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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
zzzz czzzzu dailv jsusijai; izzitlai'd, Saturday Evz:n::a auoust 11, ice. .' i i. ; K;?o l tho An: I '. Oa the left U 'shown ' portrait of Mrs. Anthony Eomadka, formerly Mia Gnt Dolan, whom Prince ) f 1 1 ' Henry of Prunk tiUid tht most beautiful irl ia America; on tht right is lira.' Hobsrt. Chatfield-Tsylor, ; ; whom Prince Boris of uaaia styled tW prettiest woman he had seta on his travels; in tht center, at the J ! !. A.A. . ' l a ' aa A a as, o .saa ..' U " a a a . . ' " '-' a" . . wvnum, w Mr, jonn jacoD Aaior, arter a painting py ranee irouDetmoi, wno aecisres sne is the most X beautiful womarini haa ever painted. In the center, at the top, is the Maharani of Baroda, who repre- -X X MnU typ of beauty that ENGLAND AFRAID OF AMERICANS Britons. Worrying Oyerjnvasion " of Capitalists From tho . ;'; ; United States. : , IRISH ARE SATISFIED 'WITH THE PROSPECT General Feeling That If Westerners Art Allowed to Control Industries British Power Will Be Weakene- Lord Mayor's View of Visit. fJesraal Snsclal Service. ) Dublin, Aug. 11. No event in recent . yeara has created aa much excitement ' in Ireland aa the arrival of the 10 odd Irish-Americans from Chicago and St. Louis, who havs eome ovsr with a vlsw to Investing money In Industrial undsr - - takings. For ths last five or six yeara Individual visitors from ths United . States have been investigating the pos sibilities of ths country from ths speculator's ' standpoint, but the pres ence here of so largs eontlngent of I ' V ; Mrs. Anthony Romadka. : - Maharani of Baroda. :.- '. , I .'v.0;?;:i i l I r v v' . YS Hi , ' -; ili -t f T ' ' '( i , K C If I- ; 1 . prospective investors la unprecedented, - and it la not surprising that intenss satisfaction ia felt throughout Ireland. - While this .sudden ' invasion Is cre mating exhilarating excitement ' among ' . Irtshmsn, however. Englishmen show a I marked disposition tq ressnt the enter prise of ths west. There is a general feeling among government offlolsls in Irsland that if American capital is ai . lowed to oontrol Irish Industries Eng lish authority in ths government of Ire land will be materially. If . not danger- . ously, weakened. The Right Honorable Joseph P Nannettl. M. P., lord mayor . . of Dublin, when asked his vlsws on ths A merles a visit, said, "I am delighted with the enterprising spirit In which our ' exiled countrymen and their descend ants, are approaching this question of the industrial revival in Ireland, ' I re . gard thlsr combination of Irish Amer . Icaaa, who have Juet landed la Ireland, as aa omen of brightest hope for ' the , salvation of onr country. England vlsws It from another standpoint.- She evidently forgets that while aha was ex patriating all that was best In our country she waa building vp a mora vlg i orous Irelsnd aaross the Atlantis. Per ' haps she has realised It when it la too ' late."- (i ' - - . - .v - . ' . Zao.nire Sat. Banwaya, . ' Aftsr yeara of Inoessant and laborious , agitation the Irish members of parlia ment backed up by public optnloa In Ire . - land have aucoesded In caualng the Brit ish government to appoint a royal com v mission to Inquire into the working of Irish .rail ways. The names of the nam I wcr . to tto ' Cz z !; ivcr, ; Who ; v . ;; most appeals to the Gaekwar. ( ;7' Mrs. John' Jacob Astor. hers , of the commission are regarded In Ireland as Indicative of an Intention on the part of the government to deal with the question thoroughly. The appoint ment of Thomaa Sexton Inaplrea confi dence. ' Ha was for many years one of the moat distinguished members of ths Irish parliamentary party and was com plimented on one occasion by the late Mr. Gladstone as having 'brought to ths house of commons an ' slsment of the highest oratory, which after, the death of Bright was looked for in vain." Sex ton eould meet Gladstone on hla own level at flgurea. . - He waa ths Ufa and aoul of the two great commissions on ths financial re lations between England and Ireland, and Irish land, and It ia on his own sep arate report In connection with the for mer that .the caae of Ireland mainly rests, wh'lle his work on the land com mission laid the groundwork for ths final settlement of the land question. By his work on the railway commission he la certain to place hla country under still greater obllgatlona to him. In spite of repeated Invitations to return to parliament he haa persistently re- 1 " I "" ' . 1 1 . " North Beach (Continued from Page Fourteen.) and Mrs. D. C Stratton and boy. Port land! Miss it. Burns, Mrs. M. Burns. Cleonet Mr. J. P. McMlnn. Mrs. Horace McKensle, Mies Bthel McMlnn. Floyd R. Husssy, Miss Ellsa N. Ramsay, Miss Nel lie M. Ramsay, Wall Walla: Mra. John D. Daly, Boise, t - - Hotel Salt Air Le Roy VanHom. Ruth Lee, Isabel OUbaugh, Mlsa Ethel Mor ris, Mies Jessie Hurly. Mr. R. Porter. Mr. Eben McFarland, Mnv W. B. Steele, Mlaa Ida Steele. Mlasea Man, Gladys aad Roser Steele, Qeorge Steele, Mlas Annie DUllnger, Mlsa Lillian Powers. Mlsa HL W. Towevr, Mra. A. E. Labolvltch, A. Ed ward Laboivitoh, Portland; Luoy Smith, Chicago; Oelbertha CAmlss, New York;" P. H. W. Ross. Sllensburg, Wash,! Mr. aad Mrs. George W. Towar, Mlaa f If. T, 1 SUMMER RESORTS , " M I Mrs. Hobart Chatfield-Taylor. fused to do so sines ths dsys of the Par nell split .He employs. his time now In directing the financial affairs of Indus trial undertakings In Dublin, many of wmcn na nas Drought- rrora a state of aecay to a position of prosperity. Winter Will Bring Blstoeas. It la feared that the coming winter wui be productive of distress In its severest and moat pronounced aspects In many of the larger cities and towns throughout Ireland. Ireland haa tilth erto persistently refused to put tha late government a unemployed act Into op eration, but with its share of the 11.000, 000 which tha president of the local government board haa aet aalde for the relief of distress during the coming win ter there is soms hope that the muni clpal authorities In Irsland will see their way to put the act Into operation now as the money Will be distributed under more economic and sensible eondttlona The pauper population in the Dublin district hss gons tip four points on last year's returns until it Is now at ths rate of I1T per 10,000 tha highest percent age ol any district in tha United King dom.. . -"On the basis of population,"- says William Field, M. P.. whose knowledge Of Irish distress surpasses thst of any member of the Irish party, "Irsland is entitled to 10.000 of this grant but as John Burns says the itOO.000 Is to be distributed not on tha baala of popula tion, 'but in proportion to the distress, poverty and needs of the , district Ire land's ahare of the grant must be a great deal mora, I cannot agree, how ever, 'that any amount of thess unem ployed doles will or ean relieve tha ne cessities of the Irish people,- There la but one way of relieving them and that is by allowing the Irian to manage their own affairs, and no man knows this better than the present president of the local government board. John Burns hss been a consistent home ruler all hla life." . . . Towar, Detroit; Mlaa E. T. Cook, ChlnK eothe, Ohio. . The Wlckham--Charlea Holmes. O. K. Weaverson, Mrs.' J. Shemansky and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Holsman and chil dren, Alfred Wtckhara, Mr. and Mra. Mlvltslg and child, H. Otrson. Mise A. Shemansky, Mra D. Shemansky, J, D. Miller, Mr. and Mra. E. B. Col well, and ehlldren, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hogan and ehUd. S. Stipe, J. H. Callahan. Mr. and Mra Markewlts and ehlld. Mra. T. F. Defrl.s, H. Von Borstal, George Cad well. Dr. Samuel B. Hanby, Mrs. H. Genoa, Miss Daisy GerSoo, J. D. Sherman, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Davie, Mr.' and Mra. Fred Dunham, Mlaa Nettle Hoggsett Miss Mas Hoggsett Mr. J. Upton, Portland; Mr. and Mra. H. S. Jackaoa aad ehlld. Mr. and Mra. J. Klrkman, Dr. W. B. Russell, Mra. RusseU, Walla Walla; J. D. Miller, O. C. Hupp, Edward Fosses, a. Relnchenbock, Fred -Slngfelder, ' Seattle; George' J. OUbert, Miss Rose Gilbert, Raymond, Wash. ' , . The Bxltt E, A. rearing, J. C. Pa HB1L1 IS ISSUIHG FHODGLlCe Mazamft Discover Remarkablo Exhibition of Volcanic Ac 1 tivity on Mount Baktr. PHENOMENA PRONOUNCED TO BE ENTIRELY NEW Only at One Other Spot on the Mountain Has There Been Any. thins; . of ThU Nature Known to Previous Explorers. (SpMtal DtoiMtck to T JonrsaL) , BUlnahm. Wuh.. Aut. ll. A r- markabl axhlbltlon of volcanic activity In the form -of atoam laauinc with a roartar eound .' from numerous verite. and" many pools of boiling water waa wltnesaed by the aiumu on the northeaat slope of Mount Baker, this week. The discover: is entirely new, and Professor Leadea of the Wih- lngion flute unlveralty pronounces the phenomena extensive and Wonderful. Over aa area of several acres" In the midst of a glacier, he says, the steam Issues from a thousand venta and boll- In t water Is plentiful. As a result of the Intense -heat the rocks are. bare for a radius of many rods. Only at one other spot on-the mountain within 100 feet of the summit on the south side has there been sny phenomena of this nature known to the parties who have hitherto ascended Mount Baker. Near the permanent camp art three aiaclera, which were thoroughly ex- plored-by- Professor ndes and other Masamas. - Mr. Lardes describes thsm as smaller, but more beautirul than the Rainier glaciers, sulphur constantly being deposited on the rocks from the steam vents, and fine samples of pure sulphur were secured by Professor Ln des and his companions. .The' great glacier on the north side f the mountain that heads Glacier creek waa named the Rooaevelt; the glacier at the head of Wells creek Mssama: the glacier on the west slope over Which the ascent . was made the B holes, after the president of the club. The highest peak In the Baker-en uk- san range was named Coleman peak, after Edmund T. Coleman, who made the first aacent of the mountain ; In till. . Dlasatlafted with their previous at tempts to climb Kulshsn, John Lee and U OHan of Portland and W. H. Olea aon of Boaton made an effort to reach the summit of Baker from the south side. They started from the perma nent camp Wednesdsy, Intending to maks the ascent Thursday and return to camp last night. Vera, S. Chain or. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. 53. Wilbur and children. R. K. Ham, W. H. Pfurdy. Julia O'Brien, Mrs. A. D. Smith and daughter, C. 8. Rockenfleld, Mr. and Mra. W. D. MeWaters, Russell Mo Waters, Miss 'Flora Ross, Miss Mabel Herman. L Dollar. A. Dollar. O. Rodgers. J. Smith. Mlsa M. Ralston. Miss S. Ralston, Mrs. M.-' Brown and son, Port land; Mr. and Mrs P. B. Thomaa and ehlld. Condon: F. W. Newbold, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schaub. Mlas Pearl E. Taylor, Seattle; Mra. Margaret ' Lindsay. Mr. and Mra Joseph Staeaer. Dryad. Wash Ington; Miss Alice Teaton, Ilwacol Mlsst Peart Smith, Kanaaa City; O. W. Sohlut ter, Mrs. J. J. Bchlutsr, Myrtle Bcnluter. Belt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bell snd son. Ssn Luis. California; Mrs. Hen rlette Aubln, Walla Walla: E. C Free man., V. A. Van Brunt, Cheney. Wash Ington. 1 - - Hackney Cottage Edward Handlon, Clinton Stone, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hslt kemper, Emma Gerspoch, Mrs, P, H. Oerspoch. Fred Gerspoch. Dr. L. M. Simms, Mrs. Louis Freedmsn, Mrs. Davs Franklin, Lawrence Franklin, William W. Porter. R. A. Raid, Valentine J. Flake. Wldd Honey man. Mr, snd Mrs. C. J. Cook, C. J. Cook Jr., Edward WUss, T. W. Nordby, Mrs. K. Craven, captain L. r. Buok. C F. Neth, Kit Cain, Edna Smith. Mrs. Cain. Mra. Maloney. Cella Cain. Fred Ohrt. O. H. Koch, Ethel R. Cohn. Minnie M. Baum, Mra C. J. Flovd. ' Mrs. i W. Lynde. Irving T, Heuener, J. T. Tager, Jessie Anderson, R. C. Bell. Edrar J. Daley, Helea Rosen feld. Walter Rosenfeld. Edwin Neus teddsr, 8. 8. Mayer, F. W. Hanebut, Mlaa Pearl Scott. Mise E. L. Watklns, Miss M. B Hall. Leo Hahn. Portland; Mrs. H. L. Jones, Miss Paulina Rlter, Miss Doro thy Riter. The Dalles; Dr. U M. Bimms, Mlaa Dorothy M. Bimms. itaiama, Charlea Right, C C. Heltkemper, Seattle; Roee Strauss. Walla Walla; D. Sheehy and aona. Spokane. The Seaerort Robert coiunson, rior- enoe M. Grant. Maybsus c. William Mr. and Mra. W. S. Breckenrldge, D. J. Aylwin, William E. Field. Mr. and Mrs. J. It Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. J. Underdahl. Mr. and Mra. T. Vandyn. Portland: Mr. and Mra. J. B. McMillan, Washington. D. C; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hedges, Meridian, laano. . The Honorlue Mlas Cora DeLln, Mr. and Mra. B. D. Rood. 8. A. Stubba, Mrs. J. T. Llghtsr. Tom Lighter, Mra J. Parker Converse, Florence A. Converse, Blanche Cummings, Portland; Mlas Iva Rsnoe, The Dalles, i Taylor Hotel, Ocean Park Mlas Laura van Horn, w. n. Hawks, Lou centra, Mrs. William Kennedy and family, 'Mra. Lloyd Canadoy, Mra ay Smith and fam ily, Portland; Mrs. R. 8. Madden, Ned Madden, Helen Madden. Jennie M. Hoyt, Mra F. J. Long. F. J. John, ' Caldwell, Idaho; Mrs. L. Mocken. Tuscan, Aria; C. Irene Stickney and mothers Spokane; Mlas Lenora Hess. Astoria. Tha Knapp-Wooct Miss Eva Barron, Butte, Mont; Mr. and Mra. Hewitt, Mr. and Mra. Fred Da Temple, Miss Bertha Crounse. Clinton O. Stone, B. E. Sharon. Lellla Sharon. B. A. Day, Mlaa Gnata Back le, Wallace Graham, Portland; Mr. and Mra. Baaler, Annie Baaler, Rosle Basler, Agnes Bssler, Mrs.-Ous La Fon- tslns. Miss Paulina La Fontaine, Miss Olga La Fontaine, Miss Helen Fon taine, Pendleton; Miss Minnie Wohlers, John De Temple, Portland. . NEW LINE TO INCREASE . SHIPMENTS OF WHEAT ' "The completion of the Lewleton Rlparla Una of the O.'R. at N. will In crease tha wheat shipments to Portland by 1.000,000 bushels." This statement waa made by Miles S. Johnson,' assistant United State, district attornsy at Law. Iston, Idaho, who la stopping at the Portland hotel. Mr. Johnson thinks ths line will be oomplstsd In another year. In time for the wheat shipments of HOT Just bow oenatruetton on the road la progressing very alowly, en account of tha aearelty of labor and the wholeaale desertion of tha workmen to the harvest fields. Mr. Johnson ssys thst . the new Una will divert wheat shipments from sound point to. this city. . - , . , m You Are Invited, t J - to Call Every young, old or middle-aged ; man who has been guilty of vio lating nature's laws, exposure, etc. To men with Feeble Thought, Falling Memory, Varicocele, Hup- ' lure. . rues, weaa ttaca, reor ; Stomach, eta Wt Make No Chars for Private - " . Couaael . " Our' first thought Is to ascer- tain the real cause of your all ,'mAit; oqr second thought la to ascertain If a cure is possible; our third thought Is to produce .speedy snd lasting results. Our ' next thought Is ths quickest method by which this can' be ' done and then to figure the low est price . for the treatment ' of your ease. - . . .... Over 50 Per Cent of Cured for $10.00, and llany Only. $5.00 l ;. . PuHnf tlMf aa Seventeen Years , AVe Give the Best Treatment &t the Lowest Prices We are always willing to arrange terms to suit. Ton can pay by the visit, by the week or by the month, and we give liberal discount for oash. . Remember, our charges are the loweet and most reasonable In the city, and you get the very beat treatment. Call and find out about your case ; at once; It will be the happiest day of your life. , Consultation fre.. You Need Not Pay Until YottaAre Cored Should you desire you may deposit ths fee with any bank or business house in Portland, to be paid to us aftsr you , hsva been restored to health. - -' ' ' . . - i MS Young and middle-aged men who have Injured themselves In body and mind, with weak back, failing strength, aunken cheeks, hollow , eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. We cure secretly and cheap- 1X' VAXOOn Tnra Wormy .veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out cutting. No pain. Rupture, Hydrocele and Piles cured. Consult us free and find out how we cure without knife. Our price for a cure la the cheapest In the Northweat. .i ,,. - . . . . ,. , OnOIIO AJTD SKIS Bimill-Ecsema. ulcers; sores, piles, constipation, Itching, heart, kidneys, liver. s,tomach catarrh, rheumatism pains. , ;. - .- . ; , wT-or-rowir acav Timaro m citt.. . ' Consult us at once upon arrival and maybs you csn be cured before',; returning home. Many cases can be cured In one or two or more visits. . Consultation and advice free. v il ' " .' ' ' Write People who live in outside towns and tooths country who cannot calf sheuldi wrlte for consultation and advloe free..- Many cases have been oured by home-treatment. . . . . , Office hours a. m. to t p. m.; Sundays snd holidays, lOe. m. to 12 m. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Offlca In VltNoy Hotel. l!U Third" St., Corner-Plner Portland, Or. , AWQ BXOKXST XZSXOA& f UfSTlTU TM i ' JIOKTKWaST. BstobUsas U Pestiaad U. S8. , SERlBOFSlieCESSES HEN wa declare that our eases la almply a aerlee boaattng or making any facta which are known to recently oured and made wo will do for you. Come to our office and let ua explain to you our atrlctly modern methods of treatment. Tou will then not wonder .why our ouree are safe, rapid and permanent, and why we are so successful la so many caaea that have realated the treatment of other doctors. PAY US FOR CURES Our Fee $12.50 Our lrell-known and long-established Institution la equipped with every modern appliance for the treatment of men. ' - f -' Remember our charges are reasonable and In reach of any .worklngman. The beat Is nons too good for any man who. le e sufferer from any of the dlseassa ,below mentioned, to which we have devoted exclusively the beat yeara of our life. . -We cure all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases, Sores, Ulcere, Knotted Veins, Nervous Decline, Piles, Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary Diseases dus to weakness, Inheritance and exhaustion and the result of speclflo dlseassa CXBTAXVTJC OP OVBB la what you want. Be sure aa we are that we can cure dlseass. All our yeara of experience and office equipment are at your disposal, eoaoestrmted In this declaration: We will give yea a aulHssi gaaav eats te care Special Diseases et tefaad yo atoaey. This msana that we bars confidence In our ability to euro you, and that In taking our treatment you cannot lose anything. 1 wans yov oajtbot oau. ' , . - Hours a. m. to I -p. m.; Evenings, T to I:t0; Sundaya, t a. m. to 11 noon. St Louis D Dispensary ooBjnm saoovo ajtb taxesl TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA FAST AHD POPCLAS STSAhSBIPS ;.'' Leave Seattle , "tTTTttnot," Aasaat I. " "SOLPKIX," Aasaat II, , . - '" ' -CAIXINO AT Ketcbtkaa. laaeea. Pnnflea, Balaea, Skes , Cneaeeta wltk W. P. A T. roots tor Atlla, Dawaea, Taaaaa, Keaaa, eta. For AH Soetaeaetera AUsks Porta. Call er seed tot "Trip ts Woaoerftit Alsska," "ladlaa Baekttrr." 'Toteai Poles." nt AIASZA S. s. 00. Prssk Weoleey Cev, Aceata. SSS Oak at. PoUUed. Or. OTTTlHASTMir ALASKA BOVTS. rrera ruetile at a p. a. for Ketehlkaa, Jaaeas, Skat war, Wklte Horse,, Daeraoa ead ritrbeake S. B. City ef Seattle, Aag. eat to. to. so. S. S. BBbsldt, Aogaat a, je, e. s. S. Cettate City (vis Bltks). An met 11. IS. - - BOMS i a OiJTf. m -kam a ...K., tv roa SAB IBABOUOO HIBSOT. ' Preai See tile at a. ai Cltr ef PaeMe. limit S. , - . Pertlaad Offlee. tit Waabhurtea St., Bala tea. s. . in, rasa, m . sgx. 0. D. OL'HAKM, O. P. A.. Saa . Tklna ef a Tuae, From the Atlanta Conetltutlon. -It la el way a a good Idea to whlatle whan you aee trouble coming, but It takes a man who haa fine faith and courage to Utlak of a tune then. , . Our Patients Have Beetr record In treating Male Pelvic Die-.' of splendid successes, wa are not falee pretenses we are merely stating be true by many men whom we have -happy. What we have done for othere Consultation Free btbbbts. pOBTiAsm, om. TRANSPORTATION. CoIumbiaRiverScenery ; Reu!ator Line Steamers THB EXCURSION STEAMER "BA1XET OATZERT" makea round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND .at a. ra, returning, ar rives p. m. t Dally service between Portland and The Dalles except Sunday, leaving Port land at 7 a. m., arriving about p. nv, carrying freight and paaaengera fntea did accommodations , for outfits nd livestock. Dock foot of Alder street. Portland ; foot of Court etreeU The Dalles, Phone Main 114. Portlanl. TELEGRAPH Pastes aa the Bivea - ; The only steamboat making a round trrj BAS.T , - Except Sunday Between f " ' PORTLAND and ASTORIA - AWB WAT POntTS ' Leave Portland.......... T:0 a. aa. Arrive Astoria p. sa. Leave Astoria......... .t:IO p. aa. Arrive Portland.. .......0:00 p. a. UulJ SERVED A LA CARTS Ptrtlaad Baadiag, Aide Street d, AsSetia &aadlag, Oalleada Doeb, B, B. SCOTT. Ageat. . Paoae Mala IIS. Erie Railroad TO STBW TOm AWn 0TOK-4SX ADraorrR'xinc 3 Trains to the-East Daily J ttnSL I1,ana easimis taeetaWeel W flail w. r. 4. . t . -,tic nrmm T- ' - SFv Wej "I,, r''1' r p-lsts. roBMetie With ew S- . -ss. ' telly. IbSS s8?"" '. I s. as. -, Arrives , t.."1- "ear."; , ,' U R? Ko. Aas-et. see, aultoVi: t:ao . sseise . ete Ofar. TWrS .. ' Wi'.acSW eta, . i - ' TW Ml Tit. T T . , CRfT- Jfeaeral Pueaocer Aseat, vu SOUTH r.t-. . - - v i Czsrese-TratBs , i "".seai. Roeebws. A- - J . lesd, Beeraswate. Ofdra. ' ' Sm rny, stoeitos ' ' , New ... . i . i . . t:ISaa Moraine trsln- raeaee st wenmera iltlly neept ' Saaoey . wttk treto for w Moent Asset' eflvertoa. . '- Brewmvllle,' ' Snrlnaaeld, Wendllng sad Nstrea.... 8 0a im sal Bntvee aserer , ese . neets at WoaSbnre wltb .. ' tr. In-.l . . . MM.ea mmm ' Comma ee-veeaer n-Msai S'IWaw SaerlSea ae mmirr. ...... 4-M ttm rarat Orare aewensw.. )S:0n eat ' lit JO (as -trmttr. 1' T..eT miHwr, -r . . iKrrRRsoTt-eTRRrr gTATioi. aruer .aaiiBB au lUtZr nterUiSl IV nioi QBI IT 1 TCWJ a. end 4:15 p. m. Arrtre Portlaad 10:10 a. a. saS 0:80 p. S9. . IW tlaM eerd at rrnreye eahvTen tmlsa aprlr st City Tlrket OflW. or etaHaa. Ticket, to Eaaterh points n4 ITeraeet Stas . . ... ... , ... ... , .mwraiv a .nam ua. City Tleket Onlee e-teeer Third lbS ntin srreen. rseae am via C. W. rrrjoi1t. Wm McMTHSAT. City Tlrket Aseat. Sea. Psaa. Asms, TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlardt retlewsnwe Park-Kaasas . , '-.,..,. Cttr-St. ImIb Rneclel foe. . .' - ' ' Ckeaene. Cea traits. Olyw- ' 1 , Ci. oraya Hsnnr. aoatb . , -v sd. Taenaia. Battle. Im tteae. Lewtstoa. Butte, W;r- . .. ' . Ibm, Dearer. Oanaba. Xaa- 1i - - MS Cltr. et. Lenta .aad Roatheeet. etally I:M sat . ei3S sek Knrtk Coast Llailte1. . elee. :,rT trie Mfhtnl, fee Teeorna ' : ' "' t Seattle. Batte. - -., MlanmaeHe St. Past ead the Bast, e.llr t:0Saa . ffawea Pacet eenaS Umtted, for Clrse!t.' Caeaalte, On- ..-:"!- tralta. Teeseta aad Seattle . "t nly. Silly e:S0 sea StSSsat Twla Cltv riBressme xa- . . . eema. St t tie, Spokane, '' R . . . M 1 -.' :.r. . ... ... t rt ., f... r . . . .., Mlnneeeolle. llneoh. St. , . i j, Joeeph Kaeees City. Owe. ... ka. Bt. teste. wttaeet , , ' ekeeee ef eera. ftree ene -..f. s,- .. exMnaa fur. en enfata hr eed en.... SallT., ftteSjww JOiMaaea A. D. CRABr.TniS. Anl. tint Oeaeral as ease Afent. SSS Mecrleea street, earaet Tales. Pnrtiaan. iweaoa. , . Astoria k Celumbia. ' River Railroad Co. Oalea PeaeS ' . Leave. . -' Aittra. Per alaytre, Balaler. Cleta-t .. keale, W.fport. CUrtoe, " v , aeceriB. wsrreBToe, ne- eel, BaaaMoA. Pert Stev- eaa. Ooarbart Park. Seesiae. S:00 aa UM aai Astoria sad Seasbore. ex- areea Setlr T-ee a giesaea "rortlaae'-llMstae rTrer" SetBrdny eajy fcaiT Portland S:1S B. as. . All trains 4a nr. . .. 1. .' ' . C. MA TO. tf. P. anS P. A.. AtaaHa. Or. C. A. STSWABT, Ceaaerelal AgaaA, MS Aider street. Pkeae Kala So 1 .... .a TNKCOaSfORIAStKWAV. ; J 2 Overlxui TrxJzsDi"y 2 rk Orleatal LlaalteS. the Past Mag4 VIA SSATTLB AND SPOgABS Perlr.- Dally. Leave. ' Aartve. PertltnS w eekedale TS saS rrem eaefcane. . ft. Peal Mlaaeaoolle, ; f Cast via Seattle...... BiSS aa OSsa I ies aa e:aesa T aad fna St Pa,t, i .. . . ,T MtaaeaMlla. Dalntk " ' ' and all aolats Baet via Spekaee S:1S aa StOS ea ereat Bartkera Steeaakta Oa. ' PaDlae froa Seattle tor J.pas - aad Cbtna aorta and Uaalla, wrrrtag see aeaevra an4 frelabl . . S. . Dakota, Serember . S. S. atlaaeeeta, October SA - Birrow tvssb xAiAira . (lap.e Mall St..ahia C S. S. Teas Mara will Mil rwa Seattle sboat Anenet IS P Japes ee4 Cktna aorta, esrrrlae aaaaet aa frelsM tyf-' M)ee, Brtb lanes Mane. efe.. e.ll S e4deee H. BtCKSOB. 0. . T. A., IH Sk, Psrtlaad, eveaaa. raeaa aea a S. S: F. A. Kilkrirn " Par Coos Say. Bereee aataaa. Neat aalllag rrea Parlliad. Tkereaef, Anj. r " Kelt tailing froa Saa yresrawa, Tkr., m t .ailirol'AB i.Mt ..!IT.'.'is.;w MM. lC?fOG? N I tSJ -l I ml so ur a in I tAoJ ' l... v. , ' Atrts ivkal iMok Ihi. A j fbeaS .' i. ' , 1 - .3 f .... .. i. . t