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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
XI TJIS OafcGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,: SATURDAY EVSNIirO, 'AUGUST 11, ' Ittl - -.1 ' 1 ,n mm- -mm I tt . . , i !KaMgilli , " " . . ,-itbf mm , j - . '-jajBJ j, . ' w, Newport . swrlal,'OarrMmaadaaee to Tha JooraaL) Newport. Auf. 10. Tha first week In August has seen a greater ruah than ever to this popular resort. The life at tha hotels Is tha gayest while the cot tagora daily plan diversions that bring Pleasure to their enacts. Tha beach la crowded each day wKh bathers, the water this week being delightful. , Fish, tag is also a popular pastime. - ' O. W. Talbot general manager of the Hammond Unas, came to Newport Bat- urday on a special train. Thar .were II prominent railroad men in the party. Mr. Talbot waa greatly pleased with tha liberal patronage the popular summer re sort is receiving thla summer. ' ' Neal V. Murray and a party of friends event Bandar at Newport Curtis Merrick and Miss Katharine Merrick, after spending the past few (weeks at Nye creek, returned to their home in Portland. , ' x ? Mrs. H. K. Lugger and-daughters, Theresa, Kittle and Minnie, are at their cottage. "Snug . Harbor." ' , W. Wl Banks of Portland arrived Sat urday evening for a few days visit with Mrs. Banks at Nye creek. Burt Roc ka way, the well-known capl- tails t of Roseburg; la spending a few days at Newport HJe is stopping at the Bay View bouse. Charlea Noonan of Jacksonville Is anutftiv a fm Mwki vlalttnar nla mnlhw and sisters, who have a cottage at Nye ". creek. - -'- Colonel E. Hoefer and Miss - Maria Hoef er arrived Saturday night and joined - the: rest of the family at their cottage at OlsonvUle for the remainder of ' the summer. ...'.,.- Nye, Brook house J. C Butler, X W. Brewer Jr., Marie B. Chambers, Elisa beth Baldwin, ' Lenore Qreene. MUla Morris, Dr. and Mrs. B. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Braden, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Terry, William Bodman, Beaale Bodman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris. Mr. and. Mra. P. J. . Peterson, May Vandeleur. O. H. CarMon. Ralph Carlson. Dr. and Mrs. J. Quimby, - THIas Carrie Quimby, Mr. and Mra. Phllo Hoi brook. Portland; Frank Fletcher, Carl Sheitean, Forest Grove; 8. Phillips, Balem; Neal V, Murray; M. M. Miller. E. O. Miller, Albany; Mary. Anderson, Mrs. X- C Hanson, SL Peterson, Amity. Irvin house J. W. White. Flora Oam mie, Maria Oammle, Mr. and Mrs. C E Corey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greene, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dable, Helen Cable. Ethel liayes, Ala Deneeton, Georgia Deneeton, O. H. Pridean. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bayef. J. C. Bayer, jr., Katharine Merrick. Os car Rolson. Nellie Faucet, Portland; E. P. Snodgrasa, Kafherlne C Kelly, John P. Kelly, Eugene; W. L. Thompson, J. 1 Irvin, Mrs. Kola Nees, Dr. W. H. Ellis.. Albany; Elsie Heyt Perrydale;' Minna Van' Cleve, - Knoxville; Mrs. Dlckerson, Miss Mabel Dlckerson. 8. M. Russell, Springfield; Mrs. George A. Wilcox, In 4letiamlane: ' H. H. MarkelL Fnreat Orove; Max Buren. Salem; G. T. Kelly, Snowden. CaL; Mr. and - Mrs. G. B. Wright McMlnnvllle; Dr. B. X. Sanger. Ashland: Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay, Miss Marjie Kay. Salem. ' Ocean house D. T. Brush. Mr. and Mra C J. Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. C D. Brunn, Mr. and Mra. Joseph R. Ryan, ' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Caldwell. Miss Ralbit Mrs. Wal lace, Mr. and Mrs. O W. Talbot W. L. Herman, Mra J. EX Stevens, Miss Helen Stevens, J. A. Stevens,' Mr. and Mrs. J. Verstey. Mra Q. Verstey, Portland; , Grace E. Goode, Ada E. Jory, Edward , Jory, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Miss Anna Stout Mr. and Mrs? W.'Breyman, Dr. 8. Parvlne. C W. Brown, J. P. Bog- -ra, B. Rogers, Mra C Martin, P. W. ' Kennedy. Balem; Dr. M. H. Ellis, Al ' banv: Bruce AsolnwalL Robert Cole. f Brooks; August Rossi, George Thyng, C. i E. Sprecht Me vert on; J. M. Cahoon and I family, Z. N. Aye, Foreat Grove; It. L -rdle E. Hall, O. A, Robfrtson. Indnpend , ence; Georgia B. Smith, Grants Pass; Miss Lillle Webber. Alia Webber, Mary 'Morrow, Wasco; C. W. I Stengel, Mon- mouth. ' - 4 '. Bradshaw Houae Mra C Griffey, Mr. and Mra W. T Gardner, John Kennedy, . Mrs. 8. 8kidmore, Miss Lillle Gardner, Portland: Mr. and Mra. Jesee Applegate, I Mrs. D..H. Jacksoa, Mies Bernlce Jack , son, Jacksonville; J. L. Hastings and family, Miss Bales, Regtnla Raat Ger ! trade Rat Lillian Stanton, Roseburg; Bernlce Cheesman, Eugene: .Lulu Mar tin. Springfield: Mr. and Mrs. o E. lie ' Lain, Grants Pass; Dr. Bertha SawyerJ ytaniana; rs. iu r. southern. Miss Southern, Chic go; Mra P. Fort, Miss D. , Hughea Salem. . McDonald house Mrs. Nelce, Mrs. W, Turlnger. Mrs. Hlosser, Mra. O. E. Bode, Albany; Jack Taylor, Corvallls; Miss Agnes Harris, Miss Laura Harris, Eu gene; Captain and Mra M. n.' Phillips end daughter, Oregon City; Colonel G. W. Bond. Portland; Miss Sophie W. Wis neskl, San Francisco. . Abbey House Henry Meeds, Dr. and Mra Dabney, N. A. King. James J. : J.ynn, H. A. Metchon, J. R, Flynn, c Ixlivtn,- N. O. Wslker. Mr. and Mrs. William Bateman, Emma Batsman. C J. Cook, N. 8. Bryant, W. L Gardner, i, McMeehaa, A. S. Shafer, Portland; , Ira Wade, Toledo; Mr. and Mrs E. C Vltipatrick, R. E. Williams, Dallas; A. Klosterman. McMlnnvllle; Clans Luder man. Wslpost; Mra J. Turner, Beryl Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Thealkerford, Vf. W. Alllngham, Albany; E. N. Tandv. Harriebsrg; H. R. Morris, Miss M. Stafford, Deacon Davis, Eugene; W. C Raetalt Miss Rastalt. SUets; John Mo Iwnlels, Columbia. South Carolina; Mr. and Mrs. William '. Bateman, Grants Paaa; Mr. and Mra W. B. McCotirt HUlaboro; Miss Katla, Soott Miss Kmlly Hatcher, Balem; L. 8. Hurden, Coeburg .... r f Bay View House Ina McClnng. C 8 Crawford. Otto Rummell Jr., Mr. and Mra 3. R. Kranser. Miss Montgomery, J. O. Hlllbock. William Pollvka, M. t. I'olUna. E. C Patton. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Uulmby. W. H. Hamilton. Phllo Hoi rook, j: A. Duff, Portland; George II. J raves, U. ,W. Molr, Salem; Mr. and i Mrs. Walter I Too a. Leslie Lamar and L. Ethel Toot. Woodburn; Bon Clee- land. Oscar Zeyeas, Mra R. E. Mason. Mr a. I. A. Munkera Mra E. C Warford, Lena Stellmacher. Anna Munkera K- u. Cofur. It K. Cofur, N. P. Cofur, Mra. j. j. Anderson, u. js. warrora. Aionj; W. H. Holman. Daniel I. Ashbury. O. W Jones. A Klostarman. McMlnnvllle Wlllla Krummer. Myrtla Crack; Mr. and Mra-H. W. Kausplsct Corvallla; A. E. Lake. Tha DalJea; Mra. 8. C Church, Walport; Mr. and Mra, J. D. . Hasktna Walla Walla; Mr. and Mra. W. F. Dea- mond. Leadbury: Mr. and Mra. J. Mc Donald. Alton, Illlnoia; Mra M. Cook. Cornallua; Mra. J, Roaa Grand Rapida. Michigan; Mr. and Mra. T. M. Reed, Jefferson: Miss ' Maud Reynolds, Eu irene: F. Slatter. Molbrook; C. A. Nichols, Junction City; C. 8.. Morrison, Stevenson.' .... Cloud Cap Inn (Hoerlal CarrMsoedeaee 'to The Joeraal.) Hood River. Aug. 10.VUItore have been at Cloud Cap Inn this week a plenty. While few make the climb to the sum mit of Mount Hood, all the visitors en joy the grand scenery and cool brasses that blow from the snow field. The squirrels and chipmunks around the Inn are more numerous than any previous season. . They hsve become so tams that nearly all day they are around the yard, hoping to secure peanuts or soms other toothsome ttt-blt from tha guests. - Four persons climbed to the summit of Mount Hood this week. ' r Those registered, at Cloud Cap Inn are: Miss Qulgg, Miss I. M. Kistner. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walter, Mr. and Mra H. E. Brooke. Mra W. B. Streeter, Mr. and Mra C. E.' Wlghtman,' Mr.- and Mra. J. W. BIckford, Dr. E. D. Johnson, 8. H. Grueber, A. J. Ketchum, Portland; P. P. Patton. Pittsburg, Pa.; Mra J. W. Bailey, HlUsboro; MUs Mabel Carter, Hood River; Miss Hattle Goold, Miss Grace A. Robinson, and Ml as A. E. Ret ter. Oil City, Pa.; Mies . R. Henn, Buf falo; Miss Lena Soiick. Fosston, Minn, . Clatsop Beach? (Bpeelal Oaneapoedaaea to The learaal.) , Clatsop Beach, Or- Aug. 10. Both, la point of attendance and In the enjoy ment afforded Its guests the past week has been a banner -one for Clatsop Beach. Exceeded only by last year In the number of purely transient visitors the present season baa seen more people at this popular resort for tha summer than ever before In Ha history and the number of arrivals this week has been heavier than at any time since the sea son opened. ' safalmff jpopaiar. A bath in the. surf fppears to have lost none of its charm, but on tha con trary, the number who venture In seems to increase aay Dy aay. -j no wnoie beach presents a veritable scene of ac tivity when the bathing hour arrives, and those who do not enter the surf And nearly as much amusement watchi lng those who participate 1n the sport Extra precaution has bean taken agalnat accidents this year and this perhaps Is one 6f . the ressons why so many yen ture In the surf. 4 Many Bntertalameata, Social entertainment If ' not lacking ofrjP.afe,:W and .there Is plenty to while away the spare moments tne visitor may find on hs handa The usual number of small parties,, entertainments 'and musicales have been given during the past week. The musicals given by the Arlon so ciety of Portland over last Sunday waa one of the enjoyable. events of the sea son and a treat that musical lovers will not soon forget The concert was wit nessed by a large crowd and the selec tions were well rendered and appre ciated.. r The regular hops In the pevflloa on the Shell road are also a source of pleasure for the younger set - Sea Ashing. seems to. have taken on new life during the past few daya . The pier in front of the Moore hotel Is well lined at all times of the day and as a rule each fisherman can make some sort of a showing of his skill as an angler. As usual Moore's hotel ts the head quarters of the fishing crowd and fish ing stories la the evening Invariably follow. A better class of visitors a class that will do a great deal to build up the beach have appeared at the resort this summer and as a result many substan tial improvements have already been announced. Beach property Is on the boom and a number of choioe sites have changed owners. Several cottages are a w 4 ' ' -' , - . ' - . " - , x ' " ' ' ' " I I . " , ' ' " " j- V ' i i - S-- . " - - , . ' ' - t - 'Si . -! , - s- '' , I ' ; . : - s f I ' a - ; , . . , - - : f f ' 1 1 ' ( 1 , f . ' ' " ' - V. ' - . , 1 ' 'Cr " -oAC.. t - f-f 1 r ' V . .r C '''7z - - '" 1 s . f , " -??mm"y " ' : f ' ,i ,-, I , . ' - l , 'mmr -4 & fi A ' X A jj. 4tA. I.. ' , - rmmTT t y ' - ' l v ' 1 - V (7 ii " - - - .- la the course of construction and a num ber more will built before tha next, sea' son 'opens. ' Oeea 8lda rark. . ; .' - Improvements at Kruse's new resort Ocean Side park, are going steadily for ward. The grounds are being Improved ana oeauunea and roads and board walks are being constructed.'1 Other 1m provements. such as tha light and water systems are about completed, and not tne least to be mentioned la the fine new hotel which. Mr. Kruse will enact after the present season has closed. ' Among those registered at Lecksley aaii are: . .. -, . , . Mra Bolton and .daughter, Mra Bnacaeiaroro,- Jessie Bancroft: LT T. Wang, r. T. Edwards, G. W. 81mpson, u. vaspar. ueorge Dolph, W. Pelton, X P. Cudwortb, Henry Engel. Joseph Adder., Mai Kramer, Mr. and Mra H. J. Miller. Mr. and Mra U. M. MUla Benjamin Ville, George Michel, Mr. and aars. varpenter, .Miss Josephine Jenkins, Miss Martin. R. W. Schmeer, J. T. Moylan. Mst and Mra Louis Dammaache, Frank Arnold. E. H. Wandd. B. Eyeeell, air. ana Mra JrY Wagner and daughter. Heny Tuerck. T. Esaer, " P. Freeman, Mr. and Mra J. T. Stooewood. Portland: sura jaggy, winneld Jaggy. Sidney Jaggy, George Johanaen and family, Vancouver: J. McSate, Astoria; Eleanor aa. ontw, opoxane; Mra. w. o. rreston, Waitsburg; George Klrkoatrlck. Wash ington, Dlstrlot of Columbia; J. Haw (noma Astoria: - aire. IX A. cudwerth. St Paul, MlnneaoU; Fannie Potter, Ore gon uity; 0. . Kemp, 8t Louis; A. B. Zelle, SeatUe; BL Knox OlymDla: Mr. and Mra ' A, ' Hoefer, Junyy-Off-Joe Creek; Carl Crboka W. H. Marshall. Ooldendale; Mr. and Mra W. J. John son, North Taktma; Mra B. W. Fletcher. rranx IvUiDura. miss A. Ellera Mra A. E. Buttner, Castle Rock. . . North Beach iRoeelal CaemeaanAiiiM, ttk Th Inamal . North Beach, Aug. IV. The travel to the seashore has been very heavy dur ing- tha paat week, thla beach In par ticular bains' the destination of mrrmmt numbers of pleasure-seekers off for 1 their vacations.' People were quick to take advantage of the restoration of the steamer Potter to 'service and on her first trip after the . accident the old favorite fairly teemed with people carrying passengers to the very limit of her capacity. The tralna have also been the means of conveying hundreds of visitors to the bealch this week, and the tugboats were taxed - to. transport the passengers from Astoria, t r The crowd on Sunday was the largest of the season and. boarding-house- keep ers and hotel, managers were worn oul In their effort to accommodate the peo ple that besieged them for rooms.. The return trip of the Potter relieved the congested . condition, carrying off most of the transient vialtora . '. More cottages have been opened this year than ever before. Dwellings that have been closed several seasons are seen with shutters down and every sign of occupancy.. , ' . - Am Aa-aTlght Oatix. - ' ' ; A Jolly party, composed mostly of guests of the Driftwood cottage, as sembled on the beach last Friday night to watch the eclipse of the moon. A huge bonfire . was built over which marahmallows were toasted and songs and stories whlled away the hours until Mm1m&m-im&4A6&&Kmm& Boating on Lake the phenomena occurred at t . o'clock. Thinking It useless to seet their beds at such a lata hour, the merry-makers procured a large wood wagon and went on a crabbing expedition. Their trip proved very successful and by o'clock they were Aack to the cottage with loo crabs as a result of their morning's work. The Kllllngsworth cottage at New ton's Station Is an Ideal one for enter taining and an evening seldom passe that some one of his hospitable family Is not dispensing pleasure to some of her frlenda. On Monday : ' evening a large affair was given by Mlas Nlnt Kllllngsworth In honor of Mra Le Roy Stowell. Flinch was played at five tables and , elaborate refreshments served late, In the evening. Among the guests were: Mra Le Roy .feHowell, Marguerite Templeton, -rLou, ' Fay and Nina Kllllngsworth, Mrs. Kllllngsworth, Miss Ruth Jarvis, Mra Templeton. Charles Templeton. Frances Brady, Will Brady and Florence Kl lings worth.. On Thursday evening the gentlemen from the Harvest Home Invited a num ber of their friends to enjoy with them a large bonfire which they had spent a day in constructing on the beaoh. Their guests-were, royally, entertained with mandolin selections, songs and stories and abundantly .snppired with refresh ments. Among. those who shared la i T'-" - T 'r ; . -v1 ', t - i . - ' - - t Miss Rose Schacht It One of tha this ' evening's ' festivity ' were: - .The Misses Fay, Nina,' Lou . and Florence Killings worth. Miss Frances Brady, Ruth Jarvis. Mra. Le Roy. Stowell, Miss Mc Coy, the MeJsra. Farrell, Hudson, Mon tag, Brady. Templeton and Palmer. . J The dining-room of the Hotel Salt Air was the scene of a delightful dance on Thursday night In" which about SO couples took paVt Refreshments were served . during the evening by Mra Porter. " ..- t , : "An affair which attracted ' visitors from all parts of North Beach was the complimentary concert given at Mack ney cottage on Friday evening for Miss Elisabeth Harwas of .Portland, who .la a singer of some note and contributed three numbers to . the program which were ' enthusiastically received. - - The Seavtew Mandolin club played several good selections, and Miss Edwlna Mas tick, soloist In the First Unitarian church of Portland, ' added greatly to the program. Among others who kindly assisted in the evening's entertainment 7s J 1 1 ji&Ji Breakers. were Miss Frances Brlgham, Miss Irene Flinn. Miss Maud Bell.-Sidney Rasmus sn and Miss Nancy Besles.- ' - - i On Tuesday evening the guests of the Hotel Breakers had an Informal - card party. : . . .- r-'u; .. ' OI4 Crame Bevlved. . A "croquet contest" held on the lawn adjoining the' Hotel Wlckham, arousedj " - , " ' " ' ' ' ' i ' " - " , Vi Kim, c.iifin,iu amuiii li i w Bpccuuiri.. Bldee were chosen, Herman Von Bolstel. J. Callahan,' 8. Stipes - and Charlie Holmes playing against A. Wlckham, Dr. 8. Hawiby, Osmond Wlckham and George Cadwell. - The latter team -won.- , A trip to North Head under ordinary clreumstsncea la a -most enjoyable- one, but made on " horseback- is very -much more exottlng. A party, from Seavlew rode to the lighthouse on Tuesday '.and declared it one of the most delightful experlenoes of their visit to tha beach. The party consisted of the Misses Min nie and Evelyn Cohen; Sophie Beck,' Maud Bell, Fred' Hasklns, Carl Nsth, Roy Pease and - Clifford - Warren. . ' . . , Miss Lou KJUlngsworth, who Is en tertaining Miss .Grace Jarvia gave, a toffy pull for her gusst.on Thursday evening to which- the following friends were invited:. Lou Height Edna Height Alia, Edwlna and Gora Mastlck, Bdlth McCoy, La Come Jamison, Mra Jami son, Bessie Dupee, May Zleglar, Berttna Robertson, Marx 0J)JJa JUoulaa Wat ' : - ' ': ' ,. -,. ', A" WW ( Best Swimmers at North Beach., on. Will Dolph, Will Cooper, Coe Mac Kenna, Noah Frederick, Peter -Hudson, Will Brady. L. Mon tag, Charles Tem pleton, - Frances Brady, Hasel -Foster, James Brady and Ruth Jarvia -- mm Professor and . Mra Jamison enter tained, a -large number of friends -on Tuesday evening. A .'beach fire waa followed .with a supper served in the cottage. ' ; '..'; .-. . A solo party was given In the par lors of the Hotel Wlckham -on Mpnday evening, - H. S. Jackson -winning first prise and the .consolation was awarded to Mrs. M. 1 L. . Holyman. Among the players were -Mr. and Mra H. 8. Jack son, Mra M. L. H oilman. Miss T. F. Def rles. Mra , Markewita ' Mrs. J. Bchemansky, Mrs. E. B. Colwell, Mra Osmond Wlckham, pr. W. E. Russell, Mr. Markewlts and H. Geraon. ' . Trip to Saoalwater Bay. An excursion to Shoalwater Bay was made on Friday by Misses Mthnle and Evelyn Cohen, Fay Lorenson, Sophie " 11 1 1 1 r .4 peck ' and ' Maud " BelL " A ' drive home through'" the ' cranberry mareh and through 'the wpods back of Long Beach completed tha day's outing. , A musicals evening waa a feature of the week at the Driftwood cottage, Mr. 8. 'White and Mr. Stockdale entertaining their audience for a few hours on. Tues day evening, aaslsted by others from among r the guests. Miss Nellie Mann was the accompanist . The largest bonfire that has been seen on North Beach "this season was built in front of the Height cottage at Seavlew on Tuesday and In the evening l,young people assembled there to wit ness -the conflagration of-the huge pile of driftwood and to assist Miss Hsight In. making '-the1 farewell party to her guests a -memorable ona.'The' affair waa-given for Miss Flora Dunham and Miss Ellsha -Harrison, who have been visiting- Miss Height! for the Jest fort night and '.who returned to-Portland on Thursday. The . novel .feature of the evening, was. tha Virginia' reel, -daaced on the beach by moonlights - :Tea of Mary Kern's friends helped her ) to celebrate her fourteenth' birth day on. Tuesday evening. .They arrived In a body. Surprising hsr completely and passed a gay evening dancing and play ing t gamea ' The . party-was, arranged by,. Doris Mdjruth j?lumgar, Ixan, Al ' . - -i. . -i ' " i I I Hasel RusselL Miriam Miaa Don ald." Frank Smith,' Clarence Smith, Ed ward Mae Donald, Robert Sbeehy and James Sheehy. " , Mlas Hasel Foater la visiting Miss Frances Brady at Tioga.' ' Misses Edwlna and Ramona Danners are guests at the Mastlck cottage at Sea vlew. .,-.''. :'-'. Mra' George T. Dunning, Mra J. D. Dunning and Miss Daisy Dunning hava a Mra Leonard Langford is entertain ing her two daughters, Mra Ross Plum mer and Mra. George D. petera Dr. George Petera spent Sunday at the Langford cottage. ...'.;.-, Mra J. T. Murphy and Miss ' Anna Nelcken are In the Rolfe cottage at Long Beach. - ., : . r '. Miss Lee Gruninger, who has been 111 at the cottage of William Kllllngsworth, Is rapidly, regaining her strength. ' Dr. and Mra Templeton have taken a cottage at Centervllle for the' summer. They sirs at present entertaining Mra Le Roy Stowell. - Miss Celeste Dygartand MlaeTucile Kenwortby are guests of the S wetland oottage. - - ' Dr. Gillespie has opened a cottage at Centervllle. which he has named Point Loma.- Mra Normandy is visiting Mra Gillespie. .Earl Collins and Samuel Eddy are ex pected to arrive at the beach the early part of the week. They will camp at Centervllle. ; '. Mra C V.. McKelvey has opened a cottage near Newton's station. Merle McKelvey la with her mother ana Kins la "exoected at the end of next week. Misses KIna and Merle recently re turned from California. .. . Ralnh Ervln M visiting J. H. Lover- Ins at Long Beach. . Miss Llaale Dickens Is the guest or Mrs. D. W. Crowley at Tioga. Miss Nan Rice Is spending a few daya at the beach.'..'-- . 1 Miss ' Irene Fllnn Is at the French cottage at Seavlew. , , : '. 1mMxt Oahohes of Orasa. This seems to have been an unlucky week- for- Mr.- Crab, for . be -has been visited so often and so persistently thst thousands Of his family have been found to -leave their ' homea Will Kllllnga worth caught 400 craba on Tuesday and Bert Irwin succeeded In filling his auto mobile on the same morning. Every one baa been enthusiastic over - crab bing... A." Miss Beatrice Fltchener Is being en tertained by Pauline Filhlan at tb Fithlan cottage at Holman station. '. ' James McKlnnan haa been the gueat of the Jef fry cottage for' a few daya William Lang, who visited at the same place,- left for .Portland on Wednesday. Mra F. M. Buschnell la at the ocean View. - - , "" . Mrs.' Sherman D. Brame Is spending a week at Long Beach. The family of F. C.-Browning Is com fortably, situated In a cottage' at. Long Beach. ... .'-.-. . :. - '' - M pretty camp on the road leading to Ilwaoo Is occupied by A-.Farehley and his slstec. Miss Carrie Parshley. Hopkins Jenkins and Mr. Breece. both of whom are connected with the-Port land achoola at at the Jenkins cottaga Mr. and Mra J. P. O'Brien. Lillian O'Brien and Mr. and Mra Stanley spent five daya of the week at tha Breakers hotel. . . . Miss, Anna Dllllnger Is registered at the Hotel Salt Air. Tha Schade' cottage at Long - Beach has been opened by Mra Caroline Beck. George Campbell and a few .friends are camping at Seavlew. C Campbell and' Roy Helnkla visited them over Sun-. day. ' ' ...'.- -." . " - ''-: A. H. Mumford and family of Wash- ougal are camping a Long Beach. . Mra Daniels Is entertaining Mtss OrtB at Tioga - Milton Seaman la camping at Long Beach. f - Councilman ' and Mra Maatera and family will spend the month of August In their cottage at Long Beach, -i Profeasor A. W. Hendricks Of Whit man college. Walla Walla, who has been the guest of the Honorlue cottaga left thla week for Portland, where be will spend a few daya before leaving for boma -i - I ' . - - - . - ,Mra ' -Wendling .came 'from . Portland this week - to open . the Bilxa Corbett home, which will' be occupied, by the Corbett family, during the remainder of the summer. 4, ,j 1 . 4 , ; Mr. and Mra Ted Langford and little daughter are .occupying. the .Berry cot; taaa - '" --- .. ' ' i J- P. - Bronaugh and . family . are la. a cottage at Tioga.. Mr. and Mra James Campbell of Seat tie are guests of Mra H. R. Robertson at Shelbourne. ' ' Miss Mary Lou Beck is at the Break ers lor a week. - : ' CMamoada a nwaoo. ' The Glamonda, a sailboat familiar to the eyes of every boatowner In Port land. Is a present anchored at Ilwaco dock, while her crew la spending a few daya at .the Beach. Ralph and Leo Hahn, Guy Bennett and Charlea Geuld lng sailed In the Glamonda from Port land fin Saturday and after a rough and exciting trip arrived at Ilwaoo on Tuea- day. : - ;. .:,.' : The Shea cottage at Seavlew has been opened, Mrs. Shea and Mabel arriving on Sunday.- The Misses Ethel and Anna Shea will spend the last two weeks of August at thebeach. ' Dr. Clarence (Nichols ; Is, with-his family at Tioga. , ; ''AS Oeaeja Vaatv - Many people consider the Ocean Park section of North Beach the prettiest on the coast and It deserves all that la aaid of It from the standpoint af , rural beauty. The picturesque- groves make an .Ideal setting. for rustlo oampa and besides the great number of cottages opened here this summer, there is a vil lage of white tents scattered In among .the shady trees. ... . . - . '. J. Browning of Portland is visiting here with his wife and mother. , H. J. Sterling and family In Camp Rnstloana are entertaining Miaa Jennie Clemens. - n - . Miss Ruth Shogren,' Mlas Gladys Mo Kensle, Mlas May Shogren. little Jane Fleidnef and Mra H. Shogren 'are at Ocean Park in their -oottage, which, Is opened for the season. - Mra O. F. MoGllna and family ' are In the Hurlburt oottaga Arthur Fraxler is, a guest of the cottage for the week, Mra A. Spauldlng gave a skating party on Thursday afternoon for a num ber of . her .young friends 'at the park rink.' n r . The family of William ' Kennedy are staying at Taylor's hotel. Mr. Ken nedy left the ' beaoh 1. Wednesday for SL Michael's Hot Springs, where he will remain for two weeka .1 The family of .Dr. Bobkln ef Mount Tabor ' are oosupylng. a cottage en -the rldga -.-.'-.- A party from Ooean Park drove to Oystervllfe and Shoalwater bay on Mon day, making ths trip north by road and back to the park on the ..beach. In the party were: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sulli van. ; Thlel Sullivan. , Ross MacKenna Mr. a.ilxa..WUlla Kepaedr. Crl( bM. Hasel Russelt Miriam Km Don- II'' J M i"l I ' . I I Kennedy. ' Richard Kennedy and Mrs.' Matilda Kennedy. . ' . -. "Bllry- smith and Milton HerochkeU tramped from Ocean Park to Seavlew, taxing pictures and shooting anlpa Mr. . Smith sustained a slight Injury to his knee, falling (lown the steps of Bis tent on Thursday.- : , x ; - ... , . . ' At the kotels.' , Hotel Breakers Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Hind. Mra O. S. Blnswanger. Edna F. Blnswanger, Alvln O. Binawanger, Mrs. M. Ivenaon, Mrs. 8. Beck, W. S. Stock,.,' S. 8. Mayer, Archie Goldsmith. Mr. and Mra. A. Feldenhelmer, Mr. and Mra 8. H. Blum, Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Brien, Mlsa Lilliao O'Brien, Mr. and Mra F. 8. Stan - ley and daughter, Mra B. Neuetadter, R. Neustadter, A. L. GileA. B. Breece, J. A. Randall, W. G. Brown, H. M. Wal lace. B. E. Mating. C B. May, Mlsa Bratton. Miss E. Kelly, Mlsa Jordan. Mr. and Mra T. Beverly Klein, Mr. and -Mr. 12. A. Kunpe. B. Davy, Mr. and Mra WlUlam G. Reck. Mary Lou Beck. Mary E. Johnston' and daughter, - - J. Pierce, C F. ones, Miss White. Mra K. M. Warren, Mra.F. M. Warren Jr., Mr. and Mra. A. A. Morse, Mra It C. Warlnner; Mnt. John G. Peters, J. D. Meyer, Miss Pearl Soott d W. Going, W. L. Smith, Mr. and Mra It G. Cotton. . Mrs. T. W. Noedley and Mra Kather Ins Daly. Portland; Mra. Louis Gundel flnger.' Fresno: J. P. Pasafleld, Denver: ' Mr., and Mra M- H. Walker. Miss Lena Hayne, Glenn Walker and. George ' F. Felt 'Salt Ike City; O. Gunderson. Mr. Hasa Mlsa Hase, AstOrU; Mra Josle E. Harvey, Miss T. P. Halleday, New Orleans; Mrs. Lena R, Rosa C..R. Kemp, St Louis; W. D. Tyler. Tacoma; Mra - B. F. Stone. Miss Stone, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mra C. W. Dean. Rob ert H. Nelson. Albany; Mr. and Mra N. Alexander, Pendleton; Miss Plndalt. Miss Harrta New York; -Mr. and Mra C. H. McCoy. H.' A. Hover, Hover, Washing- ton: Mr. nd Mrs. Arthur Morton, Seat tle; B. F. Laugblln. The Dalles; J. H. Drlsslsr. Valentine Drlssler. South Bend; J. W. D. . McGowan, McOowan. Waahlngton; Mr. and Mra C K. Kerlee, . B. R. Budd, J. B. O'Brien, Ilwaco. . i ... - Garden Grove Hope Miller. L. M. Schwsrta Elisabeth David, Mra A. H. McGowan and family. John T. O.'Brlenr B. J. Blailer, Mlas Kitty Nolan. Mr. and Mra, John A. Beck. Miss Anna Block. Mlas Christina Aim. Miss Sofia Janson. Horace Miller. Carl Appelgren. L. M. Munsen, Mra H. Daniel, Mrs. J. K. Msc Gregor. Portland; Miss Msrgret Btrahao. ' Grand - Rapida -'Michigan; Robert Warner, Oregon City. . ' The Portland Mrs. James E. Murray, E. Gerspoch. Frank Howell, Fred Ger- . epoch. Judge Schacht Mlas A. Nay lor, Mrs. J. Kenlon. E. A-. Kenton. J. S. Rogers. J. 8. O'Neill, II. T. Alber. M. J. ClohessyJ Bi A. L. Smith. Mra Smith. E. J. Daly. Theodore Nlcolal. Csrl Sen grath. B. K. Lawton, E. J. W a mock, A. D. Mosa and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Davis. Mr., and Mra Louis H. . Look. Msry Duffy. W. E. Field. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frits. An tone Frita Albert Hubeck. ' Theodore E. Eberla J. H. Scott Charlea Frast A. Underdahl and daughter. J. E. Miller, John ;- H. Burgard, Milton Werschkeel. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Strouae and child, Henriette E. Rothchild, Mra H. j. Brown, M. Wise, Louis Lashapelle, Mr.- and Mrs. ' W. E.-JennsnB. . F. IX Evana G. U Shatt G. R. Lendburg. C, Peterson, Portland; Mra Daniel Schmidt, C. C Uf singer. Astoria; P. L.' Rsnn, . Pendleton: F. A: Haselttna South Bend; Mra C. Behlmpf. Albert Schiranf, Spo--kane; 8. Butteman. ..Ilwaco; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Loomls, Knappton; L. R. Jamea C V: O'Brien. Raymond: Mra E. Johnson, Miss A. Lanor, ' Miss ' B. ' Cameron, South Bend; Sarah Crahen,. Grand Rapida Michigan; Mr. and Mra Otto WeUh and -child, Heppner; Frank Ruse, Los Angelea . Long Beach Hotel Nellie Horn, George W. Randall, Maybelle Patton. ' Charlea D. Whlta William Berg, J. Kalllch, J. 8. Furrier, Mr. J. H. Wallace, Mra R. F Patton, Mr-' and "Mrs.: J O. Pope, - Mrs. Stiles, Dr. Stiles. Mr.- and Mra A. V. Beeeley, L. W. Johnston. LoulS Heytlng, Bert ' Alber, Herbert MtantDlar Louise Btampler. Mrs. 'Bom o- gardner and daughter, O. 8. Hawlngler, C J. Carr, Lee Phillips, M. M. Sperger. Milton Werschkeel. M. L. Smith. Mra ' F. A. English. Miss Vera etetnegger. Miss Beryl Harris. H. H. Pomsroy, . Chsrles A. Burton, F. B. 'Wiltshire. F. E. Franklin. T. E. O'Neill, George A. Stehley. Portland; j N. Rv Stbbey, Mr. . and Mra W. M. Grant Kirk H. J. a 00k, Seattle; , M. T. Barthalomew, Nahootta . Washington: Mr. and Mra W. . B. ' . Campbell, Hoqu lam: Joseph Klnnery, Mlas Nona Bollsrmaun, Mra J. tu Wallace, Mrs. Cooper, Miss Pearl Haley, Mrs. C B. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J.,H, Wallace, Pendleton: A. B. Conley, La Grarfde; Mr. and Mra A. W. Burwell, John Gary.' Boise; Mrs. H. A. Monday, Miss R. Hoover, Welserj Nellie M. Ramsay, Ella If. Ramsay, Mra Sidney Coy le. . Dr. - L. F. , Thorn peon, Myron . Thompson, Mabel V. Jones, Grace Gross, Walla Walla; Miss Fox. Mrs. Anderson. I Astoria; Mra A. O. Crossan, Salem: Lee I , Gilbert. Ban Franolsco; Mra S. Privett Colfax, Washington; L. C. Gra- -ham, Webstsr. City, Idaho; J. B. Milne, ' Pooatello; Mr. and Mra J. H, Downing, Condon. ' ' Driftwood eottage-i-w. T. Maaters and family. - Lon Cualck. Kitty Holoourt Charlea -Benett, M. 1 Whlta. R. MacOor- ' quodala J. -T. O'NellV Mr. and Mra B. W. Dlngman, Curtis F. Wessela WlUlam Belt Georges H.' Hart Mr. and Mra J. M. Neat Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lynch. -M. Flora, Mrs. F. D. Flora. Mr. and Mrs. J. Healy, Luetic A. Kenworthy, Celeste Dygart, Mra F. Kenworthy, Mr. and Mrs. Marion C. Whlta Mr. and Mra. C. O. Rloharde, Miss' Virginia Richards, Mr. and Mra F. W. Gardner, Fred Osrd- ner, Mra. C F. Bartholome, Portland; Mra H. O - Bryson and daughter, Clara W. Btockdala Walla Walla; Mr. and Mra. P. W. D. Huff. Tha DaUeai Miaa Alice Horning; Hood River; J. Anderson, Sell wood; Mr. and Mrs.' CM. Cartwell. Omaha; Mra T. N. Aturphy, Miss Irene Murphy. Mra, F. L. Lilly. Mlsa Cecil e Lilly. La Grande. ' , Chamberlain's Mlas K. McMahoa, Mf. 4PonU&ue4 oa Page TMxteeai.