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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
J :uz cnzcon daily journal.' fctlaiid, Saturday e vein no, august u, itzs. 4c;:n ,bc:j a OUR STORE IS EN TWO'-PART Osr Dcrdwcrt Dep.jfc.ent Is at 130 First Street; Celween ffsshtnnton and 71! lit SUMUER RESORTS. nml M Ml at gaiells. 1 ' Iiut aaa If . A Millar tit llnrj wiU be aMiataiaaa. Oraw 4Uet beat ww (Ml at Om aetata td te ill atte4 anwiyli to BIACH Lnli Oofcaa, ageati kaedfuartera a Ilveee, Weak. Da.. ' lirery to all point ra tha beaea. ' SZAelSI AVD aXABHABX PAAX . W. , Whltataa, aati aaedanenere ' 41 Lawta a Oe.'e ru store, , Or. Delivery te ail aalata am tha BEWfOBT ABB TAttUrBA Harre Slvelblae. hwi ageat Camilla k , kaetara railroad, aaaat. ,. Kama. . I fuartara at Neweert, Or. Delivery to ' all points aa the Waak. wiLKOix traino-. Ki&m i uul, WUkolV Or. ' HOT LAKK Hot Laka Beaitariasi 0a j.-fnt, Hoi ,fceift-as. OAMIoW. WASH. -Xlaeral Syriags Be- tol Co.. f nU. . OAiCADt VAIX. Taamaa Maffett, oofliiri kmui iPKnroa, win.. 0. X. Belaher, ageal OeUtaa, Waak. ' TOVMWri AaTOaXXXBTS.' ......."Jack, tka Gambler" I .. Taudevlll Vaadevllle Star .... Pestages A. deputy la tha offlo of Stat rood Commissioner Bailey narrowly eecaped a fin for contempt of court InJudge Olaon'f eaat alda justic shop yester day, but ha. did not aacape a severe -reprimand by tha court. The deputy la aald to have been- overburdened with . mirth and laughed excessively while a defendant was testifying.. It waa dur ing the trial of B. Tannler, a milkman, living- near Cedarvilla, charted ' with . putting water In hie milk. He had been arreated by a deputy from the commls aloner'a office and. It la aald, had been declared guilty and fined by that office. Justice Olson acquitted the man, be cause it waa shown he had put a very email quantity of water In the .milk and ' did -ao merely as preservative. . Altering that C A. Patterson obtained 40- ahares of stock of the Quarts 0old Mining company fraudulently, that cor- , - poratlon haa begun suit in the circuit court to have the stock canceled. They allege that Patterson . represented to them that certain mining claims would cost $14,000. of which they were to pay 11.000 In cash. $8,000. In stock of the company and $500 to Patterson for his services. They aver that Patterson raid only 110,000 for the mines, paying $$.000 In cash and $$,000 In stock, re taining 40 sharea valued Vat. $4,000 for hlmneTT. D. H. Latham Is made A de- . fendant In tha ault with Pettereonr be cause It Is alleged that Patterson had assigned the stock to him. . . After an Illness of a week'a duration Mltchel Toung DeVoI, an Oregon ,' pioneer. ' died yesterday at bis home. Sit Oantenbeln avenue.. He waa born In Ohio November 10. 1$36, and came to' Oregon In 1S61. ' He lived III various sections of Oregon until 1811. when he moved to Portland, and bad lived her sine that time. He waa engaged In mining and timber cruising. He Is sur-4 ' . -vlved by a widow, a son, Charlea E. DeVol. two daughters. Mrs. J. J. Price snd Mrs. W. -N. Carter, and a grand daughter. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and Jntetpent will take place at Roa City cemetery. . . . . ' A big boom for Bryan la in full awing at Roseburs;, according to Frank O.. Micell of that southern Oregon .town, r. who, with - his wife, . waa In Portland yesterday on the way to Seattle, Ta coma and British Columbia. Mr. . Micelle says the nam of the Nebraska statesman Is heard everywhere 'about Roseburg. The town, he declares, waa never In more prosperous condition. Mr. and-Mra. Micella will remain on Puget aound and In British Columbia" for a .month or more. Suit for $5,000 damages from the Portland Railway company'' haa been filed in the circuit court by Wong Kim, th father of Wong Ton Non, the 1-year-old Chlneae baby who waa killed . by a Willamette Heights car at Second and Alder streets on March t. It Is alleged that-the little boy was crossing the street In plain view of the motor- man, who waa talking with passengers instead ofTteeping a proper lookout. It Is also charged that the car was not properly supplied with fenders. . R. R. Hoge, chairman of the Portland finance commute of th relief commit tee haa received an acknowledgment from ex-Mayor James D. Phelan of San Francisco of the receipt of a draft for I6I.6S0.SI. the balance of the Portland relief commute. Th amount aent by the Portland commute to San Franclaoo now totals $J01,I7.4. Th letter re turns thanka on behalf of th people of California. " During th absence of Rev.t W. O. Eliot, paetor of th First Unitarian church, th pulpit will be filled by visit ing clergymen. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Hiram Vrooman will preach and all friends are Invited o hear him. Two bears passed through Portland today on their way to the New Tork soo. The animals are the property of H. H. Harrimarrand are traveling by ex press. They were shipped from Seattle by the f Pacific Express company, and Tou can open a Savings- ac count with us for On Dollar. STou caa make sddltlons -to this from tiro to time to suit your convenience." If you put only two dollara a week by,- you will be a hundred dollars ahead in less than a year. If you persistsntly keep on for fly years "putting th following amounts In this Bank every day and draw nothing out, not count-. Ing Interest, the result will be: '' 1 cent a day In five years wilt be 18.S5 10 cents a day In five years will be 9182.80 10 cents a day In five years .will be 912.50 11.00 a day In five year ' wUl be ....1..., $1,825.00 4 PER CENT PAY Isleresl on Savlsss Deposits Banking hours, I a. m. to I p. m. Saturday, a. m. to I p. m. The Citizens Dank lSS OSVAJTB ATSMU. . J. H. LAMBERT President A. W. LAMBERT. .Cashier Begin Now ware turned over to the Welle-Fargo company at Portland. V At Harriman'a request special Instructions were wired to the local Southern Paclfto officials to sea that the bears are being fad and tended properly. Breed, crackers, milk and water will bd their diet during the Ions; Journey. ' - . , . Rev. H. Charles Dunamore, D. D.. will occupy the pulpit of the Marshall Street Preebyterlan church tomorrow morning, In the absenoe of the pastor, Rev. C W. Ways. r. Dunamore came hero' from Wyoming In May of last year, as super intendent of the Wyoming state exhibit at4h Lewis and- Clark exposition, and was in charge of the exhibit all through the fair. Being ao favorably inn pressed with Opegon ha decided to locate her at the close of the fair. Dr. Dunamore has supplied severer Presbyterian- pul pits In Portland and surrounding towns during the past months, and will preach In the First Presbyterian church In Van couver on Sunday, Auguat It, Real Good " Bargains. Mens and youths'- suits, former price $lt, $10 and $11, to clean out at $7.10. $10 and $11.60. EegirraXtM-ahlrts neoMf-cants. FancxJJL.. - a cvwmwom. patterna of pants worth $4 and $(, spe cial $1 and $1.60. Hat of all klnda at one half price of their value. Under wear, regular 71 cents, M and $1.60 grade, clearance sale It, 10 and 71 cents. Wa cannot afford to have special cut prices last too long: best be In time. John Dellar. at two stores, 111-18$ First street, corner Yamhill, and 11-61 North Third street,, corner Da via. .The regular monthly meeting of the Initiative On Hundred will be held next Monday evening at the board of trade rooms. Many Item of business -are scheduled. Among other things will be the consideration of the question of raising tha license of saloon and alot maohlnea and the report of the commit tee on the East Third street franchise. Other, committees will report and a new one, on clvie aeethetlcs, is to be named. . Trolley Excursions Tomorrow on O. W. ; P. To Bstacada on , the upper Clackamas river, 60 cents round - trip; dancing in pavilion afternoon and even ing; musio by Brown's orchestra. - Cars with trailers leave . First and Alder streets 7:10, t:$0. 11!10, 1:10. 1:40. 6:44, 7:16. Tickets must be purchaaed, on sale In waiting room. . - At a meeting of the Oregon Audubon society at the city hall at 8 o'clock thla evening prises will be awarded to school children for knowledge of th native birds of Oregon. ; The competition was held in June and winners are Joseph Frits, first prise of $11, and Tony Parello, second prise of $8. ' - Water through hoe for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, muat be paid for In advance and used only between th hours of 6 and I a. m. and i and p. m. It must not b used for sprinkling streets.' If used contrary to thee rules, or waste fully, it will be shut eft On O. W. P. Tomorrow To Oreg-on City, Canemah Park. II cents round trip. Dancing afternoon and evening. Cars with open trailers leave first and Alder atreete on the odd hour . and every 40 minutes. Ticket must be' purchased, en sal in waiting room. Th ladles of th Woodstock Episco pal church hay arranged for a steam boat excursion through th Cascade Locks, to. Stevenson, Wash.,' on Wed nesday, August It. on th steamer Charlea R. flpencer. Tloketa at Skid- mo re a drug store, at 10 cents and 11. - Artlclee of Incorporation of th North west Development a company have been filed In th officer of the county clerk by A. W. Anderson, M. D. Woolf and Oacar Boklen. They will engage In a general real estate business. Capital stock, 1100,000.. River Trip Sunday. Remember. steamer "Bailey Oatsert" goesl up th Columbia to Cascade Locks and return tomorrow. Leaves Alder street dock a. m.; returns (:I0 p. m. Dinner on board, (9 cents. Fare, L Phone Main 114. Officers have been elected ' by th Evangelical Convention and Camp Meet ing association which haa been meeting at ' Jennlng Lodge. They are: Rev. O. W. Plummer, president; J. A. Good, secretary; Frd Berklmeir, treasurer. Our Fall 'Suiting have arrived. We re -ahowlng the best- qualities ever of fered our patrons. W make any ault In the houa to order for lit, no more, no less. Unique Tailoring company, I0 8tark, near Sixth. W. J. Hancock, state manager of th Fraternal Brotherhood. haa returned from an outing at th seaside. Mr. Hancock waa accompanied by Mra. Hancock and both report an enjoyable time while away. -. .-- S. W. Jonea appeared before Judge FYaser In th clrclut court this morning and pleaded not guilty to th charge of a statutory offens against lt-year- old Lettle b. Fuller. KMonardlvin healing, embracing natural, mental and spiritual law. Ask for explanatory pamphlet East 1(41. Rev. P. J. Green, 141 East Twenty-sixth street. - Prof. D. M. MeUger, of Dallas College, Oregon, is expected to occupy the pulpit of th Second United Evangelical church, Fargo and Kerby streets, tomor row. Oregon City Boats. Sunday trips il:IO a. m., 1:10 p. m.. returning last trip 1:10 p. m. Th beet river ride In th wast Bring your friends. Round trip Ztc , Concrete Construction Co.. T01 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers - of concrete stone blocks." Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110. ' Watches, diamonds and jewelry on easy payments; 11 down, I0o a week. Don't go without a good' timepiece. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street , , Launches to th Oaks every few min utes every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's, south fid bridge, foot Morrison, street Sleman Ferenc, alias Jo Smith. In th circuit eourt this -morning pleaded not guilty to th charge of larceny In a dwelling. Milton A. Nathans,, attorney, 1000 Btelner atreet, San Fraqclsco. Commis sions promptly executed. Insurance ad justed. .. Acme Oil Co. sells th best safety coal oil and fin gasolines. Phon East Tl. Woman's exchange. 111 Tenth atrt lunch, 11:10 to I. . v i Panama batter, tl 1 4th. Phon Pao.107. Rental Signs, Ansle? printing Co. Th. fax Total. From th Ldulavlll Herald. Th 40.000 college graduate who this year wrote volume to tell how they were ' going to succeed might have summed it all up in two words, probity and labor, , Tbeee, and thee only, are uafaUlns i ........... "A CoHrvatlv Custodian" SAVKGS DAM . Pays 4 per cent interest on; saving accounts, compounded f emi-annually, Pays 4 per cent ' interest on yearly and 3 per cent on six months' . time de posits, y.' ; . 'i ' , ' ; ''.'Call and see us at our new banking rooms in the Labbe, ; building, corner of Second and Washington streets, or further particulars. v :; ANDREW C. SMITH, President. DAVJD M. DUNNE, Vice-President LAN8INO STOUT, Cashier. C B. BE WALL, Assistant Cashier. JOHN DRISCOLL AND IB. C, A. OODDARD. WILL Will TRADE Nome Business Man Declares Portland Can Get It If Suf ficient Effort Is Made. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT; HE SAYS Butincaa Awaits Inaururatioo of Steamihip Line From This Port tg the Froten North Merchants Would Rather Purchase Here. . "There la nothing In th world to pre vent Portland from securing th Alaska trade, or at least a great share of It, if her business men go after it with a determination to win out" Such were th words used by H. O. Butler, a wholesale and retail druggist of Nome, Alaska. Mr. Butler is stop ping at the Portland hotel . and cam down from th northern country to pur chase his eight months', stock of goods for th coming winter. "Having lived In Portland In' former year and knowing th conditions In Alaska ao well," said Mr. Butler, "there I no doubt that Portland is allowing a golden opportunity to slip by every day ah falla to start In th Alaaka trade. Buatness men should start a line of steamers tb Noma and other Alaskan pities at once, even If the entire fleet has to be established. Continual ham mering away la th only way to win the trad, but th results will be worth th efforts. , - "Seattle's success In th Alaaka trad Is. due to th fact that a merchant In Npme can have his orders filled and re turned to him by th same boat that carries his mall to Seattle. Thla is a great convenience to the merchants and Portlanders should follow th same rule If they enrage In th business. "Another thing' that makss th pres ent time th most advantageous for Portland to start In th Alaska trad la San Francisco's belplessnesa This con dition makaa It possible for Portland to secure th trad that formerly went to th Bay City. Either Portland, Seattle or the eaat will aecur th trad and It Ilea more between Portland and Chicago than with Seattle. "As an Instance of th way Seattle goea after tb trade, I will tell you that Seattle had II traveling men ,ln th nld at on time. They called them selves th - ambassadors from Seattl and rave a banquet to tha Nom bual. ness men. They conduct their business on th same lines, and that 1 why they have th trad. Portland can have It If ah would only ahow th same deter mlnation and enterprise. I will give my trad to Portland eventually and there are hundreds of other bualness men-who -would ealy be too glad to see Portland enter th field of commerce. SUIT WILL DETERMINE : Who owns the letters Proceedings Tfrir"b brought In th dr. cult court to daterraine whether let ters of a flrmf are assst of th firm or th property of th manager. Th suit irises out of th Insolvency proceed ing of th Hyglenlo-Mattress company. An ' assignee waa appointed, and th property of th firm aold. Th credi tors allege that lettera recommending th Hyglenlo mattreaa were firm prop erty and ought to be traaaferred under the sale, while A.. E. Davis, formerly manager of th . concern, claims th lettera as his personal property. Action of replevin will be brought by th creditor to compel Davis .to surrender th letters. , . It Is said that though Davis waa re tained by the firm ,as maanger on a salary of 14,000 a year, he conducted th business for 14 months and th grosa sales were less than 11,000. It is said that Davis has presented a claim to the assignee for 14,100 for ealary. At the recent sal of th firm property th entire assets brought only 11,910. Th proceedings in replevin will be brought by Attorney Frank Grant who represents creditors of th defunot concern. ' , REV. BEN-EZRA STILES ELY ' ' ' Jr. D.D. 4 Calvary Presbyterian Church . Tomorrow lOtSS a. aa TH8 p. aa. TOPICS: , Komanr "Oreaads for onrtstiaa Taaakful- afTav-ora , - - Talf Flowers rroca Foal Fsaa,' WORK ALASKA Stove and Honsehold Gcc3s Dept is at the Old Stand. Odd Fellows Temple. First and Alfer Here we-are selling our Ranges, Heaters, those great Herricfe'';Refrigera-: .tors, the WONDERFUL BONITA 025 SEWING MACHINE, the equal of any,$75 Machine on the market, and all kinds of Dishes, Glass ware and Kitchen Furaishingsat FROM10 TO '25" PERCENT Rl ? DUCTION FROM REGULAR PRICES. Dossehold Goods Dept Odd Fellows' Temple, First $uid Aldtrv Telephone:, llala 1582 I . , -sir .-,.,, f I , 'J i , ' ' , ABOTB OVT ZS Or A BBAUTITUI. CAUTOaUTXA MOMS. I acre, cholo land, adjoins Madera, county aeat of Madera county, Cali fornia. Population 1,000. Fine schools and churcbea; I acres in alfalfa, fruit and berries; gasoline pumping plant, with mill and 1,000-galIon tank; abund ance water for irrigation; bouse, barn, eold etorage room, will exchange .for good Portland property -111,000. HENKLE Q HARRISON, 3 1 7 Abington Building 110 MORE DANGER - TO Foundation Walls for New Ma sonic Temple Now Are Near ' Ing Completion.' LOT WITH GOOD VIEW SOLD FOR GOOD PRICE Quarter Block on Portland freights Sells for . Three Thousand Seven Hundred ' Fifty Dollars Other Deals of the Day in Realty. Tha foundation walla for th Maaonio temple at West Park and Yamhill streets are nearlng completion. Th south and west walls are about up. It waa on these sides that th ove-ln oc curred, and- for a while it waa reared that adjoining property would b dam' aged. Th contractors, however, were suooessful with the shoring they put in. and managed to hold th earth and foun datlons of th adjacent . buildings were not damaged. After getting th excava tions made on these two sides th walla have been put in without delay and now air danger of damaging th houses on th south and weet la past Th forma for th other wails are being sat, and It Is expected In a week or two the founda tions will b completed, including the concrete footings for th first floor col umns. William M. Ladd has sold to Clara Darr and Margaret N. Quigley tb half block at th corner of Sixteenth and Hall atreeta. Thla property 1 located along th Portland Heights terrace, which la now being .constructed, follow in the old road that formerly went up from Fourteenth and Hall streets. The lota command oqe of the best views of the city or -any point on me neigms. Th price paid waa 14,000, which ahowa a substantial Increase In values In- that vicinity. . Portland Xslgata Sato. Oeorge H. Williams ha transferred to th Oregon Savings A Trust bank the quarter block at th corner of Elm and Chapman strsets on romand neignis, Th consideration named la 11,750. It is understood that this Is a trustee's deed and that the property has been secured by another party who In tends to erect on it a fin residence. There I located now on a part of this property th present , hosehouse and home of the volunteer fir company of Portland Heights. Tbs Portland Flouring Mills company has aold to John Maglnnis a house and lot at Tenth and Halaey streets In Hoi today Park addition. Tha price an nounced is 14.100. Walter S. Dole has purchased from th Security Savlnga Trust company a part of block 10, in A. N. King a aaai tlrfn. located at Main and Stout at reels. Th price Is announced aa nominal. A 134.000 dal in residence property hae just been closed by Wakefield Fries. Th trsnsfsr waa cloaed Auguat 4, but th new wa not mad pubilo until yesterday, when a deed waa re corded from the Savings Loan Society of Sen Franctsco to Edward A. Baldwin. Thla transfer Is a Half block fscing on Twentieth street between Lovejoy and. Marshall,, and calls for 10 lots In ons of th most dsslrabl reeldence dlstriots of Nob Hill. W. A. Gordon has awarded to Jv. R. Stokes A Co, th contract for a two story nous Mr. Gordon I to build on Fifteenth street between Davis and Ev erett It will coat about 14.100. Architect W. C. Knighton la fl making NEIGHBORS AND m So KAODGDECSQir . Bamosnrs n bhax. sstats. BOO -t-room new modern house, with furnace, full cement basement, gaa . and electrlo light fixtures; lot 40x100, ons block of- Hawthorne avenue. S3 BOO l-room house and lots, close to car line; eaay trmsMf payment 1400 7 -room new modem house on Mount Scott car line; lot 100x100, hloe lawn, very aeeiraoi nom, I Diocas from car. ' . S1600 Quarter . block on Hawthorn avenue; a snap. S60O Lot to feet frontage on Haw thorne avenue, near I7tb atreet liota S975 and up on Eaet Grant and Harrison; monthly payments. t aoree, within city limits; a good suDdiviaion proposition. Acreage Tract convenient to ear llae. BTSTXXaOaT-BJtOiraT COX 110 Second Street plana for a home for Dr. Oeorg B. Story to be built on Overton atreet be tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth, Announcement is mads that th Port. land at Seattle Railway will ask th city council to vacate Overton atreet be tween Tenth and Twelfth .streets. Th railway ha secured all the property In this section for terminal facilities, and dealr to use th street for tracks. Th petition will be presented to th council on September t. OLDEST WOMAN OF ; WASCO COUNTY DIES (Special Dlarateh te The ieonial.t The Dallas, Or., Aug: 11. Mra. Nancy Minn, aged i years, the oldest woman In Wasco county, died at tb bom of her daughter. Mra L. E. Wilder, In this city tnia morning. She was born at Pottatown, Saratoga county. New Tork, July II, lilt, and came to Jlaaoa eounty, Michigan, with her husband In th early history of that commonwealth. Her husband died sev eral years ago. and her children, grown to man and womanhood, left for. differ ent portions of th country, one daugh ter coming to Oregon. Two years ago, at th age of 11 Mrs. Marsh made the journey from Michigan, unattended, to apend -her laat daya with her daughter at The Dalles. She retained her mental facultle and waa In good health for on of her age until last February. . when she showed signs that th lamp of life waa burning low. and on July tt Buffered a stroke of paralysis, which left her In a helpless condition. Since that time ah haa been In a saml-oomatoae condl tlon, taking no nourlehment whatever, until thla morning, when aft auletly passea into in otner world. -Aa Xa equality. - From th Torek Capital. Her ia another of the Ineaualltle of life: A good pitcher gets 181. IT for working an hour and thirty minutea twice week. A good reporter rets III ror boosting th pitcher eight hours day seven days In the week. a rtAnrTmg unu, William Jennlnsa Bryan ia aaked hv Chairman - Origaa of the Democratic congreeslonal comn-.lttee to heed a II subscription to defray th expense of th Fall campaign. Dally Paper. Send us a dollar. Is th cry; . Send us a dollar or w die. Oh, William Jennlnge Bryan. Don't vou hear your brothere crvln". If w do not got a dollar w shall dl. We ask you for a dollar that la alt llllam Jennlng Bryan, hear th Dear Wi call. If you will- but set th pace. Dollars will each ether rhaae. And we'll have a hall of silver in from - ail. If your clothes require cleansing, do not sigh.. But shout th hanpy tiding to th sky: : vur union iunarj can - Make your linen eplok and span. And wipe th tear from every weeping . . UNION LAUNDRT. ' Tel. Main III. Second and Columbia. Teday end all oun4 i -1aa STsn for Mr. Bryan. OUR The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAX. :-l-l4.?v -rf-f -5-- Z-l - UASdts STncxcn atmsoB or Sleetrl Ugst, Steaa, Bat sad OeM Belt Water la Every Ttb. Boy Tleket te - - Peetae Ooeaty. Waak. feetefaee Addreas, Braekere, Waak. cssssziessssasszsr AjsTDSnirjraTTS. THE STAR ' aaoevilto far Oae Week Oak. : TU SKAJTD TRXATmS - Beiag Oleeed ee Beaevatlaa. ' THBEB BIO HIADUNBag. .Sara Howe aa Bar Dreadea Dolls. Ir. Arthur Risky. Mr. Dfag tysah. la Oeastetta wtj the Befalar Big Orae Theatre Ik mi. -Thne sad prlcee the aaae aa at the Oread. PANTA0C5 '0mtffluit st , Best Faerlly Tbeatre. The reatar Hlt-eAFFEO le tt Ks er Rl Bhudeal SyragaeUsa. The Btegraya, : Beverly sad Beavers. ' faek (eeer, m Bthnea. - The PerfonDaaeM aaflr at 1:M. T :BO and v. AdmlHloa, 10 aad I minion. 10 aad SO cental besae. Be. Ledlte and ehllarea take aay aeat at weak swu- for 10 Mat. m NICIIELODION Sixtk Bitssea Alder Bad Wasslagtea. Moving: Pictures "The Breaa ef the BareM Msaa," "f Oea." CUT RATES For SO tixyt Only 11.00 Gold Crown. ............ aS.OO 11.00 Gold Crowns 8.50 110.00 Plate 111.00 Plates ............. .....fT.50 Boston Dental Parlors SS1M ' saorrlaoa n. Op. BUILDERS LOSE BY CEHIENT RISE Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars a Month Is Estimated Cost " to Portland. -A recent rise la th price of cement Is coating Portland builders 171,000 a month, according to aa estimate mad by an authority on th subject today. 'During th past few month cement has risen In prlo from 11.10 to 14 a barrel. An Immense amount of build ing Is going on In Port lend Just" now snd T. W. London of Balfour, Guthrie le Co. figures that 10,000 barrels of ce ment has been used within th paat 10 daya. This would add 171,000 to th cost of building. - Cement haa gone up. says Mr. London, becauee th supply Is small and th de mand large. Last fall shippers thought the boom In building had reached lta senlth. . Contrary to their expectations, it continued to Increase and cement waa soon a scare article. Nearly all th cement used In Portland la of th arti ficial kind and la Imported from Europe, there being an inaufflclent supply manufactured In thla country. It take long time ror thla bulky material to get her and so tha price took a jump. Mr. London aay mat tn pric or cement I bound tor recede again, at least aa low aa lta former figure, it la now being manufactured In email quan titles In California, at Napa Junction. Sulsun and Cotton. New and bigger factoriea are -being built however, at Santa Crus and near San Juan and nsxt spring It Is predicted that California ill triple her output. Bh will pro duce from 11.000 to 11.000 barrels a day and will relieve th situation on th Pa- el fle coast. If It I not already relieved by that time by larger ahlpment from Europe. A cement factory is In course of construction ale at Baker, Wash ington. Contrary to report. Mr. London sere that he know ef no projeoted emnt factory for Oregon. . f he average eon sumption la Portland, a says, might Be1 Hardwire Deptrtocrl 130 First St, Between Washington & Alder Teleplwne: Us!a 15SJ - ' m vaoxtzo voa' , PORTLAND, ORBOOH EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY ' HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . . AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELER.. ; Everything ta eat and drink, aad It costs no more In th Portlana Hot! JUtSMkeOar' than elsewhere la the eity. Every weekday night from 0:10 ta It, . : . e a Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's ' famous mountain - resort at ' , anow Una.; . on Mount Hood Away from th neat ef tha etty. The moat delightful resting plaoe la th orthweat Full lnformatl . at tb O. R. V. r i'1 TICK BT OFFICE. Thlrt tl Washington Sts. . SOUKEJ- ELAn ca atAXBXB ABB eeAvrrs . WOAai. ArOetle -sto Maia, Isbbw. Cetay aod bafldlog wert wa(eetare4 tnm the beet ef SMrble asd sraane. Oomaseadea esd ardere aroevtig etteadei ta. East lei Mg4tes ttrtet Hwa POET LAND .1: Your Fcrtcs TcIJ WSZZ T hitreda sir sew eef euedirfel entaai ef OBICSTAI, ASTBOLOOT. I via " i I rMdleg e( I oar Ufa eseonitcly f t'l klrtk sate I rnn n rnw r p. r trim- now. roam, p . 1 IS Wert Ha a. - , aaRsrassnBX xu..i.;. j roughly eetlmated at 110,4 00 barrels a ys. r f IM I Wlrtlhhcl J