The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 08, 1906, Image 9

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    czzzz:: daily jcuhiial; rcnTLAiiD, vzd:;z:day - Evcniiio, august a, uc?
to Ds Hald Today Off
Newport. ,
Fattest Boati of Gotham's Yacht
-. Club. Will Participate In tha JRaca
His Majeaty'a Gift la Modal of
Art-Whera Race Will Ba Held.
howuj aiMdr service.
"wjus . au. iian tm ,is
"date st for the first contest for King
club," designated by his majesty a l
. perpetual, trophy, to b sailed for an'
o nually by American yachta off New
. port during ' the . annual cruise of the
New Tor Tacht club. Needleea to say,
fhmiaaaAa nf VftflhMnv antaualaata arattu
red here are on the qui viva in anticipa
tion of the event. v.
' The starting point for the race ta off
' the Brenton'a Reef lightship, There !a
a choice of four couraea, the' selection
depending upon the wind. The first
course ta tl inllea in length. The see-
Anil cotiraa fla a tHlnvla rt tU m 1 1 .a
with the Vineyard Bound lightship and
Hen and Chicken lightship as tha round
ing marks. Tha third course ia H
miles In length. Tha flret leg la to. the
est buoy, off Block Island, the nest
east half south IS miles to a mark,
thence north by west. IS miles to the
finish. The fourth eourae, of 16 U miles,
- la-south by west half west, IS miles,
east by north, 11 "4 miles, thence north
', west half north. IS rallea to the finish.
The entries for the race are as fol
lows: Corneliua Vanderbilt'g Rainbow,
Harry U Maxwell's Yankee. J. Rogers
"TMaxwelVa Queen, William Beatona Ta
ormlna, A. F. Luke's Corona, H. P. Mp
pltfa Weetamoe, E. D. KlnCa Neola.
and Cleveland H. Dodge'a Heater. -
The trophy offered by King Edward
for the winner of the rare la a magnifi
cent specimen of tha goldsmith s art
ine apes, or in ornamented cover. Tne
' circumference of the baa of tha cup la
i mcnss. ana ine circumierence or tne
upper body around tha handles la 4T
Inches. , Its capacity ia several gallons.
On tha front.-whlch la highly polished,
, la the Insignia of royalty, and under It:
'X R. ' VII." in monogram,- and tha fol-'
lowing inscription:. 'Thla eup la pro
aented to the New Tork Tacht club by
bla majesty, King En ward VII, honorary
member f the club, ltM." ' On tha face
of tha block on which tha cap rests Is a
gold plata,. upon which will ba Inscribed
- the nam of each yacht and the names
at their awnera that succeed la winning
tha races. . . . - ;.
Salem. Aug.; S. Considerable Interest
. ts shown aver tha homing pigeon racee
jwhlch are to be heldhere during the
state fair-under the auaplcea of the
Homing club, of Portland. '. , .
nswivi tins vori UTrmil nvia xrora
Salem to Portland at varloue tlmee and
tha Intereat In. thla kind of aport has
appealed to bird fanciers.. T. H. Rey
nolds, manager of tha Wells Psrvo ex
press office In this city, baa taken quite
en active part In this diversion and has
been aaalatlna BL H. Bauer, of Portland
In tha making ef test flights between j
r or nana ana saiem. Last Sunday zs
and after circling for sometime Iq the
.esure blue started northward.
All theae birds have not yet reached
Portland, but a number made the flight
time that so large a number of
were liberated at one time for the race!
rrom saiem to Portland. In the tests i
conducted during the winter not more
than flvs or six birds were freed at one
. Ia one of tha racea held In the fore
part of July tha time mads from Salem
to Portland waa 1 hour and SS minutes,
from Eugene to Portland S hours 1U
minutes; from Roaeburg to Portland. 4
hours SS nalnutea; from Oranta Paaav 1
hours I minutes.
Last Sunday a number of birds made
the Journey from Salem to Portland In
about two hours. -
Seattle? Aug. S. The Mesdows sum
mary: .
Four furlongs Rousa won, Convsnt
Belle second, Maria Esher third; time,
S:4t4. '
Sis furlongs Peter J. wen, Spondoollx
second, St Wlnnlfrlde third; time,
1:141. ' - - -
aim ana a nan suriongv reggy u weal
won. The Mighty second, Henry Walte
third: time. 1:14.
Seven furlongs Entre Nous won. Bell
Reed second, Hersaln third; time, 1:SJ14.
Mile and a sixteenth Prickles won,
Brlera aecond, Ray third;, time, 1:4714.
Mile Duelist won, Colonel Jewell aec
ond. Cherlpe third; time, 1:41. ; ,
' Pat Dougherty la helping the Chicago
White Sox get nearer tbe top in the.
American leagua race. ......
SKreve &
have on sale their usual
complete stock of
Foot StrJ and
Grant Avenue and
San Francisco
Prompt and cartful atttnt-
ion givm to corretporumeo.
GlffiS -." SHUT 001
Catiffa Masterly Pitchini Was
: Too Dsep for Freno Men
to Sofvo. . :
Portland Batsmen Became Intimate
WhhJfiUfaraid'B Curves and Sent
Them plrinlnpranyBitMS--Story
of First Match There. ; .
.- (Jooraal tpecUl 8rrVe.)
Loe Angeles, Aug. S Tha Giant a and
Tigers Invaded this peaceful city yes
terday .and played a ball game at the
Chutes park. In on respect there was
only one alda to the game, and that was
performed by tha Portlanders. Tha
team front the north presented Mr. Ca
llff in the bos. and this sapling proved
to be the entire ehow. This clever
young twlrler allowed but two widely
scattered hlta, ono In the third by Doyle,
and the other by Da ah wood In the last
Innthg. He was Invincible with men on
bases, and allowed only two to reach
the third station, where the neriahad
Callff struok out seven of Fisher s men.
on the other hand, Fltsgerald could
not keep hla ahoota out of Lewis' way.
Bvery ball that went over the plata waa
aent to the woods, 'and kept tha Fresno
fielders on the Jump all the time. Four
Portlanders-connected for two beggsrs.
The features of the game were Doyle's
sensations! catch of-a drive from Mo
Halo's bat,' Moore's fielding and the
work ef Sweeney at ahort. . The score:
'::'.'-. PORTLAND. - "-.- -;-an.
R wr - a' a
McHale. cf. .... S i t 1 e ' a
Sweeney, , as. ... a 1 1 , a a
Mitchell. If. .... SIS 0 a a
McCrad e. If.... 4 11 Si a a
Smith, sb s i e a . a . s o
Moore, b. - 4 a !4 1
McLaaa, o. S a i f f Tj
Lister, lb. i 1 t n ' a
Callff, p. S 1 S v S O
Tetale ..,.'..! 4
- :. AB.H
A. E.
0 . 0
Doyle, cf. 4
Caaey, Sb. ...... f e ,
MnLAugnun, ir., - e
Eaan. sa ....... 1 . a
s s
Delmaa. Sb. .... S 0
Cartwrlght. lb... 4 S-
nogan, c. ...... a
FlUgerald, p.... S a
ToUle -....... SS S
McHale oat, bunted third etrlke.
Portland ....... .100 AS i a 4
Hita ..........s mini lii
Fresno MlitM 0 0
j e j a e e e e l i
Mitchell, Daahwood and McLean. Sacri
fice bit McLean. Flrat base on errors
Portland. 1: Freano, 1. Left on baaes
Portland, I; Fresno. I. Baaea on
balla Off F1tsgraid.-l:-ff Callff, S.
Struck out By Fltsgerald, I; by Callff,
7. Double play Sweeney to Moore to
Lister. Hit by pitched ball Smith.
Stolen bases Caaey, S. Time of game
One hour and 44 minutes. Umpire
'I' . ". '
New Tork
Lou la
AS Chicago.
R. H. E,
r.Li '
Philadelphia S S S
Batteries Walsh and Sullivan; Wad-
ana oonreca.
. AS SMtrelS.
Detroit t S S
Washington 4 ' S
. Batteries Eubanka, Siever and War
ner; Hughea, Kitaon and Wakefield.
Won. 'Lost
iw York
i innnnau
St. Louis
Boston . .
' . R.H. B.
Pittsburg til I
Boston .7 t S
Batteries L.yncn ana oioaon: with
erup and Needham. Umpire Klem. '
'.AS Breoklra.
. R.H. B.
Cincinnati I 10 t
Brooklyn 1 T 0
Batteries wtcser ana Llvtnaston:
McKarland and Bergen. Umpire Car
psaicr. .
' AS VBlladeJphle.
ci. lAiuia i
Batteries -L- B
irown. Thompson and
Marshall: W.
uuggieoy ana Donovan.
Umpire Conway.
... ...v. '., won.
Portland . . ....41
Ben Franclaco .......
I os Angeles ......... SS
SeaiJe ............. 41
Oakland SS
Fresno.. ...... 40
- Bl washes wis Oat, -(Speelal
Cnsoatcb te Tka JosrsaL)
Seattle. Aug. S. The locale raptured
yesterdays game from Oakland after
It had appeared lost. Score:
" R. H E
Seattle .....S 10 0 0 14 0 T 10 S
Oakland ...01010100 a S S I
Batteries Jones , and . Blankenahlp;
Hopkins and Bliss. . ,
Umpire Mahaffey. ' ,
Seala BaaoH SUta. - .
. fSeoraal S Metal ItM. : '
i Oakland, Aug. S. The Seals won yes
I terday through a careful bunching of
, hits. Score: -
' " R H S3.
' Los AngelesO 0 0 0 S t 1 0 4 S
Ban Fran...S ft S S 1 I S t 10 S
Batteries Bergman and Mangerlna;
i Hltt and Wlleon. ,
I Umpire Dvnleavy.
Harry flaker won tha decision front
Frenkle Nell at Loa Aaceles last night
at tha and of a 2ft-round contest Tha
yoanastera fought at catch weights,
and Baker had tha better of the con
teat throughout Kail waa enraged at
I ua eoolaloot ..
Largo Number of Entries for the
International Event at
. Tacoma.
Payne and Pooley Prove to Ba Better
Players Than Portlanders Official
List- of - Entries and - Summary- of
. Matches Completed Yesterday. '
,' ' . (Special Disrates to The Joarnat)
Tacoma, Waab., Aug. t. The entries
in' tha international tennis tournament
for the Paclfio northwest are as fol'
Singles Dr. Drake vs. . Arthur Rem.
Ington. D. a. BeUlnger vs. J, A. Rlthett,
B. H. Wlekersham vs. Albert Armstrong,
R. H. Cooley vs. T. D. Stevens,. A. EL
Barry vs. R. R. Benham, J. C Tyler vs.
winner ursao-Remington matcn, jo. w.
Carr Hilton vs. winner Bellinger-Rlt
hett match, T. T. Payne ve. Walter
Goes. Dr. Van Buaklrk va. M. H. Wildea,
R. T. Kaufman va. B. U Russell.
' Doubles W. A. McBurney and Dr,
Drake ve. M. H. Wildes and A. E.
Barry, R. Remington and B. H. Allen
va A. Armstrong and 8. T. Payne, E
W. Carr Hilton and T. D. Stevene vs.
winners MoBurney-Draks and. Wildea-
Barry match, R, H. Pooley and J.
Rlthett. vs. B. H. Wlekersham ... and
partner, W. A. Ooss snd
B. U Russell and J. C. Tyler.
The weather la superb for playing
and a large number of spectators were
preaent at tha grounds both yesterday
and today, j - -
W. . A. Goes of Portland, winner or the
morns' sup, ins J
clflo Northwest Lawn Tennis assocla
tlon. was defeated In two straight sets
at the opening of the playing yesterday
by F.-T. -Payne, or -Tacoma. in tne
'match play between Ooaa and T. D.
Stevene of . Vancouver, British Colum
bla, Ooaa beat hie opponent,' winning
by a score of S-4, 4-1.
The women players who did not get
much of a chance at tne courts yester
day are receiving preference today. The
tennis grounds contain flvs courts and
they have all been In use both yesterday
and today. . Tbe scores yesterday wars
as follows:
Sam Russell of Seattle defeated
Kauffman of Spokane, 4-0, 1-1
B. H. Wlekersham of Portland de
feated A. T. Armstrong of Tacoma, 4-1,
4-S. v . .
Dr. Drake of Spokane defeated Ar
thur Remington of Olympla. . 4-L 4-S,
R. H. Pooley of Victoria defeated
T. D Stevens af Vancouver, S-S, 4-0.
In doubles. Armstrong and Payne of
Tacoma defeated Remington and Allen
of Olympla, 4-1. S-S.
Ooss of Portland defeated Stevene of
Vancouver, S-4, 4-1
tSDsdsl Dlmwk te The SeareeM
Chehalla, Aug. I. The regular ahoot
of the Southwestern Washington Oun
club, which was held In Chehalla Bun.
day, was a- great success, about SO par
ticipating In the event a- Tha eboot be
gan early In the morning, and did not
clone until lata In the evening. A lunch
waa aerved at the grounds. Tha In.
dividual championship waa won by Bam
Wray. of Elma, who mads a perfect
score of 25 straight. The Baker medal
waa alao won by Mr. Wray, with a score
of S4 out of a possible SS. The Cali
fornia Powder works eup wss won by J.
H. Van Eaton (f Grand Mound. Ha
and F. Vldler of Aberdeen tied on thla,
with a score of 24 each out of 25, but In
the shootoff of the tie Mr. Van Eaton
won. Five three-men teams entered the
team contests, a team composed - of
Messrs. E. W. Cooper, J. Cooper and Mr.
Jensen of . Tacoma. winning with 47
points. Messrs. Wray, Fleet and Lewis
of Elma made SS; Tacoma, No. S team,
composed of Messra Woods, Dahl and
Converse, made SS; Messrs. Quick, Irish
and Startup of Chehalla made S4
Meaars. OUchrlat of Centralis. Reevea
and Van Eaton made S4. The next shoot
will be held at Aberdeen on Labor day.
lloornal Soeelal Berrlee.t
Baratog. N. T..' Aug. S. Testerday,
rare results: - '
Five and a half furlongs Don En
rique won. Klllaloe second. Captain Em
erlch third; time. 1:04 1-1.
Mile Society Bud won, Tada second,
Neptunue third; time, 1:40.
Five and a half furlongs Clara Hu
ron won Daisy Frost second. Sea Salt
third: time, 1:01.
The Mohawk atakee. selling, mils and
a furlong McKittrldge won, Tasa sec
ond, Disobedlsnt finished first but wss
disqualified. Onlj three starters; time,
1:SS S-S. '. ,
Mile Ben Hodder won. Ostrich sec
ond, California King third; time,
1:10 S-l.
. Six furlongs Flrebrsnd won. Athlete
second, Olovennl Balerlo third; time,
1:14 1-1. ' ...
Tha final game of golf between Wil
liam Caatleman and H. C. Bowera is
scheduled for next Saturday afternoon
on the Waverly links. Each hss won
one match, and the deciding contest
will be worth seeing. -
' e e ,..,'.'..',
Latest Oolf Rules 1. Remember that
golf Is like the "ehlnny" of boyhood
days, except thet "shinny" waa fun.
t. Learn to drop your "L." S. pon't
bo afraid of your caddie; he may not
know any more about the game than
you do. 4. At first. If you .must ewear.
swear softly and save your reputation:
later you will . have no reputation to
ssve.' S. If you are double-Jointed you
winiroTr--raptdryi 4-Don't- ba. a
quitter; a thunderstorm Is nothing to
palna or irritation etlat on any
tha body, the application of
Ballard a annw Mnimeni givea prompt
relief. K. W. Sullivan. Prop. Sullivan
House, El Reno, O. T, writes, June 4.
110: "I take pleasure In recommend
ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who
ere amines witn rneumatiem. , It la
the only remedy I have found that givea
Immediate relief." ' 25c, 10a and (L9$.
Voolard. Clarke Co
the eathusiaata T. Use. a bratasa whan
close up to a bunker; It will Impress
people with the brilliancy of your game.
I. Don't stand en your head for joy If
you make a good shot; you might, lose
the ehanea you have saved for the oad
dla, 8. Remember that a cheerful nov
ice la more popular than a croaa expert
e e . ;
The teams In tha Pacific Coaat
(league, from Seattle tol,ocAng elea. do
not appear jto aisturo ine onwara marcn
of the Portland Giants. Yesterday's
dsfeat of Fraaaa again demonstrated
the Portland'a auperiority over the
Raisin PlckerS. . .
..... . e e . -; ' , . . .
Callff certainly -put klnka Into the
batting averages 'of tha Tigers yester
day. Seven atrikeouta and two hlta era
surely going, some these days. . .
- '.'' ." ' .,
Nsw Tork and Chicago did hot play
yesterday. The New Tork people would
not allow' . Umpire Johnstone to enter
the Polo Grounds - and Johnstone
promptly declared the game forfeited
to Chicago. The feeling against John
stnna waa aa hlttazthat tha jilt.
feared a Tlot and tha umpire waa .ac
cordlngly barred from the grounds.
. . .
The dents say that Rusa Hall la n
very bad ah ape and won't be able to
nlav anln thla season. . As Russ ia
hard worker, and his team needs Ms
services to beat the bsnd. It breaks his
heart to have to sit on the bench and
watch the "boots'" and bum plays.
v. " , "a e J
Ooodwln, who-waa 'with Los Angeles
last year. Is ways Harbora winning
pitcher this year. He won nine of the
first ten games ha pitched for that club.
... -.-,.- - -e
Pitcher' Simmons ssys that Butte Is
the only club In the Northwest league
which la taking In mora than expenaea.
A number of tha cluba have cut sal
arlea to pull through. ,
Tha Sandy Road ball nine wants i
game for next Sunday. Managera wish
ing to meat tha Bandy ahould ring up
EaatSS04. - ,
Tha third annual mldaummer meeting
of the Michigan Whist association opens
today at St. .Clair, to continue until
Saturday. . . ' .... ,.
' The annual tournament of tha Domln.
Ion . of Canada Trap Shooting associa
. .
tion begins today at Hamilton, Ontario.
A majority ef baseball f ana cannot
understand why tha weak teams In the
National league ahould trade their star
players to the atrong cltiba,
. : ; e . e
The Cotton States league will close
the season Septsmber 4. Mobile, Meri
dian. Baton Rouge and Jackson still
have a chance for the flag.
. , e a
Savannah and Macon have been climb
ing fast In tbs South Atlantle league
and If they keep up tha pace Augusta
will find It hard work to hold first
The New England league In the eaat
and tha Western association In tha west
are putting up the two most Interesting
pennant rights seen in many a day.
Joe Thomas made a good .Impression
In his -fight with Tommy Sullivan at
Chelsea. Boston fight followers are
now desirous of seeing Joe go against
"Honey" Mellody.
j m
Lumber Company's Big Plant at
Winlock Destroyed by Fire
i Last Night.,
Bserial Dtapatr te Tae tarsal..
Chehalla, Wash., Aug. S. Firs at
Winlock last evening destroyed the en
tire sawmill plant of ths Winlock Lum
ber company, entailing an estimated
loss of S9S.004 Tha- f Ira began about
4:10 o'clock, when the mill crew had
gone home, atartlng in the boiler-room.
Despite the fact that this mill waa one
of the beat-equipped In the entire north
west with firs apparatus, and had what
was regarded as the best kind of water
protection, the flames swept It away
with tha people powerless to stay them.
Tha plant waa located at Capltola. a
suburb a mile, south of . Winlock. In
April. 1S05. the old mill, etandlng on
thla elte, was burned. Senator Venesa
and H. A. Baldwin were the owners. The
mill destroyed today was new ona In
every part, and waa Just completed a
few months ago. The planer sheds and
drykllns wsra about ready - for opera
tion, ths kilns being almost finished.
In June, Messers. H. Btuchell of Ev
erett, who Is president of the company;
William Murphy of Chehalla, who la
vice-president, and C. C. - Gingrich of
Chehalla, who was secretary and men-
Acer, of the winlock Lumber company.
bought tha mill and 0. 000. 000 feet of
timber from veness at Baldwin for
1160.000. The mill had a dally capacity
of 0,000 feet and was a splendid plant
In every way. Twenty thousand dol
lars' worth Pf lumber ln 'the yards was
burned, as well aa the houses of many
employes working at tha mill. About
$1,400 worth of pipe for the new dry
kilns and -one planer were saved. .
Insurance smountlng to $40,000 waa
carried on tha plant and lumber.
' (Soertal Dlseateh te Tie Josre.l.)
Pendleton. Or., Aug. S. Teeterday an
other Bra occurred on ths Peter Tachelll
place on Wild Horse snd a new sepa
rator belopglng to Budd Nelson wss
burned to the ground. The mschlne
had been running but a short time In
smutty wheat and the fire was atarted
bv anontaneous combustion. This Is
the second mschlne that Mr. Nelson has
lost this season.. The thresher waa In
sured for t00.
For Iced Tea
. Golden West
Tea v
" Peculiarly Refreshing.
Sealed Packets Only.
" ". Closset Devers
Front and Ankeny Straeta, port
v )and. Ora.
Thirty Thousand In Gold Is
Taken Out of One Claim
Within Two Weeks.
Miner a Ruahlrif Into Rich District
s Also to Seek Dust Concealed by !
I . . .... nii-r" t
. uiano, awiu vi u; wuh ayoavvn
(Spsctai Dtssatek te The JearaaLl
Qrants Pass, Or.,' Aug. S. After two
years of quietude tha Sucker creek
mining district and tha Wounded. Buck
claim, from which David Briggs and his
sons took Out some $10,000 In purs gold
In less than two weeks, Is again axclt
ing the attention of mining men. Dur
ing these two veers tha Wounded Buck I
has oeen undergoing extensive develop
ment by tha Oold Bar Mining company
and Substantial report comes down that
a great body of ore, glittering with yel
low metal and running into tha hun
dreds and thousands par ton, has bean
uncovered oa a deep level of thla famous
property. Manager Staples states that
a very rich strike has been made on hla
company's property. Further than that
he will aay nothing. '
But scores of men Ire packing for
the trail. Many are already In the dis
trict, others are going In and tha sum
mer promises -to be a lively ono on
Sucker creek. A great many olslms are
being developed, propertlea ' that ware
located two years sgo, and on several
of theae wide- ledges have been un
covered. .. ...
Mont XtoaS BssarroU. ',
Adding to ths excitement, ss well aa
,k. ..... h. n,.h
who yearly go up there to eeareh for
"Lost Reservoir," a buried treasure ef
the district. Somewhere on tha Siskiyou
range on Bucker creek, bramble-covered
and decayed by the weather of SO win
ters. Is an old reservoir. Cloes by ths
reservoir Is an old osk tree and be
neath' the oak tree ts a pile of gold, a
great heap of glittering nuggets and
yellow dust.
Tha existence of this burled trassurs
waa revealed by cone other than Cblel
Tyhea, an old Rogue River Indian. In
the daya of hla youth Tyhee was a war
rior bold, a bravs among braves. A few
years ago, when withered and bent with
age, Tyhee cams ta die, and since ha
had repented of his sins as best he
could snd had prs'-ed tha whlta man'a
Ood that he be allowed . to enter his
happy hunting ground In peace, he be
lieved It hest ta tell tha tale of the
burled treasure. And this tals formed
the basis for countless pilgrimages up
tha steep slopes or the Blsklyous. for
all -this threshing of the mansanlta and
chaparral on the divide. .-'7-
Zndlana Killed Khun. '
The old Indian's story wss In aub-
atanoe a confession of human butchery.
He and his braves ona time eama upon
two- miners- at 1 work- -on Sucker creek.
The whlta men had constructed a stone
reservoir to conserve the water, . and
from this - derived a", flow' for their
sluices. The red men swooped down
upon tha two miners, tortured them and
took their scalps.. In tha cabin of the
miners the Indians found much gold,
"many . stacks of It, stacked up like
wood." But the red men eared not for
gold. They had the scalps of the pale
face and that was enough. They burled
the gold under a big oak tree near the
'. For several summsrs now men have
searched snd scoured the crest of the
Slskiyous looking for tha lost reser
voir snd the big osk tree and the burled
treasure benesth it.
. There -is ona man. ths leader of a
party who will this summer make a
search for the treasure, who declsres he
knows ths location of tha loci reeervoir.
"I know where that reservoir la," thla
man firmly declared, and whila he
packed hla ponlea he revealed hie knowl
edge of tha treasure. "Tea, air; I know
where that reaervolr la. I've been In
It, "I've drunk water from It. That waa
SO years sgo, and long before tha -old
Indian gave tha story away. And of
course I did not know till lest year that
It was associated with ths lost treasure.
It Is not on Sucker creek, aa the old
Indian believed, but farther over and
deeper back toward Qrayback moun
tain. That Is why men have felled to
And It."
(Bpeclal Inspstrk te Tes yoarsatt
Salem, Aug. I. It waa announced yes
terday that Colonel laaao A. Manning,
who for tha paat two years has been
managing editor of tha Oregon Sta tea
man, had resigned hla poaltlon to accept
the management of the publicity depart
ment -of the J. C. Lea Mining company
of Portland, Mr. Manning will cloae
hla labors here thla week and will re
mova to Portland to enter upon hla new
work. It la probable that Frank Davey.
tha preaent elty editor, will aasuma edi
torial management of tha Statesman.
Colonel Manning came here from Nicara
gua, where he waa interested In coffee
plants tlons. He Is a forceful writer and
haa made many friends during hla atay
In tha city.
serial Dhrpatch te The Jeursal.)
Chehalla, Wash.. Aug. At the
meeting of the Chehalis city council
last night tha petition of the Northern
Pacific Railway company for a fran
chlee to cross certain Chehalla atreeta
with tha new railroad which tha Great
Northern .and Northern .-Pacific - are
Jointly building over the old Union
Pacific grade through thla city was laid
over. Tha matter did not come up for
final action and It waa tha feeling that
until representatives of tha company
appear before tha council and make
known apeclflcally Just what they want
the matter will not be acted on.
- Baker City, Or., Aug. I. A building
that will b habitation for men., will
adorn 4he""county poor farm, according
to tha plana of tha county court, and
Monday tha county eommlaalonera will
go out to tha county ranch, inspect tha
placa and determine upon tha alta for
tha new building. Ths house will ba a
10-room building, and will probably coat
about 11.100. There are eight inmatea
of tha county farm at tha present time,
and they live in shacka, and according
to tha coralssionera In bulldlnga unlit
for a person in delicate health, t
Come arid S32
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parting the best pbrsical. mental and menu train
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efaoa-CathelicsisscrapalaaslrSTOlded. Academy
Is ideslly located, amid Inspiring scenic adraa-
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dormitories ssd arivste rooms supplied with all
modem ceoveaieacea Tbe iastnaUea ia liberal
and progressive without sacrifictag the cbaractsr
snd traditieas at age aad schievemest. Terms
modest. Setislactery relereacee reqnired. Writ, for
sanonncemeat booklet. Beard and toltiea SUO peg
year. Address Sister Ssserie. St Msry 's Academy
Portland Oregon
xeta tsaji wxu omsT tmrr. it.
Pita boys and glrla for Eastsrn and
Western collogea.
Includea a -primary - and grammar
echeoL . . . .
Boarding hsll for glrla affording tha
comforts and care or a rennea noma.
Office houra during tha Sumaner front
ft a. m. to 1! ta.
For catalogue write to tha add
given abova
A Boarding and Pay Schojol ror Boya
Manual Trafnln
anual Training.
Military Discipline,
College Preparatl
on. Boya or any age
admitted at any time. Write for illus
trated Catalogue.
Dr J. W. HILL, Prop, and Principal
Fall term will open Sept. 1. 1104.
pomnvAjro. ouooi.
'totbMetMtrrn Or ALL KlNOS
.rtrtaneo fwfrrs rttettcxr.
- (a-arial Manetrh to Tae Journal.) '
ChehajJaJVash . Aug- Tha. Oaa.
cant Coal company of Tacoma, which
has opened and developed estenaiva coat
propertlea at Llttell, four miles wast of
Chehalla. has been made defendant la a
ault for IIS. 000 begun by the
Chehalis Lumber company. Tha suit ia
for breach of contract. Tha two eom
panlee were to buUd jointly a railroad
Into the timber of tha lumber company
and to the coal mine and tha latter com
pany was to furnish 100 tons of coal
a day to ba hauled out for a period af
10 yeara. As a matter of faot It la al
leged but lot tona In all has been
hauled. The petition asks ' for tha a p.
polntment of a receiver. Among tha
defendants in the action ia Miss Alice
E. Roosevelt . of Baldwins villa. New)
fa ia tccslon "tay diy
what we are ddnzto
extinction: . . r
Corner Stark ao4 Seventh
- A. P. Armatreas. LL. B.. Principal
meet. It pays to attend our school. ,
"Opportunity treids open tht
: heels of achievement'
3 Mate ready tor aucceat yrajBt smp
and youna woman becajnpp ydur
aeJf with ttie knowledge aad aUi wUcli
not onlv dea-ive success but which ae
wtnpuift it, in spite of obttaclea,
Tha Holmes Butrara Coe haa
cctilruSuled this to lha succes at htat
dreds of youna men and
fuL mtdlioanL hamuW ha
develop tha qualibet gad lmowfef-
oemanded by modern bustneas mt -Sods.
and then, after graduatiao. ienduif theta
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offering cjrxsrtunities tor advaawamant
Q Wa ara proud of tha immensa Ca of
Wttm received from our iruderns who
graduated tea. nfteen or twenty yean
ago. They all ting with a tona of
"achievement of "weecat. Almost
every ona attributes his succeat to neth
ods, habits and biowledga aconVed at
the Holmes Business CoUcge. Ym ara
at bbetty to read aa many of theaa aa
yoa please. ; ,
QOur folder leniiw ' aO about tha
Holmes Butmeta GJlege. tha courtet
of study, tuition, etc, m worth getting
and worth keeping. 'Send aa your
name and addteai and wa wut tend
to you free, post-paid
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