The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 10, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    tiis orzcs:i ' daily joukiiai; Portland. Friday Evr:;:i::o. Aucuir u x::3.
Open Ev
enings Until 8,
x Safer-1
days 11
high quality of our Qfferings even
more so. That the remarkable bargain
offerings are a pleasure to our! custom
ers isevident by the tremendous selling.
Many bargain surprises AXS!T Saturday.
yA MERIT priced at half and less
its real value is the magnet which has
drawn and will continue to draw great
thrbngs to our store daily v Take ad
. Crccrs
; if 1
Women' Silk UndersVirts, $5.00
and $6.00 Values, made of.Giver
naud's best taffetas. tfl QC
Saturday at, choice;.'. .ej)eyJ
Women's. $10 and $12 i
Silk Underskirts atk;i..i)yp.
Women's $2.50 Sateen QQ
Underskirts-atr..i,,. .... 70b
Women's $1.25 Sateen A On
Underskirts at.Trrrrrr;.OW
Women's Wrappers that PA
sold at $1.50 . Saturday, . AJSVt
.: ' '-X; .' ' : ' ''
Wrappers well worth $2,
On sale Saturday, at...... I OL
Women's $5.00 and f OP
$6.00 Walking Skirts. . ePleOO
Women's $6.00 to $10.00 Dress
Skirts at 83.85, 1 OP
82.Q5 and. ... , ,. .....eploOt)
M6 lllfflOllBIE
; Women's Patent Kid Oxfords ', and
Pumps, in welts, McKays and turns ;
; values up to $JJD0, at. , . . . . . . . .$1.19
Women's High Grade Shoes, in pat- '
ent, kid, gnnmetal and vici kid, in turn '
and welt soles ; former prices $5, $4 and
$3.50. They, must go quick for we
need the room at............. 81.98
Women's Fine Shoes, former prices
$2.50, $3 and $3.50. About 600 pairs in '
this lot, all sizes, at.'...; '...V... 81.39 v
Misses' Shoes and Oxfords, black and
tan ; former prices $1.75 to $2.50. .98 ,
Men's Stetson and , Haiskamp Shoes,
vici kid, box calf and patent colt; for
mar prices $5.Q0 and - V
$4.00 . . . . . . .', . .... . ,82.39
Men's Box Calf, Kangaroo " Calf and
Vici Kid; values up to V-
$3.50 ...... . .81.98
Men's Extra Heavy Tap Sole Work
Shoe; $2.50 value....... 31.19
Children's Shoes, all kinds, styles and
leathers, in welts, turns and McKays;
values up to $2.50. . . . .. , . . , . . . . ,98e)
Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts,' in
the very newest patterns and best
materials, clean, high grade stock
at ....48.
Men's Negligee Shirts, told regu
larly at 75c, in two lots at 39
and ............ .......... 29
Men's 25c E. & ;W Collars, on
sale Saturday at . 5
Men's Ties, in very newest styles,
worth . regularly up to ; 60c, in
three lots, at 25, 19, 12
Men's 50c Lisle, v
Suspenders . ..... . .7. ... 12
Men's $2.00 . Lisle Underwear, In
"plain white, to close Saturday 'at:
garment , . ... . . . ,C9
Men's 50c Balbrigga'n Underwear,,
in all , colors . .......... 4 yi, .19
Men's $1.50 1 Linen Mesh Under
wear ................. ., ...48'
Men's .75c Underwear, in all sires
and colors at, .......... . . .39
Men's 25c Suspenders........ 9
Men's 15c Black and Tan
Hose . . ... .9
Men's 15c Linen Handker- '
chiefs . . . . . . , . . . ; . 5
;-' V..- :"' See Our ' ' ':::ixltC
LACES, Edgings and Inserions, to close ,
at yard ...i.i..'s.,...'..M ........ ........i... ........ A
The free choice of thousands of Men's superlatively elegant faultlessly fashioned
t - W $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $22.50 :
Without a single solitary exception or reservation the highest novelties as well as
the most staple styles snare tne same ,tate. ine very cream ot me present sea
son s most approved models and patternsr tailored to the pinnacle
of perfection by America's leading specialists In a variety of styles
and weaves unmatched and unmatchable elsewhere anywhere . ......
present sea-
Ladies' $2.50 Mercerized Oxford
Waists, Peter Pan style, at. 98
Ladies'-$2.00- Fancy - Waists,, in
neat,, dainty dots and figures, to
close , at . . . .'. ........ .48
Ladies' $1.50 Waists in charm
ing blue and brown polka dot ef
fects, for Saturday at. . . . , . .69
Ladies' 25c Hose, all sizes... 8
Ladies' and Misses' 25c Ribbed
Hose at . . . ...... . . . . . . . ... .8
Ladies' Vesta, and 'Pants,1 worth.
89c Special Saturday at. . .19
Ladies'Gauzeyests14n plain and
fancy colors, at. . . , . . . . . ,r. .5
Ladies' Fancy Lace Hose,' in
black or white; worth 50c. .19
Ladies' $5.00 ' and $6.00 Pattern
Hats, new designs. Saturday 48
Ladies' $1.00 Umbrellas. . , .48
Ladies' Sample Belts, worth up
to $1.00 at. . .... ..... ; .... .,23
Six Thousand PeopU Will Leave
';'. ; for Fields Within Short ?
Time. .
Eight Thousand Will Go From City
and . Subarbt, of ' Which . Numbtr
Eut Sid WU1 FurnUh Three
v Fourtht Money-Making Vacations
- SMt eld Squiani .
" tarit aumtora of aaat aid famlllaa
ar. aaklna; arraniementa to taka their
annual vacations ln.tha hop yarda of tha
Wlllamatta valley It la eatlmaUd that
Portland will rarnlah about S.00 pickera
thla aeaaon, and of that number tha aaat
Ida will f urnlah at laaat .000. Acenta
of tha larger yarda, in tha vicinity - of
Brooks, Independenoa and . Salam, are
making houae-to-hooOT canvaaa In por
tion of tha aaat aide, explaining- the ad
vantages offered, at their respective
yarda, In tha way of camping grounds,
amusements, ' ate. Hundreds of eat
stdera enjoy no other vaeatlon than tha
annual Invasion of tha Oregon hop
yarda, which will begin thla year about
August 16, and last Tor nearly three
weeks. ,
Many an aaat aide youngster will
make enough money picking hopa to buy
hla winter clothing, and not a few will
be able aiso to provide thetnaelves with
school books for the coming year. -" 'rne
Southern Paclflo railroad will carry
practically all of the pickers te the
fields. A few families make tha. trip by
private conveyance, camping overnight,
thua prolonging tha outing. Tha azodua
of school children will not Interfere with
the opening. of school thla year. Septem
ber 17, aa hop-plcklng will bo about over
by that data. . ,
Passengers on tha Oaka electric ears
last night were severe In criticism ot
the speed maintained on tha outward
bound cars en that Una. From Division
street south, for a mile and a half, a
velocity of not leaa than It mllea per
hour waa said to have been reached, and
from that point on to the Oaka, across
tha long trestle, tha apeed waa but little
A passenger expressed . tha opinion
that the cars ware entirely too light to
. , 5 "'! . -
" 'Dressed' in the proper clothing there need not be
, a day of discomfort in our climate. Here are suits
made for our climate our taste, and our fashions
at YOUR prices. ,
; ' . V'- -'v ..
The general revision of prices has put thirty-eight
of these $15.00 Suits on the f 8.65 counter.
"k You or some one else will get the first pick of the
plum tree. It's your first shake.
" GudlfiihnPropv ; '
We've Everything to Wear for Men and Boys -
be counted on to hold tha rails when
speeding at auch a rata. For aeveral
hundred yarda along thla part of tha
Una, tha track la on a fill. It or mora
feet high, where It or II mllea aa hour
would be aa fast a a light train ought
to travel.. . . ; .
The feast of St. Lawrence patrona of
St Lawrence church will occur Sunday,
August It Lb, Thla la tha lid anniver
sary of tha founding of thla church, the
eorneratona of which wss laid in 1181
by the lata Moat - Rev. Archbiahop
Beghera. An elaborate program . of
muslo is being arranged for the feast by
Miss Kelly, organist of the church.
. The choir -will -consist of the Misses
Jlarwas, Brennan, Barret, gmlth, Covach
and Messrs. Montag, Bouvaln, Olanelll,
Underwood. ' Fleming, Cain, Brennan,
purceu, Atkinson, Orlmm and Maiiey.
East side merchants and' business
msn generally are discussing a proposi
tion to organise an east side commer
cial club, patterned after Tom Richard.
son's organisation on thla aide of the
river. Tha object, aa stated. Is to have
an organisation that will directly bene,
flt and protect bualneaa men In that
part of tha city much more than can
any Improvement or push club. It Is
not to be understood that the new or
ganisation will run In opposition to any
other organisation, but rather will co
operate with other factors la upbuilding
the community.
C. A. BIgelow ' saldw yesterday In
speaking of the benefits of such a club
"We have several- eluba engaged In
booming real estate and hoisting rents.
and now we should have one that wUI
directly aid bualness men. In case such
a body la organised a strong effort will
be made to Include in its membership
every firm and business man In East
Portland.' -
- 3. D. Filers of the Mount Tabor Ex
press compsny had a trunk stolen from
a wagon In hla barn at Grove and Emat
Fifteenth streets several nights ago.
The trunk belonged to Mlas Jessie Mo-
Klsson of ' North Mount Tabor. Mr.
Ellers baa for aeveral years been leav
ing baggage In hla bams and thla la
the first Urns that anything has been
stolen. Mr. Ellers immediately reported
the theft to the police department, but
claims, that he has been unable to get a
detective out to his place to make an
Investigation of the surroundings.
The Montavtlla, Improvement league
has aeeonded the efforts. of the board
of trade of that town In advocating the
widening -of VUla avenue. W. J. Bur
den, president of the league, aavs that
the proposition is meeting wltH much
unexpected opposition. " It Is Intended
to widen the street through the Ladd
farm to connect on the east with
Twenty-eighth street, that being the
narrowest, and least improved part of
the avenue. Mr. Burden auggeata that
no effort be made to Improve the ave
nue with crushed stone until the widen
ing proposition is settled. The league
la also assisting the board of trade in
having street grades established, pre
paratory to laying water mains.-
' Foatmaster Valentine of Bt Johns
has secured a part of the ground floor
of the new building going up on Jersey
street, opposite the Peninsula band, as
new quarters for ths postoffice. The
building is the property of I M. Hol
brook and will be a more convenient
alte for the poatofflce than the present
cramped quarters on Burlington street.
The Woodward property,' In Monta-
villa, a three-story frame structure, hss
been leased for three years to the Bon
Ton Tailoring company of Portland for
the purpose of establishing a clothing
factory. The lessees secured an addi
tional .option of five yeare on the prem.
rses. to be taken up in case their ven
ture Is a success. The plant will give
employment to 10 peraons at the start
After Fifty WhatL.
. Blnca Dr. Osier became famous by
revealing hla startling theory to an un
suspecting people, the question of what
to do after one had passed his fatal age
limit has created . endless - discussion.
Women" are perhaps affected less than
men, but atiU there comes a time In
every woman's life when she must ac
cept a new viewpoint aha has come to
tne aeoond parting of the ways her
children are grown and household cares
now absorb but a small portion of her
time. The future is without the object
of the past and still there are many
years of life left yet before her. What,
then, shall a woman do with these long
remaining years T
Bureiy it was not Intended . that - a
woman should live half her life and
then- epend the rest In idleness and un
rest T Thla Question was never so vital
aa now; women used to be satisfied to
be simply "grandma," but caps are out
of fashion and white hair adds dignity,
while the young mother prefers to care
for . her pwn children. If thla woman
In her despslr, asks advloe aha will
probably be told to devote the re.
malnder or her life to charity. Now,
there are few women of 10 who eould
contemplate devoting the rest of their
lire to charity without a feeling of re
bellion. It is too much like Drenarlns
for a heavenly home before they are
reaay to leave the one they have. Bo
she looks with envy at the roune- tteo-
pie with their ever new hopes and as
pirations. She thinks of her drea-ms
and bow they were gradually crowded
from her mind by baby frocks . and
household" tares not that she regrets
ner nappy, commonplace lire, but only
wlahea that ahs hsd had more time to
do the things that had once aeemed ao
worth while. If aha oould have gone
on with her muslo, for Instance,- how
much happier ahe would be now. ' Just
there Ilea the' solution of her problem.
Let her take up muslo. It Is true that
ahe wlU not be able te acoomDllsh so
much as would have been possible if
she had practiced all these years; still
time, determination and perseverance
are three mighty factors in success and,
at any rate, ahe will be doing aomethlng
worth while and yet of pleasure to her
self. Tske up the broken threads of
your youthful dreams, though they are
pierced it will only make them atronger.
you will no longer find time heavy on
your hands, but every moment wUI be
eminently worth ' while. ,
, HUH ' ' ' -
Salads In .Tomato Cups.
' Beoan the lnsMe af lli, ImiIii m,.
and put the shells on toe until needed.
ifilr. m. ulaA At Stfinal lurti a mi
and potatoes, cover with French dress
ing and fill'' the thoroughly chilled to
mato shells. Put a spoonful of m'ayon.
nalae on.eaoh one. Tha tomato shells
may alao be filled with chicken salad.
;. t
, When You Clean' Silver.. A
. When cleaning allvar ml tha wfcfHn
with a little water and e. f. Drnit.
ammonia. Always go over the pieces
cleaned with a small camelshalr brush,
This will remove the dry powder.
make . very
, (aprri.1 mepatea te The 9earaal.) '
Hood River, Or., Aug. 1. The larg
est party that has been taken to Cloud
Cap lna this summer left for that point
today, in It were IT persons, many
from distant points, who will make the
aaoent of the mountain. The inn has
never been more popular than this ses-
son, and if the present rate of travel
there is maintained throughout - the
month It win equal that of last rear
durlnf the fair, ..., .. .
lace ' centerpieces ' would
beautiful wedding gifts.
All the department stores are now
selling pretty lingerie waists for half
price. . They are reaUy a good Invest
ment, aa they may be worn, over a sUk
lip during the winter. .-
Small earthenware cupe are being
old to bake hash and the different seal
loped dishes in. They are brown, lined
with white.
.; at. at.
; " "77 To Mend China, f
A good and Inexpensive cement for
mervdlRg hlne, ! the white lead -that 4e
used In painting. Ask for it of any art
dealer, Dishes that . have been so
mended can be washed without danger
of coming apart. -
t ft
Why She Wears a Vett.
Becauss ahe has wrinkles. ,
' Because her complexion la bad.
Becauae ahe la getting old.
' Because she baa a scar on her faoe.
Becauae her noae or mouth are not
what they should be.
Becauae her hair la turning gray over
the temples. ,
Bscauae ahe thinks It makes her look
prettier. 1
Because veiling Is so pretty . anyhow.
Because It Is sometimes sold at bar
gains. .
. Because It can mask her real feelings.
And ones In a long while, with a rare
woman 'because It protects her skin
from dust and" keeps the glare from her
hs Cost ef Interments Hae Been Great
ly Bednoed by The Stolaaa Under
taking Company. . ,
Heretofore it has been ths custom of
funeral dlrectora to make changes for
all incidentals connected with a funeral.
The Edward Holman Undertaking com
pany, the leading funeral directors of
Portland, beginning juiy i. io, win
depart from this old custom. When the
casket is furnisnsa oy us us cost win
include all chargea, auch as conveying
the remains to our chapel, outside box,
embalming, hearse to cemetery and all
services which may be required of us
exoept clothing, esmetery and carriages.
thus effecting a saving oi ize to 171 oh
each funeral.
120 Third street, corner Salmon.
- Forty-Bias Bead. .-4--("tweUl
niioetch to The, Jneraal.l '
Olvmplo, Wash Aug. 10. Thomas
Stafford, a native of New Tork and 14
yeare of age, died In this city, this
morning after a lingering 'Illness. He
came to this county about It years ago
and homesteaded a olalm on the Dea
chutes rlvsr south of this city, but hsd
previously followed mining in Australia
and went to California during-the 4
mminr excitement.
ft ft ft ;
. v In Portland Shops. "
One of the furniture stores la show
ing a diminutive Morris chair. It is an
axaot counterpart of the regulsr slse
chair and would make a gift that would
be appreciated by the email boy or girl.
Have you aean the new Japanese
bronse five o'clooks and chafing dtshssf
They are odd-looking and exceedingly
good to be used In a den, with oriental
furnishings. . - .... A.
For the little ones, the stores are
showing while piqus bos costs with
pink or blue collars and cuffs. ''
aome ec the new designs la Cluay
Now Is the Timer to Oet Rid of Your
Catarrh by Uelnj HyomeL - .''
Every one who Is afflicted with ca
tarrh should take advantage of the
warm weather to get rid of this annoy
ing and distressing, disease, for the
right treatment In August and Septem
ber will give benefit much more quickly
than In tha winter and early spring. -
The germ-kllllng - add - health-giving
Hyomel whan breathed In the summer
months has an even more beneficial ao
tlon than when used In the colder
weather. It Is nature's own remedy for
the cure of catarrh. It gosa to the moat
remote air cells In ths nose, throat and
lunga, killing and driving from the sys
tem ths catarrh germs.
Hyomel Is the simplest, most pleas
ant and the . only guaranteed euro fot
catarrh that haa aver been discovered.
It Is sold by Woodard. Clarke Co,
under a guarantee to refund the money
If It doea not give complete satisfaction.
At this aeaaon of the year, tha first
day's use of Hyomel will show a de
cided Improvement la health and In a
short time there wlU further
trouble from catarrh.
-You take no risk In buying HyomeL
The complete outfit eosts but 11.00, extra-
bottles tOcv and If after using, rU
ay it hss not -helped-you, Woodard,
Clarke Co. will return your monex,
We are compelled to vacate within a short time and offer -'
our complete stock of High Grade Wines and Liquors
- . ;''. at Cost ' :. , ,., V..'
PURET OLD RYE or BOURBON, regular ' ) g
$3.00. . Speciat per gallon .ePiCeawO
$4.00. Special, per gallon. ....... , .', . . . , f .e4We 0
. FINEST RYE or BOURBON, regular . , CVCA
. : $5.00. Special, per gallon. . . . . . ..eyeJeOU
Full Measure Mouse
Phone Main 2394 Between Washington and Stark
' . -
seldom supplied except
when specified, aar many
other ' loaves - bear the
grocer a larger profit.
Be on your , guard , and
refuse a substitute rec
ommended as being "just
as good as Butter Nut."
; So Loafmt all groean
t Look forth blu labtl
v on wryloaf : ,
raoM 7
F. B. Jones & Co.
f T .
srt sirvri.
v ' '.
v ' ' .- " - .-.v"CY
181 E