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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
orcc:j daily journau ronTLAiiD, catut-day cvz::n;o. august . 11, CONSIDERABLE GAINS MADE -. v .. I I ' THE BY JOURNAL'S CONTESTANTS . I I I ' 1 ' 0 J- U I; I $Week-End Score Shows Several Important Change In Num " ber'of Vote. '; ST.; JOHNS CIRL IS ,A . i. , NOW FORCING AHEAD Lillian McVicker Makes Good Show. ' ing Durinr-Week In - Scholarship ' Race-Interesting Notes Regarding Other Coatestanta, : ' Lillian McVicker of, St. Johns made , t considerable gain yesterday M tne re- guit Or' euDScnpuona w lam . - aant 1b hap favor from Dallam. Ouy V. Orahara. the widow's son, at 'Troutdsls, added nearly 1.000 TOtaa to his seors yeeterday. Ha la canvassing all tba country about Troutdala. Friends of him mother Band Mrs. Graham and i Bar aon tha nainaa and addraaaaa of isaonta who will support him. Then , (either the mother or aon calls for tha aubaerloUona. - Ouy Qraham Is tha contestant who la ; small la aiaa and tew tn rears but Tory J many la ability to produce subscrip tlons and to set alons tn the world. ( Although young, ha feels that ha should "u A ; Ouy Graham," Scholarship Contestant ': ' With Small Body and Largs Am- 1 Wtion.- AAACvAH-:, : . qualify himself to help support hla - widowed mother, and ha realises that It la up to Ouy to make a place for i . himself In the world, , ' Hurrah for Albany. .) . Rhode Xee Btalnaker, the aggreaalve Albany candidate, aant in I in sub r t sorlptlons yeaterday, mostly new eub . sertbers to, The Journal. , This la a fair i i sample of the reports wblchthe Albany I 5 young lady makes every few days. She 1 i entered tha contest quite lata but el ready haa placed heraalf among tha high :$ winners. ....... , - .... i Thla you eg lady Is a credit to Albany ana her success Is a compliment to the I enterprise of her town as wall aa to her own hustling ability. - Miss Stalnaker haa made s house-to .- house canvass of Albany and. has gone to the factories and shops st noon time and Interviewed the women ss they leave for lunch. She la making a busi ness -of contest work and har remark- . able success is har reward. -; .... mdustrloms marry Break " , Tha 8t Johns Baview of recent date , contained this very pleasant notion of an enterprising contestant:. - - . . "Harry Brant la In The Journal eon. ' teat for a scholarship. Harry would f like to know If you are anxious to help the "widows aon." .Ha has been the . man of the house since tha death of hla father eoroe years ago. He la at .., . preeent working at the Norton and ". would be glad to call on any who call ua up." - . - KoarJa-rrtne OoQege. ' .. -.. At .the request of the contest editor ,. of The Journal. MeMlnnvUle college has prepared a statement of the ad--antrea which are offered by that In stltutlou. - The Journal offers a scholar ship in MeMlnnvUle oollesa and several , l students are oompetlng for It r The exploitation of private and atata schoola of Oregon, Incident to the edu cational contest, gives atudenta and i, parents who are casting about to de . termlne what schoola will best suit them the very Information they need. ' The entire list of schools In Tha Jour- . mi'i contest la printed In another part .. : vi. mis paper, xegetner Wltn the ad' BWAirxmrw o Dowtmmrum xm rona. ' : . Horace A. Wilson. l( HaUey BU, Portland, O-,.. .IMH NeUle May Shannon, til Tenlso, Portland, Or... i.. .....1,0.9 LIUlan MeVlcker. BV Johns. Or.......... .......... ...... ... Ouy Graham, Troutdala. Or,, . ; --i........l.8 Rhoda I Btalnaker,, Albany, Or...;..',.. ........ ... Mildred U Clemens,; University Park, Portland. Or,... ....... .....IM0 Charles Gross, ,T.' C. Portland. ,..v....... ....... ,17.S Cart Bhejton, porty-aighth Bt, Mount Tabor, Or. ,JV. ........ .II,0 Bertie a .Chan, 1! Clay Bt. Portland. Or.... .......... ......... .10.141 Koy Johnson. T Division St, Portland, Or..... ...ll.7 Mas Pendergrass,: ttl North" Seventeenth Str Portland, Or....;.J.LaSf John Benson. Chemawa. Or...... - .IM9Q 'CUy Jones, 401 East Twelfth Bt, Portland, Or.i. .............. ..14.MI e Mary E. Powell. 411 Salmon St, Portland, Or.;.. ...14.i. Edith M. Harris, 4 1 Oxford St, Portland, Or.. ............... Paul Nygren, III Eaat Third. St.. Portland. Or.. .............. ' Dorcas Van Bchoonhoven.' Cove, Or ............ ,. 10.40 Harry Brant. The Norton Twelfth and Morrison, Portland, Or..;,, M7 Lloyd Riches, 811 verton. Or ; t. ........... f ; ......... . . . . IIM Mabel Magneaa. Amity, Or',.............i.'.. .......... e.ITt Dean Knox, Corvallla, Or..........'..'....... 6i Clay Car. Salem, Or. ......... ...... .............. ....; 4.I4 Ruth Turner. 101 Kerby Bt, Portland, Or......... 1,400 Alleen Hackman. Myrtle Park. Portland, Or,,.. 1.101 Malsls O'Donnell. Buxton, Or., .............. V.. ....... 1.1S0 Ouy Johnson, ,101 Grant BU Portland, Or....,................. l.l Louise Bcott Central addition, Portland, Or.......'..,........;..; 1,110 R. W. Cyrus. Bclo, Or......................... .......... Ivy Owens. Cedar Mills, Or......... 0,T1 , Edward l. Kinsman, Ufihton, Or.. ........;. ............... l.ill W.B. Owynn. 141 East Thirty-seventh "Bt, Portland, Or. ........ top .' George D. King, Kingston. Or................. . .100 Aames Evans. LatourelL Or. ...... 300 Richard W. Gilvin, Roaeburg, Or. . (I '' . : 4 : Heart Palpitation IndlgMtioo causss the storriaek to expand swell and puff up against the heart This crowds the heart and interferes with its action, causing- shortness of brsath, palpitation or the heart, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure SlClSTi WHAT TOO IAT takes the strain off the heart, nd contributes nourishment . strength and health to every organ ef the body. Cures Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Belching. Gas on Stomach, and all Stomach troublos. , . , Denovs, Iowa. ' - Tares years age I was afflicts! wiU ladigsstioa so mack that I was la coatiaial pats. After esrJaf my bsart was sflected aal I had smothering gsnsatioaa. Two bottles sf Kodol rsrsd gss. ' AXBXST eWsw aaatto sswdates 1 Vm m mm ss e SrSisr JSa. eta. frrasTee' ml tss tsieV'sSiij sf gi. C OaWmtt Ce., GMpejet V.M.4,". CXTJDatOma 9MV9 CO. AWO . .. . veosAZit, nir.m ft ca Ammmm M9.A mmn mKjia1 will tie Wr1 1 f .n about durlns the four weeka. The statements about . McMinnvuis college, as prepared by an officer of the school, srs as follows: MeMlnnvUle college has a beautiful campus of to acres, lying Just to the south of MeMlnnvUle, Oregon. Ms Mlnnvllle la a town of t.100 population and aaaily ranks with the moot attract ive towna In the whole northwest It Is town of strong moral and religloua Influences,' having a good government handsome buildings and no saloons: : It la the county seat of Yamhill county, tha garden spot of the northwest . The camnua la Israel v covered with rrovee of oak. which, together with the lawn. the orchard, tha garden, the stream of running water, tha open field, affording the finest college, athletic park In the state, make it desirable in every way. - Three buildings are now upon It the main building, a brick of four stories; the observatory, contain ing a stx-lnch object glass, equatorial. tha beat In the north weat and the gym nasium. - ... The college was founded In ItST snd chartered In lit. It Is now beginning Its fiftieth year In a vigorous fashion, for Its face Is toward the future snd not the peat; eight new trustees, a new president four new professors, new by. laws and a plan on foot to raise 1100, 000 In the next two years are some svl- donees of ths hew life, with which the old 4natitutlon - enters upon ita aeoond half century. Up to data ita record contains nothing that, brings ths blush of shams or ooaalons sorrow. "Made In Oregon" may be written of this In stltutionv for thue far Its funds havs been almost entirely contributed by Ore- gonlana. It Is now. worth mors than 1100.000. ' . -. 1 . Ths , forward movement now on promises to be successful. For the first time the Baotlats of Oregon. Wash ington and Idaho are thoroughly, united in the view that their first duty is to put McMinnvllle-'Collegs upon a solid basts. They propose to maintain this college, pay Its Indebtedness. Increase Its endowment and provide additional bulldlnga. This Is . ths first step toward carrying cut a wall-laid plan Involving ths establishment of a' splen did system of Baptist academies and colleges tn the northwest. In which- all the leaders of the denomination are In terested. Ths people of MoMlnnvllle arc also interested In ths eoUoge, whlob la their greatest Income-producing enter prise. There la no lack of harmony be tween 'town and gown." "Thoroughness" la the motto of both ths trustees snd ths faculty ef Me MlnnvUle college. Not "how much" but "how well"! Because of this a recent graduate of MeMlnnvUle college laat fall entered Tale university aa a senior and' graduated last June with in A. A degree, pne of 17 class marshals out of a elaaa of 110 eeleeted on a scholar ship basis, a member of Phi Beta Kappa and a holder of a Foote Fellowship worth 1410. MeMlnnvUle college among ether Institutions to which her gradu ates go hss a reputation for "thorough ness." .-. ..,..;. Ths faculty for ths coming year will number 11 besides tha preaident and ths student assistants. They havs all been welt trained, largely In the best Bap tist Institutions of the east In addi tion to this all srs earnest active Christians, thus creating for the stu dent that atmosphere - which tends to produce the finest and strong-eat char acters. , Ths attendance laat year reached a total of 171,-of which 11 were tn the college , claasss. - Few collages tn ths state report a larger number In strictly college classes, Ths prospect for the' coming year points to ths largest at tendance In ths hlatory of the Institu tion. On ths whole, McMlnnvills col lege 'gives promise of large advance, along all llnea. .. .4 , .. .. . Primes as take. " Tuition In best Oregon schoola, 1780 In gold and cash commissions. - Following is ths list sf scholarships, with approximate, cash value of each, offered aa prises. DetaUed Information cone arming them will be published from tlms to time, or furnished on applica tion to ths contest department: Academy of tha Holy Namss. As toria, value ,...1160 Albany' College, Albany, value..... 100 Behnke-Walker Business College, Portland, value 100 Capital Business College, , Salem, -value t ....,,100 Columbia University, ; Portland, value 100 Dallas College. DaUae, value 100 Gillespie School of Expression. Portland, value no Hill Military . Academy. Portland. .value ... . . ....... ........,.,., 100 Holmea Bualneaa Collea-a. Portland. value .160 Holmea-Flanders Private School. Portland, value 110 International Correspondence Schools, Screnton. Pa., value.... lit MeMlnnvUle College, MeMlnnvUle, value t ....i 40 Oregon Conservatory . of Music Portland Ons Pianoforte Scholars hi value too One Violin Scholarship, value.... Ill One Guitar and Mandolin Scholar- ahlp, value 100 Pacific College, Newberg, value...,. 100 Pacific. Telegraph Institute, Port land, value ill Portland School of Doraesuo Sci ence, Portland (T. W. C. ' A.). Talus i 10 sacred Heart . Academy, Salem. value lis t Marys Academy, Portland. value 100 Besides ths cash commissions which ths students receive when they secure new subscriptions, caah purees to ths total sum ot 1710 will be awarded as follows: - . 1. ' A puree ef 1100 for the general ex pense of the winner while attending say public or private Institution providing ires tuition. 1. A puree of f 100 to be used Is the asms manner as the above. I. A puree of 1100 for Incidental penses to supplant' a scholarahlp se lected rrom tns foregoing net . A purse, or 7l in addition to ana of tha foreeoln anhol&rahlna s. A purse of ISO in addition to one or tne foregoing scholarships. s. a purae of ill in addition to a Of ths foregoing scholarships. . SHAH OF PERSIA GRANTS HAT10HAL ASSEMBLY Constitutional Government for Pereitv Many Reform's in' Protpect o;;e dollar asked from All DEMOCRATS ; Chairman Griggs Appeals Masses for Campaign 7, :?". .,' -Funds. V' to ' TJoaraal Special Serrk.) ' Washington. Aug. 11. Perala Is to have a national aaaembly. This In formation has . been conveyed to .the Perslon minister here. In a cablegram from Mlsra NaasroUah Khan Mochirs- dolet Sadrsasama, the -grand sister and minister for foreign affairs, who stated that In view of the desire of his Im perial majesty, ths shah, for tha axtan- eion of national tranaulllltv and for the welfare of Persia and all Ita Inhabi tants, and In order to fortify tha gov ernment It had been deoreed necessary to give carta J n reforms and a constitu tion durable for the country and for the administration. The Immediate or ganisation of a national aassmbly for the realisation of theee reforms accord ingly was. ordered. According to the dlsDateh. ths aassm bly will be compooed of equal parties. sameiy, princes of . ths blood,, clergy, chief of ths reigning dynaaty, Oadjur. high dignitaries snd personages, mer chants and representatives of corpora tions. The aaaembly will meat at Te fcaran, and it la provided tHat all civil and conatltutional laws shall originate In the aaaembly and after ths signature of bis majesty will become effective. " J A Sew XM version. " " From the Detroit Journal Secretary Root's eubllo reeentlons in South American republlca are taking the piacs ei the regular summer revolu tions. 4- (Jeerael Special ServCee.) Washington!! Aug. lL Chairman Orlggs of ths Democratic .congressional committee has sent out many thousands of circulars calling for II subscriptions from Democrats throughout ths coun try, ths monsy to be used for ths com ing campaign. la hla letter Mr. Orlggs says: . . . ' "To AH Democratic Voters If there ever was a tlms in ths history of ths Democratic party for -a manifestation of loyalty and natrlotlam on tha nart of Its members it Is right now. if are to win a Vlctorv and elect a preaident two yssrs hence ws most first sleet a houss of representstlvss this falL A Democratle house an and will Investigate every department of the - government With -all thnaa honeycombed with 'graft' tha adawa which only have been touched by re cent exposure snd prosecution, there will be a revelation of rottenness that will astound ths country and crests a demand for a Demooratio admlnlatra tion to clean , ths government work shop. "To win ths ' house ws need monsy to defray legitimate expenses to get est our vote. We ' have no protected monopolies from whloh to draw to All our coffers, as they do those of ths Re publican party. We taust therefore appeal to loyal Democrats for con tributions. ' "Will you send II at ones and In return for thla ws will send you copies sf - our sattjialfa literature Issued hy. V. Affld Eafer ffl V V. Csl fisre - 7. ELECTRIC FANS make-4ife more worth living. 1... -1 ... : 'v .. , - ! cream, parlors. -EXHAUST CEILING. FANS for restaurants, DESK FANS for offices. ! ' BRACKET FANS for ice REVOLVING FANS , ''''.: ...."' :'.,.'. ." -i FANS. - .. : - EVERYBODY who uses ELECTRIC LIGHT can secure the benefits and comforts of Fan Service. A 16-inch FANxah be operated at a cost not to exceed ONE CENT AN HOUR, and a 12-inch FAN can be run for even less. ' : Ten hours of comfort for less than 10 cents. ELECTRIC LIGHT and the ELEC TRIC FAN make a strong . combination for comfort in hot weather. . REDUCED RATES for current on me Order your Fan TODAY. - - - - - 71 J'Ti f PORTLAND GENER ELECTRfG CO. Ttlephon Private) Excltangw 13 3; ' SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS the committee. ' Tou have ths thanks ef the entire Demooratio party for your favorable response to our request Ad dress all remlttaneee to 3. M. Orlggs, Washington, XX C" GIRL'S NERVE FAILED SHE DROPPED BOMB (Jeareal wiail Barvl.) Odessa, Aug. 11. Oeneral Kaulbers snd his family narrowly ssoaped death Friday evening at the hande of a girt bomb-thrower. The young woman her self mlrsoulously ssoaped death by the accidental explosion of the botnb-shs was carrying, but killed herself with a revolver. , . . . " While the general and his family were st dinner a prsttz and well -dressed girl pressntsd herself at hla boms and ob tained admittance upon a pretext whloh hoodwinked ths servant who opened ths door. Shs became excited snd dropped a handbag shs was carrying. An explo sion followed Which shook ths house, but ths girl ssoaped uninjured and ran to ths etreesy Shs returned to her ho tel, where shs oommltted suicide. ' Investigation developed tha fact that the girl arrived In the city by ( train from the north tn the afternoon. She wae a daughter of Oeneral Pdlntg and had registered at ths hotel under ths name of Petunptn. . Snjoya life's 10S.. (Joerasl Sevalal Smvlea.) Philadelphia. Aug. 11. Mrs Mary Scott, who lives on Tree street tn this eltyr was lot years old today. . Mrs. Scott waa bora In County Dsrnr. irs- land. In Hot. Twsnty-slght years later shs cams to America and baa worked hard ever since. She never used either tobacco or spirits of any kind. Her mind Is unimpaired and shs suffers from few of ths Ills commen ts extreme old sga. i , ... GRAND R0NDE MEN . A PROMOTE BIG PROJECT (Special Dtoeetefc te The 7oerai1."' La Orande, Or., Aug. 11-Articles ef Incorporation havs been prepared for the Incorporation of ths 'Grand Honda Reservoir company, which la to have s capital stock of 1100.000. Senator Wal ter M. Pierce. Oeorge Stoddard. WiUlam O. Hunter and T. Hcrswrord are tbs members Sf the company, and their ab ject la te eonstruet a system ef dams and reservoirs up ths Grend' Rondo for . ths purpose of retaining the spring floods for Irrigation In the valley. The W. S. McMillan farm at-Starkey haa been purcheeed and will be ths principal reservoir sits. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL tew, Xroag-Ttras, ' Bound-Trie aV S) . , Terr . TlekaSs Tin O. A ii m n a B il - - 10 the a B. S R sslls -very low, long- K time, rouna-inp iiexsts te eestern points. Particulars by calling upon c W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets. Portland. ' Professed aweew Oannad goedaV ' ; aUlsa LewlsT Beg Srand. 'Li t