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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
.4 TII2 OHLGON DAILY JOUHIIAt. PORTLAND', ' SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 11, 1CCJ. . TO GllE AID Astoriani Want Better Harbor and Mora Room for Deep Sea Craft . UNITED STATES ENGINEER , GIVES MATTER ATTENTION Contract for Lease of DreJg Co himbU. Will Be Signed as Colonel Roessler Heart From De partment at Washington. 5 ,.',.' Astoria, would have better aceommo-, oauons ror snipping and the .govern "" is Dein-aouot ror exteo iv improvements In the harbor 'what la commonly known aa the bay. Colonel 8. W. Roeaaler, United States engineer, returned from the City by tha , . Sea, thin morning after bavins mad a . thoroush -Inveatisatlon of . oondlUons . down there, but ha is not yet ready to announce wnetnerr a recommendation . for the proposed improvements will be made or not. The Inspection was mad on board - me government Boat Araco and Colonel Roessler was the sueat of the navle-a- . tlon committee of the Astoria chamber of eommeree, of which Judge Bowlby la . chairman, and was shown tha various places where Improvements are con aid erd advisable. Among- other things desired is the deepening of the up stream portion of tha harbor so that deep-draft ocean-gojng vessels will be , able to proceed to the mills at Tongue . Point sand load complete cargoes of lumber without lightering. ' It was ex . plained that the bualneea Of the mills : Is steadily Increasing and considerable of the product Is finding a ready de mand In. foreign markets. This will na cesaitate better accommodations for the t ships that corns there to loed. Another Improvement suggested Is the deepening of the channel below Swift's Point, where the foreign Vessels come to anchor while being inslfected by the quarantine officials. The widen Ing of the bastn off the cfty Is also - desired so that there will be more room '-. for vessels lying Idle at anchor. ' The question of leasing, the dredge Columbia by the Port of Portland la practically settled, according to an an nouncement made by Colonel Roessler this morning, although the lease hae not yet been signed. Before leaving for As toria Wedneeday., Colonel Roessler made a nropositlan to tha Port of Portland offering S2djs day for the oV of the dredgev and the proposition was iVcepted by the Port of Portland eommlson at ' Its meeting Thursday afternoon. The port wanted tSOO a day for the use of the dredge.- but Colonel. - Roeaaler do . eltned to pay this amount, and after . considerable dickering finally offered IJ5e a day. which la IIS more than tha ; amount . paid last year. The total '. amount for the year will not likely be more than last year, however, because . It la believed that on account of tha condition of the channel lees -work will : be necenaary than last year. - The contract will be algned In a few I . days and thewth dredge will commence ' work at willow bar. David v-R Ogden, assistant United j O atn ifi if ii in k niia-in- Dm. W. 9. ruXTO. STstasvpeth. The Stomach -la a tender part of the human anatomy, and It Is no wonder so many have lost their usefulness. Constantly dosed with drugs, tha stomach readily yields to the encroachment of disease, and is sus ceptible to all kinds of afflictions. NATUROPATHIC : METHOD Of curing diseases employs tip drugs at all. therefore dose no violence to the delicate, organs. t oral mt aidjiti wmtom a - noun or nszonra. And to etay cured, too. This is ths beauty of the Naturopathlo treatment In curing one affliction It plants no seed thai germinates in another disease. I Have Cured Hundreds of Patients In Portland .. and the Northwest Ifaay of these have kindly permitted me' to give thalr names and addresses to .their afflicted fellows. If a sufferer, .yea win be Interested In knowing all about how these were cured. Tod may, if you 'will call at my residence and sanitarium or Inquire of me by mall. Dr. N. J. Fulton 315 TWELETH STREET Career Clsr. eae kleek freai M O. ear; eae fresi Ut street tar. S fmsi Jeffersea sat. Celsuaoae Mil SUfc t - - Ctatea engineer, .returned from an In spection tour on the upper Willamette this morning. He reports the dipper dredge doing good work at Rloa's bar, near Salem, and the enagboat Mathloma repairing a dam and snagging at Wheat land. Mr. Ogdea says navigation is open between here and Salem without any oe- lays, although the river Is within a few tractions of aa inch of being as low aa ever. The . water was within three tenths of aa inch of ths aero mark yes terday. -..-.. .r ' , PILOT SCHOONER READY. o cc'iATjArrr op nzsir. When the maker ef a medicine, sold through drsrvtsts for family ate, take his patients fully Into his confidence by frankly and fearlessly publishing broad cast es well as on lib bottle wrappers, a full list of all Its Ingredients en aloe. ruh, this action on hta part is ths Joseph PaMtses Will Bekn te Snestoa fit See anj? Taimsdlsesly. The pilot schooner ' Joseph Pulltser came off the drydock yeaterday after noon, cleaned and painted and looking new and neat, and she will probably be taken in tow down the river today when the British ship Bardowte leaves down in tow ef tha Hsrvest Queen. The Pu lltser is needed very much down at the bar. because ths Ban Joee,. which took her place temporarily, returned almost immediately. with one of her masts gone overboard. In the meantime pllota are going to meet veaaels on the bar tug. The Pulltser repairs wsre made under ths management ef Pilot If. D. Staples, ons ef the oldest pilots In the serylos. Pilot Stsplss has spent many, many years on ths boisterous sea off ths bar, and is now so used to leading the rough life that be le afraid to walk the streets where he says ons is always In danger from many things.' for Instance falling buildings or earelasaly operated- street ears. The streetcars, espeolslly, the old navigator ' declares dangerous . because they do not follow the strict rules lead down for navigators. . Pilot Staples te llevee they ought to be displayed with port and starboard lights snd equipped with fog borne in addition to their nana so that pedestiisns happening in their course could be werned before the last moment - -- ' 1 i "'i "Of course we rids out eome fearful storms." said the veteran pilot, "but there is no danger. Ths sea might VLlr" 1 .2..I? k nL:fSK- V- Plarco, Buffalo, N. Y., for his llttfe wet because we ere protected by P ropery f tra,ta from the mnrkm f best possible evidence that he Is not afraid to have the search light ef Invee tl ration turned full upon his formula a4 that It will beer the fullest acTuttni and the most thorough Investigation Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for thi cure of the weaknesses, periodical paint and functional derangements of the or" gaa distinctly feminine, Is the only medl elite put up for sals through druggists fot woman's special nse, the maker of which Is not afraid to take his patients Inta his full confidence by such open aac honest publicity. , A glance at the published ingredient! on each bottle wrapper, will show that It Is made wholly from native, American, medicinal roots, that it contains no poi sonous or hablt-fonnlng drugs, no nar cotics and no alcohol pure,- triple reBncd glycerine, of proper strength being used instead of the commonly employed alco hol, both for extracting and preserving the active' medicinal properties found In the roots of the American forest plants employed, It Is the only medicine for women's perular diseases, sold by drug gists, that does not contain a large per centage of alcohol,' which is In ths long run so harmful to woman's delicate, nerv ous system. -Now, glycerine Is perfectly harmless, and serves a valuable purpose by possessing Intrinsic value all Its own, and besides It enhances the eoratlve effect of the other Ingredients entering Into the "Favorite Prescription. Some of the ablest medical writers and teachera endorse these views and praise all the several Ingredients of which "Fa vorite Prescription" Is composed rec ommending them for the cure of the very same diseases for which this world famed medicine Is advised. No other medicine for women has anv inch imv fcmkmal endorsement worth more than any numoeroi orainary testimonials, it Interested, send name and address to Dr. clothing. Ufa on board a pilot schoon er In not so .monotonous ss might be supposed: ust Imagine yourself catch ing the big Columbia river salmon on a hook and line. We catch lots or tnem In the fall of ths year. Talk about your sport." ... - BIG STEAMERS COMING. le ef Oarge-Oaniera Will Ai la BUurbor eon, . Another large fleet of foreign- tramp steamers will soon congregate In the Portland harbor again to load lumber for ports across the Pacific although a few membere of the big fleet bunched up In the harbor recently are at 11 1 to be eeen receiving cargo at the mill wharves. Among the vessels' booked to Strive sre-the Norwegian steamer Norman Isles 'and the British steamers Vermont, Visigoth and Elaine the two latter re cently chartered fcy Balfour, Guthrie A Co, as already reported tn The Jour nal. A letter from the captain of the Vermont this morning states that that big craft will be here in a few days, possibly Monday. . Ths Norman Isles -is discharging a cargo of cement at nan Franclaco and she is sxpeoted to arrive hers before the end or the coming weesu The Elaine and Visigoth sre about due to arrive at California ports' snd they will be eent north ss soon as their car goes can be removed from the holds. The tn-port fleet win be runner in creased by the arrival of the oriental liner Numantla, which is dus to arrive hare aaxt, week, and the Hawaiian liner Hllonlan. wntca la now ax nan jtsu Cisco reasTvfng cargo for Portland. Asent Lindsay eeys that the' steamer Is receiving lerge quantities of freight for the run up the coast and that shs will come here loaded to the hatches. HERE FOR LUMBER. Stasia Seheoaeg Thoasaa IV wanda- Tha steam schooner Thomas la. Wand, Captain Hard wick, arrived up late last night and went to tns muis or jnmsn. Poulsen A Co. to load lumber for San Francisco. Shs will be followed by the steam schooners T am el pa Is and caa cade, which are due. to reach Astoria today from the Bay City. The eteamsr Redondo sailed - ror Ban Francisco yeaterday afternoon with a full cargo of lumber and It is supposed that she will return to Portland, . al though under the-flag of the Simpson Lumber - company, whose Interests sre distributed all along ths eoast . The sohooner Tropic Bird went to the -Vancouver mills this morning to load lumber for San Francisco. ONE MAN HOLDS BOAT. Assistant Knglaeer Quite and , SSeames 4 ' Zone Saa to Tie TTp. The steamer lone, of the Washougal Transportation company, failed to get away from her Portland dock this morn ing because her assistant engineer took a notion to quit hla Job. , Ths steamer carries two engineers snd shs could not be moved until a men hsd been secured to fill the place of the assistant. The lone waa supposed to get away at :I0, but it waa well along toward noon before her lines were finally cast pff. The delay caused some inconveni ence to the paaaengera who had been compelled to arise early to catch the boat MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Aug. 11. Sailed at 10:11 a. m. Steamer Redondo, for San Fran cisco. . Balled last night Steamer Ti verton, for Ban Francisco. Outside st 11:10 a. m. A three-masted schooner. Redondo, 'Aug. 11. Arrived- Schoon er W. F. Jewett from Columbia river. Astoria, Aug. 10. Left. up at 1!:4 m. Schooner Admiral and barkentlns Tropic Bird. . Ban Francisco, Aug. 10. Sailed at I p. m. Steamer F. A. Kllburn, for Port land and war Dorta. Sailed Sohooner James A. Garfield, for Columbia river. Sailed at I p. m. Steamer Aurelia, for Portland.'"," Astoria, Aug. 11. a. m., condition of the bar, obscured wind, north, light; weather, dense fog. eminent medical writers and teachers, endorsing the several Ingredients ana tailing lust what Dr. Pierce's medicines are maae oi. it s j res lor ui asKing. SEPARATED IN EARTHQUAKE TO BE REUNITED TODAY Husband and Family Lose Each ; Other in Bay City to Meet in St. Louis.' CHURCH SERVICES . . ' aurnar. Dr. I Ti. Whit. . Temple Twelfth sad Taylor stream K.T. J. Whlteone Broeghw. I. At S et'Si., Bible jIku. at Ba.ler-etw tlaci 1:10 a. m., T.mpl. Bible school; M p. m., . Y. P. U. aiMting; T: p. m., sopalar lerv , preaching br Kev. M. W. Hajaee ea "Car- brsschi 10 a. at., eee-aeeord vm iv:o a. at., worship with Broaching hr kt. M. W. Baraas el Seattle ea "Oe sad Cos."! B. Ice. boa and Diamond." Second 8.T.DCS aad Ksst Aakaay streets: Bev. Slaatoa C. Laplunt. SrTlca a 10:40 a. m., with sarmoa. Oraee MoeUTlIU; - Bav. Oil mas Parker. Preaching Is the -morning at 11 e'ekeki td the evonlsg at S o'clock. Immanurl Boomd and Heade streotSt Bev. O. W. Urine. Sannar arhool, 13 m.l B. T. P. V.. S:4S p. si. praarhlng, 10:80 a. m.. "The ChrUtlen'; Growth"; T:4 p. ., "Tke Bla ef ITnlreralty Park Bev. Job a Bentatea Sonday eeeotf"se a.-ai.r ' prssrhlugr-tl-rfw.p The' Losaiul t the Holy Shadow": T: p. tn.. anion earrlce la Mathodlat episcopal church. Ceatrat Bast .Twontlath aed Ankaor etraeta; Bar. W. I. Jordan. Preaching. 10:M a. m. by Bav. B. B.- Kdar; Sunday acaoeL Ua at og service. Arista Bev. John Bentslea. Baoday erhoel, 10 a. m.; earmoa at 11 a. m. by Rev. T. t. Blkta; S p. m., sermoa by pastor. "(1 boats." . Monnt Ollra Serentk end Bverott streets. rrearning at 11 a, aa. aad S p. at. byT, J, W. Smith. ' . St. Joba's Bev. I. A. Laooard.- gondar ecbool, 10 a. m,i Broaching, It a. m.i 1M p. m., preaching. Third Vancouver avonae and Knott etroet; Bev. K. M. Bllaa. At 10 a. a.. Sund.r school: 11 a. m., pr.acblng by Bev. W. H. Black j no .voids oarvire. Bwodl.h Hoyt and Pirreearh stroetsi Bev. ktic Hchorstram. Pnerhlng, 10:47 a. a, and the rsrtliieat Thlar'; Snaday aeSiS, U aV X. P. S. C. U., S:a p. aj. ' anayslde Bast Tayla and Beet Thirty fourth strsoto: Bev. I. J. Seaah. -lloraing sorvlos, 11 e'eleck) evealag aarrles. e'ektck: Suaoay school. 10 s. aa. laaJor Chrlstlaa Bav SoaTor aaaetlng at T p. am. Mlaalaalpp-ATtaua-aUsalaalnpl aranna and rremoat streota: Bev. William U C pake v. Snnday school, 10 a. .; aarmoa. It a. m., 'Btrongthoaod With Might"; Chrlatlaa Bay Sravor, f s. sjl saratoa, S p. av.. "The Bea- C3HISTI4Si Ptrat Park aad Colombia streatst Bv. B.' & Mucklar. At 10:SO a. aa., aaraaoa. Slns God Through Hla Craatloa": T: p. m., "The Poree' ef Life": rhrlatUa Badeavar, I p. Bible erhenl. 13:15 p. m. Central Bast Twaatleth aad a Bast Salmon Streatai Bav. J. H. Onormley, D. D. at 108 a. m., "A Pecfltlar Poop la"; a. ok, "Oat of Oreaa Trthslatloa," snadal mnalc; ' Suadar aohool, 13:15 p. m.rBcnlur Bndaeeor, S:6 p. sa. aVdaar-ATenaT-Ilodn.r avaaae and Knott traots; Rev. P. Clmo BobbMoe. At S:aS a. m., Bible achnol; 11 a. m.f Lord's ssnper and ser moo ea "The Power ef Oreat Coorlrtlons": S p. m.. T. P..S. 0. B. asrvice, tolmw.d by sarmas. "We Know." Wood la en Bandar eeaool. 10 a. sj.j preach ing. 11 a. as.; Chrlstlaa eedesvor, I B. m. ; serrkaa, S p. m. . school, , - (Journal Special Service.) I ' 8t Louis, Aug. 11. Separated by-the Ban Francisco earthquake, B. J. Van Zandt, his wife and baby were reunited in St. Louis today, after being In Ignor ance of each other's fate for four months. ' i Van Zandt ' Is now - employed es a painter and decorator at toe Boutnern hotel. . - . . - The Van Zandta lived In Ban Franclaco for several years, and In the earthquake loat their home and belongings. . .' Early in the morning following' the shock Van Zandt. - his wlfs and baby went to the outskirts of ths city, where the general hospital .had been estsb liahed. when she, holding her baby, was torn from her huaband by the crowd. Hopeful of finding his wife and baby. Van Zandt remained about the tempo--rary--quarters for three weeks, sesrchlng day and.. night. Then he left for Bir mingham, Ala-, where they once lived. thinking she might go back.- He searched there In vain. Finally he wrote to relatlvee at Tampa, Florida, and they replied his wife and baby were with them. They were sent on here and ths fsmlly reunited, . T:30 p. m.: Bandar achool. 13 RaaaallTl--8choelhoaae. guaday -ov o. m. , Hlabnd--A1narta anS t t. SV -fc Ing, 3:sv p. m.. by Rav. Job a Beatalaa; Bun. dar acbool, 3:30 p. m. Mount Carmal Pourtaestb and Slanders smom; aa. A. I. Bhaphard. Bonday school. 13 m.; prescMng. 11 a. m. and S p. Ea. m BaUwood Bleranth sad Umatilla streets; mm, uoorse a. Mara. Bandar school, 10 . m.l sroachlns. 11 a. m. indl-ul, ot. .. -" Plrat Oertnaa Poartb snd Mill streets: Bav, a. nr. it. r-raaehiag at 10:B a. m. sad T:8o p.m.; B. T. P. v.. 1:45 p. m. Bocoad German Rodney arenas and Morris . n.T. a. siDecrman. r-reacaing. ji a. aa. sad T:SU p. m.; Snaday school, 1:45 a. m.; B. T. P. V.. S:5 p. m. . UIN1U ... Ul.,1 UWW, Bev. A. Uwrencs Black. . Bible achool, li a. m.; sermoa, ii a. m. ' PBISBTTIBLUr. Mlspab Marr and Powall atmeaa! lit 3m. rn m. jncuiaae, u. v. preechlng sarvlcae at iu:w a. m. ttf Bav. J. V. MUllgaa aad at p. aa. by Mr. Danes of T. M. C. A. tMivary Kiavam and Clay streU) Bav. Bea-Bws Bttloe Ely Jr.. D. D. Bervlcea: 10:80 s. m., "Oronnda of Chrlatlan Thankrulnaoa": 1:45 v. aa.. "rab? nmrai. VVnm avml r-- . Third Bast Tblrterntb aad Plae-streetarltev. Aadrew J. Montgoni.ry. Preschlhg at 10:SO m.i S:S p.-m. this ebarch enttaa with east elds charcbea la saioa serrlees at Bawthorae park. . Plrat BfTTtcee st 0:M a. nand T:80 n. m. Rev. Edgar P. Hllk I. D.. win preach at both eerrlrae; le the-ernlng. "The 0kv Caphlcal Betting et the Life oi the Prophet mod." Fourth Plrat and fitbba streets. Preachltig t 10:30 a. m. and T:4S p. m. by Rev. W. T. Chase; Sunday school. 13 m. T. P. S. C. X., S:Sf p. m. Bawthorae Twelfth snd Bast Taylor: Rev. K. Nalaoa Alien. Preaching. 10:HO a. m.; Sun day school. VFm.t no evening earrlra tn ennrrh. Marahall-Street Seventeenth snd Marehall; Rev. ('. W. Hars. Bandar acbool. 10 a. m. j v?brblng. 11 a. m. : no evening serTtee. Marahall-Straet geventeenth and Marshall i Rev. O. W. Hays. Boodar school, 10 s. m. preeehlDg. 11 s. m. by Bev. H. a Dans mora; BO : svealng asrvice. . stXTEOSIBT. Tylor-atreet Third sad Tartnr streetsi Rev. Dr. P. Barretts Short. Classes. S:80 s. m. sermoe, 11 a. m., on "Called to Service" ;' Bun day school, 13:10 p. m. ; Bpworth League. S:S0 p. m.: aaraon, "Tha Passloa Flr A Chsrsc tsr Study." 1:46 p. m. Epwortb Twenty -third and Irving streets: Rev. Beery T. Atkinson." Snaday school. 10 m.; morning service; 1 o'clock; no evening THREE HUNDRED ISLES FOR SALE - AT AUCTION Yates Estate Offers Realty in St Lawrence River to Highest Bidder. (Journal Special Bervtee.) . Watertown, N. T Aug. 11. Three hundred - islands In the fit Lawrence river, varying In else from about 30 acres to small pieces of land hardly 10 feet long, were 6ffered for sale at auc tion here today. While they will not be put on the block, they will be knocked down to the highest bidder after ths style of all auction sales. It Is eznected about $80,000 will fee realised from the ssle. , Ths story of the Islsnds ' and their ownership is an Interesting one. They were won by the late Henry Tates. then of Scheneetady, N. T., In a lottery for the benefit of the colleges of the united States, which was managed by Dr. Ell pbalet Nott, the flrat prealdenmof Union college: Archibald Mclntlre and Henry Yates.- Mr. Tates was a notable char acter in his day. He became Immensely rich ss the result of the lottery. He lived In Schenectady until about 1147, when he went to Albany, and lived there until his death. Ha wss a brother of Governor Tates snd was at one time s United States senstor. Ths proceeds from the sale ef the Islands will be di vided among the heirs to the Tatee es tate, among whom la Bishop Satterlee of Washington, i - . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The steamer Alliance shifted to Couch street - dock this morning and com menced loading general freight. 8he lie for Eureka and Coca bay Monday night. Purser William Baker has re signed to accept a position aa dock agent for 8. Elmore A Company at Astoria. Hla successor has not yet been named. The British ship Bardowte cleared to day for Port Plrle, Australia, with 1.373.- (41 feet or lumber, valued at 313.S7S. Shs will probably leave down this even ing. . The British ship Brabloch shifted from Banf leld's dock to the Oceania dock this morning where she will begin load ing wheat at once forHurope.. i ne river nas raiien conaiaeraoiy cur ing the past few days and Is now down to five feet sbovs the sere mark. ' This Is by no means extremely low because It has been below the sero mark, but It la low enough -to leave eome ef the craft moored along the chores high snd dry it tfte beAfitb X&s gwolingi TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION - MEETS IN COLORADO 1 (Journal Special lervles.r Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 11. Practically- all the delegates, together with the officer, jre here for the fifty second convention of ths International Typographical union. A reception take place this evening In honor of the vis itors. Ths business reports of President Lynch and of the other officers will be presented on the opening day. The con vention la regarded as of more than or dinary importance owing to the Inter national atrlke of the printers for an eight-hour day, which has .marked tha past year. Grace Twelfth aad Taylor streets Clarence True wlleou, D. D Bev. At 10.30 a. m., preaching: T:IN p.- m.. "Seventb-Dar Ad ventl.m": twilight sarriee, T p. ra.t class meeting. S:V a. bl Bandar school, 13:13 p. m. Pattoa Michigan aad Carpenter a reuse.: Bev. Melville T. Wire. Preaching,' 11 a. na. snd 3 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Bp. worth League, 7 p. id. Central Kueaell and Kerby etreets; Bev. 1. P. Abbott. Claaa meeting, 3:45 a. m. ; preach. Ing. 10:11 s. m.; Bandar school. 13 m.f Bp- worta iieague, e:ao p. aa.; sermoa, :a p. SB. Centenary Bast Ninth sad Pine etreeta. Preechlng. 1A:S0 a. mt.', no evening ear rice at ebnrcb; Bandar school, 3:15 s. m. Unlrerslty Park Bands school, 10 s. BV preaching, 11 a. m.. by Bev. George W. El ite: union services. 7:e5 p. m. Trinity Best Tenth sad Grant streets: Bev. Harold fibers. Beranon, 11 a. m.l Bandar school, 10 a. m. no evening servles. XrlSCOPAX. Trinity Blaeteenth and Bverett etreeai) Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrlaoa. Bolr commenloB. S a. aa.; aiornlng aarvwe, 11 o'clock; evealag servles, S o'clock. - . Bt. Paul s woodmere:. c. b. Parker, lay reader. Morning service st 11 o'clock, - Rev. T. N. Wtlaoa will nfflclats: no evening aervtee. Bt. Darld's Rast Twelfth and Belmont streets; Bev. i. B. Van Waters. Sunday school. 3:45 s. m.; enorai as. una ana eermoe OJ Bev.. H. D. rnsmners at ii e-eioea. Bt. Andrew's University Park: Rav. W. R. Powell. Service and earmoa. 11 a. am. I Sua dar acbool. 10 a. m. Bt. Jobn'e Memorial Benwoed; Rev. W. B. Powell. Sunday acbooL 11 a. m.; service aad earmoa, T 46 p. m. (lond Sheoherd BaMwood afreet and Via- enuver evenue; Bev. Job a Dawsoa. flnndar booL 10 e. m.s morning eervtee. 11 o'clock. a-w ' w. A. M. Rreck. Holr eommanlon. T:o a. m.l Sunday school. 3:45 s. m.1 service snd sermoa, 11 a. m.; service sad address, T:49 OOBORBOATIOBAL. Bev. R. K. Hani. At 10:o e'elork, awmlsg worship: 13 m., Sunday school: 48 p. m., Toung People's me ting; T:8 e clock: evealag ser Tic. yirat Madison ana rarg acreets; Rev. . L, Uouee, I). P. Sermon, 10:30 a. m . "The Kaw or the Oldt"; 7:4Ve. m., "The Btorv ef WITXO XTAlfaiXIOAZ. . 'First Baat Tenth snd Bbaraua streets Bev. A A. Winter. -At lo a. m., unsay school; reaching. 11 a. m.. "What U Xear UfsT'l 45 p. a., seraion. Second faigo aad Berby streera; Bev, J. Bowsraoa. At 11 a. m., preaching br ' Bev. H. L. Pratt: 3 p. m., aeraaoa by Bav. H. L. Pratt: Sunday ecbool. It i. a. L k 0. 1., T:o p., sa. t. John's Ivsaboe and John atresia; Bev. B. B. McVlcker. Sunday school. 10 a. sa.; rsehlng. 11 a. m.; J. K. L, C. B.. 340 p. m. I K. U 0. .. T p. m. ; anion eervteea, 8 g am. Ocklsy Oreaa Busday school, - 10 s. m. 11 a. m., preaching; Toaag Peopla'a aaaetlng, T p. m.; preaching at 3 p. av by Oay fitch Pbalps. LUTHXIAlf " : St. Jamea' ngusa West Psrk and Jafrarsoa streets: Rev. J. A. Lees. Imkn at 11 s. m., eoadactod by ths peator. Suadar school, 10 e. m. There wtll be no evening ear-rice. Beteala DanMi Union avenue aad Morrlg street; Rev. Gudmoad GrllL Sanaa set tlsas. 11 a. sl aad 3 p. a. Norwegian Synod Baat Tenth aad " Oraat streets; Rav. O. Hi goes. . Bandar school, 3:30 a. m.; services st 11 s. m. snd 3 p. a. UnrwegUa 4 North Poerteeath a treat: Bev. J. M. Nervlg., Serelces at 11 a. a, aad 7:80 p. a. Bwedlah Immans.l Nineteenth aad Irvfaig streets: Rev. C. t. Renbard. SerrlcM et 10:80 a. aa. aed p. m. Bandar school, 13:16 p, as. CKBXSTIAnT SOmTOB. rtrat Charch ef Christ, Mantis Bcottt.b Bite cathedral. . Morrlsoa and Lewnedale atreets. Services at 11 a. a., subject, "Mind"; Sunday school at etose of sMrnlBg service; no evening eervtee.''' , Second Church ef Christ; Ictsatls Bike temple. Stark sad Seevatk streets. Sunday eer-rlc at II a. a. and p. p., subject, "Mind"; Sondar srbeol et 11 e. a. : mssiovs. - - H..miM - Tt.lit MlMloa-11 north. Preaching a eery sight it I t. a. Olive Branch Mlaalea 3SB Pwet street near Columbia. Preaching every night at 7: SO; Bundar.. S p. m.l Sunday acbool, 1 :S0 p. m, St. Joha's Holiness Mission ITS Seoond street Bear Main; Rev. John P. Glaeee. get ,lis every night aad Sunday at and 7:33 p. sa. Chlneee Rantlat S4S S.nmiS ate a. 1m, m.. at 7:30 p. m. BTAVOZUDAL ASSOOIATlOat.' first Bagllah Bast Blxtb sad Market streets! Rev. B. A. Blewert. Preaching-. 11 s. a.) Snsdsy school, ID a. a; at 3:30 p. a ejuoa eervleae la Hawtbome psrk. Orsce Lenta: Rev. H. O. Henderson. Preach ing. 11 a. a. aad 3 p. a.; Toaag People's Al liance. 7 p. a.; Sunday school, 10 a. as. First German Tenth and Clay streets; Bev. Then. Bchsuer. Sunday eeaeoC 3:80 a. a. I sermoa, 10:45 a. m.; preaching, T:4S p. aa.; . P. A. 7 p. aa. a iTB BL A. . -Chrlstlaa aad Mlsstoaary Alllanea Sixth and Mala etreeta; Rev. C. D. Bawtelle. Pre chins. 10:30 a. a. I Sunday school, 13:13 p. a.; Tseng People's meeting, 3:80 p. m. ; evasgsUet 1LETR0STJT, SOtTTH. Ptisb 171H Second a tree, rxacstws' halt; Bav. . H. Mewre. At 10 a. at. Buaday achool; II a., a., preechlng by Rev. C, L. Mc Canalandi 1 p. a., Itworth Laagae) 3 p. an.. trariTARIAnT. Chvrefe Oar gather - Serena sad Taaufll aiieaia: nor. w. w. H. no, jr.. mifiiateet . T. cuot. a. v., miniatar egwrlrss. Srrle ax u a. aa,, eovauerea ay aev. w. r. Small. Poerfk street. ana Sanaa EX - T. BL O. A. 4aae4atlia endltBrram. 1ST SoBdae. 3:30 n. a., address in M. W. Barnes ef Seattle ea "Pari adar, 3:30 p. m address to aea by Rev. . w. Havana ag SMttL mm "r..i-- ,w- rw eldest." Special mnalc eon. latins ml soaraae sales by Mrs. Rene Uatrhlosoe. ' ca jorrrjro. ' It. John's Bollneas Cams MaeMne Rest Twelfth and WTtalonj Reva. Jeha P. aad Bat-t lie Ulaaeco, aasaers. Berylr st S ssd 10 s. a. ssd 3 sad 7:30 p. an. Several evaagelleU SIOaT. Cattlstlaa Catholic Charck ta Blea Anakf ball, second flpor- Third snd Morrlsoa etreeta: Rev. Ckarlee A. Bo, elder Is charge. At 3 p. m.. Bible stady; 3 p. aa,, ssi lima, ' ' TJBTvTaUULDrT. Plrat Best Blgktb aad Ceerh etreetsi Bev. W. r. Small. At 11 e. aa., earmoa sa "The Msa Without a Theology"; le a. m., Boadsy achool. . LATTXB SAT SAnrTS. Cbsrek ef Jesus Christ ef Latter Day Batata IUI1 400. AHaky balldlsg, Third and Morrt aoa streets. Services st 11:30 a. a. aad f p. sa. ; Sunday school at 10 a. am. tnrrrso bbetbbzb tv okbist. . - first last Flfteaatb sad Morrises streets; Bev. H. 0. Shaffer. Bible school st IS a sa.; eermoe at It a. a.; aaloa serrlees si Haw thorne perk at 3:30 p. ss. . . 7BTTK9 BBBSB I TBBIAV. Charch ef the Strasgere Wases street led Arsnd arena 1 Rev. 3. Earl Da Bole. Ma mi. Ices, - - ADTKBTIBTS. - eveatk-Dsy Adreatlate Bast Blsveath sad Brsrett streete; Rev. George A. Border. Bus- Jicn.7fllfeftCo. -UyltseTills;Xl(Ca ii ii i From 6 to 9:33 Only I . SATUCOAY IIDG1H1T - !: night Every one is ft value that can only be described as TREMENDOUS. Other stores would take a page tojdcscribe such sensational price cutting. One word more BE EARLY. 25c, 2Cc 15c Wash facds Sc Yard ? Really exquisite snd dainty Wash Fabrics that win create a , flurry of excitement Printed Batiste, Organdies, Lswns, Dimities, Embroidered Voiles. : r lYomcn's New 25c llcwcar le ;7 Hundreds of new snd dainty novelty designs in Women's ; Neckwear, the same kind that you always pay 25c for. ,, $8 White Uncn S!ilrls at .2.45 As a truly wonderful Satrday night special, a lot of beautiful white novelty linen" skirts, trimmed with novelty braid ; values to $8 for $2.45. There's half the1 summer to wear them and they cost practically ' nothing. Nothing cheap about them except the pries. They're the product of a famous New York tailor, who never slights a detail. " ' ; ,. 5Cc Satin Ribbon Reiiiniaifs 5c YiJd v Many , remnants of plain Satin Ribbons, 1 to inches ' wide; In lengths from- to Y yardi just the. thing for school ribbons; worth up to,50c a yard and even mores after 6 p. m. Saturday, Sf yard. - ( $2.75 to $4 Silk Parasols $liO While they last -tonight, colored Taffeta Silk Parasols in , brown,; green, navy and reseda;' also' pongee colors. The early comers will get them. Only a few left. - - Men's 5Cc Suspenders Only 19c Men's finest quality '60c elastic web Suspenders, finished with leather ends snd csstoffs; quiet colored designs." a.v aioot 1A a. sa.i staaiililna 11 a. m.t ssrmoa, 7:4S y. mu . - aarsn. eaoeaa enen, en. n IK I .1 . . . . kul.. Asnooia; aver, www b,iimu "-i aeheal. IOtSO A. BL1 BCSaeslBg Bt 11:30 B. SB.. aad 3 a. am. ..... "" OS17B0X OF KOTfABlTT. Obarea of Humanity A snlldtng.roeui 300. Lectures S . m. or pn A. uut, 'Tke roteaey ef T nougat." - BWBDgJTBOBSlAnT. Raw rtrnrch Bodetr will attend the UW- tsrlSB eh arc as a bodr. Tamhlll aad Beyenta etreeta. at 11 a. na., sabjeet, "Tae rtrat Be- aenual ac aeugana. - UBUBlia Of SOIV ' Cksse ef Bod ftt Bawtfcorne ansae. Serv ice, , 3:33 aad t:30 g. sa.; Sanaa seaeot, 1 B. aa. VXBXTVAIISTB. wtwm entrttnai awttr--loeUi TSM street. Bervleas st 11 a. m. aad 7:6 a. .; lecture by H. a Oaaapbell ea "Calversal Seal." , . . - e amXXsTBXAX BAWsT. afllleaalBl Dawa fl. A. R. ball. Sealed Sad Movrlsoa streets. Servlees at I IO g. aa. iraxs buthodist. Free atethedlea Best Ninth sad aim atreets; mecblsa. 11 a. as. ; Saaday acbool. U a. av FOREST FIRES BURN WALLOWA DISTRICT rSvscail Ptepatea sa The Journal.) Wallowa, Or Aug. 11-Thla is ths season of the year for forest Ores and for the flrat time thle year this die trlct has been clouded by tha smoke ef forest fires. A blase was started on the weet bank ef ' Indian canyon. vwrw. enni Duauieafl vs aKnrasi OS ua beat timber land of that eeotlon, and rapidly apreadlng tn a eonth and eaat dlreetloa. A party ef fire fighter are at work, and It Is believed that It will soon bo brought nnder control. The loss . will probably amount to several wousana dollars. . WILL IMPROVE PHONE V SYSTEM IN LA GRANDE (Special IHapasBh at 'Sne a si sail - La Orande, Or, Aug. 11. The Paatflo Statee Telephone a Telegraph eompany will sherUy begin a big axteranion and lmprovecnent ef their aervioa ta La Orande. . Over (.000 feet ef sew eable eztenslona will be made, in order to fa cilitate the business of the leoal ex change. . The eoet of the near lxnprwve menta Is the vicinity of La Orande will amount to about 33.000. . w . . ef the World of troubles that robbed ST. H. WetSa, ef Bear Orove, la, of all nsefulnesa, eame when he began taking Electrio Blttera He wrltee: "Two years ago Kidaey trouble caused me greet suffering, which I would never have survived had I not' taken Electrio Bitters. They also eared me of General Debllltr." Burs aura tor all Stomach. Liver- and' Kidney oenv. plaints, aiooa aiseases, ueaaacne, Uls alnsss snd Weakneas or bodily decline. Price too. Guaranteed . by Skidmore Drug Co. -.-; 04 "Sklddoo 11" was found high and dry en the mud this morning and It will be-33 for her from a buslneee point of view until the water rleea. The eteamer Republic carried a large delegation of Maaone to St. Helene this morning where they will attend the lay Ing of a cornerstone. The delegation waa accompanied by a band. - The eteamer T. jr., Potter lft foe 11. waco shortly before noon today with a large crowd of seaalders. Many of them Intend returning Monday morning. ' Preparations are being made et As. torla for the annual regatta which takes place on Auguet 30 and 81 and Septem ber 1. Several launches wlU probably leave this city to attend ths big event. . riaaaolal Vote. From the Chicago News. ' Money doesn't - grow en trees, but sou. et U 1 ebtsinad liz aPsXtyajb , II I II LQ2IQttDX70 trait . .. .. . - , ----- ,,v . Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate) Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trotiblo Stimulation Without Irritation. Oarao Laxative Fruit 8yrnp is a new lsxstive eymp combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline' Waters, "as it does not derange the -Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. -Qkiko Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi-l Osnro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only iiwalv cure chronio constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tern porary relief but-the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in' a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. - This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and dp not touch the liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that doeg not act upon all of the digestive organs. can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. For Biliousness and SlcK v - Headaches Take Omko Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. O&nro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses ths system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not grips or sicken, lvef use substitutes. OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup ahd Ifcu are not satisfied your money will be refunded Prepared snly by FOLEY Jk CO., Chtoase, in V, SOLO AND nECOttttZNDEO DY ' W00DARD, CLARKE CO. AND SKIDMORE DRUG CO. : 'S :' :' - : "" - ' ; ; " -