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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1906)
TIIS OUECCrj DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EWtlll.O, AUGUST 11, -iZZI -St trrw TODAY. .. ... mm In the Scramble for Qold m1 to sio tm WW toy, i aaa mentally built alovrty. niul As tha irtnt ho pi ha tha a rainy .vaar? a, yaauy ttw . aaad helpa yow m coming pvwwk jEtvra row, sbartod t .mt rout lint r Kff WM y 'i mi j jiy bp - ' ----- - .90 mat- orats to a iaokw atrlKa. tlEB. Ba gem gAuia start M itn Mtr-opia h aooaaat arttb ma. - t VAT 4 Per Cent On Savings Deposits : . XMTXBBST COMPOUNDED tOCMI- , ..v;: -'.'- : ANNUAXXT. ..-'. MW1GSRAWK TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. m (OotMT eoond). onooi. Tb Gtimn Amerlccn Rrc Inicrcnce Ccni?:ny c mr toxx is vynr it io in ( PYonolaco m fait a adjusted without discount. - t This oonflarratkon-proof ootnpaoy Is on of th tooa largos Amerioan odtn paaJea. After deducting Baa Fraaelao claims ft atUl baa ovar ll,00t.04 aa . sots. fOnWI', imu ft OO, Agaata. JrTioD4 Paotfro 41. 101 Chambar of .- CsnmtrM Bad Portland, Or. . 342 PER LX)Tv 80K106 nor snlv . lata tort neoM oat and th &ibxnt Sa a tract, of TOO lata, baa erdered lla tote Bold without deter: price will ba $43 pat lot on til tntr lot at sold., Thaaa Ma are located aa carltna sad prectWiy aa the rtvor, high, sightly aa4 loveL all aaah la required. No terms tw Title perfect, can aa M. d. tJiuasssj, BuT. McKay bids.. Third and Btark ate. H aorea on tha ear Una; bo e-raval, flna garden land fS60 per acra, Ua m aaa 104-aora traat, fronU 111 foot on tba car Una It.Mo, ..., TOWNS aeag Morrison st. Mterta Red Wheat ' Commando blaitoot : erica 1aeauoo tho aoll and oltmatlo condltlono producd tho fin eat quail t jr. Xow rataa . rrleaarlat Tarma oaar. - W. Q. IDE, 25 1 Alder St. WEATHER REPORT. ta lalattnlr low aad tba latanaaaataln aaaattlad ta tba man thaadar at yaatorday aft man a la (tan and Nevada and thunder aawai ere Indira ted for ton tint at andar ta eaatara Ckreana, aaatara Waahlna toa aad Idaho. Tba tamper twee reeterdai' Ta th Berth PaetS ataata war fraaa ta IT aL Tb hlfb araaaara area riwa hob and tba Debetae, and tba low nreaeare area yeatardajr over tha lower take toalea at now ' cantsal over -tba appar ft. Iawraaca TalUy. , Th blh praaaura an rr tha g-nlf atataa : haa dlaappaarad. . Local raloa, har ta placaa. nava aooBrraa la aartnera aaw Menaa. T. rzaa. - Oklaboaut, weatara Kaaaaav Nabrajka, BKHiui aiaaoia aiiiawi. wwnra Amoaaak AktbaaM and aleaa tba Kaw aaUad aad aaa- .dla Atlantla aoaat. It wlU ba oolr ta tb laalna aartlaa af - thht dletrlrt Baaday. , OtiaiaMaai takes ot a. Pmdika ttawi ..... .. Tma. tafjoaa , hUx.' . hfla. Proela. Bator taty, unim. ...... a va Boetoa. MaoaacbaMtts..... Tf M .'rklcea. llUaole.. ......... M . TO beanar. Oolarado, a - M .0 . .0 .01 .0 . .0 I A .0 .0 .01 City, Jiiaooan...... a . . to !, L'atiroraia.... aa j, a Kew OrleeaaJLomlataaa.M. 90 Mow York, ffww Xork. T Portlaad, Oroooa.. ......... M Boaabva, Oroa7oa.......M TO .TO 00 s Tt t M M T TO Haa rraaclaoo, caurama.. at Oookanav weeaiBBtoa...... B . Taeoaaa. Waahl B(toa... 8 WaU Walla. Waahlnftoa..l00 Waehlnttoa. a, D. 0... St 1C ARRIAQB LICENSES. Barry U Jkaaa. MH Third attaat, aarth, B; la. . . Oa artel Oarlaea, 100 North Oataa KOBa waanaaagau William HBlddta. ON Alder atraat, M, a. autnar, as. Waddli Una Oarda. Md., aor. Carat. W. O. mltk O WaaV yaorth and watainoiaa ata. Waddlaa; and aalltng tarda aaararod or prtatad. X. T. Baahtoa. SH Waahlaataa at. ntlaa Bertha Mart, moat (it Altaky bid, tamptna and da adlwork; ltetoaa rtrta. 1. BIRTHS. CABBIOAN JolT IT, to Mr. aad Mr, Carl W. Carrle-aa. TO Arrhar, boy. MCIBB Aayott 0, to Mr. and Mr. Aafaataa T . jnriwi. ar jvwnwm aa aPU , BCKBriBL Aacntt 0, to Mr. and Mra. WUlard M. Bcaofkil, ltGA Praia, a Bin. kVIS Anroet X ta Mr. aad Mm DA Via Ann ra. Bobtrt H. DTta, K! BMtaa. a (in. KlPLKT Aoroot re jar. aad Mr. . Ripley, Portland Maternity boapltal, a airl. DEATHS. BTI Ht HLlU Anrurt 10, Aaat atwekltT, M rear. 11 Beat rtftr-atcond. tabarcaloala. LONO Aaaaat . Clifford Long, IT yean,' M. Vawtfl boapltal. porltoaltle. UNDERTAKERS. fiaaBlnc. McBntoa Oilbaach. aadartaker aea nbalatera; atoMra ta Mala 40. lady aaatataat. d Pin. A. PJ.BMttock. aaderttkvr aad aarbalaMi r 1 'trtaoatb aad LauUll rro. Phoaa Ball j p, Ptuy J) Bnea. Third aad Madlaaa ata. Otmb of -tr aoroaor. Pbaa Mala i. .. Bdward Bolaiaa. aadartakar. Third. t. . BitaatAaf C-TABT. .. ; , fwh, ara tea Itdt faa - J1-- rir-T H -CawMb-. Kn ri r aaraiBa aad . i t full YmmM. a ae-y t . i .wr" The baaoniatar waatfear la aaa atataa. Baaimaa REAL ESTATE. TRANSFERS. Charle A-, Daa ., Jamaa a., Aanle U, ' KalharlM A. ana ranitU a Malark - to Caarlca A. atalarkar, aa usdl'tiM H. ta 1MB J. Maiarka aa aaalTUl4 hi an4 to A. Malark aa andl- IU4 U at tba folio wlni: Part of :- fractional block 41 ta Coack'a 4(UV Conpanf of Orafoa -to J. , Frank ktrCana, lota IT aad H. block tL at Tlw Park. i i Fred kC aad Mlaala . a Yoan ta (lUm f. Huwa 1 mimI a block IWl Woat IrVloitoa . l.tBO Maud and D. it. liaitatl to J. W, PowalL lot a. block a. Park Vl.w.... loaopk H. and A Ik- 1. Naak to B. T. Hnlada, aaat JOiTB foot of lot 1. II at ki a hkwk 1 Muk'a Klrat addltloa 1,000 Portland Floorlnf Mllla companr la Jooa Mac lnnta, aoatk 40 frat of kt 8, block . , UolUdaf ' addltloa ta Kaat fort-, land 4.100 ccratarr KaTlnaa A Truat company ta . Walter . Unl. part o( klock It), A. M. Klna'a addltloa Clara D. and 0. B. Browa to Baima'C. Johnatm. 60i50- fMt of lot a. block " IS, atcMUlaa'a addltloa to Xaat Port-. land a. H. and Halllo Blca Wart to tlarfa- rouia uoir. lot . block l Tornoo. ilO 4 - Lau.iewWH. 1 . beginning at Dolot In sou Ik aid Hi n of Srantt atraat l.l teat watt of later. aeetkua K In.lMi. I k atraet.- . t. A., and Ana 1. Boll to A. U. Oow- allL kit 4. blotk 1. Archer Place too Jalla aV Joffaaa to Waana land eona- Eay, t 00 fret of lot 1, 4. block , Coach addition; a la lot 1, block a, Protbtttl addltloa, aad thar prep arty Bdward OnmmLnri to C. M. Foriaer. lota 14, IT, IS, block 0, ArUt Park No. t. Point View Keal ' Batata company to ktartha A, Batty, lot and 1U, bkxk ' .04. Point Vltw .... 100 ta Pulnt . Vlw Baal Katat company to - Anal, O. Bnnla, dU T and . block 4. Point View i. ....... . Anna B. Greta Barnett and William H. Barnatt ta Henry U Johnaoa. lot block 8. Graea'e addltloa BTB Xoaepk H. Leader to Bridal Tell tambar. ' In compear. oata H or aoatnaaK H af aaettoa U, townthlp 1 aontk, range aaat; akto andlrldtd 1 of aortbtMt M of aactloa JX tawnsklp & aoath, rtnr I aat ..:.Tiv 1 S.008 T. K. and Kata 8 trod to Bridal Vail Lumberlnf eompany, ondf tided 14 of aortlMaat H, of section H. towsaklp 1 aonth.' rente 1 aaat , 400 a. I.' CowUhaw ta Bridal TU Uimbtr- Inc omptny, aortbwt H of eeetloa 11, townakip 1 aootb, range aaat, eoatainlBa IrtO aeraa .BOO Charier and Afne Packbam to Bertram . and Ida B. Dart, lot 0, block 4, nunam tract . ,....... Obarle and Margarat Coop' to 0. B. J.S00 m n i, a lota I. s, , U . 4. 1 north, ranr a a. uov, a aula iw teet win oter I, o a ecuoa u ana ra of eectloa Jt. township D. P. Jocbfaoa la 11. L Malll and W. B. Ma 111a. lot 4 block 1. MetdowUad. at t, H. Agnow aad 1.01a- Agnew to Minnie U rotter, lot a. block . Brook una Uettht I in Jobs Miliar ta Balrar Olaea. part of oonatloa land claim f Utuutmla r. Burr, aaettoa 4. townablp 1 aoath, react B aaat, which point m aerth 1 mlante aaat to chain 40 link from aonthwaat eorner of aald aactloa 4 tbonoa north 16 mlantaa aat 1SS feat; theac aaat Kb? fttt; tbanc aaath IS Bilaute watt 186 font: tnaaee aoath 26 fast ta Dlaca of betinnina...... eel H. Bowa to Mary Warmatb, lot I. block US. Woodstock. ...... tt M. and N. M. Darts to it me D. Ordaa. hat A. block a, on High., land Altl aad Joarpblna' Paalaoa to ITortno Mairet. east l- w lets i, a, a, owe I, aabdltlsloB of WtB 1 and B, block 8. Alnswortk tract 1,800 850 PaaUna Fischer to Bobtrt Kallaad. lot 1 aad B. block 09. eliwooa v..... Crescent Land eompany to Charles B. ' Krlckaoe, lot 0, block a. aayttoa aa dltloa 060 Portland Treat Company ot Ores on to Jollua Krarmar, part or lot a, Dtoca a, Portland Homestead La to L and Carl 8. Klrhlln ta Marcalla and Anna Oately, tot Jt, Dlock 1. Masai? Hlahland Barlnra Loaa aoelaty to Bdward A. Baldwin, lota w to is, incmaiTe. Biota B8. Couch' addltloa Henry aad Urania Melater to Bmlll L., Alfred A. and Emilia Closset, kt 18. block U, original townlttf Alblaa.. BL U, Powers to Raaol B. Smith, lot . T, bktck S3, Hawtbcrna' First 441 tloa to Eatt PortUnd Prank T. aad Matilda J. Blip trick to Jobs A. and Clara Larson, lota and . block 1. Willamette John. A. and Aagnsta Lofqalat to 1. W. , Crw, lot t. subdltltloo of block IS, North Bt. John addltloa to St. John. ,800 BOO 860 regon anoge. no. t. v. . , . Conyrrfallooal Chebra Abarl Sbolom, 1 acre f donation land tlalm. at . kodr. Kft aa, 1. w. n. n., to John Tic ny " ii' j! r Blay&iv Arlefai Ind enmnanr lot 4, block 4. lemur par...., ixlete Land company to B. B. Jaekaoa, lot t. block 8, Arista Park NeaW.-.r-Jofaa 0. and Marr It Bohert to Addl Bchwarta, lots lo. IT, 18. 10, 80, SI. block 11, WUUawtto addltloa to Eatt Portland Or D. and Albert L. Braae to SeMsa L. Slmpsea, aaat B0 feet at feta S aad 0, block T. Paradise Boring tract: alee a atrip lying bt twees east line et aald lots and V block t. and tba west , ' lino ot Spring street, which m 10011 feet ISO 100 SOS Get yea lueataaea and abstract to real aetata from the Title uaaraaree at ires S0 Waahlagtea street, corner Oleosa. NOTICE. S BALED BIDS will be received by the start hoard of public bonding eommlaatoaerd. at tha espttel halldlng, Balem. Oregoa. antll It o clock m. Aaa-oai 14. 108. for bnlldtag ad ditional laratortre and hatha at the aiylam and Indraury- halldlng and additions at tb ottartntlne building at tha Oregon stltt Insane asymm. Stlesu abn painting the eat id f th aula and other bonding located at th esylnm aad asylam farm; alas Cot paint mlstare. Plana aad enerlscsttaM csa ba aea t th fSc et the clerk of the board, also at tb efnre of th asylnm superintendent and tb atar of Deloa D. Near, architect, 1S8H lint -st., Portland, Oreana. from wheat form for -bid amy be ebtnTned. BMa amat be aceompanled by cartifled rarfeltar check as rsoolred by the tpeclB attteas, otherwise will not be eoaaldered. Bt etef of the BTATB BOARD OF PTJtiLIO BU1LD1N0 ; COMMISSIONIBS. Attest; W. N. OATBNS, Clerk. ' . nt rnl anantr soort mt the stete af for MaKnomah eaonty. la tb matter of th aetata af Hyppollte Dotard, deceased. "No tice M hereby gives that tha undersigned he by consider it ton of the shore entitled , cenrt been appointed admlnltrtor with tb will annexed of th nut of esld deceased, sltsats wlthla tb stats of Oregoa, AU person kiting elalat against tbs aa. . tats sf aald deceased are hereby notified ' to preeeat tb same, verified ander oath, with tha proper touchers, ta tb nnderslcned, 424 ' Chambar of Commerce halldlng, Portland, Oregon, within six months from th data of ; tha first pabUcatlaa of thl notice. . J. 0. FLANDERS, Af mintttntor Batat Byppoltta Dotard. Ba ft ited ad tint pabltehed Jnly SS. 1808. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT I rh oanty eeart of tha etate ot Oregon for Multno mah county. I the matter of the estate of Joka B. Osrrell, deceased. Notice Is here by give that tb nnderalgned, sdmlnlatrstor of tb aetata at aald deceased eirnit wlthla , the state of Oregoa, his filed In aald eeart bis final aeeonnt uch dmlaltrtor. and . that Friday, tbs fuuttituth day of S.pttm v her, 190. at 0:80 a. m., haa been ftxed aa . tba time, and tbs comity eeartroom aa the piece, for the - settlement of each aecoaat and th bearing and determining of objee-tbt- tlr,to. - ,.4 m)(9i ,, Amlalftrator of tha Estate' af John B. Oar- rell, Decessed. . ' , Dstad aad first pnbllabad Jaly BS, loot. NOTTCB Persons bating anode or merchandise . stored with m at my warehouse, tl Nor'k Frost st . arc hereby aotlfled that I bar Isisid tb premiaaa to others, and that tuelr property must be remered within 80 days. All goods remaining aa the premises Sept. I . will b rsmored and stored e lee where at owner' expense. I thsnk yoa all for yonr pstrinige and th confldenc reposed tn m. . FEED BICKEL. NOTICE. Portlaad. Oregon, Aagnst S, 1004. T th Public: - The aaderstgaad wfll act bs rotponslbls tor sny debt eoatracted by Katie t. Wilson. . There are divorce proceeding pending In tb rlreolt cenrt of Mnltnemsh entinty btleeea the anderslgned aad aald Xatls J. Wllsoa, and the court baa settled the alimony be tween them. JOSHUA B. WILSON. . BOTICB OF BECBITER'S BALE Th bast- sett, gned will and efteets sf tba i'ortltnd , (IndepeiHtentl Mesaenger Service, a corpora tion eempneed of James Symood and A ! aader A. Oiler, dnta baalnsea at SOI Aakeny t PdrrtsBd, Oregoa, will be cold at pah. Ito aostloa to th highest bidder oa Maadsy. A asset It, 1000, at IS 'elo aeaa, at Ml Aakeny st. , . AMERICA ADJTJSThtEltT 0QMPANT. a t . . ' , .y . ehaaatvtr. SaMED $40 UEXnTNQ NOTICES. Mt'LTNOMAH CAMP. Ms. TT, their hall, Mast With, near Bast I Aider. All tinting aatgnaora eeroiauy welcomes. H. B. INOBAht C'a I. M. WOODWOBTH, a M. W. A., Orsgoa Grtpe Camp, M. 4,T5, Mev aaya. Tta ana M erase u; nsirars waatue. M W. A. KTIRAtlKN CAUP. B4M. Wedneaday awalna, Allaky bldg.. Third aad Morrison ate. LOST AND FOUND. LOBT Brlndle ad whit bull terrier dogs li cenced collar : ear croppad; reward. 400 Iron at. -v - - r""- i r TIT""- 110.00 BBWABD Stolen from ladd trpaamr wtaseeoay nignt, nay eon a years oin; wart ewer left ere. atsr aa forehead, welsht aheat 1.100. Address Frank Chambers, 4.12 , East Taylor t Portland. Phone Kaat St?. 110.00 REWARD for Information or rttnra of rrana -raaea rrom monvatuia aapreas - m wagoa. night af .she thirtieth or July. . FOtmn Stlckptn. near 10th and Madlaoa. Call at ivm ana voiumoin. roues ta phh " lie, .......... LOST Lady'a. taa handbag containing note for sxuo ana cnane; amounting to st-jo, in smio Portland. Finder plessa rttnrn to Journal ofBca and recelra reward. IT HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Men for brtckrard. 82 50 nor day. Seventh aad Buaaolt t. Jamaa Andsraoa. WANTED Teang mea to learn telegrapby sad h H.fl neeirtinrlnei selertes B7A.UO to 8110.UU. For fret eaulogu Iddreat Mora Colleg at Ttltrrtpky. sua uta tt., oakuna. vat. B'WltD-Tet or three fl rat elate, all-aroaad maebtna mea; permanent poaltion, good wages. Oregoa Paroltvr Mfg. Co., Macadam road. ' WB gat work tor eat members; special asera- ner, . a. tt. t;. a., rotirio aaa xituuu. i Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to oar perron. Weekly rate: Boom. 11.28 ap; room aad board. tt.BO ap. Anderson, proprietor. WANTED Loange maker: ateady work) B0 North Front, eorner or pita . lllJutt to Introdnea tha world' In fralta fiarBank a aew aioneiees pints itflraelsr. Choice of territory. Ch weekly, ddrta Waahlngtsa Nursery eomptay. Top. pen tea, -Washington. WANTED 100 boy for Bporearleee to aert poettloa of petty of fleer on board. Matt b Araerlcea bora and orer IS year of age. The term of engagement shall h three year. Wage per month first year. 188 per month second year. 0 per month third yer Ba bona at tha and af the third you of For term and coadirtona apply to omer Fritch. secretary Bttamablp Asso ciation of Baa Franetaaa. 110 Etit atraat. Baa Fraaeiaca, CaL, i ;.4 J'' -.v.. WANTED Mottng-plctare machiD-parator will teach yea tbs Dot meet; term Tory rea sonable; position aeeuredt good ealsyy. .New man, 146H Sixth t. : - AO K NTS wanted to sell superior, htgh-grad annery atockl complete enttic mmitnea me, rath weekly; write today for ehotcf. of tec- . rltory. Capital City Naraary Cempsof, Seleat, oregoa. WANTED Boy; Btsady work. . 66 N. Front, corner uarls. . 88 A DAT. few boar' time. Address Medicated Insole C., 28 Mala at Portland. Or. UH AND WOMEN to hmra barber trad ta eight weeke; graduates eara from SIB to 25 ., wsekly; expert tnstractorai ctUlotut free: tpecUl rate this month. Mmer Syatam of , Collegea, 85 North Fonrth St.. PorUandJ WANTED Bookkeeper - aad ofae mtnerer; competent, cxnerleaced, anoneetiooabl reference, otherwise don't waste time apply ing; per ml sent poeltlos to right party. Ad dress F 82, ear Journal. 178 FEB WEEK hi what one maa made oslltng Union jsnxasi bics sara tmtvat ettruw, yint csa i Oreg a do It too, , Ton Msrqssm oiog., roruano. (on. .,......',,.-,.- wantedtwo 48d and Divls ilara. v MrMiho Bras.. lvltlon ata., end Richmond earllns. WlXTItn Pit nee fnremis for Blsht Oregoa tt Washington Lumber Co., city. WANTED, BIDS Carpenter, chimney, mlU work, painting, plumbing, excsvstlng, . shingles, to build S-room cottage. Boom T Cambrldg bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa sts. WANTED Young man stenographer wtlliaa to start at ntooerats salary; goo cnaaeea ox no. vssesmsnt. P 81, care JoorajJ. WANTED A pteea to work la a railroad or - eteamboat wareaooaa. W B, eare Journal. SUPERINTENDENT sf manaihctarinf plant, . wtth knowmdge of machinery and experienced In handling men; give parncaiara, rererei . salary expected to W T, car Journal. WANTED Young people te prepare thimsslvas ss bookkeepers snd stenogrsphers; have had (48 rails since September 1; placed SM la position. Ws will ptec ye when ontn- ' petent, Day or algbt. OsnUogwe. Behnk Walksr B atlases colkvge. FIREMEN aad brakemsa ea Oresoo. California and other railroad; experience annecessery; Bremen 10O. become engineers and earn B200 monthly) brakeman 876, become coaduetort 'aad eara 8160; position awaiting strong, competent young men; state ace. asnd stamp, same position' preferred. Railway Aeseeta tloa. Dept. 44, 1TS1 Battel St., Bsn Fran cises. - WANTED Msa to dear laad; wfD glv acra for each acre bs eleera; h caa hit all wood be cot. 006 McKay bldg. WANTED Expert to operate SulUvsa machine air drill; quart mining. Fairbanks, Mora A Cos, , Flrst and Stark ate. CITY SALESMAN aegualated la building ma terial Una. F. X. Beach d Co.. th Pkmeer Paint Co., 188 First at DON'T'MONKBTI B a WHOLB MAN, PBBB OF ALL DIBBABKb. It. Hiaison, soeceasot to Bed cross intptnssry, car. intra ana abb. WANTED A mas who andertttnds stair work. Inquire 878 Vaughn St., cornea 18th. ADDRESS of 60 ruptured tndrrldnabj wanted, old or younsf. This hi . ha take, Addrsss . Y S, car JosmsL BARBERS wanted for oat of town! ateady employment, good wares: a etate Hcsjiee re- qniren. tsu rwnai . imm rvy novi, x uu, and Pisa at.. Mr. Burr, -to IS a. m,. 4 to p. m. HELP. WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Olrla to auk alia at TB Flrat St. "Boss ot AD." sver- BAN8BN S LADIES' AGENCY, V. Wsshlng ton Bt cor. Seventh, upstairs. Phoo Mala SOBS. Female help wanted. ' LADIES" do the Irene. Tel. Eatt 16VT. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work so shirt and nveraila. treasons given os laexpentucea. Apply at Standard factory Nc S, Otaad are. tad Eaat Taylor at, . . . . THE BOMB LAr-ES AGENCY. , Female help furnltlWj free to employer. Retittrttlon Free. lOSVi Foarth St.. apsuira, room 88. Mala BS38. BEND 10 cents for Beauty Secret formula; ale ctreulsr ef 101) other vslasbls receipts. La Angslo Receipt Co., Lo Asftle, CaL , WOMAN, aver SB, ft IT edaeatloa, soms Matinees knowledge, must dres aeatly, to tsk pssltloe et oses. SB Lewi bldg. . WANTED Young lady, aaat appearance aad reflneroeat. A-l salary, permanent position. Call from S BO to 4 a room 88 Palme Honss. 860Vt Aider at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. LP wasted aad supplied, awl or fsmele. B. 0. Disks. S06Vt Wssklngfsa at. Pselas 1870. l.00 HOPPICKBRB to Pick 0S4 acres bora at BOe per host largest hopyard ta the world; I best seeommodstlons; etk for B-psg book .J MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED 400 haevnlehees bv Sent. It I yard la Oregon; good aceranmodatlon. Apply to Andrew baa Co.. Xo7 Morrisoa at. BETOUUHBB and artlat. competent to work ea print, aot ea negatives, fur commercial ea iraring. SI Raleigh bldg., Washington and ' tun. y H0PPI0KER8 wanted; good eamptng gronod; , abont 14 J days' work. For pertlcnlara d- orese Bsrrisoa Bros., itorta xtmaiii.. ur. BOPPICKERS WANTED Those wishing to pick address Homer tinnier, Braok. Oregoa. or P. P. Uooley, Brooks, Orsgoa. 71 and 00 MAN and wife for work and he network a , farm. J. A. Epplng, Hood Biter, or. SITUATIONS WANTEDa-ltfALE. A JAPANESE boy waits any job to work ea ' jual every Busoay. in, care voorsaj. WANTED Bv vsJnonslbls married BSBB of any kind; peruantnt positleo, . Nawtoa, . BIB Flret t. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A VOUNO WIDOW LADT with little girl woo Id like' a place at hoosrkeepef la widower' fam ily. Addrsss Mrs. Haiti Osmble, cor. 17th aad Ferry ata., Salem, Oregoa. WANTED Position aa lady help, netful com panion or housekeeper. Apply his aiuo, Plstal cottage, Cadborp Bay road, , Victoria, Britith coiumbis. i WANTED Sewing and dressmaking to do at bom. Pnoae Eaat 4880, ot call 1181 Min nesota ave. . wAntedagents. BIO) PAT to en agent la each coonty workitur tor us inttetors uanit, si sterauaas vrna., Portltnd, Oregon. f, ' : . , .. . IF TOU want to tell th beat htlth and ac cident policy, call ox write 834 Lambsr. Ex change bldg. ' - . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portlaad Employ meat Ca SOSM Morriasa at. Phoaa raeinc z. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB , - FOB MEN. SS North Secoad at. Phoaa Mala 1BSS. WANTEDTO 'RENT. WANTED TO BBNT Hoosss. ottsrss. (lata. stores, erneea, roomiag-nooaaa. am. . use lords will do well to roll ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBBQOBJ, Phoaa Bx.T2.S-B. Cor. Sd and Oak. HOTTSES, flats. ' rooming booses, stores. aAV fires, etc. Prompt attention saaored. Phone Main 1171. ' Undbard Jack, McKay bldg. TO UNO man wishes famished room, with bath. near Clinton and Eaat lTtb; references. .. W B, care Journal. WANTED REAL' ESTATE. WB WILL SELL yoor property, no marnr what it ta or wasre loci tea. acna oeerripnoa bow and wa will do tba reat. Investors' Golds 4)o.r 811 Msronam bldg Portland, Orsgoa. GOOD Income and residence property. Iota, fares. mg ana limner mnae. LINDHARD JACK. McKay bids. WANTED Business or residence nreoerty the eltv In sxchsnae-.tor aood farm lanoa: caa handle anything from 1,000 te $80,000) we also have some cxeelleBt bare la timber and grsslng land. Call aad e u W went to get cuuainta with yoa. ' TURNER A WALKER, ' Boom 4, 808H Wsahlngtoa at. I WANT a or T-raom heuaa oa aaat aide: gtv price and location la , flrat letter. D SO, - ear jonraai. I. WANT a lot or ouartor block aa aaat aid. near, not further cat than 84th; If price Is ' right will pay cash. B SS, eare JouraaL WANTED Bcnaemovtng, raurmg aad slUlng. X H. Scott. Phone Tabor S70. . VACANT lota oa eaat and west aldei am modern hooeaa; have boyera waitings -LAMONT A HARRIS, 107V. Stxlh at. WANTED TO lease with privilege of bnyini inS, cr will buy If cults, I to 0 aeraa or groui with nkmtv ef water oa seme, ems au hot and soma tree, outside city limits, sot over J i mile xrom cariine, ettner moo ot ddress 10, care Journai. , , ,- WANT 4 to aeraa near ear, svttabla for xruix nno rnucaens; i won l pay taaey pnos. Address O ET, care Journal. WANTED S-room residence, B elscping-rooma) 'must be strictly modern l location, Willamette nsignts wen ox iena et. ; tot enir xew xeef above street, W 22, car Journal. WANT to bar direct from owner to acre laad. oatalde city not over H telle from car Una. W A eara JotsmsL. - ,f OWNER OF PORTLAND REAL ESTATE, JOHN B. MATTHEWS, , . ' TSS CHAMBER OF OOMMERCB. Wanta th aal of your property and caa eell It if the price 1 right. Phone Main 40KS. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTINO, Spraying aad walttwiihlng tree, basements, bsrns, docks, stt; largest gaaollne Spraying autflt oa the aoaat. M, O. Morgaa A Co, BSS Unloa are.. Phoaa East SIT. WB WILL BUY, SELL OB TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALYAGB CO., 837 820 WASHINGTON.- PACIFIC 298. . WB WILL BUY year furniture any old tin W set era Salvage Co., 427 Wtshln-toa at. PTJBNTTTTRB WANTED FOB .... -v, - POT CASH - .-- ' . --'. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS 11 First at. , . Mais BSBB HIGHEST cash nrtee Be Id fur goods. Pbone Beat 4077. 1S8 Csloa ave. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t WANTED Furntfar) will pay th best prtee. Phone Ptrlde 2S4T. WANTED Boll-top ok la good condition; tate pries. Address B 4, care Journal. WANTED Tor cask, faraltore of 6 or 6 room bouse, compute; whst bar yoa I . Phone . Paclnc 2267. WANTED Ons or two TVixlO-lnrh cr SHxlO htch double-drum donkey engines, sultebl for pilodrlvar and hoisting; mutt ba la 'good condition. Addrees Y 18, csrs Journnl, FURNISHED ROOMS POR RENT THE GRAND, 48 U Berth Third St. Beam gentlemen fl.SB per week lod op. II AND UP Nicely furnished rooms. 108 ISth ax., net. w iso. a stsra. none raeinc xow. NICELY furnished room, . sing Is or ea , board If desired, fret bath and phone, trie lights. Mrs. Browa.. 808 loth at. suite. MO THS RICHELIEU, 88 H North Sixth St. El- rsntiy Turnieneo: aresm nett aa narns. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCH EI L, Flandera and Pevsata Bonma. hensekteping na , trtntlenl; eon vesltnt; prlcea reaaoaabla. LARGE , elegaatly famished boasekeeplng- room: ga rinse, tanning water, tb aawaa dale, ItStSk Alder at.' $1.26 FEB WEEK Large, aleaa furambed BoreMKeeping-rooms; laaeary ana psus. , see Shtrmsa, Sooth Portlaad. 1 11.00 WEEK UP, la fnrnlshsd booaekssn- mg-rooma. Wltn ysro, psrior, issaary, esw. furaace heat. S0SV Stanton at, U ear. . THE JEFFERSONIAN, 814 Jefferseo et. Nicely furnished suite of twe et tsree reams wij all ceaveBleaeeei chsaa. FOR BENT 8 furnished bouekepmg-ronni Phone kaat 8410. with le yard, skiee in. FOB BENT 8 furnished houstkeeplnavrooms, grsun near. Its asiiwooa st. i u car. FOB BBNT S -anfnrntshed reoma with light sad water. .860 Montgomery et cu 81 yuta. ; A well-known business min For CsJe, rvscsJtanoous on tho .Clirjlflod pc;fl, rTypswrsf for sals, cl.'.z A rsw; tr.vrtr ;xv ins city," otc Ho found tho machine as good as new and the same ttindird rr.zln that ho was about to buy for One Hundred Dollars. 'Did it pay him to read THZ JOVrJlXL V.tlT.tdt?. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. NSWLT ' furntshed hoaaekseplag tooma tn new ' lower . Set; mod era; eentral; a ehildrea. 06 North ISth st. - FURNISHED son eekeepln -rooms, month. OSS Seventh st. ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELT furnished room for two siatl maa aad wita, ' Phoaa Mala 18Sd. 806 14th. NICELY .fornlsbetr front rooms, with or without- board; electric light and bath; oa car. . line. aoVh William are. CAS accommodate few mors ret portable work ing girls at 12.60 wesk for good boerd snd room; use of parlor and bath..' 8a Eaat Anksny. Pbane East tdl. - FOR RENT HOUSES. BADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt ant ro llsbls pis no and furnl tors-ameer; alae atoc ' age. Phone Mala 1886. OtOee 110 N. Third. FOB BBNT-rS-reem eottaga, Ba lot 18th at., betwoea Hoyt and Irving. Apply next dear. MODERN 6 -room cottage te rent. KsnU worth. Ksy next door. Phone Bast TSO, V fid. 11, 120 Three modern honjoo. newly painted and papered. Blxth" and Caratbert . its. Pnon .Mala 4628. , 8 -fl-ROOM boose. Urge haaement. Key at t;Nu a grocery, eorner Hood ana orsnt. NEW modern 0-room hoots, TOO Bcoaevelt St. near 83d. . Phone Mala 034. -BOOM eottag. No. 82, corner Eaat Eighth ana avarou. .appiy on premissa.. FOB RENT Modern (-room cottage, rutbera at. SOT Ca- NEW modera 0-room boose, hot and esld water, Data, gat ace. inquire I i i neossveit sc. FOB BENT New 8-rosm modera fUt, haae ment, cms in, west aide, it.ou pec aaonth. tue voenntsrciai oiua MODERN -6-mora cottage to' rent, Kennwertk aey next ooor. none xsir isa. POR RENT PLATS. S, 4, ' B, 8-BOOM flare, steam beat. Janitor' service, rope reasons nis. . inqnire eva nam- sos. uucinasu ooort. BOOMS, Bortbweet eorner lxth and B. Stark; icwiy papareai seat ressonaoi. 2TM 4-BOOM flat, steam beat, Jtnltor'i aervica. inquire sua uarriaoa, near una. 10 PTJRNISHED Broom apner Sat: conveniences, none aa Phone East 0066, morning sad svsning, betwoea T aad 8, $SB FOR a elegant S-room flat, ateam heat ana janitor service, inquire sua Hamaoa HOUSES FOR " RENT FURNL TURK POR SALBj. FURNITURE tar sal of plaaeawt dream tat aa waanlngjoa at.; rear reason t nit; axes takes It. H. 0. Browa Co., 647 Waah lagtea at. FOR SALE New farnltor of new 6-eoom Bat, Bat rent' reaeoaaDie. snaa aecoaa -ex. ' FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PABT ot shop to rest, suitable tot palatar a - plumber. zua Foarth at. OFFICE. ROOMS, unfurnished rooms tad sample rooms tor rest. , Ooedaough bldg. , Apply els- TWO deslmhle snd well-located stores oa I east aide. Apply te Hart maa A Thompson, B . tosmoer ox commerce. , ' STORE aa Union ave.i 811.60, Apply to Ha Chamber of Cot LARGE tore,' brick building, rent 120. Mala BAM. 848 Front at.) FOR RENT FARMS. FOB BBNT A farm for rent; has 10 sera IS hope. Adores w a, esra jourasi. FOB BBNT 10 acre good last, wit . etc., cheep, by MUwaukie, near Oregoa City . earllne. Inqulrs C. Heine, owner, Hotel Busbmark, cor. 17 ta aad Waahlngtoa ate. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAI L and hanroom. aepsrste or togetbert aew nd with all conveniences, none Mnia aaa. AUCTIONS. 60 Horses 60 - I will ll tt tb Union Stockyards oa Monday, August 18, 1 o'clock, t carload ssst- ' ara Oregoa horse; la this lot arc sons 8ns matched pairs; will make good drlvere; some n young mart that farmers caa buy cheap and grow late money; aoeac broh la tnia mt. . , . JOHN TWADDLE, AnctJooeer.' PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. , C:,. A. SCHCBACII, Prop. ; , ' til Flnt St. Psoas Msln BoBS. Auction dally at a p. m. Highest cash price psid for fur altars; also goods sold en eoa- algnment. " ' 1 " SUMMER RESORTS. ' s, mimtg . it ! t L0CKSLEY HALL. SEASIDE, OREGON Under aew management; concert, ashing. ' elambske, picnics, teaals) fee ba mute ' all trains) loo elegsnt outside 'rooms; pri vet hatha; electric lights; anssx svev looking the eoa; eottagea. For rstes, reservations, eddreas Harry T. Butters orth, manager, or phooe Mre. . Carllale, Portlasd. PaclAn OU, NECANICUM INN. Sestld. Oregon House di rectly facing ocean Sower and lot clone grounds, electric lights, asady beech, bom . cooking. Miss B. Damaaa, prop. Get off at Neeanlcnm atatloa. . THE BBITT, family hotel. Lent Beach. HOTEL SALT AIB. Csatervtlh) etatlea; finest seeommodstlons. THB PORTLAND, leading hotel. North Beach. HOTEL WICKHAM. Kcwtoa tUOoa; oxetlkrat cuisine, BUSINESS CHANCES. WHITE at qalck about recent Important de--velopmenta of th Hunt Automatic Switch A . Signal Co.) hoy stock before big advance. J. F. Hurst A Co., Sod McKay bldg. . MBAT market for ssls cheap) BBS Galea ata aortal doing good boatneae.' - FOB BALE Halrdreeslng, miBleattng d beeify parlor; a splendid nroposltloa for a person sndrrttandlng the business. , D SO, : care Journal." WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t SAWMILL for ssle. SS mile front Portland; must cell ror good reason: rapacity 1)1,000: S. 000,000 feet of yellow' fir. 20,000,000 feet more can be bought cheap; mill almost new; good local trsds: price 87.200. I SI, Joaraal. FOR Information or for hsre of tb Nicols eoa I mine, limited; write ta Pasl Borkmler, manager, Palonac, Wash. FOR BALES A general merrhindtte store) stork Irovlcet reboot 88,000, ehetp rent.. In town ; wlthln'SB miles et Portland, ea Soothers Paclnc railroad) paying business; good rea sons for selling. Address B SS, cars Joaraal. CIGAR STORE, ice cream parlor and Millard room; will tell at Big niw-nnnt: owaer -must lesvs th city; terms If desired. W. H. Morehouse 1870 E. ISTH BT. PHONE SELLW00D TA FOR SALE A pood hotel in a live coon try town; will near atrict investigation. rot parttcnlare call at room 1 SOBft Morrlma at. HOTEL, Unelv fnrnlthed and Sne lecetloa, 64 romnt. clearing M"0 a month. Ion lease snd " flrot-eless btittnesa f it yoa mB . butlsmt and have SA.BuO rath, Investlgste. H.-OV Browa A Co., B4T Wshlngton rt. .- WANTED Partner with 8800 cash. Is ; able buslnesa clearing 17 dslly; no eompetl . tten ; duties . Bgbt. F. . Bowls sd. Vaouver, Wash In, tea. :, ... , -.; , ... -cf th kind th&t is .net tzo tury BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Exnerteneed maa "or wsanss hi , hotel or furnlahed-ream bnmm. , Apply to 1st rront at. ...... WANTED To toll bait interest la cigar aad to bacco factory; well estsbllshed wholesale and . retail trade. IW Third at. '.' WILL ssll aoase stock . of mlnlne company owning large group ot marltorloua claim, ele , gint showing, 10 eenta, par value lj guar . ajitee at least SO psr cent predtt S year should he worth more thaa nor; yoa have nns . ooDoriuniiv or aaiint sw tor saca dollar Invested aad absolutely so loaa: all sain; i delay. stock ' fully paid; write today) dsn J T, esra Journal. WAXTBD Placer cr ouart mining maa who bss nerve enough to In vet t 8600 snd. Bisk S'w.vw.- s st, crw eovrnsi. FOB -BALE flentrsl aserehaadlts atari ta live tow a oa the Columbia river and oa th "north bank railroad: good clean ateck,. will ' invoice about; at yssr's sale a moan ted ta t-17.000; If yda want a good money-making Business Investigate IBI. , IWl sJornsoB St. -. ' ; v. CIOAB ' a tors - for ssle; - Sac . lecatioo. ' chaap rent; partis whblng to leav city. SM lat at. OR BALE Ceafectionerr. cigar Bad - frail atore doing a good business: S Urns. Bring a connection, avi first su . WANT roomtec-heaee. 10 to IS roeom: must be bargala; give psrOcalsx. . Addrs O so, care Journal. . .. .... PHILOMATH, OREGON, " want "a bank. t creamrrr. fruit cannery and a Bear mill; 8ns anonlnc here for each af these enter. prices; capitalist plea as tnveetlgat. ask for list of Sne farm and properties for ssl or eschsngs; , Caldwell k Co., Phllo- ' awth. Oregoa. FOB SALB AT A BABOAIN Plomblns-ahoB. 1 bloc block cut of uuralwood ttatloa, on Mount cariiBC. -. - FOB SALE Vt interest la psytng ret) estate nueiaess; . pne aouu. , Aoarea rr au, car Journal. ... - . THB beat aanaey-maklng bntlness la the city tor nam oa account nt sirtoess. ptiiu in vested will realise 140 weekly or more; ex perlene unnecssssry. Address Y 1, car Journal. .- -. . A GENERAL country atore; own our own baild- . Ing. a good business establlthed; would tsk ; about BS.ono te bay everything; a chine for aome enterpnting mna to max money., au. : dress ty. M. Co., Monamcnt. Ore go. . lLATJNDRY . I Located ta aood tnVa, SO miles from Port land, fully equipped aad dolus good txietnees, will be wMd very rhesp. WASHINGTON a OREGON REALTY CO., S68A Wasblagtoa t-, . GRIST MILL ..- v Located In email town en railroad. 18 mile from Portland: coat $3,500; owner moat eell" ana win tsxe bi.buu. - WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY CO., ... -mavi vtasningioa at. ' ' Boom A SOX X Waahlnatna St.. Portltnd. Or. WANTED Partners for wood alcohol. 868 Bua toll at. .- . IMPLEMENT estsbllshtreat la best farming , locality la Oregoa: clean stock, good bulWlnx. 'no incumbrance, no competition; doe $30,000 per year, Thl la one of the few. Will xenang close In. in ton at. for Portland property or acreage Lafayette Bealty Co., 8181 Wash MAN of experience la bsjsdllnr.rm1poya bag . capital to Invett la aa estsbEthed buslnesa . that will hear Investigation sad give active smyloymeot. ; Ad dress X T, car soars l. U BOOMs furnlshsd. good lecatioo, will . be sold at sacrifice If sold wlthla 8 days;lse , gooo suuaiag lota; owner neeos money ' quica. inqurr ox u. St. aodoti, ve xit sc. POR SALE REAL ESTATE. tt.-HOO Maa with family, this is th best bay ror yoa la toe market: new modern 7-room hoaaa. noma large, high, airy and cheerful. pstsflt plaster, natural wood flnlah, . atone foundattoa; about aa acre of good gardea sou; cnicxen-nou ouiit or rtrst-eiaas lum ber, roof Delated, aidea S coats, alss 18x100. bugs enough for 1,000 chlckans; 100 feet sqotrs ef young firs for chlckma-yardi fin well of water, stone sad cemeet walla. . Thl auburbaa hosts la ea the Willamette. SB mlnates' rids from center of eltyi fiaa school on block from station, store aad peeteftlee; wlll flve terme If desired. - $1,600 Coxy Queen Aane cottage, rooms, new and Bxxtern, bath between two hedronms; corner lot facing sooth aad east; la LB per AlMns: esy term. - . . - i l,B00t6-reocs modera boose ta Matgiy Highland, between t'ntoa and William are. If yoa era looking for a good homo at th ktwstt pries ta tbs market ace me. - I htvt a few Iota Bear HI th lend school left aad will sell this week cheaper thta yoa eaai soy oiocxa away, . . John B. Matthews . TSS Chamhsr at Cuuimetc. m sett . - . Ksst xwn at., with bath, cement foundation: tew onwn, oamnce easy isrnts; ruu mc, - ! 1.800 Modera 6-room cottage, Alblaa. 2.800 S-room house la Albtns. 2.700 4-room hour oa WIIUsbm ave.' , O. TAPFEB CO.. - Bast, Washlogtoa St.. Bomb 1. ' tThe Dnnn-LawTence Co, ' For Bargains ' M.000 Lot BO ITS. with a mtgnlflrcut IS "room honee; will rata. $60 per ewaih rent; baa good beta sad graveled onvv. 8S,BB0 cnmer lot, stylish, modern, $ rooms: East SSth, near Taylor. $1,600 A grand - Qneea Ana - rattaga, oa Orand ave.; swell locality ; Holla- oay a addltloa. $1,300 On lnatallmenta. BeanlfuVeoraer lot. ... Qneea Anie room cottslga. - modera convenience; Monttna ave. $1,600 Betutlful Int. with charming T-room . . bouse, beautiful arounda, froata oa rarllne; Snathera Portland. $808 Nice 3-acre place, email eottaga, barm, , poultry houss and fruit. ' Oreet bsrgslns la lots, acreage and farm; 'Competition oat of qucstiea. , vv; 149 First Street - : AT BT. JOHNS Nw modern bmwe, lot lOOx 1iV ablato wl .a ntl-au (AAA s- aaiaw virnj VI lit rr , SSaTsWB. 5-ltKna LMrnee, -fWMlrtt, Mot btfm sVuft imii ' rvwwr ni jwi iiu, f I. quo. - Otto & Crockett V ' : :: ..SMtt Waahlngtoa at,.; tf-ROOM saw boas aad fan lot, Lsurslwoed tatioa. eoov. T-room new and modera houss, near Haw thorn sve., lot 100x100, caa be bought for $1,060. - , - 12-room boos and 'tot 100x100. near Both tnd Main, all kinds sf fruit, aleely- locsted, .w. ..... k.k T-m. m A -.1. -. Is la strictly ftra't-clsss condition; ' swcU. bom for $A.30t. s-room new ana moaera boob. Bouts pert lind aesr First and Whltaksr) Sne home; $.100 cash, sslebcs to suit; low Inttrest; prlc nly $2,600. . W hsve cboic list ef resldrae lets sa the cent tide; term Is suit all; so tktm be fore buying. ' , . H. W. OAKLAND At CO.. 103H Fourth t., cor. Taylor. FINE little a room hoots with full tot $0100, gas, oatn, toilet, lavatory, nice oaeement, ex , crlleut location, 12, loo- terms, 8600 dowa, north. Phoaa Eaat Slim. BUY a good home for $3,000; ar best car- line, lots ot fruit, good fl good S-room house with full basement, gta. Bull Run water: bargala. J. E. Hosmer, 727 Unloa av.. north. BANKER moved eat of besatlful T-room house and we ii sen at st.TOw, on easy terms; cement walks, best bath, I toilet. Bxtttrea, wood Bber, full bsssmeat, xcalleut cement walks and splendid location. Bee J. K. Hosmer, 727 Unloa vt north. FOR SALE New B-mnm double Bat, west sldl. wslklng dlatsncc; will tske some good visnt lota or srresge la part psrmeat. -403 Com mercial 'bldg. -. $4,600 On of the 6 nest aew 4-room house on Bsst msoienn St., near lorn, everyTning np to dtte; must be seen ta be sppreclated. Call mom 808 Ablngtoa bldg. r $6,000 FIN KST ' bout , ow Mlesrnrl are.; grottnas litrtiov teet, monrrn o-room nouse. Cell mem 80S Ablngtoa bldg. 81,1160300 CASH, Lelince In monthly per- menrs. geis a o-nrenn tntw ana BIOS lot an M tilery av,,' near Mason si. $6 down snd $S month, get A Bss lot at Monnt Tthov. $3,000 flna- gravel-nit. close lu, j ', , B. S. MCCOY, 00 Fifth St. ; " - . ; to nzi C. FOR SALE REAL E2TATS, - Should ba a landowner; great sale of acre . age Bow oa; any els tract from 1 to 10 ores sad ap; $36. to $160. per acre; choice locality ), . west aide; easy Isrnts. Be f , 844 STARK ST. 81.000 FITS ACRES $1,000. 14 mils beyond Fulton lark, oa survey et nw motor line eare te he built soon. 80 mln ates' wslk now ot 6c fere, high tenia land, excellent aoll aad charming outlook, spring water, good aeixhborbood of small bosses aad An. uluyj LhIUIbm RA . . 1 .1 , poatoiBcs, over moat lovely BiacadamlssJ drive. We know of nothing like this la BVb miles ef City Hall. Do yout Jny now sad treble yoor money tn th Bxt year. , B., S.. Cook A Co.. Sol Alder. . ,". . . . POR 8ALE--8" acre cloat to Lents; Sne loct- tloa. cheap for cash. Phoaa Wooulawa. 2K6. TH ACRES, 1 mile atmth ef Lents; 3 sores c let red, small bouse, well) $3,300. B. P. 1, Bog a, Lenta, Oregoa. . - 4-ROOM modern cottage .with both, hot snd1' ' cold water, 8ue ofetl and ehsdes, 8 lots, eoroer. nice lawn, gntlt and Sower. 1 block from ear. Be fare, 20 minutes' ride; $1,300,- -half cash. Towns. SSSti Morrisoa M. Phoaa . Paclflc 8614. t- ...." 500 Homes For Sale ' Farms and city proaerty. ,. THE l.WESTOUS OU1DB CO.", ' 811 Msrqnsm Bld;., Portltnd. Oregoa. ' IP you wit to bulM sny kind of halldlng, small ov ititv, go to American inn ror lumper, tim ber, door, windows, plaster hoards. etc. $700 4-ROOM houss en Mount Scott Unci 1-8 town, oaiance monthly. E p. car joaraal. , ii-u' In Stv Johns- ..5 ' $1 SB Lota on easy terms, sear earlta. ' 1270 Lots Box loo ca terms, close In. - i , J4.10 Lot BOxlon, ulth $.000 feet lemhev, $700 Lot Box 100 on Iranhre St., close In. .. . w - 1 i - rot o-room acute. . 2,4 40014 Iota 60x100. S blocks from car. line S3. TOO A room house, lot lldxtoa at Ivssw bo at: Sne lawn: modern throughout. , - HOMB BR0KRRA0B CO.; ' ? . Boom Breedea hlilp.. Third and Wsahlngtoa. , raelB 3UOS, ..... ..." . ... HOUSES built oa IntttllBients, trte If desired. oia commercial oug., mala lesu. LOOK at the lovely 8-rsom modern honae today. ens, nsHt tHiinH'a, aouioeast .-eorner iTM n : pur. chas from owner; nice yard and location l money returned with Interest en year. It datlrad. . v, -r . .... -.' FOB SALE New 10-room house, ear. Park sad Mill -sta.i-bath room, rl-wrtt. Iarv ckttbea room, gag grate, manft farnacc, full cement basement, with Ituhdry and fruit room. Fw ml by A. Waleh, Th Amsrtrsa Clothier, as Slorrkm St.-,, , , . ..; S-ROOM COTTAOB for sale; $100. Phoa R. Oltiu. . - e , . ... GOOD S-room - hone at Lsurtlvroed. dtrertlv across, street xrea station; rhesp $1,400) """WESTEHN fnvV!t TltrOTarb.. . ' '" '. .301 Btark at. .. ... - FOR BALE 8 modern A room In good location: buy of owner Snd ssvs eommltelea.. Phone Woodlawa SOS. . " . $4.800 ONE of the finest new Acooa . bonses on east maaissn at., near iota; evrrytiiing up te date; mast be seen ta be appreciated. Call room SOS Ablngtoa bldg. NEW bungalow for sale bv court. Phono Mala 88-M mornings, or adder V 31,' care JouraaL -- - . , . AUGUST BARGAINS A good S-room houss. corner East 80th aad Madison, with lot Box 100, to be sold for $1,860 If takes IbU week.--'' '- - Corner lot ea East Sslmon, BOxsT, ; fog $4J0; $30 cash and $10 per. month. A Sne S-room bouse and cetaer. lot 0a Hawthorne ave. for $3,000. i. . . .; Wh hsve - othere; come and 'seo.uA. c-rj , J PATTER0! A STEWART, ,. ' '" . iniiot, Belmont st. ' SIGHTLY U block, Fast 13th St., close la. ms'ket; $1.400.. -T i WESTERN 0UFUON TRUST CO. . - ;. ' . . SSI Stork at. ... , . -.'? ," Acreajre 1.008 acre to be cat ap la smalt tracts am 1 to S seres sad no: west side, excel. lent locality. ol unsurpassed; market opens today) $BS to $IA0 net acre: terms, . . - 344 STARK ST. '. NEW S-rocm cottage, atrtctly ssodera, ss car; snap si.wtr. . , r WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., ' ' . ' gj 381 Btark st. . 1 FOR BALE A new ssodera S-room hoaaa, No. so Eaat sotB at. ' ' , FOB SALB A 4 room cottasv and furniture. - aearly sew. No. 448 Eaat Hamaoa. he. twtea Eighth and Math ata . , . ' CHOICE resldeue lot Kant Davis netr Ptth:I00 cash aad $10 montki keaatlfnl place fur borne, ' , alee l or mendings, ImprovemeBts all la) csa be nought at a Bargain. rgsta. Call US Fourth st. . . FOR SALB, CHEAP Vs acre at Meaat Tsberi tarma. owner, sni sail Morrteaa, anraer Union ave. . . ..-., MO FA EMS. smetl tract ted tot: bargains u. w. r. electric line. u. av. aeaiioa, mw, Oregoa. Tab Monet Scott ear. as. . SS.Ono FIX EST home oa Missouri ave.; ground louxioo feet., moaera B-room boobs, Sos -AMngtoa bldg. FOR SALE too arrea timber tend aaar- Sai pen; gona location for Fortisna sawmill; cheap; $16 per acre. Also 118-acre ranch: So aerea cultivated. 6 mile from river on good mad, ecboni oa place: 11.450 If taken at eare. W 88. ear Journal. s ' . .. LOT TtllOO. splcadld baiMlag sUa,e$83Bi halt Lot notion. Oetley Green! $100 a see $10 per month. Otto & Crcciett 346 1 Wsahlngtoa at. bal- NICE HOMB FOR A POOR MAN l.BOU lot amcas irom si, setine smr line; B lota covered with all kind ef choice fruit trsce, berries and Sowers; Broom cot. tag with bath; ehlrkea-bousa. city tester . and cistern; over $60 worth ef fruit oa Ibe pleea yet; $360 cash, balaace very etiy; It : yoa want giMd home yon ran not get en . aster thaa this. . ... Open Sua day to 11 :-x. R Fuchs," - ' SaiVs MORRISON BT. $3,800 S ACRES of the Beat- garden lend; SVi muss from Mtoiaon onoge; eaay istt. - F. ri'CHS. 221 Vs Morrlaoa at. $(16o GOOD 4-eoom- bones snd tot. soar TJniea ' ave., l nigniana; ssey nm, - $6,000 Eirgaat 10-room bouse, - strictly smdern, ,' new carpets la parlor, range la kitchen, fuU tot, plenty of shrubbery. Bear ,' Eaat Taylor and fth; must bo aeea ta ba appreciated. -' ' ' ' ' '.'. $4.000 M block - coratr Montana - aad Shaver sts-i t houses, 8 aad t rooms, room : , f or another heuaa oa eorner) bait th. Deltnre terms. -i!. $4,800 New T-raom modera reaideaee, built for a home; all modera convenience, full tot, parked etreetai Holladay Park. ::r We have choice tract at Mllwxnxle aod , flret ham, all ImpreveA Call and aa our . , Hat ' .'.. ja.ono Choicest U block tortlaad HsightSj A, oa csrllne; Inett view. - - . ' 860 Full tot la Irrlagtoa; high . and sightly; a soap,. a ., .; ,-. ; Washington & Oregon 1 . - Realty Co. ,xwm WASHINOTOM IT. .. $800 1-8-ACRB chlrhts-rtnch, I mllea west .Of City; spring, owt, impn,vettw Snsp. s.uwere, TV ... . j NEW S-mnm boa, E tots, 100 bearing fruit . tree, chickens, cow, etc.; xo Klsutes' noe $8,000. 0 38, care Journal. SAO0 BUYS SM acre miles from court honse, - ... w . . -. . , Bcsr e,errio enu ... n. w i. vw. sis;ej Columbia at., from to p, m. FOB hem or Investment K leg nt Bow S-rnma bouse, choi re location, close - in, esst aide. Commercial Investment .Co., $81 Lsmber Ex tbanga bldg. . . - NEARLY Sew T-ronm bona, cleat la, treat aide, Btouern, pariiii ev-11". u tarutx orkook trust co- , 3B1 Stark St. . . ,- ,. ' , siviag psrtwaiars, st si gaarta au, Arss Jtros. Phone Mala 4470. ,. , .i .''Vv-'"';' ' 1 '"V : ', ... V