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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
ni3 OREOOn DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVZrnKO. AUGUST 11, IZtl jilCLE SAM FIGHTS FOR DUTY ON JEWELS . Government Insists on Collecting On Hundred and Ten Thou t .-iand Dollani Customs .on Necklace That Was Unstrung for . Importation and Ten Per Cent of Valuation Paid ' V f a -J lr ... " -Vr . ft! " : ;; i-. . . LA w X. . 1 .:.: , 1 W V. t ar.wsBnw u . v s ar - s ", -8 ; Photoiraph of Mrs. William B. Lteki Wcarinc th $220,000 Pearl Neck laca. Upon' Which the U. S. Government; Demands That a Duty of SO Per Cent Bt Paid.' .- r- ''' Th eaa involving- duty on tha famous LAm pout neeklaco, which U the moat valu&bl atiinr of pearls In 'America, . la to bo fought to a finish In tha United State court. Th sorarnmant will institute pro ceedings la the United States - circuit court for the southern district- of New" York against If. Citroen, a French deal er In Jewelry, who Imported tha neck . lace, for 1 110, 009 euetoma duty. The . necklace Is In the possession of the government officials.. . William B. Leeds, th millionaire Kock Island railway official, and his wife are tha person who sought- to act th pearls Imported, having picked them up In a 'Paris Jewelry bouse' for ths modest sum of 120.000. ' Citroen under took to do the Importing. . -Th duty on pearls set a Jewelry la .. par cent, but on unatrung pearl th duty Is only 10 per oenL In th belief that h could avoid paying th larger amount, Citroen took th toklac apart NEW BOOKS FOR THE ; , . LIBRARY. BOOKS AND READING. . " Pollard. A. W. Old Picture Books, with Other Keaare on Bookish Subjects. W. , . PHILOSOPHY. i HIbben. J. O. Inductive logio. . ".t REXIGION. t, x - : 1 ' Caird, Edward Evolution of Religion, d. S. . - . Maul ton. R. O. B ibis as Literature. SOCIOLOOT, .INCLCDINO; EDUCA- ' TIOM. . ' Bax. JL B Ethlce of Socialism. Newman, J. H- Idea of a University, . Defined and lUuat rated. Parsons,-- Frank Heart of - th Rall ' way Problem. Spar go, John Bitter Cry of th Chll I dren. . . ..' . . . - 5 -Zenker. K. V. Anarchism. . 'Si .. V;, PHILOLOOT, I If otteau. A. Esperanto-English - We-l- tlonary. ' O'Connor, J. C, and Hayes,-C Tf English-Espsrant Dictionary. i .". ' ...: MATHEMATICS. . ; revised, edition. I', " rSEFX-l. ARTS. 1 f ' Beel, T. HL L. Soma Common .Birds ' la Their Relation to Agriculture, f Dixon, Thonyn.Jr. -Life Worth Llv- f -ing. : . ' , . , Hall. W. Ia Tree-Planting on . Rural t School Ground. V. Harwood. W. S. New Earth, Recital 4. of Triumph of Modern Agriculture in (.America... . t Hawkins. N. New Catechism of th i Steam Engine; High-Tension . Power , Transmission; ltOS-Ot. I Muller, I. P.My System: Fifteen i Minutes" Work a Day for Health's Sake. Thorn, W. H-, and Bon Reed s Ensi n ear's Handbook te th Board of Trade Examination. LITERATURE. . Philllpa, Stephen Nero. i Pushkin. A. S. Eugene Oneguln. I TRAVEL. AND HI8TORT. - Brady.. C. T. Border righf and Fighter. ' . t- - . . ITT w T-AI- I.vmaa. H. M. Hawaiian Testardays. Out ram, JameaIn th Heart of the Canadian Rockies. . BIOORAPHT. '. William Pin, by Oeorg Hodges. ' Mary Stuart. Queen of Scots, by Flor enre MaoCunn. , FICTION. Aldea, W. I Adventures of Jimmy 5rwa . . ,.j V .. .ti v;: 4 JT; 'A -( X v-v and brought ths tfeearls her unstrung. Citroen paid a duty of 123.000. or 10 per-cent. Then It became known that an effort had been mad to evade the law and tha valuable pearla were seised and held by the authorities. Overtures for a settlement of th ease have been made o the . treasury department and. declined, and th suit to recover the SO per cent duty Is to t pushed to a TtnlPhi'dtroen has retained former Judge Alton B. Parker as counsel to fight the government. Citroen the other day advised Assist ant Secretary Reynolds of tha treasury. In charge of customs, that ha would be glad to send ths pearla back to Franc. He Insisted, however, on getting back tha K2.000 duty he had paid. This tha government would not allow. Jawelera all over th country are In terested la the case, for If Citroen wins hts point, all pearla .and precious atones In tha future will be Imported unstrung. suDject only to th it per cent duty. Churchill. Winston Coniston. Oaborlau, Em lie Mystery t of OroV Mitchell, - S. - W Dlplomatlo Advea ture. Mitchell, 8. W. New Samaria and th Bummer of St Martin. ...... Parrlah,. Randall Sword of th Old Frontier. . , , - Stoddard, W. O-Red Patriot. , - Vachell, H. A. Th H11L ' Watson, H. B. Marriott Hurricane Island. ( ; 'Weyman, Stanley Btarvecrow Farm. . Whit. W. A. la Our Town. ZangwllL Israel Merely Mary Ana, " FRENCH BOOKS. . . v Brthet,Elie La Petit - Challloux. Blanc, Mma. Marie ' Theresa (da Sol me) Pierre Casse-Con ; par Th. Bent- son. Blanc, Mm.- Marl Theres (d ooims rony; par Th. Bent son. Blano, Mm. , Marl Therese d ooims) un Kemords; par Th. Bentson. Bolssonnas, Mm. B. Un ' Famlll Pendant la Guerre. Chateaubriand. F. R. de L Dernier des Abenceragea.' . . - ' Deslya, Charles Jacques Coeur ' Julllot, Francois de Terr d France. Lafayette, M. p. d la V. Com tease Romans et Nouvelles. - - 1 - Rameau, Jean La Chevelur d Mad eleine. ' Scribe. Eugene, et Legouve, Ernest. La Batalll de Dames. Souvestrs, Emlle Le Memorial ' da Fsmllle."'- - -. Tlnseau, Leon de-La' Lamp de Psych. Toepfer, Rodolph Le Presbyter. ' Toepfer, Rodolph Nouvelle Gene volses. .-.-., ' . AT THE THEATRES ' l -Jack ths Gambler." ' jU Jsdglng from the patronage of the vary hv erecting melodrama, "Jack , ths Oadbler," which Is ths current week's attraction at ths Lyric, one Is forced te tbe conclnaloa that the product toe la eae ef greet aterlt, and m forming tbla eoacluatoa we are not far wrong, ss ths play Is well sp te expectations. , . -.; " f, .. ,'' ' At ths Star. ' Laura Bows and bar Dreodea dolls bare a feature place se the vaudeville Mil give st the Star this week. It Is s lively program th management la presenting. There la a good supply ef eeeaady and sevslty features. . . Back tr tha Grand. TV Usui is eaoa tbe career ef vaadsrllls st the Sisr ssd brglsslng Best Monday the vasde II io aarrs wm be back at the Urand. as the aeusrsters wlU be Uuaugb UnsU wssfc by that , v v e ' SyX .t.- j.-.-C :.. - ... , ,, . TODAY'S MARKETS HIGHER PRICE FOR lEl'J HOPS Julius Pincus Offers as High as - Seventeen and an Eighth for Choice Lot.' ,:,.,.;,.." SEVENTEEN CENTS IS NOW FREELY OFFERED Crop Advices From England Very Conflicting With Most of the Re- . ports' Cutting Down Former Es timates. . " front Rtrxt. Aug. 11. Th priMlnal feerarei f the PortUed wboWwie aierkeu today are: Hla-har price ettered for hope. rmlt merkets ala hare eapplw. 1 Tomato aierket bare et etotke. . , Dreeaed ml more plentiful. , ' reackee ere alrkly cleaned an. ' ": Kit (applies are mark greater. : ' rtoar laqalrlee frooi the orient. Csr eatoae la from Walla Walla. . Cheeee and Sutter firm. , ' ,.J . Watermeloas lower; keary supplies. Kiyaer Prlo Off ared fet Boas, . fteveeteea and aa elkk I eeots has fcees effered tor tales of choice hope at Me MlnaTllle. The proposed beyer was Jallne Pl nu at Laehnana PIdcm of Salem. . Another dealer offered the same grower ITe for the ame hone, but np to a late soar this mornlns kls offer bad not beea accepted aad the pre aamptlea la that the sale waa made at as elirtath rent hlfber. This won Id be the hKheat price paid fee eeotracts than far thU eaaaos. Crop adTleee -from CnsUad centtBae Tery-eoa-fllctlng. bat eatimate are generall ender thoae omde a abort time aw. -. One prominent Arm of this city makes tbe asaertloa that the crop will not so ever SM.OOft bandred weight, and prebahly aa low a MO.000 buadred weight. Oe tbe other band, deelere who are sot bear1h estimate tbe ere rn .Bnglaad as high as ano.OOO knndred weight. Ett dealer baa a different eetlaute of wbat Bnglaad will prodnce, and there a different goeee every time tbe malU arrtre. Tbe Oermaa crop Is also tbe bajtta for sasny eeafltctlng estimates, bat aethlng ef a definite character ran be secared from that eeantrr. The market here fct very firm and all deelere talk ef aa upward tendency. There ere eptleaa eat st ise s pound, bet thoa far Sons- bae bees reported as takea.-r-Tbe amount of Jums Is tbe bands ef brewers la ea Be ing dealers to- say -eenalderable attention, bat Jntt what tbey are carrying cannot be correctly told at this time. Brewers will sot tell bow, bat saake ths aeeerttoa that they have s enffl clent amount contracted to meet all tbetr re ealremeata for tbe coming aeeeoa. Dealers here aay tkle Is sot se and moat ef the local bandlers are specnlattnc' Is fntaree ea their own account. Eastern dealers are likewise long ea tbe coming -ezp and am very bullish la tbelr views. Moat ef them expect cne marsei u touch 18e a poond and teen g seas. Trait Ilsikets Again Save Supplies, sw the flret time la a week tbe local fndt and prodncs markets savs fairly liberal snp- tiles. The expeciea cere tiuui nm pnih verae late yeeterday afternoon. -The train eea ewted ef about M ears of perhthabls soods. a brat ner sent of them being for peruana. Watermelons are now plentiful and there are again setter eappiiee or ennta noa. - -TVmjtfM. keth 4nrel and soathers. are van seaire and ths sierket Is firmer st fl and $1.2S per box. Peach supplies 'sre rather smsll sad sirrvals are onlrkly picked sp at ruling figures. . StaaUaa grapes are a drug ea tbe market aad some are offered today as low ss fl s Crete. Price le generally st Ilia. ' Cabbage matin nee very scares with tk price firmer at Se a pound. A ear ef on tone came la frees Walla WaTta this morning la good shape. Market very firm with seaat supplies, price st top. Potatoes firm for fascy with pries maintained, rieur Xnralriea Fres Orient. A larger vntsme et Inqutrtee far floor are shewn from ths orient. Both Chins aad Japan are la the mnrket for seppllee, but ae definite offer are cabled from either place. The wheat market le firm with prices ratine sacbsased. New - eete rather eknr, bat eld ones, ere storing. Hay Is moving fair with farmer prices smntaiaed. ' ' Dressed Teal mere PleatlraL Supplies of diasead veal are somewhat more liberal sad tbe pries Is sealer. A fractional decline le shews today. Dreeead bees rentals very slow la arriving with prices stin st top. fractional decline Bated be lambs. ' Tbe trade pays the following prices te front street. Prices seM shippers are leas regular sals. Flaas aad Fesf. . fiailH BAGS Calcutta, 0O mrirm - aolltna. IOC. buying WHEAT Old dab, TOei red Kesslaa, STst blueetes. Ttct valley, T0e: new club, 0ei red muaeiaa, uic; oieuet-m. iwi no. BARLEY Peed. M.0O; rolled, IM.0OQ1S.0O; brewlna. SM.OO. CORN Whole, $ST-00 srseaad. t.00 per BTS-41.SS ser ew,' ' . OATt New Producers' pries Ws. - 1 Whtts. eyj 00; gray, gzi.vo. PLOCB New esetera Oressa patents, S onm AM; straights, a eOOa.60: expert, at 15; ealley, ; graham, M-w; e $1.76; rye. SOa. S.O0; bales, IZT8. atrlJTTjyrS Bras, t IT 60 per teas mld- Silnss, fZo.w: asorta. ceuairy, ji.w siiy, mln- rtw.a S1S.OOaIZl.S0. HAi Prodaeera' price Tismtby. Wlitamette Teller.- fancy, llioo; ordinery. sio.ooa 10.60: Meters Oregos, ia00O17.00; mixed liaood 10.00; - elover, I grais, I7.00.M; cheat, IT.00OS-00. ..,, . - Butter, XgS sad Poultry, BOTTBB PAT P. . a. . Pmllead Sneet ream, sour. SOHe. . BUTTKB City creamery. See, autilde fancy Mue-.itu,! oedlnenr. dOct store, lee. BOOB Ne. 1 fresh Oregon, asadlsd, 1 Sift ea'tera, snejzie. rntMS-New Pall ereess. fiats. HUOlec: Xoang America, lOaiBHe. POULTBT Mixed ehlckeas, 1H ser lb; fancy bens. l41He lb; roosters, old. 10Hc per lb; stags, inmi "7"? broilers. 14e per lb; eld darks, ISHOlSc; lb; spring docks. 1301 lb; geess. StylOc lb: turkeys,' l per lb) dressed, BOs per tbi squabs, fS.MOt.00 Bsc Sea; plgssss, 1100 40' Heps, Weel sad Sides. BOPS Contracts. IfOt crop, 16ITe B; UOS WOOL 10OS dip TsUey, eoerse ts amdlssa. SJc; sue. Tec; earners ureaeu, avojua, . iiAuill.tfi. nominal. SHBSPSKINS Shearing. lBflSos eaebi short wooL Soaeuc; meamm van, i evajini eaca, i - t v(b.eai.O0 eeeh. TALLOW PrTms, per lb, $9t Me. S sad "rUTTIBABr-lOOS stecs. SHOds'pef lb; itC. IK. ire kin. Me. 1. S te IS lbs. lee: drvealf. No. 1. ander t lbs. 18e) salted hides. ateere. seusd, 00 lbs snd ever. lOftllct cows, HlHc: atags and bulls, sound. SQTet kip, llTS SO beetle; eaif. sound, under IS lbs. lie: green, ununited, I sa; eulla. le perlb lone; koreeniaee, eaiiru, eecu, i yi.i. n uiai u malt hldea. aeasoet ' seat sklne. eemutoa, each, 10Osc; Asgera,. each. Sc) 1.00. . traits aad vegetables. ' POTATOES Nsw, tOcefl 00 per sschl pre Soeere' price for csr lota, ToaTOeper ewt. ON ION8 Jobbing price New Wells Wans, SATURDAY PRICES IN . THE WHEAT. MARKET t i & & & Bpt Chios go .... .77 HA Duo, I .7 A Bt Louis . .$$ Liverpool ... Kansas City. Mlnnsspoll , Milwaukee .. Dulutb ..,, Ss li .$$H ;T1H .71 .71 ; ... o 4i .71 4s4yys4 JOURNAL'S DAILY ' Tlps 0N MARKETS Instead of dtmlnlehlng. aup- , piles In the eg market are alow- d ty Increasing along Front street, Quality, while still unsatlsfac-d tory, la somewhat better than a week ,ago. -thus ahowlng mora ' car In ahlpplng. Sale are being . d made along the street today as d) low aa 11 cents a dossn. with an . d occasional lot arolna at 11 cants.' Doalors a.ntlciils.abetter mar- d ket as soon as weather oondl- tlons become more .cool. ' In the meantime th general tip Is to ship as soon ss th eggs sre $1 SO per sack: ' new California, red, If.oO; allrera. 1JM1; garlte. ttjiV per lb. : I'RF.aH FRCITB New apples, SOetIfl-00; erangea, Valencia.- .;so.0: basanas. bt) .' lh; lemon a. choice, S45ii"8 BO box; fascy. fd.OVffi0.BO per box; Umes, Mexlres, per ioo: Hawaiian. gooaeberrlee. 0(e lb; cberrlee. 01.70 per box; plunie, 60$1 23 crate; loganberrlee, 11.40; cantaloupes, 2(uJ.2-: rsaii berrlee. tu; black flga. 1.5o; grapee. IJ1.S5; blackberrlea. fl.lA per crate: ' watsrnielona, lVe, crated, ly ' per lb; apricots. $1 OOfl 1.40; pearhee, 50J9rtc: pears, 1.7B: pmnee, bnlk. ie lb; packed, 00s. boa; huckleberries, 12 he. - - VKOBTAPir.ES Turnips, sew, $1.00 per sack; carrots, fl.KO per sack; beets. $1.50 per aack; parsnips. $1 60 per aack; Oregos radlahea 20o per dos; cabbage. ..Oregon, Sc; . bell pepper a. I0o per lb: tomatoee. TV till. 00 per boi, naranlpa . OcQ$1.00; atrlns beane Oreeon. . eaiTe ser lb: cauli flower, $1.00 per dos; pea a. 4fl5c; ' horeev radlab. OQTo per th; artichokes' TSe per dost noaah, Uc: areeh onlona. Qrecen. per ooa nuncnee; curumoere, aoe per nox : ceiarr, $1.00 per dos; -green corn. lBtStaoe dos: sum mer eonaah; TBciaiUOO par. bos; eggplant. $2.TSff ft .00 per crate. omen fruits Apples, svaporated. issj 14c per lb: apricots. lSKOlse per lb: peaches. ,VTav yrr nr, Ncee, yv wrr ID eae, panM. M to 40. c: He drop on each 1-1 smaller alsa: See, California black. C$V per lb: California white. StloHe per lb; datee. golden, TH per lb; tarda. $1.4011.50 par 15-lk box. Srooeriea. auta, Ite. - STTOAR All refiner tee Cube. t9 SO: Mwdered. H on; fruit granulated, $5.05: dry granulated, $4.05: eonf. A, $4.; weetsrs r. C, $4.8.1; Hawaiian O. C. $4.$o: extra C. $4 45; golden C. $4.45; D yellow. $4.45; bble. 10c: H bble. Sfte; hexes, koe advance en sack basis, lees Z5c pec ewt for essk. 15 days, staple. 14Q1S par lb. - . '. . (Abo re prices apply ts sales sf lees tkss ear jots. . Car lots st apodal prices subject te giflfiia tlone.) ss.eo per crate. rorrKK Paekare brands. SlT.MCll-T". - BALT Tnaree Half around, lota- OR.OO ear ton- 50a. SS.SO: table, daire. SOU. 111.00: IOCS. $11.78; lmoortedUTerpool. 50a. $17.00: lona, $10.50: 224a. $1 06: extra Sne. bble. Se. 5. 0e, $4.50n5.50: bulk. S20 ba. $4.00eT8.on; aacka 50. 5t$c: Urerpoal lamp rock. $1 50 per ton; BO-lb reck. $.no; lOOe. $0.00. RICE Imperial Japan, No.. 1. Set K. 1 SOSUs; New Orleans seed. Tct AJax, Se, Creole. Re. 1 BRAKB BstaTI white. ' $4 Ji - hrss wblts. S.50: pink. $2.75; bayos. $4.75; Unas, S8J9; i exlcan rede. 4 He. ri utb Pea nuts, jumne. sc per n: virsima. 0OHe per Ibroeeted. SHe see lb; Japs- seee, oeroc; reaeiea, aerie per m; eoeoa suta, SOAOOs per dos; walnuts, ISAUHe per lb; plnennts. 1012uJ per lb; hlokory asts, loe per lb; cbeetnats, eaetern, letjloe per lb; Srasll aata. IBs per lb; filberts. 14415e per i fancy pecans. 15c: elmonde. lOfilTs. Mats. Osal OH, Its. . , HOPE Pars Ma nils. 14c standard, 1SU.SI sisal. 11c. COAL Otic Pearl or Astral Cases lSVje pa gal; water wblts, troa barrele 14e per gal. wooden IT per gals headlight, 170-deg, eases UHe per gal OABOUNE a-deg. esses MM per gsL Irea bble lec ner saL - ' - "r ' T BENKINE 3-def, eeaes 25 per gat, treu bble lHcper gal. TURPENTINE-la essss Ode par gal, woods bble aa per gal. WHITS LEAD Tea Iota, TVs per lb; 000-lb lota, sc per lh; lees lots, 8e per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basis at t2.5. - tlNHEEn OIL Pnre rawrla S-tml km. Bee) 1-bbl lot, 53c; rases, 59e par gal; genuine kettle bntled. eases, 00 per gal; 5-bol lots. 64s; 1-bbl lot B5e per gal: ground cake, car lots, $30.00 per boas less than car kts. $00.00 pas tea, , Heats. Fmh and Frsvwteaa. - PBERR If B ATS Treat gtrest Hogs, fa ner. SMC; ordinary. TttQsc; poor. T0TMC per lb; bulla. I3He per id; veal, extra. TVajg n; ordinary, 'Te per. lb: pear. Se per lb; msttoa, fancy. .Qe oar lb; Ismba, RQOe. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pock (local) heme. 10 to 14 lbs. ITS Be lb: 14 to IS the. Istt Par lb; breskfaat bacon, l21o per' lb; picnic, 12 per lb; cottage, 10 lie per lb; reguur short eieare, uaeaeoaea, us per ID; smoked. ISe per lb; clear becks, an amoved, lie per lb; smoked 12 per lb; DbIob butta 10 to 1$ lbs; cne rooked. Se per lb; eaaoksd. 0 mmr Ibi eleer bellies, usamoked. 14s nee lb: amoked, 15e per lb; sbouldere, 13Ve per lb; picsiea xongaee, eo w wwie ooi. LOCAL LA BD Kettle leer, lag, Ils per lb; Ss. 12Se per lb; SO lb. ttns, 12e per lb; ateem reooered. 10s. lUie psr lb; Oa,.ll ner in: eompouna. jue, ,. CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib tails, !: s-ik telle. $XT6i feacr. l ib data. SI. BO: U-lb fancy Sate, 1.15: fancy 1-lh orale. $2.75; Alaaka Ulla, pink, $B41S0et tee, $1.60; aoaBlaai ta. tall, $2.00. FI8H Bock sod, Te per Bt; Sounder. Ss per n: kallDut. sc per in; eraoe. per ooa; striped baas, 134e per lb; catflah. Se per lb; aaimoB, uommDia nver cninooa, an per id, eieei beads. Sc per lb; blosbacke. Oe per lb) herring, ee per lb; soles, Sc per In: shrimps, loe per m; percs, se per id; eiecu eoo, re .per id; toaacod. fs per lb; stiver eaaelt, Te per lh; lobeters pee lb; treeh macbersL Se per lb; crawSah, SO per dos; shad, se per lb; stsrgeea, 10 per lb. OT8TEBS Snealwatar bay, per gal. $123; par lio-io sees, se.w. CLAMS Hardabell. - per sou, $2.00; (Uma, $3.00 per box. , . LACK OF ARRIVALS IS A HELP TO TRADE All Markets In Local Yards Are FirmCattle Have Improve ment With Prices Same. Portland TTnloa Iteekrarda, log. 11. Lies- Stock receipts: . ,-. . Hogs.', Cattle. Sheep. Today ..,....... .... ... ... U'Wair . n . . ......... ... ... Month age... ... . ', 10 111 Year ago 50 - ,., Tkbj was another day wlthoat a slogls bead of atock srrlTlns la tbe local Tarda. Tbe earns eondlttoa exlated . a . week ago snd ss far as hogs are concerned s month snd s year ago. The market Is very firm. Cattle la good shape with price earns, sneep arm, , , OfSdsl lleeatock eaotatlooe: i noge oeei nam, ura-Fo, . i . o.,, i blockers aad Chins fat. $6.60; stackers ssd feedera, $3.00; bulls, z.oo. Cattle Best sastora Oregon ateere, $.1 289 S.SO; beet cows " snd heifers. I? 5l)2.7; (topkers and feeders, $2 SO; bslts. -$2.50. -Sheep BhesrUngs, 4g4c; lambs, 6c sa.e ntajrcisoo local stocks. Bsa rraurlece, Aag. lL Official eloes: Bid. Oontrs Ooats Water 60 sprlag Valley Water... Olent Powder.............. "H Haasllss Commercial SOU Honokes Sugar..... 18i Hatrhlnson Sugar 14 Onomes Sngar, .. Paauha Sugar 14 Alaaka Packers'...... . I, . ' XJvsrsest Cettaa lUrksi, Aak. 57 V ,$2vt iv OS Liverpool, Aug. . II. Cotton futures cloeed eulet, 4 points up; spots alet. ' V 2Tew Tark Oaah Osffss. Wew Terk, Aug. ll.-Csah coffee: He.' lb, a; No. Bastes, . . Smrllaw New Tork, As. 11, Sterling ratss: yDsausd, 45; stVdaes, 482J5. , . TJew Tork. A. U-Baf silrsr wdiAA(4; weayoo ascanesee, 1 , nun in pi i nr: in I'JHEllT PlilCE Chicago Market Advances Witn but Small Amount of Buying ' ' OrdertDcember Hjgher ; Liverpool closes" : UNDER FORMER FIGURE Losses e Quarter: to Threw Eighths "of . Friday's - Prices Government Report vis Commented On Pro- , visions Supported by Swift ' SCLAT1VB WHEAT VALTJCS. Asa. 11. Aos. 10. Gain. 1008. September. .. .72 B .73 S .on, g December .T5MA U.. ......... .T s. W .V'-u 84 .78 .00. Chicago, Aug.' 11. Ths wheat market - waa eirooB-er -voaar. a,ieereooi. aowever. weo te tad lower than xeaterday and thle aomewhat checked the local bulla. la tbe report leaned yesterday ' ths northwest wa gleea s yield ef U30.0u0.000 bushels ef sprtug wheat and 435.000.000 buabels of the winter crop. . Dakota la expected to hare 100.000.000 huahels. wltb s large yield of Marconi, While' today's market Is higher, there waa bat little trading. . Today's market abows a gala (. la September ssd May aad a Is toe ueceni Der. The Chronicle aare: "If tha wheat eras of tne country this year pan cut ss suggeateo oy ths government report. It will beet the record they hare mads by about 10.OHO.000 buabete, snd will be cloae around T5S.000.000 buebeU, compared . with T4S.0O0.uO0 bushels In 1001. Moreover, tn point of qnallty tha winter eroti Is tbe beet eeer nrodoced: the eorln croe le yet -doubtful la thla particular.' - Is prorlalone the receipt war T.000 hog, Igalnat 12.000 estimated. There waa seme support siren towsrds the cloae by Swift Co. Th celling of ribs ssd lard ssrty waa aaoatlr out by parties whs deal for foreigners. Thla had Its effect ea the local trade whs bare bee trleudly to tbe product. , ' Official snetatlena be Orerback. Starr eV Cooks company ; , . - .. . ,. i , WHEAT, Onen. High. Lew. Okve.- oepiM.k.f .11 $1 . ,f2 - .71 ..72A vwc, .70 .. -.74W .70 May.,.. . -.IS . .1 . CORK. Sept... Pee May..., 49H 40 46 .44 6 . : ; .46 .81 B ,$2B , : 04V.B 10.88 ' , U.TT 88 I. 8.T0 ,' T.02 ?" Jtb .87 f OATS. Sent... . Jl .81 11 Dee...., May..., .82 4 .82' .54 - .$4 MESS POBX. SepC.. 188 Jan..... ISS 10.ST 188 . 18.80 ' . 1S.TT LAUD. -' S.8T - 8 2 '' v't.T$ S.0T 8. OCT 7.00 SHORT BIBS. - S.SO ' $.88 . , 8.78 " 1 S OT ' 7.42 T4T i eSMtn Oct Jan. SOS S.0T MM ferptw., .. . 80 Oct..., S.S5 Jsa.... , T.40 ' UTIEPOOL eaATJt VJUIKXT. UiaipouL Aag. 11 Official WHEAT. m. Aug. 11. Aug. 11.'- .Leas. .... Se l 6e 44 ,i .... Ss 44 '.' Ss SVkd 4 . CORN. . I... ee Td -w ds Td ... .... 4s 7d ' 4s Td . ,.. September.', lascsmbsr,.. September.. eoember... v CBJOAOO SBAJ3T CAB LOTS. CUesgs, Asg. 11. Oral car lots: ' . Cars, tirade. Bat. 1008. Whsat 802 $38 . 800 . 244 Cora 101 - 47 so i2 Oata 175 ' 04 17S ' 460 Wheat ear today: Mmneenolls 111, DnhiU i. xeai new. minnsspoiis lis, valuta U. A isavoisoo itomie xxcxajiob. - Bsa Pranctees, Aug. Bid. Belmont ......85.12V4 Oaah Boy .14- OoMea Anchor.. .SO ll.-OfSrlal esatstlnas: Bid. O. Ball Frog Stslaway - . ... Ooa. CaL-Ts. Opblr , t . . .40 , JIT , S.4S Home .. .1 .. 1.45 Jim Butler Mexican Caledonia 07 .24 .44 .08 .IT .41 .84 .04 .61 A .46 .18 .44 .10 .18 .02 .18 .14 A .11 .18 .10A .16 .11 .22 .02 - .08 .8 1.16 .05 MaeNamara .. Midway . Montana ..... North Star ... Oble Ton. Ex tea . . Nevada Weet Bad .... Adasas Atlanta , Bluebell ..... Booth Columbia Mt. Ooa Quarry .. rKamoadOeld . Dixie Ooldfteld ..... Jumbo Jumbo Exteu . Kendall Legsna ...... May Quae .. Mobswk ..... Red Top ..... Sandstorm ... Silver Pick... a. . .78 SH S.80 .4 .82 87 18.00 8.0- .08 .22 -.15' .5 .28 . . .14 .80 .0) .42 l.a. .28 .02 .87 1.10 .24 2.45 1.40 .41 Exchequer Noreroa Oold Crews.... llreat Bend .... Resrus Bleck Bstts Bx. Oeldea Belsaoet.- Mnntgoaaery Mt. Sunset ......... Sceptre ' e.. Manhattsa ..... Beyler-Hsmprey, Dexter A. Orenny ........ Oold Wedge....' Loss Star Ot, Bend Ex.... (It. Bend Annex. Crescent ....... Cowboy Denver Annex,. Bulls Aj Beare.. Black Rock...., N. Y. Ooueol... Man. Coa., si im ,,. ... w National Bank. rA4 .00 . Mttle Joe May Bower T. 7. .'r".4T -Jumping Jack.. .34 . Red Top Asses. .05 Montana ....... .23 ' Denver ........ 1.55 Eel I pee .00 Oold Bar 1-22K KET LOSSES. - Lscvisotlv ...j. Smelter Baltimore Colorado Psel Colorado Si South. Cora Prod note ... Illinois Central... Mexican Oestral.. National Lead .. Northern PacLfl. PennaylTsnls ..... People's Oes......; Resdlsg .......... .1 jTZW TOME OOTTOV atAXKTT. ' Mew Terk, Ana. 11. Oottos fstures closed 1 point dows to 8 points Bp. Official quotatloas by Orerbsek, fVwike MfflBlnT! Starr uoeu. nisn. uow. aus.ii., January . t'ebraary Marclt ... April .... May Auguet . . ftentembsf X B.S8 .4 S.84 S.85 . $.82 8.04 4 S B P.Bl . S.NU 8.01 . ..10.01 ..10.03 ..10.0T .. 0.48 ,.'8.(10 10.08 S.B8 10.08 10.05 10.08 10.06 0.45 0.42 S.52 . S.61 S.70 ' 0.02 S.T5 S.78 S.8T 8.7$ . 8.08 10.01 10.08 . 8 88. 8.48 AS 8.00 8.75 a 8.0M 10.08 8.84 8.44 October ..... 0.08 November ... S.72 01 8.07 December ... 8.83 8.T2 WTTTD STATES OOTERJmXaTT B02TM. New Turk. las. 11. Oorernmeat bonds: Date. Bid. . Aak. Twos,' regtatered. ........... lftrtS 104 106IA do coupon inns 1(C 105 xnrees, regutereo. iw" juDin . 4" do1 coupon 18U8 103 104 Twos, email bonda. .... 108 ... roars, registered .777... I0OT loaf 108 do coupon. ioo 10X14 108 5 Pours, regmtsred 1026 120 180 de coupon 126 128 1 130 DtatrVt of Columbia 115 ,.v Pbillppla 4 108 .... ' 11 TOSS BAJTX STATXKEirT. ' New Tork, Aag. 1. Bask statement: Decreaae. Beservs Reeervs, lass V. S- Loans ., Specie legale bepnettg ., , Clrculstloa ... 6.8M.1V) ... 5.844.T.V) ,., -4.72S.400 ... 8.8O8.2O0 ... 2.008.700 ... ia.007.000 4(12.100 BTW T0BX COrTIE 1LU1XZT. Mew Tork, Aug, 11. Coffee eloesi Bldl ST.lluly ......J. Bid. ...TM ... 80 ... f-oo ... T.08 ... 7.10 Xaassry Pebrusry ..... March ......... ,.. T.r'Angnat ... T SO Ortober ... T.foVNoeember ... April .., May June . T.o Derember ... ,.wi - -. . ,. tOBTLAXS BAJTX fTAIKlUVT. , Clearjnge A., ......48M.8Aajl8 w f ytyui'uvf lo. vl Seventeen and an Eighth Cents Was Offered at McMinnviiJe Yesterday for a Choice Hop Contract on Coming Crop Conditions Firm SOUTIIERU PACIFIC IS HIGHEST Strikes the' Top & Mark - Since Nineteen Hundred vand Two . S Union Pacific Cains. , BAD BANK STATEMENT ; v 1nterfereswith TRADE Loss In Cash Much Greater Than Ex pected and Other Features Are Disappointing to Trsde Atchison Gains Ont and "a Quarter.' ' KET OAlNa '- - ' Amalgamated" , Cer i reuadry Sugar Anaconda ..... Atrhleoe ...... Brooklyn ....... Central Lasthsr, St. Paul ; Chesanesks .... Donee , 'Ontario 4 Westers ' Norfolk Praaaad Stesl Car. ' Rep. . Steel, pfd... Rock Ialand Rock lalasd, pfd.." Vi.SoutherB . Psrlflc... ' aoathera Railway: Texas Pacific. . loton Pacta V. S. Steel.,..;.. - C. S -Steel, pfd.. Erts .... Loularllla Katy Wall Street.' New Tork. " 11 Tt,e'k,nk statement was worss tkas expected today and inie ceuaeo eome sailing preaaurs ts Iks llet. The loaa la eaah was sns ef tbe depressing features. However, traders seemed te lb bulllah ssd the cloae of tbe merkat waa 4nw srally higher . soutaers ranne was the fee ture of th day.. t ciiim tuaer er laa 01a. toe sigaeei aviint reached since 1002. when it reached Its high point st 81. Union Paclflo wa also aetlrs aod showed s good gsln. It closed st 161. Atchlaoa wss-stteu with a net gala st ts elne of ths day amounting te 1U points. . Official onotatlona oy uvernecg, , Starr , Cooke compear : sr. iwt DESCBIPT10N. AmaL Copper Co......" Am. Cor A rouad., -eem. tup. no preierrea Am. Cettou OIL -earn Am. teoBaBtieuL am. Am. Sngar, com..... Am. Smelt., esse,... do preferred...... . Anaconda Mining Cs. Am. Woolen, com atcouoe, am jr( Baltimore Ohio, sa le orel Brooklra Rapid Traaadt. uunaaiaa ran Be. eon Chi., MIL St. Paul. ibi. nortswasr.. com. Chasspesks 1 Ohl uiie, ruel iroa. sem. Colo. South., com se sa prererre Corn Prod acta, eomv,., do preferred. Delaware Hudsoa..., u. . o., esss de preferred.. , Erie, com de Sd preferred...... till note Can teal LeuwTlUa - Nashville Manhattan By Mexican Central By.... M., K. ak T cess , do- preferred......... federal Smelters...... Missouri Pacific National Lead N. T. Central N. Y.. Ont. A Waal... se Norfolk at Wsstsrs, com oo prererre North American ,. Northern Pacific, eess... Pssnsylrsals By. .... . P. a.. L. C. 6e....'. Prassal Steel Car.- com do preferred .......... Seeding, com,......,,., de 2d ptef erred... u. suv let preferred..', Kes. Iroa a) Stesl. com do preferred......... Bock lelaad. -com sVw saem f aaraart si 2 08 Si; TS-i, St. L. a S. P., 2d pfd do let preferred...,, St L. S. W.. eves... de preferred Southern PactSe, easa. , do preferred ......... Southern By.. Seas...... de preferred Texas A Pactfic ...... Tel., Bt. L, W.. sea de prsferred Union Purina, ssss...... do preferred......... U. 8. Bobber, com.... do preferred .,,.... C. S. Steel Os., ssss. de preferred... Wabesh, com.... do preferred Weetern tnlou Tele... 78i4 TT 11T 87 'S8 ail 150 152 ee '40 K 106 Wlsconaln Cestxal, do preferred. . . I 8 4B,4i Total sales tor day, $8T,00 shares. STOCK EXCHANGE IS . J. OPENED HERE TODAY Th Portlsad stock exchange held I La Initial call at 11 o'clock thle morntn ha the Coat moBwsslth building. Ne saws were recorded, but there waa anlrltsd blddtas fax some escurl ties. Presldest Herman Wittenberg was Is tbe cbalr sad sxpiamea te the members ths soyects of ths exchange. Tbe calls will be st 11 e clock following are official bid ssd aak prless: VBht Aak. Bankers' a Lembsrmsa'8 bank. 4 100.00 Leeeer . Maaaiacrarmg eompany. ise.vo CsoiDbeU's Aata Safety Una Burner . V 4.80 ' M Union Oil eompany.,....,..,.,, jiri.oo Aseochtted Oil company 85.00 ' Alaaka Packers' aeaoc)atloa..'.( 58.00 Home TeleDhoae company KO.oO 1000.00 150.00 Oregon Life Inearance eompaay. The i. O. Lee compear 180.00 Oregon Securities sompsay ,08 Oolconda .OS Tacema Steel. ,...... - .08 Snowaterm 100.00 Oallrs Consolidated ri...... Xtt 215.00 Oallahsr M. It." Co.......... - x Uoldea Role Consolldstsd .01 , Bullfrog Terrible... North ralrrlew. Lee'a Creek Oold Mining Co...,. , Alaaka Pioneer Mining eompany. SUOAB COMPANIES. Hawaiian ...........,-. Honokea ...... ..eW-re... ..... Hutchlnaoa .................... - Makawall ....................... Ononaea ... .., I'aauhas Uatoa M .10 .11 jm .28 .16 ESCAPE OF FALLIERES. ' Prsaldent-- ralllere et the rreacb republlt sarrowly sscspsd srrsst ths other day at the trotting racee at St. Cloud. Tke preeldeat bad eltbes forgotte or bad never know a the elsnlneiaee ef the r ranch betting law of 1S0I, which decree thst sobody maklug s bet shall employ sa Intermediary, bat must ester the paals-matuel la perees. Ob entering ths racing groqnde ths presldeat called ss .alde-de-eamp and Rlrtng him a gold louls ordered him to put It ea sock snd auck a horss. Ths of fleet obeyed, tbe money -wee paid into the parls-mutuel. (be bet ee- tered, ths race we and the officer went ts drsw th president's winning. . - It waa s hahdlce ssd ths amount waa eenalderable, Ths officer wss satnrallr eeugratalated. but be, with, blushing Baodeaty, exclaimed thst the. money was sot sie, nut oeioage ea ft. fxi lUree. A detsctlrs. bearlus ths sonversatloa. thought he ksd s victim, snd bade the officer take Mot to "this M. rllleres.". As tb two anprnsrbed th prealdestlal box the detective became snlxous.- He Inquired If . M l alll wa s relative et the preeldeat, -He la th nrealdenr blmeelf," replied th am need aide- de-camp. "Ohl" ejaculated the Setectlra, a lost himself la tk erowi, . CGI rv ... N: 7Q .';.y Portland's Widely Known and Successful Cninese Metiicinal. " Root -and Herb. Doctor ... . His Uamos resMdles, ' the Isgredteata . ef Which .we Impart direct from th Or Leu ta large foaatltlee aad prepare ssd pat Bp for see la hie sp-te-eet labstory. No mercury, poleon a Srsgs st say klad Beed. . Purely ergetable. , The Doctor treats sseaaaafully aod guerenteea ts care ell stomach troubles, ea terra, asthaee. long. - threat, rbeuaaatlam, kMner asd Viet manhood ueor. rEMALB TBOTJBLrS ' AWTJ All TBTTATB , BISEASXS.. Ne false r selslssdln sUtsstests ts tb fS'eted. A aafe and lectins cure 1 tk uleh. et poaalbl time aud at ths Isweat seat pes slbls for boneet treatment. If yoe cannot call, write for sysrptoss Maafe sad , elrcular, . Inclose 4 cents Is ataaeps. , . OONStTLTATlOsT PBIE. The a See- We Cninocc Medletae Oe., 48 . Tint St., Oar. herrlaea, Pertlsad. 0s- . Please meatloa this paper. Scffi'w2wl-lvC3: A positive cuns Tor In flammetlos erOatarrb of the Blertrl.r and Dtaaeeed Kid. ueya. a 8 0Ua8 B8 tAs. Cares quickly sad permanently the worst eseea of meeiei-i Sieea as )aee, ae matter or bow long ataadtng, Abaolutely barmlaea. hold bv drueeieto. ' fa Sale by W.edard, Clarke Oe. Every IVcisa l Mllrtsrastea ssd aboald kaow MAJ.VTL'vriaV0S I The new vague, gjiaec. MJt. , BMeM ourttoa. lias fiat. Moat Convaaleax. Aak eaar SeoaeM Sar A. If be cannot u oly the aei eia, aeeena ae ether, hat eend atema faa IllnaUuted boob-eeabe. ft a full nartloulan nod dlreotione la. valuable tolalice. Slaaivai, 4 ru aaeisT.. 887 tors. ' S. a. SXIDM0BB A CO 181 ?HTU SIS ABO WO0DAB1X OLABaS OO. . BMeMrurrKtra isslism t;:ViiOVAt:PiUC LB mm tlolS emeiaa eeaea, eeala nHlln Take ae ether. Bafba Paaeaiao gakilHutleua aad lay He. laawa. See of jwSraaaleafnMWaom tUltaefserlalefcb an tmm, or rm nkail. la.eeer iiennu. u ay aiaieneaeee vaeaniawa ve- aaeaee. rmia.. raw ICISCHARSES; I Baca Otp ' 1 w " rorssle HOUSEHOLD DIARY Indicates tha Groceries and Othtf - J'.'f'" !-''' SPPUa Needed. " . Bvery bualna man uses a daily re minder f om kind, Why should riot , tb hpuMwIf-do llkwlaeT She has only her memory to remind her of what " groceries and other aupplie srs wantd.--'1' No -wonder ah eorastlrnes forgata A. great help to her would bo an indicator . , similar to th on shown har, Within -a frame la a plat having row of name of article of household us arranged in horlsontal line across th front ' In front of and .parallel with th -name - - I 'I - I M , INDICATES WHAT IS WANTED. . are rods, tranavers ' rods extending At points adjacent to each row of nam. . Moving frly on each horlsontal rod ar . Indicators In tha form of smsll balls, on for each nam on tha plat. In front of each row of nam a black strip -is painted on th plat. - Normally, all th Indicators Ar to rfh right of th nam. . Whn th housewife dlcovr ha 1 hort of sugar or salt, tc, sho -move th corresponding Indicator to th . left. ' Before g-lng to market h look at th board and jot down ssch artlcl h,nd to purcha. RULES, FOR AUTOMOBILES. X ' From th Detrlot Fr Pre. Among tb laws passed by th On tario legislature at , th session - Just ndod I on of a drastic natur rgu latlng automoblllng In Ontario, which should Interest American tourists. , . Th nsw law provide that number ar to b flv lnche long on front and back and no number other than that lasusd by th provincial - ecretary Is to b oarried. In caaa of accident tli onu of proof I on th automoblllat. J They 'mut low' up on Approaching horses or vohjclea. atop If (Ignaled And ' Vender help -If asked. . For violation of th regulations or -for riding on a bt, penalty 1 $(S for th first offsns. $100 for th cond and not more than on month In Jail for , th- third. - If there ar three convlo tlone wltMn th yar It will csncel th permit and no other will be Issued for two years. Of floe re may arrest without s warrant and may detain th anto until .' th csss 1 ttled. Th fee on Ameri can care are increaaed from i to 10. Kopofnl AlabamaA Alabama -Republicans hsvs decided to put out a full atat tlcket'and tn noml- . net candidate at a primary to b held th latter part of Bcpiamber. Thle will , Ib tbo first grnsral Republlcaa prlnarx over hold la Alabama. -