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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
- - - r1 - t p- v T" ATTfYY""" T f YJomecfc 3d5sioy IJc c'.' g'l- We have just received a very fine assortment of Women's 'Neckwear, com - prising lace, linen and lawn embroideries,' hand-made Fay- stocks of ribbon and chiffons studded with cream pearls;, lace, lawn and batiste Chemisettes and Boleros. A selection dainty enough to please the most fastidious and cheap enough to satisfy Jhe mqstecon.omical buyers. r, iLi . ; On Monday and Tuesday we will have on. sale at. prices far below actual cost our entire stock of Laces. The line comprises some exquisitely beauti ful "effects in allovers with- edgings. and bandto-match.'ip. Oriental, Venue. " Baby Irish, Point Rose, Cluny. and; Maltese Laces. No woman can afford to miss this great opportunity to secure some of 'these beautiful creations at '.nominal prices. '. j , j. ; t-;i? ill.; V j 5 i.fh :-; ,1 line o The Ilcst in Valuca '.H'V:!;r-??!in' - -f!! JIT " I .1 .. ..... .' ..... . ,':;.' , I. . ' This will be found store of high qualities and low prices! For year we have been perfecting this merchandising organization of ours, improving on this line of goods, lessening prices on that line, securing exclusive control Ot many new ana gooa uiings, icarrunz wno are uic ucai luuitn u auppiy ua contracang wiu ueni ior large quanuuci m gooaa. v c consiucr it uciicr xo ninMn tm(t uumkh i muui percentage 01 prom uian 10 uo a small business with a large margin of gain. That the public appreciates this stand is shown by the constant increase of the number of our permanent customers. TOMORROW. WE BEGIN A WEEK OF . EXTRAORD INARY VALUE GIVING all over the store. .. Every week, every day, is as notable for fine values in Roberts Bros.' Store as for broad and splendid showings of the most wanted merchandise. You have come to expect that. But for tomorrow efforts have been extraordinary all along the line ; each branch of the store has made supreme endeavor, and the result will be a week of timely offerings at prices never paralleled. Today news of the v;' . -'.-;; bargains crowds an overflowing page and yet much remains untold. Each day of .the week will bring forward new offerings. Don't misa coming as often as you can;;"' J'V ; great Tomorrow we start one of the most wonderful sales : of reliable Black SilksJ- Almost every wanted weave . of Silk will be presented In this; great sale. Not odds -and ends, but hundreds of pieces bought at a fraction ; ' of their original price; , ' Come early tomorrow and get ; some of these great big values THREE - EXTRA . PRICES ARE: r.-?". ;-V."'J. iv .1.. Black TuEeUi Oillr, Full' 30 Inches' rX:-t w me, woo Only a limited number of. yards to te sold at this price 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, beautiful rich finish, i : every-yard guaranteed ; best $1.25 quality, v QCv ' ; ; Specially priced at, yard... ...i. ii..Uw v Black Swiss TaXTeta, Best 01.00 "'.:,'' Grade, at 75o ;..-;; i'; '.:f '-:.i-V'. 86 inches .wide--Blak Swiss finished -Taffeta ; Silk,", ' deep, rich 'finish, strictly all pure silk, warranted to V . wear; sold all over the city at $1.00 a yard. ' f Specially priced for this sale at only. .......... O v ' ' Black' Taff eta Silk, Best 01.00 , '. ''XJi;', 1 Quality, 60o ' Swiss ofMessaline finished Black Taffeta Silk, .. from 22 to ,27 inches wide, warranted all pure silk, "wear guaranteed, perfect finish, the finest foreign and do- '-'A , mestic makes; never .before "sold for' less than T Q $1.00. a yard. Extra special tomorrow at.... .UL i i Women's Belt3 An endless variety in this section, some special values for Monday and Tuesday " "r"" i 600 dozen 25c Wash Belts for, each.i .. .i. ..10e .300 dozen '50c Wash Belts with pearl buckle and re- r ..movable :belt hook for. . . . . ; . ... ...... ..... .. . .25e ' 200 dozen black Silk Beltslshirredplaited and tucked, . r: . r : v't' 'j' ' 'i r "i t rrr"iri' . iiz rm." va jr oeauuiuiiy nnispca, au sizes; toe vaiues ior, cacn.ove? - Ono Carload of I7omen'o 03, 03.60 and 0 . SL(ul(3 Women's $3.00 Gunmetal Oxfords...... .... Women's $3.00 Russia Calf Oxfords.V. , . . . . Women's $3.00 Chocolate Vici Kid Oxfords. -Women's $3.00 Black Vicl Kid Oxfords. ... Women's $3.00 Welt Oxfords.V. ... . .. .. .7. Women's $3.00 Turn Oxfords,. . . . . . . ; Women's $3.00 Blucher Oxfords v. Women's $3.00 Lace Oxfords..;. ; h . ..Vr; . vA.wwemh wmv a MWvWn & yuuu on, i iuk dui - We made a very modest announcement of our present Oxford sale, yet the response was most gratifying for the first two days' sale eales ran well up into the hundreds of pairs. ,We've one complete carload left in hand-made Oxfords. It is the first time we have ever offered hand-made Oxfords any where near' the present prices, . No one else is mentioning hand-made Oxfords at prices approaching ours, a fact that is worth more than a passing consideration, at least if you desire to sve money. ' Many of these Oxfords were sold by us up to this sale at $3.00 and $3.00. . These same Oxfords to day are on sale with thousands of pairs from the east at $1.21. One pair is equally as good as another; you can make no mistake, tneyre nand made. It isn't newspaper talk, you will find identically what we advertise on sale at the prices quoted. They are not shop-worn or antiquated, 'they are - m AJtJft - - - -' r - - 1.21V.';, -. i wo proaucuons. . . . , j-v r y. women s yi.vv icussia iaii uxioras........x.o. Women's $4.00 Gunmetal Oxfords.,..., .. .91.60 Women's $4.00 Kid Oxfords.. ............. 91.69 Women's $4.00 Patent Colt Oxfords. v.. T... 91.69 Women's $4.00 Patent Kid Oxfores;....... 91.69 'Women's $4.00 Button Oxfords. ,'. .". . ; . , . ; .91.69 SEVERAL PAIRS, THEY- WILL BE AS GOOD NEXT .YEAR AS THIS THE STYLES WILL BE THE SAME. . V1 9 91.21 911 S1JS1 91.21 91.21 Department Women's Silk Lisle Hosiery, All Colors A new importation of Women's Silk Lisle Stockings, v finished with a high silk luster, in every conceivable ' ! color, black, white, Morocco red, v chocolate, jcham- ; pagne, sky, green, royal blue, gray, tan and reseda . green ; the most handsome display of colors ever made in Portland, all sizes. . ................... .....501 i ' Women's New Fancy Hosiery, Lace Lisle and Silk ' Embroidered ; 50c qualities, pair. .25 ' Women's Plain Black Stockings. All Black or Black With White Feet 200 dozen Fast , Black Stockings, full fashioned, all black or black with unbleached soles ; best 20c qualities.', ... .4 .50) Infants All Wool Cashmere Stockings All colors', in Infants' All Wool Cashmere Stockings, j made with silk heel and toe; best 25c quality. On " , sale at, pair .................... '. ........... . . ,15e 'i C MWhalebone'' Stocldncrs tor Children The "Whalebone" Stocking is guaranteed wearproof. .'.The only satisfactory stockings for romp-about boys .' or 'girls; reinforced throughout, a new pair for every ' pair that fails to satisfy, all sizes. ............ ..23 Fire Extraordinary Values inv ; Woolen Dr eoo Goodq- - Black Mohair 86 inches .wide, beautiful Bilk JP : finish. . Special .... ... ...... ..... ............ .Ww ' Mohair Lustre 46 inches wide, deep rich CO black.. Special... . . . . . . . . i. . , . ... ... ...... . OVC Priestley's Mohair Secilian 86 inches' wide, 7:A . it warranted fast colors. Special . ,'.,.; . .'. , . . . I I v - Genuine Paradigm Lustre 45 inches wide, QA 1 silk finish and acid proof. Special ... . i, ..... . .7 Ut JL Jgrieatley'a.-Shadow-Check Mohairs 424n:hs-OQ wide, the season's favorite. Special . . ... Oss t ; : . ;.; ' . ,-. . ... ... : .. . ,--.;:::"'-"y .i t . - - ' - - M .'-,-. j. ( VALUES iT XHsses9 Walking Skirts x 7f. Natty little Walking' Skirts "for the . well dressed miss, in plain blue and black Panama "and fancy ' r suiting; these are good values at $5.90. 3 QA Special Mpnday and Tuesday ....... ...40"U vi Blaok Sateen Pettiooats 7 981 For $1.25 , Values Extra special purchase of 25 dozen black mercerized Sateen Petticoats, made : extra full, deep flounce, trimmed with straps and ruffles, three different styles to select from. QO, Your choice at. . ; ; ..... , . i ......... "OL i rl;25 Wrappers for 0100 We will offer this week our entire stock of $1.25. Percale Wrappers at a reduction of 20 pr cent. c All new this season and are made from good quality percale, neat patterns and choice colors. . AA On sale this week at. . . . . . : . ; ; . V. . 4)1 UU : rCoio 120 Women's -and Misses' Walking Skirts, made of cotton covert and fancy cotton suiting, in several different styles and colors. In order to close out in a hurry the balance of summer garments we will joffer your choice of skirts worth up to 1 AA " $2.50 at the exceptionally low price of.V DlUv OUR PRICES NEVER FAIL ;TO AGREEABLY SURPRISE. WHILE QUALITIES, STYLES AND FIT ARE SUCH THAT CUSTOMERS RETURN AGAIN AND AGAIN, AND MANY SEND THEIR FRIENDS. FOR TOMORROW'S SALE WE CAN PROMISE THE SEASON'S CHOlC : j . ; , : EST BARGAINS, FOR INSTANCE: m FOUR GREAT WAIST BARGAINS . wm Laxm Waists 08o " Fine Sheer Persian v Lawn Waists, embroidery and lace front and . yoke tucked, some are open back and short sleeves others long sleeves arid open front. ' v ;, .- .', Lawn Waists for " 01.25 ; Fine Sheer Lawn Waists, all over embroidery front, lace yoke, collar and cuffs ; also 3 other very pretty styles. White Waih Skirts 01.90 Women's fine white shrunk, Linene. Wash Skirts, gored, circular and pleated styles with d QA tailored folds; $3.00 jvalues, for......... $1'U Collegre Blouses QL50 Made from best grade Indian .Head, collar, cuffs and tie of plain red or cadet blue ; also at this price we will offer several styles '. of high grade waists made from lawns and ' mulls, handsomely trimmed with laces and embroideries. , Lingerie "Waists 51.90 Dainty . Lingerie Waists ...of soft mull and Persian Lawn, handsomely trimmed with fine lace and embroideries. Choice of 50 Women's Covert J aok'ts Made of fine quality covert, in several styles; val ues tip to $7.50. On sale Monday and AQ t ry ryj Vl JL2to U , Three Etra Special Values WASH PETTICOATS, made of good grade ging- . ham, in black and white checks and plaids, deep . ' ' fldunces, finished with fancv stitching Cftr On sale Monday and Tuesday at. OOL KIMONOS Lawn and Percale Kimonos in the newest and best styles ; worth all of 50c. ff On sale Monday and Tuesday at. aUv ; Guarante'd Sillx Pettiooats Deep flounces, trimmed with straps and ruffles, full width skirt; worth $6.50.' Special 'Monday and Tuesday . -.5 Women's Silk Eton Jackets 05.00 'Made from fine quality black taffeta silk C (A $7.50 value for...,......r...,.r........4)UVU Extra special anbpoidories Deep Price Cutting . in Wash Goods nnn.varAa KiVh frrart Flouncing Embroideries. 16 ' . t 3,000 : yards high grade Flouncing Embroideries, 16 to 24 inches wide, in English eyelet and shadow de signs, made on very sheer Swisswith bands to match; f this is-our regular $1.75 grade. 1 The entire lot, about 200 designs, will be sold on Monday and Tuesday at the extraordinary low pice of, per yard .60 ' ":':'r-:'. '. '. . . :r:,;.;V . . A Startling Sale of ( : Women's All Silk Vests 81.50, 82.00, 82.50 Qualities, All Sixes. Buy , Our most exclusive designs in the finest fabrics shown this season, assembled under startling price heads for swift sell ing. , ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS. .The exceeding beauty and desirability of these materials make rapid buying imper ative. At such prices the goods will not wait for lengthy deliberation. . Those who would get the best choosing must be early and quick to decide. . And with such a wonderful display of lovely fabrics, at such unusual savings, selection is a mat ter of a moment.-. v -: ' .': '' r ,...:- ' ..7.; : ;.v .. ' .-- Them Tomorrow at A sale of high grade Sleeveless Vests that eclipses all previous attempts at value giving. 25 dozen Ladies' Sleeveless Vests of pure spun silk imported from Switzerland, manufactured to retail at'$2 and $2.50,' handsome ' trimmed vests 'in' plain 'and fancy yokes.'.'We place this small lot' on sale' tomdrrow. morning at but a fraction of the regular selling price,', several .styles to choose from. By coming early you ' will secure the plums, a limit of three vests to Ctift each customer at this price while iQt lasts, each. OUv . AO These 23c Wash Goods' 15..' v. : 25c Zephyr Cinghtmi, 25c Heather Suitings, 25c Crash Suit ingt, 25c Wool Finyhed Suiting!. . 'j. 15c to 25c Wash Goods 10eV Lawns, Swisses, Eoliennes, Batister Organdies,' Dimities. A ' great assortment .Wonderful values. , ' :J.L: i New Calicos at. 5.. -- 400 pieces to select from New standard 'Calico in com plete line of new patterns , and colorings, in light, medium and dark' shades; the best values to be had in the city at' this price,- yard ..;.5e New Suitings at 12. ' ' ' . .. ' 350 pieces New- Suitings in dark colors, black, navy and red with white dots, stripes, checks and figures new and attract ive . patterns, absolutely fast colors; uneqiialed as to wear:, unusual quality at, per yard ..........12f " 1 New Outing Flannels 8, 10e and lSV Hundreds and hundreds of yards new Outing Flannel in a. great assortment of plain snd fsncy patterns, in light; me dium and dark colors; qualities and prices most satisfactory: three grades to choose from at.... ...12Jf , 10e and .Sf Special Offerings in lien's Section 1 To thoroughly appreciate the great values we are , . giving in our Men's Section requires a visit to this popular department. The following items should ap ' peal to all economically inclined: New Sospendersi 85c Suspenders, made of best linen web, leather end, new colorings and patterns, for. ............. i . .25et 75c Suspenders, finest linen web, best Bristol leather ends, for .50 ' "Hobby Neckwear 'JiZi.C AU-'Silkf'Fdur-in-HandsrTecksrBows; Sfrings and . Windsors, for . . . . ... . . . . ; , . . ..... .23 All Silk French Four-in-Hand Ties, newest colors COp :';' TJndemreax .- . , Best quality Balbriggan Underwear, Maco cotton '(yarn, cream and' fancy colors, for. CC 'Grav Merino Underwear: the rieht weieht for thse exceptional values at S15; specially tl ?0 who wear wool the year round, all sizes, for Lip " Made of fine quality percale and madras, b f " " i r -1 ' fancy colors, choice ol a large variety, all sii::; TftlUvs l ........,.., New Flannelettes 10, 12 and IBet. The first shipment of the season just received New, Flan nelettes and Velour Flannels in a great variety of styles and colors at the following low prices.... ISf, and lOe) - 15e India Linen 10. , 100 pieces White India Linen, full 50 inches wide, fine sheer - Suality, perfect finish; best 15c grade specially priced for lis sale, at . . . .... , , , ,' Trtm7i n..lOT' Indian Head Suitings 15 a Yard. ' We have just received another big shipment of White In dian Head Suiting, best standard quality, nice soft finish, full ' 36 inches wide; moderately priced at, per yard.......,15e ' Bed Spreads at f 1.29. Well worth $1.65. Tomorrow we place on' sale a special lot of White Bed . Spreads, sood heavv oualitv. full sixe for double beds, ex tensive line of handsome Marseilles patterns to choose from; Bed Spreads at S1.S9. WeQ worth tl JS. Extra quality White Bed Spreads, made of fine select cot ton, good large sixe, hemmed all ready, to use, full line of pretty new patterns to choose from; never before s PQ sold for less than $1.95; specially) priced at , 4)10"