The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 10, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Removing the
' ' With shirt sleeves rolled up and col
lar and necktie removed. Captain I H.
Knepp, . quartermaster of the Third In
fantry, O. N. G.', spent on of the bualaat
day of hie life at the . armory today
superintending tha removal' of tha regl
ment'o equtppage- to tha railroad yard.
- Wacon load aftar wagon load of. tents
and camp necessities waa hauled from
tha' spacious' quarters of tha soldiers to
tha -care welting In tha yard a
; Tonight, tha armory will be filled with
bustling. , hurrying soldiers, running
front locker to looker to eecura all thalr
baggage and equipment which they will
use at American lake. All tha orders
have been issued covering thalr move
ments and conduct from tha time thay
' leave Portland. So minute have bean
tha particulars covering tha actions of
tba men General ' pinner predicts that
thay will act Ilka vetcrana all through
Port of Portland Closes Contract
:-. for Ground Wood for the; ' :..'
. .. . Dredges.
Meeting of CorarolasJon Veeterday
T'Afternoor. Rerulta in Big Saving for
the Port and the Value of Corape
tWpn It Strikingly Uluttrated. 1 " '
i As a result of competition wtnong tha
fuel dealers tha Port of Portland will
a $1,000 a month on Its fuel bills
In th future. This was brought to
light yesterday afternoon wboa-thc
y the Id! tar -of the Tows and Cecal
Peraesally I have not believed that ekrent
Irlshfe Disease curable, and tfcla Bar twe
UrtStre Dim
rint Mefllnl work eU
eai It as laesrable
aad ' t itL . '
Siuea Thnti I kave kaowa Who bad
Beealt I loot with dletratt spea an elates
DoHii mr nent vlelt to a Freiicleto t
bMrf the prmldMit et the Fertile Stetee Type
roaaary eUun . tht ehroele Brlanfe Dleeee
wu sow ee, curable la griP 1 "' 1
weoM like te believe H. . ' '
He took saa la bed.The etateaieiiti ef
IheedrMta were eihlbttrd to me oteny were eo
nervrloaa bet they bed beta twore, te and
seeled by aotHe. v
I tben nentfMted a deilre te eee -some et
tee pertlee themeelvee. Tb fmve-rle bve
MBre aeaenme la Sea Friaclere tktt we
did sot beve to r fr block la ny ooe dl
rertlen. " "."' "
! a eilnataa .we vm IB m pi vi
ene of ths bcat.kiKrwn 'merchants is the Hty. I rtfuieeV-tofanswer the gentle reminders,
Ha been in business en thei same apot 9ea wae etated at the meeting yester
!) n Dlabote and bd ba tiva no.
bet bd eoejpiMMr reoovurea. oia aw w
B)ny othef wko bed mevered. Gave It a
...hi bllf b lb Uetb of ell cw were
cnrable undr the w peria.. W, BMt
etllfd ea oae of-the blf InauraBee men oa Cal
ifornia (treat. ' He ld hi eoo n wollen
' with dropsy from Bright' IMaaaae aad kl
dMth v dally evpectrd Wbfa'b was put ea
the treatment. He H bow an athlte.
. VP railed en the editor of one of Ran rna
rlMO'e areat dallle wko kad a phrslelaa teat
It ent In hi ewa (the phrririaq") eaa. the
latter being a bnpl dlabrtle.. la 1 month
'he wn well. The brad of another larfe tniuf-
' aura company on. Montgomery trt wa Mil
ain he wa In bed In November laat In a
critical condition dne te ebronle Brtfhfi Dt
eeae. He was well and la his efore and aleo
told a frlnd ef hie who wa la eonvalalon
. whan, put ea the treatawnt and wa now ent
en the etxeat. W went te the efHee ef en er
. anpreme Judft and ele another editor, both
at whom had rreoverM. '
I dMHnvd to ra fortber. Altboob there
were knndrede more to ere. .it waa naelea. It
hnman teetlmony from the vtry beet people I
worth anything, the book are wrong, and
rhrenle Brlhf ntsease nd OIbte'. own In
Utrim eaae are peeltlvale fnritile. Cthlc
ouirht not te be permitted to onarnre thl die-
rnvvry, and In the Interest ef those reader ef
1hl paper whose hemes may have one ef
"' these bllfhts apon It I now declare the facts
and will see that any of thrm desiring It mav
b lent full literate The mms rf the (II.
cevery akonld be tUd. It I kaowa a ni
ton's Compound." ' a
Uany broad physicians are astng the new
1 diuretic, hot In view of the tcrrlfle nnnnal
, death list In the United Itare from Brlnht's
- THaeaae (nearly th fact that medical
ethlce prevent them from proclaiming the dis
covery te the World, becanae the formala '
the pernnaal prnperty et Indlvldnals. - In thl
Instance practically amount to public calam
ity Town and country Journal, lea Joe.
- Cat.. July number. 1K.
If anyone having knowledge ef a eesd ef
Bright' Dm or fttebetee will (end a the
same and uddreea. w will nee that thsy .are
. ecat full Uterntore anncarnlag - this .rsnwraabl
woooAaa, fAAua oe4 wotnun, ea.
Mountain of Militia Baggage From,
tha strenuous campaign baforo them.
Tha soldiers will gather at tha armory
tomorrow morning at T. o'clock end tha
flrat assemblage call will ba at o'clock.
AU the man leaving oa the first train,
dua to depart at :I0, will have every
thing In readlneas for their departure to
tha scene of mlmta warfare by tonight,
ao that there may be no delay at .the
depot : .
, Tha second train will- leave et 10:10
and tha laat one at 11:10. The three
train will ba oompoaad of 10 coaches
each and will be given the right of
way. all aJong the line.
', Immediately after tha first train ar
rives at Murray atatlon, where tha Ore
gon troops will camp, the man will be
put to work erecting end preparing the
camp for tha flrat night. 'Bat ween tha
time ef their arrival and Sunday, the
aoldlers will hare to work like Trojan
members got together In regular meet
ing. ' Owing to the absence of Captain
A. I Peaae, Vtoe-Presldant JCAIns
worth presided over the meeting. - Be
eldae settling the fuel question the com
mission decided upon entering into e
contract 'with tha government for the
lease' ef the dredge Columbia, te the
engineer department for ItIO per day,
or 111 more a day than last year. . ,;
Heretofore the Port ef Portland haa
paid tha Banfleld-Veeey Fuel company
about 11.100 a month for wood for tha
dredges Columbia and Portland and the
tenders John MoCraken and Wenona, but
thle year other concern submitted bids
for the contract end the Banfleld-Veaey.
company- made a eubatantlal -reduction,
so substantial, indeed, that when It
came to compering the figure from the
respective bidders the company . that
has enjoyed tha patronage of the com
mission for some time In the past-will
continue to do eo for at least one year
and poaalbly three. It was announced
that .the fuel disseminators : would pre
fer to have the contract for three years,
although the commission has ths choice
ef making it for one year only ehould
it find' that preferable. The Peninsular
Lumber company ran the Banfleld
Veaey concern a close race for the con
tract. . The contract calls for ground
Bradge VQ Be asoaV
The question of. leasing the dredge
Columbia to the ' government for use
in Improving the chennel to the eaa
haa bean on tha boards for borne time
owing to a little mlaunderatandlng as to
the actual value of the services of the
big dredge. Yestsrday a compromise
waa reached et the rat ef 1250 for a
10-hour day. Laat year the govern
ment paid 181 per day. The dredge
will be turned over to the government
Immediately and put to work on Willow
barrf where ' Improvements are more
essential . than at any other point et
present. The channel t the eea la
aald te be in better ahape than ever,
however, but nevertheless will need at
tention. At present the Columbia la
oompletlng ' dredging a channel from
the mllla of Inman, Poulsen A Co. to
the west channel In the harbor..,.
- Letters read before the commission
went to ehow that W. II Baker, who
succeeded In floating the eteamer Geo.
W.-Elder from the rocks at Ooble, floes
not propose to pay a bill for $160 pre
sented to him by the Port of Portland
for the use of the tender John Me
Craken while the wreck was being
towed Into the drydock. Mr. Baker re
turned to his home In Detroit, Michigan,
shortly after the wreck had been rataed
and a I nee then the Port of Portland has
seat htm e bill, occasionally, reminding
him of bin jrtslt here. Mr. Baker haa
day, ' but - he haa written letters to
friends here relative to the matter and
from them It appears that he doee not
Intend to par the bill unless the port
makea amends by psylng a bill he holds
up his sleeve for delays in gstting the
Elder In the drydock.
Befneee t am.
' The fact of I the matter te that when
the Elder wes; towed to Portland to be
docked the dock waa not In position to
receive the wreck for two daya and
Mr. Baker wae compelled, to keep twe
large steamers alongside of the leak
ing, hull In order to keep hrr from go
ing to the bottom of the river. In ad
dition ' to taylng' for' these- boete Mr.
Baker eleo had aomd Zl men employed
aaslstlng in keeping the pumps going
and he will probably ask ths Port of
Portland to pay these little incidental
expenses in order to offset the $160
bill for the usavfcf the tender John Me
Craken ltv docking the Elder, which Mr.
Baker'evldently considers unjust. '.
. The Port of Portland wse called upon
to pay $20. for reps Irs to ths sidewalk
on the Madlaon street bridge. Last
month ' the tender John McCraken ran
into the bridge and tore a large chunk
of the eldawalk from the structurs. The
careleasness of the port's navigator waa
acknowledged and the. claim ordered
paid. . Not long ago the part wae called
upon to pay for the repairs of the yacht
El Prlmero becauee the tender John
McCraken had spilt her bowsprit
team ere AHIaaee aad Barraoeata
' lagmttoremsa Basjr,
The California A Oregon Coast Steam
ship tympany's .steamer Alliance, Cap
tain Kelly, end the Harrtmaa liner Bar
the Armory.
getting the camp
maneuvers - that
. In Shape
will , start
for the
morning. . t.-, .. "4
Military companies from othsr parte
of the state will commence arriving, in
Portland late tonight. "
The coraoaniea outside Of Portland
leave their homes as follows: Company
A. Baker City, August 10,, 1:01 p. nr.;
eomnanv L. La Grande. Auguat 10, 7:11
p. m.; company. D, The Dalles, Auguat
11, 4:40 a. m.; company u. AioanT, au
gust 11, 7:tl a m.; company M. Balem,
August 1L 1:21 a. m.; company L Wood
hum 1:01 a. m.
The soldiers in all parts of the state
have been drilling consistently tnree
and Ave evenings a week for the peat
four weeks In an effort to hardea them
selves to the campaign - before them.
The camp will be divided Into two
armies and a plan of battle carried out.
racouta. Captain Do ran. are at their re
spective docks today -discharging gen
nral cargo, the former from Eureka and
way ports and tha latter from Ban Fran
Cisco direct The steamerg brought
about 1.100 tons of freight ' - '
The Alliance had all ahe could carry,
the principal Items being building ma
terial, doors, saahee and shingles, most
Of which . came from Coos Bay. She
brought . IS paasengere. The Alliauace
experienced fine weather! excepting
from Eureka, to Coos Bay, where ehe
,,. A nAhvMt vele Rhe will
leave for Eureka Monday night All har
freight space nas oeen reservea sra n
more freight la being received on the
dock lor . me im ri . . .
The Ban-scout commenced dlcharg-
Ing at Ainawonu aocax irue muroim.
She arrived up at I o'clock thla morn
ing, a few houra late on account of the
longehoremen at Aatoria refusing to
handle the cargo. Only JO tone were
, . fM, that nleoau as the sailors
and officer managed to get It out with
out much trouble, 'in com pen 7 win in
all probability refuse freight for the
city by the eea In the future should the
Astoria longahoremsn act arbitrarily
and refuse to handle the freight because
there Is a Porto Kloan sailor oa board.'
Oachalote elay Aroend Bows ef nrteeua-
rrs ir' "
Big, schools of (perm whales are
making the ocean alive off. tha Oregon
and California coasts aad the steamers
Aiiienaa and Barracouta. which arrived
in the harbor during the night kept
company with a number or the cachalots
on their way north. - When off -Yaqulna
bay the Alliance fell in with five, none
or which waa leas than 40 feet In
length, and the whales oame ao close
at tlmee that purssr uajcer coma al
most sea ths twinkle In their eyea.
The officers and orew of the Alliance
say it made them mad to aee 1100.000
worth at whale olL bone and ambergris
slip away from them when a few small
whala boats ana narpoona oouia osve
landed the fortune. - Purser Baker de
clares that the whales were certainly
worth $10,000 each, and he did every
thing to induce them to follow the
ateamer Into the river, but they struck
off for the north when the Alliance
poked her nose into the oreanre
nhrenst of North Head. - ' '
The of floors of ths Harrlmaa liner
Barracouta aay that when off the Cali
fornia ooaat three daya ago they saw
big schools of whales snd the leviathans
playsd all around the bow of the clow
ateamer as If they knew that there was
no danger of being run down.
Trench Bark AmeUe Crallenle aad
pneamer Tlsigoth ZJsted for Portland.
- Two new vessels were listed for Port
land thla morning and both of them will
come to the firm of Balfour, Guthrie
Co. One of them Is a sailing vessel, the
other a steamer. The steamer la ths
big British craft Visigoth. , 1,111 tons
net regtstsr, and the sailing vessel Is
the French berk Amslie Qallenle, a new
vessel Just from the ways.' ,
The Visigoth will com here from Ban
Francisco to load lumber for the orient
She is not at Ban Francisco yet but Is
expected there daily and will probably
arrive here before the end of next week,
when the Norwegian eteamer Norman
Fosltlrelf eared" fey
taeaej aunts arms.
They also relieve W
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Tr Hearty
Eating. A perfect tvav
edy tor Dizdnces. Kaueea,
Drown new. Baa Taste
la th Mouth, Coated
Taurus. Peln la OaS Skin.
regnlata the Bowela, Purely Vegetable.
Ganoira Must Bear ;
Fifl-Simils Sign&turt ..
Cuts to Czt Vhat
You Ask For. .
rwHERE ia a Reason , r
Why the Good People af
. America buy ' Cascareta aa
' Fast as the Clock Ticks.
Every second some one, somewhere,
la Buying a little Tea-Cent Box o(Cae
Carets. . 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 60 times to the Minute. ;
W Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxes ait
Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Dag of Ten Hours,
1,060,000 Boxes a Month, and then some. -.
Think of 11220,000 People take
Caaoafet tablet each day. Millions use
CaacareU when necessary. . ' ' '
. The Judgment ef Mllllona of Bright
Americana Is Infallible. ' They hare been .
Burinf and Taking CaacareU at that rata ,
for QTcr Six ears. 1 '. ,: , -.
; ( ; . , 'v. "' m '
Over Five Millions o( Dollars have)
been Spent to make the merits of Cas
.cerets known, and every cent of It would
' ' did, not sound merit claim and ,
hold tha constaat. continued friendship, .
"Patrerisge: and Endorsement "of welV-"
pleased people year after year, .
- -v - - . e ' a ,
.' There la also a Reason
Why there are Parasites who attach
themselves to the Healthy Body of Ce
caret's suocsss Imitators, Counter- '
; feUers. Subatltutors.
i , They are Trade Th levee' who would
rob Caecareta of the "Good WU1" of the
people, and : aneak unearned profits.
earned and paid for by Cascarets.
A Dishonest Purpoae rneana a Dts
, honest Product and a Dlarerard of tha
Purchaaera' Health or Welfare.
Beware of tha Sllok Salesman and hla
r ancient ''Just as Good' story that conv
- mon aenae refutea,
'.. 'Caecareta are made only by the Ster
ling Remedy Company, and put up In
' metal box with the " long-tailed C ' on
.the cover. , They are never sold In bulk. .
V ; "Every tablet marked ,CCC., "
. , Be aura you get the genuine. ' tffl
Isles, which Is now at Ban Francisco,
will also be here.
The Amelle Qallenle will load general
cargo on the weat coast of England and
then proceed to London to flnlah. She
will be placed on the berth at once, so
It was announced this morning. '
District roreoaMe Scale Bseetveai AU
thotity frost Chief of Barents, '
' Plstrlot Forecaster Edward A. Beals
received authority this ' morning from
Professor Willis R. Moore, chief of tha
weather bureau, to expend f 150 for gen
eral repairs , to the . Port Crescent
Tatooah Sea Coast Telegraph line, end
to have a shelter erected at the extreme
end of the Una where men tnay atay
over night in case of being called out la
stormy weather, , -.,',.,-
The repairs to. the telegraph line will
Include a change that hae long been de
sired. - At present ths line runs through
a very wild stretch of land, but Mr.
Beala' Intention le to have It moved part
of the way ao as to have It follow the
road. Thla will-make It more accessible
and leee liable to breakdowns from fall
ing treea during the winter etorme that
sweep that part ef the eoast - '
Tasunch Beve Cats pleasure Boat Jm
' - Twain aad Moke TJp Bastneeev. .. .
Coming up -the harbor last night
about 10 o'clock the launch Rover col
lided with a smell pleasure boat carry
ing about to picnickers, and nearly cut
the excurelon boat In twain above the
water line. Considerable excitement
reigned for. a while, but no one went
Into the water and the picnickers were
transferred to the Rover without much
The accident occurred near the" eteel
bridge. The Rover signaled the ap
proaching launoh, ao It ie aald, but not
withstanding the . collision ' occurred.
After tying up the. damaged launch to
one of the wharves in ths lower harbor
the Rover proceeded dowa the river
with the excursion party and brought
them back to the foot of Stark street
et 1 o'clock thle morning.
The British ship Bardowle le in the
stream reedy te proceed to eea aa eoon
as a towboat become available. She
will probably leave down thle after
J TheTteneTl Tark Laenneo arrived up
yesterday arternoon and went to Green
wich dock to discharge a cargo of ce
ment from Antwerp. The Laennec made
the run around the Horn to Portland In
III' daye and encountered fine weather
most of the time. Off the stormy pro
montory five Iceberge were sighted, but
the vessel managed to ateer clear of
them although a heavy fog hung over
the wator. - The captain and some of
the crew were In Portland some time
ago on the bark Grand Duchess Olgs.
The Seamen's mission gave a party on
board of the British ship Qslgate last
night -, Those who were present report
having spent a very pleasant evening.
The schooner O. M. Kellogg arrived at
the mills of ths Portland Lumber com
pany yesterday afternoon to load lum
ber for San Francisco. She came up
from Aatoria In tow of the Harvest
Queen in company with the French bark
Laenneo. , ,
Astoria, Aug. 10. Condition of the
bar at a. m., obscured; wind north
west; weather, denes fog. Arrived at
10:S0 a. m. and left up at 11 a. m.,
steamer Thomee U Wand, from San
-San Francisco, Aug. 10. Arrived,
schooner Sailor Boy, from Portland.
Astoria, Aug. . Arrived down at
1:10 and aalled at 4 p. m.. British
steamer- Sutherland, -for - Shanghai.
Sailed at S:2S p. m. barge Santa Paula,
In tow of tug 8ea-Llon, for Port Har
ford. Left up. at ,1:40 p. m., steamer
Barracouta. '
- San Francisco, Aug. I. Sailed at 11
p. m., eteamer Costa Rica, for , Port'
Olympla Burglary. .
Olyrapla, Wean., Aug. 10. The reel
denee of W. F. Telts. of this city, wss
burglarised last evening and a , large
amount of valuable jewelry taken. The
burglary occurred about 0 o'clock while
the' Inmates of the home wtre absent.
Evidence potnte to the perpetrators ee
hiving been well erqualnted with the
premises. No arrests have be a made
by the cfflcere, .
' -i V . , ,:
You Are Invited
to Call ,
'Every young, old er middle-aged
wno nas oeen guilty 01 vie-
is naturae law, exposure.
To men with Feeble Thought.
Falling Memory, Varicocele. Rup- :
ture. Piles, Weak . Back, Poor
Stomach, eta
We Make No Charge for Private
, '" . Counsel
Our first thought Is to' ascer
tain the reel cause of your ail
ment; our second thought ie to
- ascertain if a cure la possible;
cur third ' thought ia to produce
speedy and lasting reaulta. Our
next thought la the quickest
method ' by which this csn be
done and than to figure the low
est price for the treatment of
. your
Over 50 Per Cent of
i:Cured for $10.00, and Uany Only $5.
During Um Past
We Give the Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices
We ere elwaye willing to arrange terme to eult Too eaa pay by the
visit, by the week or by the month, and we give liberal discount for cash.
Remember, our charges are the lo west and most reasonabls In the city,
end you get the very best treatment Call and nndout about your case
at once; it wUl be the happiest day of your life Coneultatlon free.
Yon Need Not Pay Until Yon Are Cored
Should you deslrs" you may deposit the fee with any bank or business
house in Portland, to be paid to ue. after you have been restored to
hWMB--Toung end middle-aged men who have Injured themselves In
body and mind, with weak back, falling atrength, eunken cheeks hollow
eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. We cure. secretly aad cheap-
. TABXOOSB TBTJTS Wormy veine, verieocele, reduced and cured with
out cutUng. No pain. Rupture, Hydrocele and Pllee cured. Consult ue
free and find out how we rUre without knife. Our price for a cure le the
1 1 V. VMtr.esel
OMBOBXO ABB BktZB BltTBASBB -Eoeems, ulcere. ', eoree. pHse,
..T7. i.hi. hri. ktdnevn. liver, stomach catarrh, rheumatfsni
- Consult us at once upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before
, returning home. Many caaes can be cured In one or two or more visits.
Consultation and advice free. , w-
. Write People who live In outside towns end to the country who
cannot call ahould write for consultation and advice free. Many cases
V have been cured by home treatment - . , ,
Office houre a. m. to I p. m. Sundays and holidays, 10 a, m. to II at
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
' - ' ' ' A '
Offloe in Van Noy Hotel. H4
HOanrWUf. aetablUaed ia BortlaaA la last, v
We will
res giae ios
Consultation Frew'
Honsst Efficient and Sclentlflo Treatment et small cost No mislead-.
Ing or deceptive promises made.- - ' . ; . .
. We especially Invite those who have deep-seated and ehronlo dlsordere to
eall and bo examined. Coneultatlon and examination le free, and carrlee
with it no obligation to engage our services. ' , i .
Our offlcee are equipped with the moot modern and sclentlflo mechan
Ticirdevloee for the treatment of ehronlo dlsesses. Our chsrges ere reason
able and In reach of any workingman. By the leteet end beet methods we
cure Blood Poison. Vleere. Seres, Swollea lamda. Our treatment le eclem
tlflo end rational, and will eliminate every vestige of poison from your
system. Ws also cure Chxoale Diseases. Berveme BebUlty, Taeteeeele, By
droeele aad Bladder Diseases, and sU Diseases and Wsahnieese. ;
Uniess Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatically. :
It Is for You For Everybody.
Consider This Before Placing Your Case
' If you ere effllcted with any of the dleeaaee we treat do not waste your
time and money end endanger your health by treating with ordinary special
ists. It requires more thsa ordlnery eklll. together with the proper equip
ment to cure you. We have devoted the beet yeere of pur.llvee to the
etudy of our epedalty and you today can reap the benefit of our years of
toil and labor In our chosen field of medicine and eurgery. Aside from this,
we hsve the finest equipped office of any specialist in the United Statee for
the treatment of these dlseesss. Nothing of prow velue hae been epared.
regardless of cost ,
We want every man In the country to write us
about his ailment. We cure you at home. One visit
only required to our office, when necessary.
Houre a ar m. to 5 p.-m.; Evening a, T ta liter Sundays, t a. m. to It booo.-
St. Louis
raT AMD. POPULAB erfKAkllHtn
'. Leave Saartl
"nrmio," Anrst . r
"OOI.FBM," Angnst 11.
; cAixtNO At
Ketchikan, fanean. Dnnlaa, Balnea.
way, Onnneete with W. P. A T. roete for
atlis, Damon. Tanana, Moese. ece.
rar XU Bonthssstem slssk Ports.
Call er send for Trip te Wenderfnl Ataska,"
"Indian Baah.try." ' Pole." -
txb akia a. a oo.
Prank Weeawy Co., Arenes. '
tea Oak t Peruana. Of.
gotmncAiTxav aiaixa soutb.
rrnm Heatlle et S p. m.
for Kstrtilksa, Jnnaea, Bka
ir. WSIt. Hurt., Dawaoe
and Falrbanke
As. City of aetttle, Aag
sst 10. . tn.
B. 8. Humboldt, ' aagast
4. I. ,
B. a. Cott.f City (via
Sllk.V Amu.t 11. 91.
A S. Senator alwmt Anrnet IT. .
roa sag ibakomoo siazot.
mm Seattle at a. nu CU el resale,
August S.
reruns Offloe. te Waakburtes Bala BBA
0. St. LEX, rasa, A It Aft.
C. D. DLNAN.N, U. e. A.4 Baa rraariae.
- .
Oa Bee Wajre.
Tn henrd." .said Uncle Joah thla
morning, "that bee stlnge le good fer th'
rheomatls, but,, b'- Jinks, no bee ever
stlnged a feller Jest te euro his lame-
nssa, no, elrr.. k
Our Patients Have
Seventeen Y
Third St, Corner Pine. Portland, or.
1 t .
apUeaaed aUxeeat"
tree aay atagle
m im.
. . . . m rmmr to what you want Be sure
CCnalnty 0l ture as wo ace that we can cure
disease.) All our year a of experience and office
equipment are et your disposal, eoaeaatimlsd In thle
declaration: We will give yom a wrttsam gTiareatas
to ewe Bpeolal Diseases ot refund yonr money. Thle
mesne we have confidence In our ability to euro
you. and that in taking our treatment you cannot
lose anything. . . " .
& srmxaTs.
Regulator Line Steamers
OATZERT" makea round trips te CAaV-
CADR LOCKS every Sunday, leaving
PORTLAND at I a. m, returning, ar
rives I p. m.
Dallr service between Portlend end
The Uallee exoept Sunday, leaving Port
land at T a. m., arriving about e p. m-.
carrying freight and passengers, iplsn-
did scoommodatlona for, outfits aad
Dock foot ef Alder street. Portlend;
foot of Court street Ths Dalles. Phone
Main 114, Portland.
The only- ateemboet making a round trip
' 8AXX.T . ir. ,
- Kxcept Sunday Between
Leave Portland...... T: a. (a.
Arrive Astoria t:te P- sa.
lave Astoria.. .........t:te p. m.
Arrive Portland..,. tiOe p. sa,
PcrUaad liendlar, Aide Stieel Beet.
Astoria Tiadlag. Oellemdeg Beek. -E.
B. SCOTT. Agent. Pheae Mala III.
Erie Railroad
ABT T.OXjiA - .
3 Trains to tli East Ds2y 3
5 1a Bnntlnston. ly. 0 SIS ; OSWaei
. rVr ro .njeatera..
TTT?.t.."'T, raHrtn.. dally. 0:11 sal AegMS
Ja Hnntlrwtee, .ly... .gilg gel TnBSSi
2!? ketwe . Mass sad - 1
wtiaae. e.rtr...T!?:.."r. e-teas. eapn.
tomimbu arvsa Drvrsjos.
J"1"" way polnra. wnueutBal
SltST t??"9 aa4 Nork Bee. atee--
SK "eves 0 s. S --.
?TT -endart aatareav. ie p. , AersesS
est m.. nnrl (Mndar. . "
Tnrrfx arvaa ojti.
mJSL ";rtoa. Oreges City and Xcmnffl ve -aeista,
ataasMr Bntfc snd afedee, Ask-et. eess,
STZJ.I."- ; "r. enyept ! (ner pas.
enaeT. T "Taany. eawayt
" ' arm aorrrm. '
iUliU,!2 aad w setsar ejaaa
JMJ. Waak- steesHrs Ssue .4 I.
S? ?S.: . arrivel tveia
Vir yW. "-" ,"1V " -.
Ticket oraee. TMrd ss Wnnkiaseia sea, '
'...., .- tVleehnne Mala T1A .
AW. errxoBSL nr - - - -
um,. iiansra
eerjeed itas TteS
JweaWw, Besskeig, Asa- ,
tane, geerasMBts. Otdes, .
insnas, sieesua
I IimW an r. .
New Orlease asd the eea l:Bpa
--'H mm eaasMeej ss
WMdbors . daily eseest ,.' ,.
Bnnay wfrk train far
Meant Angel. Bllvertoe.
Brewnevtlle. tprlnrn.14.
Wendllng asd Watros.... : Tdiaaj
n.f ta at WmIImn vrftn
Meant Ansel end Slim.
em leml 4-ri yet
Camilla sseaeasre....... eTrSOanj
nlMrtdaa saassass -0 (W
. e-Mn
:M yes
Psrwet Oreve Maeeassr.. 'n:en pal
-iieirv. 'n.nv ef mineev.
jrrreiiennjTBn-irT stattots. -
Pes Dallak and lnt.rss.e1at. snrnt dafly TtPt
a. m. aad 4:15 p. aw Arrive Portland 10:1
a. . and S:S0 p. as.
rev time end eard ef Oewage ennarnea tJeass
apr'r at City Ticket Ofne. ev etattea.
Tick te Barton selnts eed Rnrepaf ataS
tar. Oitns. Hnnetara and Anstratls.
City JVfcet Ofnee enrnee Third i.Bd W
tngtna strtwts. Pen) Mala T1A
o. w. sTtnoaa. wo. wcmttbeat. '
City Ticket Ageat, . Oen. rua A sea.
Ctty-at. Leeni Bneelal far
Ckekalla. Centraria. Olras- t .
Mia. arwm W.plm. Sflata
Bead, jaeenia. Brattle, Bre- "
tana, uswiaien, sraiie, o i-
Hags. DMver. Ooaka. Kae- ,'
ens City. St Lents sad " '
Boarbeaa. dally i-AesSi . Stats
Knrtk Ct.i Unilted, le , . . .
trie llgkted. tee Tsentae ' 1
Beatfle. Bpnkass. Bette.
Mleneenalla 8t Psal sad '
the Best dally ........... B:ess , TMsS)
Pnaet aVoad United, ft v
Clarsasewt. Ckekalle, Cee- ,
trails. Taeeeas sad Seattle .
ealr. dally i"-u 'M aBaej
Twtn Cltv Rwraes fee Tn.
Beatfle, )Defne. Mett,. 8t. Pant
Mlaneapnlta. Unjeta, Bt
Skene, ef esie. Wis. I . . - ',
gtttd eZrkM. fanr.Vllrejynl tatMss.
A. D. CHAHf.TOH. Aatttnat OwersJ
seager igant. tea Merrtaea street, eetaes JWi
Portlend. Oreena.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Per Maysars, Bs t alee. Class.
Wnrreatae. Pla-
n . a.
ens. Oearhsrt Park. Beaatde. tM SSJ ttlBl Sal
Asxenn mm .we,
si ... d.flr ....-. rtos mm -Mpertlasdeaslde
Flrer". Astai-.
tve PnHland :! p. as.
-All TTWinm . ,
. C. MA TO. O. P. asd P. A. Asesrts. Or.
Ajdaesoeet. Pkene Bala BOA
1L.L1 hv lLJ.
2 Orerlsi TMZitXljJ
'Tke Orleetal Limrtad. the rest kUi
Pertrsed rlns sceiSel - , ,
Te d freni Bnekane. .
Bt. Pl. Mlnneeeoln. iy -tiretk
and U s-tat , '
-- WS
Te end frees Bi. Penl. , .
Te i
ilia Dnratk
mmA mil
' S-tS set ' eiee ee
vie Bpekeee
rest Hastkers Btssnkts On,
arnng wee '"' ' V
Cktna Tserte end Maane. earrrtng Be
eMrs and rrelskt. -. - . - ,
IA TMheta. askeWt
A Klaneaatn, Oateeer stt.
arryyoa ttt ama .
flapan Matl B.a-l CF
' g. B. "resa Been will ll f-n
Cfctaa serta, am lag aaeaengere aed
tleketa. rHa iWth ssesrvs,
rtese. et... nnee
K. PTCKSOW. OP. X-f. '
SA, Vertlase. Oreyes. IW
S. S. F.A. w::
tabs Bey. aasehs asd f-e f.
Vsst talUag wesi perUsSA Tmmni y. t - j.
Nest sailing k-RW Ban rvseles. "Hiaf ,
p. tV aaf rJOfC", -
reeavlefc See ke. A J i
.nagk PaUeMa stnadatd sad 111 I
Eww sleenlas-eat Sally nsaieass i
rniUg Willises Csesw
. ' e-a r-,--
v ,