The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1906, Image 1

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Journal CIrcuIrlisa
.V'.t THE WEATHER. ' '
Fair tonight and 'Stfhday; north- ;
"eriy winds. '.."-'
Yesterday O
; .vol.' v. no.133. ;4;i Portland. Oregon, ; Saturday evening, august -n, lmTwo sections twenty-two' "pages.. - price two cents.
sa4 ma Ouii
:ms plot
4-"i-.v', -'. W f- ''..- . -''.'' .. r... - '15. U
Only Seven of These
Were Granted Under
the New City Charter.
Some of the Most Valuable Priv-
' lieges Date Furthest Back
V Some Granted by Old.Towns
of Alblrta and Cast Portland
Y' Blanket Franchise' Also.
!r ' Thar a re it franchises under which
'..various companion and syndicate are
operating In Portland, and , If Mayor
; Lana succeeds In forcing the holder of
. these franchlaea to - divulge ,,.thelr r
celpts and earnings, -the trua value of
these privileges may be definitely
learned for the first time. - ' f -Sevan
franchlaea hare been (ranted
under the new charter. ' There la no
- 'doubt that these can be compelled to
make quarterly statements to the city
.. 'auditor which will show, their -receipts
' . and expenditures.
Forty two franchlaea were (ranted by
the cities of Portland. East Portland
and A 1 bins before the present charter
'. became effective. Some of the moat
V valuable privileges date furthest back.
This number does not ". Include the
franchise bought up by . the' old Port-
, land Railway company and the City 4k
Suburban and Included .In the blaaket
. ' franchlaea of theae companies, passed by
the council before the eonaolldatlon .of
the . two aompanlea. The blanket f ran-
. ohlae covers no less then- It privileges
, aranted'to various firms and individuals
, p ouring me corporate existence or tne
r- tore iUa Tue-CUy 4k Buburhan.,-
Ing a wider, range of territory, had
; bought up 41' franchise and the are
also included In their blanket franchise
, : ordinance. r,. JT. ; ; V-' (
.Veleyaea OompJ9 lorwcd, ; '
.'The city auditor and , city attorney
have Informed the Home Telephone
company that It must comply? with the
provlslona of the charter as to 'regular
- statements toThe auditor. As the com
pany Is. not yet earning anything, the
-. matte has not been pushed. The 'u-
ditor aod . attorney do not believe th
charter provision can 1t made Uf apply
to companies holding franchlaea grant
ed under th old charter.
Strange to say, the city of Baat Port
. .land granted a franchise . before any
were allowed by the town on the west
aide. The earliest Is on to th Oregon
4k California railway,- passed In H9.
This is on of th large number of
franchise under-which th . Southern
V Pacific la now operating her. . The
' other passed by the Eaat Portland eoun--ell.wa
on June IT, 1I7. Th Portland
council granted a franchise to th Ore
gontan .Railway company January (,
1(11, and two were Issued to the Ore
gon 4k California In HIT and 1. ; '
(Continued on Pag Two.)
Montana Senator Leaves for ; Europe , on Re
ceipt of CablegramName .Suggested ;
; ; as Nebraskan's Running iffate
'. , (Josraal Special Barrlea.t '
r Denvsr, Col., Aug. 11. There I a
strong belief among members of th
United States senate subcommittee on
Indian affairs, now In Denver, that then?
Is a movement' afoot 'to advance the
caua of Senator W. A. Clark of Mon
tana, who "Is a momber of th commit
tee, aa a running mat for Bryan . on
the Democratic - presidential '. ticket In
; not. -' - v "
Just after the pxlimlnary meetlpg of
, th commute Wednesday evening Sen-
' ator Clark received a ' eablsgram. - A
moment after reading th messag he
announced his Intention of departing
Immediately for France. To Inquiries
, by fellow-senators he said none of hia
relatives waa ill. but that urgent mat
tera called him to Franc.
, "I'll bet you a dollar that cablegram
waa from Bryan," said 'on member of
the committee to another.
- ' (Jesraal Sowta errlea.i . ;
' Denver. Aug. - 11. Passing aa - a
wealthy horse owner and sport by day
and following his occupation of steal
ing horsearf rora residents of " fa ah Ion
able Capitol Hill by night J. P. Rogers,
who haa Be vera! other names by which
ha haa been known, la aald t have car
ried on hi nefarious trad for months
and waa only apprehended through 'the
. clever work of men connected with the
detective department which Sheriff Nls
bott attached 40 bJa office a few weeks
r9' ,'". - ' ' " "tt"' .''- I"'
United;;States Com
missioner at Fossil
' Takes Stand to Tes
tify tfor.Tthe Defense
- v 4 'r- 1 V .
Had Formerly Been Witness for
Government May Lose
Federal ; Position Soon
After Return of Judge Wolver
ton; From State of Montana.
.. vv-r-;.k--'---.;-','... : .
' United States Commissioner James S.
Stewart of Fossil took a hand thla
morning In the defense of Co D. Bar
nard, and now th talk around th fed
eral building la that the commissioner
hip at Fossil - will soon ' be vacant
Stewart went on th stand and swore
that th reputation of Barnard prior to
tha time he was Indicted -for perjury
In connection with the Anal proof on
Charles A. Watson s homestead - was
good. ' ' ' :
United ' State Attorney Bristol, on
cross-examination, got th witness to
say-that Barnard had lived for many
years on what is known aa th Barnard
ranch and then produced. a final proof
on a homestead ' made by 'Co D. Bar
nard on " the oery day that Watson
proved up. - The proof was made beore
Stewart, and Barnard swore that he
had lived continuously for th statu
tory, tun,, barring on week, on bis
claim, which wag many miles from the
Barnard ration. '-v
, A dtrnincd effort wat made by th
defease te keep out the affidavit made
at that time by Barnard, it was ar
I geied. that Jb swosciUtlirnywaa'ass:lng
to open op an Independent line of In'
quint, whereas It had no right to do
more than- question the wftnftsa eon
cernlngbls knowledge ' of Barnard's
general reputation. The question was
still undecided when court adjourned at
noon, .but Judge, Hunt promised a rul
ing eariy in in, aiiarooon, aession.
Stewart acay Xs e'en."
' Stewart's term of office as United
States commissioner may end soon
after the return of Judge ) Wolverton
from Montana. This means some time
next -month. It hi certain that a requeat
for the revocation of , '-Stewart's ap
pointment will be mad. - Complaint
agalnat bis of flolal conduct ' began soon
after he was appointed. '
He succeeded Hamilton H. Hendricks,
who reslaned under a cloud and la now
awaiting sentence for subornation , of
perjury. Stewart had not been In of
fice long before it was learned that hie
final proofa on homestead entries were
being made oat oO Hamilton H. Hen
dricks' typewriter-. Identification of the
work waa eay, aa Hendricks owned th
only typewriter' in Fossil. Investiga
tion by agents of the land Office re
vealed that a hole had been cut In the
(Continued on -Page Two.)
. Senator Clark ovetheard the proposed
wager and said: - "You fellows must be
mind readers." . -" ,
- "Suppose you will com back with
Bryanr -
"Poaajbly.. if ;he "will let m,". said
Senator Clark wrth a smile. '
. "We have discovered .th' Democratic
candidate for vloe-prealdent," aald Sen
ator Brandagee of Conneotlcut to Sena
tor Clark of Wyoming.,' ? .
Persistent. ouesUonlng by other mem
bers of th committee showed Senator
Clark of Montana had , not authorised
any of them to announo hia lntentlone,
but It la thought there la muoh cir
cumstantial evidence that he Is going
to meet Bryah.k '-'rl '
' When th Montana millionaire waa
on hia way her he said to his col
leagues he had business enough to
keep him In Denver all weak. Instead
he remained only a few hours. .
. Rogers, .who la said to be an ax
eon vlot is of good family In. th
eaat. He Is II ears old.
After. Rogers arrest - th - of fleers
found' he Jiad Uved at 1114 Washington
avenue;, where had rented a barn,
claiming to b a dealer In horses. It
waa to this barn he Is said to have
taken th.horas after removing them
from th stables of their owners, i
It is suspected that the man arranged
a hidden statu where th horse eould
be concealed until sold,'
This U the only nude picture in the If"; , " f f ' . '
cataYogue lo which Mr. Comitock
does not object. ' To the -'right is
another study' in suppressed cat
alo'gue of the Art Students' League.
Plot of Cxar to Regain Despotic
Rule'Shown , Up by Leader-
Grand Duke Nicholas, Nar
rowly Escapes Assassination at
Hands of His Own Soldiers.
: (Joaraat Special errlee.) ,
St. Petersburg. Aug. 11. Count Hey-
den. In a letter sprinted In th Novo
vremya today, gives the'. 11 'direct ' to
th cxar In connection with tn recent
attempt of Premier "Btolypin to .form a
cabinet.. Count Beydeasays h and his
aasoclates refused - tor enter- th cabinet
because their plan for -reform were re
jected and Premier Stolypln- demanded
that they become bureaucrats '
The letter Is bold and frank-" and has
created a aenaatlon In declaring that the
oxar la deliberately trylnr-to- regain his
full authority, by-only, admitting aa ad
visers those favoring despotic - rule.
Th general impression Is- that in
driving the Heyden-party fronvhhn the
cxar has done the moat inrhis power to
hasten a crlala.' .:'-
Two regiments hav notified their of
ficers It will be uaelesa to order 'them
to shoot th peasants they-, hav been
sent to subdue. General Clasaoff has
tened to th camp at Vologda to subdue
th mutineers, but waa unsuccessful, th
men repeating to him their Intentions.
Orand Duke Nicholas narrowly es
caped assassination yesterday - at the
hands of the Imperial guards tn camp
at Krasnoyesole! Th grand duke was
conducting msneuvers and putting 'the
troops through blank firing practice
when bullets hissed about his head.
Neither th ; horse nor . rider - was
touohed. : f . ; - i
Th troops were commanded to cease
firing. Th regiment from which the
firing cam marched to their quarters
and a number of arrests were made,
Th aootdent - theory la ecouted. . Th
Incident caused an Immediate change. of
plan by th emperor, who had planned
to spend a week, at th camp. . ... . ,
- XJptoa Oup Admitted Fre. ,
(Joerui Special Service. '
Wash In ft on, Aug. 11. Th sliver cup
offered by Sir Thomss Llpton for the
winners In yacht racea in thla country
will be admitted free. "It waa held up
by Boston euatoma ' collectors and the'
treasury department, ordered tbera to
admit It. , ! ; ' i . '.
Harris on the ascendancy of labor; expert opinions on how to command success; what has
taken the place of 'the old "swimmin' hole" in Portland; fashions, health and beauty hints for
women 'a page, of beautiful babies ; "Professor -J. B. Horner, amid the graves of the" great in
Westmjnster abbey"; )iow Uncle Sam is train ing his wards in the Philippines ; wild beasts
on their native heath; stories, games, puzzles and "funnies" for the boys and girls; and old
people, -tooi and. the. news from
. aej ' e ee see 4tt'tteesest sjeMVeeeeetsssetMVejiee's'e '''
A I ' ' - ' ' L" v '. i ' i- ''?'-'.'''$ vV"''i' '! !
' 'vv'. V : J v'" '",'y: 'V; v 1
' . , ' . ; , .- : " " ' - :'V ' ., , ' . , ' ; ....
Miss Anna i Robinson, Bookkeeper
. Arrested by Comstock. . To Her
' of tbV Catalogue. . ' '
Angry i Mob -Tear- Crepe From
Door, Hurl Anathemas at Fam
ily ' and ; Curse ' Memory of
Young Teller Who Killed Him-
self Because of .Taunts
(Joarnal; Special Brrlce.)
Chicago, Aug. .11. While the coroner
waa , holding- an . Inquest this morning
over the body- of .Frank Kowalskl, tel
ler i. of ' th , Milwaukee Avenue . . state
bank who committed sulclde-laat night,
a crowd of angry foreigners, men and
women, gathered about the house and
created a demonstration. A, Polish man
and woman entered the house hurled
anathemas at th family and shook their
flats at th body and cursed -the mem
ory of the young man.'- Th orowd tor
th wreaths of crepe from the door and
crushed them In the gutter. Th ex
citement grew to a riot,, when th polio
subdued th rioters , with clubs. - --
Kowalskl was driven to suicide by
th taunts of his neighbors, who thought
he should hav,-warned them, of .the
bank's - failure. Examiner . Jones says
that there la no evidence that Kowal
akl had th slightest knowledge of the
conditions In the bank. .
, Th pollc have, an unconfirmed re-
(Continued on Pag Two.)
r That can be found along all lines of recent thought:
, W. J.. Bryan on Athens, rld and new; Tolstoi on
'Memories" of life in
all over the world in '
.:.: ::-rYr?-:. . ' 'v. ! ,"
(Jesraal Special Sarriee.) - ' .
i El Paso, Tx.. Aug 11. "If - 0
there la no revolution In Mexico ,
tr will not be because the entire -
lower class does not ,wlah. for
one," said R. I Bate, a bustnesi
man of Cananea, who arrived
her this morning, being forced -
to leave Mexico. "Americana ar
preparing for trouble' , :. '
of the Art Students' League, tWho Was
- Left Is One of the Attractive Studies
Intense Indignation at Seizure of
Art Students' League Cat
7 alogue Which Contained Pic
; tures in the AH-Together
Which Shocked Anthony. -
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
New Torkv-Aug. 11. Intense Indlgna
tion still exists in art circle of th
metropolis over th raid of th Art
Students league and th confiscation of
Its catalogue and ths arrest of its sec
retary, Miss Anna Robinson, by An
thony Comstock, oa th ground that
th nude portraits In th catalogue were
Immoral. , ' "
The Art Students' lesgue of New Tork
la one of the most distinguished art
schools in America,
Th magasln catalogue contained II
lustrations reproducing studies by stu
dents and was the cause of th Inva
sion of tb league's headquarter and
aelsur of half a truck load of pamp ti
le ta to be mallod to lovers of, art, r
. Conurtoek Had SVUoV,
Anthony ' Comstock mad - th com
plaint and personally conducted " the
raid, which resulted only in the cap
ture of th magaxlnes and Mis Anna
(Continued on Page Two,)
Russia 70 years ago; R. A.
Anti-Foreign Outbreak Due to Gigantic
Conspiracy by Kline Owners to Bring
j About Cession, of Sonora to Uncle Sam
as Result of Trouble Stirred Up Vith
the Natives :r;:.ri;;:V:::;;
!' ' . (Journal Spaclal Sarvlca.) ." : ', ',':: :.
San Francisco, Cat.. Aug. 1L Th Call publishes, a sensational story to the
affect that the recent disturbances and report of an an U-American outbreak
en th Mexican border were du to a glgantlo plot to atlr up a war between
Mexico and th United State. The Call aaya: ,:',' ,
"With aa audacity aeldom parallelled in hlatory, this scheme, that might
have led to bloodshed, and is still Jlkaly to engender bitter feeling between
two friendly nations, waa concocted In New York and San Francisco, and tha
agents of tha plot tera were selected her to atart th project on tta war- The
conspirators were rich mining men with large Interest In Mexico. "
"Briefly th plot was this: Mexican miners of the Cananea dUtriot, and. If
possible, those employed In other .rich dlstrloU of th stat of Sonora, which "
borders on the United States, will b uletly provoked into acts of -viol en o
which -Americana In Sonora will b bound to resent, and trouble would ensue
Th matter waa to be agitated along the border of thla country to a point
where. th rougher frontier element would boldly cross th lln and keep the
trouble bubbling. . , v.. v. ,.,... ... .. :
"By thla tlm It waa hoped th feeling would be so lntens on both side
that American interests tn Sonora would J Jeopardised. Th plotters would
cans th matter to be brought to th attention of oongreaa, and then money
and influence would t reeorted to to r'oro an laau. that would and In th
Mexican government ceding th stat of Sonora, Including th Cananea district
to the" United States." rj V.: .
: Th Call says th meetings of th plottars were held In New Tortt and thla
elty, where th details were prepared. Th outbreak at Cananea earn, and then,
followed the anti-American circulars, but the good sens of th Mexicans pre
vented serious trouble. -"
Colonel Greene's friends deny that h had a share In the plot. . Th Venture
Mining company, an English concern. Is said to hav bean on of th leaders In
tha plot,'." ' ".. ' ' i', ' "' ' ; ,'-. -' .',; ' : "
somen pacific reduces
force on COAST
Demand ' for Higher Wages
Causes Work to Be Done In
Eastern Machine Shops. .
(Jearaal Special Sarvtae.!' -
- Sacramento, Aug, 11. Warled by
constant Importunities for higher wages
and foreseeing th demand would be
a general one, th Southern Paclflo of
ficiate, it la said, hav decided to reduoe
their staff at th local machine hops
to th minimum, and hav all th work
don In th eaat that can conveniently
be sent there,
In this oonenctlon the foremen of va
rious departments hav been instructed
to prepare Hats of th moat reliable
men, who will be retained at a higher
rate of pay. . -
The officials ar vary reticent as to
th Intention of th company to hav
repairs don In th cast, but there I no
doubt that th foramen hav been In
structed to prepare a list at once. The
plan to reduce th staff may be In
tended only aa a threat.
Hattie Forsythe Says She Did Not Play Joke
On Architect But Admits Having Imper
sonated Mrs. Harry Thaw at Hotel V
(Jesraal Special Serrlee.)
Providence, R. I., Aug. 11. Hattie
Forsyth, th young actress who was
mentioned In a Paris cablegram on laat
Thursday as having been probably Indi
rectly i responsible for th murder of
Stanford White, reached her, today
from Narraganaett pier. She denies
ever having visited White's studio and
leaving word with th attendant to tell
th architect that Mrs. Harry X. Thaw
bad called.
Miss Forsythe does not dsny, how
ever, knowing Harry Thaw and Evelyn
Nesblt, and how ah served them a
good turn two years ago by Impersonat
ing Mra. Thaw and enabling th Pitta
burg man and - hia fiance to escape
from th Cumberland hotel unobserved.
I waa never what should be charac
terised aa intimate with Mra. Thaw,"
aald Mlsa Forsyth tonight,. "I hav al
ways thought her a sweet, pretty girl
mor of a . child than anything else.
(Jearaal Special Service.)
Indianapolis. -IndV Aug. 11. Captain
Charles E. Hugglna of the United
State signal corps appeared her yes
tardav aftsr an absence of five .years.
just in tlm to find hi bid sweetheart.
Miss Bessie Thompson, waa to oa mar
ried In a few hour to W.-H. ,Connetta.
She Immediately telephoned Connette
she would not marry him. Instead, she
will wrd Captain Hugglna. '
Believing the young woman was not
serloua In her announcement. Connette
obtained a license and Informed his
swetheJtt of 'the Xaot abut Ox after
Aspirations of Smart Set Women
for Slim and Sylph-Uke
Forms Responsible.
(Jooraal Special-Serrlee.)
New Tork. Aug. 11. A special to th
Journal from Newport says: Aspira
tion . of .Newport women toward slim.
sylph-like forms and yearnings of th
men for athletle build and sturdlnes '
a - caused weeping among . th local
win dealers, a the cottagers ar con
suming lee of th Julo of th grape
than during any former season, - -
The sorrow of th win, merchant .
ha gone on to th humble Junk deal 1
ars, who reaped a harvest on bottle
In days when plumpness was not feared
and society men were content with nor
mal bodily vigor.
- It - Is noticeable that very few so
ciety women are toying with th
"sparkle,' while they formerlr used
enough of It to satisfy th dealer.
Th customs officials .here .have re
ceived only one consignment with' which,
to make giaa th heart or man and
woman alno last May.
rT".-'..'.;!'..' .V.
When I lived in the Hotel Cumberland
it happened by accldsnt that Harry
Thaw and Evelyn cam titer to put up
for a few daya.
"Tou remember what a lot of excite
ment there waa over whether Thaw and
Evelyn Nesblt were married. : Th mat
tar Beamed to hav every one' atten
tion, reporters were thronging the hotel .
day and night, and tlnally Thaw ap
pealed to me, and I did a little stunt for
him which I was only too willing and
happy to do, ' ' ,
"It was tb day he and Miss Nesblt
were ordered out of th Cumberland,
and Harry cam to me and asked me to
fool the crowd that was waiting In th
street to see them depart. He suggested
that I Impersonate Evelyn and go out
to hi carriage. , which was waiting.
Ha planned by doing thla thai Evelyn
eould escape .without a scan. I car
ried out my pert and' the deception
worked like a charm."
noon, teas than three hoar before the
ceremony, wa to hav taken plan.
Th young woman waa ateadfast la 1 ar
determination to break the eiin. )t
and th word "void" .wa wrlttea In
larg lettere upon the page of the mar
riage book at th courthouse. .
tit seems that a lovers' qurr- r
araled Huggins and Miss '1..
several year a so. liugains e
In th navy an apprentlr
assigned to servic In north we- t.
Absence mad th heart gr i
Mlsa Thompson will h
bride ot taia Iiu;;Uie at J
. -