The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1906, Image 9

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Sco Announcement in Tomorrow's Papers
Increa Qf Fifty Cents Per Day
Will Be Granted Immediately
by the Contractor.
High Wage Currtnt in San Fran-
'Ciaco Cauaa Many to Oo There
....'Fronv Portland .and Increaaa It
NecctMrjr to-Keep Enough Men. -
The plaatrr of Portland, on Bp-
tambar 1, will drmand a raiae or 60
centa a day In (hair wagea, maklna a
total of tS.tO for a day of lht houra.
Tha Jianl will not only b made', but
It , will ba trantad. aa the employing
- plaatarara And it nocaaaary to (rant tha
new arala to keep man here. . Since th
Kan Franclaoo dtaaater great Inroad a
have been made en the rank ef the
plaatarera of Portland, the men being
paid if. to .a day ror work in tna Bay
City. While living In San Franclaoo
la higher than In Portland the men
who go there to work are a till conald
erable ahead, and to prevent more with
drawala from Portland the union de
cided to raise the wage rata here. Thle
waa not done until the maater plaatar
era had been not load and they aaid they
would agree to a Sw-cent ralae In order
te keen the good men In Portland.
WhPe no formal action haa yet been
CO-Mule-Team Do rax
', Fim aample and booklet for
otaaaft and dealer'a iama of
romrr roair potix txmrkirtr
i Baarn lalMlng, OakUmd, UUttraU,
Ten Days of Positively the Mightiest Underselling-The Biggest
Bargain-Giving Ever Inaugurated in Portland
Mem E&&13
taken by tha Plaatarera' anion' to make
the raiae. It la generally understood
that It will be adopted at a meeting ef
the union tomorrow night The object
In making the new scale effective on
September 1 la to give eontractora an
opportunity to figure under the new
acute. The new. wage acala will not
make so much difference in the coat
of constructing a; home in Portland un
less the ' maater plaatarera Intend 4o
Increaaa considerably more than what
they will give the plaatarera.
' . Small Isoreaee Per Sons.
It takea quite a large houae that one
man cannot plaster In a month, there
fore the Increase for auch a houae would
be only about fli. For an ordinary
houae two men can plaater It in a week
or ten daya, therefore the Increased coat
for eueh a houae would be about 110,
No doubt . aome contracting plasterers
jKill.take advantage of tha ntw waaa
scale to Increase the price of their work
beyond that cauaed necessarily by the
new aeale.
"A'deed naming , aa a' consideration
116,000 waa filed yesterday and at
tree ted considerable attention among
operatora, for It eeemed to involve quite
a movement, but upon investigation it
was found to be an old transaction Just
going on record. The deed called for
the transfer of 104 and a fractional
acres of land from the Hub Land com
pany to the Pentnaula Lumber company.
The property Involved In the transfer
Is the - present alto of the Peninsula
Lumber company'a plant at Portsmouth,
The property waa secured by the Penln
aula Lumber company eeveral years ago
and the deed haa Just been filed to com
plete the record. . .
fcow Talaea Xaereeoa.
- A striking example of the way Port
land property la advancing la revealed
In the aale ef an inside lot 10 by 100
feet on -Seventh street, between Ash
and Ankany atreeta, by George H. Rog
era of Salem te William D. Fenton for
til .000. Thle property waa purchaaed
laat fall by Mr. Rogers for aomethlng
Ilka 111,000 and the ' tranafer to Mr.
Fentoa ahowa a profit of 110,000. Mr.
Rogers . haa been particularly success
ful in real eataie operations. About
two yeara ago he purchaaed the lota
and aome old frame buildtnfa on w ah-
Ington atreet, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth, opposite the Helllg theatre,
for 111.000. Waahlngton etreet prop
erty haa made auch atridea in advance
ment that thle property today la held to
be worth 1100,000, and no doubt If Mr.
Rogers decided to- part with it at that
Sgure be could find a ready buyer.
" kaaaa foe. Shipyard.
J. H. Johnston, the boat builder, haa
purchaaed nine aorea of land along the
waterfront at MUwaukle, with the in
tention of locating a ahlpyard there in
the near future. This la only one of
the things that ahowa that MUwaukle
la advancing rapidly. A city hall coat
ing between 11.600 and 43,000 la being
erected and aeveral homea coating II,
100 and upward are being erected. .The
new ehlngle mill ia expected to be In
operation in a week or two and other
lmprovemente are contemplated.
-Wakefield, Friea Co. report the aala
te A. F. Oananeder ef the lot at the
aouthweat corner of Fourteenth and
Quimby atreeta for 17,000. - Thla prop
erty adjoins the proposed terminals of
the north bank road.
The Continental company has eold to
Mra A. V. Ooldle two acrea On East
Thirty-fourth atreet, smith of Haw
thorne avenue, for J.U0.
The aoting aeala and eeallona, whloh
perform with the Adam Forepaugh and
Sella Brother. Showa amastngly Illus
trate in juggling, comedy effects and
musical acta tha highest known achlevn
menta in animal training. Captain Webb,
who -was the first to attempt the edu
cation of theee cuiioue creatures of the
deep seas, apent many years of hie life
in uw wws Fmei mm invrw, jnr i
away from civilised life, home and
friends, he made a atudy of their na
ture and brain aeope, and after a long
time and the exercise at much patience
finally developed the - wonderful - per
formance which Is now a remarkable
feature ef the Adam Forepaugh and
Sells Brothers' Shows. -The perform
ance Is given en two big stagea, and
every move Of the Intelligent anlmala
may be plainly aeen from every part
of the enormoue tent. Thla trained
animal act la beye4 question the most
marvelous exhibition ever offered for
public - instruction and entertainment.
Here August 10 and It. - -
, -MUwaukle Country Club. ;
Ceatern and Seattle raoea. Take
Seiiwood aa Oregon at oaf at First
an Alden,
Opening of the Season's Greatest Trade Event!
Golden Eagle's Genuine and Only
Ten Young Women Induced to
Leave Chicago -Will Be Inter
cepted by Government.
(Journal Rpeci.l Service.)
Chicago, Aug. 7. The federal au
thorltles began Inveatlgatlona of the
charges that 10 young girls have been
lured 'to Prince Albert, Canada,' to be
aold Into slavery in a remote mining
with the Englewood police the glrla are
'In charge of an unscrupulous woman.
The party la .expected to arrive at
Prlnoe Albert tomorrow, but it la prob
able they will be Intercepted by
federal agent and -detained -pending -a
thorough Investigation. Ef forte' are
also being made to learn the Identity
of the woman who Induced the girls to
leave thla city.
The glrla, moat of whom are said to
be In their teens, have been recruited from
various carta of the city and their rail
road fare haa been paid by the woman.
A number of glrla had been provided
wltlLwardrobea and alao well supplied
with money before leaving Chicago.
Xjow Bate Tla enthani Vaotto Xadaoee
. Many d . .:,:..;.-
The excursion to Klamath Falls
leaves via the Southern Pacific Friday
morning at 1:10, and the very low rate
of It. 70 for the round trip la Inducmg
many to make the trip. Pullman fare
is $1.60 additional each way. Full par
ticulars and Pullman reaervatlona at
olty ticket office. Third and Waahlng
ton atreeta.
Watch Your thirty Feet
of Bowels!
)U have thirty feet of Into
What makes food travel
.- through them?
A act of Muaclea that Una the valla ef
these Intestines or Bowel.
Whan a piece of food rubs tha walla
ef tha Intestlnea these Muscles tighten
behind It, and thus It start a Muscle
wave whioh drive It through the whole
length of the Bowels.
It should take about 12 hours to do
this properly, so that nutritious parts of
-the food may-hay time to ba digested
. and absorbed. '
; " , -'
- ..But, if It takes twice or three times
that period tha food apotla In passing,
and become aa'polsonous as if It had
decayed before being eaten. .
r Now, tha causa-of delay (Constipation)
la simply Weakness, or Laziness of tha
Want of Exercise,. Indoor Employ
ment, weakens these Bowel-Muscle,
Just as It weakens Arm and Leg Muscles.
,t " o ' , , .
"Physio" like Salts. Calomel, Jalap,
Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Waters, sim
ply flush-out tha Bowala for tha one
occasion only.
They do not rem ova (he Cause of
But this la different with Casoarets. '
Casoarets act on the Muscles of tha
. Bowels and Intestine. . They act )ust as
Cold Water, or Eierclse sot oa s Lazy
r They act Ilka exercise, . . 4 .
A Csaoaret produce tha same sort of
Natural result that S Six MUe walk In
the country would produce.
The Vest Socket Box Is sold by all
Druggist, at Ten Cents. ;
Be very careful to get tha genuine,
made only by tha Sterling Remedy Co.,
and never sold In bulk, EYery tablets I
stamped 'W-, 1
'.(. .
Committees of Four Commercial
Bodies of Portland Will Hold
Joint Meeting Tonight.
At a Joint meeting of commltteea of
the four commercial bodiea of Portland,
to be held thla evening at the Commer
cial club, It is expected that the Alaska,
steamahip problem will be finally solved
and arrangements perfected to go ahead
Z!.tSLlh pro3ofJLertlJpt'"4
Chtlcott, representing the NomeTm prove
ment company.
The meeting will convene at I o'clock
In tha gymnaatum. Captain Chtlcott,
who went to Seattle to apend Sunday at
hie home, returned to Portland this
morning-to be preeent mt the conference:
A full attendance of the Joint commit
tees la urged, as final action muat be
taken at this time, and Portland Is ex
p acted to ahow Its Intentions, A num
ber of business men la addition to the
regularly appointed committee have been
aaked to' attend the meeting, and there
will be a score or more present.
- It ia now estimated that the sub
scription for the - Nome - Improvement
company a proposition can be atarted
with at least 160,000. No bank in Port
land cn fall to aee the advantage of
thla kind of an Initiation Into the Alaaka
trade and the large financial reaulta
that may follow for Portland.
! The practical joker who bothered Dr.
Clarence True Wilson, or aome joker
equally ambltloua, haa turned his atten
tion to ambulance men. If the ambu
lance men catch him, there will be no
gentle admonition to reform, followed
byxorglveness, but vigorous prosecu
Holman's ambulance waa called twice
last - night on false alarms, the first
time, at S o'clock, to Union avenue and
Going etreet, and the second, a few
minute later, te Union avenue and
Russell street. In both eases there waa
no on at tha address who had need of
an ambulance. The serious feature of
the eaa Is found In the faet that the
number of ambulaneea In town le email,
and with them occupied on false alarm a,
there might be none available In case of
real accident, -
Efforts to locate the jokera ao far
have proved futile, but the ambulance
people are not through with their aearch.
, reran od Stoek Cannes Steeds,
Allen Si Lewla' Best Brand.
The park band will play a eoncert at
Hawthorn park thla evening, beginning
at 1. o'clock. The program follows:
March, "The Burning of Home". .Paull
Walt. "Beauty's Charms". , . .Tobani
Overture, , "Bohemian Girl". ...... Balfe
Serenade, "Love In Idleness". . .Macbeth
Masurka, "La Csarina"., Oanne
Intermission. ' ,
Descriptive fantasia, "Cavalry Charge''
.j....... Ludsrs
(Synopsis Morning ef the battle: In
fantry is heard approaching with fifes
and druma; 'cavalry In the distance,
coming nearer and nearer until they
charge upon the enemy: cavalry. Infan
try and artillery In the melee ef battle;
defeat of the enemy, pursued In the
distance by the cavalry.)
(a) Intermesso, "Salome"...... Loralne
b Polka, "The Anvil" ...Parlow
Caprice, "Magle Chlmea" Tobani
March, "The Club Pellow". ...... .Johns
W. E. MtfElroy, Conductor.
The sin ef the Wert
of troubles that robbed B. H. Wolfe, of
Bear Grove, la., of all uaefulneea, came
when he began taking Electric Bitter
He writes: "Two years- ago Kidney
trouble cauaed me great eu (taring, which
I would never nave aurvlved had I not
taken Electric Blttere. They also cured
me of General Debility.' . Sure cure for
all Stomach, Liver .and Kidney com-
plalnta. Blood diseases. Headache, Dla
stneee and Weakness or bodily deollne.
Price too. . Guaranteed by Skldmore
Drug Co.
Yon Are Up With the Tlmea.
If you read the dally papera with in
teract and understanding, not only the
"woman'e page,' but the war and
political news aot forgetting the edi
- yo - eLan lnteteat in tho-oharrfr
able worka of your city.
If you have a hobby and ride It but
not to death,
If you take eome recreation' there la
' nothing that stamp a woman aa behind
the times so eoon aa to neglect all so
cial Ufa
If yon eultlvat the friendship of
young people and become a companion
to yeur children.
If you read good book and magailnaa
and devote part of each day to the
cultivation of the mind. -
The Middle-Aged Heroine.
According to the latest theatrical
news Tvette Gullbert Is to appear In a
play written expressly for her and ac
cording to her own idea. Mia Qull
bert'a idea have alwsya been etrlklngly
original; from the time she created such
a aenaatlon In New Tork by wearing
long glovee with which ah expreaaed
the meaning of the aoraewhat risque
songs then In her reportolre, down to
her recent visit to America, When she
appeared in dainty pompadour cuatumea
and Interpreted quaint chansons to the
delight of her audiences; and now Miss
Gullbert' latest I to create a new type
that of a woman of middle age, full
of life and spirit and enjoying hen
to the uttermost because she has ar
rived at the a a whan ahe appreciates
life and it opportunities. A usual
Miss Gullbert will have many imitator.
and thla tlm they will be found, princi
pally, outside the piayhouae.
"LAIJVornanVIndoraamant. -Theuaanda
ef girl are aent out inte
the world with what ia called a finished
eduoatlon who cannot even give a
proper receipt for money, to eay noth
ing of drawing a promissory note, a
draft or a bill, or underatandlng the
significance and Importance of bualneas
Such a woman presented a check for
payment to the paying taller of her
bank. He passed It back to her with the
requeat that ahe be kind enough te In
dorse It. The lady wrote on the back
f 4he check, I have done business with
this bank for many year and I believe
It to be all right. Mra. James B.
v . -----
Tha Useful Lemon.
A aood housekeeper should never be
without lemon; slway purchaae the
thin-aklnned one a they ere more
juicy than the light yellow thick
skinned variety.
Keep a allce of lemon on the toilet
tablet-it w"l remove atalna from the
hand and finger nalla, take off tan and
wnuen mo sain, it win , eiso remove
the dark creases made by high .collar
If applied -faithfully every night.
Lemon julc is used in ell fruit ealad
dressings, and it la really better and
much more healthful to uae It In your
mayonnalae dressing" Instead of vinegar.
The .next time you are troubled with
alck headache try the juice of a lemon
In a glaaa of hot water and yeu will
find relief. A phyalclandvlsa tha
leTnon"ana"hoT water taken every morn
ing for biliousness.
t ,
ForTWn Straight Hain
X wish to say to thoae who have thin
hair end eannot wear it pompadour for
that reason that If they win at night
pert ef the front half ef it, braid It in
three bralda, letting the bralda .fall
downward over the faee, then take a
woolen cloth end roll the bralda over It
ae one doe a rat. oln It down firmly,
and the neat morning when taken down
they will have a pretty, fluffy pompa
. ft
Peach Butter. .
To make peach butter yen muat have
iery lpe peaehea not allnsntoaes, Pare
See Announcement in Tomorrow's Papers j
III IrT ''Mi " ' I'l" r
AWfetahle rTcparationFor As
similating nterooaanriHeuia
luigte5toaWteMU3ow Jl.
Promotes DigcatiOTheerruI-
ness and Hest-contains rather
Ctasjm.Marphine norMiotxaJL
Aperfecl Itemed forCoratipa
flon, Sour Stouwk,DiarrtoeB
VVbrmsorrvulaions .Feverish
nces end Loss or Sleep.
.facsimile Signature of
exact am tmwuaatak
end etone the peaehea, put them In a
n reserving kettle and mesh - llahtlv.
Cook Ihsm .thoroughly without sugar.
When-quite wen cooked remove rrora
the stove and meaaura To each quart
of the cooked peaches add one large cup
of sugar. Replace OA the etove and
cook until the mixture look clear.
..... fejaws , I
As the tea kettle was the
beginning of th$ steam engine,
so the ordinary soda cracker
was merely the first step in the
development of the perfect
world food Unccda Dbcult
A food that gives to .the
worker more energy of mind
and mnscle that gives to the
child the sustenance
which to grow robustthat
gives to the invalid the nour
ishment on which to regain
the vigor of good health.
In d
s C.
For Infants and Children 4
Tho Kind You llavo
Always Bought ;
Bears the-
For Ouor
Thirty Yoar
: The Ylctorla oaoeev - ' '
The Tteforli Crass was mettratad M yeeis
. limo S. - Sines thea only U0 panel
save received it, SIT ef thea seidlers er saner
aad three of thea erHUaaa wbe erere aetta hi
a military, eapaetty wbea Wy did "la the faee
f the enemy" the gallaat deed whleb won
thea the cross. .
dust tight. ,
wis saaiaisasiaiaaiaaaw visa ewe.
moisture proof packa'X