The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1906, Image 7

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    cz-c:i daily jcuhnau rczi7Llim, tuz:day cvz:?i::a. august 7. ic:x
:Tc;vn trlca :
. w
i i i
: 'earmaj aakeorlfcere ' eea T
feamei M Ml at fa-slda.
Mak mat X (apart. A regal ear
ner salivary wtU a aaiatahMa. Ordoe
4irMt (ma aux a-aat at Uia eetats
aad ae-will tttMl yraataliy to .
MAOH Leal Ooaea, . sgeatl
aeaaauartera at Uwaoe, woaa. um
Umr to all aeUta m toe Veeeh.
- W. A. WhMataa, ee-eatl aoadeiiarter
at Lewis 0.' drag atom, ieaaUe,
OiBallvery to ail petal ea taa
- Btvataiaa, saws sgeat Oorvallls A ,
-J- iMttii railroad, acaat. Head-
. . uartora a Bewaert, Or., Delivery to
all points aa tha keaea. .
wiiKOix ipmiaai r. w. vtiau.
aaal. WUaoit, Or. . .
' SOT Like ot Lama laaitorlaa Oe.,
. agent. Hot Lake, Or. -'
CAiaotf, WASH Xioaral lprlas Be-
V CAIOAPai CAH, Tkeeia JUrtett, '
0. X. Beleaet, acaat, OeUiae, Wash.
- ...
. Lyric...:-. lack, tha Gambler"
-Braf-r...'.......,.,.....,.......... VaadeTllle
-.- fanUgee. ........, Vaedevllle
Tha Southern Paclfio company la to
try Another gasoline ear on auburban
runt with heavy grade around'. Portland.
' Car No. T, tha largeat and moat modern
. of those turned out of the Omaha strops,
will probably be sent to Portland. The
car that has been on the Oswego run
'for the lsst.two months has been gent
taek to Omaha. -Car No. t Is the one
that was to have been sent In the place
of the ear Just returned. The orders
were that No. 1 should be built for the
. Portland service, but owing to some
' reuse unexplained the other car was
. started westward. It la said No. 7 hap
pened to be otherwise engaged when the
time came to start a car for Portland.
Car No. 4 provedjto be much better than
No. 1. but still unsatisfactory. "tr-wa
j frequently out of order, and Its median
ism wss not familiar to the workmen
In the, Portland shops. .
A complete record tof the annual meet
ing and supper by the Portland Cham
bar of commerce at the Oaks Is given
in the August number of the Chamber
of. Commerce Bulletin. The...; strong
i speerh made by W. D. Wheelwright on
the need of opening a deep channel on
the Columbia river bar Is presented In
full, also the cordial welcoming remarks
. by President Hoge. A tourist writes
for this number an Interesting appre
ciation of' the scenlo grandeur of. the
Columbia river as seen from an- O. R.
at N. obaervatton car. W. A. Mears cor.,
tributes ' an article on Port land-He wal
las trade. . . .... s.,. .. ....
. VLwla K. Blind of Vom Angeles has
r written the local police aaklng assist-
anre In locating his father, Philip
Blind. Bt years of age. who Is believed
1o have coma to Portland after the
' Ran Francisco disaster. The elder Blind
is said to have had quite a sum of
monry in nis ninRBiion mi inv time i
the disaster and was stopping at the
Metropolitan hotel, where several per
sons were killed. It Is believed that he
. js engage in mi ronmini-iwiif duii
ties In thla city; though no trace of
him has been found. .
" Mult for 1111. the price "of a patent
J-rltshwaa"he- hii1eert filed inlnit D.
M. Watson, formerly proprietor of Wit-
sort a restaurant, by tna rearieas iisn-
nihar Mmninf of New York. Thev
allege that the dishwasher was ordered
by Watson on condition that he could
- , try It 10 days and if he kept It he was
to pay tltl for It. .The company claims
to hsve fulfilled l part of the contract
and now asks that Watson be directed
to pay fr the machine. Charles J.
. ' Bchnabel appears as attorney : for the
tftshwater eompany.
Free Pays at Oaks. Ladles and chit-,
dren at the Oaks. Tuesdays and Thura
" days ladies and children are admitted
, free of charge at main entrance of the
Oaks park from It to o'clock p. m.
Kvery comfort, protection end attention
shown. Picnic parties '.Invited. Re
member 'the days. Swings, music, marry-go-round,
bathing, etc D. C. Freeman,
Superintendent O. W, P. Park Depart
ment. " County Judge Webster has ordered
that the Willamette Iron A Steel works
he allowed to compromise the claim
against them for the death of Fred
" Rub MOO. The money will be sent
; to the widow In the east. She wlllalao
. receive 1100 for expenses and th body
of ber husband was shipped east by the
' company. They deny all liability but
: agreed to make th settlement
' Th ' Portland General Electric com
pany's bulletin for August, Just at hand,
is an unusually attractive advertising
publication. The bulletin which con
tains It pages printed op good paper and
elaborately Illustrated, seta forth con
vincingly th advantages In' th use of
electricity for lighting, heating and
cooking and keeping eooL
- J. A. Newell, Mayor Lane's secretary,
' leaves tomorrow for Minneapolis to at
' tend the grand encampment of th O.
A. R. Mr. Newell was an officer In a
' New Tork regiment and saw some hard
service during the war. He waa cap
Tou can open a Savings ac-.
count with us for On Dollar.
Tou can make additions to this
from time to time to suit your
If you put only two- dollars a
week by, you will be a hundred
,' dollars ahead In less than a year.
If you peralatently keep on for
, five year putting th following
' amount In this Bank every day
and draw nothing out, counting
Interest, the result will be: ,
1 cent a day In five year
will be 918.25
. It cent a day In five year
will be f 182.50
CO cent a day In flv year
will be S912.KO
" 11.00 "a"T!ay In . five year
will be 1,825.00
.. .... ...
Isteresl ca Savings Deposits
Banking hour, t a. m. to I p. m.
Saturdays, a. m. to I p. m.
The Citizens Bank
no mAJn ATnra.
J. LAMBERT. . .... .President
A. W. LAMBERT. ...... .Cashier
Begin RIow
Gentlemen and ladle (should w th
maid omit?),
. What think you of this summer horn
for gentlemen, of stylet
Mare mention of Its name' enough to
give ua each a fit
It la owned by Uncle Samuel and It
, stand upon an lala.
Over there on Puget Sound a fellow
named McNeill
' Sold the real eatat to Uncle, and th
place ha been Improved;
All gueeta are harbored free of charge,
and we suppose they feel
As if their generous Uncle with com-
passion has been moved.
But Just th eeme we'll stay at horn
and wash th people' clothe.
Serving all th very beat that human
hand can do;
Well take upon vuraelve th mothers',
wive' and daughter' wo,
AM shout out o'er the waters to our
. Uncls'a guests, "Bkldoo!" -
; Tel. Main ttl. Second and Columbia.
- No pound washing after August II. .
tiered and confined in Llbby prison and
then In Salisbury prlaon. but waa f mally
exchanged. - A - number of Oregon
veterans are In th party. ' H. Sutcllffe
Is th commander of th state division.
Because of a lack of proper flr fight
ing facilities in th territory contiguous
to Piedmont, th residence of I. LIs
berg at- 074 Commercial' street was
burned to the ground at i o'clock this
morning. Th fir originated from a
defective flu and owing to th fact
that th nearest hydrant 1 ven blocks
distant th department was powerless
to cop with th flames. Chemical en
gin No. 4 was sent to the scene, but
when the apparatus arrived .the house
had been reduced -to ashes. With th
asslstancs of neighbors Uaberg waa
able to save the grester portion of his
belongings. His three children and wlf
acaped without Injury. ;
It wa reported to th' police thla
morning that a man acting a If be
was mentally unbalanced was In the
yard of th houae . occupied by Rev.
Hamlin U Pratt, presiding elder of
the United Evangelical church, at Kerbr
and Softwood atreeta, - A patrolman wsi
detailed to make an investigation, but
before his arrival the fellow had started
toward Sellwood. No trace of him has
been found by th police. The man wa
without coat and hat. and attention
of the occupant of the dwelling was
attracted by the . peculiar manner In
which he wss examining a bed of sweet
peas. -
The will bf Charles Houghton has
been admitted to "probate in th county
court. On dollar each 1 bequeathed
to a son, F. C. .Houghton, and a daugh
ter, Grace Mary Houghton.- The re
mainder of the property, consisting of
real estate and money to the value of
$1,000, 1 to be divided equally between
three children. Hattte U Martin. Her
bert J. Houghton and George H. Hough
ton. To George H. Houghton I also
given the option of buying th home
steed In South Portland. " Richard, Mar
tin waa appointed executor.
Always on th alert to secure the
ervlce. of the. best specialists In every
branch of their mammoth establishment,
Llpman. Wolfe aV Co. have Just closed
a contract with Gus G. Samuel, one of
th cleverest window trimmers on the
coast. Samuel Is an expert in his line
and Is well known In this city having
been employed a th window dresser
for A. B. Btetnbach A Co. several years
ago. - .
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
or windows must be paid for In advance
and used only between th hour of I
and a. m. and and p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. . If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
fully, it will be shut oft
Th Gale spur andston quarry, of
which J. vO. Boos 1 msnsger, may se
cure rail transportation by th axten
Ion' of a spur from th Forest drove
line of the Southern Pacific -eompany.
The distance la about one and a half
mile and the. company le making an
estimate of th coat of a spur.
Knock th' Files. Vs Child's' "So-Bos-So,"
th best and cheapest fly
spray. Costs leaa than half a cent per
day per head. ' Give th cow comfort
and you get your money back In the
Increase of milk. Aak Portland Seed
Co., Front and Yamhill streets.
" Now Is th time to arrang a trip to
your old horn in Jh east Reduced
rat ticket on sal August 7. and t.
For particulars call at Chicago, Mil
waukee St. Paul railway offloe, lit
Third street.
Th estate of Mason Latourell con
sists of real estate valued at tl.100, ac
cording to the report of th appraisers,
Joseph, Charles and H. A. Latourell,
filed In th county court this morning.
. Dr. and Mre. J. T. Walla, accom
panied by their family, have gone to
Victoria for a pleasure trip and vacation
of three week with friend on th
Britlah side of th line. -
Launches to th Oak every "few min
ute every evening from Favorite Boat
ing company's, south aid bridge, foot
Morrison street.
Milton A. Nathsns, attorney,'! loot
Stelner street, San Francisco. Commis
sions promptly executed. Insurance ad
justed, .i.:; - ,--
- Acme Oil Co. sells th beat safety coal
oil and fin gasolines. Phone East 78.
For Quality. Quantity and Quickness,
go to Morris' restaurant.
Woman's exchange. 111 Tenth treet,
lunch, 11:10 to S. ,
Dr. E. C Brown, Eyo-Ear. Marquam.
Panama hatter. 111 4th. Phone Pao.107.
Rental Sign, naley Printing Co.
. Of th Armstroag Tailorlsg Kevse.
' I deslr to announce thai I have fitted
up elegant rooms In th Raleigh build
ing, cornets. Washington and Sixth
streets, and will open for business
August 10. '
I have Just received a large stock of
new ananptd-dale falfgooda, "which
make th moat attractive exhibit . of
fashlonabls fabrics for men's wear ever
shown In' this city, comprising both
imported and domestic twoolens. and
would b pleaaed to hav you call and
Inspect earn.
Room 10-11. Raleigh Building. Wash
ington and Sixth Street.
Low Rates East.
On August 7th, Ith and Oth snd on
September Oth snd 10th th Canadian
Pacific will sell round-trip tickets to
eastern terminal at very low rate,
good for stopovr and chole of rout
returning. Deyllght rid through th
Canadlsn Rock lea . For rates and full
particulars, .call on or address F. R.
Johnson. F. eV P. A 141 Third street,
Portland, Oregon, -
a raw raTTa :
,,.'...v:-j-.r'".; ' ' "" : i :C'KV-h '.
MaJoritjTof Them Proftt to knovr Nothing RegareHng .ComjpaT
iiyf Intention to Relinquish Voluntarily Their Tracks
" J' " . on Fourth Street.'; ,,. ; ;. ;'
General .Manager 3- P. O'Brien 'of th
Southern Paclfio I still out of towiw-i
Th question as to whether or not th
railroad company intends to give up
voluntarily its franchise : on. Fourth
street "and "seek" a route "for" ltgWt
Id road to th union depot over aom
other street remain - somewhat of a
mystery.' Th statement made by Chief
Clerk Sutherland, who Is In. command - of
the head office - In - the . absence of
O'Brien, that th councilmen know th
plan of th railroad In th matter,
I not born out by interview with th
counctlmen themselves.
Of seven counctlmen questioned today
and yesterday six answered emphatic
ally that they- were In Ignorance of any
move contemplated by the Southern
Pacific. The seventh only "understood
that - th company, intended to quit
Fourth street and seek connection In
aom other way. N All the other lx
stated that they had no knowledge of
th company Intending either to apply
for a franchise over another street or
to abandon th Fourth street rout. ,
'. memedies Are Suggested.' '
. A good many ways hav been sug
gested whereby the locomotive nuisance
can be forced off Fourth atreet provided
th railroad company perslste In trying
to noid on to that tnorougniare. one
way I to pass th Vaughn ordinance,
another, aa auaaeeted bv afavor tana
i 4o exert th police power and declare
the locomotive a nuisance, another I
to use th reservation Incorporated In
the original grant to prohibit th run
ning of locomotive over the line.
Judging by. every precedent In law
the Vaughn ordinance 1 valid and
would be effective. It I a prlnelpl of
common law that pay may be demanded
at any time by & municipal corporation
from a private cltlsen or company en
joying ' a profitable privilege. . A gov
erning body ha no right to trot away
for all time a right of coming genera.
tlon. A Councilman Vaughn says, th
franchise granted by the city council
of 18(8 cannot stand aa a franchise at
all.- It waa merely a permit given-
permit revocable at th wlU of th sam
governing body.
. What Mayo &aa Saya
Second, th choo-choo car could
probably be suppressed aa a nuisance.
Said Mayor Lane today:
"I have not looked Into the merits of
the revoking power of the Vaughn ordi
nance andtherfor oould not glv an
opinion on It, but I ahould think th
council ' would hav th power to de
clare th locomotive a nuisance and
uppress them by poire power. Z think
William Wilhelm Mangled In the
Eastern A Western Mill Dies
Almost Instantly. .
Struck by Conveyor In Sam Mill and
- Thrown Against . Big Saw, Which
Amputates One Leg and Mangle
the Other May Not Survive.
Two accidents of a particularly hor
rible nature, resulting fatally for on
man and caualng injurlea which will
probably result in th death of another,
occurred at th mill of th Eastern A
Western Lumber eompany thla morning.
Shortly after I o'clock. William Wil
helm. head night millwright at the es
tablishment, was struck by a conveyor
and so seriously Injured that death enr
sued as the unfortunate man wss being
lifted out of the ambulance at th Good
Samaritan hospital. - .
Hardly three hours had elapsed nntll
A. K. Holme, the head aawyer t th
mill, wa struck by a similar conveyor
and thrown against a handsaw, with the
result that his right leg wss sawed off
six Inches below the knee and his other
limb horribly mangled. Holmes Is now
lying at th hospital and th surgeon
hold out but little nope lor ma recovery.
A near a can be learned, Wilhelm
started to cross the tracks of a carriage
which wa being brought back for an
other log, and th conveyor struck him
with great fore. An ambulance waa
Immediately summoned, but before the
surgeon at tha hoapltal could place the
unconscious man on th operating-table
death occurred. Wilhelm resided 'with
his family at Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn streets. . ,
Xaa Mo Chase of Baosp.
AbSut 7:46 o'clock. A. K. Holmes, th
head aawyer, received his terrible in
juries In almost th sam manner aa hi
unfortunate fellow-workman. . Holme
tapped In front of a carriage to re
move a piece of , lumber when suddenly
without warning th machine started up
and threw him with great foro against
a rapidly .revolving bandsaw. There
was no chance of escape, and before th
machinery could be stopped hi .right
leg had been amputated.
Holmes was ruenea wiin an poesiDie
peed to the Good Samaritan hospital,
where It was found necessary to ampu
tate the limb still higher, so aa to malt
a proper flap for the etump. Th other
lee waa torn and lacerated to auch an
xtent that it may become necessary to
amputate , thl-alao Holmearesldes
with hla family at Wilson street
The officiate of th Eaatera A Western
Lumber company, give it a their opin
ion that both men exhibited groa care
lessness In crossing in rront or in car
riage, knowing th great danger In
doing o . .,
popular 0. B. A M. Bxenraloa Boa Bo-
sasae Trips to , -
dock for North Beach, touching at As
toria, a follow: , .
August I. 8 a. in.: August II, Ham.
Vmm T1 wa ' AuaSlrt t. 1 A 1 mwim
August 10, 1:80 p. m.; August 11. p. m.
Ticket at Third and Washington
street and at Aah street dock. Meals
may. oe eecuteo wa uie twai d
that prlncrpl l pretty well " estab
lished." ..' 1 i " - '
Mayor Lane further aald that he waa
in favor , of ' prohibiting ' locomotive
from running' on Fourth atreet.
- "The line ought to b. electrified or
something else should be den ' to
leaaen the noise." aald ha
People Waat Oosapaay to Pay.
' Th third way that might be used to
fore the locomotive off Fourth atreet
I by far the simplest of them all. and
the method would not be open - to the
slightest' question. The ordinance of
1848. contain a provision reserving th
right to prohibit the running of loco
motive : at any time. - This method
would doubtless be appealed to. but
something more iwantd than the
mere barring of the ateamear. - Th
eltlsene- who are behind .th Vaughn
ordinance are tandlng by the principle
that the use of a publlo etreet by a
railroad ahould be paid or In dollars
and cent. They want - to make the
Southern Pacific get off th street en
tirely or pay. . ' .
Councilman A. O. Rushlight who
voted to glv the Judiciary- committee
two week In which -to report on the
Vaughn1 ordinance, declared that h did
not know of the Southern Paclfio in
tending to relinquish voluntarily it
Fourth atreet franchise or .to apply for
a franchlae over another street. ' H
had heard a rumor merely that th eom
pany Intended to "swing Its line some
where on the east side." Mr. Rushlight
Is In favor of taking off th steam
locomotive from Fourth etreet.
Oray Knows AbOBt It.
Councilman Thomaa , Gray, while
denying aay knowledge of th inten
tion of th railroad to apply for an
other franchlae, intimated that he knew
omethlng of the plana of the company
in regard to Fourth atreet, but aald that
h waa not prepared to . talk about
Councilman R. E. Menefee professed
Ignorance of any plans of th Southern
Pacific He explained hi adverae vote
on the motion to compel the judiciary
committee to report the Vaughn ordi
nance In tvo weeks by saying that he
wanted to give the committee due time.
A to hi attltud on th ordlnapc b
waa a I lent.
. "I've been in politic long enough not
to have any idea." was th startling
statement mad by Councilman J. P.
Sharkey when asked if he had an opin
ion of hla own or the. Fourth street
matter. Mr. Sharkey explained that he
ususlly voted aa committees recommend.
He aald that he had no .knowledge of
the plan of th Southern Paclfio aa t
Fourth street or the application tor an
other franchise.
. i
Personnel of Team to Enter Na
tlonal Shoot tn New Jersey
About Decided.
Sergeant A. A. Schwarg of Company
Who Won Individual Medal at
State Shoot, Heada Delegation ol
Portland Lada Expected to Score.
Portland will hav flv man on th
rlfl team that will represent. Oregon
st the national rifle shoot at Seagirt.
New Jersey, August 17 to September I.
While no order has been Issued tn.
nounolng the personnel of the team. It
is preuy wen understood that th fol
lowing men hav been selected: A A
Schwara, company K; Arthur J. Royle
oi me n. j. starr, Tnlrd - Infantry;
Lieutenant George E. Houck. ordnance
department: Captain F. B. Hamlin, com
pany u, jnrst separate battalion; Cor
poral C. 8. Jackson, Private B. F.
Shields. Sergeant A. L. Johnson, com
pany Dr Separate battalion : - Sergeant
Ralph White, company M; Corporal U.
S. Rider, company M; Lieutenant K. F.
Denny, company F; Sergeant V. 8.
Howard. N. C. ataff; Private O. B. Un-
ton, company K; Private B. Beard, eom
pany F.
Corporal Floyd R. Fraser of Salem
was selected this morning to accom
pany the team and one more man Is still
to be chosen. Corporal V. 8. Rider,
company M, Is doubtful whether he will
be able to accompany the team to Sea
girt, and In case he does not, another
man will hav to be chosen to fill hi
place. . .
The men who will represent Portland
at th shoot will be Sergeant A. A.
Schwara, company K; Sergeant A. J.
Royle, N. C. S Lieutenant E. F.
Denny, company F-; Sergeant V. 8. How
ard, Private O. E. Upton, company K;
Private B. Beard, eompany F. These
men are among the best shots on the
team. Schwsrs having won the Indi
vidual medal at the state shoot at
Salem several week ago. That they
will bring horn prise 1 confidently
expected bv the member of th atat
troop In Portland. .
Roeeburg will also send five men, one
of whore - is Lieutenant George K.
Hotick, who is expected to glv Schwara
a close run for honors.
Th official program for th na
tional match arrived this morning and
Its page show a splendid list of prises
for th marksmen. In addition to th
award appropriated by congress there
hav been added private donation. Th
ally officer . of tha national
matches will be: Lieutenant-Colonel
Peter 8. Bomus, Sixth eavslry. U. S. A.,'
Brigadier-General Bird W. Spencer,
Major W. S. Prlc. Third regiment. N. O.
N. J.j Captain Aivin n. urerr, nrt
rg1mnt N. O. N. J, ' '
Do I look Ilk a dead onT Well. I
should hope not. I refuse to admit that
I committed suicide, and th floral of
fering my friend ar preparing for my
funeral will hav to b kept In cold
storage forsom time to come. I hop,"
said n. i. t.mmmr. ma viapioy or me
Troy laundry, . thig morning: Mr.
-Klnser's troubles aroee from th fact
that a waa acquainted with-John O.
Guthrie, th telephone lineman who
committed suicide near Vancouver a
few days ago, and that the suicide had a
picture of th laundryman In hi pos
session at th time he took hla own
Uf. ' - ..
When Guthrie' body wag found. 11
mllea from Vancouver, in the brush be
side the road, where he had killed him
self, last Saturday, a search of hi
clothing revealed - a photograph. The
body or th oa man waa In a badly
decomposed state, but there waa enough
similarity between hla feature to war
rant th belief that it waa a photo
graph of hlmaalf. Th authoritlee upon
thl supposition turned th picture over
to a newspaper man and yesterday - It
appeared ln Th Journal.
. Within a few minutes after th paper
wa on th streets Zinaer'e. trouble
commenced. - Friend from every part
of the city started calling him up on
th telephone to assure themselvee that
he had ended hla career on earth by th
"gun rout,:, .:,';..;
Z beg to announce to all ladles and
gentlemen Of Portland that, notwith
standing my absence ' from this city
for the last five year. I at way hav
had thla beautiful place near to my
heart. - And now I have returned with
a, large 'Importation of -oriental goods,
which I shall offer to this publlo at
retail at wholesale prices. My store
room Is at 111 First street, and callers
will find every article marked In plain
figure and on price to all. I will
welcome you., frieada, to my establish
ment, and you will find that w shall
consider it no trouble to Show you our
gooda Vry truly your.
- Japan Baaaar Company. .
r STaff U Seateaeod, ...
(Joe rail gperlal Hervlea.)
Warsaw, N., T- Aug.. L John W.
Neff. former county auditor, waa yes
terday sentenced to seven year for
grand larceny In connection with th
"graveyard scandal" at Buffalo,
Ptrfanaancaa Bvery Afteraooa aad Svenlag."
"A BOKAjrex "6t txx sown . wxart
"Jack, the Gambler"
in rou Aprs. ,
Veaaevitla far One Week Oaly.
. ' Being Olesed for aeaevatlea.
thrIb bio hbadmners. -
laera Howe aad Ber VrmAmn Dolled
Mr. Artour Rlsbj. Mr. Dirk Lraeh.
la Geoneetloa with the Retalar Big
Orand Theatre thorn.
Time aad arteee the saaie as at the Oraad.
The Nickelodion
Math, Betweea Aider aad Waahisgtsa.
Moving Pictures
nwxtr, Biol, roxmxsT.
11 L a In II .a. - Bvery 18 atlsatea.
Admiesloe fte 'Naff Oed..
Dankrupt Sale
Of the $8,000 Stock
or :
L.MJNC & CO..&8 6th Stv.
tadles' sad OeaU' ramlsbtag Oeeas el
sll klad at HALF HIOL
CeaM tm sad lank ever er hanen
stork kefnre baring eleewhvre snd yea
will be sore to se s sercsase Ins a
aftee gettlns er eztresMly lew ariose.
M Surlh atreet, Bitssaa Oak aad Stark.
For 30 Days Only
II 0 Gold Crowns..,. Gold Crown Plate Plate
Fillings, np from
Boston Dental Parlors
gtlVi Xorrlsoa St, Or. V. O. aad
North Pacific College
of Dentistry
On of th largest and best squlpped
Institutions -of -ts kind in - ths entire
West. No dental school can boast of a
better force or epectally trained teach
ers, who devote their entire ttm to th
Interests of tha atudenta.
The clinic ar unsurpaaaed. being ln
excess of the need of tn student.
Th annual session begins October 1.
For Information and Illustrated catalog
address the dean,
Portland, Oregon.
Portland Oregon
18th fX AS WXU On IVTi IT.
Fits boy and girl for Eastern and
Western colleges.
Include a primary and grammar
Boarding hall for girls sffordlng th
comfort and car of a refined home.
Offloe hour during th Bummer from it m.
For catalogue writ to th addree
given above.
Medical Department
, '-OF TUB '.
University of Oregon
XHk Arnrnul Sm.oB Begloa 8ept. IT. MOO.
Addrew 8. B. Jmrohl, If. D., Nu,
rohl, ar u.. Dm
BldgT Fartlasa'.
TO veins
T. . SAOOm, lUaaser. aeaslae, Or.
TJiuler sew BaaaaeneBt. reaMOele ad aewl
faralesed. electrle iKkts. fresh asd salt wster
bstblnf, boat Ins, fWtajnt. nek atllk and ersaat
rreta oar ewa aalry. ' rrsen veaeiabie mm ear
n gardra. Rateel IS 60 to $3.M per Oar.
Speelal rt taa ar the waak or areata, rrae aes.
WISE V " k
u-' . j
; 11 VU ..Xew-e
' t -
JV TA- -' ' '''-'.;; 'of- ':: -:-:'riH ' ' ' :-'
"Correct aothes' fcr , -
OnerFotirth Oil Regular Price
' Man ctn't iriake or money can't buy
' t better1 ready-to-wear clothing1 than the , : r
Benjamin line. ,; ,- r 'Jr"!'"
V .' '
There Is charming
on th handsome
It is a daylight rid all th way to th brink of th merry Ocean, on a
splendidly equipped steamboat, politely officered and with food upon th
table Ilk your mother used to make. :
Ten Win Snow Otur Boat by th Blastema "X."
Vancouver Transportation Co.
' i k . ' k. ' "
t l II I f 1 1 --1-7
1. v ZT
. ....: :' 1 "1 - .
mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmammmHimm.,,:: liwatiaawaaawMaw aawaiwaaawa I
XJUBXva lUMmm bssobv o
UseUls Ught. atseaa, Bot aad Cold Belt Water tn Ireary Tab. Bay TVkata
. . Psrtae Geaaty. Weak. reeteMs Address, Breakers, Waa.
Cloud Cap Inn
Oregon' ; famous mountain resort at
1 snow lln , ..-r- --
on Mount Hood
Away from th heat of the etty. The
moat delightful resting place In th
northwest. . Full Information at th
4 o. r. n.
Washington Sts. .
on ASA
Clalsop Beach, Seaside, Oregon
oun sovn or osoobt.
Directly on th beach, overlooking th
ocean. Hot Salt bath and aurt bath
inc. Recreation pier for Ashing. Bun
par lor a, electric lights, fireplace' and
furnace heat. Fine walk and drlv.
Bea xooa a specialty.
Rates $2.59 and $3.88 Per Day
DAM 3. MOORE. Proprietor.
oo m. atoBBuov Ajro wzr fAxx trt,
Basdseaiely faralsked, elegaatty ssetsssd,
trap root, Ira silnetae' walk trass eesri ei
slineplBg snd baelsase Slatrlet. sll large,
airr. eetslda raooM, steasi heated, elsetrl
Mrkts. telephone ra each apartHMat. ate.
Larte efneM, leengla. saanklng, wrtttoa.
ladlae reeeprlm oularoV no sis raannl
hr omQ a telaeheaa.
ffrlvate eaiaiase suets tislss aad stieasata,
Hom$ $I.OO f $3.00 at Day
feakvl Bats e Oiaaianlal Btos
rrerswrty of Betel ridpata, teekaae.)
tf yew hav no answered Taa gear.
sal Waal Ada lately yen hav gotaea
f toTMh wtU tUags,
l,U 1 .A. '..-
recreation In riding down th river .
W sail every day but Sunday from th foot of Tay
lor street and call at all way point
txm waoxtzo mow
The Hotel Mxzh
nvAoa om am
Hotel Estaeada. on th brink of
ths canyon, la th best, meet
comfortable!, easiest-reached re
sort near Portland. Admirably
adapted for outing ' parties.' A
. wooded park of lit acre . aur-
' round th hotel. ., -
Perfect AppointmeaU
and First-Class Cubina
Catering to high-claaa patronage.
Magnifloent scenery of mountain
chasm, forest and field.
Browa's orehewtra of PorUaavd,
Barorday aad, Baaday at th rx
Tiuoa. .
Trains Every ' f wo Kours
Special rates noon application II
to Mlifl. La O. M MAHON, Mao- M
agar.. Phone Eataoada HotL I
Everythutg te eat and 4r!- f
It ot no more la lb
Ferdand flat! tc" " '
th elsewhere In the r . .
weekday night fret I II u !
BL C ft" Vf
r -