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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
V 1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, GUIIDAY MORNING AUGUST B, llfi FEW of tht July outer re- turned last twk after a month of recreation -out of town, but many mora want away to apend v tba laat ef , tha unmir mouia at the beach. A number of tboaa who have returned are hara planning: and prepar " Ing for m win tar trip. Prominent among i : them ara ma. A. Meier ana mm. Slgmund Frank who laava In tha fall . tor Eurone. : . ' Tha houaa partita at Ecola, where tha . Lewis and Flanders famlllea '.have a meet attractive aummar place, ara at- . tractlag much attention and -It U laid. that aoma of tha gayest parties of tba season ara gathered down there. . Thar ara a ' number of Interesting ' 'weddings announced for the early fall and the prospective brides have tamed homo to make their final prep etlona, , Several engagements of more than ordinary Interest ara talked of and their announcement la, promised for early fall. " - ...Ths.. out-of-tQwa guest. whoJiaye oc-. easloned soma entertaining are Mrs. vi Frank C Miller, ' who was charmingly - entertained during her short stay here, .. If las Elisabeth Mills of Ban Francisco, v - who is alwaya a welcome guest In Port land. Mlas Louisa Howland of Ban Fran Cisco and Miss Josephine Yatee of Bpo . kane, who have been much entertained during tha several weeks of their Ivlst. : :.-''; -', ":r A guest of great Interval this week ; " wilt be Douglass Crane 6f New Tark, who Is pronounced by leading art critics the coming artist of tha day. Bo ta ex , peeted to arrive next Wednesday to be tha guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. DeWttt Council. Mr. Crane ia coming west en tlrely for recreation though It Is prom ised that ha will do soma Interesting portraits while here. Ha had expected to spend the winter bar but will re turn tne first of October to do a por trait of Viola Allen. He la eapecially famous for his portraits and partlcul, ly for his child work. Ha was much talked of while in Paris as tha student .ef Jean Paul Laurens, perhaps the greateat art teacher, from whose Instruction ' ho has vary recently returned. ' His picture, "The Girl With ' tha Muff," attracted - much comment on both sides of tha water and was ' given a place in many exhibitions. - There will doubtless be some delight ful entertaining for him by Mrs. Con- : toell. who is a delightful hostess and has a charming home on King's Heights. Mies Sadie Prattyman of Mount Tabor baa gone to Long Beach to open her eotlagr Her gueaU will be Mrs. Wal : tar Lloyd, Mrs. H. Vundenrert of Balem and Mrs. William T. Davie of Terra Haute, Indiana.-. - Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mr. and 17 Mrs. Dom J. Zan, Miss Delta Watson with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kelson and Mr. and Mrs. Percy A Toung Of Albany formed a camping party that left for . tha mountains last week.' .. river enjoying a -dainty luncheon pre pared for them by Mrs. Albert Sheldon and Mrs. ... Lombard, ;wlu - chaperoned them; - The young guests were grouped about their little hostess before start ing and were photographed as ahown on this pa go. The guests were Margaret Sheldon. Katharine Russell, coulee Let ter; Jane Hoge, Elisabeth Jones, Barbara Holcomb, Martha Hoyt, Conauelo Mc Millan. Martha Hoyt. Kirk Norton, Webster' Patterson, George,-Law rs ace and Donald Skene. ,'.-.... : " Miss Jean Mackensle an'd Miss Use Koehler are at Oearbart Park. ' ' Lansing Stout la taking an outing at Gearhart Park.- ' Mrs. W. J. Honaymaa gave a luncheon I launchee sad sailboats brought parties up for -the evening and the cool rerandas were crowded. Tha strings of Japanea lanterne bobbing, up and down made a very pretty effeot. All the tables 'were occupied and tha success of ths evening presaged ' many such pleasant evenings at thla popular new resort... . . ' Mr. and Mr James MoOeachln nave been tha guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Manning the paat week at their home on Marshall street. Mr. McOeachln is an old frlorid of tha dlatrlot attorney from their old home In' Orleana, Nebraska, where Mr. McOeachln Is a prominent business man and land owner. Judge . Cameron, who halls from tha same friace in Scotland (Kilmarnock), as does Mr. McOeachln, was largely In strumental In arranging a river party In honor of the guests last Monday night nlng. Tha McGeachlns left Wedneeday for Boise, Idaho., -; , Mra Weeley Ladd and Miss. Susie Stott, who has been her guest at bar beach cottage, returned Monday. , ,' ' " Mrs. T. N. Strong and bar daughter, Mra W. A. Bethel, ara at tba beach. . it k ' , Mr. and Mra Frank C. Miller of Kan sas City, Missouri former residents of Portland, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Noble, for tha paat 10 days) at their homo, Tit Flanders street. They have many friends In town and ware extensively entertained. Dinners, luncheons, boating and automobile par ties have been given for them by Dr. and Mra Dickson. Mr. and Mra Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burke, Mr. and Mra Eldridge, Mr. and Mra J. B. Livingston, Miss O'Reilly, Frank Robertson, J. H. elub.- Besides Mr. MaoMaater, tha guests were: Mrs, C. B. . Wood, Gen eral and1 Mrs. C F. Beebe and Judge One of the social events of the week at neaview waa a bond re and eaadr null grven by. Miss Luella Height en Sat urday evening. Tha event was In honor of jack P. Hoben and Thomas M. Pat terson, who are visitors at ' tha beach thla season. The Weather waa In keep ing with the occasion ' arid the Jolly garnering er joyed what was Considered tne largest bonflre this season. . imou inoee present were:,Mr. and Mrs. Jamie- son. Mrs. E. J. Hala-tit. Mra Charles Mastlck. Mra M. Dodson. Mlasaai liella ana i&ana Height, Mas Persls Sargent. isi r iorn uunnam, Mlas Alicia Harri son. MISS Meg Honavman. Mlaa Panel Harder, Mlas Margaret Olbson. Mlases vara, Mwina and Fatay Mastlck, Misses CBryan. Dr. Ernest F. Tucker and other (A5n " Bthel -Mackintosh, William old friends. Mra Miller Is a very I hpp- Curtis Sargent, Jack P. charming guest who readily makes new l"ob"'V Thomas M. Patterson. Harold C. friends and easily retains her old onea jwewiyn buck, u. For about a week they will enjoy an old Harrington, Everton Pem- tlma outings and .fishing trip In the mng sarrett and Donald Met- mountains Itevnnii Rurene' at "thirt.nsrtcsjia House hotel at MoKenale Bridge. .They will then return to Portland for. a brief visit before leaving for the sound oa thel? way east Mr. Miller la vice-president of the Pioneer Trust company of Kansas City. : " . vf Harold Tronaon entertained Informally Mr. and Mra Lewis R. Alderman are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a aon Tuesday morning.- They are av tne nome ox Mra Alderman's parents, ur. ana Mrs. p. j. Barber. .The Misses Dosoh were dellrhtful en- at dinner Thursday at the links in honor wtalners Tuesday evening at their of Mra ErU and tha Mlases Erts of "n " ar rtiiisoaja xns nonor San Franotsco, . They, are now at the Norton for, the remainder 6f the sum mer. , ' ,.; . The party at Ecola this week at the Lewis and Flanders summer place will Include the Frank Harts, Mrs. Henry Hewitt, Miss Belle Alnsworth, Miss Ma bel Norris of San Francisco, tha William Brewsters and Miss May Falling. - Next week there will bo tha Holt Wilsons, -.. .ititiin. neeasaaa . a oAi ss A charming launch party was given Friday x evening for Miss Josephine Tatea xThe party of 14 went up the river to tha Rock Island . club, where they took a dip and then served lunch n tha island. In tba evening there was Manning In ths elubrooma The guests wars: - Judge and Mrs. CDay, Mr. and Mra L. H. Tarplay, Mr. and Mra Oeorga Wentworth, Mr. and Mra Hugh Laidlaw. Hiss Tatea, Miss Helen East luun. Miss Oraoa Warren. Paul Hockey, Arnold Roth well, George Warren and Vloyd Tarplay. . i T- 1 Mra 0Day " entertained Informally Thursday with two tablaa of bridge for Mra.. Clinton Brown of Saa Franclaco, who Is visiting bar mother. Mra West, f the saat side, Mlaa Josephine Tatea and Mra. Hugh Laidlaw won tha prlsea ', ..-,.,.... launch paily was given w ij v Cs2- ' . a I : ) i r ii ; 1 nil 5V i Friday afternoon by lit Ue Margaret Sheldon for her little friends as a good : by before bar departure for Victoria : to visit her cousin. Laddie Watklns of England. Mra Gay Lombard's automo bile carried tha party of little ones to tha "wharf and there ' ths beautiful : launch Mayflower was - watting for there. , They spent tha afternoon on tha 1 Mrs, Prank C Miller of Kansas City. Wednesday for ths executive committee of the Travelers' Aid association as It existed during the exposition period. A business session followed. There were 1 pFw4Jgwa", - Miss' Grace Warren enlertatneda Small party of friends at bridge Tues day afternoon In honor of Miss Elisa beth Mills and Miss Louisa Howland of Saa Francisco. '.. Mrs. Mills and Miss Mills of San Francisco are making an, over-Sunday visit at ths beach. .. r r-r - s V r' Mr. and Mra T. M. Word,' 8. 'It Qruber and Mr. and Mra Fred D. Cham berlain are enjoying a week's outing In eastern Oregon. Already Its miles have been covered by stage. They expect to return boms tomorrow. , ' . ' ' - . . w it-.... ;. Mra Hugh Laidlaw Is planning to en tertain soon for Miss Yates of Spokana Mra. 0"Dsy has given a number of very Informal things for her Colonel and Mrs. James McCraken and Robert McCracken have taken apartments at the Nortonla. . w it ' There was a large attendance at ths Rock Island clubhouse laat Wednesday evening for the first of the evening muslcalea. A large number of private X ii iriTSfnh i ii,iTiri'livin""irtiiiii' ' f 'm ' ' gueat was Mlas Elisabeth Mllla of San Franclaoo and tha dinner and danoa given for her took a eharmlnalv Infor mal aepeot Quantities of brilliant gold enrod had been brought in to make the houaa and grounds mors attractive and tne picnic table spread beneath the trees was a pretty scena J. B. Teon automobile and tha Hill Military acad amy tallyho brought by James H1U eon veyed tha guests to ths Dosch homa Dancing followed the suDDer snd a thor- ougniy pleasant evening waa enjoyed Among the guests . were Mrs. W. II Milla , Miss Elisabeth MlUsilr and mrw.M. nocgey. Mr., and Mra R. H Hoge,' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Riley. Mra. Fred ooodwin, Mra Anna Selkirk Norton. Miss Alice Sansberry. Mlaa Louise How. land. raul and Eugene Rocker. Dr. Frank Bladen, Measra Barker. James Hill. J. B. Xeon and Mr. Esterley. Mrs. C. E. B. Wood left last week for a stay at Oearbart Park. Mr. and Mrs. Kllllngeworth and their family have opened their summer homa 4-urexa cotuge, at Long Beach. Mr. KUllngaworth gave a delightful tallyho party laat Monday to Ocean Park. , The merry party left Eureka cottage at In the morning, arriving at Ocean Park at- noon, where an appetising luncheon was served by Mra Frank J. Strelbta. The return trip was mads by moonlight A delightful day was enjoyed by all. Mlaa Lea Grunlnger Is a guest of Miss Nina Kllllngeworth at the. cottage. . ... . . ... ir . .,! ,. . . , , , Mra. Edgar E. Coursen and her daugh tar Gerald lne are at Hotel Breakera at tha beaeh. : 4W Mra A. Bell and Tier daughter Evelyn left the beach for Portland on Monday. iney leri yeeteraay witn a campln party to spend three weeks In ths moun tains- above Taqulna. - - Mlse Florence Wolfe left North Beach for Seaside laat week- and will' apend ths remainder of tha. aeason there at ner motnera . cottage, , . ; I. N. Ll?man returned Tuesday after a month's outing with his family at North Beach.- James Roeenf eld has been visiting his sister. Mrs. Lipman. ,nu reiumea jaonaay.' ...w - w B. Elalrfg of New Tork Is the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Bigmund Frank thla week. He is the father of Mra Aba Meier. ijast week the Franks entertained Mr. and Mra Henry Brill of New Tork, who nave now gone-xo Alaska. - -- Mist Lillian Goodman, Whose Engagement Is Announced. The launch EI Kadef carried ths party of 14, all loyal Scotch, to the Oaks, where they landed and -had aupper In a private dining-room Bagplpea had bean-brought along And were played during the trip and on their arrival soms of ths party entertained the rest with Scotch son gs and dances. Mr. and Mra Robertson together - danced the Highland Fling." the "Sword Dance" and the "Sheen TMia." Mr. and Mra McOeachln, inspired by ' tha ' music, danced the Scotch reel and at the cloee Mr. Manning and Judge Cameron danced tha Irish Jig. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson also aang a number of popular Scotch atre, Including "Loth. Lrtmoady Dundee" and "When Te Oang Aw a' Jamie." A number of exceedingly good Scotch stories were told. The members of ths party were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gavin, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Robertson, Mr. and Mra. J. H. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Cameron. Mr. and Mra. J. McOeachln, Mr. and Mrs. John Man ning, Miss Helen and Miss Louisa Man- Mr. and Mra; Howard Mather, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols, Miss Hoyt, Miss Kathleen Burin, Miss Nan Wood, David Honeyman and a few othera ' Mlas Hoyt will remain through the next week. when-her sister, Mra Robert Lewis, and Mr. Lewis will be there. That week. Mrs. Jack Alnsworth will be one of the gueata, going down from the Moor at seaside, where ahe la now. Tha Eoola houaa parties are among the most de lightful features for Portland society this ssason and every week there Is ons. w Tha Ed Ehrmans left Tuesday for a viait at the Breakera at Long Beach. and Mra. Max Hlrach also are at the Breakera . w w Ths Frank Harts were. at Seaside for part of the week and left Friday for Ecola to join the Lewie-Fiandersr house party, . , - Mra William MacMaater entertained at dinner Wednesday night at tha Waverly Miss Falllng'was' the guest of Mra. I W. B. Ladd and Mra. Helen Ladd Cor- bett at their beach home last wsek. t'7 w. A GROUP OF CHILDREN ENTERTAINED BY MARGARET SHELDON. (. x i 'A .tS 'v'V R6r Feld4nheimer, who waa graduated laat term - from. Portland academy, left last week for Berkeley to enter the Unl verelty ef California. . His parenta Mr. ana Mrs. Albert reiaenneiraer. left .Fri day for Hotel Breakera - " -,w ;'" Mr. and Mra. 'B. Julius Mayer and their daughter. Mra "Julius Meier, have gone to the coast for the ' month of August. .- i : It Mr. and Mrs. Bigmund Frank will leave In The early fall for an extended trip abroad. Their two sons and Mra Frank'a mother, Mrs. A. J. Meier, who returned Wedneeday from a month's ssy st tht r-r -h, will accompany, them and the party . ' win remain abroad through tha winter. , Mra Frank la one of the most active and enthusiastic workers In the Women's exchange, of which she Is vice-president. T;, V.-..- Mrs. Frank Nan and her children ar rived horns from Zanesvllle, Ohio, last week, where they visited several weeka Mra. Walter J. Burns left Thursday for her eottage at Gearhart Park, Miss Etta Morris Is 111 st her home on King's Heights with nervous pros tration. . -!. EVENTS OF.THE WEEK, ' 1 J ; 1 i f Reading from left to right, top row Margaret Meart, Katherine Russell, Louise afitcr, Jane Hoge, Eligabeth Jones, Barbara" Holcomb, . rowKirk Norton, Webster Patterson, George Lawrence, Donald Skene, Margaret Sheldon, Consuelo McMillan, Martha Hort 4 Lowe .The Harrison School Alumni aasccla tlon gave a dellghtfur picnic last Tues day evening. Tne young people of this newly-formed society went by trolley to la delightful grove on the east bans: or the -.-Willamette - river near Sellwood. Upon reaching their ' deatinatlon, the plcknlckers served ' each ether with e true outing spread. After disposing of that portion of the program the mem bers indulged in various gamsa As finishing touch to the evening a bonfire was started on the beach and tne cheers and yella of the local high school heart ilv given. The members of the alumni stats thst this Is hut ths beginning of many enjoyable affairs of a similar na ture to be given under their auspices. The party included, besides the officers and members of ths society. Miss Vary D. Donahoe, a member-of the- Harrtaon school faculty and a graduate or tnat SChOOl.. ... , ;,. '' ' Miss Julia Eder geve a Itwn partf In honor of her brother. Bernard, Wed nesday., evening which "was . a complete surprise .to Klni: Thrtumlnaiioa .. of the grounds was Very well arranged so thst a labyrinth of strings tnst over- I spread the lawn could plainly be ssen. By-winding up these strings partners were found for the evening. Progres sive games were played. Mlaa Katherine Madlgan and Bernard Eder taking the first prises and Mrs. Bertha Adklns and Ray Cornell the consolations, A. pretty lunchecn.was aervtd late in the evening. Those entertained were Mlaa Kathar ine Madlgan. Miss Mary McCrumm. Miss Blanchn Rourk. Miss Amanda Keesllng, , Miss Josta Blot, Miss Rosa Hrushke, Miss Genevieve Malley, MtsS"' Berths Metier,! Miss Julia Eder. Mrs." Bertha Adklns, Mrs. John Edef. Mrs. Bfrs, Will Dora, Will Chape n, Jim Madlgan,! KJEES ri ITZ2 UCIILTS STCIS resizes . :y. ' 'sBBmssaasi BBaaa BB-amBJ . rCl!2T3 AND L!C-Z15: ( K. mm skirts w Alpaca arid 'All Wool Mixtures Values up to $16.50 I " V On Display In Our Fourth Street Window! . nnssES' skiots Serge snd Panama in Blue, Black and Navy, lvalues up to $7.50 ... iSniRTlVAIST-SUITS In Lawns, Mulls and Dotted ' Swisses -at ONB- . .;i:i::.i:i,;HALF ;regul Ar';prici;;.v:- ivoms FANCY DOSE Plain Dropstitcli Embroidereda big line of fancy Hose, values up to $2.50 On Display In Our Fourth Street Window. TAILORED SUITS In Jacket and Eton Effects, this season's best styles,Taiueaapto $35 TRE1T.1ED HATS J Fine Trimmed Hats made In our workroom. New York models VALUM. UP TO $7.00 $1.98 VALUES 7UP TO $1110 $2.98 EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Peter Madlgan, ; Ray . Cornell. Ed tan genbtrger. Al Leonard, Arthur Leonard, Jamea Dorle. Vernon (Hidden, Walter McKay, Joe Eder, Bernard Eder ana J. Edr.. , ; , The young people ef the Manltou en- Joyed a delightful launch ride Friday evening. They went down to the Colum bia and there anchored and served a oe- Hclone supper. At A late hour they, re turned home . ,,, .1.,' : , j Mra I O. Marvin entertained Tues day with a picnic luncheon under-the trees at her home on the east sida Covers were laid for. ten and the plcnte service - wss muoh enjoyed. Eveline Miller and Mercy Ludlow, two little girl friends of the hostesa looked after the filling Of the lemonade glasses and the serving of the salad and tes cream. , Monday evening Miss Lottie Ellis and Miss Myrtle Wild were the hostesses for a launch party of 1 that spent ths evening up the river. The honor guest of the evening wae Mlee Huldah Morton of Salt Lake City, who la spending a month here as the guest of the two glrla A landing was made at ths upper end of Ross Island and supper served. After ward the party rode farther up the river. Mra W. L. Williams waa the ehaperone and the. party bealdea tha hostesses and Miss Morton were Miss Mr re Worceater. Miss Erma Hilling, Miss Jennie Wilson. Miss Clara Ward, Jamas Selden, Oeorge Harper, Carl Davla Morris Sand, Oeorge Mosler, David Ounther, Fred Hapapoon and W. L.. Williams. ... . A day's outing, combining buslneaa and pleasure, was enjoyed oa Thursday of last week by the members and friends of the Ladles' Social union of Sellwood M. E. church. . The women epent - the day with their paator, Rev. C A. Lewis, and his fkmlly at their camp at Court ney, where they are spending the sum mer. ' Hammocks and swings were sup plied for the emusement ef the chil dren. A .bountiful luncheon provided by the women waa served lif the grove. After luncheon the - regular monthly bualneas meeting of the union was held, presided over by the vice-president, Mra Chapman, In ths absence of the presi dent, Mrs. A. F. Miller. - A good, round euov was reported in the treasury. Ths women are, doing excellent work towsrd j WEDDING AND VI5ITI NO CARDS W. G. SMITH & Co. Waahlattoa Ball 4 tag raising funds for the new church that Is in prooese ef building'. 1- WEDDINGS. J One ef the pretty heme weddings of the eeason was that which was solemn ised on July II: at tha residence ef the bride's parenta Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fls ler. at Catlln, Washington, when Wal ter Kyle Montague or Portland and Miss Laura EUa Fldler of Catlln were mar ried by the Rev. J. C Abies of the lat ter placa Mr. Montague la well known here through his long connection' with business in this city. Mr. snd Mra Montagus were the reolptents of beautl- -ful gifts from frionds In Portland, Se attle, San Franclaco, Los Angelas, Cat lln and Virginia, the native place of the groom. ' Mr. and Mra Montague are now .at home at their pretty residence, recently purchased by Mr. Montague, at 1070 East Belmont street. . : ;-'--v '.,'"i.,:.'s ' , Miss Marie B. Dunlap, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alf P. -Dunlap of fit Clinton street, Portland, was ' married to Thomas J. Hocking July SI, at Kalama, Washington. Tbsy will maks their home In Montana; ,ruW7W,-,'. . A pretty home wedding took) place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Sagef at Sycamore at 4 o'clock Sunday. July SI, when Mlas Olive Robinson of Portland and William RIchey of Syca more were united in marriage.- The . ring ceremony wae read by Rev. C A. (Continued on Page B even teen.) I Mr. and Mrs. Wpliara RIchey. 'A A. v