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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, AUGUST C -1ZZZ. WEARS SKIH FROM 414 PEOPLE Wan Has New Epidermis Crafted J Upon Him From .Various. ;"'V.-:' : Persons. , ' LIFE SAVED BY FRIENDS . : . WHO CAME TO RESCUE v More : Than y-. Two" Thirds Tof .Body Terribly Burned by Explosion jX2r Pronounced to. Have Been. Corn. r; pletely Cured., (Sperlal Mesateh hr toiao Wirt to IT JOWTUll) t IWrw Turk. Auk. More than two thirds, of hla body. w severely burned by an -explosion of a small alcohol lamp nearly three months ago, but George 8. . . Kllby. 37 -years old. of No. ! Gates ' ' . ' avenue, Brooklyn, upon whoae body el J pleeea-of-akrif-had -been- grafted. wa "k pronounced cured yesterday. ' -v. I - According to' Dr. Herbert XT. Alien of No. 104 Claremont avenue, this Is an un- , preocdented case In skin-grafting. It , " ' ".was only made possible by a great num. Vber of Kllby'a friends, who volunteered uvi hla life. '- -. 4 . Among, the first, to offer themselves were little Lucia B. KliDy, li . years oia, ' "daughter of the afflicted man. and his ' father. George F.. Kilby. . While the " " child was being flayed aha smilingly told the surgeon that aha suffered no K pain and that she wee willing to stand any torture to save dear dad. . The child was on the operating table several . i. limes.' . . , Hew Xt Happeneli ."".-. i Kllby, employed by a firm In Wash lngton market for II. years, went on May t into his bathroom to shave. He filled a small lamp, with alcohol, but the match set fire to an old can on the floor. - An explosion followed.. Stunned, he lay there for some minutes roasting. Then - summoning hla strength, ha . . crawled "away. His wife saw him , wrapped in flames. Mrs. Kllby and her . mother pet out the blase. Kllby wttb . rare - fortitude told his mother-in-law kow to put out the flames In. the bath ' room.. Dr. Allen declared that the '. chances of recovery were about I In 100, and sent the injured man ta the hospt- , taU In go desperate a ease, ha said. the only ohance was tn patching up the ' ; burned apace with small pleoee of skin . j from others bodies. I - The physician said that at least ( .persons must volunteer. - Word was , sent to the' Hanson Place Baptist t church, where the Kllby family were worshipers, and less than II hours later more than 100 men and women had of- . ' fared themselves. . At different times in the past two 'months, and a half SO pieces of skin u have been removed from the Injured I man' wife, and about the same number from his daughter, Lucia. About . particles were . removed from the left ltrnKif Ma father.. Hiss Blanche Sny- ' t jder, the nurse, gave IS pieces from her , ! left leg. ., .' , -. j - Among the others who supplied per- . - -lieiea or weir un . were i miss Hope '. Kllby. Mrs. Ethel Lcarn. Mrs. Alfred '-: i Sherman, - Mrs. Tnuiam McChesney, ' ! Thomas Kllby. Prank Davis. .William 4,' Ayer. Alfred - flhermaa. Percy Elliott. Frances Peterson, John Peterson, Alfred Tllley, Percy TlUey, .Alexander TUley, William Newman, Herbert Lawlor, Mra. . ' William Ellison, Herbert Rowe. Thomas . -4 Sandnr and Robert F. McKre. . The skin cut from each volunteer meas vred more than' .one Quarter of an Inch - In diameter. - ' . , ' y Last week Dr. Allen discovered "that he required about two Inches mors and . cava it from his own arms and legs. - "If the skin had not been grafted Kllby would be a dead man.'1 said the ; '. physlolan. HIS wife and Mlas Snyder deserve great praise. In my recellee . ' tlon this Is the first patient of the kind . to survive." Mr. Kllby 's body Is eevered with more , skin belonging to others than that of " any person In.the world. FEDERAL M FIKOS (Continued from Page One.) tor Heney arose yesterday afternoon to make the closing argument the court room was crowded. Heney first dealt with the booka of the company.' He de dared that the defense had purposely concealed the fact that Instead of nuro baring Ita checks from 1 to 1.000 It reversed the process and numbered them backward from 1,000 te 1. This, he aid, made It plain that Hawk had told the truth when he testified that he waa given a check for $60 in part pay ment for his land before he deeded It to the r bra pan y. The number of thla check Indicated that It waa Issued sub. sequent to the deed, which wag not the fare Heney. complimented Judge - Bennett, saying . he waa the cunnlngest trial lawyer, in Oregon. As for Henoncam Heney shook his linger In his face and called him-a bold and reckless crim. -Inal -wKe- had toag sc pad -punishment through the Influence of .political bosses. ;; . , Dif of fossil." -Hendrlcka. is . practically - king of Fossil." said Heney. Then he paid hla respects to- Abe Ruef. legal adviser, of Han Francisco's mayor." "Down in Ban Francisco."- he added, "we have a king. man who does practically What he pleases and defies" everybody.' I refer to Abe Ruef the political boas. Tou not alone in such Inflic tions. Ban Francisco, my own home,' the place t lova toetter than-any other place on earth, tias a political boss worse than any Oregon ever had." Heney reviewed the monopoly of gov ernment land enjoyed b-t. the Butte Creek company, told of Hendricks writ ing to him the message of defiance, "You can Indict me, but you can't con vict ma" and then asked : "Are you going to let this man go? tr-yoTr-ar-ler-ns"repeatur-awr an hereafter prosecute only the poor devil who has no frlsnds to pull for him." : . Only Oae Ballot sTeeded. ,- Judge Hunt, in instructing the Jury, reviewed the averments of the Indict ment, defined the crime of subornation of perjury, read the land laws relating to homestead entries and the require ments of Anal proof, and said that oc caalonal visits to claims did not con stitute a residence. The' defense ob jected to nearly all the Instructions. The case was submitted to the jury at :1T o'clock.. Dinner was next In order and it was 1:l5"before the jurors turned their-attention to the fate of Hendricks. There was a short discus sion and then a ballot. E.very man voted guilty and at 1:10 the jury sent out word that an ' agreement r had been reached. Judge Hunt waa first to respond to the aummons. Nsxt came United States Attorney Bristol, then Judge Bennett and the defendant At 1:10 o'clock the Jury brought In a aealed verdiot Hen dricks drummed with his fingers on the attorney's table . as he waited.' The clerk read ' the ' words, "Guilty as charged,' and Hendrlcka kept on drum ming. , , ' -ft . Judge Bennett gave notice of a motion for a new trial, the jury -was excused and next Saturday at : o'clock was sat as the tlma for passing, sentence on the fallen king of . Fesell. ' Pending further order of the court Hendricks retains hla liberty on bis old bond. ; , Manay STol yrilisi ' Special - Prosecutor . Heney waa not present whan the verdict was rendered. He was on g' train about to start for San Franciaco, but . newa of the ernment's - victory reached him before his . tratn got under wsy' He will be back. In Portland next ' Wednesday or ' VJ . ' ... ... . . . . 4ntlm Tfntfiwl nratas attornevtr"-. waaieq o a - inf .nd Reptllet Intended for Zoological Pur poses Were Not Called . for and 1 ExpretsmanvTumed .Them Loose Upon the .Streets. s ; . .; r'' duttei::fested oy SHAKES Populace Is Terrorized by Fifty ; Rattlers, Copperheads and " '' Water Moccasins. A - WERE GIVEN LIBERTY, '. IN HEART OF THE CITY Don't start by renting furnished rooms. : Get a cozy flat or ccttzre &nd furnish it to suit yourself Have a home, a place that really is bomd 'It doesn't cost much either. ; ;The difference in the rent of furnished apartments and a cottage or nat wiu pay jor tne rurniturengure it out, or Detter sou come In, and let us iu sive vou an estimate . and tell vou shout cur ieisv tttmi-nrdxllw -mu trV v! young couples just about to start housekeeping. : ' (Special Nepatek te The JearaaLI Butte, MonU Aug. Residents of the southern section of this oity are terror stricken tonight as the result of the -release of tt ratyesnakea, copper heads and water moccasins that had been shipped Into the city for soological purposes. .. .:, Late . thla afternoon 'several parties were organised to assist In the work of exterminating them., many of the real dents fearing to venture outside of their houses while the vicinity waa infested with the reptiles. '- . Agent . Diamond has a black rattler measuring fully five feet, which was killed this afternoon and a copperhead met the same fate a Uttfle later at the hand of, Uia dastroyars- The anakeev were- shipped -from -the oast but by some mistake the consignee failed to receive them. 1 An expressimui kept the reptiles for two daya. releasing them yesterday afternoon almost In the heart of one of the thickly settled sub urbs. The city council has taken up the matter with the Intention of punishing tne perpetrator to. the limit of the law. E OF TELEPHONE ENDS IN ELOPEMENT Mumerous Short Circuits ? : plained by Runaway Marriage. . Ex- PUBLIC NOT PROTECTED (Continued from Page One.) ' assets coveted by many men and cor- . poratlona. . - . - Last fall Councilman , Vaughn and others Interested In the welfare of the pity rather than In the welfare of the ' Southern Pacific, awoke to-the fact that there was no reason why the act ' of the council of lift should bind the : It present generation.' It was eatabllsheM beyond a doubt that the council of I Ml ' had no right to grant a perpetual fran ;.chls and that the Fourth street fran- chlae eould be revoked by ordinance. . 1 - Te compel the corporation to - nay, ' the only thing necessary would be to r, peas an ordinance repealing . the ordl I nance of 1MI, then -pass another grant i Ing tho company a franchise. If appll- cation wtre made for, one, and fix a Just price to be handed over to the elty in - compensation. Councilman Vaughn introduced the repealing ordinance. '..backed It by a petlUon of II names of , the most prominent business firms In ' the city, but the ordinance waa burled , in eemmlttee, where It remains io this day.'- , ; . Whom dees Portland's city council . represent? The city of Portland, or r the Southern Pacific railroad T . Sew Pastor tow Church. ; (Sperml Dlapates te Zee JoeraaL) Poreet Orove, Or.. Aug. 4. The ' . Christian church of this elty has se cured as pastor Elder C. A. Bias of ; ;Waeo. Oregon. Arrangements were - made with the Hllleboro church to have him preach alternately, at this place ' . en the first and third Sundays of earn , month and at Hlllsbnro on the second Msnd fourth. Rsv. Bias will reside la Forest Orove. i Bristol will go ahead with the Charles A. Watson case, the trial of which be gins tomorrow. Watson took- up a home stead claim. Cos D. Barnard and Clar ence R. Zachary. a partner of Hendricks, ware Watson a witnesses- on final proof. All three were Indicted for perjury, . They will .be tried separately and the three cases will be disposed of before State Senator Franklin Pierce Mays Is brought Into court to stand trial for his alleged complicity In the Blue Mountain reserve landi frauds. As -Watson, Barnard and Zachary hall from the neighborhood of the blS pasture Fossil will have at least another week of prominence. Later In the series of land fraud prosecutions It will come to the front again, as ex Senator Winlow W, Steiwer, Hendricks, Eaohary and several others .are to be tried for conspiracy to maintain that now famous- fence which Inclosed a large tract oi uncie Ham s land. Two convicted land-fraud offenders were sentenced yesterday morning by Judge Hunt. Wlllard N. Jones waa given a year on McNeil's Island and lined U.W0. while his accomplice, Thaddeus Stevens Potter, was let off with six months In the county Jail and a Una of 1901. The difference. It waa explained, was due to evidence showing that Jones waa tha-4 promoter of the fraud and Potter merely a tool. The charge of which they were oonvicted was conspiracy to defraud the government out of homestead lands In the Sllets Indian reservation. DESIGNATES COMSTOCK v AN UNMITIGATED ASS (special Dispatch by teeaad Wire to The Jeeraal) ixmaon, Aug. . "Comatock's an ass." These words are those of one of the greatest srtlsta In the world, who la known equally well In America and Eng. lano. wnen no was salted for common on Mr. Comstocks action in New York In raiding the- art league premises to eoniiBcaie tne illustrated catalogues. Comstocks Interference has created much interest and amusement here. "If the religious and moral world had to ohoose between Comstock and the 'Venus de Mllo.' what do you suppose wouiq nappen o uomsiocKT It g too rl oieuious for words. I . can't think.' added. the artist, "that the Intelligent American people who today are the greatest benefactors of the art world will tolerate such proceedings." The Evening Standard In an editorial says: " "We do not grudge America tho pos session or uomsiocK. we hope he may iay mere anq live long, nut not with nis encrWiesMWilmpatasd," t . (Special Dispatch ay Leased Wire te The Jearael) jNew xork, Aug. . The - numer ous short" circuits In the West chester telephone exchange were ex-1 plained yesterday when It became known that MtaaLorothy Gore, one of the pret tiest operators, bad eloped with Edward Nugent, son of a wealthy Westchester hotel-keeper, after a snort telephone! oourtanip. - r - . -' - Weetcheater was greatly excited when the elopment became known. Mlsa Gore I has been missing since last Saturday. Toung Nugent disappeared from the vil lage the same day .James M. Nugent. father of the vouns man. . received thai following telegram yeaterday morning I irom rortcnester: "Dottle and I were married Saturday. "EDWARD." He angrily tore the telegram to bits a start In life, but now he will not get a penny.". Those who know Mr. - Nugent feel sure he will ehange his mind when the young man and his bride return and beg forgiveness. Mr. Nugent la Influ ential In local politics- and hag mads a fortune la Weetcheater real aetata. His son, Edward, la with the United States line company. No. 110 Broadway. me pride la the daughter of Frederick uore, wno lives on Bt. Peter's avenue. a few doors from the Nugent home. Although they lived near each other It waa not until recently that the couple roei. nugent nao Decome acquainted with Miss Gore over the telephone and ieu in love witn ner voice. r M. S! I nuiJi i v,ii I 1 .1 a-.T t t J I I . . I L.. I I I'V im urn n m i-m. V;; . : . Came Pictar 63c : ., " ... : -'-ryV.v Just received nearly 109 . ' i , TO ' new Pictures, covering; a : 1 f't?V,y. y , ' wide range of subjects. In ' Z il'Tjftl paatela, carbons and photo- - y jvaj' gravurea, and would Ilka to ",'' . t'S"''. have you vialt our gallery. .'-j ' VXlf' If only to look at them. .. IRueV. The Plcturea we offer thla Ih'-'llZ?,- - week should be an extra In- , 1 ft-frat' ' dueement. the subjeotg aro , '. :f , r.VjH?.: well chosen. In color true ? - J "trfC'' : 1,f- Tame la I4x - Ifers II Inches, msde'of weath- t. rJi'.Ca- -'! ered nak! 11. 2K la thm real- . . . ' PiV-AfflX '' r50 of these Pictures ' .;.. ' . i" fc'5-?-t t any gtor in town. , :r:,$J ItKCWM's Rocker 51 ' ; Ja tiih U A Rocker tbe baby will be faaaaaX' W - .proud of. Strongly made " V V: , of hard wood. In golden oak IT'Tiv -iy Snlah, with wood aeat, and I i jV. . .' wi i worth a little more than i.uAr.stvi ....... , ' ? - - "T:-.'!f. -. i:- .. iLSAiiV.!.??! Q1.00 a Week Day. Any Article la the Store Butcher Knife 10c , Don't think It's too cheap to bo good, because It l better than any. zo gnir you ever saw; 11 inches Jong, with a croun4 Steel blade thkt . will hold an edge; mahogany handle, strong. ly riveted to the biade While they last, lOo. 2I Chafr, all covered In real jeatner ana nair nuea A vi n 1 " J...' V'-' "k P:t ' IT-.'. .Vt-ra. l" TePMBaasysB) - m m k y mm rT'.- 'They, com In tsro-toas -"J'-'I i ffif 'I';;; r',; reds' sa4 freeas.'.-with a' : . "long heavy fringe. Por- - - 6;v '. ' ' tierce ' measure 42 incnei S. : f - . ; - wide by 3 yards long and ; - sre from our regular $3.50 - stock.' ' ; hs? ' Alarm Clocta SI 1 til mi ,'41. H4 ,r, ,J'!;'ri;: Leather Chair Bargth) Our Una of tea,Uier Chairs sag Rockers ta al together too largo. We need the room for our fall stock, and In order to move them along we have shoved the prloes down - al most, out of sight, gee them tn our window. 130 Chair, heavy golden oak .f I. me frame, genuine leather ,.. S'fwiJw .519.90 tit Rocker, massive mahogany frame.' real Ute - - C-JA VL ' e e ew fSr leather. Ie nocaar. maasive mano . leather, that will-wear a um 140 Rocker, best blaok grain tuiteo nacK, Quartered oak I ft ge nous asad on iiwm! -.Ths:$l.S0 kind, that iTS. .' sn ., Intermittent alarm, which will ring for; several seconds, pause, and ring again, alternating . this way until you get up and shut them oft Guar anteed;, to keep, i perfect -time. '-. CLEARINGS OF BANKS . V . -: . V. , : (Continued from Page One.) - tlement method of dally clearances. Spo kane and Portland are conspicuous in the Pacific northweet for adhering to this method of clearings. a nanxer or long experience said: "Portland could Increase her dailv clearings IS to SO per cent if aha would ... iii.iuinj vi B.'.ui. w , ness oeveioped by cities on. the sound, onntllfj tiuagt rrom DSncn KS MOTHERS SHOULD KEEP OU OF DIVORCE Eye Glass Uoonttngs SolSasy fjl Kahteeiiiti Invisible BUoeal Lenses Their popularity for, high optical qualities have become National in lame. , Theyare "ever found wanting for complete satisfaction to vision. ': You11a surely like them. , ' , , CCDUSTS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED " COR. THIRD AND WASHINGTON STS. i ; Manufacturing Jewelers. ; "i ', V . ' . j Diamond Importers. The clearings do not show anv cash transactions between business men, bat only the paper that passes through the various banks. If buslnsss men would make It a rule and the same rule were followed by salaried men of pavlna all personal bills with checks, the Portland elearlng-houee would show a gain still greater than the Immense Increase of the present cash system. Portland Is a city of old-fashioned habits about handling money. - It la easier to pans out the gold than to draw a check, and so there Is a. vast amount of eoln used dally and comparatively few cheeks, . To be strlotly up to snuff in making a show before the world. Portlander must keep their eoln relig iously In bank and pay everything by check. . Then the clearings will begin to soar." - ... .' '.,: bukss Woman Who Has Married Children. (Rpedsl Dlapates te The JonraaL) Seattle, Wash., Aug. 4. "A woman with as many married daughters you have Is doing wrong by setting tbem the bad example of coming Into court and asking for a divorce from their father." This was the rebuke ad ministered , to. Jdre. Florenoe M. Und ford this morning by Judge Griffin, after the woman had finished telling her story on the witnoss stand. . The evidence showed that tha woman had married the loan from whom ahe was seeking a dlvoroe IS years an. Pour daughters, fssue of the marriage, are married and three minor daughters are living with the mother. The woman testified that her husband bad refused to support her and that two years ago she told him that he must leave the family home. This he did and since has not Interfered with the family In wnen tne woman concluded KISSED HIM UNTIL HE CRIED LOUDLY FOR HELP . (Sseelal Dlepatea te Tie Jewnal.) New Tork. Aug. 4. Mrs. Adele Ooh- iln of lis Eldiidge street thought she any way. recognised nsuoen Jiicnman, a slender Jeweler, on Rtvlngton street, last even ing, and, throwing her arms around his neok, she kissed him so violently that be cried for help. "Oh, Hymen, my long-lost husband, Hymen!'' the woman orled. Rlchman says, and he could not break away, al though a crowd, was enjoying his at tempts to get free. He waa glad whan Policeman Daly arrested both of them on a charge of obstructing the street They were before Magistrate Moss todsy. . .''''.'. "Are you sure," asked the magistrate, "that this man is your husband T , "I think so." said Mrs. Ooblln. Magistrate Moss dismissed the ease. Aftpn uhmam rniiKin w.,.r... , VVIIW I MaMIP HFI PI FSS AWn Al flMP l-UKt&l UKUVfc mttus (SDMlal IMaaateM ta Tka lll . y ... - Sllverton. Or.. Aua. LUn nr u I .1. . .. j - ' - . i . ipi iatc ie xae aemai.t Adair, an aged woman living alone ami rmu ifmm. n a... a u. . a little farra near thla elty. was found operations are now running at full '" "pioeo upon xnm noor at nor blast tn every direction, although har home last evening, having been suffer, vest hands have been very scarce, The ... rm prm.j.i ior some tims oerore crop Is extremely large this year and " .? w" fll"fovrd- It Is believed she much earlier than last. The first new- wheat to be brought to the local mill waa that of Dr. Parker of Greenville, on the twenty-sixth of July three dava earlier than last year. Too mUUnen are her story Judge Orlffln said '"This man has not bothered you In any way sines he left you, and I should think that a woman who had been mar ried fort is years would have more In terest in her married daughters than to set them a bad example, as you are do ing. I do not see now a divorce would make you ' or your children any ban- pier."' - The womap declared that the grant ing of a decree of divorce would make her and her children happier. Judge Orlffln closed the Incident with the re mark 1 am glen that t have not the same Idea of happiness as many persona" The divorce was granted, as the stat utory proof bad been made. will not recover. If yen Save not aaswered Taa . sai will AOS lately yoa have rottaaa eg! SI. oes,frMflfc tktngaV-. , . $ . .; . ring II pants. ORGHARDISTS MUST SPRA FOR SCALE AND MOTHS Fruit Inspector Finds Slipshod Methods Have Given Pests .' v.''.. a tart,;,.'.;"' v,'. (giwelal Dlaeeteb te Tha Journal.! The Dalles. Or.. Aug. t a. R. Cast ner, the eounty fruit Inspector, appoint ed under the law paased at the last ses sion of ths Isglslature, . Is making thorough investigation of fruit pests and has spent two or three days In this vicinity during the week. Hearing that fruit Infected with San Jose scale and oodlln moth had been sold In our mar kets, he came to Investigate the truth of the report. While he (s reticent re garding this matter, he stated that small orchards all over the county are more or less Infested with these basts. These have gained headway through tha carelessness of fruitgrowers, and . he Is determined that an effectual war against them shall be Inaugurated, Tbe scale can be eradicated by con stant spraying, and thla should be done to maintain the reputation of Wasco county fruit The law wilt be strictly enforced against any person offering for sale any fruit Infected with San Jose scale or eodlln moth, and the punish ment Is a One ranging from III to lioo TO BUILD BIG LUMBER MILL ON NORTH BANK (Speetat Dispatch te The Journal.) Hood River. Or., Aug. 4. The stimu lus that la being felt by the building of the north bank - railroad waa further emphasised today by the announcement that a large sawmill will be built six miles baok ef Underwood, Washington. The projectors of this new enterprise aro Porter Bros., ths contracting Arm who ere constructing ths section ot the north bank road from Vancouver to The Dallas. Thsy Lave Just oloaed ths pur chase .for 110,009 worth - of timber in the viol nit y of the point where the new mill will be located, with a stipulation In the purchase clauses that . the mill will be oompleted within a year. Most Of the timber purchased is In small treats belonging to ranchers and It la expected that Its cutUng Off will very materially aid them In developing their ranohee more rapidly- The mill It Is said will have a capacity of 100.- 00 feet per day.- ' i The lumber will be transported to the railroad by flume, where a sidetrack has been laid at a point known ma Hua ptpM We purchasing one thousand pianos for ths pooplg of Portland and vicinity, -, w . , . , . ' Ten carloads " of these pianos have already been shipped, and one car arrived at the) Portland depot yea terday. ; - ... v , ( -. , j , , i .. ... ... ,. Call st ones and it will aurprise you to find how easily r ; jrou can secure s oed piano.. . . ,t :. i . .-, r ," " It is s mistake to put off ths piano question, when " your child is passing precioua days and weeks that ahould be spent in study snd sslf-improTsmsnt. It is s truism that admits of no discussion, that s piano , brightens ths home in s wonderful way. , - - You know this fof yourself if you have not fully rt- allsed it before. .Juat think of tha delightful evening you spent recently in a home where there was s piano, and ths music waa ths moat delightful feature of the evening. Why not rant S.plsno at oncer If you are Interested in self-player pianos, can snd see ths moat imprpved. "Ths World'a Beat Ws hsvs it- Ws tun pianos, Phons us Main 6645. i . . . ., r .. ' ." . : ."r - . ' " ,-. ; t "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" ? v Allen & Gilbzrt-Rainalier Co. .Cor. Sixth, snd Morrison Sts. i ..(. - it- TWENTY THOUSAND IS PAID FOR ATLAS MINE (Special Dlapateh le The Journal.) ' Lewlston. ids., Aug. . The Atlas mine, a well-known property tn the Buf falo Hump mining camp, was-sold at sheriffs sale this aiternooa te'J. (. Berrlehlll. a mining capitalist of -Denver, Colorado, for 130,000. Development work on tho claim will commence at onoe by the new owner., , Elgin correspondence of the Wellowi" News: No services were held tn say ot the churches last Sunday, as an effort I o being made to check the spread of ph Uteris, walou ta very sooessfuL . ,