The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 09, 1906, Image 1

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: ;. ... . T". v ' . 1 ,' 1 rf
' . -v THE WEATHER. '.'
? . Pair and wanner tonight; Friday ,
i fair; northerly wind. ? V; - .
Journal Circu!nt!cn
-, T " " " DM V-' '. ' 5 " -
jTs'J. ' "TVv
T . N ev a n .bbsb. -wr ' Jt - v .a -v
s 03k If U r U
I M 1 I I I II I J I I 1 BV II
m . - - Aw. -bw" a v- l ' aaw - r t , v. t
. m y r nv a n f n nn
um hm m
PLACES ALL 50,000,000 &
--': ' --." ; ". - f ' - : ,
From His Hiding, Place
Herring Issues Denial
QfCQnjplicity,ln Rob
bery ofBank; v r i ;
Admit Filling Out Notes Hand
ed to Him to Fill Out by Fu-
2 1 gitivt President to Be Placed
to Hi Credit or Turned Over
to Cooperative Store's Account
(JnrM Special atrrle.)
f Chicaao, Auf. . Another warrant for
th arreat of Theodore Btenaland. r1oa
president ' of the Milwaukee Arenu
StaJe bnnk, and - ton of the fuHtWe
president of that .Institution,- Paul O.
Stensland. wa-s issued this morning. He
ia accuard of having received deposits;
. whlls aware of the bank's Insolvency.;";;
.- Sectultles Bof. -.; v
Examiner Jones said this mornlna
that the1 former ' ftanres piscina the
' valu of th alleged bogus securities in
' the VlLwauke Avenue . Stat , bank at,a are . approximately correct.
Th4 Intrestlgatloa of the bank's affairs
v continue. Tha aecarltlea will be pre
sented to tha court to pasa upon their
vattditysThedlrectorsof the oo-operative
. tore projected by President Stenaland.
will hold a meeting today to decide
upon what Course to pursue. It Ja an.
derstood that Receiver Fatser will ad-
"vooate tha closing of the store, which
m ploy IK people.
The receiver in last night's atatement
aald tha Enterprise was tha chief of
BtenMand'a troubles and aaya It has
never paM, but lost HO.OO or $.80 a
year, and never 'paid tha bank any rent
or never paid any light bills.
iMitafi anatasBasA. " :
Henry W.' Herring Issued tha follow
ing from his hiding place today:
"To tha Public: I have been em
ployed with tha Milwaukee Avenue-State
bank for nearly. IT years In the c-
, paclty of paying' and receiving teller,
. assistant cashier and cashier. During
tha whole prrlnd Paul O. Stensland was
. the sole controlling person, and I, under
his Instructions, did from time to time
. placTi6T
flit out to be plaoed to his credit,-or
. (Continued on Page Two.)
Letters i n Room - of
: Killed r by Mrs. , L6la Reed, Show : His
' Power Over Women Wife in Pprtland.
(Snerlal Plapatrfe te The eearaal.)
' Oakland. Cal., Aug. I. Numerous let
teca found In tha room of John Mahon,
- who waa ahot and killed by Mrs. Lola
' Reed, who afterwards committed aul
clde, bear out his boasts that ha had tha
. powers of - "8 vengalL" These letters,
; f rom all sections of the country, are
from women who fell under his baleful
Influences. Soma of. these women sent
money with their letters.
From some he had demanded money
And they made excuses because It could
not be gent with the letters at tha time.
AH bespoke the fascination under which
they lived and tha terrible bold tha man
Thsd aaeured upon-them,
"5 In a letter from his wife, wrlttsn at
Portland, September 10, Is auggested tha
relation which ha bora to tha woman
1 (Journal Special Service.) '"'
Marlon. Ind.. Aug. I. If a man has
exhausted ail his resources In efforts to
make a 'living for his family and ap
pealed to all sources known to law to
obUln" aomethlng' forlhem 1oaV h
cannot be fined for stealing that their
hunger may - be satisfied, la tha new
principle of law established hero today.
In the court of Judge Phillips, John
Robinson appeared charged with steal
ing two bushels of wheat worth 11.(0
m ' farmer. -Rotrtnsonr with a wife
and six children the youngest a babe In
arms ware In eourt, presenting a pfo-
American and British
Companies - Settling
V(ith:: Policy-Holders
: in San Francisco
.';;;''..' '- !4;'"-. : -of
, ; . . . ..v . .,.,-,'
New" York Deposit of Trans-At-lantio
Company Attached, by
Losers to 4 Prevent - Company
? Quitting Business ' in America
, ' rSuits to Be Brought Abroad.
(Special Dtapetch te Tb loaraal)
San Francisco, Aug. . About 5Q,-
000,000 In cash- has been: 'paid (o Ban
Frsnclsoo policy-holders to data by the
fire .Insurance com pas lea. Tha larger
part of thla sum has gone to wholesale
merchants and downtown retail business
men and i capitalists- wh -filed early
proof a . of . loss . atid whos claims were
easily adjusted. A largo Increase ' In
paymamfe la axpected ' by September 1,
tha additional 00 days given, tha cora
Danlea on account of the extension of
time, for filing proofs' of)ou aspiring
August la.
American and English fompantes- have
paid almost all of the ISO.000.000, the
Germkn. and other : foreign Jnsuranoe-
cempaales having fpund. for - the - most
part, temporary protection from liability
behind tha earthquake and other flne-ly-wrttten
clauses. - r
' raysaamta af Oosapaaiea.
Liverpool, London A Globe Insurance
leada tha dollar companies with" tt.COO,
000 paid up on August' 1. The Aetna
turned over tt.100,000 ' to - tta policy
holders, tha Royal $1,100,000, while the
Continental Home of . New York, the
North British, tha Phoenix of Hartford,
tha Springfield and ' Royal - Exchange
have all passed the million mark.
Tha im.000 deposited In New Tork
by tha Trans-Atlantlo Fire Insurance
company of Hamburg has been at
tached by tha potlcy-holdera of San
Francisco to prevent tha German ' cor
poration from withdrawing from the
United States and aklpplng across ths
water with this, big fund. Tha attach
ment waa made yesterday In New Tork
by agents. Attorney Walter H. Lan-
whose claims total about $000,000. -
(Continued on Page Two.)
Job h Mahon, Shot and
who killed him. Mrs. Reed became ao
qualnted with Mahon In Salt Lake City
soma years ago. Tha wire speaks or
tha woman In her leNer In these words
"Teu may receive thla and you may
not. - If tha. widow you spoke of reads
It first sha may deem It wise to destroy
it I am glad for your sake you have
soma one who, cares so much for you
and can help jrou, figure out thlnga so
wen.- ,.,..,.--. ..... . ..
Tha 'letter -did not give Mrs. Mahon's
Portlsnd addrasa.: ' ;
- John-Mahon la reported by the local
notice to have had an office In Portland
Jin tha vicinity of. First and Columbia
streets, wnere a practtoea-nypnottsm
and mesmerism. He had trouble at that
time with his wife, who brought 'suit
against him. '. ' . ' . '
tura of misery. Tha family had scarce
ly anything to eat for two daya prior to
the ' . , , ,
The husband and father la Industrious
and sober,, but out of work. , He had
been to the township trustees, and was
refuaed'ald." - Evidence of theft waa
cleir, but the man waa dismissed. The
verdict wss accompanied with a II do
nation from the Judge.' 11 J -
Action of the court In" freeing the
prisoner has met with genersl approval
In. spite of the- novelty of tha decision
and Judge Phillips Is now the - most
papular -maw In tha district on account
or tamnerlna -lustlca 'with mere.-
II I ,
y s-
U?:J !t I: '
Lottia Kendall, Comic Open Sur,
Lottie Kendall, It It Alleged,
Elopes v With Millar, Bacon,
Who Leaves Wife Behind Him
U in Hospital Couple, Are Now
' i Playing in Denver. . .
Not, only waa tha Kendall Musical
company wrecked financially In Port
land during JU stay at the Helllg the
atre, but the hearts of several of the
members of the company ware Wrecked,
If .there Is any truth In the newa of an
elopement which ' cornea wafting from
tha oast Ths parties to tha match are
alleged to be Mlsa Lottie Kendall, who
was prima - donna of the aggregation,
and Millar Bacon, the good-looking
youna - tenor. Bacon leavea behind - a
wife and stepson; Mies Kendall in de
parting has left a husband.
In private life Miss Kendall la the
wife of Kd Beamans, the . manager of
tha company. - She Is the second wife
of Manager Seamana, who haa a daugh
ter. Nina, almoat as old aa Miss Kendall.
Millar Baoon la the. huaband-of Myrtle
Vane. Tha -elopement-was- pathetto,- it
la alleged, In that Mrs. Bacon waa seri
ously III In tha honpltal when-her' hua
band decamped with-, tha other fair
charmer. It la also alleged tlfat - he
drew the salaries of both, himself and
wife and forgot to. leave that of his
iiviii iiwwuiiiiv i i A 71
won imv v
Tolstoi and
nal; one writes his "Memories" and the other tells of raodern and' ancfent,',' Athens.! 'For the
women are pages of fashions and health and beauty' hints. JIow 'Uncle "Sam- trains 'his wards
'will be found of interest to those who cive thought -to our insular possessions. R.' A. Harris
jwrites onj he ascend
ents discuss European , topics.- For the children , are ' majny. pages of interesting',' stories . and
pictures, including colored pages telling how wild beasts-live and "the "(unnies," which are"
funnier and better than ever. , Among the other fine things is a charming love song and music,
"Answer Me, Yes or No.v These fir TUEC I f M h IX V I A fl II t V.
splendid features are to bejound
, A t
Said to Have Eloped With Millar
wife when 'ha suddenly departed. Tha
elopera are now, . It la said, working In a
stock company In Denver. . 1
" . . BCiae Taae a Xoapltal.
When the Kendall company was pulled
off ' the stage- at tha Helllg Manager
Seamana waa In California arranging
for the appearance of the company
there. He wired the; membera to re
main In Portland until arrangements
were perfected .In the south. They .re
mained two weeks.
During . this" ttme'Mlsg' Vane waa-tn
Good Bamarltan hospital Buffering from
stomach trouble. Her - 10-year-old son
was living at tha same boarding-house
with his stepfather. In tha two weeks
.(Continued on Page Six.)
Whose appeals,
" r' : HOD
I I ahk W aaw . a
4L ' A .mu;tovt kits !
awakened the; conscience of the : world, are
among the contributors to The Sunday Tour-
only" lit f if I L- Ull
Bacon, Well Known Tenor Comedian.
Deserts . Bride - of .Two . Days,
V Flees , to -Wyoming, Becomes
' Demented and Ends, in Port
land Hospital Town Marshal
' and Money In the Shuffle.
Married on July 11. led to desert his
bride two daya later for an unknown
reason, forced to shift from town to
town with tha savings of yeare of toll
In his pockets, sided In escaping his
pursuing . spouse by an officer of the
law, and finally breaking down mentally
and becoming Incarcerated In a Portland
sanitarium, under tha care of a Portland
phyalclan, while hla bride tried in vain
to locate him and his money such was
the experience of Hans Arnesen, a Nor
wegian hodcarrler of . Spokane. -
Arensen . is , at present In a private
sanitarium In this city. Exactly which
sanitarium -la not known, because It Is
being kept a secret, Dr Walter T. Wil
liamson, who has offices in tba.Mas
quam building, la'attendlng him.
The-story of Arnesen Is dramatlo In
the extreme. He came tev America from
his native country some years ago, and
since that time -has labored hard and
aaved hla, money. .Early In July this
year, ha found' that, ha had about $1,700
(Continued on Page Six.)
for the: common people have
IJrX I JKU liliti Li
Sixteen Per Cent Divi
dend1 Demanded of
Harnman by Minority
Stockholders. -
Annual Meeting Being Held In
New . York No Change In
Management Contemplated
Railroad - Magnate on Both
Tickets. : v i.
idoaraal Saeelal lerrlea.)
New . Tqrk. Aug. l-lf the reporta
that have been circulated In thevfinan-
clal district for the paat month ormore
era to be relied upon a bitter fight for
the control of the Wells-Fargo Express
company may be expected at tha com
pany's annual meeting tailed for today.
Tha present' management of tha com
pany, which la sal to be dominated br
E. H. Harrlman, haa bean buay scurry
ing around for proxies and at tha same
time Issuing statements intended te jus
tify uie policy pursued in the manage
ment of, the com pany'a affaire. ' Tha
minority- stockholders, - on tha other
hand, have ahown themselves equally
act live and give evidence of aa Intention
to "show up" tha present management
and to wrest tha control from them If
possible. , ',
. Tha company's surplus Is said to have
grown to ovsr 111,000,000, . and the
minority holders believe that soma of
thla ahould be disbursed among them
In tha way of an extra dividend Instead
of being; aa they declare to bo tha In
tention of the directors, turned over to
Harrl man's Union Paolno railroad In re
turn for an exclusive contract for tha
expraaa privileges of that Una, -
Tha firm of Walter C Stokee
aV Co. haa aent aut a latter to those
stockholders of Wells-Fargo who have
not given proxies, urging thorn to be
present In person at today's meeting.
Tha ' meeting will practically decide
(Continued en Page Thirteen.)'
Husband of Anna Held : States That Murder
of White Was Due to Prank Played by
... ; : Trio of Joking Chorus Girls.
(Journal Special get ilea.)
' New Tork. Aug. . New and Impor
tant evidence providing a plausible mo
tive for the murder of Stanford White
has lately come Into District Attorney
Jerome's possession. An inkling of the
facts -waa- conveyed to the district at
torney IndtrocTly from Florence Zleg-'
feldt, a theatrical manager, who la tha
husband of Anna Held and, who at pres
ent la living in Parla. ' ' , '
' Tha story la that Stanford White sent
a note- and a basket of flowers to Mrs.
Evelyn Nesblt Thaw on tha afternoon
of tha murder and ' that the . tragedy
grew oat of the thoughtless mischief of
three chorus glrla. .
-. "The tragedy ' occurred soma daya
prior to my last trip from America,"
sald.ZIegfeldt,:"and I waa full of It on
my way over. Among the paasengers
waa a young woman very well known to
the amusement-loving New Tork public,
who la a prominent member of the
c horns of ens- of my productions. "" ""
"Naturally wa chatted., and naturally
tha Thaw tragedy was touched upon. I
(Jearaal Sperlal Servies.) -
New Tork, Aug. t. Latest develop
ments In tha fight to break tha win of tha
late Russell Sage la tha formation of a
syndicate to finance tha contest. Mem
bers of this syndicate are to aubscribe
to- a fund of $ I , start wtth and
to meat other assessments aa aeceaaltlea
of tha litigation demand. The move
ment to form such a syndicate la pro
gressing secretly and la far enoush ad
vanced to make lta success assured.
Lawyers are ready themselves to un
dertake the risk of litigation and aa a
starter sre subscribing to the 111,000
fund. Thla amount will be paid te one
of the Sago helre who la an ostensible
Materials for Building
Stacked Up at Drain
an-lWojJBegins on
Extension at Once. 51
Bams Being Built for Storage
Twenty Thousand Barrels of
- Cement Arrive Next Week .
Steel Rails and Bridge-Iron on
' Ground.';' . 'r"' : -;" : :':v
Contract for the first 40 mllaa aut
of Drain on' tha Coos bay line of tha
Southern' Paclflo railroad haa bean let
and work begun. Tha contract was aa
eured by the CL E. Loss company of
Portland and San Francisco.. With hi a
year tha Una will be completed te tha
head -of navigation on tha Umpqua -river
and trafflo will move by rail and boat
direct from Portland to Marsh field and
North Bend.
. Tha C K. Loss company haa sent its
superintendent of 'construction. W. J.
Ford, to Drain, and he is building barns
and aheda for tha accommodation of
atock and materials. - Several hundred
men. 100 horses and mulea and grading
equipment will arrive at Drain next
week. Mr. Ford la building a large barn
In South Drain for the accommodation
of tha atock and a ahed 40x100 feet for
storing about 10,000 barrels of cement '
that will arrive in a few daya for use
In bridge foundations and culverts. ..:
Za Buying rrevlaloaa. -'
The Journal's Drain correspondent re
ports that tha Loss com pany'a repre
sentative la buying several hundred tone
of hay and other provlalona and la go
ing at the work with an energy that,
means there will be not a day loot lo -getting
tha construction work wall un
der way. All of tha 10,000 tona of 71-
pound ateal rails for tha Drain line
have been piled up at Drain for weeks
awaiting awarding of tha contract. - The
(Continued en Page Two.)
knew that this girfwaa one of Whltee
acquaintances and drew her out and
found out she knew something which
tha district attorney would give a good
deal to know. She told ma aha aooom-'
panled two other members of my old
company to pay a farewell visit to Mr.
White" In the tower of Madison Square
garden on the night prior to Whlte'a
death. They, were to aall in a few daya,
Mr. White waa not there and as they
were leaving tha place tha attendant
aaked what names ha ahould 'report te
Mr. White aa those of visitors.' .
"W aald one of tha girls, laughing,
say that Mrs. Harry Thaw called.'
"Next day. Mr. White, according to
thla glrU aent a neat little note to Mrs.
Thaw., expressing hla regret at hla ab
sence at , the time of her call and dis
patched a basket of rosea to bar ad
are a a. . ... ' ,
- "My Informant believed that Thaw
saw tha roses and read the note attached
to tha basket. Sha waa Inclined to be. "
Have White . owed hla sadden cutting
off to the whim of a chorus girl." . . -
contestants Thla writ assure the cau
tious relative of all hla I'nrle Ruceell
left him and to Interest so nominal a
plaintiff In tha contest the assurance w" I
be made that ( or 10 per cent of I e
oompromtse amount wlU be given !
uch a nephew or niece, -
It la expected tbet not less th" r ' -000,000
will be made by tha e"f
syndicate. This will be conn- . .
magnificent return upon aa Inve
of 111.000 and auuhermtsaeare r
In ,tbe litigation. fleavy oun i
will be an lnatdnt of am h - i,
Is proposed to retain some of t.,e i
New Tork attorneys te figStt tl ;
the oentestaataa
.A -