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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
C CJ , ZW Jw!AL, rC-. . O, , CU1.DAV I.C AUGU2.T 0, lii HIS PALiGE Emperor Living the Ufs of 'a J Country Gentleman In i' - Peaceful Seclusion. - ALL LETTERS INTERCEPTED AND READ BY TREPOFF Fake Daily Paper Za Published for Monarch's Benefit Ready to Flee - From, the Empire at .aLlioment'a T Notice.'' - " r' '. ' -v:' .V-- r (Special Dtaeatefc by Lmh4 Wire te The Joeraal) Chicago, Aug. 4. William B. Ctft-tls, writing to the Record-Herald fronv St. Pstersburg; says: . .Th csar 1 virtually a prisoner In a pretty rill surrounded by a beautiful forest at Peterhof, about II miles from tba capital, where Patar tba Great vaad to apand bla Idle hours, and wbara bis suocaaaora hava lived In splendor. Am baaaador Meyar describes his Ufa there as that 01 a country gentleman., im villa la comparatively small and Nich olas II la seeking domestic happiness with bla wife and children, to whom ha la devoted, although we cannot Imagine him aa having much peace of mind un der the circumstances. , General Trepof f, commander of the palace guards, notorious for his deter initiation and the horrible atrocities that have been committed under his orders, lives hi the villa with the Imperial family, sad la supposed to be there for the purpose of protecting the life of his master, but his constant, surveillance over the emperor and every one wbo visits him is ascribed to another motive. It is asserted that Trepoff not only reads all the czar's letters, but Inter cepta thoae which ho does not wish bis majesty to sea. He also Is accused of preventing Information from . reaching the csar which might affect his policy or his good opinion of his present ad visers. .t. . ; v : '--"''' Special Ball Paps . A dally paper la published for his majesty's benefit, an Ingenious device to keep the regular papers out of bis hands. . In order to save him time and trouble, wblon Is sn excellent pretest, three or four experienced men. em ployed by Trepoff as editors, read the morning papers of St. Petersburg and other Russian cities and several French, German and English journals for him. clipping such srtlcles ss It is consid ered advisable for him to sea. These are reprinted on a sheet of convenient stse and laid upon his majesty's desk svery morning. . Ten or , twelve other copies are printed for the use of the grand dukes and other members of the court) who are too busy or too lasy to read the newspapers for themeelvea. Is this , wsy Trepoff prevents his lm-' perlsl msster from being prejudiced agalnat his own policy, for , you - msy be surs the clipping is done with great care, and he never reads anything that Is- net proper-for him to The csar told a recant American vis iter that ho read nine newspapers' ev- ery day. and that is tna way no poes 4 It,- !.?' ' '-. i i -. ' - ' y Ten er, 11 acres of beautiful forest are enclosed by a high yellow fence, to el(Wl SB ass vvaar vus W" v p erwp vavwvBjT m luaranuuN um.m own evtout wwva ike amsfflsks. a them -flaws At the Attinmw flf th nisht. on or in otnar. u always on ' whiU In tb barracks, a mil or two dts- ,, aVeiaaBj C.OII 3V14lSWVva JJ fMVUVI WMW mrmr- tween s.000 and T.000 men, cavalry, In- fantry and artillery. It was In those Darraoaa am wu nur vwui.wu . other day In the regiment of Imperial 1 guards of which the csar la honorary eoioneL The press dispatches hava told Within the tncloeure his majesty id attended by none but Tartar servants, ' who ars selected because they are con' sldered perfectly reliable. It la a re- msrkable anomaly that the head of the Orthodox Greek church should employ none but Mohammedans In his house- ' - hold because he cannot trust Christians. Priests of the Orthodox Greek church ' teach that revolutionary sentiments ars m heinous aln because the csar la the -, chosen of ths Lord, and his vice-regent. O' far as ths Greek church Is con' - corned, on the earth, but. nevertheless, he la afraid to emnlov members of his awn church In hie family. Tartar ser vants, however, are mora popular every - where than Russian, because they are '- snore reliable, sod they do not drink or - etesX - . Vom At Admitted. Ha person Is sdmlttsd at ths gate ex cept those who are known to the officers of the guard, members .of ths Imperial family, cabinet ministers and ether who have the right of access to his msjesty. Other people must obtain permission to visit mm oeiore leavina ou ruiemuuri, - find will be notified whst train to tske. There Is a train nearly every hour back and fourth, for Peterhof Is on a Una that skirts ths shores of. ths Baltlo sea ana reaones -hi most popular suournan towns and capital. Guests are met at the station by one of the Imperial carriages an ara driven direct! v to the villa. Ths - members of the ministry come once a week, bunging portroiios contain ing papers for his majesty to eaamlne'. . ThMA am IS nlnlatap. oh.u m quire them to see his majesty frequently and each hss his particular time for - coming, while cabinet meetings, councils SHreve & Company have on , tale their usual templet l-ek DIAMOND and COLD JEWELRY. WATCHES SILVERWARE. CLASS WARE' ETC.. AT Poet St re ej and Grant Avenue end 2429 Jackson Street San Frsnclico Prompt and cartful attent ion given to correspondence i - d consultations ax frequently. be' 1. 1 he oaar Insists upon detail, which la evldaacs of a narrow mind. . Not long aero an American gentleman was em ployed to set for ths Russian government in' a financial transaction, and when he finished the business be presented a bill of ' expenses; ' Even that had to go to the csar,-who required' an explanation of every Item before he would approve It beads Besses JVlfe. Last week a gentleman wbo has been in the employ of the treasury depart ment for nearly 40 . years prepared a 'financial statement, showing a compari son between the condition of the treas ury at present and - for several years past When ths minister of finance submitted this memorandum bis majesty occupied an hour or more In a critical examination of It, and then asked to nave me man wbo prepared It sen! to Peterhof la order that be might further queetlona as to details. The other day he received a printed statement of th earnings snd expenses or tna oreat Siberian railroad the ordi nary report issued to the publlo svery tnree months. - Ths minister who -car ried It to him had many Important mst ters to report, but his msjesty oeoupled ths ' entire - morning In discussing ths condition of ths railroad. In- neither of thess cases did hs disapprove the actiona of his minister, or show official concern. - He seemed to be Actuated ' by curiosity .'more than any other motive. and I am told tnat it Is always that hs wastes his tlms In th consid eration and discussion of trifling mat ters while problems of vital Importance are ignored or postponed. ' Nearly every pleasant evening he takes a drive with his 'wife and chil dren through the park at Peterhof at tended by a guard of Cossacks. Like President Roosevelt, he plays tennis In the afternoons. Hs rides a bicycle around his grounds snd often goes out with his children on their ponies. His fondness for his children Is one of his redeeming traits y although his minis ters often complain that ths time he spends with them is stolen from, more Important ' duties. They occupy time and attention which should be given to state affaire. He leads a very domestlo life; he does not seem to take pleasure In anything but his family sffslrs, snd Is natsTally of a retiring disposition. These traits, his critics, say, may be commendable in an ordinary cltisen, but an emperor has more serious rssponsl bUlUss. , . always Beady to Bsoape. V ' X long pier extends from the thres hold of ths Imperial villa to deep water In the bay, where one of the two Impe rial yachts Is si ways lying as a measure of safety, so that. In case of an emer gency, his majesty may take the em press and hsr children to sea. Stock holm, Copenhagen. - Kiel and ' other friendly porta are within convenient dis tance. This is, however, a rather un dignified situation for an autocrat and a despot, being si ways reeqy to-escsps from his, own subjects. Steam . never ceases to Issue from -the waats ' pipes of the Imperial yacht; there-is always a eurl of smoks rising from ths stack; ths fires are never extinguished. v i Ths csar hss been In 8L Petersburg, ths capital. , but once slnos hs drovs from ths winter palace In a closed car riage through ths dark streets on ths svenlng of January t, 1906. more then a year and a half ago. A few hours before, when he was officiating at th annual ceremony of blessing the wsters or the Neva river, a charge of .grape shot was accidentally lt is said) fired' at him from .one of the guns of ths ' saluting battery. , The shots fell like a shower of lead among the high offi cials, grand duksa snd members of th Imperial v femfly who-surrounded him. and tor out a dossa or more windows la th winter palace. The officers and men' who were responsible for th o-eMsnt"wr- punished for their care lessness, and at present ars serving at some dismal and distant military post. 1 fUbwrtsv..'- -.-v . y . -' ''Osas sTot ta Danger.-' ' ' ' ' The esar Is not la danger .exoept from soms orasy fellow like the man who threw th bomb at- th wedding party in Madrid. His life Is not threatened. Ths terrorists always send notices to thoss whom thsy Intend . to destroy they warn them Invariably when the death sentenoe hss been pronounced upon them, snd usually advise them of the reason, but I sm told that during all th disturbances thst hsvs distracted Russia of 1st yeare Nicholas II hss never received a. warning. No mysterl ous letters hava ever been found under his pillow, or on his desk In the office, ss was so frequently the csss with his fathar. It was believed that most of these threats cams from members of ths secret police, for ths purpose of keep ing the emperor la a state of anxiety and to Impress upon him a due sens of ths necessity of continuing tholr sm' ployment. However that may have been, Nicholas II has been free from such terrors, snd all parties. Including ths revolutionists, are united In the opin ion thst they can deal Aetter with aim then with any other man who could pos sibly coma to th throne of Russia. If hs were klUed the Grand Duke Vladimir. his ancle, would undoubtedly be ap pointed regent until Alexis, the babH heir apparent, who will be 1 years old In August, comes of sge. Ths. cssr hss five children, aa follows: Olga. born November is, lift, ' Tatlana, bora May t, IttT. Marie, born June. 14, lilt. Anastssla, bora June (, 1(01. -Alexis, born August II. 1(04. Vladimir would be a difficult person to deal with If ' he should corns Into power. He Is probably , th most re actionary and brutal of all,-ths grand dukes. Hence It Is for the Interest of all liberal thinkers of sll ths oppo nents of ths autocracy, and of every one who Is concerned- for the welfare of Russia, -to protect the life of the csar. r- UiilUlt LUES TO iO LEPERS Niece of Secretary Long Heeds ' Call of Love Six Thousand Miles Away. TRAVELS TO MARRY DOCTOR AT MALAKAI Heiress Gives Up Home and Friend to .Aid the .'Prospective :. Groom in Search (or a Cure for preaded ' Scourge.' V '. ..... '.. THAW'S MOTHER . (Continued from Pare One.) Thaw's sister, who, on her return from Europe -kept s wsy. from ths prisoner. now is one or his most regulsr visitors. She watches over th heslth of her mother, driving over to , and from the Carnegie home at Roalyn, Long Island, when It is necessary for hsr t visit-the city. -' . Clifford W. Hartrldge. Thaw's chief counsel, although little known to the criminal bar, seems to be - handling Thaws case with considerable skill. He s a young southerner of powerful build. run or determination which the serious ness snd difficulty of ths task of secur- tmr an acqulttal-hss- not eseakenedi He took a atand today that brought relief to many clubmen who were friends of Stsnfcrd Whit and who had attended the studio revels for which ths set was famous.' ' He has decided that there will be no promiscuous fraud slinging" and that there v111 be no effort to blacken White's character by bringing up mat ters thst hsvs no direct bearing oa the csss, , ..- T M9Ta Diatrlo. .' ' Tre1il rnatr te THa Jamil V - r ' Pendleton. Or.,. Aug. 4. Some excite ment prevails In Pendleton ever th fact that DTODertr-ownera who live nru the heart of the city, are' signing a protest to be presented to th next meeting of ths council for Its removal from the city limits. If th council does 'not take favorable aotlott In the matter the property-owners have arranged - to re tain Attorney 8. A. Lowell and the mat ter jrlu ke taken ap aadsr the gut law. : v ' r - ' (special IMseetek by Leased Whs te Tee Joe reel) .Boston, Mass., Aug. 4. Nellie White, niece of ex-Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, has heard ths call of love from ,400 miles across ths Pacific. Heiress of the late millionaire. Nelson D. Whits, snd a girl who baa poured tea In the highest - social circles of Massachusetts snd hsr native town of Wlnchendon, Miss White Is on her way to join bar fiance. Dr. Water R. Brlnckerhoff, who la de voting; his life to the leper colony at Malakal la an- attempt to discover a remedy for the disease which makes Its victims, the outcasts of ths world. .'' svos'lUf work. Robert Louis Stevenson once spoke of ths leper sanitarium as "a pitiful place to visit and a hell to stay In." It la In dead a most unattractive place, a dismal prison,, with only a vlsw of ths broad ocean expanae to relieve Its horrors. Yet this prospect hss not dismayed the brave young American KM and her courageoua husband-to-be. Dr. Brlnck erhoff Is convlnoed that a cur can be found for leprosy and th girl who loves him hss agreed that they shall devote the next few yesrs of their life to an earnest and untiring effort to find It. . The two young people met last Christ mas In Washington, and a society ac quaintance soon developed Into love. The doctor. . who wss a Harvard honor man, said that hs waa going to Hawaii .to beoom a director of the United States leprosarium. Mlaa White said that aha had been there one and would like to go again. Having a sister, Mrs. James B. Castle, In Honolulu, Mlsa White soon made her promised visit and met Dr. Brlnckerhoff again. Then she decided to marry, him. and, if present plana be carried out, the wedding will take place about ths Xlrst of September.. . . , . Bene f ths Swwa. In Wlnchedon. when a little arlrL Miss Whits wss ths belle of her town. Her father, an extremely rich man, gav her everything that shs wanted. Th mag nificent home of the White family, which was called Marchmont, stood on the summit of - a hill, entirely sur rounded by a primeval pin grove. ' In the time of McKlnley, when James B. Castle wss a representative abroad. Miss Whits toured Europe from Russia to Sicily. Later, shs spent a year in Washington. . Dr. Brlnckerhoff waa not rich, but hs waa most highly thought of by his In structors la the Harvard Medical school. He-waa a-Boston boy.-belonged- to the claas of 18(7, scientific, in Harvard col lege, and added an' JkL- D. to bis B. A. In 1(01. , During the smallpox epldemlo In Boston In 1(03 hs gav hia entire at tention to the. study of that soorug. and spent much time on the quarantln station at Gallon's Island. The infor mation that he gathered by these obser vations was used by ths Harvard Medi cal school In th formulation of great discoveries in thst field. Dr, Brlncker hoff was rewarded by aa lnstruotorshlp In psthoiogy. ' At the tlms of th smallpox ' soourg In Manila he wss sent as Harvard's representative. DECLARE KENTUCKY PEACHES ARE. OVER RIPE OLDHiiLU r;o;i TOE SUEEPSTAICES Defeats Eddie Cannon Bald In Hardest Race of His Career - as Automobilist. IN FIRST HEAT BALD vl WON.BY.QNLY A; FOOT Second Heat Waa Dead, While Third - Heat With Moving; Start Was Nip and Tuclf All Way AroundVictor ": Foot Ahead in Final Heat ' (SpeHal Dispatch hy Leased Wire te The ieeraal) Washington, Aug. 4. Barney Oldfleld captured ths . National Sweepstakes, amounting to $1,000 In gold, her today from Eddla .-"Cannon Bald oa th Ban ning race eouree. - - Bald . save th .champion the hardest run of his career. - Over 4,000 Waahlng tonlans orowded the stands and grounds at Bennlnga, snd went home well satis fied with . seeing Oldfleld with , his Green- Dragon host Bald, who looked like a winner from the first crack of the pistol. , . . In the first heeT Bald got ths lnstds snd led all the way.- Barney let out full speed In the stretch, but was beaten by a foot In 4 minutes t seconds (or ths three miles. In th second trial both cars psssed under th tape at th same time, mak ing it a dead heat In 4 minutes 10 sec onds. -. The third heat was for one mile with s moving start, and was nip and tuck all around ths track. Oldfleld finally winning by a scant length. , . ' , In the laat and deciding trial for three miles, Barney barely , won by a foot In 4 mlnutea it seconds. No rec ords were lowered, aa th course wss xoeedingly slow. CALM BEFORE THE ST0RL1 PREVAILS IH RUSSIA (Continued from Page On.) troops will obey orders to fire oa ths people was considered. Ths office re ex pressed grave doubt aS to whether the soldlsrs, especially those of guard regi ments, would obey without provoca tion. L i . PariS Press Ungallant In Remarks .About Thirty Visiting Blue 'Crass Belies. (Oopyrlgkt, tleant New Service, y . Wire- to The JoeraaLl London. Aug. 4. Thirty Kentucky girls hsvs Introduced new slang into ths French language. They arrived In Paris Wednesday with ths widely ; heralded statement that they were peaches.. The Paris newspapers hava seised the phrase.. Parisians now call svery girl peach. The - Kentuckiennee resented the report thst they were either peaches or beauties. Paris, however, Insists that they ars both. Crowds surrounded ths Hotel . Du Louvre and audibly commented on the appearance of the tobriata. Wednesday the Kentuckiennee were rouowed every- where by kodakere. On Thursdsy their photos were published everywhere. The tourlets declare they suffer mors from eubllclty thsn from ths heat. The Paris Ull Bias is sever, n says: "There Is not one beauty among them. Thev have no flgur and no features. Any - group of Parisian shop girls can alve them polnta on dress. Their walk la gawky. Toutbfulness Is conspicuous- I absent.' ' - The -other papers,, among which . ara ths Matin, Echo and Petit Parlsienne. loke about th American beauty stand ard and say ths girls mske uncultured remarks about publlo monuments, the like of which ars not visioi in ineir own country. . . ' " TO SAVE PET.CAIJ- BABES ARE DROWNED (Uneelal Mepateh by Leeeai Wire te The Joaraan Fort Collins, Colo., Aug. 4. To ssvs their pet calf,-which for ths first time hsd failed to come to their call, Viola and Dora BUchert, pretty little daughters M,p,n ,treet bridge t or nenry l. dui;hbi , hsu .uu w ;nr respectively, dared the wsters of. Terrys Iske snd were drowned, v . Ths bellowing of the snimal attracted the attention of the parents snd gave the first clua of ths whereabouts of ths chil dren snd ths discovery of the tragedy. It stood shout 10 feet from where the bodies of th little one hsd gon down. sallowing loudiv. - Competition too real : Glasgow has gone out of th tele phone business, according to a report which has rear-tied New York; . A plant ooetlng 11,000,000 waa sold to ths post- off les at a loss or ixeo.ooe. Ths city was ta competition with a private com pany. '; - , - - Beawdlors Opfaaloaw - ' , From th Boston Glob. Th man who never praises his wife Is oonstantly neglecting to mak a hlahlz profitable Investment ;w ; The revolutionists sdd that It waa not arranged that government spies shall give the necessary provocation by firing on . the troops with revolver. A proc lamation was therefore prepared by th revolutionary leaders reciting thess al leged facta and warning the workmen to be on their guard against such prov ocation. The number of strikers In St. Peters burg this svenlng waa officially esti mated at 4,111. 1 ; , 'There - has been ' a 'renewal of th fighting In Kronatadt. . and from all the great Industrial centers of the em' plr com stories of rioting and blood shed. ..' As an Indication of the csars feeling at th present tlms th following Is In teresting: -v. , Prince Nicholas Lvoff was present In Peterhof yesterday during th In terview between Premier Stolypln snd th emperor. When the prince wss In ths midst- of sn explanation of . ths greatest Importance and extreme grav ity of the situation his majesty in terrupted to Inquire the condition of ths roads for motoring In Stratov province. When the interview was ovsr ths csar remarked that ha was ear- tarn ths army would be loyal to him. H ' Appeal to Oittssaa. - Ths Novo Vremys. the only unof ficial newspaper published in St. Peters burg today, calls upon sll law-abiding and peace-loving cltisens to prevent a repetition of the horrors of ths French revolution in Russia by allaying them selves on th slds of ths government In Its endeavors to put down ths present sprllt of revolt. It points ut that there Is nothing to be gained by-terrorism and everything to be lost Bom examples of things thst happened In Kronatadt are cited to show what should not be. For In stance, It tells how on of tb officers In ths fort was captured by ths mob and thrown Into a small lake to drown, a hugs stone being tied around his neck like a dog. - The case of s maddened woman .who was ruthlessly bayoneted and afterward beaten until the bones of her legs were splintered Is also recited. . There wss a riot In NUnl Novgorod district today. A couple of soldiers had been looked tip for Insubordination. Their eomradea took exception to the action and a whole battalion revolted. Threats were msds to kill ths officers and th two prisoners were released. SAF.1 LOTAH THROWN FROM AH OAKS CAR Head Injured, Leg Crushed and Taken Jn Critical Condition to Hospital. . Sam LiOtan of th city engineering de partment was thrown from sn Oaks car at Water street and Hawthorn avenue late laat night and nearly killed... Taken to the police atatlon, he lay weltering in blood more than half an hour unattended by a physician,. and later was taken to Good Samaritan hospital. ' Mr. Lotan was s psssenger on the platform of a car returning from th Oaka about 11:10 o'clock. As ths train turned th curve st th east end of sr T lurched - violently and -' he was thrown to ths pavement He alighted on his head and shoulder, and one leg wss doubled under him In such a manner that It was crushed. A broad gash was cut la his forehead. He waa bsdry shaken up and bruised and was barely conscious when carried to the police station, where he wss Isld out on a bench. . hurry call was sent for the city physician, and during the ensuing hslf hour the Injured man-lay In great pain and bleeding profusely. The city physi cian did not arrive. Mr. Xotan's family physlclnn, Dr. Buck, wsa then celled. Before he srrtved it waa decided to send ths sufferer to ths hospital. Besdqnar-. ters f , Artletle Flrtare Fremliif by nipert . : .Jftaatanv... Good MerclMnsSee Oniy-&uty CoiwsMrw; Our Prieee Are Ahraye C Lweet 1 te - at A year ago, with a smaller .offering of Shirtwaists, we astounded the trade and the public, . breaking all records of the business by the selling of almost ONE THOUSAND WAISTS in one day; At that time nothing like it had ever been heard of. Never before were such desirable waists sold at such ridiculously little prices. But tomorrow we place on sale a , remarkable purchase by our New York buyer of over 3,000 new White Lawn Shirtwaists at the most remarkable prices, considering thequajityj ever made by jt JPortland store-r S3 llaserlc Wglsts for Sl.O White Lawn Waists," made in exceptionally dainty and beautiful styles, trimmed with panels of insertion and embroidery, tucking, etc., very sweet.and dainty - C Q waists, for. 1 . 4)1 tVy Slit Peter Psa lYxisis SSe Peter Pan Waists-, selling regularly at $1.30, made of finest lawn, with four panels of fine tucking, short sleeves and negligee Q ' collar and cuffs. . . ... . . . . . . . ....... yOlv 12.15 White Sl;lrtw!sii "SssssSJsssTsaMssassssssssssssTSsWenss , . White . Lawn Waists, actually selling at : . $2.75 and $2.25, all beautifully embroidered, ; , trimmed with lace, pin' tucking, etc. At - the- astounding bargain price JQ . - ' S1.50 gad St lm Wt!s!s tSc : 1 . B 1 ' - . 1 , ,' " 1 1 ' rk ' White vLawn . Waists, .- with embroidered ; fronts and clusters , of pin .tucking, short sleeves; collar and Cuffs trimmed :.. AO-' with lace. ............ ..........,.,yOv ; That Great Clesirgiice Sale of Thile ffcsh Celb ) Every Wash Belt in the store goes into this sale, regardless of value or newness. The) : largest assortment of Wash Belts in the city tucked, -embroidered, lingerie, eyelet embroid-' ery and plain tailor-made, and the new Fritzi Scheff, and Olga Netnersole Belts." Hun dreds of exquisite designs in the embroidered Belts; pearls, gilt and silver buckles. The whole assortment is divided into three, lots ; .. v . . - SScloSOc IQa Wash Belts It' t 50e to 75c OCa Wasli Celts Ivl 17s!i Celts C ; I5c Cream Bad Towels for 23c " ' i i nil ii i i e se p ii I - 't 'Splendid Bath Towels,' soft, thick vand strong, 26x45 inches in size; very special at v.. ....29 Small size Turkish Towels ; very special for. only. ...................81 " Chadrtn's 28c Bose at 12Mc Pair )r - For 500 pairs of Children's 20c , ldBf'Oiy , fast black ribbed Stockings, with double heels and toes; always sold at 20c. J- For 600 pairs Children's 25c fast black 1 1 v ribbed cotton Stockings, double heels, toes and knees; regular 25c quality. ' 1 0 i - the . ; l ii r , ;:. I i f I a TEST I) i OF THE Y-M The question of stocking satisfaction isn't . answered by any means by the "price you paid." Nor Is it answered by the shape and fit of the stockings BEFORE THEY ARE WASHED. r " It IS answered by the color and shape they retain after their first tubbing. The "WEARWELL" Hosiery for women comes out of the tub BEST AND BLACK EST. It costs 25c a pair. Its real value is much more. " '- 12Kc lYas-i lace 7c Tart i : Another big lot just received of ogr marvel-! , ous values in Platte VaL and Point de Paris Wash Laces; 2y to 6 inches wide; Inser- , tion .to match." This kind generally, sells at 12Jc a yard. .'..''.;.,..'. .- 35c lYasb Laces. Special at 15c Tarl Extra good, firm edge, round or diamond " ' mesh Wash Laces; worth 85c a yard. To close quickly, the yard. .......... ,.15" ; if' New Valendecaes Laces Syeckl : " We have added some new patterns to. our celebrated values in Valenciennes Laces at the astonishing low prices - ; -$1.00 values. . . .57a $1.50 values.... 78e r 33c SM? Manufacturers'-Sample. Embroidery Strips,' 2 to zy inches wide, in a Jarge selection of -Prettyjedgesndjnseriip good values up to 65c a strip of V to 6 yds. " S5e Ecsrolderles fsr 12c a Tart . Thousands of yards of new and dainty Em broideries, Edges and Insertions, 2 to 10 , - inches Vide ; regular values up to 85c yard. 'JL S2 Enbrcldcry Allovers. 78c Tart : Some choice patterns in this season's All over Embroideries, full. 22 inches wide, in ; Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric; values to $2.00 a yard. . 25c Basic, Special at 15c Some of the latest popular favorites in reduced circumstances: ' ; ' ' "Roses and Lilac Waltz," "Cherry," "Let X Me See You Smile," "Ethel Levy's Virginia . Song." "Soap Suds." ' SHOSHONE LAKD DRAWING . HAS COMLIEKCED Five Hundred Claims Awarded at First Day's Ruri of Federal , Lottery. ' Ste Hast a MarveL -From th Cleveland Press. Did you ever set th Setter of your wife In sn argument?" -.. Ml..k Tl.. Wm, V m aap JIa lm U aoavlnc tier aba's jrrona," - , ' (SDerlsl IMeBetcb te Ths loersal.l ' ' Cheyenne, Wya, Aus. 4. Urawlnt; of lands la the Shoshone reservation osened st Lander early today and when the bis; wheel was stopped tonls-ht mors thsn too names were drawn. Commis sioner-General W. A. . Richards of the general land office wss In charge, with Martin Maglnnls of Helena and W. R. Scbnettmler of Cheyenne aa Judges. Freddie Allen.' Forrest Rhell snd Esrl Honrach. Lander boys, war blindfolded and drew the numbers from the wheel. The first choice went to Hans Berlin of - Laramie, Wyoming; second to .Ed B. Buck of Basin, Wyoming;-third to .Thorns Bly of Fairp La v. Colorado; fourth to John H. Mcpherson of Centre! Lake, Michigan; fifth to William Brun Ins- of Cheyenne and- sixth, to Charles Overcamp of Lyons, lows. - MURDER AND SUICIDE THWARTED BY ACCIDENT (Special Dtopatek te The Jon mat) He!enerL MorHnAMS. - 4 Ujs .QU1 West wss tonight thwarted In her pur pose 'to kill her husband and then com mit suicide in sn unusual manner. The woman, who admits thst shs la of a Jealous disposition, had had a quarrel with her husband earlier In the evening. The husband, who is employed ss bar tender In ths Msln street saloon, later retired, when the woman got out a re volver for ths purposs of killing htm while asleep, snd then herself. She wss In th set of "breaking" the revolver to-samlne-th eartridga when the gun was exploded, th bullet entering her srm, glanced and entered her breast. In flicting a serious but not fatal wound. This Is th story of th affair as told by ths women after ths shooting and hsr removal t the hospital. "X ' A Bars laU. . From ths Detroit Journal. -As far as th Russian parliament wsa concerned, the csar "dropped the pilot" aard. aoia knock all his teeth out. HOUSE OF COIIiS III HEED IRISH PLEA Sweeping Measure for Seff-GoY-ernment Will Not Pass ths Lords, However. (special Dlspatea sr Letae Wire te The Jearaall London, Aug. 4. Ths Irish leaders In tne nous of commons hsvs received positive assurance that at the assem bling of parliament for th session of 1107 ths government will be prepared to Introduce snd push to passing a sweep. Ing measure of local self-government for Ireland, it "will not provide for a sep arate parliament, however. In almost every other respect It will meet the demands which Gladstone was ones willing to grant. It will, of course, be not accepted as wiping out Ireland's grievances, but It will be supported as being the thick edge of the home rule wedge.'' It will almost undoubtedly be thrown ..out by the house of lords, and then may come a dramatlo constitutional struggle between the lords and the com mons with ths possible Interval tow ef th king. Whatever msy be the result of thst phass of ths fight, ths outlook was sever better than today for the realisa tion or the hopes of thoae wbo have struggled for Irish home rols: r-- tTALIAN-ATTEMPTS-TOJ SHIP WITH DYNAMITE 'Ryertal tnepetrh te The JneraaM New York. Aug. 4. By ths msrest chance Qrecomo Bamalaro was today prevented from tsklng two Isrgs sticks ef dynamite aboard the Whit Star steamship Cretle. The explosive wss sufflclent to havs wrecked the ship if It was intended for such a purpose. When-arrested he told a eonnlctln story snd ths Hoboken police believe they havs secured a dangerous man, presumsbly noting for on of th many secret Italian organlsatlona. Despite ths Incriminating circum stances, hs Insisted he was taking th explosive to a friend In his horns town, Messina, Italy, but it was with - the greatest difficulty thst h recalled his name, and he claimed to have no Idea of the purpose for which th dangerous stuff wsa to b .used. 1 BlS Store ef Little Price EMchveC tZvLESALE KM KTA1 tZXU vouowise varan wtx& bavs tot n OS ITXST MIXAB. aVAUTT 0AaATXI OKiixnro's xsx baxho vowsim Is situ, set .Me DST KAJrtTtATKD SVCAS. TtM SACK. Sari n tas bbt saAinrtATrs nreaa 4Lw pkgs Magaone eleaaed esrrsats ,.....lSe pkge aew t-erewa seSe4 raaSss ........SSe Bjs asw 1 arena lease Maermsrls ...... ..SH l-lk ess Beysl baklag pewoar ......40e Creese 4 Biaehwell's eUr en, at setass..ese MS pkf Ars, A Basisjer seta ..............Be l-gal eaa faeey table errs ..4e H-at eaa faaey table srre .9e tareSeeS Wheat Mseatt. av pkg ..........10s reney Barly Jaae Pess, pst aa.M..M.....S0e IS bars Hajal Septra sea ................ ..tse T easa seat serolaes la eU. ......r.aSe -lb esa pare lard ......SSe 16-lb eaa pars lard w..... .SI. 1 Ceve eraters 1-lh ease. sena. per sss........SOs R-O eats, S-B pkgs, per pkg uM.IOe SliieSdvd csceasjet, pes IS -p.. Is Rare-wheat seer, per aaeh ............. .41. eeteb sets, per pkg .......tee Poena eereal, per pkg ......w... ...... As Pell's Haptfea saap. per her ..... ...... .... ee f Beat soft wheat finer, per seek..... 1.0S leva A Btecfea -eaMp- rflar Me) ...... H hoc eoda erarker-(eaat 14 SM..M..X Bagllah Breektast tea. per ft W raaey Oaapowaer tea (ngals Me ... Daeeaa Blseott.. ser Stg .........i.... Bast Site Dettverlp TeasSays sad fvltays, ' . non hais ess. TWO ARE KILLED BY ' COLLISION Cr CA..: (Bperlal Mesa US hy tnnl Wbe ta The lr Cleveland, Aug. 4. Two srowded e. running I mile an hour eoll!.':J t the .lake shsre eleotrle railway s Vermilion, 40 miles weet of Clevr" Ute .tonight Wilbur D. Moody, a -torman of Beach Park, Ohm, as I 1 SmHey, psssenger, from LI V were klUed snd two score f re l - The cars met on a eerve I those Who escaped Irjury - t epattered with bloon thai 1 - eoarcely be reeornlsexl. It U t l4Mrral f Ut t -"1 t ,