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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
c:::i joxjz::.u ; or.TLAKD, suwday noninno. august b. kzz. rr J Yc;7Dac::J SUMMER RESORTS. feenal ' HkMrlWn aea lad Tbe fMflWl Ml at ImHi. l . BwMk Hi Uniat, A ncslar ee. tin SeliTwy win to auUatala.4. 0ee direst frtue .iu at Use sotnta ui to wlU etUad sreeisUy to - LOaS BIACXeie Cos. 'esavt t , btlinrHii st Ilwaee, Wash. De liwrr to ell p-'mw. e Ito to W. ML Whltmtl, MMII eeeeauanwiv at a oa.'a drujt nam. Or. Mirer? to ell eouu to ' be-t. . nwtoti Ain: tavitwa rwrj OlnlbiM, mw ' ageat Oervalli , Huun nilia4, uwt. HaeS--- nrMn M linnrW On aUvetT to 411 points on the beaaa. WILH01I 1PSIM0S X. W. TtoLarea, ' seat, Or. '' MOT LAKSV-H.i Lake eaiterisJ OA, eat. Hot Lake, Or. - ; CAASOir. WAIH. Miaaral Springs ax . tal C.. areata. CASOADg. . VAH-Ttota XeffetV COLiif MijrEjAt mpro. Witt 0. X. Seleser..- agent. MUM, Week. ' J A very pretty wedding took place last . night at Jhe home of Mr. R. Devlin At III Ivan atreet. Th contracting parties war Orover Ttchener, th well-known street contractor, and Anna B. Devlin. About to friends And relatives war la . attendance at tha eeremony And th elaborate feast which followed, nev; Harold Oberg of Trinity Methodist 'church performed th ceremony in th sally festooned parlor. Mrs. w. sian nine attended th bride and th bt . man waa Frank Jfohnaon. Tha happy couple, will leave thie morning for a month's trip to Saattl and to polnta In Montana, . , . ,' " It la to th Intareat of every eco Domical buyer to Investigate tha great barcalng of farad at John Dollar two storea. Ill-Ill First street and !- North Third street. Men' and youths' 115 and f 10 suits, elaaranca aala price 17.50, 110 and S1I.S0. Ladlee' 1 white Oxford, regular .0 grade, apaolal 11.10. A general Una of shoes, riot kid, patent leather And bog calf, Vorth 14 and IS. SDeclal 11.76. 12.50 and II .Men's underwear, overahlrta, hats and ' panta at one half their regular value, r '' Conclusion of th Holy Pentateuch, written on parchment In th original Hebrew, will tAka place In the syna gogue of the Congregation Shaarey Torah, Firat and Hall street, opposite th. Neighborhood nous toaay, torn menolng at I o'clock p. m. Prominent speakers will address those present All donations will bs used for ths acqui sition of Hebrew library for the syna gogue. ' , ; ' Free Days at Oaks. Ladles and chil dren at the Oake. Tueadaya and Thurs days ladles and children are admitted free of charge at main entrance of the Oaks park from II to o'clock p. m. " Every comfort, protection and attention shown. Picnic parties Invited. Re member the days. Swings, muslo. merry-go-round, bathing, etc D. C Freeman, Superintendent O. W. P. Park Depart- - ment ,tyi-,.:tl:T.4a .t--; ,;. 1. . At th Taylor Street Methodist church this evening, the Rev. Dr. F. J. Short will deliver an illustrated lecture. '"The -Paaalon Play., , using mor than 10 of th f lneat photographi views. - A lagge male chorua will lead in the singing of popular gospel hymns. Dr. t Short Tls- - fte Qbar-Ammergau 1n 100. "Watar-' through-no for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, mast be paid for in advance -And-used only between th hours or s and a. m. and I and p. mn-I'unuBt not be used for sprinkling streets. If usedjontrsry to .these rulesijorwaate fnlly. it will be shut oft w If you haven't tlm today, drop In tomorrow between 10 and I And hav A sitting.- Our studio is open at- th hour to aoeommodat the busy ones, and w guarantee our work first class. No solicitors employed. B. W. Moore, . expert photographer, Elks building. Seventh and Stark. , t The old and time-triad Phoenix of London. establlsbed-lTI!. with II 4.000, 000 capital, la paying San Frknolsoo losses dollar for dollar without discount. Ws would be pleased to hav soma of your insurance. Hall Van Frldagh, Agents, 44 and 45 Concord building. Tel ephone Main 017. '- Knock tha Filed. At A coat of half A eent a aay per neaa you can protect your horse snd cows from etc. Apply Child's 8o-Bos-8o" with a ' . rloth , Or sprsysr. Etslly and quickly done. 'Gives ths stock great comfort Sold at Portland Seed Co., Front and Yamhill streets. , s . Outings by trolley on O. W. P. today to Oregon City. Canemah Park. Greaham, II cents; all points eaat of Oreaham. to and Inoludlng Estacada, 50 rente round - trip." Cars with trailers leave Flrat And - Alder Street. Tickets must bs pur chased. On sal wslting-room. , i: ! Baseball today, p. m. ' " " . Pehlllera vs. Portland Trunk Co. -: Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Admis sion 15 cents, Including grandatand. Whit Temple Sunday, preaching T Rev. Frank Matthewe ' of Newton, "Sticklers for Qualltf! We display very largo assort ment of Diamonds and other prtcloua. atonA Ws sell theee gems at our well-known modeet rortees. snd' now thAt.w ar somewhat -"bottled up.", so to spesk, on account of th ereotlon of a I0-sf,orr iteel building nekt IVe Are Offering an Extra Discount To persons who dross th streot snd trad wita us, This discount will "go" - for th nit thr months, Anyway. ".' XShQ : t: G.HeitkemperCo. . MS MOaUUSO 8. Xowase-F-rlsed Jewelry Bona ' ., for Fins oods." - Clin wetk it wca't be less tclcre you ttIU hv tssi:;1!! to raske ra ia- v;tment. Utybt you will wxnt to buy lot or go lato business. When that time comes our advice Is yours' for the asking. - -. ; . WE PAY - ' . .INTEREST SIXTH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. .. Portland, Or -. Ws H. MOORE. President B. tH L.TTLE, Vloe-Presldent W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. Massachusetts. Morning subject "Ths Ministry or vision"; evening, i ne Happiest People in tha World." All visi tors welcome to th short, ' attractive summer ssrvlees. . , Everybody in town and his brother seemed to hav bualnea down town laat night AU th atreets In th buainess district were crowded until a' late hour with people, who eibowd each other to their hearts' content ' Boms appeared to hav nothing more to do than stroll idly about peering at window display and blocking up the sidewalk, so that those wne war In a hurry had to dodge about and go out into the street to pass, or wait until th crowd had moved on. A buainess man hurrying to keep ant ap pointment rushed up behind five girls who were (trolling carelessly along walking abreast on tha. aidewalkv and while he waited (or them to pass ths open trap door of a baaement muttered curses on any one who would obstruct the sidewalks In such a manner when there wertfSuaoal abroad who war la a hurry to get somewhere. But in gen eral the crowd waa good natured. Andrew Ingermhn, th lineman killed at Walla Walla yesterday morning, was one of ths best-known telephone line men In Oregon. For a number of yesrs he was employed by th Pacific States Telephone company and for a tlm was a special agent of the company. He was thoroughly experienced in every branch of wire work and those who know him were greatly surprised yes terday to learn that he bad mad a slip which caused his death. Falling upon a 11 v wire he waa burned to death be fore his body-could be taken down. A largely attended gathering at a pic nic of tn members Of Portland aaaem bly No. II of the Americana was. held St Steel .lnn yesterday-afternoon. The boat W. O. Steel, a member of th as sembly, had extended sn Invitation to th members, which was aooepted to a man. Tables were constructed on the grounds, on whtoh dinner was spread from th basket brought by th pic nickers. Music, song and recitations war Indulged in during th evening. The grounds were illuminated with Chi nese lanterns. A big oampflr was an enjoyable feature. .' t, Vacation - Notice. Th Oregon Trust At Savings Bank has a large firs snd burglar proof storage safe depoalfvauit where yoa ean store your trunks, silver ware and valuable for th summer, at reasonable rates. Sixth and Wash ington streets.., ' , - River Trip ' Today. Try a ' trip tip th Columbia to Casoad Locks and. return on steamer Ballsy Qatssrt Leaves Alder street dock I cents. Far tl. Phone, Main H- Randall I Hall. Daniel J. Qutmby and John C Qatska, appraisers of the estats of James W. Clunla, have filed a report in the county court, ahowlng that tha property vaiuef at 111,141. f Now is ths tims to arrange a trip to your old horn in th eaat Reduced rat tickets on sals August T, I and I. For particulars call at .Chicago, ' Mil waukee at St Paul railway ofOo, 114 Third street x Insurance. Young man with 10 years' experience in general - Insurano bual- Iteaa Is Open- for position, with Oppor tunity 'Tor advancement, with reliable insurano or banking form. E II, oar Journal. . .. ; ,'..,.' - Oregon City Boats Sunday river ex cursion from Taylor street dock, leaves 1:10, 11:10 s. tn., 1:10 p. m. Last trip from Oregon City 1:10. Show your friends the river. J So round trip, v , . ' Talsr wlU 'remind you that now Is th trim to havs your hair mattress reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474. The PorUand Curled Hair Faetory, K. Metiger, proprietor. , , ' . s -. !"' . How to Reach the Farmer. Send for Keaton'a Rural Directory; 110 rural de livery routes, with 11,000 correct names. Rural Directory company, 104 Ablngtoa building, Portland, Oregon. - Buy your newspapers, - your maga- sines, your clgara. from Carl Jonea. 175 Washington, corner Fourtn. Drop in and w will tell you "why." . Do it to day. Now. Baseball today. I p m. . Jr ', . i'... sWhlllere ve. PorUand Trunk Co. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Admis sion It cents, Including grandstand. . Lannche to th Oaks every few tnio- utea every evening from Favorite Boat ing onmpany's. south' sid bridge, foot Morrison street . . . - nance. Caaemah Park Sunday! after noon end evening! prise rwalta; Ford's orchestra. Admission l oonta. ladles ft. '- 1 HorseS Wanted. From n to six tesms, weighing 1.100 or 1,00 pounds. Address A It. ear Journal, - - ; . CasUe Edel Bran Tavern. Twelve miles out Cool grove. . French chef. Huf eed. Com today ',, . . '. Acme Oil Co. sells th best safety coal oil and fins gasoline. Pbon Eaat fit. For Quality, Quantity and Quietness, go te Moms' reeuurant. . , i 6. M. Bliss, driver f ehemleej en gine No;-1, reported to thr police 1t aight laat iav atuaptUis ta boasi a V i r Lofting Locomdtiv for the Oak Point Piling ft Lumbar Company, bein g tranafarred by the O. R. ft N. Com pany's new steel derrick, from a freight car to a staamboat, at the Albina dock. The engine weight 22 tons, and the derrick could, pick op two of the alee..:- - - V ; . . ARE DEPRIVED OF CAR SERVICE Abandonment of Old Vancouver Lin Works Hardship on On Hundred Families. PfOPLE'MUST WALK ; MILE TO GET CAR Men Who Bought Property in Dis trict Because of Car Service Now ' Find Themselves Shot Off From City and Muat Seak Remedy. .. Bast Sid Sepecmsart. ' Th abandonment of. th old - Van eouver car Una July 1. when oars began running over th new line to H haw's Island, deprived from It to 100 families living- on Columbia Douievara in too neighborhood of Farrell'a crossing of streetcar faollltlas. From . Farrell'a crossing to-Woodlawn, the nearest oar Station, Is about '.half a mile. Ther is neither sidewalk nor roaa leaaing irora that part of the boulevard to Woodlawn. ' D. O. Stephens, an old resident on the boulevard and a wvu-knowa , rruit grower, in discussing ths matter yeeter Sat said! ' -- ' - "Half a hundred families containing scores of school children, men whose work is in ths city and girls employed in stores and onices7ar "compelled-to walk from half a mile to a mile to reaen a streetcar, all because our ear line from Farrell's crossing on. tha Colum bia boulevard to Woodlawn haa been abandoned. . For years th rsidents-on the-Vancouver line beyond Woodlawn have had a 10-minttte oar service. It had beeome a necessity. Many home Seeker cam to this part of the pen insula because land was cheap and a good car service was maintained, bought property built houses and established homes. . Borne of these People will be compelled to sell their property, if they can, and seek a new location near a oar Uns. -.;. "A lart amount of property was bought In this locality cua of its proximity to a car una; tne car line cava' it value: now a part of ita value is taken away. A. aerloua Injustlto haa been don." ' It Is probable that an effort will be made to induce the Portland railway ffleiale to have a car run from Wood lawn to Farrell's crossing snd return ones an hour. By this means a con alderable auturben population will be provided for, on Columbia alough near the old ferry landing, wno nave always had Access to the streetcars, but who are now completely cut off. There Is said to be much dissatisfaction among the residents along ths old line from Woodlawn to the Columbia river be cause of the abandonment of the line. Councilman Vaughn aays that aorae con certed effort muat be made to hav th street railway restore in a measurs car service on that Una, or at least on a part of It .,.'..''' The residents of Woodlawn. Highland and Piedmont are anxious to have th city inaugurate a more vigorous policy of strset improvement, especially street grading. In that locality. It is claimed that that portion of th elty has had less attention from th elty engineer's offlo In th past two or thr year than sny othsr section.. Several streets east and parallel with Union avenue, though fairly wU built tin are but little more than opened. A number of the streets north Of Highland and on the west aids or ana crossing Union avenue ar - entirely without improvements of sny kind. Ths neonle of that section ar especially snxlous thst these streets be. graded, in view of th fset that ths big water main from Mount Tabor to Highland is Hear ing completion. It la understood that th water board will not permit mains to b lftM on ungraded streets. .Thee auburbs have' Just gone through with a water fsmln lasting assrtf two months and If grading their atreets will Vancouver e at th west and of ths steel brldg h waa knocked down and considerably bruised. Bliss alleges that he motion to tho motorman to stop, bur TiiT TforT' W Triede to check the aoeed of th car,' which Is claimed to hav been traveling at th rats of 10 miles an hour. Bliss Is -considerably sggrlsved over th matter, and signi fied his intention of swearing to a eom- Slalnt against th motorman on Mou sy. ; : v. ; T. Woostereeii everything 401 Wash ington treet , Panama tar, 111 4th. Phon Pact 07. ; Rosenthal sisters, lot Seventh street Rental Signs, Anslsy Printing Oo. ' Milwaukle Country Club. astsrn and Seattle races. ' Tak lollwood and Oregon City ear at First ' A 17- - T CAPTAIN BUNDY. ROGUES' GALLERY AT. HIS-BATHS That Captain Tbomaa Bundy, th genial proprietor of th Neptune baths. Is-not A firm believer tn the efficacy of th juvenile court to oorreot th criminal tendencies of 'young America la evidenced by the unique method he has adopted to punish lads guilty of ths theft of bathing suite from his es tablishment; ','-.' Having suffered considerable annoy ance recently by the disappearance of quit a number of bathing Suit. Bundy determined - to make an - Inveatlgatlon. Several nights ago he discovered A crowd of youngsters swimming in ths river below his bathing resort and noted that several of the boys wore suits sus Dtolously like those belonging to th bath A Further-Investigation confirmed his suspicions snd while ths lads were disporting themselves tn ths water It is understood that Bundy swooped down on their clothes and carried away th wearing apparel. : " s Imagine the discomfiture of th youths when, upon emerging from their LOCAL CLUB WOMEN FIGHT OFF PEEK-A-BOO ''r v A majority of Portland -club-women, while taking A lively intereat in tha question of tha peek-A-boo waist, ap pear to believe tbat it is useless to agi tate ths question, ss In sll cases It would ultimately hav to be eetUed by tho Individual woman. A few had never given it a thought some were tnolined to think thst It Is an unnecessary discussion, as they person ally had never seen on of these wslsts. On prominent elub women has ssld there was A certain delicacy In discuss ing ths matter, and that It would be bet ter to leave tire question entirely alone, but Mrs. Elisabeth Craig, president of th Daughters of th Confederacy, aald that shs thought that th thin lingerie prevent th recurrence of auoh a trouble they wui see tnat me worn is son. - Councilman King and Raser - of St John say that they . do not Intend to be driven from their position on ths telephone franchise question by th aotlvttie of th Agents of th tele phone oompeny in securing signatures to a petition, ssklng - tha eounoll to grant th franohls as th telephone company asked for It Mayor Valen tine say a that ho was elected upon a platform distinctly declaring that Ade quate compensation shall be paid to the city .for all publlo aervloe franchisee granted by th council, and that hs oroposes to carry out nis pre-eieouoo promt. ' It I said that ther are other members of the council who feel as do ths mayor And Messrs, King and cAmerican oo: AJT0 oovox osnur sat ass t. . otr. ' blekea with SUoe. Silos Tomatoes 10 SUeed encumber .10 Sot sous tevtcnoa 104 Obiakeei Salad. Mayoaaaia Bresatng ZOf res smelts , ir Fried SMasog OlAms ........ ..15 Ftisd Salmon Steak ..15 BoUed Xallbnt, Oape Sanoe..i.,,.16 Flokled Xottaad Xaerlng. .15 atatf Oraokoa Otnb, Cold aUaw 16 BOIU!J. OS Tongns, txorse Xadtab. 80 ' irraiiA . -Oaloksa Fot Fie wu DAmpUsg..SB SauUl TeadeeiolA itseAW-.- -- m U BoriAis as b Chops reAa, Tomaeo Baa ......... .29 OraTa. a U VsWrarg ...HA Teal XVf wltk Onrvamt gaily 20 Short mibe of Beef, Mesa r SO OoU Sptoed TeeX Flokled es.,..15 OolA OovneA'sUeiV FoSatO Salad I5e Staffed SeU Feppers.. ...20 Obil eoa Oarae ...........16 swats of Teal KlAaeys an .. .16 Seeg Stew wttk eretaMaa 16 .,..15 OoABsk aallav tar sags rAvy 16 SUlf Sprlag Oklokou on roast.. ..AO Orsag FntSera, Bstamdy Saoo. .. . .16 OrsAg Frtstsra. BraaAy Baooa, aide ejrdov ri .rr-.-.... gA Boast prtn7 Iab, BQat Saaoo, Crswan Fees t$ Boaart Obike wltk BreslaT....,55 BoAst Fork wish BreawlaaT ..r-16 BQArt Teal wit Pmalig.. 16 prassisg io BAAt Boot with ran re.vy 16 Oelery lOe, tee OreaeA. 10 Flokled BeeW to, Watermelon 5 OaatalOAp r lO Bread as Bates, Fieaiias AAA voir SlAtog fog I x I S ESTABLISHES aquAtlo ' diversion. they were clothes. ' Consternation reigned In th ranks of ths youngstsrs and after a consultation they decided to-beard Oi lion In his den. Accordingly, wet snd dripping, they marched to the bath end sought out Captain Bundy tn his office, AU of thoae not wearing a bathing suit marked "Neptune" were given their clothes and allowed to go. The others, however, did not eonp so fortunately. No. th oollo ware not summoned and th lads were not locked up In tho city prison, . Instead, th services of a photographer were - enlisted and every boy who was found to b Illegitimately In possession of a Suit wss photo graphed. Bundy has established a Ju venile rogues' gallery In opposition te th polio and th likeness of vry youth guilty of purloining a bathing suit ooouptes a prominent plaoa ta ths gallery. - - 1 This method of punishment omblned with ejectment from th baths Is prov ing quit auocessrui. WAIST DISCUSSION waist were-pretty and modeet when worn over A silk undersllp. She strong ly disapproved of then if worn other wise. -I do think." sAld Mrs. OreJg. "that it la A Question for ths elub women to take up, and I for one approve of th attitude taken in th matter by tha W. C..T. V. I would not allow on of my daughter to wear one of these waists, and would take a great inUreet In their suppres sion. . Ths W. C T. V. of Lo Angeles haa officially disapproved of the peek-a-boo. and Mra. Luola Faxon Addlton, stat oresldent of the organisation for Wash' ington, oharaotsrlsa th costume as "ridiculous." fteear In relation to this franohls. It is admitted- that nearly every busi ness man in town hss signed ths com pany's petition asking ths aounell to pees th franchise ordinance substan tially an drawn by the company's at torney. Those who signed th petition claim that th telephon servioe la ao bad that they were Justified In doing anything tnat promisea rener, Whit th tight first csm up between th eounoll and th telephone company ver th ompnaation feature of the franchise, the cltisens loyally support ed the council. But it Is said that th telephon subscribers have been made to feel keenly the neoeealty of an Im proved eervlce, which was promised by th company la th event It got the franchise It wanted. Cltisen W. 1 Thomdyke says that hs la the only man la SW Johne who Is entirely satisfied with the service), snd that hs Is satisfied only becau be find every one else dissatisfied. It Is vidnt thst A hot tight is sched uled for nest Tuesday's oourfcll meet ing, when ths franohls question will again be ths main issue. Cement sidewalks or fir board walk ings Is a question that Is furnishing more or lee food for controversy in St V Johns. All ths improvement ordi nance so far adopted by the council call for two-inch fir board in building Idewalks, but an effort is to be made te nave tn sioewsiss in mo business cart of town and those of the principal residence streets laid with cement Itl la pointed out that, considering ths rife of fir boards, wnen usea ror siaewsiss, cement Is ths cheaper material, not withstanding Ita preeent high prloe PRESBYTERIAN BOYS . WILL GO INTQ CAMP (Speetal tnspatca te The Jenraal) ' Eugene, Or., Aug. 4. About tt mem bers of ths Presbyterian- Boys' brlgads Sf this city Will leave . her Monday morning for Triangle lake, about tt miles wsst ef Eugene, on A 1 0-day s' Outing. They will tak th train ta Junction City and marsh th remainder of the distance. About tt miles. The boy rang In ag from It to It yar They will be In charge of Captain H. K. Shirk jndJlvUft-KuJ9l BOISE SHEEP KING TO ' ' MOVE TO PENDLETON ' (Seeelat Meoeteh te Tee Jeareel.) -Pendleton, Or., Aug.- 4. Mont B. Owlnn of Idaho, th big sheepman, has purchased t. A. Boris's stock In ths Pen dleton Savings bank, and will be actively connected with th bank her in th fu tur. He will mak his home In this city. Ho te well known In tho norlav west and ha large holdings In Idaho, He believes VroAtUlA county has A good future. .,. p . Addle ke s. Edward Addloks, ths "down-and- out" Republican leader ef Delaware, an nounces that h will tand to eensTAss the JtsvasAsea eieouoa. LET US SET IT IiTYCUH Z"2 " ' IS DOWN AMD IS A IICUTI V , ii. -a ' 1 i -i - , ' ,. ' '::A 6 tA :LAA!r J J-sss!) A'. W must kep things moving. - Our new retail ttore wS not be reopened until fall. Carloada of fine piaaoe are : ' .arriving dally from our eaittra factories. )n ordar not to congest oar vholctale warahoute at Thirteenth and Northrop streets, and avoid tha nscessity of securing an other warehouse at a great expense, we will tell these beautiful, brand-new pianos at , - ACTUAL WKCUS ALE CC3T AKD LK3- ' AT TERMS LESS THAN RENTING' - . r' ' This It a plain statement of facts. You know aUtameafs 'and claims often look different when stood la a row with downright facta. There are many dealers in thle country, even the "tackiest" little fake branch affairs, that wilt , Mid.Prbapt in. food iaitlv toorrclaim to aaU you chsapaf -than, any one else can possibly hope to do. It is a well known fact that even under ordinary conditions and cir ' cumstancet Eilert Piano House has always sold tha same style, grade and quality of piano for one third lata money ; ' than any other dealer. ' For this reason tha advent of re . tailing tine, brand-new pianos at wholesale cost and leae is of unusual importance and significance, and doa't for get that they can b purchased at the easiest terms of $5 down and $S a month. EILERS PIANO HOUSE The House of Highest Quality and Lowest Prices." I SSS-SSI WASHINGTON STREET. '' Money for "First Reward. . .$25.00 Second Reward . . .1)20.00 Third Reward, i.f 15.00 ; Fourth Reward. : .f 10.00 Fifth Reward . . . 9750 Extra Rewards . . e e . . . These Rewards wffl be paid The New Paper Left it Your Homea YesterdaT 412 mm DiEDKG : ; Third and Washington 8ts. Nothing to SeU No Subscriptions to Oet ' ' Coma to Sea Us Monday and Leant All About It mi'""M OUEEN CITY HRE INSURANCE e COMPANY Of SIOUX tALLfl, . k a -' Aa a. ejaseast A eBbSSBi AAWATI WMM-m awy o San Francisco Disaster ! ke "Oassb OMry" aas smsWined Vba "Owsas Oity Is pajruag 100 h kwvee Mswoa ef the loewes is being B4A aa iass as) pveeee an ! CRONAN a Acnts for the Stati f Ortion A VAOTOBT BBXOBS DO WOT FAIL TO BEf V BEFORE ' BUTIWa WE CAN aAVX TOW . .. , MONEY.; ; Manufacturers9. ; Piano Co. : rmanvmxex , w. axb. Sol agents - SOHMXK. HBCKBB, LAKEStDS) sa4 CeoUlAai aarfeeA BIaa lAyea, 4 the Children Sixth Reward., . .)7X0 Seventh Reward. . . . 97.50 ' Eighth Reward. ; . .5.00 ' Ninth Reward . .$5.00 - Tenth Reward.". . .$5.CO $57.50 to the) children of Portland Htott A SOUTH DAKOTA j eaejsaWa'eBe Si SBBsBsBSb1 ' 'i' ' Wl aMf JIga. , . a laige lee. la Sa good by tree heavy stoek isjsairasssit of Ae arlgtsai sioekAoldeew at the as ea ta aoBaa kavo already McARTHUR 205-237 Vszitt U&iZU CiJ. North PccificCol!:C: of Dentistry - One of tha largeet and best aejule Institution of Its kind In . the .re West No dental school ean boast ef a better force of sseclallv trained teach ers, who devot their entire tlm ia tna Interest of th atudentA The.oUnlce ar unsurpAsaod. betas tn dkoeea of th need of th etodente, Th annual eesslnn begin Ootobev L For Information and illustrated catalog address ths dean, ; DR. HERBERT (X MILUBR, . Portland, Orgo. K Tha aid and triad Fmor-i3 r T BOB, eetabllshed 7lt, with ..,. sapital. is paying San rraec.- I ' doUsr for dollar without d r-eoort would be pleased t havs ' : Insurance. - - iidi & vo r. : ' --' ' J ! mmm f .) r