'a.z oniGc:; jaelx jou.,..l, wtlakz satuuay VILLIE TESTINGHOUSE MAGES LIFE PLEASAH? IH '"ME "COOTY ilif $MJ-Ji- -$$-WM: : 'tffTF- : AT ' Dear MammarTommy and I went blackberrying the odier day and found ' . all the biggest berries were in middle of the thickets. Their we got busy and built twinging platform fronvwhich-ta pick the! Undpjorothought it such av good scheme. that ho insisted oo trying it. terries iit safety. . ' ' .1 , ' ' , .,-,, - . ' 1 1 I II 11 .. I VHMHHMOBHJ ,v ' fcl Bat it was built only for boys, and broke under bis weight- And let him- down into the brambles. , ID in VVhcawe got him. Cut he threatened ta send me home, . Yours iQfriosm WESe. PROCLAMATION" ; BEHO L 0 "THE KING- BUllDETH A NEW THRONE AND DE5IRETH ALL THE 1Y0RY IN THE KINGDOM, HE PAYETH OOUBLf PRICE FOR ELEPHANT TUSK5JHEREF0RE BRlNfr' YE FORWARD AIL YOUR IY0RY, ALL YE FAITHFUL SU0JECT3. ' ' SSIiSdL J7 I'VE UUN fOYMW) CffwHAT wul ' F (SiGRACtlS, worthy m V- v ' : XJT i frrkfi a VAp'VrxT IxS his throne or hissinccats : k M'f;vY'!V - A .LPL r'wfe, V O J 'y I AW WD GIVE AUDIENCE 'UNTO.-. ' ' . C i C C-J s .