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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
kJuDAV I'CItl.I.., AUGUST 8, J W w - .1. I : SMlDilllO OIL'S LiOiiurOLY 01! Trutt Facet Most Detsr mined Prosecution in Its Hit- : tory on Monday. GRAND JURY TO PROBE ; REBATE ARRANGEMENTS Government Hope to Secure Indict c. menta of Rockefeller, Archbold and ; Rogers m Well as That of Con- eplrinj Rilro4 Men, T " (paelal Mmteh kr LmJU Wire to The lowaal) . Cbloaaa. Aug, Mooter - morning tha Btandaj-d OU company will faca tha urn eystsmatio ana datsrminsd effort avsr made by the United 8tataa govern ment to brsak up Ha monopoly In tbe pu trade. - This snort reaulta from ln truotlona from Waahlnaton that out abort tha- vacation perloda of attorneya and offlclala and brought tham acurry in koma to prspars'for the aUtint ot-a srand Jury barore which will be plaead Eharaoa not only reaching at the throat f tha oil trust; but at all railroads and railroad officials who have bean oon- Sectad with tha making of rataa and agraamenta ' under which the Standard .. OU haa bean enablad to undereaU lta . eompatltora in a vast field. - lit la tha avowed purpoaa of tha gov ' srnmsnt .to Indict, If possible, all of the offlclala of the truat Including John D. Bockafellar, but It la an opan Quaatlon aa te tha ability of tha dlatrict court for the northern illatrlot of Illlnola to reach the father ol tha octopue with lta . oragnet. - eeneral Xaveatlgatlon. For 10 days attorneys and ' apecial ..agents for th government have been . at work on tha evidence. Aaalatant Attorney-General Oliver. Pagin came from Washington to take charge of tha work. He waa foUowed by T. C. U. Bhlndlar. ' apecial agent for the department of ,: eommeroe and labor. A day or two later X J. Sullivan, United Statea dlatrict at- " torney at' Cleveland, dropped In and with Dlatrict Attorney C B. Morrison. . Aaalatant Dlstrlot Attorney F. Han- . ehett and Frank B. Kellogg, ' apecial J , counsel for the government, a formtda ' ble array waa preeanted. Quite uncx- . peotedly the attorneya changed front In their ldeaa of procedure, and whereaa ' they had started, with the Idea of pre entlng aa Information" to Judge Bethea aa the basis of a mlademeanar proeecuUon founded upon uncollected , atoraga ohargae due by the Standard ' OU the Lake Shore railroad, a apecial ' grand Jury . waa aummoned te meet Monday for a general lnveatlgatlon. It waa etated that a aecond grand Jury would be drawn te sit .August 14 for an lnveatlgatlon of even broader mat. r ... tare than thoae to be aubmltted to the first. . ' T stttamine Jurymen. : " i; Thla grand Jury ofetha Brat In stance . as drawn Wednesday la oompoaed of Amel Arnold, John R. Bell, W. J. Com- Oul of Several Ttoiuccd Guesses 4 r Correct - One Answer TeHs Hie Whole Story la tfce Autaataejo Tele-' phone Switch maed by the Soma Telephone company. Tha ateohaa team anablea tha subsertbee- to call any ether subscriber's telephone without the Ueerrentloa of ha sten agemoy. Tha awttchr eome tJaea aallad the girlless seatreV la tha foreigner's friend haa mo' aeeoaa, aavec tires, goasipe, vlatta or listens." . 1 t well. Chart ea Olfford, Chrlatlan man, John - M. Hoffman, Frederick Knapp. r. K. UuaaJa, Ola Praatlgard, Lewis W. Reed, Thomaa Booggin, Rich ard JB. Willis, Fred Baker, H. IX Booth. John Crlghton. George Orlebal. Oeorga C. Hello. John Holy, D. 3. Moor M mer Heach, C. W. Putnam, S. Rodner and J. W. Van Dyke. , ' With the three exceptlona, the venire man came from amall- towna In tha northern dlatrlot of lUlnola. After the drawing the government put eecret aervloa man on tha trail of every mem ber of the venire to aaoertaln the af flllatlona and commercial relatioaahlp of the man. The Standard Oil people, through Attorney ,J. A. MlUer, became equally active in preparation. The gov ernment will exouae any of the Jurorg found to have relatione wlU the Stand ard Oil or railroad people. . Theae chargea are to be pro bads - Ohajrgea to Be Frobed, - . Illegal granting of rebatea to Stand ard OIL Granting rebatea by device to Standard OIL Failure to eolleot ator age chargea on oil kept at Chicago. . - Making a eecret eomblnaUon known aa "Grand Junction Combination" for discriminating favorably to the Stand ard oil In ahipmenta extending ' from the Atlantic coast, aouth of Maaon and Dixon's line, to tha Hlsalaalppt - Making a eecret discriminatory' ar rangement for ahipmenta' to East, St Loula, controlling the-trade west of the Hlaslaalppl and south of a, point on the Pacific coast south of San Francisco. extending through s Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. - Absorption of switching chargea by oarrlera on ' ahipmenta made from Whiting, Indiana, through the Chicago switch district to BC PauL Milwaukee and many other points not named. ... . . ' Aeenaed of Ooasplraoy. 1 Failure to publish rates granted to the Standard OIL so aa to ahow tha actual net charge of the service to that trust. , . . .. Most Important and actually difficult the charge that the oil trust and the railroads conspired to create a monop oly la restraint of the trade or attempt ed to create buch a monopoly. ; The punishment for these offenses will take in flnea of from $ 1.004 to 120,000 in the rebate raaea and an ad ditional penalty of not more than one year In prlaon on the monopoly-iaeuee. While the investigation haa been known aa the Standard OU case,' the ohargea not only touch tha oil truat.. but take In almost all of the rallroada centering In Chicago. There are proa- peota xor the indictment of trafflo of flclala of theae corporations, as well aa tbe eorporatlona, and the attorneya hope to get reaulta from their work. . . stleaag Ken In Sanger. They are strengthened in their hopes by the recent decision by Judge K. M. Liandla, in the caaee against tha Chi cago et Alton road, in which it waa held that ' where the road deducted from the rate charged a packing firm the awltohlng chargea upon ail property awltched - from the warehouae to the tracka of. the" road, it had granted a secret rebate and tbe "absorption" of the rate waa only a device for granting such rebate. t Thla condition, .It is charged, applies with equal force on almost all tot the shfpmente made 'by the Standard OU company through ' the Chicago awltch Inc districts. Theae ahipmenta ' form ! the baala of the greater part of tha oil Imonopoly; - Z7-" , - WILL APPEAL THE - The jfew Telephone la not at tended with nerve-racking bells, long waiting. "Line's Busy' echoes, "Wrong Number" blun ders. No crude apparatus and un sightly batteries deface the walls and woodwork. Each aubacrlber has a main line. ' No "Leaky Party LJnea," Unlimited Service, no Slot Machines. Central Energy Syi- "Servfce Absclalely Secret" Application for Installation of the New Telephone ahould be promptly made, as there will be no unneceeaary delay In tendering the new service. ; v : The Home TelepaaOneCompsny I Office and Mala Saehaafe Fark and Bnrnaide. - BRUIN CASE Attorneya for Captain of De - tectives Will Carry Matter to -t . 8uprem Court. ; . .. , NEW TRIAL -WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR After Judgment la Entered Appeal to Supreme Court Will Be Immed- ; lately Prepared Brain Still Serrea ,ln Capacity ot CapUin. . An appeal to tha supreme court will be taken from the decision of Judge A, I Fraaer declaring that the exami nation held by the civil eervioe eommla- ston waa void when leea than 14 daya notice waa given, and ousting Patrick Bruin from his position aa captain of police. " . R. . W. Montague, ' associated ' with Thomaa G. Greene aa attorney for Bruin, announced yesterday afternoon that it Is their attention to take an appeal. When -Judge Fraaer announced hie de cision Attorneya Montague and Greene were allowed 10 days in which to move for a new trial. The 10 daya have paaaed and no motion haa been filed. . When Attorney Montague waa asked about It yesterday he said 'that a new trial would not be aaked for, -but , that findings would be agreed upon, and after the Judgment is entered an ap peal to the supreme court will be pre pared. - ' , Tbe eueter Judgment given against Captain Bruin was suspended during the 10 daya allowed for a motion for a new trlaL but became operative im mediately, on the . expiration of that time. Captain Bruin contlnuee to hold his position, having been appointed for a period of to days by the executive board last Tuesday. All the ether city employes who had been placed, in the Judge'a decision, on the list of Illegal appointees were also reappointed for to eaye at the earn a time with Captain Bruin. ' . The supreme court of Oregon haa never paaaed upon the queatlon of notice aa applied to civil aervlce examinations, out in a numoer of appeals from the no tions of ether bodlea It haa held that the failure to give tha full notloe tra- ecrlbee by law rendered the notice void. It lev not probable het the -Bral peal will be determined by the supreme court for some time. 4 Phrenology. ProfaaaAr n Ifirvla will lectures and free nubllo examinations for men. women and children on Mon day, Thuraday and Saturday evenings of this and next week at the Weatern Academy of Music- haiL Second and Morrison streets. The museum In the hall will be open free to visitors every afternoon except Sundays. Private J readings t rem 1 4 p. m, every after-. noon and every evening except evenings Os Sktt Week v' ey GENUINE SALE ' VALUES Commences Tomorrow. Five weeks ago we inaugurated this supreme value-giving event continuous have been our efforts In the offering of genuine . saie vaiues, ana we deserved success wmcn na maricea us progress from day to day up to tne present time nas thoroughly dem- . onstrated the appreciation of the many who have taken advantage of the unlimited opportunities here offered. Tomorrow this ' Seat sale commences and enters into its sixth week, and a glance at the few items which we have hurriedly, selected from this mense sale stock will prove that , thete liberal values are a repetition of those previously offered. As has been our rjolicv - throughout this sale, we,will make no exchanges on any articles selected from the sale stock, and we reserve the right to. I " '' ..."'". " deliver at our earliest convenience.';' - '-'r, . ; .. I SixtK .Week GENUINE . . SALE VALUES Commence Tomorrow I l 'a7 W :Ti I V T '"Jf, A. I I Tke Sale Stock IncluJes Many; Attractive ) Designs in Parlor Ijivinrbb $6.60 Parlor Table in the golden oak ; sale l " , price . . ... ;;.',.:.,;.. . , . ... ..$4.00 $8.00 , Chair in the antique oak ; sale ; price 'r;..;. ... . . . ', , . : i . . , . .5.75 ; $9.00 Reception or Desk Chair . in r the TZ golden oak sale-price .' . , .$6.00 $9.75 Chair in the mahogany finish; sale , ' . i' . price ' j .$6.00 $16.00 Parlor Chair m the mahogany ; sale price . . . , . . .". . . ... ...... . .$10.00 $28.00 Arm Chair in solid mahogany; sale price . i,'....... ..,$10.75 $80.00 Parlor Chair, in the crotch mahogany ; sale -price $16.00, Reception Chair in the'mahogany, '. seat and back upholstered in embossed leather ; : sale price. . ..'. . .V. $11.50 $23.00 I Reception; Xhait in mahogany, carved design, seat and back of em- - bossed leather; sale price. , ;.".$16.50 7 ' $30.00! Parlor Cabinet in the mahogany; sale price : .............. .'.$18.00 $37.50 Upholstered Divan in solid mahog any, inlaid with satinwood ; sale price ...........,.......$23.00 ;..T..T...7. . $19.75 $38.00 Arm Rocker in mahogany, upholstered in mo hair ; sale price. . ............... . . . J. . .$28.00 $40.00 Settee In solid mahogany," rush seat ; sale .' . price . . . . .......... . . .............. . .$29.75 $50.00 Solid Mahogany Arm Chair, equipped with j Y:: loose cushions of silk yelour r sale, price: .$35.00 $58.00 Divan in beautifully figured mahogany', up , holstered'in silk tapestry ; sale price, . : .$29.75 '$45.00. Mahogany; Arm Chair upholstered in em-"; bossed velour ; sale priced . . . ........ , . $35.00 . . $60.00 Divan in the crotch mahogany, upholstered . in silk tapestry ; sale-price . : . . . . . ; ; . .. . $39.00 : $70.00 Conversation Chair or Seat in 'mahogany; sale price .T. . . . .$40.00 . $118,00 Davenport in mahogany, carved desijn ; sale V price $80.00 PARLOR SUITES . $120.00. Three-Piece Mahogany Parlor Suite" in the Colonial design, upholstered in the haircloth ; sale ' P" ' .......... . .$85.00'' $345.00 Three-Piece Parlor Suite in the mahogany' ' richly carved Louis XV design ; sale V price . , .vr. v. . . . ..... ; .$245.00 ... $375.00 Five-PieceParlor Suite in mahogany, inlaid with satinwood, designed after Sheraton and up-; holstered in silk rhoire;sale price.... ..$240.00 Pieces for tke Hall AT THE REDUCED PRICES v . $26.00 Large-Hall Mirror In the weathered oak; sale price.'..'........ $16.75 $27.00 Larce Hall Mirror in polished quar ter-sawed golden oak; sale price $17.00, , $37.00 Hall Seat in polished -quarter-sawed ' ,( . golden oak ; sale price . ........ .$aS5.00 $58.00 Hall Seat and Wardrobe in polished - quarter-sawed golden oak ; -; " sale price . ; ... . $39.50 , $19.00 Hall Seat in the weathered oak; sale price ..$14.00 iX '-.V-" ' ' ----- rary' . AT REMOVAL SALE PRICES ' i ' ' ' , . ' . v . $5.60 Desk Chair in the golden oak; sale price................ $3.50 $16.00 Desk in the mahogany finish; sale price ..$10.75 $26.50 Desk in the mahogany; sale price $18.00 - $25 00 Llhrarv Table In richlv oollshed ouar- - ter-sawed golden oak; sale price $17.00 J $30.00 Bookcase ' In the - mahogany' finish ;" sale price ..$19.00 $35.00 Bookcase in the weathered oak ; sale price' .$22.75 ; $70.00 Round Library Table In beautilully . figured mahogany, richly carved andn- ished; sale price. .$50.00 .' $125.00 " Large . Hand-Carved Bookcase In : the oak, early English finish; sale price ................. ....$85.00 $250.00 Handsomely Carved Mahogany Bookcase in the Renaissance design; " " sale r price '- $175.00 $52.00 Large Library Table In the fumed oak, Mission design; sale price. .$39.00 , $195.00 Davenport In frame of solid ma- . . " hogany, equipped with loose cushions of 'best English Morocco leather; sale r price . 1 . .$98.00 $15.00 Round Table in the weathered oak ; sale price ....... ...... ..$9.50 RESTFUL , FOR PORCH AND 'LAWN . - AT " REMOVAL SALE PRICES- ' lziiy Pieces m Oil irieces in All Finislies :V:Y: FOR ALL PURPOSEis;"v-:V'' $4.00 Tabourettes in the golden oak ; sale price ..;... ....$2.75 $5.00 Tabourettes In the 'mahogany; sale: price .... I . , . . . ... . . . . . . , .$2.95 $6.00 Pedestals' in the . golden oak ; sale price ............... j.....,;.-. .$4.00 $8.00 Wicker Stools- in gold finish ; sale price . . . ...... ....... . . . .. . .... .$4.50 $8.00 Music Cabinets; m - the.'-, mahogany finish; sale price............. $4.90 $10.00 Cake or Muffin Table in the golden - oak; sale price.... ....i.'....;. $6.50 ' and vjratts A VARIETY OF PIECES TO SELECT FROM- $6.75 Mission Plate Rack in the weathered oak; sale price.". i$4.00 $7.00 Stools in the weathered oak ; sale price. ............ . .$3.95 : $7.00 Arm Chair in the weathered oak ; sale price; ; . . . . . . ,$5.00 $7.50 Weathered Oak Stand, top covered in leather; sale, priCC Na 4 e eeeeeeeeaeee ea e a f .t 4- 400 $8.50 Mission Arm Chair in the weathered oak, seat upholstered in leather; sale price. ......... $6.75 $8.50 Mission Rocker in the fumed oak, seat upholstered in leather; sale price .7.... $6.75 $9.00 Magazine' Rack in the weathered oak; sale price. ... .$6.00 $9.00 Chair in the weathered oak ; sale price. . . . -. . . , . . . .$6.00 $10.00 Chair in the weathered oak; sale price.; I.. ......... $6.75 $10.50 Mission Arm Chair in the weathered oak, seat upholstered in : leather ; sale price $8.50 $11.00 Mission Stand in the weathered oak; sale price...... .$4.50 $12.50 Arm Chair in the fumed oak, seat upholstered in leather; sale price '............... .$8.00 $14.00 Roman Chair in the weathered oak; sale price. ..... .$9.75 $14.50 Arm Chair in the fumed oak, seat upholstered in leather; sale price ...r.. .......$10.00 $15.50 Arm Rocker in the fumed oakr seat upholstered in leather ; - sale price . . . . . . .......... .... .'. ..$11.00 $20.00 Library Table in the weathered oak ; sale price... . .$15.00 . $23.00 Libriry Table in the fumed oak; sale price. . ... . . . .$16.50 $26.00 Folding Breakfast Table in the weathered oak ; sale price . ....... .$18.50 $27.00 Writing Desk in the fumed oak; sale price. ....... .$19.75 $34.00 Writing Desk in the fumed oak; sale price. .. .... .:$22.50 $48.00 Settee in the fumed oak, loose cushions of red leather ; sale price ........... .v.. ,...'...,...............$33.00 : $65.00 Large Mission Arm Chair in the weathered oak, loose cush- ' ions in Spanish leather; sale price.. .......',......$45.00 . Dming'Room Furniture ..$47.00 Buffet in the weathered oak; sale price.......;.... $33.00 .- $47.50 Sideboard in the golden oak; sale price............ $34.00 $50.00 China Closet in the weathered oak ; sale price. . . . . .$39.00 $52.50 China Closet in the weathered oak; sale price...... $40.00 $60.00 Sideboard in the golden oak; sale price.... ....... .$44.50 Stylist Bed room Pieces IN THE MOST POPULAR FINISHES - iron BEDS"-'. . ;-':: $10.50 Iron Bed in carmine, cream and gold; sale price v fS.25 ' $11.50 Iron Bed in green, cream and gold; also t in cream and gold; aale price. .f.i.....f T.OO $15.00 Iron Bed in the white enamel and brasi; aale price ................ C13.50 k BEDROOM CHAIRS : $8.50 Dressing Table Chair in the mahogany fin ish; sale price............ ........f B.Tft $975 - Bedroom -Chair- In the- mahogany finish; sale price ............................... 6.00 $14.(J0 Bedroom Chair in the mahogany: sale price f 9.75 $20.00 - price $20.00 price $21.00 WARDROBES Wardrobe in the , golden Wardrobe - in' the Wardrobe in the price . oak; sale f 15.00 golden oak; sale ..........f 16.00 golden oak; ' sale S11Q.50 a ae a a a a e CHIFFONIERS, DRESSERS AND -DRESSING TABLES $25.00 Chiffonier in the golden . oak; sale price . ...... , .........ai6.60 $30.00 Dressing Table" in the mahogany; sale price rrr.;".'. fsto.oo $32.50 Dressing Table in the mahognay; sale price . ............f 24.00 $36.00 Dresser in the mahogany: sale price .....f 29.0O FOLDING BEDS; $33.50 "Welch" Folding Bed .in the golden o guaranteed "National" spring'; sale price. 33. oak.. SO ft ' ' YOUil CREDIT I8C0C3 C0OPLETEH005EFORm5HEI?5l OUR. ENTIRE LINE OF CO-CAr.T AT ex puDiie lectures, , . .