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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
I I I K r.- i-'. s -x ;. . . ? V ' . ' .t :' ' r I I I I I I I ... III -- . f m ASJSJ. . ' . - , . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '"" 'TV " 1 11 " ff- t': V till lTo z?ris-rr 7rrTunrrrrzf -., " I . v. .- i lis m.: issi . With tbt beclnoliic of tbla month th . wtnttr mm of tb T7Btd SUtet LU MTtnf Barrle w Inaugurated. ,. Tbroocli eat th coming month of bitter cold -. WMtbcr. vbaa th wind bo'wlg In fury nd .tb tit spoil tb iMoxhcfl la ladtn . wltb- tying now tnd aaisd that eat the face like a knife, and thoae wbo lire to eonntry and lty hnrry home, thankful that there ta verm 0r awaltlnc tbem. bead Af tenant oca, mottled In IK kin. r etamhilnr ikmg the Atlantic Co at la a eeaaeleM patrol, ever and ' anon eaatlng thrif eye beread the line of foaming eaae that break la thnnder at their feet, witching for the 'approach of Hgnte that may Indicate that eome reaeel. ,. manned by a. half-freaen erw. I la , danger of being -wrecked on the treacher- one bare that Ha, nnaaea. awaiting tbelr . .prey. . . . At the breakfaat table la the morning a brief dtepatch may tell the atory of xne nignra wen of the Hfe-aarera. It . may merely atate . that a wrecked on each and anca a bar and her crew waa. taken off. by the llfe-aaTer: ana the reader. If he IIto Inland. . ortr the item with a glance. Only thoee wbo ltr within aonnd of the boating water realise the Importance of our rorernrnental llf-Tlng aerrlc. They alone know the peril and aardehlpa . aodergooe by tho hamble men wbo com' pose the station erewa. la order that here end there a few lire may be snatched from the hnngry sea. It makes no dlf-, f era nee whether the endangered persona be the crew of a coasting coaJ barge or : the company on a millionaire's yacht, the ure-earers are at tbelr post of doty la the Interest of homsolty, ready to rescue the anfortunate. wboerer they may be, of whatever race or cHmo. The distress signal la to them a mot appeal to be ' answered, though everyone lay down his . life la the attempt. la carrying on the work of this great bumaaltarlaa serrlca the - Hes-aavlng erewa , receive Inralnabls co-operation from ' a' private society known . as the -Women's National Belief ' Association, having its headquarters la the State of ; New Torkv -This organlssttoa supplies delicate foods and services bl clothing , ' for the ase, of the shipwrecked persons succored at tb stations. This human . work la most timely and of far-reaching : beneflcance. for la many cases of ship wreck, particularly during thejilgbt the " disaster comes without warning, giving those en board no time to secure tbelr clothing or other personal effects, ' and anon reaching shore they are absolutely . destitute, la many- Instances tbelr eon dittos Is rendered even more ' pitiable from long hoars -of exposure before tbelr "TllgHt" Is dlseoveredVand from Injuries eastalaed by - f ailing - wreckage. - - Before , tbla sosocUtlon was formed - the life savers eftea had to deprive themselves . of clothing they could 111 sfford to spare . la order to render comfortable and decent the Buffer they bed rescued. ". With tho ezeeptloa . of, Denmark the i United Stataa ta the only country la the world having a life-saving service sup ported and directed entirely by the gov- ''"ernsaent. There are a total of Z77 eta. " tions distributed along our coasts, ISO ea tho Atlantic and Oulf coasts, 04 oa the Great takes. 1 at the Flis of the Ohio, ' Louisville, .Ky and IS oa the. Pacific Coast. . The aumber of mea em ployed st ' these stations la something like. 1000, T or t men to a station. ' Tb "active sea. , eon" oa the Atlantic Coast (when the station crews are oa duty) Is from August 1 to Kay SI; oa the Lake from tb open- ' lag. to the dose of navigation (usually . from April 1 to November 80). The sta tion on the Pacific Coast are manned the year around for the ressoa that dlaastsrs oa that eoaat are likely to occur at any During the Inactive season only th csptala (called the keeper) of the atatloa crew remains oa 1 duty, tb men (called surf men), who la most esses are native of tb neighborhood, having a two-month vacation. - They are, however, bv the . terms of their enlistment, subject to the sail of th keeper for Hfe-eavlag duty dor i log this period, and are paid S3 for aeb ecactoa of aervlce. The keeper may also employ : volunteers . during th Inaetlv soa when accessary. . - Included la th somber of stations above' given there are oa the eastern coast of Florlds 10 house of refuge, eac. In charge of a keeper during; the entire year. No crews are employed at these stations, a tb coatt la generally pre etpttoua, tad tb places of danger to aavtgstlon are la moat crises so closs In 1i or that th erws of Imperiled vels osually mansgs to rac land anassjttejl. The keepers maintain a patrol, however, and that their services are lodlspenssbls wss Illustrated a poo fbe occasion af the wreck of the Italian bark George Valen tine, which, during the greet storm of October. . 1904, went sun ore daring the night oa the Florida Coast, ooe-tblrd of a mile east of Gilberts Bar House of Bafuge. .- -v ; Th vesaat auck with terrific force, her three steel , masts falling almost simultaneously sad killing a member of the crew. Th otbr.-s en board, number ing 11, finding mat they could not re main on tb vessel, which was rapidly going to pieces, plunged Into the sea and struck out for tb nor. Seven of them, after a terrible buffeting, were thrown opon the beach more dead than alive, but the otbera pert abed In the breakers. The first maa to, reach land was Victor R. E rick son. He wss , well-nigh ei blasted, bat being In better condition than his comrades, hs sreoc started along tb beach In quest of ssslstanre. On his wsy be found one of bis fellows thrown up on -the 7 beech - and -entangled - In om wreckage, whom he freed and took along with blm. . ' While thee tragic Incident were tak ing place th -wrecked vessel wss In visible from the shore, and tb solitary maa at tb Gilbert Bar Button had no Ids of what had occurred until tho ar rival of Erlckwa and hi shipmate, about P. It. After giving th men stimulants and putting them to bed the keeper went to the scene of the dlsastsr, and. unmind ful of tbs raging tempest, worked anttl dawn, when he bad the satisfaction of knowing that be had eaved five Uvea. , For two days' ths storm continued la nnabsttd fury, cutting off all communi cation with tb mainland, reducing the Valentine to a total wreck, and. bad there not been a bona of .refuge oa tbe bar la charge of a brave man, some of those wbo succeeded in getting ashore must have perished for want of soceor. The federal life-saving estahllahmant msy b ssld really to date from tbe year 1871, although tt was not made a bareaa of th government sntll several years later. During tbe winter of 1870-T1 eev ral fatal dlsastsr oa oar eets s roused tb country to th need of adequate protection- to shipping and tbe Uvea of sea farers exposed to tb danger t ship wreck. At that tlm tb Ilf-av1ng op eration of tbe government, such as they were, were under tb uperrttloo of tbe Raven u Marin (now tb Revenue Cut ter Servicer. For th work of reorganisa tion and Improvement tb present gen eral ssperlntendent th Ufe-ssvlng Sevtc was chose a. As appropriation waa scored from Congress, and tbe work of creating ,as adequate life-saving system was begun. By 187S tb project bad at tained such Importance that It waa mad separate bureau. , . , , . Th lif-vlng station srs located wtta reference to paints of danger to (hipping. Oa long stretches of saody beach, such a Cape Cod. tb Long Island and New Jersey Coasts, th stretches between DW I awar and Chesapeake Bays, and from Cap Henry to Cape Batters, th sta tions are located at Intervals of about five miles. These coast are alt very dan gerous, and along tbem vessels are about aa liable to strand at on place as at so other. . This entire coast Is patrolled four times each night, and a patrol Is also maintained daring the daytime la thick weather. - The- frequency of tb atntions enable this Important vigil to be kept and also makes practicable the co-opera-tton between the station crews oa occa sions ! when to perform effective' wreck duty more mea are required tbaa a single atatloa crew ' . - On other eoastCJ$ stations sre not so numerous, being confined 'to Isolated dangerous points. With tbs oaccptioa of perhaps a dosea soeb points oa our coasta, - those . plarea offering a menace to navigation are now amply protected, and wltblo a few years tb coast guard of tb service will stand watch at srery point where protection I seeded. , Is addition to warning vessel off th coast by Cotton light by a icht and by other signal by day and responding to wrecks tbe llfe-avra aid whenever asked, and many mariners bar bad their craft relieved from danger by ' tb surfmen. Tb latter have la many 'Instance gon offsbor to disabled boats, rerlggsd tbem and taken tbem to Place of safety. Tny also co-operate with wrecking companies, and the aumber of vessels saved numbers thousands, while th property - rescued amount to many, millions of dollars. - So carefully la th coast petrolled and" so efficient le th service that the loss of life I reduced-to a minimum. While tb statistics of the season of 1800-S are not yet completed, those of tbe preceding jrears prove that tbe 81,800,000 that la annually expended upon the service la a ' good Investment, ss the following sum mary of the work of tbe department sine It Inauguration ahows: , . ; '.' , Sloe November 1, 1BT1, to th close of tbe fiscal year, June SO, 1903, tb results were: i . f , , . r f Number of disasters.,.'.,.,..,'. Persons Involved.,, ...,,' . Lives lost........ Person succored at statists. Days' succor (forded.. ....... 18,881 Ul.Wd 1,098 - 18,930 84.828 vslu of vessels and cargoes. .8237.042.8fi0 Vain of property seved 1170,708,012 Vslu of property lost........ M7.884.0i7 Of course,; - one ' will - anderstaad that much of the loss of Hf and property oc curred la the day when tbe service was smalt For Instance, 85 persons war lost oa th wreck of the steamer Metro polla In 1877-78, wbea the Service wss Impeded by distance. It being conceded that had the crew been 0a the scene sooner every son! would . hsve been saved. Fourteen ether Uvea were lost daring tb ssms period for a Stmllsr ressoa. Tb genersl summary of th see son 1904-8 shows thst the efficiency of the service Is now at a high standard, the report being i Number of dlsaatsr. .......... . . 788 Persons Involved.. (,044 Parsons lost....; ..,..... , 87 Persons succored. .............. 624 Days' succor afforded - 1610 Value of vessels and cargo.. ...f 10,080,800 Vsloe of property saved....... 83,170.210 . Not Included In th above, 107 persons were rescued from diver sltnstlon In which tbelr Uvea were Imperiled: 27 bsd fallen from wharfa, piers, etc; T were la bathing, 83 were cut off from land by water,'? were la 'burning buildings, S had attempted suicide by drowning, s war lying ea railroad tracka Intoxk-sted, 1 was frostbitten and aneqnsclou oa tb beach, 3 were lost oa the Ice la a tbtck fog, S were la runaway accidents, 1 waa' suffering from a sever hemorrhage, 1 was btttea by a rattlesnake, and S were oa a locomoUv that had plunged through aa opea drsw st eight, Th folly equipped Ufe-ssvlng stations, as msy b seen by th Illustrations, are commodious frame structures, aad noon their location dependa their equipment. Tboss situated n the Atlantic Coaat, wher there srs long strotcbe ef sandy beach, ar provided with light surfbosts, which may be either launched from kids In front ef th houses or else trsasportsd to the scans of the wreck on aide tired carta Horse are ased .to a limited ex tent to haul th beach apparatus oseslly one horse at a station, and la soma cases two. Oa bold shores, where the Hfsboata may s lauscbed directly Into deep water, th self-righting, sslf-balllng boat Is need. .This craft Is a modi Ilea tloa of the English type of lifeboat, la tbe wsy of stability, and la other respect has advantages ever tb lighter boats. ' Tb adoption ef mechanical power for the larger boats of tbe service is a new feature, which . has -not ss yet become general, but It Is proposed to pises power boats at all stations where conditions wtu permit of tbelr befog Isuocbed- with fa cility, they ' are considerably hssvtsr tbaa any boats 1 bo generally ; used I weighing five or ste tooaV-asd' at many stations, wher th -beach le-abelvlng, or I where there la a surf, they could be got ten Into deep water only with, great dlf-. Acuity, If at alL Tbe operation of launch ing would glso Involve considerable delsy at a time wbea momenta were precious. Tbe few boat of this type that have been Installed have proved their practice blllty, aad ths, Innovation promises te be a valu able addition to tbe equipment of the service. . Tbe government la constantly oa the lookout for . effectv llfeeavlng appll ance. and there exists a board oa life saving appliance, which meet once a year to. examine aad test tb practica bility of all dsvlcsa submitted tor Its consideration. ; . ',' . ' :, At some points oa the Paelfl Coast, where the shore la rocky, aad there ar great bluff overhanging tb water, th transports tloa f tb life-saving appa ssww(ii:jrvt.' ratus i beset by dlffleultle and pack mule have been Impressed Into service, . A very Important festurs of th serv ice la Its system of telephone lines, of which It bss ; upward . of 1,500 miles. Wherever practicable the telephone serv ice extends from station to station. It Is also connected with tbe commercial and maritime center of th country, to which are transmitted wreck sews and other Information relative to shipping. By Ita aid wrecking outfits are frequently called to th aid of stranded and dis abled vessels In tlm to prevent great loss, v It also enablea a station-keeper to summon th craw of other stations to hla assistance tor wreck doty wbsa usees-' ssry. , ' , .. . ' - If the Ufe-saver snatch lives from t!iS tnastlsbl sea, tbe tatter take" It toll from tb former, and every now and then a surf mas give ap bis tlfs in tbe at tempt to sat s others. : On of tbe most noteworthy sacrifices ef II re-sat rs la their attempt to anccor tb helpless was oa March it. 1002, wbeo seven of tb crew of tbe Mounmor Rtatlon lost tbelr Uvea while responding to tb signal ef a panic etrtckra crew of fir men oa the barge Wadena, which waa stranded pa Shovelful Sboel. ff tb southern esd of Mooomoy Island. Cap Cod. Three Sv mea subsequently lost tbelr lives, but from evidence, gathered afterwards It was onelutvy their own fault , ;.' V ' , Th . barges Wadena . and Fttspstrlek want ashora oa th night af Itaroh U. darlnga northeast gala and a. heavy aa. A fsw hours later the life-savers took ant the esew. , When th wathr asodatatod wreckers were engaged to Hghtea tb ' barges, sad off snd oa th work waa ear- ' rlsd on until th sight of March 18, wbea .' tbe weather became so threatening that , the wreckers, with the exosptioa of five en the Wadena and three oa the Fits- ' Patrick, abaadoasd the work aad sought harbor. " . . ' . ;. .r:-'-- 'Tb sxt morning about S ofemek the keeper 'saw a distress slgsal Dying from th Wadeaa. although th wssthsr was thick, rain was falling and a fresh south- ' sat wind waa kicking ap aa ugly sea, th bargv did sot seem to be la any danger. Notwithstanding there waa ths signal. ' and th keeper said to his crew, W most go. Tbsr la S distress flag la the y rigging." - The Ufeboat was manned and tb trip " begun, ,s Tb ' sea was running sooty oa th ahoala aad th boat shipped great qusntltles of water, adding'' to tbe dls- comfort of th men, ' Tb boat, however, reached th barge and the five mea Jumped la. Aa- th boat waa eat adrift -and th osrsmsn were trying to torn her a sea' broke aver tbem sad poured con siderable water Into tb boat. In an Instant the five men beeam panto stricken. . They stood ap,- clang to th surf men and Impeded tbem so thy could . not manage the boat and a bug wsve struck the Uttle era ft and turned tt ever. Twice the Ufe-ssvers righted tt. bat escbr -tlm th seas upset it. Th water was bitterly cold, and the foam of the break- . era almost suffocating, while the terrible buffeting caused the mea ona by one to lose their hold and they asnk sntll bat ona was left. Be, too, would have pec la bed bad sot Cape Elmer F. Mayo, wba . was on the Fttspatrick nearby, at the risk of his Ufc'laonched a dory and resetted the half dead surfman. Thus, of a dosea men. but on survived, and tb lost seves Uf-avr represented one of the most -fearlesa crews along th dangeroua coaac Tb Wadena remained safe several days aftsr the dlaaster, and tb goner) coa vlctloa Is that the men were practically a sscrlfleet oa one band to the aesdless , apprshensloa snl senseless panle of ths mea oa tb bsrge, aad oa the other to their owe high sense of doty, which would not permit tbem to tore their ' back apoo a signal of distress. ' " Th surfman tn his vigil sloag ths shore keeps a lookout fur small, aa well aa large crafts. Oa the ' night af Sep tember 88, 1901, the patrolman from Gay Head Station, Massachusetts, saw a , feebly flickering light waving . through th darkness a few hundred yards off shore. He promptly burned his cootoa. aa a signal of encouragement and called out the boat crew.. Within half aa hoar ltr. Edward H. Raymond, D. D. 8., of Sub mit, N. X snd his soa were takes, mora deed tbaa atlve, from a small yacht, Mr. Raymond later gratefully ackaowV edged the service rendered by writing to . the department th following letter? "Summit, N. T., October S, ISM. ' . Dear Sir I wish to praise the keeper . and crew of tbe Gay Head Ufe-sarlng Station for their prompts sad efficiency In rescuing my son and myself from possi ble death oa September 25. While cruis ing la. the small yacht Natica we were caught In a sudden' northeast gsJ a night, and after battling with It for five hour without making any headway, and getting aumb with wet and cold, aad ex hausted with bard work, we were obliged to cast anchor oa a lee shors Just oatatd of a dangerous bar. W swung a laawra a . few times, and received a response through tbe darkness from th patrol oa tb beach by tb bornlng of a red light. In du tlm th lifeboat was alongside. snd we were rescued, more dead than allvo. With good car and attention i soon revived. They put a crew oa board sf terwsrd snd saved th yacht. I cannot commend tbelr services too alga ly, fully appreciating their noble rescue st a time when hope waa almost gos. '. (Signed)'': v ', " V;' . . ." ",. EDWARD H. RATMOSD. a D. 8." Th above Is but on of tbe asany let- ' ten received annually by the department, la similar veto the writers pay their trib ute to the brave and self -sac rifle tug maa who, by their energy and fearlessness. . nave placed tbe TJalted States Life-saving Service on a pinnacle around the base of which all nations stand and look upward ' to With onvy. . THOMAS WILSOX . Dlaueoad Kyeo. '' ' " ' ' " . ' '' . la tb beautiful church ef St Pants : Fuorl Je Mora, Is Rome, there are two diamonds set In a rsther odd lac Tbee tone were gives to tb church by lss belli II. of Spain. Above tbe eolumo of tbe Inner nli'ee and transept Is s row of medslllons of sll the pope. Th t med'slllnns, altbougb Ibey look wx i smaller from ths Boor, ar reslly f Is dlnmeter. Viewed from s certain f i tlon th ejtes of on ef the popes s l to emit lightning flaahes at (lutes 1 at ethers le (low with a lurlj K Those sre the diamonds tlunated t.7 i gpsnlak Uueen. I1