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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
.:;i::q, aucu-t 8, 1:: uor Lin!! ise; L dees ......... I QWS, UORTCWa KM .514, Cut, VJc::.: HO HilIY ' MM III) 1 Jv" ' WE. Party War Hort Down on Their Knees YV;tJi Their Ears to' i tho Ground, v V MAYOR'S CSAT-WIU. E2 J COWS OF, CONTENTION Numerous .Politicians Mentioned for JAm Position- Devlin, , Zimmerman ." and1 McDonell' in the Limelight . , Annand, Cameron, Cake and Boise. Though the city election ia etui 10 toontlia sway and the primaries 'are sight months tn the distance, . local politicians are already consul tint- the i dope aheeta and trying to figure out who - will aaooeed In toapturlnsy he properly aoeredlted candidacies of the various. po- ", . Utlcal parties. ' ; Of course, as nomination, by. the Re r publican party la usually a guarantee of a successful landing In the harbor of . political food things; -nine tenths of the interest la oentered about the Question. "Who will eepture th Republican noml- nettonsT" And ss the prise plum of the - local plum tree la the mayoralty, nine , tenths of the dope-eheet figuring so far , done has been done In the column whloh beads the'llst, the column- devoted to ' the aspirants for the plaoe of ohlef ' executive of some 10,000 people,, mere or less. ... .!' . . , . Already a good many covetous eyes are oast In the direction of tha arm ; ehalr In whloh Harry Lane alts dally ' and flicks the ashes from his favorite brand of Havana roller. It Is not so , .much on eccount of the te.IOS salary whloh soes with the chair, though that Is hardly to be sneesed at, but on ac count of the power, for good or evil, for the advancement of aelf or friends, which, attaches, to tbeLmeglo bit of fur ; alture. - " : -.".' ' Portland's charter gives large powers to. the mayor. Portland'e mayor Is the , ex-offlolo chairmen of all committees in - - existence under the - charter, he ap- points the beneficiaries Of a number of fat lobe health officer, -engineer, ehlef . of police, plumbing Inspector and build ing Inspector. Besides, be has other . Important administrative ' and veto ' functions; in fact. Is a very Influential ' factor In the city 'a government. ' Among thoee spoken of as possible or probable candidates before the Republi can primaries are Thomas C Devlin, Major C E. McDonell, I Zimmerman, Judge W. M. Cake, Whitney I Boise, Oeorge afoMlllan, John Annand and ..George J. Cameron. . . Undoubtedly ' Thomas C Devlin la trimming his sails for the race. And, It ..gossip la any criterion he will be played aa one of the favorites. Mr. Devlin Is j now serving hie third term as elty audi tor. - He la popular; aa proved by hie strong majorities at tha past three elec tions. - It la eald that Devlin has been laying his plana for the peat two years to enter the eonteat for the mayoralty. Major C. E. McDonell, known as a ' 4ahlna offleer of tha PhlllDDlne volun- 4 tears and a former county assessor. Is strong with the younger Republican He was a candidate for the Republican ' nomination for sheriff In 1104. but was , defeated by James Btott, who was In . turn defeated by the Democratic candi date, Tom Word. It is said to be a J certainty that McDonell will enter the fight with vim and vigor. v I Zimmerman Is reported to be an aaxloua aspirant for the Juicy plum. Mr. ,,. Zimmerman waa formerly a member ot the council, but has been out of politics for two years. Be baa been subjected to soma criticism on account of hla at "'"H toward open gambling which be AUTO DRIVERS TO BE TESTED Chauffeur of Livery Motor Cars Must Show They Are Capable of Avoiding Accidents. , COUNCIL AND AUTO - V CLUB DEMAND IT Former Regards Public .' Outer '. Against Recklessness and Latter Is Working to Prevent Anything That Might Bring Babbles Into Disfavor. Practical demonstrations of their abil ity to guide an automobile through the busiest -etreeCto dodge bewildered pe destrians snd playing children, to make repairs te the machine and to bring a parts' safely home will be demanded of 'livery., chauffeurs In Portland before long. Both the Automobile club and ntei tern of the etty council are agreed on -the necessity for better regulations of -. -"pay" autoa. The auto people want to forestall anything which will tend to ' bring their beloved chug-chugs Into dla .. favor. v The eouneilmen are thinking ot the nubile outcry against reckless driving. It la almoat certain that the Autorao- , bile -elub will furnish theexaminers of ' would-be chauffeurs. Not until these pilots have received a certificate of their ability to manage the machine un der any condition will they be granted a lioense by the city. It le probable that at the same time the lloense fee for hack autoa will be raised.' At present it Is 111 a quarter, Just the eame as paid by horse usees, whose receipts are far less, and which during the day do not etend on princi pal etreeto waiting' for business. . Councilman Vaughn will soon Intro-.- dues aa ordinance providing the pro posed regulations. An amendment to the license ordinance will also be prob ably Introduced at the same time. . "Something ot this kind must be done very soon to prevent reckless driving." gave Mr. Vaughn. . ' . 'The matter will be brought up be fore the Automobile club," says B. P. Cannon, chairman of the roade commit tee of the club. -"We are willing to do our share toward' preventing reckless driving." - ' There are 10 autoa which hold licensee ' to run for hire. Jt le believed that several more machines are evading the llrsnse fee. It la euggeeted that the examination ef chauffeurs be held on a street strewn r with hidden "fly-up" dummies as well as larger obstacles. - , , favored ea a councilman. HeaIsowaaT a atrong advocate of the blanket street railway franchise, and there are Intima tions that thla fact may be used against hla candidacy. ; - ' Judge Oo SfeaMoaed. Judge W. M. Cake, though It la not known that he has expressed hie Inten tion of becoming a candidate, la, never theless, spoken of and Counted on as a possible factor.' Mr. Cake waa formerly county Judge., He la now chairman of the Republican county central commit tee, which ehowe that be la In favor with the dominant element of the party locally. Hla brother.- H. M. Cake, wae recently a candidate for Vnlttd- States senator." Opposed to Bourne. Whitney I Boise, a leading spirit of tha East Side Improvement association, haa played ' the political game before. Mr. Boise was a .few years ago one of the most active members of the Republi can machine,-being allied with the old Matthewa organisation. He waa one of the executive board during the adminis tration of Mayor Williams. , ' Oeotge McMillan, one of the old guard on. the Multnomah . club football x team, would be heavily backed by Multnomah club members. Ia the county conven tion of 1104 he was the Simon candidate for sheriff. He la freely mentioned aa a possibility In the scramble for the mayor's seat. . .-'.' ' John Annand.' manager of the Postal Telegraph company, baa been a council man, alnce the last city election. His term as president of the council haa lust expired and he will probably ha elected again. - If the tuperstltlon is true that a man who holds the office of president of the. council haa the rabblt'e foot on hla aide, Annand may well smile a com placent smile , and. feel sorry for hie opponents. ' '. ,'. lge earners womld TaJts Xs. Like Annand. Police Judge Cameron as not yet spread abroad the fact that he la ready to make tha fight. Never theless. It is known that he haa had hla ear to the ground for aome time, listen''' Ing for sounds- that will be aa music to his ear. If be reoeivee enough encour agement. It ia said that he will oertalnly go before the primaries. Max Cohen, secretary, of the exeoutive board of the "regular Republican cen tral organisation," a leading local O. a P. club, thinks that the fight lies be tween Devlin end Zimmerman.' Ha doee not believe Mayor . Lane will have a chance, even that be will be renominated by the Democrats. In an Interview Co hen said: - 'The. fight in the elty election next spring will be on the office of mayor. and In my opinion the next mayor of Portland wll be Thomaa C. Devlin, the present city auditor. Major Charles E. McDonell or L Zimmerman. "Of the three Devlin and Zimmer man are most likely to be elected. .1 do not regard It aa at all probable that Mayor Lena will be reelected. In fact, 1 doubt very much whether the Demo crats will renominate him. I would not be surprised to see District Attorney John Manning get the' nomination. - "It will be a hard matter to determine before the , first of tbe year how the Republican central organisation or the Republican county central committee will stand. - The entire Republican party will act- aa a' .unit, and we will support the men that we think - best fitted. for the office. ; .There will be more complete unanimity anions: the Republicans next year than ever before. 'There will be a meeting, of the -ex eoutive board of the oentral organiser tlon In September, and afterward the members of the - executive beard will confer with the Republican - central committee. Who will get their suport la a matter that can not be predicted W ' ' - ------ DOINGS Hi REAL ESTATE WORLD Morris Brothers to Move Their ; Offices Into Chamber of v Commerce Building. , REPAIRS IN PROGRESS -. IN BUSINESS DISTRICT Portland ft Seattle Railway Adding to Its Terminal Facilities in tha North End Residenca Property . Con tinues Active Throughout Citjr. Owing to tbe remodelling of the of fices of the O. W. P. company at First and Alder streets, Morris Brothers, the bankers are to have a new location, which will be on the first floor of the Chamber of Commerce, at the corner otJ Fourth and stark streets. Morris Broth- ore, with H. O. . Sttckney, secured the lease on tbe property on Stark street, opposite the Chamber of Commerce, and when -the new building on thet elte Is completed, they will . beve offices In thet structure. The architect for thle building baa not yet been selected, and probably no decision regarding Wis heigh th and style of construction will be made for several months. Morris Brothers, In addition to occupying the corner Office in the Chamber of Com' meree, will also occupy the office now held by Cherlee K. Henry, ss soon as hla lease expires. The offices will be remodelled te accommodate the business of tha firm. Bepeire in Business District.' Quite a number of down-town office buildings are undergoing repairs and remodelling. The Ablngton building Is being remodeled on the Interior, snd further improvements are to be made by the Title Guarantee Trust eompeny to the Commercial building, at Second and Washington streets. When tbe corner off lose were taken ever by the trust company they , had tfle main entrance remodeled, end more recently the offices adjoining- on Washington street have been redecorated, a tile floor laid In It snd other Improvements made. The basement corner wes remodeled a few months ago. end now the adjoining baae-j n n . AM YX ..KvlHatu . . 1 m go changes, .. The Portland Seattle Railway com pany la adding to Its terminal facilities at the foot of Ninths Tenth. Eleventh, Twelfth., - Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Lying between the present ter minal tracks and the wharf front there le a long. Irregular piece of land run ning from the end ef Fourteenth street to the end- of Seventeenth etreet Thla le now belns aeoulred bv the Portland at Seattle railway, In feet nearly all ef It mm VJiil Tell il7peSf Forcibly in V Ueekly SemUDay Bargains J5 lVomen'szPretlf-Summer--tr Values to $8.50 . ':J. V Tomorrow " morning's "event of particular'.'-in- : ' terest to the summer woman who has a vacant ; placeliTher wardrobe fotnsrrother wash dreas is the sale of "Tub Suits" In theSecond Floor Salons. ' Here we shall offer starting at 8 a. m. and continuing thro' the morning hours- some extraordinary bargains in a clean-up of fhe lines of Wash Dresses re maining', up to $8.50 irr value. '--These trim and dainty dresses are in both shirt-4.waist-nd-lor-styles-ajidin percale, ehambray, linen, pique - and mercerized stuffs, in plain white pretty blues, tans and"fancy effects In- popular colorings, borne are made plain, others tastefully r HERE'S naught trivial Inconsequent or misleading in this store's news the , matchless values stand out like a V cameoclear to every one. The public is making these cmi-weeltly economy events itt BARGAIN HARVESTING TIME I We invite the most critical examination of the goods offered, feeling sure they'll amply justify . all we claim and thoroughly meet the expectations of the most sanguine. Of course you'll be patient If you find a department some , over crowded during these sales. -A -Surprise- Readr tor ' Vomtn- IVftd" W'ir.t -U-.J; iv Evening Waists! :'. -y -' Beautiful Silk VJaists Worth to VO-from '- p. m. tomorrow trimmed with pipings, buttons, braids and plaits. From 8 a. "wsj 1 - enr fmAevest wwva asfteill aaeal 1 e te ea spassk wVtss $1.95 Items below will be sold as designated at the j special advertised prices-rOnly between the Anrattractive'cohvehtioh"bf " superb evening waists, creations of. leading makers, at ex tremest reduction. Exquisite conceptions, fash ioned from rich, handsome taffetas, peau de cygnes, crepe de chines, etc. Some plain tailored, others richly and -elaborate-ly trimmed; laces are used lavishly in the trimming effects. ' Choose from the jfainjylainjhites or those in beautiful shades of pink, blue, helio, tan, coral. brown, green, royaf and gray, t Sleeves in regular or elbow length. Best regular valuer in Portland up to $10, but for the afternoon, tomorrow, from 1 to 6 only, you may choose at Hone of the advertised bargains below will be sold at other than regular prices except dur r ing stated hours 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. only .''.:;..v,s;...r;;:;;v;-8. A. M. TO 1 P. M., :- 77 7"y:r- i - .:, THE MORNING'S MILLXN&feY SVENT. ' '; ' Children's Z50 Leghorns 89c. ' J: ' . . ' '' Annex Second Floor. ; We make an offering of exceptional interest to the little laities of from 4 to 8 years in tomorrow's morninsr sale. - We've selected about two hundred of the finest qual ity Leghorn Hats in children's shapes and trimmed them prettily in smart effects, very fetching styles, and Hats worth in a regular way $2.50. From RQ 8 to 1 o'clock in the morning we shall allow full and free choice at.......Ot Ki:: "" 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. ' ''r fr.- .''-'" ' 60e ' AND 75c WASH GOODS 29c. ; ',;'', .i- First Floor7 Handsome -Novelty Wash Goods, a fine selection and our 60c and 75c valu i and our 60c and 75c values. fi- Special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, the yard.... ,...,s7w t ; V ; ;,; 8 a. m. to i p. m. S5c GINGHAM . APRONS 23c ' V fVt' - .Annex Second-Floor. 'Ladies' Blue and White Checked Gingham Aprons,.; with bib .and..houlder, I straps; our 35c value. Special from 8 a.m. to 1 p. m. at....... ..aCaC - ' a. m. to i -p. "m.'- ; , ; . TORCHON LACES FOR Sc. '.' ...-.,'.;'.':...''..: . . First Floor. . ';!'': Odds and Ends of Torchon Laces and Edges, from lyi inches to 3 inches' wide; good value at from 5c to 10c the yard. at, the yard.... Special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3c ' 8 A. M; TO X P. M. ' 15c BAR PINS 7c,; ' . .:'.' '. ; .' " ;.';'' .' ' Jewelry Aisle First Floor Annex. ' j Fancy- Filigree Bar Pins, set with turquoise, handy for pinning collars, waists, "Jm cuffs, etc; regular value 15c Special, each IV ;. - - : 8 A. M. TO t- P. M. -: 100 Pairs $3.50. 3J0 FEATHER FILLED PILLOWS IZ35. .' ' Fourth Floor. all Feather Filled Pillows, .fancy satine tick; regular value peciai . . I A. M. TO 1 P. M. ' ;. : . , ; WOMEN'S OXFORDS FORT $2.79. . ' ' ' Annex First Floor. $2.35 Women's Oxfords in twelve of the most desirable styles made on the swing and straight taste; light and heavy soles, patent or kid leathers; button or CO 70 lace; values to $4.00. Special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, the pair yef 7 . v 8 A. M. TO I P. M. ' ' x WOMEN'S 25c HOSE FOR 18c . . ' " . . First Floor. . ,' ' .1 ' ' Women's Black Imported Medium-Weight Cotton Hose, with white double sole, spliced heels and French -toe; our 25c value. Special from 8 a. m. to 1 ttf 1 p. m. at, the pair...................--,.. . 4 .. .4 w W - t , , v 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. 2$ DRESS GOODS 83c A YARD. ' . Annex Fifth Street First Floor. 52-lneh AlT-Wool Cream Panama, new fall goods; regular $1.25 value. . J?Z-e , Special Thursday 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. only, yard.. OJQ ''-. 'K-'-" -4. 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. . .. ' - ' -.' ' " 20c TEASPOONS 10c .. - Third Floor. ',.'1- ; Shell Pattern Teaspoons, wolid steel, round shank, malacca plate; just the iHig for seaside camping or kitcnen nsey regular value OK a doze. f , Jlb Y, 8 A.x M. TO 1 P. M. ; " Yv " MEN'S 50c 1 UNDERSHIRTS . 35c . Annex First Floor. Special, the dozen Men's Swiss Ribbed White Lisle Sleeveless Undershirts, nice and cool for 7Ct summer. wear; regular vajue 50c. Special. ...... j. DJQ ; .:,;.: , , 8 ;A. M. TO -1 P.- M. - - " . ironing wax. -.- : '.'-.V. ",' ' . First Floor. ' , , Chinese Ironing Wax,' with handles - - special 3 tor 5c I P. M. TO 6 P. M. SENSATIONAL MILLINERY HAPPENING I ' 200 Pretty $15 Duck Hats ,49c , ' V A lucky purchase from a' leading eastern maker. broideted snd set off with rosette trimming, The crowns are : orettilv em- They are unusually good IlQ value at $1.25 for Thursday afternoon only we'll, allow choice at, .: ,"' .;-v' . I P. M. TO 8. M. ';-V--:.T.v:; -. A STARTLING SALE OF SUIT SILKSt ' ' vv : . ; Annex First Floor Fifth Street. ' ,,: ' : Extreme reductions and a quick clean-up sale on Swell Noveltv' Suit Silks. 'the best values and patterns ever showin in tbe city at the regular prices tor Halt Price ajx.oo - - 7xt , AA . I - I -v I w greats lor, iiie yaru. ................ . (1.75 grades for, the yard ,1.50 grades for, the yard y 1 P. M. TO 6 P. M. MEN'8 $4X0 OXFORDS $2.79. . Annex First Floor. - -'TV- Men's Oxfords in patent kid and colt, vici kid. gunmetal and demi-glaze leathers: blucher and regular cuts a fine assortment our $4.00 value. tfO 7Q Special from 1 to 6 p. m. at, the pair...............;.,.. Jr i p. m. to i.p. m. . . . ;, j 35c DESSERT SPOONS 18c DOZEN. ..'. ;' , ,'.' Third Floor. -'m Dessert Spoons; regular 35c a dozen Special, not over two dozen to any one, customer ,......... 18c 25c 1 P. M. TO 6 P. M. WASH 13c FOUR-IN-HANDS . ' ' ""r" . First Floor. , ' ; Ladies' Wash Four-in-Hsnd Ties; our 25c value. Special from 1 to 6 p. m- at 13c I P. M. TO 6 P. M. 75c AND $1X0 WORK BOXES Annex Second Floor. 37c Work Boxes, - with covers made of birch bark, come in different shapes and styles, all i; our 75c and $1.00 values. ' Special from 1 to 6 p. m. at......ef C - 1 P. M. TO 8 P. M. - Y"'V " $1.65 BEDSPREADS $1.25. -"'-yT; First Floor. , 100 Heavy Crochet Bedspreads, handsome Marseilles patterns;, our $1.65 value.' Special from 1 to 6 p. m. at ..,.'; 1 P. M. TO 8 P. M. ', , . $10.00 IRON BEDS $7.65. " " ' " ; K ' Fourth Floor. . .: ' ': ; '' " Brass .Trimmed Enameled Iron Beds, in three colors, white, blue and green; regular value aiu.uu. special. I. . . iTrrmrr.-rr,rnrTimjrTmTTn $f.25 $7.65 1 P. M. TO I P. lia.-'.';';v;;.'.Tr';v";'r. i:';.. v..'";' '.-:':;' "'.''-:.' MEN'S 10c HOSIERY-' 6c'' ,'-.'"'!:;V'; Annex First Floor. - ' ''.- (-, Men's Plain Black and Tan Seamless Hose; regular value 10c x " ' Special, the pa,ir ... . ....... . . . ... . .OC ".; r -'-v- !' --: P. M. TO 8 P. M. , (.:- GREAT SALE OF PERFUMERY. , . , First Floor. ;- ' '' .' . .' . ". Ouhce 50c Perfume r -'? r - -..l.:--.- ..; 'j - .j. ; . ) c ' Special .jCJQ 1 P. M. TO I P. M. fy-1 ':TV'" ')', "BUSTER BROWN" BELTS 10c. - ; . J. Annex First Floor. A line of "Buster Brown" Belts in soft patent' leather, two.1 buckles, front; black, blue and green. Special, at JrL r '1 P. M. TO I P, M. ' .'-V-'v.; WOMEN'S 35c GAUZE VESTS 19c V - '' " First Floor. : : . Women's White Fine-Ribbed Gauze Vests, low neck, no sleeves, lace inser- dip iO'c tion yoke; our 35c value. Special from 1 to 6 p. m. at....... e- tlMMit M has been purchased. - TesterdSr a Seee was recorded showing that the company had secured lots Nos. It. II. 14 snd II In this section plat, which Is a part of Wataon'a Terminal addition. These lots were owned by the Bors' and Olrls' Aid society, and the .consideration named la theMeefl ts nomTHal. x SttBOS Peals fsifseted. 'The Investment eompanr haa sold te Henry I Chapman two lotalsnd a house on Williams avenue batween Colfax and HicMand streets, The pries paid wae $3.S00. . - - a. a. Siael has sold to Ella" M. and Oeae Crawford lot a, la block SIT. sf the elty $t.ii clly st Eleventh and Colleee streets, for 10. Among the attractive houses, to be erected In East Portland Is one that J. T. Neldermaeyer will build on East Eleventh street between Schuyler and Broadway. It will eost between f 4.S00 and tl.OOS. 4 Dr. Alexander Held will build a two story home on Williams svenue between Alberts and Rose streets. . It will coet about $1,000. R. r. Hall haa purehasad from Elna than Sweet a lot en Hoyt strset between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. The purchase price fa (Ivan aa IS.000. - EUa C. Babln has sold te Frank R. Chambers Jr.. s house snd lot at Macad am road and Oalnes street for 11.500. Mrs. M. W. Morrill will build two houses on Halsey street between East pixth and Seventh streets. They will eost about 11.000 each. PERMIT IS ISSUED FOR FOUR-STORY WAREHOUSE permit for a four-etory brick ware bouse on Hoyt atreet between Twelfth and Thirteenth etreeta haa been Isaued to W. and M. B. Breymaa. Its coat la given as IIS.OOS, ., - Other permits av been . lesued as follows: Qeore M." Cahlll. barn, Eaat Eighth, near Bowman, coat, $110; Fred Wadley, repairs, Oregon near East Six teenth, eost,.:0; J. I. Keating, store, Esst Morrison near East Twentieth, eost, 11,10: Mrs. Meyers, repairs. Third between Taylor and Salmon, cost, tl.tuO; Arthur B. Hedges, repairs. Central ave nue corner East Third coat, IIS; Dr. Dietrich, repairs. Second between Meade and Arthur, cost, 1140; Dr. Alex RelJ. two-story dwelling, Williams avenue be tween Alberta and Roae. coat. Sl.tOO; John Anderson, two-story dwelling. Mc Millan between' Benton and Ross, cost. !l,t9i J. raua, two-atory dwelling. Kelrjr- betweenEast Twenty.ttrhsftT Eaat Twenty-seventh, coat, IMuO; f. Sinner, two-atory dwelling, Slaklyou be tween Orand and'Cnlon avenues, eat. $1,000; - Charles Worifer, one-story dwelling. Oolng between Rest Twenty eighth snd East Twenty-seventh, cost. 1100; Scott Brooke, repairs, Wsehln"" between Seventh snd Park, rnst, I Oreoo, barn. Division between Ninth end East Tenth, met, f Arren. one-story dwelllrT. t t seventh between Cast t.ver.t t ! . Flanders, eoet, 1100. Freeeved ttset C . Allen A lyewla t-est V. I C v .' . ' r