did. Finally It , became difficult for
the gentleman to see his flsnoee. "Not
In" was the only satisfaction ha eohld
get when he called anja hs finally con-
(Continued on Page Thlrtee
lurdereS Tossing on
'-Prison '.Cot for,-:Four
K DayslXel inbus1ay
- Yet Escape Trial C
.. . it.
How he visits the girl aom aim or
seven time a day. Th cell off th
jailer's office In which she I confined
l-fltted up aa a sickroom and the girt
la given th best of care. Tha jailer
who. see the most ef hsr are candid In
saying that they doubt if shs will re
cover. Th glrlr however, iaugha at
their fear and declare that her alck
aee will all be over in a few day and
that eh will be ready for trial early
tn October, when the prosecuting at
tamey. aaslrea ta try the eaa The
Her Building Permits
Less Than Portland s
When Figured on the
Same Basis :
Portland's Figures Are for Struo
jtures Alone, While Seattle's
Cover . Cost of . Completed
Buildings, Including Plumbing
and All Finishing.1
Never again can Seattle
her building permits show a - great:
constructive activity than Portlande!
During the past three months Port
land outdistanced . Seattle , altogether
Tet because of a difference In th sys
tem ta Issuing permits Seattle baa been
aoie w pumi wiia priue a amw mnnu.
'Kuuaing inspector naoe says amount
of permits Includes oost of when com
pleted. That la a pare of the anewer
te a telegraphlo Inquiry by The Journal
laat night i
Portland permits show amy tha eon
f tha atruotur alone. .
Seattle permits show th soet f tha
building when oompleted. - 1
The cost of plumbing, ete I eetl-
mated at Que third the cost or the
structure alone. Therefore from' all
Seattle permits must be deducted one
third of the total amount
The same message stated that the
cost of plumbing ia always Included la
the permit.
" The Seattle Time brags that Seat
tle's psrmlte for May, June and July
showed that tl,107,65 was being ex
pended. Of 'the--Times own' devising
were the Portland figures for .those
same months. 12.171,744.
Under the old ordinance 'whloh de
manded ft for each additional thousand
as a permit fee, nesrly every contractor
falsified 'when he took out a permit.
At least St 1-1 psr cent must be sdded
to the amount up to ths mlddls of June,
when th ordinance waa repealed, for
falae statements.
But going simply by th facta and
figures as they stand hsra is ths resulti
Seattle permit May. June, July (leas
cost of plumbing, etc.), -
Portland permits May, June, July
(plumbing not - Included : aa usual),
1.6S1.141. - - : ."',.
Difference, IS7MI1.
Allowing It 1-1 per cent for th no
torioualy false statsmenta up to June
It, and another II 1-1 per cent for the
oat of plumbing, eto whloh Seattle
has always Included, though Portland
never did, th Portland amount of per
mlta for the three months la t.l7.7,
as against Seattle amount l.107,I,
tha f lguree gtvsa by tha Times. ' ,
(Special Messiah y LaaaH WlrxtsTto I
New Tork, Aug. 1L That an
even If worth millions, is ns
and that an equity court I'laot compel
th pacific performance of an asiae
ment to make aa accounting, waa tha
decision today f Vice Chaaoatloy Ste
van in th suit brought In Trantosv
New Jersey, by H. C Haaklna agnlnst
Thomaa P. Ryan, ta eompel the latter
to make an accounting of tha alleged
snormous profits of tna lead trust and
to pay Haaklna a share.
Haakln'a contention Is that before the
formation of th trust he had formed
the plan, afterward - carried out ofl
raising a fund of 110,000,009, to acquire
II lead plants, and thus create the
trust All ths details of ths plan. Has
kins says, hs worked out and Ryan had
mad an arrangement aa ta Haaklna
reward In the new trust -
Then Haskina alleged, Ryan appropri
ated the Idea and left him In the cold.
Hence Haaklna' suit v -
jatlera, however, are hot aa hopeful a
tha girt .."If ahe 'does not Improve
during the day the judge of the criminal
oosrt- will be asked to order hsr sent
ta the county hospital, where shs can
be given better attention than at the
county JalL . - ;( ' ; . 4, , j
During her dellrioua momenta th
Srfrl does not make any refarene ta th
killing of her brother on Crefftnld. Not
one during har lllnee has shs shown
any dlapoaltloo to dlsouss theee mat
tern Several religious workers who
visited the Jail tried to ingratiate them
selves with the girl, but tbey fsilea.
She treated them as well as shs do. i
the most caaual . curiosity seeker sr. J
na better.
When totd that shs was 111 and t ' 1
now think of th wrong that a v
dona, -she declared that . e v '
pared to die, aa she had t -any
one. Prosecuting Att
tosh does not bei.evs tnat
be In cosditlon to stanil . ,
for several weeka. liurtnf r
ahe has been visited by en
employ of ths prosecution, t
fuse je divulge the reeu.1 t