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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
... , THE ORSOOH DAILY ' JOURNAL, POTLAMPV 'WCDNZCDAY EVEKIO. AUCU:T C IZZZ. ji::jdukei: in i in I ILL condmiy WhW Will Be Undr Minister liif Warrant Not "AbipTt J 1 t - lute Dictator. PREll" ZR STOLYPI N ASKS V U 5 APPOINTMENTS SLATED - TJnksa New- Minietars-Ara -Created It la Understood Rijht-Hand Man f?ef Cr WilT Not Maks Another ; . f Attempt to Conduct Affair.. "T St. Petersburg. Aug. . The- Novo " Vrtmn declare today it uu emperor Intention to appoint Orand Duke Nicholas commander-in-chief of 1 the array, but eubservlent to nuouger. minister of war. Minister Rudlgsr pro . testa, . but will remain In offlc If al- lomd to direct ; the: grand duke'e eo .tlona. ' " ' ".' 1 ' ' '-' - : 1 Pramiar Stolypln Itaa gone to Feter hof to occur tha mperor'e approval of tha . appointment of Prtnee Vassll . chlkoff aa minister Of agriculture. Fil- - oaofr aa minister of cominwt ana ie- wolekv aa nrocurator-neral of tha ; holy synod.- Tha latter la a brother of the foreign minister. It la probable that if unsuccessful It will be StoJr nln'a mmt AtlMnDb '- The governor at Warsaw has ordered th Inhabitants of towna where tha post- offices were robbed, aovemment stores burned and elmllar outrage committed, . to aa for all such loaaea .In tha future. Any cltlsen refualng to contribute to , make good the losa win o impraonw ' for three months, " ' . - Sixty man aboard a training- ehlp here were arraated this ' morning. Their lovaltv la ausoeoted. A bomb hurled Into a crowded Bosno- -ridorraliwajrr-steUptr todayhlUjmej nu and wounded many. TOMTS OF IDAHO LUKE TCEI3 STATE TICKET h-''?.'...'. ,'. n'j Convention Wat for Dubois but v ' His Slate Was Chipped i : 'rvriightiy.;:::'':. (Speelal Disss tck te The Jearaal) V Spokane, Wash., Aug. After a atrenuou two days' convention tha Democrats ot Idaho placed In nomina tion a ticket and adopted a platform ' with antt-Mormonlara . as tha keynote. It waa a Dubois . convention first , and last, but the senator will not have hi way in all things. " The ticket he and tila cloaeat friends selected wa badly -fliaarrangedrTThg ticket nominated -follow: -, ; ' -;yi ; i .-- - ' United State senator, Fred T, Dubois ot Bingham county.,. Member ot congress. Be Battabaugh teTTdaho..----- i-- , . ' Justice of the supreme 'court, Stewart - 6. . Denning of Latah. . Governor, C. O. Btockslager of Blaine. Lieutenant-governor, George C. Chapla ef Bingham. Secretary ef atate. rioeurnoy Oallo way of Washington. Attorney-general, Karl Palaa of Ada. Treasurer. Dr. J. D. Morris of Lewis ton. . . ; -i Aadltor, J. M. Bennett of Canyon.' Mine Inspector, Samuel Norman of ' Bhoahon. i 'Superintendent of public Instruction, Mis Perineal Faench of Blaine.. 0!IS O mi ARE TO TIGHT AT eOLDFIElD; Colored Scrapper Will Take Short 1 1 End of Big Purse Regard- ' ; .4 . - , i - tJoaraal Special aVrriee.) . ... Reno, Nev, Aug. "Tea" Rickard, snanager of th Ooldfleld Athletlo club, and i Billy Nolan met last . night and completed arrangements for tha Oaas Nelson tight In Ooldfleld September S. Everything wa settled with th excep ' tlon of signing tha article, which will , be signed by Nolan and, Oana at Gold- - oM tonight Nolan Insisted ' that Nelson get th big and of tha $8,0 purse, win or . lose, - and Rickard agreed. - The ' di vision Is to be arranged with Oan to- night It 1 thought Oan wllr agree, a he stated he would agree to . anything Nolan would so long aa tie got an op ' portunlty to meet Nelsoa and fight for the championship. . . Rlckara n& Nolen elate thst-th fight ' Ig assured and that Oraney ' and other promoter will ' lose out. Oen will J train at Ooldfleld with Willi Flttgerald . aa . hla trainers Nelson will probably train at Reno. Th fight will take place at o'clock In th afternoon. TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT ' . FOR BANK DEPOSITORS IMrael Boerta! Serries.l ' Chicago. ' Aug. I. Bank Examiner Jones todsy continued his investigation ef th affalra of th Milwaukee Avenue Stat bank. The depositors are told - they will get at least 21 per cent ot their money, Th police hsv no trace ' of President Paul Btensland nor Caahler Herring. - HEAVY SEA AT START OF KING'S CUP RACE ' (Jneroel gpedal trric.) ''. Brttona Reef. B, I., Aug. I Th rsn for th king' eup atarted today with a high wind and havy aea. making ' Maxweira schooner Queen th fsvoiit. . British Ambassador Durand an. Ex President Orover sCIeveland are among th spectators on th yaohts of friends. SPENCER ACQUITTED -' - OF GRAFT.CHARGES ""'sjBaraal BseMal aWvke.1 ' Loa Angeles, Aug. I. All : charges have bean dismissed against i Spencer, wha claims to be financially prominent tit Oakland, Saa Francisco, Portland and Paattla lie waa charged with collect-1 taf rent aa bogua lsav . nrn rrnn mo mro DV JOE.. XI.UO HID UUU Dl COZIIIInB SUICIOE ; Man Who Went to Jail Because His Wife Liked Strong'Drink , . f.-.1a Suicide; : :'. --V ' : ' - - v- 1 - .r.a'.f-: .n (Reerlal ntopateh te Tbe. Jrl.) ' Spokane. Waeh.. Aug. . Jena Jensen, a teamster.' seed ST years, committed suicide last night In th presence of hla wife and 6-year-old daughter., He ahot himself through th mouth wit) a re volvr. ' i'i .," Mr. Jensen waa rendered hysterical, and insisted bar husband had quarreled with an unknown Swede In front' of the honss-then"nterdand ahot"tilmelf. Th police doubt th tatmnt recalling that a month ago Jensen insisted in th police court that hi wife bad ruined hi life through her fondaeaa for drink. At that time aha caused hi arrest for disorderly conduct.. A small fine; waa imposed, which th wlf soon paid.-' , "It may be my husband waa Inaane. He ha a been moody at, tlmea, and would get angry without cause. Ha carried a raaor for a time, then a revolver," Mr. Jensen said, I told an officer, and he ceased carrying a gun. 1 I do not know where he got this. W were married a year ago. Ha had lived in Spokane for three yeara, a ad pravloualy owned a farm at Elberton. The daughter Is fain by a former marriage." Jensen waa still breathing when th police arrived, but died a few minutes later..:.-. . :.; : . . . JAP POACHERS ARE KILLED . BY SEAL GUARDS Battle Between " Outlaws and Americans at St Paul's Is- . , ; land Results Fatally. . (Waehlagtes Bums ef Tee JearaaL) t f..i.i , ... e u... 6fncITadvlcea concerning a battl be tween the seal guard at Bt. Paul Island and Japanese poacher July It and IT are contained. In a telegram from BL W. Blms, solicitor for - the department . of commerce and labor. ' The telegram waa reoelved by the secretary of commerce and labor and referred to the stst and treasury departments. The department will not. give out the telegram yt, but It I lea me that . five poacher were killed and twelve captured. About t0 female seal war killed before the raid era were repulsed. , The raid was-participated In -by five boatloads, evidently a full ahip'a crew, official her be lieve Special Agent Lembky and Judge deserve commendation. :rT It I learned that the aamea of the poaching schooners were Toyal Mary No. t and Mtlmaru. It la reported that lght or ten Japanese schooners are poaching.' The prlaonera taken were to have been tried at valde August I. The department of Justice will direct the Tederal attorney to puab the cases slid revenue carter "will 1 hl" to trenrthtn th patrol. It waa announced lata this afternoon that ill revenue cutter McCulloeh, now at Sitka, will be added to th seal Island patrol-fleet . r . .. ... , YOUNG MILLIONAIRE IS INJURED BY AUTO (Jearul Special Serrlee.) ' Oakland. CaL, Aug. I. A tourina-car belonging to Carlton Wall, a young mil lionaire of Baa Francisco, while return ing Monday night from th Santa Crua carnival with a load of passengers, ran Into a milk wagon on San Laandro road and Its occupants were precepltated vio lently to u ground, wan and on guest. Mr a. Violet A Keener, were In-' Jured, Wall probably fatally. Walla breast waa pteroed by a shaft .of th wagon and be also - sustained , three broken rib and a. broken nose, Th party wa all of Ban Francisco. ' . MAKE LOCAL OPTION FIGHT AT ILWACO ' (Speelal Dissateh te tie JoaratLl ' Irwsco, Waah., Aug. . The aentl- gaining ground rapidly, Dr. Tufts of th Anti-Saloon league addreaaed . an enthusiastic meeting . In th M. E. church Sunday morning and in th jreabytenan church In th even ing. A meeting of th voters was held at th close of th evening ervlc to dis cus th attitude of the probable candi date for senator towarda local option. ' SEATTLE FIRM GETS MONTANA CONTRACT .--.-. ' '. i . ' !"hr" '' ' (WestalsgtM Bom ef Tae JeoraiL) Washington. Aug. I. Only on bid was racelved In - response to th adver tisement for th construction ef di vision 1, 1 and t of the main canal ef the St Mary Irrigation project in Mon tana, that of the Puget-Bound Bridge A Dredging company ef Seattle, 97(7, 101. Thia earn company wa awarded th contract for the storage feed canal of the Umatilla project INDIAN CHIEF TRIES" ) TO SCALP VISITORS '! ' (Joarael eclal Serrlre.) Black River Falls, Wis., Aug. I. Post master Lion of Olsen and aom mer chant war attacked with a tomahawk, during a medicine dance of th Winne bago Indian, by Chief David Oood vlllage, who started to scalp hi vic tims, but' waa prevented-by the-other Indiana. The eheriff haa a warrant for th chief, who I with hi followers and ay he won't be arrested. - BRYAN IS PATRONIZED - - BY LONDON NEWSPAPER (Joornel Speda arv. -London. Aug. The Globe today comments patronlslngly upon W. J. Bryan's return home, end say: "Whereas be for be waa only a pro vincial politician, Bryan la now a cul tured man of the world, understanding European conditions. Thus he haa the advantage of President Roosevelt" RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL Ter Xew, toag-Tlaaa, Beaad-rrtf Twira vie, . ak sr. August 7, I, t, and September and 1 the O. R. AN. sella vary low, long time, round-trip tlcketa to eastern polnta Partleulars by calling upon C W. gtrni agent. Third and f Waahlngtea atreta, Portland, HEIR TO FORTUNE : IS STOM t i , . . - ajBSBBSBaBaaassBsasasasBasmaaa Young Son of Captain Coodatl : l Ships Before the Mast.but Deserts Off Mexico. HEROIC CURE FOR LOVE " OF SEA BOY INHERITED Youth, Arrives Homa. onSteamar , Curacao Which ": Ha Boarded at - Night Having Escaped From Ship Jabes Howes at Ouaymas, ' ' (JoarssI SpeeUI Servle.' ' San Franclaoo. Aug. t. Irving Good- all, the l-y ear-old aon of Captain Minor Ooodall. tha capitalist, on of th own ers of th Paclflo Coast -'Steamship com pany,, and one of the mala pillars la Oakland'a most exclusive society, has arrived her from Mexico a atowaway on th ateamehlp Curacao. - He had- de serted the ship Jabs Howe at uuay maa. boarded th Curacao a ah 'lay at anchor In tha bay there and crawled Into th sail locker. , He did not report ni arrival on board until the Curacao wa half way to Topolabarrtpo homeward bound and it waa only by tha exertion of all hla eloquence that he persuaded aCptaln Paulsen, tha Curacao's. master, not to send htm back. Nothlna la mora natural than that young Ooodall should have a taete for th aea. Hia father wa eallorman, so were hla uncle and grandfather for generations. -Captain Minor Ooodall knew th aea, a It 1 and when young Irving spoke of being a aallor they did. all they could to Chang th youngster' bent Virus of other kind of sea story had done It work, .however, and the boy wa Immune against the new treatment. Captain Ooodall realised that the cur must be heroic.. -"All right young man. to ea you may go," natgmina before the meat on th American. ship Jabes Howes, Captain Clapp. Juat what Captain Ooodall told Captain Clapp doea not appear, but It la certain that he made no request mat tire on shipboard -. be . mad easy for th youngater. " ' . ' - The Jabes Howes, with Irving Ooodall on board, left her on Jun 46 for Ta coma to load lumber for Cape Town. -She left Taeoma on August . and In Decem ber leff Cap Town for Newcastle, Aus tralia. She left Newcastle March II for Ouaymas, Mexico, with a cargo of coal. and on June II arrived at the hottest corner of the Oulf pf, California, and waa still there when the Curacao ar rived, two weeka aao. v The boy atowsd away on tha steamer and la now ataylng with friends In Oak land, awaiting the returning of bia parents from Santa Barbara. ; - EUGENE PEOPLE OFFER TO SELL BUILDING -SITE; CbrnmenfOperis Bidi Property for'Locatiori of New ' Federal Structure. 4 (Jearaal Cpeclal Service.) " Waahlngton, D. C, Aug. I. Bids wr opened today On Ua offered for the public building at Eugene. Oregon. The following, eltea are offered: , Mrs. N. Sander. . on Olive street, f 3.IS0; J. M. Shelley, at Eighth and Charnelton streets. !.: A. W. Haskell and B. V. Ness, West Ninth and Olive streets. 111.100: W. M. Renshsw at Sixth and Willamette street. 111.000; L. L. Whlt on. at Purl and Eighth street. 17,000; F. L; Chambers at Sixth and Wlllam ette streets, IM60; George B. Dorrl. t Willamette and Eleventh atreeta. 111.000; J. F. Ronland A Co.. at Eleventh nd Lincoln streets. It. 000; Mrs. F. Rosteln. at Ninth and Pearl streets. 11,000; L, N. Roney at Willamette and Fifth streets. 14.000; Elma and Norma Hendricks, at Oak and East Ninth streets, 1I,000. , . , m I MILLER IS ARRESTED FOR STEALING TOOLS (Special Dteaatea te Tae oeraal.t Th Dalles, .Or., Aug. I. 8hrlff Chrlsman arreated Jame Miller et Oulnther'a farm la Sherman county, 21 mllea from here, thla morning and brought him to the county Jail. He 1 charged with stealing a grip Saturday night containing teole, etc., valued at 99. MUler worked here for aome time. He left Saturday night to work in the harvest field In Sherman county. Mil ler intended to leave. Gulnther' this morning for th eest. The sheriff ar rested him and brought him to the city Before hie time of leaving. CITIZENSHIP REVERTS ' AFTER RETURN HOME (loorsal Special Service.) -Rio Janeiro, Aug. I. The naturallsa tlon committee of the Pan-American congreea has adopted the treaty pre sented by Leo Row, th American dele gate, which provldea that If a native of one country becomes a naturalised cltl sen ot another and returns to his native land hi Intention to remain there I assumed after two yeara and hi origi nal cltlsanshlp revert to him. It will probably be adopted at the neat session ot the congress and go into effect a year aftr It ratification. i , AMERICAN SAILORS .. ARRESTED FOR MUTINY (Jiraraal Spedsl BerHee.) -Philadelphia. Aug. I. Five - marines and 10eallorawerearreete4.juttet.e mutiny which, was the result of a spree among a liberty party ashore from the receiving ship Lancaster. Two enlisted men wer badly Injured. One of the ring leader had life throat cut from ear . to- ear. All were pieced In Iron. . . " SEEK SKILLED LABOR :( FOR PANAMA CANAL ' iJoaraeT eeeUrrvlee.)- Chicago. Aug. I. An employment agency for the renal la here, trying to hire akllled artisans to go to Pan ama. It le believed the number will be secured, although there ere reports that uaaccllmated men die there. Slxty-flv cents an hour for an elght-hmrr day and Urns and a, aaiX far everUaM U afieted. STATE KIFIE TE.!.! .!.'.;!" 3 r.EW m Ti:ziii Marksmen Practicing at Salem and Preparing for Meet Sea Cirt. Portland member of th rifle team that will compete t th national rlfl match at Seaelrt New Jereey. next month, are at Salem practicing oa the range there. Th men ere working nara to ;et in th beat poaalbl anepa for the national ahoot and will continue their practice at American lake while attend ing th coming encampment. If faithfulness counta for anything the Portland men will win their ehare of honors In the eastern shoot"-All the other member of th team from other part of the state are working equally a hard ae the Portland men and Oregon will undoubtedly bring home aome of th prises offered for the beet ehoot- Ing. - .v - .. ..- : General William E. Pinser left this morning for Salem, where he will direct the marksmen In their practice until they Veturn to Portland Friday. ; Sat urday the soldiers will leave for Ameri can lake and take up their camp , at Murray atation. - Prepa rat tone for the encampment are going eteadlly ahead at the Armory and the men are getting all their equipment In aha pa for th hard service at Ameri can lake. Th Armory la stacked high with' blankets, knapaaeks and' supplies for th Portlsnd boys, 'snd by th time the special tralna - ere ready to leave one end of th big building will be en tirely filled. . . . All arrangement have been made for hauling the supplies to th station and their transportation to th sound coun try. The men are ready also and are Imply watting th tim whan th order will be given to fall In line and inarch to the etatlon, . - VALUE OF ESTATE DOUBLED UnOER LADD'S CHARGE uch Is Contention of Attorney S. B. Unthlcum In Argu-) -ment Before Court. ' That th estate of A. H. Johnson haa doubled In value aino th appointment of William' M. Ladd aa admlnlatrator waa th claim mad by Attorney S. B. Unthlcum in arguing to Judge Webster this morning that Mr. Ladd'a latter of administration should ndt be revoked. Attorney- Unthlcum said that . the charges of maladministration made against Ladd by th heirs of the aetata In their petition for hla removal were unfounded and abaurd. The charge that Admlnlatrator Ladd had purchased a claim of Dr. Wlleon againat th aetata for 1160. paying only 171 for It and later charging the eetate Ilia for It waa gone Into In detail by Attorney Unthlcum. He said that Mr. Ladd had bought th claim from Dr. Wilson three year before bia appoint ment a admlnlatrator, at th earnest solicitation of Dr. - Wilson, and at the figure auggested by Dr. . Wlleon. , In paaalng. Attorney Llnthlcum paid trib ute to Dr. Wilson's power of energetic sneech. . . t r ' tnrne f.wtniimm . ailili ul.VIUlt Mr. Ladcfwae not administrator, he had a perfect right to buy any claim againat the estate that h chose and that n wa . acting a the . repreaentattve of Ladd A Tllton in buying th claim. He said that Mr. Ladd'a position aa trustee had no significance In connection with the pure haa of Dr. Wilson's claim. - It waa argued that all the ecte of Mr. Ladd as administrator had been within hla rlgh'ts and for th benefit of the estate. ... . ... BASEBALL GAME PLAYED AT OAKS A novel and Intereetlng bsseball game took place last night In the spacious skating ring at the Oake. - It waa per haps th first time In the history of the country that a game of thle kind waa played and not only did the playera prove themselves thoroughly oapable but the Immense crowd that wltneased the game more than enjoyed tha many humorous feature In connection with th work of th catcher and pitcher and the run that ware made by varioua playera. The game resulted In th rink team winning with five run againat two ot th picked team. The playere were the following: . ' , Rink Team J. Bryne, catcher; C. Brent pitcher: A. H. Fisher, first base; R. Murphy, right shortstop: W. Zldell, left shortstop; L. Spanlol, second baa; W. John (captain), third baa; Van Derhoof, right Held; H. Metsger, left field. "' Picked Team J. Randall t captain) catcher; C nark, pitcher; O. Blngs. left shortstop; R. Zachrtaeon, right short stop; J. Shersn, first base; P. Legge, second baa: R. Dutcher, third baae; U Davie, left field: R. Bums, right field. FINNS START FIRES WHICH BURN TIMBER - (Special rxanetea' to Tke Jearaal.) . Aberdeen. Waalu, Aug. I.. Foreet fires set by Finnish settlers, while burn ing slashings, have destroyed 1,900,000 feet of logs belonging to Larklns Broth era' logging camp, aa wall aa much standing timber. Fir are atlll burn ing. Everything 1 very dry. -. SEVENTY BODIES ARE - IN SUNKEN STEAMER (Joarael Speelal Servioe.) - Cartagena. Aug. I. A diver reports he counted 70 bodies In ths Interior of th sunken steamer Strto. The subscrip tion for the-eufferers haa reached 11.100. Togs' naahly Baiaed. .. ' (Jearaal Special Servlee.1 Baaebo, Aug. I. The battleship Mlkssl, Admiral Togo's flagship, which wss aunk bv an sxoloslon here after tha war,. waa jisedLyesterday after a unique and skillful engineering feefby the Japenese naval officer. It I thought they will be ebl to reetor th hip until It la useful aa before. . , Ordered Oat ef Towa. Joe Bell, eHae Tracy, . waa arrested yesterday by Detectives Snow and Relslng and locked up In the elty prison on suspicion. The police . claim . that Bell haa served three terme In Cali fornia penitentiaries for burglary- He will be photographed and ordered out of town. ." v. ' ' -.',' ... --, Crete Tklrty Say. - Mrs. J. B. MeMsnn, who was arrested at Twentieth and Waahlngton street Isst evening for disorderly conduct and drnnkennees. wee sentenced to 10 day a' Imprisonment in the city prison thlg morning by. Judge Cemerotv ' " ' -' SQfitlTERlDILL TROUBLE Fourth V"! of Alaskan Sayi 'Married Her When He Had - -: Another Spouse. MILLIONAIRE FLEES TO ' WOODS, FEARING ARREST In Croaa-Complalnt In ''Divorce Stilt Kitty- Sara Her Husband- Married Hr Twice, th First Ceremony Be .'inf. lUegaL ";. -.' , "v, '. Z, ., ..f. v.1:. ... r . ':v;', - (Special DUpatcb te Toe Joerrial.) v Seattle, Aug. . Fearing hla fourth wife. Kitty Oat, from whom h I at tempting to secure a divorce, was about to secure a warrant from th prosecut ing attorney charging him with bigamy. "Swiftwatar Bill" Qatea made a hurried departure from Seattle yeeterday. The only peraon who knowa nie ' wnerw abouta and who waa advleed ot bia de part fry e la hla attorney. ' : - ' When ipttr Oatea In her eroea-com plaint filed yesterday afternoon In ye euperlor I court cnargea na . married Oatee while Bera Beatrice Oatea waa hla legal wife. Bwinwater Bill became alarmed that hla fourth wife waa about to aik Proaecuttng At- torney Mecklntoah to Interfere. Oatea wHl not return to aeattia until aatlafled that ha la aa fa. from a criminal charge. . : The crOae complaint filed yeateraay afternqpn brought to light the fact that Bwinwater mu naa oeen wice niirn to the woman whom he ia now seeking to dlvoree. - He married her In Chehalla on June to, 1101, while Bera- Beatrice Beebe waa hie wife. About a year and a half ago hla third wife secured a divorce from Swtftwater Bin. After throuA-heaacoa-t marrlawertmonyJ with nte xourta wire ai uuiui in No vember. '.'. y-'-i dr. baker talks to the . co:::,ercial glub Oakland Minister Speak Luncheon Hour or Relief at Committee's Work. r A Presbyterian minister from Cali fornia jollied th members of the Com mercial club at the dinner hour today. The minister waa .Dr. Erneat K. Baker, who gained prominence aa chairman ef the Oakland relief committee. Dr. Baker apoke in part aa follow: - .' "I. have been introduced to you aa from California and chairman of the relief committee at Oakland. I think It la only fair that a Callfornlan should express his appreciation of tha very efficient and prempt response' which met the call of need from California. Three hundred thouaand doHra con trlbuted by you In auppllea and money la certainly a magnificent showing. Cal ifornia appreciated it very nearcuy, ana I personally want to thank you for your contribution. ' ? . . "On my way north. I toppd at Ah land and found avldence of marked prosperity In southern Oregon. : I have been on eevera! flehlng tripe to Mead ow lake and other placea, and am going on the "Klamath Falla excurelon thle coming Friday wherever I have gone In Oregon I saw prosperity ana succees. "Five year ago I came to Portland. and while I waa only here a day. one of your cltisena took me to the Heights and I got a apleadld Idea of tha elty. I waa - amased at He growth since that time, and If the public spirit of cooper ation, unltv and progress continues I predict a great futur tor thla city of Portland." -. -' .'' ' CHINESE LEPER STILL IH TUMBLE DOWN SHACK Offleiala are in Ignorance as ta what haa been done with Wong Sue, the old Chinese who le a id to be the victim ef an advanced etege ot leprosy. On official atated that he had heard that the Chinaman had been removed by en other official. The other it ted "that neTied taken no action In the caae, but that he had heard that a certain other official bad ordered the Mongolian to a place where othere may not be In danger. That other official denied ell knowledge of ha vln taken any action. Meanwhile old Wong Sue continues ta Inhabit one of the group of tumble-down shacka to the south of Multnomah field. H la regarded aa a constant menace to the nubile, and the cat which visits him and haa remained faithful to htm prowls about the neighborhood at wllL In fear of tha loathsome disease with which the Celeetlal lei afflicted, hie countrymen deeerted him. leaving him aolitarv and alone In the shacka. Per sons who live in the vlclntty take food to htm. placing it m the ground near ths shacks, where he flnde It. In thst way he haa lived there unmolasted for several weeks, obtaining water from a anrlnar which come from th hillside. Dr. C K. Whelr, city physician, has visited him and atated mat ne oeiteves the Chinese le etrlcken with leprosy. However, no action haa been taken by tha offleiala to remove the Chines or hla eat . . AMERICANS INVITED TO RUSSIAN EXPOSITION ' (laeraal Special Service.) Waahlngton; Aug. I. Baron Rosen l yiteethe Americano to participate In n polflon rBtrPeterburg te show th advancement or, technical education Of woman. Leather, pelt, feathere, down and producta will be exhibited ta St. - Petereburg for tour monthe, begin ning In November. -, -. . ., Low Rates East. , The Chicago at Northwestern railway will make .low round-trip rate to St. Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago at rate ef 110 plue the one way flrst-claaa rata. Ticket ar en eJe August 7, I and t, and ar good until October It. Low rate to other kaatern point. Further Information by calling on R, V. Holder, Oen, Agent. Ill Third treet- The Betaee ' Ootaaaa r The rearael tateswrstaf ft t;::::.:is clgt;:is c: FIIE; ftfil FCLLC.VS Mrs. Edward Koehn Wrapped In Flames When Clothing Ignite Hot Death h ended the Bufferings' thla morning of Mrs. Edward Koehn, who waa terribly burned yeaterday afternoon In bar horn near Milwaukl by tha Ig nition of her clothing. Following the accident Mr. Koehn wa removed to the Good Samaritan hoepltal, at which Inatltutlon aha died. ' While the unfortunate woman wee busily engaged In preparing the evening meal her dreil. caught tre from the kitchen stove. Ae eoon aa she notloed that her clothing waa biasing Mrs. Koehn ran screaming Into the yard and her flight onlyeerved to- tncreaae the Intensity ef the flamea. Craied by bar plight, sh endeavored to xttnguish th fir with hr hande, but wa unaueee fuL Several nelghbore, attracted by tha woman'a outcry, ran to her aaalstance. By the use of a blanket and water the flamea wer aubdued. ' ' Mrs. Koenn waa placed aboard a Sell wood car and upon arrival bere waa conveyed to the hospital In an ambu lance. It waa. found upon examination that sh had sustained serloue burn on tha face, head and body.: The physi cians held out but little hope tor her recovery and death occurred thla morn ing at 11 o'clock. ' ' Mrs. Koehn and her husband arrived here last April from Kansaa City. She hed been a sufferer from tuberculosis and they established a camp near Mil waukl In order to tet th opn-alr treatment for that malady. Mra. Koehn waa raoldly recovering from her Ill ness when ah received th fatal burn. TROUBLE AHEAD FOR I.1EII LVHO GAVE GIRL LIQUOR Father of-JuliaV-Sunby Swears Out Warrants and Will Vig orously Prosecute Case. Sarioua trouble, le in etore for the respective proprietors of the Oregon ho tel grill. Claremont tavern and Cliff Houb aa the reeult of the revelatlona made by pretty Julia Sunby, the la- year-old girl who claims that an at tempt waa made by Mra. s. Mona, rerey Ooldstone, a commercial traveler, ana B, J. Stretch to accompllah her ruin by trying to ply her with liquor at these reeorta. ':' Ooldstone waa arreated yeaterday aft ernoon on a chares of giving liquor to a minor and waa released on deposit of ISO cash halt. ' A complaint waa awera to thla morning by the father ef the Sunby airl charging him with the viola tlon of the etatute prohibiting the giv ing of liquor to any pereon under the age of 31 yeara Hla case was continued until tomorrow morning ana ne waa al lowed to go without being required ,to furnish additional bonds. ! Mr. - Monk and - Strelolv -who -were taken Into custody on a- misdemeanor charge, will also be given a hearing tomorrow: The authorities hsve algni- fled -their Intention . ef- pro outing the aaloonmen who aold liquor to Mlea Sun by and complalnta will undoubtedly be filed agalnet them In Justice Reld'e court today, -. . MORE BOYS SELECTED TO 60 TO SEASHORE . . .- Thirty-Three Named by Officers ; ' of Juvenile Court to Have ; z T" - Free Vacation, rr;" Thirty-three boys wer chosen by the efflcere of the Juvenile court thl morn ing to be taken into camp near OeaThart Park for a 10 daya' outing. Theae boy will be taken to the camp tomorrow leaving at I o'clock under the cere of Probation Officer S. D. White. The boy who wore taken down August 1 will be brought beck to the city la order to maks room for those being eent down tomorrow morning. The boys who are now at the camp will reach home tomorrow evening. ' ' Twenty-live ot the-boya who wlU be taken to the coast . tomorrow were choeen from among the needy In all parte ef the elty. Eight will be taken from the Boy' and Olrle Aid eoclety. They arer Jame and Montagu John- aon. unna vanaermer, nmrr Ben Trout. Thomae u. muib, urviiie Montelth. Willie ' Ooeta. Fred Schu macher, Fred Lukemelr. Elmer Bredley, Willie Better. Eddie Fltsgsrald. Harry Christiansen. John Dennen, Fred Mllle, leaao T. Baker, Jack Dearlng, Andrew Hllberg, Wayne and Florrello Deveney. John Stone, Roy Morgan, Emmett ana Tom Summer. " 1 .' . The boy will remain at tha beach afcout tn day. aftr which they will be replaced by another lot of about 10. The neat lot of boye will be the last sent down thle year. CRIMES REPORTED : , r TO THE POLICE W. Wowmllfdors, residing at It Eaat Thirteenth street north, reports that a burglar attempted to enter hie home laat night by prying open a window with a Jimmy. The thief waa frightened away before accomplishing his purpose, : Jerry Toomey of II Fifth street haa notified the police that a aneak thief en tered hi room yesterday and carried away a silver watch. Charles Bllts of 711 Washington street has asked the police to arrest Fran Denlele en a charge of embeaile ment. Bllts claim that tan1le, who wa employed by the Portland Oeneral Electric company, borrowed 111. and a number ef machinist's tools from him andlfit"f '.;.':- ' WHEELMAN KNOCKED' .. . DOWN BY AUTO . ...... mw-m; ' , y T. Tanabe, a Japanese employed at tha Holmea Buelnese college, while rid ing a bicycle en Larrabee street this morning waa knocked from hie wheel by a passing auto and eonalderably shaken up. Hie bieycla waa wrecked and he Intende to ewear to a complaint for th arreat of the aute driver. ST afro Xaaged. ' ' (Jearaal Special Servlee.) ' mount v wrnon, aus. wim Batemen, a negro, waa hanged yesterday for assault en Myrtle Dtgby. a hotel em ploye, ta rekrtuMTj 1IM .: ; 7 ; - ..lL'.iuV.!i4;W !;vi;ieJL!nJTe5rCommt- loners They Yi X Ce Unable ,; to Get Produce Here: ASK THAT COMETHINO - 'v'v B2 DONE AEOyT IT Delefatea Are Informed That Work on Rod iWfu Stopped J Because " Funds Oavt Out, but Work Will B J- Dons Next Yssr. . ''--' ;.- The farmer who live is the vicinity : ef Taggartavilie In Waahlngton couaty face the proepect of being unable to bring their produce to the Portland mar ket thla winter and will have to eoni sole themselves with the promise of the county judge and. commissioners to give : them en eseellent read next year. A delegation of II Taggartsville farm are explained to ' th commtaalonera court thla morning that they have ne ether market for their produce than Portland and the only, mean a of trans portation they have la wa gone. They eay that It la neoeeeary that about two mllea of their road be graveled before It can' be used for heavy hauling la the win tar. .-: .. ,. ' , Th work of repairing thla road was begun thle year, and excavations made with' the Intention of placing gravel and crushed rock on It thle year. . , The Taggartavilie farmera aay that the awork ha been stopped, leaving the road . in aueh -condition that a week' -rain, will make It utterly Impassable. . They eay they produce thouaands. of tons f produce every fall, which they have been accustomed to haul to the Portland markete, and that they will be ahut out. of Portland - this year;-r li the work on the road la not completed. Judge Webster and tha commissioners -said that the work had been, stopped be cause th fund gave out, and there le -a law which make the Judge and eora mlssloners pereonally liable If - they' epend more than the tax levy.' They promised that next year they would ' build th finest road In tha northwaet to Taggartavilie, and the delegatea from the farmera had to content themaelvea with that. . AX1VELL SEE; RELEASED fbo:.i COUriTY JAIL Man Who Suffered for Crime He Did Not Commit le Given " - Hie Liberty. - ' y. ..:': Vpon a motion by United Statee tMS trict Attorney Bristol In the federal , court thl morning an order waa leaued - ' by Judge Huat releasing Axwell stone from custody and aUowlng him te 'g free on hie own recognisance. ' Stone , waa brought before United States Com-, mlsslonsr Bladen. July l. and held ta appear In the federal court for raising , a United States freaaury note valued ' at II to IS. - . . - Tha evidence eubmltted at - Stone's . hearing before Commlaaioner - Sladeit ' waa made principally by Samuel B. ' Sandefer, a boarding-house keeper upon whom, the ralaed not was paaeed.' Stone contended ' that he waa innocent and aeked for wttneeeea, which were subpoenaed for him by th government. They appeared at tha hearing, but Stone ' had no .money with ' which to hire a lawyer and waa unable to' properly" croee examine them, and whatever they ; would have been able to bring out for " the defendant waa loat becauee of the -unskilled questioning conducted by the prisoner. -.-..-. A letter waa later received, signed by John De Laxmo, in which the writer- atated that ha had committed the crime and that Stone wee Innocent An In vestigation followed, which haa eon- -vlnced the efflcere that the evldenoe againat Stone waa at least Insufficient " te hold him. Stone hae served time in the penitentiary and after hi prelim inary hearing offered to plead guilty If hi penalty waa limited to one year '.'. and eentenee atarted Immediately. Thle wee Impossible because the grand Jury was not In session and an Indictment could not . be returned . againat tha ' prleoner. '-; AT THE THEATRES. . "Jack tht Gambler." . Pa weneanded preaaetle eerryhtg with It ell the eleewnte ealealeted to eallat tb st tentlea aa araapataiee ef the soeteaee rrasa the first tn . tae laat carta la, the ler-aet ' Bvledrame. "Jack the Oaablar." which eeaatl. tntea the Mil ef the Lrrte for the rarreat waeh. '. le eatttled Is first rask sawag the seases's play. - :;;': Atthetsr. ' : Thre will be ae eaedevule shew at the nrand this week, ee the braee le helag rean-' vateo. I aat r ad. hewevar. MaBager JaaMC H. Biickaea will Uke his sew vaadevtue kill to the Star end will errapr that heaee for tb ret et the week. Preeae Sail er Mara -Hew hare the leatare aeot ea tb MU. etaBBBBBBBBBSSVsBaBeBaawaaBaMaa. ' Sappho Bt PanUges.' ' '" Samhe," tbs weaderfal SMchealeal dell with ta erotaemie feats, Is the eaeaea's hit thle week St PasUee' theatre. ,Te eee thle feature la te laarh yMireelf heeree. Aa ther are eeven ether flee features ea the arogrask. BAND CONCERT AT - - : CITY PARK TONIGHT 4 aMaasaasBiBaaaa An unusually well selected program - will be played by tha municipal band at - the City park tonight, sivery number le the work of some eompoeer whose r name,Lhaabcome a . household wor4L Prominent amopg them are Reeatnl . "fltabat Meter." Tnl' rnd, Verdi's T Ijomherdl." Oounod' "Msrlonet" and Batiete "Pllgrtm' Bona of Hope.' Tha program follows: . ' 1 "Coronation March". ........BaJnt George 1 Overture, "Stabat Mater"...,, Rossini Serened for horn and flute .....Tltl . ' Mr. Wolrath and Mr. Bathe. ' "Invitation a la Vale" .. Weber " . (With beeaoon solo by. Mr. Joaea.) Caro and finale from 'T Lombardl", . : iVei Intermission. H Selection from "Tha Sho-Oun".. ' T.Je Funeral march from "Mar!onet"..0f Prologue from "Pagl1acc1"....Leoneaf "Jj "Pilgrims' Song of Hop" pje." "Dance ef the Hour!" and Bnale ff oiaconns" , Pai A, jaGaartev mm ,-... :v: I... t- 1'