The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 10, 1906, Image 9

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    r i
c..Z3:; daily jour.::AL; tostlajid, Friday eveihkg. august 10. isca.
f . r V
IwU-.lH J
. WIMl
t4 Tka
"nl aa Mi at Mit, I -Baa
oh aad X.waart, A resale ea.
rtar salivary will ka tiatalaad. Order ,
dllMt (IM Mr ffB t tfeaae aetata
tad he will Mu4
Mai" BIAOK leal Oakae, egeati i
fcaedtaartere et P aaea, Wa
LlvrV fca all Mint, tka
W. ft. Wkitaaaa, aeat aaadaaertera '
u ewie a ue, e eras aura, sraeiaa.
Dr. Mtm. aa-all aaiate aa tat
iriwrOKT AJT0 TAasTBA Hair
, Divelklaa, sews see Camilla - h
,, aaran raureas, esa aw
s.sartere at Bewpart, Or, VeUvery te '
all soUta aa the heath.
WlLHOii SFaraae t. w. ai.Laraa.
(at, Wilkait. Or,
SOT LAX I Sol JUka laaimriaaa 0-,
; aaaat. Hot Lake, On-
OAKSOV, WAtrfjUaarel Bpriags Be.
tel Co., aa-wita. ,
CftaCAD. WAlt TWa. Bteffett.
Inai i
nam arm-BAL psnroi, wash.
w. aetaaac, eevai, weiiiss, waaa.
ww fmmm00miiw wQ
prer ....
....... "Jack, the B.mbler"
........... Vaudeville
The Bosorth family will held thalr
seconfl annual reunion at tha Boaorth
grove, -Woodland, Washington, tomor
row, nun year tba raunton waa bald In
July and an organisation perfected by
tha alec Hon of C. C Bosorth, president;
A. N. WUla of Portland, vice-president,
and M. B. .Boaorth Of Portland, aecre
tary. Tha annual meetings In tha fu
tura ara to ba hald tha aaeond Satur
day of August .There ara but two liv
ing out-of a family of 11 children
a fad Tt, and Carolina Thymg. agsd 5,
Tha family eama to Oregon In 1(41 from
Mahaaka county, Iowa. Laat year thara
were about 100 at tha reunion. ;
Proapect Camp No. 140, Woodman of
tha World, gave an trolley party to tha
Heights and St. Johns last evening.
Two oara filled with choppers, their
wlvaa and awaathaarta left Second and
Morrison at 1:10 p. m, and proceeded to
Portland Heights and from thara to St
Johne. There wera peanut battlea and
horn-blowing; eonteata on the ladles'
part, and tha chopper's war cry on tha
part of tha man. Honore ware In favor
of tha ladlea. The ooramlttea eonalsted
-of Chalnqan George W. Tablar, Walter
X McMulltn, conductor of ear No. 1,
and Will Murphy, conductor of car No.
' Suit for $8,000 damagea- from Brown
eVMoCabe haa been filed In the circuit
ourt by Ellen Galvln, widow of Michael
Oalrln, who waa killed on June while
employed by Brown McCabe loading
lumber in the hold of a- ship. It ia al
leged that 'the Arm waa negligent in
placing Galvln in a poeltlon of danger
and in falling to warn him when lum
ber waa awung into tha hold. Oalvin
waa killed by A atick of timber that
fell from a allng and at ruck htm.
u.n.. a . ....
7for Mra. Oalvin. . .
udii vvenaier ima morning aamitiea
xne win or Robert suitor to probate In
tha county court; The deceaeed left an
eatate valued at $,85l. By tha terma
of tha will four of tha children Mary
' are to receive tl.000 each. A - nn.
Thomaa a. suitor, la bequeathed 1500,
To a eon, Robert A. Suitor, la left "one
4ollar atut m mnra M Th. nmiinilM a
the property la davlaed to the widow.
Buaie suitor, who la named executrix. .
. Mra. S. C Frailer of 10k Union ave
nua reported to tha police laat night
"that a thief atola her pockctbook con-
.' LI1...1 Lai. -j L.iL
Seattle Pastor Will Occupy Dr.
Brougher'a Pulpit Morning
; and Evening -Sunday. . t ;
Rev. Myron W. Haynea, D. D.t tha
man who dared Co aak 'mlniatertal rail
road transportation aoma montha ago
for a person not directly connected with
; JIWj .Kit J.B.I"-' 'M5WJ
Rev. " Myron W. Haynea, D. D.
hie family
gulahed himaelf In Seattle by aecurlng
pledgee of 171,000 in one hour for the
building of a new church, la alated to
preach at the White Temple Sunday,
vice Dr. - Brougher, who will- bee In
Seattle. Dr. Haynea, who ia paator of
tha Flrat Baptist church of Seattle, la
known aa a pulpit orator of unuaual
power. Ha haa ohoaen aa hla aubjects,
for tha morning service, "Go and Coma,"
and for tha evening, "Carbon and Diamond."
commission. Mr. Durbln says: "Prac
tically all available apace In tha new
pavilion ta now taken. , Both machinery
halla ara filled and a great portion of
tha ground . space haa been platted.
Everything points to a rousing big fair
from a display standpoint." Tha fair
wlU ba from tha 10th to the 16th of
September. . , .
' Judge C V. Gantenbeln Of tha circuit
court haa returned from a It-days' out
ing in tha mountains near Mount Hood.
Jude-a Gantenbeln la also colonel of the
talnlngllt whllaaha waa comlni tothefThlM raalmant. Oreaon National Ouard.
city on an -Oaks oar. She dropped the
purae on the floor of tha oar and be-
aurv im couia pica up ner property me
.thief reached down and grabbed tha
reticule. He then made hla way hur
riedly to tha door and Jumped off the
train. Tha police have an excellent
description of the criminal.
. The Evangelical association ramp
moaiinaa, which nave Dean in eesaion
for tha paat two weeka at Jennings
Lodge, came to a cloaa laat night. The
final meeting was in tha nature of a
farewell aervlca and waa held in tha
big tent Short, cheery talka wera the
order, followed by tha alngtng of "God
Ba With Tou Till We Meet Again." Tha
conventions wera under the direction of
Revs. H. E. Hornachuch, Kara Mauro
and W. Plumar. ,.
" Water through " hose " for aprlnkllng
yards or aldewalka, or washing porchea
r windows, muet ba paid for la advance
and used only between tha houra of I
and I a. m. and amd p. m. It must
not ba used for aprlnkllng atreeta. If
uaaa cpnuaij w mwj ruiee. er waete
fully. It will be ahut off.
Sunday on the Columbia Don't miss
this finest of all river trips. Steamer
Bailey Gataert makee round trip to
Cascade Locks, leaving Alder street
dock t a. m.; returns :I0 p. m. Dinner
-on board. Fare tl. Phono Main 114.
. : Street directory and pocket mapa of
the city free. Alao aouvenlr vlewa of
city to incloaa in lettera to your frlenda
In tha oaat Call and gat them. Tha
Title Guarantee At Trust company, 140
144 Washington etreet.
' New ' Tork. San Francisco, Chicago,'
Philadelphia, Boston, St Louts, Minne
apolis, In . fact, all the leading dallies
from all the big cltlea for aale by Carl
Jonea, the cigar man, ITt Washington,
corner Fourth. ..-
' Launchee to tha Oaks every few mm
otaa every evening from Favorite Boat
ing company's, south aide bridge, root
Morrison street. , . , .
J. Frank Lee,' One of, tha state fair
eemmtaslonera. baa received a letter
from Frank W. Durbln, secretary of the
Articles of incorporation of tha Unit
ed States Bond Guarantee and Invest
ment company have been filed In the of
fice of the county clerk by R. O. Moaa,
S. E. HelllweU, and A. L. Morris. They
Intend to promote Investment enter
prises and to guarantee by U. 8. bonds
or otherwise tha profita to tha investors.
Capital stock, , I10.S00; duration, tl
yeara. - f--- "
- Saturday only. 60c Those Mt Hood
1 ahlrta, famous everywhere aa the
beat aver made on thla ooaat Saturday
it to cents each At Mc Alien At , Mc
Donnell's. These shirts are wora by
business man all over town, and are
splendid values at II. yet tomorrow
they go at 10 cents. . Call before tha
etore Is crowded. .. ,
Q Mil JO
. MaHMaBAaBvaMi
Estimated That, Two Hundred
Thousand Have Flocked Back
to 8an Francisco.
Bank Clearing i Show an Increaas for
July. Ow" Those of tb Previoui
Year Hotel Accommodations Are
The California promotion committee
haa put out the.followlng -"Bulletin af
Progreaa": .
Wonderful activity has been shown In
all lines in Saji Francisco during the
month of July and reconstruction jsrork
has been puahed with vigor. 1
There .waa a loss of ItJ.OOd of the
city's population during the flrat month
after tha fire, and It is eatltnated that
mora than 200,000 have returned while
60.000 are waiting in nearby cltlea for
aooommodatlona In order that they may
return. The present population, Is esti
mated at .
Transcontinental railroads report east
bound travel as norma, while weat-
Douna travel la far above normal
and will leave tomorrow morning for
American Lake to command hla regiment
during tha encampment.
Tour Eyes Examined Free. Ws ara
etlll selling eyeglasses at 11.00. ' A per
fect fit guaranteed. Metsger 4k Co,
jewelera and opticians, 111 Sixth street.
Owing to new track work on First
street, commencing August 40, ths Ful
ton cars will run on Third street from
Grant to Flanders until further notice.
Acme Oil Co. sells ths best safety coal
oil and fine gasolines. Phono East Tit.
. aaaaiwaasBBSb
For Quality. Quantity and Quickness,
go to Morna' restaurant.
Woman's exchange. 111 Tenth street,
lunch. ll:io to a. ... i
Panama hatter, 111 4th. Phono Pao-IOT.
Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
Rental Stgna, Ansley Printing Co,
We aim to giro
youlhe-Tery besfl
Printing. Serrice
that can be had
Co., Printers
- Deepondent over prolonged lllnese.
James Tlddle, an Inmate of tha county
hospital, ended hla Ufa at 10:10 o'clock
last night by shooting himself with a
.tl-callber rifle. Tlddls had long been
a sufferer from organio heart disease.
having bean admitted to the hospital
Over two yeara ago. Recently the
disease became more pronounced.
Tha rifle with which he ended his
existence had been given him by Super
intendent Jackaon to shoot gophers.
He hid the weapon In hla bed laat night
and awaited a favorable opportunity to
carry out nia pun or seit-oestruction.
Shortly after 10 o'clock he stole quietly
and unobserved to tha porch and, plac
ing tha mussle of the gun to hla head,
pulled the trigger. The man lived for
about an hour but nothing could be dona
to ssvs nig -lira,
According to the hospital officials he
never gave any Indication of suicidal
mania. Tlddle leaves a family of sev
eral growochlldren and they will be
communicated with as to tha disposition
Of ths body.
Allan Lewis' Best Brand.
- Building Permits.
I Trie faTlowrng--permHs-have been Is-
sued) 'Mrs. K. C Wegmart, one-story
dwelling. Eugene between Grand avenue
and East Seventh, cost. 11,110; Rash
ley, repairs, Frankfort between East
Twelfth and Mllwaukle, eoet, 1700: C
B. "Long, two-story dwelling, Eaat
Thirty-second between Clinton and Di
vision, cost, 11,000;-Frank Trotter, two-
story dwelling, Eaat Eleventh between
Frankfort and Rhine, coat, 11.100: Ett
Kline, barn, IVon between Eaat Twen
tieth and Eaat Twenty-first, cost, I0;
Oliver Anderson, two-story dwelling,
Belmont between Eaat Thirty-ninth and
Eaat Fortieth, cost, 11,190; J. B. Rao-
pleya. repalra, .Benton between HaJsey
and Clackamas, coat, 110; W. A. Oradon,
two-atory owauing, nneentn between
Davis and Everett, coat, 14.400; H. S.
tmAnmr. . t vn-alnr. A v 1 1 1 n " aaa
Eleventh between Tillamook and' Thomp
son, coat, 11,110.
Vasts ars fteaay Waat Ads ta kadais
t oaraal tkavt win tats! (
The number of neonla racatvinv rn.
In the city haa been reduced from
211,000 during the flrat week, to less
than 1T.000. - ,
Hotel accommodations ara now aatla
factory and are fast being placed In
condition to care tor all who may
come, , .
Dealers In all lines ' nets a demand
for high class articles. Those who
stocked with cheap goods, especially in
tha Una of clothing, have been disap
pointed and ara hurrying orders for
better goods. - - . .
Seven theatres ara playing to good
houses every' evening. Others ara In
course of erection.
Labor supply shows hulj little Im
provement, ..There Is great demand for
ordinary laborers and In all departments
of the building tradea. -
. In tha state condltlona Indicate one of
the moat prosperous years In tha his
tory of California. Banks report good
business. ' Crops are exceptionally good,
especially grain. - Labor Is m demand
at good wages for harvesting grattv and
fruit -
Reportsfrom mining districts Indi
cate a greater output of mineral wealth
than for several yeara paat.
The following summary Shews con
ditions in San Francleeo:
' "July building permits issued, 4T0;
value, 11.114.000.
Real eatate tranefera. lit.
Building ooritraota. recorded.: lttl
value. ll.llt.B0l.
Bank clearings. tllo.ltl.7il.IT: ln--ereaes
over July, 1I0S. t per cent.
Tonnage of tha port of San Fran
cisco, 11,411.
Class A buildings being rehabilitated,
Class A buildings oeoupled. It. :
Permanent buildings under construc
tion, el.
Temporary buildings under construc
tion. 4.100. i r
Pirms doing business In burned dis
trict, 1.000. ..
Number of men doing construction
work. 16.000. ,
Average number of ears of debris re
moved daily, 100.
Controversy Ovsr Management
of Estate by Administrator
Ladd Still Engage Court. ....
Tho Meier Q Frank Store TIio Meier Cb Franli Stc?c
Great argflms m Men's
Ill ll.i , , i J I
sMiigS ;
SeatoiMible Fomithinge for men ar marked at wonderftdly
low Dricet for todav and tomorrow These splendid valqet
command the attention of every economical bqyer treat
qtsortment to select from: . , v !
Our entire line of men'ahigh-grad Panama Hats and'
. Sailor Hats on sale today and tomorrow at low price...
Values up to $7.50. each.. - -
, Men's Sailor Hata in the-vory beat blocks;- aU sizes; $2.00 CI' A.Q
; and $3.00 values on sale at .:.., i ...... V V
Men'a Soisette Negligee Shirts; made with soft attached collars;, blue
' and tan; good full sizes; nicely, mads and finished; , jt 1 1Q
" $1.50alues"for..Trtv;7vr.t7;"TT; .;iViVw. j-.-rr.-".-
Men'a fine silk Four-in-Hand Ties; very latest patterns; an
rninri: nir ae -values on saie ai ... t ....... .
Continuation of the great August Clean-up Sale of Med S Shirts Man-r
hattart," ."Cluett'C Star" and pther leading makes, all on sale at
greatly reduced prices. . '
Men's Poros-Knit Undenvcar 38c Garment
Just received 200 dozen men's porons knit Underwear; the coolest and most comfortable underwear
made for hot weather wear; shirti and drawers; in all sizes; best 50c and 75c values; your
choice; today and tomorrow at, per garment. -f.....
Men'a mercerized Underwear; blue, and pink;shijts and drawers; all aixss; best $1.25 values
; on sale at this low prica,' per garment . w
1,000 pairs of women's Lace Hosiery
in black and tans, also a big line
of manufacturers' samples; 35c
values, all sizes; large If).
. variety at, per pair IUC
75cto $100
At 33 c Pair
Great special lot of women's Hose;
. lace - lisle and embroidery de
signs; very targe assortment of
styles; black, white, navy, red
and tans; all sizes; valuea rang-
' ing from 75c to $1.00 a pair;
your choice at this low
pnee, per pair..
"Humpty Dumpty" Hose for chil
dren; black ribbed; a hose that
looks well and wears well:
weights for boys and girls; all
sizes, 5 to 10; great val- 1 Sf
ues at, per pair.. ........ 1 fC
Mela's Outing Suits at Half Price
Choose from our entire stock of Men's 2-piece Outing. Suits at M regular prices. This
rweerla and worsteds.- Single or dou-
VmmUm m lV SP -J W m awa aaejav mmwj v - - - -
ble-breasted cut. Suiti gathered from the most reputable manufacturers tn New York,
. r aA KA a Son AA ...J
Chicago ana Kocnester. values ranging rrom w w.w smwa Mi!1"
Your choice while they last at the low price of f'
: Men's and Young Men's Sites . ' " 7" " "
Entire atock of Men's Three-Piece Summer Suits on sale at wonderfully low pricea. The selson a
smartest Fashions and Materials Grand Values. ,
Men'a $13,30 StriU Reduced to 9. 15 -Men s $33.00 Snito Reduced to $18.63
Men'a $13.00 Suits Reduced to $10. 63 -Men's $37.30 Salts Reduced to $19.10
Men'a $18.00 Suits Reduced to $13. 85 -Men s $30.00 Suit Reduced to $31.13
Men'a $30.00 Sulfa Reduced to SI 4. 65 -Men's $33.00 Suits Reduced to $35.83
All our Fancy Wash Vests on sale at greatly reduced prices. , , .
$1.33 Wash Veata 98c-$3.00 Wash Veats $1.33-$3.30 Waah Vests $1.98
All lines of Young Men'a Summer Clothing at reduced prices. . - y
( A
Sole of Trunks
and Bags
Special Jot of 34-inch iron
, bound Trunks; set corners;
full linen lined, 2 trays ; best
; lock; regular $17.00 value; on
. cial low price. $14145
Special lot of 34-inch ' Steamer
Trunks;jnaIleablejrpn bounds
fuir linen Imed; strongly built:
finely finished; regular $13.75
value; on aaleaj 1 fFft
at low price.. V la V
14-inch Club Bags; full leather
stock, leather lined; brasa
trimmings; regular $2.75
It!"!:.?.0. "A. ; ; $2.20
"-Womctfs- -Neckwear
SilkTctrfst- Cord Rnchingrxrearn
and white; makes neat finish for
stocks and sleeves; 6 yards in a
box; special value at, 1 Q
per box 1
"Reiser" Stocks of sheer mull Val.
lace and heavy linen embroidered I
in meTctnzea cotton, with light
blue, navy, cardinal and black
, polka dots; 60c, 65c tQ.
values for y.J7t
Lingerie Rever and Cuff Sets.
made ' of bwiss insertion" and
Mechlin lace, pique trimmed;
Frencn knots and ap
plique; vals. up to $175.
Table -Linens,
70 patterns m 73c quality CC,
. Table Damask, per yd.OOC
400 - styles - in - $l)0-grades of
bleached Table Damask. 84
40 styles in $1.35 grades of
bleached Table
Damask at.. . ...S1.12
Entire stock of. $2.00 grades
bleached Table f LJk
ajnajkarcUe I U'r
$2.50 Table Napkins, doi.f 2.18
30c Linen Huck Towels. . .21e
20c hemstitched Linen 1 t
Huck Towels at 14C
50c bleached Turkish
Bath Towels, large.. OOC
Great values in Bedspreads at
80c, $1.21, $1.65 CO Aft
$198 and VaeOO
Kmt Underwear
Women's low-neck white mer
cerised drop-stitch lisle Vests;
no sleeves; very attractive
, styles ; best" 50c" values "on
sale today and " to
morrow at
Women's Richelieu , rib lisle
Vests; high neck and long
sleeves: all sizes LJlbest -50e
VYaluea on sale -a
Women's white lisle ' Umbrella
Pants; lace trimmed; French
bands; all sizes; great 07
special value at ewC W
Women's Swiss ribbed Vests:
low neck and no sleeves; all
sizes: great
value at, each
Business Men Will Be Asked to
Tha attorneys In tha Johnson-Ladd
controversy have arg-ued before Judge
Webster In tha county court all of thla
week and will probably not conclude
their oratory before tomorrow. Attor
ney H. H. RlddeU, representing tba
Johnaon helra, began .Monday afternoon
and apoke until Tneaday evening. At
torney a B. Llnthloum, appearing for
Mr.- Ladd, argued Wednesday and Thurs
day, Thla morning C B. a Wood, alao
for Administrator Ladd. took tho floor
ney Riddel 1 aaya ha win liave aoma re- l - Subscribe to Alaska Steam
maras to mace axier (joionei wooo gata
through, which will take about three
houra. . . .
Attorney Wood began hla argnmanta
thla morning by reading tha charges
made by tha Johnaon helra la tha peti
tion Tor tha removal of Mr. Ladd. The
petition was filed August IS. 1101, and
waa algned by C. N. Johnaon, T. N, Dun
bar and J. B. Hibbard. Attorney Wood
read letter written to W. M. .Ladd by
A. H. johnaon before hla death and
argued that they ahow that Johnson
himself understood that the trust was
not to pay all tha debta, but waa formed
for the purpose of creating a fund out
of which paymenta on tha debta wera to
ba made.
Counael argued that tha Johnaon heirs
understood thla but wera trying to
eaale tho entire Indebtedneea of . tha
estate onto Mr. Ladd. leaving tha re
malnder .of the property for the helra.
Tha evidence and ezhlblta Introduced
In tha hearing of thla case cover mora
than-1,009 typewritten pagea. .
' ' east Baaannlaa?.
"Why atay In a small townf r
"Why notf .
"More money In tha city." '
""Tee: and It'a clamped down tlghtar.
on at Airs bttoxt. '
oo b. rams Aaro oovox stb.
IVeMaaa 10a, Oa oust bare 04
Vasaatoea 10
OolaaabU Suva Shaelto J5a
r OUmi M, ...lKa)
Fried SaUbnl I5g
Ooraed Beef Xaaa, roaehed Bgg 15
Boston Bekea vovk aa Beans. . . .16a
parhevM and Cheese, zaallaa style 1S
PlakMd mira' res. Foaate Salad 20a
Viokled &aab Tomgaea, Vstato ,
oooftaa Baua, orsasa
Oblla eon Oaraa
Calves' Brains) with
Water Metes, ". 5
Ooffea, Btaad aa4 Batter a4 rotatoee
free with aa era are.
SUlag-essaa fog ladles
vaasa Iftravy ,S4
rtta Senunbled
ship Line Project.
If Results Ara Satisfactory Commer
cial Bodies Will Appoint Board to
Proceed With' Work of Forming
Cnpany and Financing tha DeaL
Preliminary steps 'wera ' taken . laat
night toward tha establishment of a
Portland-Alaska steamship ' line. The
agitation of the paat few weeka bora
fruit In a gathering of business men In
the parlora of the Portland hotel and
plana wera made to call at one for
aubaorlptiona for the project.
Ths plan ia to appoint flrat a commit
tee to eanvaa tha buslneea houaae which
have already aapreeeed willingness to
back the enterprise. If a substantial
ahowtng can ba made the four commer
cial bodies of the city will combine In
a general effort to secure tha full
amount neceaaary to finance the com
pany. After a -thorough dlsousslon
Thoae-prsaanf if tha niSBttnglaatn-lgtrt
agreed that 1110,000 will be tha mini
mum aura ' needed. Thla ia a large
amount, but It waa felt that It could be
raised by resolute and harmonloua ef
fort. Tha money will be raised. the
company formed and the policy of the
corporation than decided, but It la gen
erally understood that the line will
have to begin operations with oharterwd
ships, the f 110,000 to be used In aeouf
ins proper harbor facilities In Nome, the
proposed northern terminal, and In pay
ing the expeneea Incident to the launch
ing of tha bualneas and the aecurlng ot
Tho preliminary eommittea win oe ap
pointed probably tonight by th praal-
denta of the four commercial bodlea. A
circular letter to possible Investors ta
being prepared today by President Nash
of ths board of trade. Tt will set forth
the salient features of ths propoattlon
aa ao far outlined. It la hoped to havS
tha company organised and tha ahlpa In
operation by January 1, ItOT.
If you wera at an lea cream parlor
and had -nearly finished your sherbet or
sundae or summer girl and then" dis
covered that you did not have enough
money to pay for It, what would you
dot '
Tou would want to sink through the
floor and crawl out through tha cellar,
but that'a Impossible, for Evangeline
and .Gwendoline tried "It and they
Evangeline la a tall pink blonds and
Gwendoline a ahort dark brunette. They
strolled languidly down Washington
etreet. went Into a thlrat parlor and
with an air of ennui-sat down by a
table. Evangellns languidly ordered a
summer girl, Gwendoline a pineapple
sherbet. Languidly they ate, until the
Icea ware nearly gone. Then a girl
came and put a little allp of paper on
the table.
Owendoltna reached over and glanced
at It, then languidly reached for her
purse, suddenly her air ef languor
vanished. She eat upright and dug Into
her puree frantically. a
"Korrora, Evana; aline.", aha w h I apered,
"I have only a quarter and thla check
calls for 10 cents."
Evangeline dropped ljer spoon and
aank weakly back Into her chair.
Gwendoline frowned and IhoughtrThM
aha waa gifted with an Inspiration. She
whispered Instructions.
. "Keep on eating. . I will go home and
get money and coma back quickly. But
don't finish. that lea till I gat back."
Her husband waa sitting with his
feet aa much higher than hla head aa
he .could get them, and he waa smok
ing. Hla wife hurried up to'hlra. .
'Glva- me8 cents', she, ordered.
"Evangeline la In jail, and I must have
money to ball her out."
- Tha I eenta were produced after sev
eral artiatlo oontortlona and Gwendoline
hurried back to rescue Evangeline.
They walked languidly up to the cash
ier and paid tha check and no one sus
pected that Evangeline and Gwendoline
had juat experienced an adventure.
easssasBSSBSsanaBBaasaaBasnsaB) ' T
Will Retain Interest In Bond
Holdings, However, and Work
' In Interest of Company.
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the United- Railway company
yesterdsy afternoon, W. D. Larrabee re
algned the offices of vice-president and
member of the board. Mr. Larrabee rs-
talna hla Interest 1n tha bond holdings
and Is doing all ha can to further the
Interests of tha company. Asked what
work ha would engage In, he aald:
"Tha management of the company haa
aaked ma to remain associated actively
a general manager. The matter la un
der consideration. I shall remain ' a
resident r of Portland and . will either
continue with the company or resume
engineering wora. ,
John ' B. Roe-era. ths company's aew
chief engineer, waa elected vlee-preaf'-dent
and director. He will remain In
Portland and will have 'tmmortlate
eharge of construction workr Neat
week he will return to Ban Francisco
and bring; hla family tn thla city. Re
garding tha reoonatruotloa of Saa rraa-
PerfornaBeee Every Aftereeoa sad Siealag.
Mack, the Gambler"
im roua acts. .
Via fertile far Oae Weak Oaly.
In C1...4 far leneratioa. .
Lanra Howe end Her Pmdae Dolls.
Mr. Arthar Rlchr. Mr. Ptcb Lreca.
' la Conaeetkm with the Rafolar Big
Orand Tbeatre Show.
Ttiae tad prices the aame aa at the Oread.
PANT AG CS """sSSest
jlest raBiur Tseaire.
The raatare Hit aAMHO la K"HVe Itt
'anutoat-sprecaeUaar-r Taa BUeTata,
Beverly aa Deavere. ' ' Jaak Laser.
Trexede Bokeeea. Tka greet Wsllaea,
Performanets dally tt S SO. T:M and S . av.
Admiaitoo. 10 and 29 eaate; bot.a. S5. IdalM
aad ehlldraa take aay teat at waek-day sjaU
aeae (r 10 eaata.
Cisco Mr. Rogers, as an old resident. Is
confident the city will be restored to Its
former greatness. He aaya It will ba a
taak of yeara and carpenters. For a
long time tha place will ba a ahanty
town, but a tremendously active one,
with snoney mors plentiful than aver be
fore. The dleastera af fecta will be felt
In eontradlotory waya. It will ruin
many, but will make many mors new
mllllonalrsa. And ultimately a new San
Franclaco will surely appear, greater
and richer than aver, before.
With Mr. Rogers In the engineering
department of ths United Railways
company, tha old .forca.wlll remain, J.
W. B. Taylor will be associated wTtn
him aa executive engineer.
Fifteen prisoners at the 'county Jail
were fed on bread and water for three
days, and the result wsa that one of
them laat night aald he (was willing to
tell Jailer Mitchell who had attempted
to dig out of tha jail, and 1! aald they
were willing taat the one should talk.
Two of them wanted silence kept, but
they are accused of having dons all the
work on the tunneL
Aonordtng to the story told the Jailer
laat night. J. B. Bennett and John Davis,
a negro, were the only prteonera In cor
ridor 4 who took any part In tha at
teVnpted escepa. These two prisoners
had worked for II 'days oa tha tunnel
Sixth, txt. AldW aad Waaalagtoa M0vT4
ICTtrBU "Ike Dream at the Bare-bit
ri.ndi." Admlitlea M. "Wat OH."
-Bankrupt Sdo
Of the $a,000 Stock T
ir -
L.MING & CO.. 88 6th St.
Ladlea' and.Gnta rtritUolng Oara ef
all kloda at HALF VBICS.
Coma la and look srer aar Iwmaaat
atnrk btnra Sarins kii tad m
-mm a. siu. to auk. s ptm-aaaa from aa
mttt aettlng aer aitreoiflr low prtnaa,"
ths raiota aez art a malm. ,
SI Sisth Btrest, Betwaea Oak aad stark.
before they were discovered. It la ssl '
and none ef the othere wowld help them.
They aald that Davie and
threatened to kill any of there who did
not keep eliar!e. Both the men are
serving aentencea of a year for lerrtr t,
and were eomraltted a short time r i.
They are In the duageone t.y.
Partaar ths tesx.assaw
From Puck.
" He fmualnely. Adam a$ t -Paradise.
poor thlngsl
She frapturmiely), Cut erg f
didn't w darUost