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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
cr.zccu dailv- jc"r.:i.t, .rcTL.irb, . 'cAniRDAY ' cvr::i::a august 11, ; issx I . 1 : . : . ' f V , f i a We Jiave added Steim HeatlngXHot Vctcr tO our present Ilnesnnthlrirr too big, nothing too small but E VER YTHING first class. We are now building the most completely equipped shop on the Pacific Coast, and on Its . com pie tl on will be able to h an die anything and everything In the Heating and Ventilating line. PHONE US MAIN 852 '.' ' . l .". . i . ' i ' .. '-:..'.'- ' .-:-.. - .-y. :. . . . . , ; ' , - I , ' The W. G. McPherson Company ' . 47 FIRST STREET : . .' . ' ' . v - V I M 5 .!:. SOLDIERS OFF FOR 7, 7, ita Oregon National Guardsmen Board . Special -Train, 7Jd Start for American Lake for Ten Days Campaign. . t With color fly in to th wind and band! playing spirited aire, ., aoldler , boys tor Oregon lR today 'for Amort f can lake to artlclpat " In tba military ! maneuver arranged to- tak ' phvc In ; tha next ten. day. Three apaetal trains f were needed to carrr tha troops to tha I left tha anion depot on achedula time ;to the very minute ;10 o'clock thla t morning. .. . t The soldiers eommenced to father at a the Armory ear It. tola moraine and bod 'every bit of their equipment nd outfit J in perfect order when tha buglers blew fanfare, the band eommenced playing I and tha order waa s-iwen to fall in - Thtv j poureo inrougn .ma great - arcn . mat c opens tha way Wm the locker-rooma t to tba reat drill kalL , Company B lad the way and marched y around tha fcla- fnclosura tn the tnanlrit- I oompanles followed In quick -procession band, and buglers In the center. 3 A quick Inspection waa followed by 4 a abort speech by Colonel C. IT. Ganten Ibeln. ;. The band led tba way Into tha , street and commenced the march to tha I station. ' - There waa - ao wait at any j point. Prom tha ' time tha . assembly i was (blown, by the buglers ,untll, tha ! meit passed " Inspection, received their ; final orders, marched" to' tha 'depot and board!, the train but ' half an , hour passed. - Bven after tha men were In It waa Juet t:IO, and-tba train pulled out on time. - , ,- - ' . , , . . Adjutant Baa sTanow Bsoape. Tba one am using thing besides tbs , fsct that the- band played "Happy ... Heine" four times between the Armory and depot waa tha dash Battalion Adju tant R.' H. Leabo made to catch the train.' He s tared at the- rata tn ni , tha last fond farewell and 'did not pb acrve the train , as it started on Its way. Hs looked around and noted with fear the ever-increasing speed of; the departing train. Hastily clutching his sword in one hand nd holding his hat upon hi head with tha other he made a sprint that would have been a credit to Kellv. He caueht tha train tuat it waa swinging around the curve at the and of the atatlon yard. - , ' Hundreds , of people gathered at the .' station to bid the boys good-bye. Sweet hearts and . mothers with baskets ,of ; fruit, lunches and other .things - to eat " upon tha way clambered to get through tha gate to give them to the boys. .The rulea.war strictly followed at tba depot .thla morning and but a few of .tha . woman got by tha gateman.' Even aome or tneae railed to reach tha soldiers ., they wanted to see,- for tha boys were not on tha train, but a moment when .It pulled out. '".: ; .'.'.."." ' . -' - , hoe o tfcs Tlrai Train. . .'" ' : 'Tha boy from Portland -BUed tha first section and wars accompdTi(ed - by tha Third regiment staff offlcera. V 81s companies marched from .the Armory to the train B, C, C F, H and K. In addition to tha soldiers, there were the band, hospital1 cot pa and two buglers for each company. . - -JTha second section left on' time at ' f9:J0. with . Lieutenant-Colonel J. It. '. Poorman . In charge. . . Company .' A . of Mr! JM .1. 4 - ' , ' , - - ; V - V - ' irt-js", M The team which will represent Oregon .at Sea Girt, New Jersey, and company E, one of the crack cQmpaniea, . ' Reading from left to right, the rnembera of the team are Sergeant A. A. Schwarg,' company K; , Muaiiclan , v Q. E. Upton, company K; Sergeant-Major J. A. Royle; Lieutenant William Bf.;Denney, company F; Ser ,.'J geant-Major V. S. Howard; Sergeant B. L. Bend, company. P; Private C' R. Hotchkiaa, company K.' . ! Baker City, Company L of La Grande, Companies B and D of the First sspa? rata battalion filled tha coachea of tha second section. The boy a. arrived In .tha tty in. the night and this morning and, in spit of their tiresome Journey, put up a smart appearance aa they awung aboard the trains with their blanketa hung over their shoulders.- Major O. O. Toran. was In. command of tha third section, which was filled with tha bay from Company O, Albany Conlpany I, Wood burn; Company D, The Pall e: Company M, Salem; Co pany A and Company C, First separata battalion. Tha last aectlon left tha atatlon on time, and tha boys are wall on their way to 'the camp. --The Port land soldiers will arrive early thla aft. erhoon and prepare the camp for habi tation aa rapidly ae possible. - ,,. Mas. Work Uka Tetsrsns Tha men responded to tba task set before them today tn a manner., highly pleasing to .tba. officer. - There was not a hitch In the entire proceedings.- The aoIdiera'kCted 'like veteran.- When' the band played the inspiring music. Bail ing under tha name of "Happy Heine.' tha mea fall Into a true .military stride that swung them along like regulara. Aa they cam down Sixth street - the crowds cheered themselves hoarse at the pretty ' military spectacle. Not only have tn" -man ' prepared themselves for .-tha - formations-., and drills, but by c, omi tun t -practice in -the past few week they have conditioned themselves to withstand the. fatigue they" will have- to-, go through; In . tn campaign.- . '-.-.-."' f ,, ,?.-- X The aoldler wll' return Auguat 10, with the exception ef tha rifle team that will go to Sea Qlrt. The members -or the ,idttr organisation will leave for the. east from Seattle in company with the Wsshington, team. 'i' UMATILU COURTS k PROVIDES EXHIBIT 1 fRnectel DUiatck te Tke JoeraaLt : Pendleton. Or, Aug.' ll.: The county court ' of Vmatllla county : baa .appro priated- f 1,000 for the purpose of., pro viding a county exhibit at the. district fair- to be held - In this City September 24 to ! for Umatilla and'Morrowomm ties. Arrangements are -being made to make'' this, one of the best district fair ever- held In eastern-Oregon. ' . ... aobo . Pelegate to Sols,-, ' " !- nnr DtsHtea e T) Jowti ' . i. BrCho, Or., Aug. -11. H.: T.- Irwin, president of the Umatilla Wateruaera association, and Colonel H. O. Newport, a member of the association, have ben named as delegates from that associa tion to the Boise- Irrigation- congress. which will meet In September. J. F. McMaught, . also , a member - of the as sociation, has . been appointed a dele gate by County Judge Ollllland. THB POLICY-HOLDERS'. COMPANY.. .-; :-l. . Relieves the insurer from further payment orpremiums in the vnt s tntil aahnitr ' ' ' '' '.: ' ' ' ' f1 - ;- '-' i wa vmu wtrwsMs j , t rf Investigate before signing a contract for life insurancec ; Home Office, Commonwealth' Bldg-, Sixth and Ankenjr Sts-, .; '; ' Portland, Oregon; . y A. L, MILLS, President ; i 1 1 U SAMUEL, Gen, Mgr.' ,J CLARENCE jg. $AMUL, Asst Mgr. ST. JOHNS WAI1IS FREIGHT DEPOT - . - ' -i ' II si .".,' Commercial Club Demands That O. R. A N. Company Re : lieve Freight Congestion. FACTORIES CANNOT, GET v . o 1.. THEIR RAW. MATERIAL Committee : Will ' Hold . Conference "With" Railroad ' Officiaia and At - tempt to Secure Favorable Consid eration of the Subject,-' ; -' V Bast a.l-wpartaasna, . " At tba meeting of the St. Johna Com marclal club Wedneaday svenlng. -Presi dent,' Rpgfr called the club'a attention to tha fact 'that the factories along the St.-. Johns waterfront were being put to erloua ' Inconvenience because of the nondelivery of freight by tha O. R4.N. railroad. - Jle pointed' out that for want of matertal used by: these faotorlea, ltlwaa llkaly tha they would have to close down-, until, the congestion -In freight Is relieved. It was suggeated that tha only per manent relief fori this condition would bo the establishing of a freight depot at St. Johns by the O. R. N. Co., that then All St. Johns freight could be billed direct to that'polat Instead of to Port land aa now to be later switched. down the peninsula track at 'tha convenience of tha road. - Tha club voted to take up again the depot question with the O. H. at N. officials. It ;was aald that tha freight shipments to - and from there had. reached a total that -would easily Justify the club in demanding a depot. When the question of . Indorsing tha fiction of the counoll In rejecting the telephone franchise came up for discus sion ther was a marked division of sen timent In ' regard to It, Messrs, Ogdsn, Bishop, Rogers, Chapman and Council man Raser Joining tn tha debate.. No final action waa taken In the matter, as It was thought best to get additional Information as to the- council' -reason for It action; .j ' ' mms - Lillian Movioker received tha Indorsement of the club In her efforts to secure a scholarship In Th Journal educational contaatr . . '. . The new a toe k law, to go Into affect near Tuesday "In Arista, Mount 1 Tabor and Woodstock, baa been found, upon examination, to bo- ao hedged about with restriction aa to make It difficult of, enforcement. Th. law. raakta It In cumbent upon the prosecution to show that the owner of stock was awar that his eow or horse was at' large, or th proaeeutlon cannot be maintained. Th law also says that th takea-up stock must be Impounded by tha officer mak ing the arrest; and a 'ther le neither pound nor arresting-officer In the le trlct, 'trouble will be e Aertenced. In case the- owner of arrested stock cannot be found, notices have to be pbared In three conspicuous plsoe warning him that at the expiration of 10 'day a bis took wll; be sold to pay coata What sver . surplus rtmalhs after aale Is turned Into th district school fund, which-In -thla caa mean the Portland school fund. The legal light of th stock law district aay that tha law Is fatally defective in th provision re eulrlng that ownerj of stook. must be first , notified that their stock I at Urge, tor. the reason, that tt.wUl b al. moat' Impoaalbl . to.- fasten ' ownership upon an unwilling subject. - ' Mount Tabor had a Stock law several years ago, which - proved ineffective. Th law-abiding cltlaena would spend half the', night rounding up th roam ing bossies, only to find the next morn ing that tha owners of the cows had broken Into the pound during tha night and driven them I off, , . Residents of St. Johna are much dis turbed over the rapid apreadlng of th unaqian thistle along the h Ighway and on tha vacant lota of tha lower peninsula. It la aald that a few years ago on of these weed was rarely een in. the St. Johns district., while now they are making their appearance tn all part of the penlnaula. - An effort will be made to have tba St. Johna Commer cial club. take the matter -up with tha county -court, with a view to having a aystematlo warfare waged against th pest A district Infested with both Russian and Canadian thistle Is reported on th bank of Columbia slough, near th crossing of tha Vancouver ear line. Owners of land on th slough, below th point infested, rear that a rise in th river will overflow this patch ef thlatla and result In apreadlng th weed over their holdings. - . ' Ouster proceeding war begun Thurs day against J. B. Tanch, clerk of th St- Johns school district, by th atat of Oregon, on complaint of Pascal H1IL W. ju Churchill waa elected clerk of thla district at th recent school elec tion, but It wa found that he waa in eligible, not being a property owner In th district and he refused to Qualify. J. E. Tanch waa elected at a special election. In place of Churchill, and now Hill proposed to oust Tanch for the same reason that' prevented Churchill from Qualifying. ' ,j . 1 Hill, when aeen m regard to m suit said: Th suit 1 brought merely on property qualifications. I . take tha same ground against Tanch that , be took against Churchill." , ! Tha law is explicit aa regard in property qualifications, and say that a man must appear on th assessor's rojl, not the sheriffs books, a a taxpayer on March 1 prior ttf tho election. Tanoh had not filed his bonaup to the time- of th filing of th a and will probably not fight tn ca.- . Professor T. M. Metsger of th Delia college will fill the pulpit of Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor of tha . First United Evangelical church. Eaat - Tenth and Sherman streets, who will leave" Monday for an extensive eastern trip. Rev. Mr. Winter will go ; to Harrlabnrg- and other Pennsylvania cities, and. October will attend . the-- general conference which meet In Iowa, -'- Professor Metsger will preaeh at tha Second Evangelical church, at Fargo and Kerb? streets, Sunday morning and evening. Mrs.. J. F. Laah, proprietress or the Heller house. Hawthorn and - Grand avenuee. left Wednesday evening for a vlait to bar old home at St Johna, Newfoundland. Thla will b her flrt vlait home after an absence of II years. most of which time has been spent In th hotel business In Portland. Wall WILL TAKE OIL AT DALLES IH FUTURE Big Tank for Filling Locomotives Yftth Liquid Fuel Has J Been Completed. 4 TTnlon. Or.. Aua. llv R. A-'Wllkerson and Mao Wood of La Grand hav pur chased a portion of the B. F. Wilson farm near thla city. Tho amount pur chased waa 120 acre tor a consideration of IT.S0O. - Fruit and alfalfa .will , be raised by the purchasers-. ; Renders ths bile more fluid and thua helpa th blood - to. flow; It afforda prompt' relief from biliousness, Indl aestlon. sick and nervoue headache. and overindulgence In food and drink. (i. U Caldwell, Agt M. K. A T. R. R., Cheootah, Ind. Ter., write. April II: "1 waa eicn ror over iwo years-wim en largement of the liver and SDleen. Tha doctors did m no good and I bad to give up all hope of being cured, when my druggist advised m to use Herbtne. It naa maae me aouna ana viu, a Wooaard, t-ara A vo. TBperlal Dtopatek te JTlie Jeamal.l Th Dalle. Or., Aug. 11. The large ou tana for th O. R. ft N. Co. haa been completed by th contractor, th Erie Heating company of Portland, and the pump hav been etarted for supplying oil to thla Immense receptacle. The capacity of ' th main tank la 100.000 gallons, and that of tho gravity - one, from which th locomotives are directly supplied, Sf.000 gallon. Six hundred gallon a minute 1 th capacity of the pump, and besides furnishing power for th pump, th boiler, during cold weather, wilt furnish steam to aupply heat to 1.000 feat of two-lnoh pipe In tha large tank and 1,100 feet In th mailer one. . A rough estimate of th cost of filling th tank' la placed at $450. ' - - - -,- !.- ' At present only six locomotive run ning into Th Dallea yarda are fitted with oil burner, but aa th company I pushing th work of transforming all of Its 'engines as quickly aei possible. It will be but a abort time before th tank will be In constant use. When th en tire system 1 fitted-with oil burner, the tank will supply HO englnee a month, reducing the 'quantity to 121,000 gallon, and th main tank must be re filled every four month. ' - - v Th work of changing th locomotives began about alx month ago, and before anotber half year elapse the whole sys tem will be changed to ou Burners. GOOD SOAP IS MADE . ; OF UMATILLA ALKALI (Bpettal Dwaetefc t Ike JoarasL) . Pendleton, Or.. Aug. 11. W. H. Rah a, who assisted In tha location of Umatilla alkali tracts for tha purpose of extract ing tba acide to be used In th manufac ture of soap haa received aampl of th soap mad from th Umatilla coun ty dirt, and It 1 apparently all that could be desired for th manufacture of seas. It was mad by th Rainier Mineral Soap company of Rainier, Ore gon. ' : AXfcgetatle rVeparationfbrAa slmSauR? tcroodandEetfula-liiiriStos-ariBandBovnbor lnsOtesDigcsaonXrheeTfuI ness and Rest on tains neither OjAmuMorphine norXiaeraL Not HAac otic Aperfccl Remedy for CoraBps- noaa autir o luntacn, u umnoea and Loss of Suzp. fteaurik Si'gnaMra ef NEvV YOHK. - - For Infxnt and Chllirra. Tlip Kind You llavo Always Doashl . Bearo mo Aw of. v war ocnmvMAmca. ' W aaTB M AW In Use For Ovor Thirty Year Why Be Tied to a Hot Kitchen? YOU CAN WITH A mi ran I . v II I - f I V The OAS RANGE gives you time for summer joys. -' With old-time fuels you're overheated before the fire begins to burn. " " ' r '" f ' 1 , - .... v-;'l . f- , .' ': r '' . With OAS you hive heat only where, when' and a lonr as you want it. . ' ''' ;!?; YouVe i COOL KITCHEN and a cool hems. ,N . With a OAS RANGE you can enjoy a vacation at home. , . ,. ,,; . - . t. . ,. X 5 With the price of OAS NOW 05e NET per 1.0CO cubic feet, it should be used in every household for fuel' purposes.'! v ALL GAS RANGES AND GAS WATER HEATERS PURCHASED? i US DELIVERED AND CONNECTED FREE OF CHARGE, ,, , V- Portland Gas Go. 4 . Telephone Private Exchange 26 -