The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1906, Image 3

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    ( t d.:lv jourtiiAL,, rcr.TLAiio, TtJECDAY Eyr::i::3. AUGUST T."itC3.
Portland People Could Swelter in
City In Morning and Throw'
.Snowballs In Afternoon. ,
Y. J- Clement Talk of PoatlblUtiej
. an Declare Road Could Be Put in
Excellent Condition at Small Coat,
V aa Material Are Easy to Get. '.
How would you Ilk to go up to. the
now Una on aft. Hood In an automo
bile, -have a plonio party and ret back
home in time for dinner tn the evening?
- That la. one thing that can be done If
the road to Wt. . Hood la put In condi
tion. In. fact - it can be done today,
but It la accompanied by mora or leaa
dlscomforta and the time of the stay tn
the anow aside la lessened. Under
present conditions it takes "about six
hours each way on the trip to Govern
ment camp at the snow field, but with
the bad part of the road put In shape
the upward trip could be made In' from
four to six hours and . the return In
three. (. -
It doea not take much figuring to
bring out the possibilities of a delight
ful outing, and what a boom It would be
to invite eastern visitors In summer to
go out on some bright warm day and
enjoy a snowball plonio party amid un
rivaled -scenery. The Portland Auto
mobile club hopes before another, year
pastes that such Invitations will be a
fact . , j ' - , I-";.
Boa Should Be Improved. '
Every one who baa been over the
course and enjoyed the scenery unites
In declaring that In any other" com
munity .the road 'would hava long ago
been put In such a shape that the
trip would be much more delightful than
It la at present. There Is practically
only one part of the road that could
be called anything of a terror, but It
Is quite a long stretch. It could be
remedied and put In the best possible
shape for automoblllng at 'a oost of
from tt.OOt to 11.000, and an effort Is
to be made by the automoblllsts to
have this don, either by private sub
scriptions or through the good-roads
work of the state government. - Why
such course should not bo Improved
A tneddlttig Junkman with an Itching
for gasplpe and copper wire eauacd an
explosion this morning which sadly de
molished the handsome .- mustache or
j( W. J. Berttley, foreman of the wreck
I'.Jng crew at work tearing down the old
Juston 'restaurant' on' Fifth street, be--ween
Morrison and' Alder. . -. .-t-
, The . spoiling - of Bentley'a mustache
, was not the only catastrophe brought
about by the covetous Junkman. The
foreman's eyebrows and eyelashes were
singed to the -roots, 'his hair was
trimmed by the fire, his fsoe waa blis
tered to the color of a boiled lobster
and hla hands were badly burned.
The accident . .occurred about 1
'O'clock.' The rag-a-Jag man. whose
name was not learned, drove up. Jumped
out of his wagon and began gathering
, up pieces of copper wire and other Juna
whleh were valuable to him, but for the
taking of which he could hardly . be
' charged with larceny. ' ' " . -Bentley
mildly protested. . but ' the
dealer went ahead, finally descending to
'insurance Man Says City Will
Surely Recover From Effects
, of April Disaster,
' Temporary Building Made Gay With
- Flag and Bunting Bank : Doing
Business and Insurance Companies
Paying Their Losses. , O.J
John C. Doming, an -Insurance man
' of San Francisco, says that all stories
about San- Francisco- being - unable, to
recover from the disaster of April are
' unfounded and that building operations
are going on steadily - .
i "Why," h said. "Van Neas avenue re
sembles a Midway. . The structures
erected there are bedecked with flags
and put up a brave showing, despite the
fact that they are only temporary wood.
. en structures. They simply stand for
what Is to come, and the business of
the city bears me out in this, for all
lines are booming. - ,
-Now -that- the Insurance -companies
QJJ'; -
';' 1 Relieves the insurer from further payment of premiums in the
' event of total disability. -
I--::. : Investigate before signing a contract for, life Insurance. ;
-r - ' - . ..'-.a;
ft- Home Office, Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth andiAnkeny Sts,
' : . ,'. -,k:;'r, Portland, Oregon . ; ' . .V,
A. L. MILLS; President
la beyond the understanding of any one
who has taken this drive. ..
While every automoblllst . who has
made the run to the snowline appre
ciates this great ride, W. J. Clemens Is
one who seea great possibilities Un It
aa a means ot making a most pleasant
day's outing. He saye about three
hours ,would b required for the usual
motor car to make the trip If the roads
were.. good., and, this time alone, glvea
an Idea of the possibilities of enjoying
a day amid snow' fields when the sun
Is hot In Portland. By a start from this
city at o'clock. In the morning a party
could reach the snow line at Government
camp in ample time for luncheon. The
return could bo tarted at I o'clock In
1 the afternoon, reaching Portland . at
o'clock tn ample ttme for dinner at
home, , or if desired the start back could
be made as late aa ( o'clock and home
reached before the shades of night have
fallen. , ' .-.' "-' h .
Batboslaotie Ore Trip. '
Mr. Clemens has- made a study of the
possibilities of - having picnic parties
at the snowline and he la not eloni in
hla enthusiasm on this subject... In
speaking of the matter he said: T do
not know of any city where a person
can In midsummer mske a, trip to snow
fields -and back again In leas than a
day In an automobile. In Colorado the
snow f tolds are up such grades that it
la practice fly Impossible for an auto
to reach them, but here In Portland
we have an easy grade that almost any
machine from a runabout to a big tour
ing ear can make, and the drive la
without a doubt the finest that can be
found anywhere.' All that Is needed so
Portlanders and visitors to the city can
enjoy this rare treat is the fixing up
of the road. The materials for the
road are close at hand, therefore the
coat would be very small compared with
the coat of fixing some roads that the
state Is now putting In good condition.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemens, H. K.
Clemens and W. J. Lyons will make a
three-day trip In Mr. Clemens' automo
bile to the Paclflo coast, through a sec
tion of-country -where the automobile
has scarcely penetrated. In fact the 4rst
atro""seen In the section was the one
driven by Mr. Clemens there a "week
ago. The route lies through McMlnn
vllle, Newberg, Sheridan, to Cloverdale
over the Dolph toll .road, to Oreton and
then down to Fletcher beach, one of the
picturesque spots on the Oregon coast
Mr.' Clemens says" the ride baa many
hardships, but one Is amply repaid for
all hla trouble by the magnificent scen
ery and the delights of such an outing.
The road Is roughnd hilly and one In
cident of the course Is the fording of
14 streams. The trip Is 11 miles and
the party expects to make It In about
eight houra or lesa. ...
the basement tn his search for some
thing for which he Intended to pay
nothJnavBentley followed the fellow
there and found hint unscrewing a piece,
of gaspipe. . .
vi ..- M Ttantlev. "There.
you've done HP as the pipe came apart
una s sirwn wi iu iu"uou ....
Bentley grabbed the section of pipe and
tried to screw it back. It waa dark
down there and the Junkman, presum
ably tn a helpful spirit, lit a match. .
Bang! went the gas. -.- . v -.-
Bentley was nearer the spout and for
a moment the flames enveloped him.
Tbe rag-a-Jeg fellow waa farther back
and was not singed at alt An alarm of
fire waa turned In. a chemical engine
responded and the bias waa soon ex
tinguished, while Bentley hurried to a
nearby drugstore and smeared hla face
with sweet oil. - - - - '
. . "I ll make the scoundrel pay for this,
said he. wrathftilly. "It will coet him
$60 at least. I'll keep after him tll he
doea"' .'- "' ;,
" Fancy getting ISO out of a Junkmen!
are paying their losses, money Is be
ginning to circulate and activity Is ap
narent In buslnesa circles. The banks
re doing 'business In spite of what
ever may be aald to tne contrary. ne
FJrst National bank was destroyed with
the exception of th first story, and in
side the standing walls the officials
have erected a wooden frame and are
conducting buslnssa In that
"Already the - Insurance com
hiave paid losses amounting to tl 31.000.-
000, and the balance win do paia aa rap
Idly aa possible. Th total loss amount
ed to nearly IS00.000.009. and the In
sured loes to something over 1200,000.-000.-
: '.,-
want to say something right here
that reflects great credit upon the peo
ple of the Bay City and that Is. prac
tically every bit of the Insurance that
has been written since the fire has been
kept away from tbe companies that
wanted to pay their losses on a Tt-per-crnt
beelR. - You people In Portland are
also doing the' seme thing. I am told,
and It Is a wise move. My firm repre
sented two. eompnnles, one of which
wanted to settle for 71 cents on the dol
lar and we turned It down. Blnce that
time we have done SO per cent more
buslnesa with the remaining company
than we did before with both. There
was no-reason for any of the-companies-
trying to settle on a 71-per-oent
bails, 'except' those that ' went Into
bankruptcy, r.-.-w-,. . .' " v
"It la true that we suffer greatly from
the dust and ashes In the city, but when
we go-down Into, the fire-swept . busi
ness district we wear gogglea, which
do away with the evlla of the clouds of
dust and ahes." -
t ' r Sec Saddo Wed.
i Memel Seeetel ejervlee.!
' London, Aug.' 1.-Lord Hsddo. eldest
son of the EsrJ of Aberdeen,, was mar
ried yesterday to . Mrs. Cockayne, a
;:4ui..::. cuve
Purchases Beaver Hid Properties
;and Prloe of Coal lpimedl-7
ately Goes Up.
Coo Bay Man Declare Such Will
Be Case Unless Competition De
- velops Soon in Coal Industry in
That District : ,' . v
"With the Bpreckles railroad and the
steamships Breakwater and Csarlne, the
Harriman Interests have purchased the
Beaver Hill coal mines and the first
hsrd work they do Is to raise the prloe
of steam coal from 11 the old figure, to
14- per ton." aaid a Coos bay manu
facturer la Portland today. "Unless
thsre Is competition started In coal min
ing It behooves us to look to oil as fuel
for manufacturing."
He aald that while no official state
ment has ever been made . concerning
sale of the properties to the Harriman
Interests, It Is understood at Coos bay
that the transfer took - place several
weeks ago and ahortly afterward the
price of coal went up. The factory In
question Is Investigating orude oil burn
ers and prices, with a view to bringing
oil In steamer V from" southern Cali
fornia oil-wella. -
It la said many people are oomfng on
every steamer tb Coos bay to locate
and go to work or engage in business,
The towns of North Bend and Marsh-
field are rapidly filling up and there la
active demand for all kinds of prop
erty, prices of which are highland get
ting higher. An effort la being made
to form a harbor eommlsslon and raise
funds for dredslna the bay. to be fol
lowed by an effort to secure a federal
appropriation to deepen the ship channel
on the bar at the entrance to the Day.
Peter Loggie,. president. of the North
Bend chamber of commerce, and Carl
Albrecht are making a tour of the state
to secure signatures to a petition to
conaress and enlist the support of Ore
gon commercial organisations, to get the
government to Improve Coos bay harbor
and build Jetties at the mouth of the
bay. The effect or all tnis agitation
has been to attract much attention to
Coos bay and many people are locating
there with the belief that the Southern
Pacific company will within the next
year build a Una from Drain to North
Bend and Marahfleld.
(Jcerael Bpeetal Berries.)
Charlotte, N. C, Aug. T. A mob of
l.eoe men shortly before 11 o'clock last
night forcibly entered the Rowan coun
ty Jail at Salisbury, removed therefrom
three of the five negroes charged with
the . murder of the Lyerly family at
Barber Junction. July II, and lynched
them. Neaae rnd John OlUesple and
Jsck - Dillingham, supposed - to be the
?.ln.Clie"l!r JIJ:1
two negroes were not molested and later
tonight were taken to Greensboro.
Appeals - were made to the mob by
Judge Long. United States Senator Over
man and others but they were greeted
with cat-calls. The militia waa called
out but It was armed only with blank
tJearnal BpeeUl aWrtoe.t -'
Niagara Falls. N. T., Aug. 7. Charles
Walsh and wife with - several women
were rescued from a -disabled launch In
Niagara river yesterday just as th craft
was starting over the falls.
- The launch -' lost . its propeller and
Walsh tried - to drop anchor, but It did
not hold. They then put out oars and
they snapped like plpestems In an at
tempt to drive the heavy launch against
the rapid current. I. - ..:... , : ,
One of the women tied her aklrt to a
broken oar and the attention of people
on shore was attracted. The party waa
, (Jeerael Bpeetal Service.)
-Washington, Aug. I. Attorney-General
Moody has decided the eight-hour
law doea not apply to warahlps being
built under, contract for the navy. Me
cited a caae wherein the supreme court
held that title to a warship does not
vest . In the government until the con
ditions of the contract are fulfilled. A
similar opinion wss given Secretary
Taft that the eight-hour law does not
apply to contractors furnishing supplies
to the quartermaster department.
daeraa fleeHel flemef.i
' Brant Rock, Mass., Aug. T. Balling
above the clouds and over Hi miles ot
panoramic land and water from New
Tork City, and landing at the little
pleasure resort of Brant Rock, near the
historic town, of Plymouth, Dr. Julian
P. Thomas of Now York and Roy Kna
benshue, a professional aeronaut, made
one of the most successful balloon trips
yet undertaken In this country yester
day. Dr. Thomas said that the trip
from every point of view wae the most
successful he has yet accomplished.
Ueersal Special SerrMe.1 ,
' Manila. Aug. T. At Abu yon. ' the
Island of Leyte. It Pulajanes pierced
the military cordon, burned the munici
pal- building a. killed . the ex-president,
two former members or tne constabu
lary and three policemen. A hundred
soldiers are pursuing them. - Major
Crawford and- Captain Knauber, a lieu
tenant and eight members of the oor
stsbulary were shooting the rapids ot
the Abulung river, in Northern Luaon.
when attacked from ambush and
wounded by the laorrotas arrows.
(Jeorsel Special Beretee.)
Copenhagen. Aug. 1. The Interns
tlonal League of Women Buf fraglsta be
gan its sessions today. . -
See Buffum A Taadlotoa'a ad, pas f,
Kenneth M. Bradley Has Jewelry
Stolen From His Room In
: Hotel Portland. .
Victim Inclined to Suspect Employ
-of Hotel Manager , Bower De
v dare Bradley .Did Not Lot His
Valuable in the Hostelry. , .
: Kenneth 11. Bradley, director of Bush
Temple conservatory, Chicago, la re-,
grettlng'the loss of a set of pearl studs
and a diamond atlckpin which he claims
were stolen from hla room In the Pert
land hotel.:" The missing articles were
tn a jewelry, tray on bis dresser, end
Bradley, who reported the loss to the
management and the police, la Arm In
the belief that , the jewelry was taken
by one of the hotel employes.
The studs were valued at tl00, ac
cording to Mr. Bradley, while the stick
pin waa the Cheapest one of the dosen
In the pin tray In which it was encased.
Tbe pin -was composed of dlsmond chips
and while worth only about f was
brilliant and of the variety that would
attract an eye to the Jewelry.
H. C. Bowers, manager of the hotel,
says that Mr. Bradley did not lose- the
Jewelry In the Portland Act el and that
he Is seeking notoriety. Mr. Bowera
oontends that Bradley lost the studs
some place other than in- Portland and
did not- discover his losa untH - he ar
rived In Portland. Mr. Bradley, on the
other hand, is equally positive that-the
Jewels wer taken from hla room at the
hotel. . -
Bradley Telia Hla Monr. V
The. history of the myeterlous disap
pearance of the Jewels as told by Mr.
Bradley Is as followsrrr
"I left my Jewel case on my dresser
and also left my suitcases , unlocked,
thinking, of course, that with, my door
locked there would be no chance for a
robbery. When I returned to my room
Friday night I went to the caae to
select a pin from the , tray which con
tains about a dosen altogether. I no
ticed that the diamond pin wss gone and
while it disconcerted me I would prob
ably not have said anything about It
Later I noticed that the studs were also
gone. - These were . worth about 1200
and I regret their-loes very much. I
at once notified the management of the
hotel and also the police, but neither of
them seem to take much interest In the
'-: Saspeota Kotel Smploye, '
"The only persons who eould have
entered the room while I waa absent
were employes of the hotel, unless, of
course, there are hotel thlevea working
in the city. While I wae away my
laundry waa returned to my room.
- "The robbery occurred between
Wedneaday,. and Friday night.- There
are manyhundred dollars worth ot
Jewelry In the case all the time. '. Th
fact that all the Jewelry waa not taken
don b7 Soy. of the hoteL
msksa .at believe-thaU. the work ws
"Sappho" at Pantage.'
Tke eatttts "Sibsbo." s
wled ef fas: Is the hit ef the
year at
Pintasee thle week. - It
teak the hoaee by
stern yeetarday, whea ehewa Is Pertlead for
tbe flret Haiet Aa there ere seven otaer
dl.tliKt feetane A tbe trofraw.
. : - ' At th Star. ';.. ;
It ta s pleating vavdevnie bin wain fbe
Star Is offering thle week, while the Ores
le closed for reaevattoas. Laara Howe and her
three Dresden oolle bits the featnre paattloe.
This to one of those pretty sets which sppeal
like to man and women.
,. Low Rates East.
The Chicago tt Northwestern railway
will make low round-trip rates to St
Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago at rata of
S10 plua the one way first-class rate.
Tickets are on aale August .7, and .
and are good until October 11. Low
rars r"'" Further!
Information by calling on R, V, Holder.
Oen. Agent. 1(1 Third street
(Joaraal Bpeelal Service.)
Indianapolis, Aug. 1. The sheriff is
unable to control the Illegal selling of
liquor near Fort Benjamin Harrison to
the troops encamped there from the
northern dtvlnlon of the army and says
he will ssk the governor to send state
troops to aid In the suppression of the
traffic .
1 Jooml B wetjst
Philadelphia, Aug. 7. The grand Jury
today Indicted 14 members of the local
Ice trust, charging combination to no
nopoHse. -
Summer I Best Season to Cur Ca
tarrh. Hyomel Sold . Under . Guar
i .. ,-
Summer lathe best time In the wholo
year for the treatment - of catarrhal
troubles, nd ' Woodsrd,"Ciark' o.
urge every reader of The Journal to use
Hyomel now and be permanently cured.
Unlike the ordinary . treatment toi
catarrh, there Is no stomach dosing
when using Hyomel.- The remedy Is
breathed through a neat pocket Inhaler
that comes In every outfit, and Ita bal
samic healing air penetrates to the most
remote parts of th noi.tnroat-nd
lungs, searches out and kills the ca
tarrh germs In all parts of the respira
tory organs 'and soothes and heals any
Irritation thsre may be In the mucous
Hyomel la not alone the only natural
treatment for catarrh, but It Is the only
one sold under an absolute guarantee to
refund the money unless It glvea -satisfaction.
It kills all dlaease germs and
restores the mucous membrane of the
throat noae and . lunga to perfectly
healthy condition.
The complete Hyomei eninc costs mit
11.00. extra bottles I05. Woodard.
Clarke tt do. sell Hyomel nnde an ab
solute guarantee to refund the, money
ir U ooes not give saiisiacuon. ion
run no risk at all in buying thla guar
anteed remedy. . t , .
.1 T.- IU kJ!z!i
Tt r'r to tiat boon to weak, parroaa,
snfierl t vojm known aa Dr. Vlerce's
Pr. JcKn Fyfeoo of tbe Editorial Stat
of Thx IxjUKmo HaoiaeJL Rbvlsw saye
of Uaioora root CLaionia LHoica) which
U one of U chief Ingredients ol the Fa
vorite Prescription :
- "A rvaedy which Invariably sots as uter
ine Invworatoc - makes tor normal ac
tivity of tee entire reproductive eyatem.
He eonunnee " In lielonlaa we have a medicsr
men wbVo. more fully enswers the above
purposes titan an otAr drug witA vMch I am
eauaented. In tue treatment of diseases pe
culiar to women It to seldom that a caae Is
seen which dose not preeentsomo Indication
fur thla remedial agent" Dr. Frfe further
sayai "The followlne; areamong the leading
Indications for Bekmlaa (Cnicora root). Paia
or aching in the back, with leucorrbeees
atonic (weak) eondltlooa of tbe reproductive
reran of women, mental depression sad ir
ritability, associated with chronic diseases of
the reproductive organs of women, constant
Uon ot beat in tne region of the kid
neys) monorrhagia uiooqmtA aue to a weak
ened oondlUon of the reproductive eystemi
aaeenorrbasa (suppaaesed or absent monthly
periods h arising rrom or accompanying
abnormal conaition
and aaaunlo (thin
abnormal conaition or tne- aiceswve-
nn anaunio itnin Diooai, DaDiti m
sensations la the extreme lower part of the
II more or lee of the above symptoms
are present, no Invalid woman can do
better than take Dr. Pierce 1 Favorite
Prescription, one Ot the leedingingredl
ante of which Is Unicorn root, orEelonlaa.
and the medical properties ot which It
most faithfully represents.
Of Golden Seal root, another prominent
Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription,1'
Prof. Flnler EUtngwood, M. p., of Ben
nett Medical College, Chicago, says:
It Is aa Important remedy In disorders ef
tbe womb. In all catarrhal conaltkjns "
sad general enfeebieeneat, tt to useful."
Prof. John M. Scadder. M. D.. mis of
Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root
la relation to Its general eslects on the
system. (Aere to wo siedieln wt mm abets) m4o
Our ewA senerol unwtewMg ospavtos, it
to watoerMlky regarded aa the toalo useful in
all debllltaied states."
Prof. Bartholow, If. D of Jeffarson
Medical College, sari of Golden Seal t .
Valuable In nesrino betocrfaaeTe. snsr
rbeai (flooding) end congestive dyaxesaor-
raoa (painful BnenetrnaOon)."
' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith
fully represents all the above naaaed In
gredient and cares the disease lot which
shay are recommended.
Aeronaut's Assistant Is Dragged
Through Tre Tops ai a ::
6pokan Park.
(Bpeetol Dtepetca ts The JearaaL)
Spokane, Waati, Aug. 7. Laura Van
Valtlngburgh of Hlllyard, assistant to
Professor William J. Goda, aeronaut,
attempted a balloon aaoenston Sunday
afternoon at Natatorlum park that may
be her laat -
A atrong wind waa blowing when tha
big gas-Inflated bag rose, with Mlas
Van Valtlngburgh swinging In the
trapexe. . When the tope of the trees
were reached the balloon waa caught
by the upper air current, dipping enough
to plunge the' woman Into tbe tree topa,
forming a momentary anchor. - Tha
balloon tore along at high speed for
100. yards. -when the ropes parted and
the woman was plunged into the trees.
The fell was wltneesed by 10,000 peo
ple, who rushed to. the scene, but Miss
Van Valtlngburgh did . not atrika the
ground. Bhe hung suspended from a
limb' Ti feet from the ground, from
which position aha waa rescued by the
professor. ,
A - physician wae summoned, who
thought the. Internal Injuries might be
quite serious. '
(Bpeelal Dlepatefe to The JearaaL)
Spokane, Wssh., Aug. T. Thomas C
Johnson, held In Jail for the paat two
months for the killing of. O. M. Tut tie
in the Rainier -Grand hetel In Seattle,
has been freed on ft, 000 bonds fur
nlshsd by his friend a
O. if. Tuttle waa an employs ef the
Northern Pacific He Is said to have
Why Be Wed to' a: lott luSMiigM?
- t -
; .
-All Our Boys!fand ChildrctfaT
71 . -
''' ': ; ' ; ' -' I ' '? .( ; ALL ' MUST CO '-'rV. '.l'". :l , V'.; ; ;; '
LaajA. f
Phone Main 2000 - iSS FLANDERS ST.. Near Third
Tsowmsos ef Tseng aa MaTe-Arei Mea are esaaally' swept to
S presMtare grave tbroerb esrly taal.crettosa aa later tirliin. as
Ometltatlaaal Bleed DIhuh aave rvlae aa wrwke the life mt
suay s BeearfalBg yeaag sua. Have yea say ef the fcllewlag era
; tnwei Kerroas dMpnadent) Ttni la Morning; Ne AaiMtleai
hteBMry Poor; Badly retlra; brltablet Byes Blnrj Ptaiplee ee the
far.; RaMlees! Beggar Ceeklng; Biotrhee; Bore Threat; Leeeei
Palas Is the Bedy; Saskes Bree: Uteiees; Dtatraetnil snd Leefe ef
Baercy sad Btrengtht Oar Vew atetao ef Treataeat will ball yen ap
BMataUy, payaleauy aa vitally. Ouea Oaaraatae e ae Vey.
OaU or Writs BB. I. J. riZBOS, Ul First St.. Oor. TaahUL ParUsad.
returned to' hi hotel ' Intoxicated tb
night of the attack, and while making
unnecessary noise was reprimanded by
Johnson, who was sick with neuralgia.
Tuttle thsn attacked Johnson, who
backed Into hla room, picked np a knife
and fell noon Tattle.
You Can With
With old-time' fuels you're overheated ' before the Ere
begins to burn. ' :' ; s X'v'
With GAS you have heat only where, when and as
long as you want it. ; -m
YouVe a COOL KITCHEN and a cool house.
With .a GAS RANGE you can enjoy a vacation at
home. -.,. --' ; :"' .-'..
".With the price of GAS NOW 05 NET per 1.CC0'
cubic feet, it should be used in every household for fuel
purposes. 'J '''C :,, ;v;'' ' : ' -V"
Telephone "Private Bxchancro 26
1 i .
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing,
Poultry Netting. Etc ";
Tuttle died later aa the result of hla
wound,s and Johnson was held to tha
superior court on the charge of murder
In the second degree.
Allen Lewta Best Brand.
70U time for summer Jots.