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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
...'.. this onsc c : j cunday journal, . Portland, sui.Ar. i:c::i::g :aucu:t g, i::3. SOB! HI SCORE LIST OF THE JOURiJAL'S EDUCATIOriAL COflTEST Ambitious Young People Working for Free Scholarship Offered - ' ' by The Journal -Rush In Subscriptions and Make . : v; V i .c: '' .:. Scores;' Higher. . - - ' ! Ffcr :': -"'r LljU & CO. Pretcrtption . CaSad For and Delivered Without Extra Charx FhofM Yonr Dn Wants to Private Exchanfa U V11 Do tha Rt During th last, sis . days I contest nu In th educational conteat have secured for T Journal total of 411 subscriber. Eight of the contestants, . Interrupted by sickness- In their famine or other oauaaa, during tba urn tlma hara failed to add vote to their acorea f Wm af saarlyttea. ... In tha number of aubacrlptlona to poited Nellie Mar Shannon takes llrat honor for tba we, with Horao A. -Wllaon a close second. " Miss Shannon 'turned rtr to Tha Journal sub scriber, paid tn advance, while Horace Wllaon mad good with 41 aubacrlptlona. Maatar Wtlaon'a aubacrlptlona wer for longer terma than Mlaa Bhannon's -and therefore their voting power an- . f (, v A. Horace Wilson. bled hint to" paaa Mlaa Shannon and to take the lead In the regular score Hat It la not the number Of aubacrlptlona aecured that i-determine .the- relative : standing of' contestant In the score list, -but the grand total of votes aa . measured by the total number of months for which aubacrlptlona are paid In ad vaaoa. This phase of the contest la ex plained In another part of thhrtjews- paper. - Aowvity of Contestants. " But In order to show the number of calls and consequent activity of the dlf - ferent eonteatanta for the last six days the namea are here arranged In the order ef standing as to the number of subscribe re from whom eollectlona have been made. In short, this enumeration ahowa how the vote hnatlera stand as ' to the number of transactions made by them during the week. In this respect the contestants may be enumerated as follows: Nellie May Shannon. Horace iC -WU- son. Guy Graham, Rhode I, gtalnacker, : Lillian McVlcker, Mildred . L. Clemena, , Bertie Chan, Lloyd Rlchea. AUeen Hack- man, Carl Styslton, Mabel Magneaa, ' Malala ' O'Donnell, Harry Brant. Dorcas . Van Schoonoven. Dean ' Knott. Paul Nygren, Guy Johnson, Edith Harris, ' Charles Gross, Clay Gray, May Pender- grass, Mary J! Powell, Clay. Jones, Louise Scott, John Benson. j x . '" - Patron Writs Letters. ' " t ' Patrons of The Journal show their Interest In the contestants by writing letters to Inform the public why they are deserving of support. Several of those letters will be published otday. : Roy Johnson, 7 " Davidson , street, ' Portland, has been battling along to get .up In the alz caab prises. He baa been within on of them and when he cashes tn some promises that have been made to him he may go In for a coin purse. Dur ing tbe last week he has held on to fig ure eight as though It ware a life pre server. One day he reached up and grabbed seven, but he did not retain it .' for long.- i. Worthy at grtiam. " j Roy Johnson la highly recommended by Profeasor Ed D. Curtis of Portland as follows:- .. "To The Oregon Journal The bearer. Roy , Johnson,- graduated with credit Trot flunnyslds school In February, !. He la Induatrlous, honeat, honor able, truthful and ambitious. His wish - 4m to qualify himaelf for business, and Intends to take a thorough course la the Behnke-Walker Bualneaa college A scholarship of that Institution would be of no small benefit and value to him. aa hi financial means consist of his own earnings. I commend him as worthy of . esteem .and assistance. Very respect fully. ; i v . f. B. D. CURTIS, :- "r i "Principal." ' - - The mallToad Candidate. - ". -; ' Clay Jones, 40 Eaat Twelfth street, Portland, la one of the most ambitious, , self-reliant and hard-worked boys tn the educational contest. He makes his own " way In the world, and he is appreciated . by a number of discerning people. He will have to rlss higher In the score list ' to -win the scholarship tn McMlnnvllle college, which he seeks, ss that school Is much In dsmsnd among the contest- . ants. ;. , - - . A. Laurence Black, pastor of the Cal vary Baptist church, contributes a Utter to The Journal telling why Clay Jonea should bs considered by patrons of The Journal who want to do good with their subscription money. The lettee follows: "Mr. Clay Jonea la a member of the Calvary Baptist church of this city, a son of Mrs. Julia Jones, also a member ' of this church and one of Oregon's pio neers and. native daughters; he is also a, brother of A. D. Jones, a well-known locomotive fireman. 'He la In every re spect worthy of the support of all Bap tists, Oregon pioneers and railroad men. and in fact any one elae who may wish to place votea tn bla favorI.hava-bee personally acquainted with. Clay and bis family for many yearssnd do not hesi tate ' to heartily Indorse his candidacy for a Journal scholarship. Mr Jones has" the ambition and the mettle out of which useful men 'are mad, and having had to work my own way through both college .and seminary, I the more cheer fully give him my support la this en deavor for an education. - " Mr. Jones Is wholly dependent upon his own resources, and la determined to make his own wsy through college. If he la successful In this contest he will i enter McMlnnvllle college, where I am sure he will distinguish himaelf as a scholar and a man of value to the world. Mr. Jones specialty J mathematics and oratory.., "A. LAURENCE BLACK, Pastor Calvary Baptiat Church." v ' '. .-ew OoaUstaat Inters. ' Professor M. C Case of Hlllaboro, county school superintendent of Wash ington county, nominated Miss Malsta O'Donnell of Buxton aa a suitable and worthy candidate for m, scholarship in The Journal Educational Contest. Miss O'Donnell was first notified of her nomination on July It.. She looked over her field for - gathering subscrip tions and thought that for her the con test might prove to be too 'big an under taking. - But-she Is prompt and busi nesslike and so. wrots The Journal a letter by the first mall following her notification This paragraph from that letter shows how timidly she approached the proposition:" - "I am muoh complimented that Pro fessor Case should nominate me and would gladly enter the contest if I can think I will have any . possible show. When I consider that there are 30 can didate for scholarships already In tha field, the time I have lost In not enter ing at the beginning, and the difficulty of traveling about up In this part of ths country, It seem almost hopeless for me to try. - i v -. -. , "Owing to the population . being so scattered I would have to cover the. whole of Washington county, wouldn't IT If you honestly think I have a fair chance to win one of the scholarships, I shall go to work on receipt of your reply, a there Is no newspaper on the ooaat so. neat, newsy and attractive as The Journal. "You know I live . In the midst of a farming community, so I would have to travel around a great deal." ' Plrst Sow aoaeesfuL . ' - What a different, and more sanguine view of her prospects Miss O'Donnell takes after she has been out an hour to gather, conteat votea! - Her letter re porting the result of her experiment la so excellent that It will be printed In full. It shows what an ambitious girl aeeklng a scholarship may. do-In can vassing even In a farming community. Tba letter follows: (."Gentlemen: After ' trying for about an hoar and securing it subscriptions I am much encouraged and have decided to enter the -contest. ""The subscriber I secured this even. Ing are all new. so I. have deducted 10 per cent of the amount, . Or 7 cents. from the total, T.0N. I this satisfac tory! "I am only sending In nine subscrip tions as I bav used all my blanks and so request that you kindly aend a new upply. "In the voting ballot I gave a, year's subscription 1.S00 votes and IS for a month's, having received the Impression that was correct from laat night night s (Tuesday Journal. Please let me know If I am mistaken. In another page I send brief his tory of my school Ufa and will send a photo If you desire In few days. "If you wlah. I think J could get Fro- fessor Ferrln or Principal Bates of Pa clflo university. Forest Grove, to com mend me. . That is. If you think It ad visable. "Shortly after , the . arrival of my parents her from the east, I attended chool la Portland IS weeks, being then year of age. We soon mored tnto the rouhlrr to the foothills of the Nehalem mountains. where my folks would not allow ma to go to school to Buxton until I was It, thinking It unsafa to- go through tha timber. It being a distance of three mllea "Always eager to learn. I studied hard and at the age of II graduated from the eighth grade. .-- - - - "J was -ambitious to attend higher J schools, but my parents, thinking It unwise to let me go till I was older, did not permit me to go till I was II, when ' I attended tha public ' school at Forest Grove to -review my studies In order to take a teacher's examination tha - following spring. Owing to the lapse of time and change In the course of study, I was allowed to take to eighth grade examination again. "A I stood highest In my class I was given a scholarship by Pacific univer sity. - - - - - "Gaining my teacher's certificate, I taught school three months before en tering Tualatin academy, - where I took a year and a hairs work In one, besides working for my board. . "I have taught IS months' school and In - this ' saleof theT AL-r ' FRED BENJAMIN ft .CO. -Correct Clothes'" for; Cne-Foiirlh Oil . Regular Price : Man can't make or money, can't buy better ready-to-wear clothing than the Benjamin line. . v; - . : ALL PANAMA ft STRAW HATS AT HALF PRICE 311 KORRKCX ST., cpp. Pcsa. AS SO TAX.US, VOni 90 OS OAJT CrXYB -'--.- ''''7i7n. ' ''' :' s . I. ,:. Slice ,of ;. ''r-'A .-, ' ''':';:,r'.'.---s' :-'-v': ' At your grocer's vXBBBBBBBwaaswawaVawaSswaBBBwawawawawM am Intending to try for a first grade certifies ts. ; -. "I am very ambitious to complete my course In the academy.- and as I have gained what education I possess by bard work and my own effort, I em not afraid to try for one of The-Journal scholarships. I have been - foatunate always in finding friends to encourage me and hope they will stand by me now. . 1 " , Sincerely yours, - , , , "MAISIE O'DONNELL. Stoma. Tabor-Mount Soott lrl. --CL H.. BlanchardV. welL known in- the growing community between Mount Ta bor and Mount Scott, contribute to the conteat column of The Journal a letter of information concerning Alleen Hack man. -Mlaa Haekman baa been sick Two days of the past week but In hard work at other times 1 trying to make up for time lost.. She has Induced The Journal carriers to go with her on her canvass ing trips and their presence and advice aid her very much. ' The following 1 the letter contrib uted by the superintendent of the sun- day school In which Miss Haekman Is ons of ths useful teachers: - "Contest Editor Mis Afleen Haek man of Myrtle Park, on of the eonteat anta in your educational contest, i n earnest andf capable teacher in our Sun day achoob - - - - --' . "She 1 a devoted Christian girl, nn selfish in. giving her time and talents to help others, and deserves to succeed In a conteat where the publto ha fa vor to bestow. ' : "Miss Hackman's parents are bunding a home at Myrtle Park on the Mopnt Scott line and ars Just getting a start In Oregon. Mr.' Haekman - is building his own boms after . working hour and the family la Industrious. "Mlaa Alleen is 17 year old and wants to fit herself for a useful occu pation and Is In the educational contest for one of the scholarships In the Behnke-Walker college of Portland. "Patrons of The Journal will do this yotmglady m favor, which will be appre ciated If they will advance the payments of thslr subscription for a few months. so tbst she msy win a scholarship. t y- , ,"C H. BLANCH ARD. CHINESE LEPER SEED VBY CITY AKD COUaTY Health Department of Each Dodges Responsibility of Car v Ing for Human .Outcast. Between the county of Multnomah and ths city of Portland It seems prob able that Wong Sue. the Chinese af flicted with leprosy, will be left to care lor himself indefinitely In his ' tiny hack In the old Chinese garden near tbe Multnomah field. - , - Neither the county nor the city 1 willing to spend any money unless It Is absolutely necessary.- The city health department was practically out of funds when the case was discovered. There fore Dr. Wheeler,. health officer, consid ered that Dr. Geary, county, health of ficer, should take the patient under his charge. --. And Dr. Carey believes that there la no good reason why Multnomah county should bear the expense. It is now be lieved ' certain that Wong Bus has leprosy. This means that a separate pesthouss must bs erected for his ac commodation and that an attendant muat be provided. It is ths first ease of leprosy the Portland, doctors - have ever naa to taenia. -. While each health officer I waiting for the other to do something -for' him, 6IdW6ng Hue putters shout his cabin and continues to live on the scraps of food brought him by friendly country men and those left where he will And them by kind neighbors who ars afraid to come nearer. . "As It Is a' contagious disease I can not ses why the city should not handle It Just ss much ss It does smallpox," ssld Dr. E. P. Geary, county health offi cer, yesterday. "I cannot see why the county should bear the expense, and ths commissioners hold - the same, opinion as -myself.T a- Dr. Wheeler has personally Invest!-. gated Wong Bus s case and his doubts ss to It being leprosy sr now almost entirely removed. PEOPLE TO ATTEND PRISON CONVENTION ' (Special Dtspatct) te Tae Jesraal.) Salem, Or Aug.- 4. Relegate to the National Prison association, which wUl meet In Albany. New York. September IS and 10, tnclualve. lufv been appointed by Governor Chamberlain aa follow: Rev. Father J. A. Leveaque of Woodbum, Mr. R. B. Houston. C W. Jam, Rev. E. W. St. Plana, Mrs. Lou Hatch, all of Salem ; Millie R. Trumbull. Anna M. Cremen,. Rev. B.P. Murphy, ,W, T. Gardner. H. H. Hawley. Mrs. W.v A. Mear. $. D, Whit,- Marlon R. Johnson, Mrs. E. M. Daggett, Rev.. R. Abraham on, all of Portlnad. . .. .... Taese as say" Want Aa la Vonraal that wis tat ' Elnsiic Uosicn - - I"" ' ".A'-traint'x',tn-Umn.ra y'Ommmmm awelllng or. variooa vein- af X V' ahould b looked after tin- - X. f . . . . -. mediately by procuring aa ' - -f-jft j. m Klaatlo -Ho Anklet -' or . f -.-. Knee Cap.-.. Jf ry: Many week of suffering 1 are obviated by thl almplo : 1''." ."provision.- ; . ? - i Manufactured on our own-' "loom and guaranteed to .. fit. Private fitting-room. ; Ladi In attendanoo, send ' for maurmnt blank and' nrlfl Hmt. . ' ''"If '.' aQRT. TO HT, OB '' Phoio Dzpurtniimf WMiIUIIJ rr Ccr.Tj .-'We ara exclualve agent f or Amoo Camera and Ansoo Non-Curling FUma, Sense Camera and Sua drie. Dl Nunslo's Sepia Platinum Paper. Cook Ln Bauaoa Lomb Lumiere Plata, t. Our faculties for doing thl work are oompleta, ' Brine u your film and plate perfect work by killed workmen. Goer Triad Binocular Telescope. .80 If you are ruptured and need a Truss, oome tn , and talk It over with, on of our speclallsta. . They will honestly and conscientiously toll you- what you , need. More than fifty style of Truss to select from.; Privet fitting-room. Lady attendant. - ABSoxtrra aATXatrAonoaT ovAmAaTrmms. ' Our reoponsibnity doesn't end with th al. Not -anttl yon Lav, gotten th result you pay for and axpaet." "-. -: -' r t . . .. Idpsoxax mnrs) rua, 95.00. Crutchts tnd IsmM Chain For Sale and to Rent. : cpdlark Grapz Juice VporBzthCblnets,$,$5,$7.50t$12 : ' TL r'-ermeated Juice of th Concord gran. 'A' moat cUitiion, refreahlng and healthful drink thl hot su'-mer weather. - Just th drink for th pionle Tour doctor reoommeml It, XS4t -- M.50. A Lactometer Aids to the DcsfArfflcUl Eyes , TO show you ' whether - you are buying pur or '. diluted milk If worth whllay to know for .many reason chiefly your health Or your baby.' B0 BAOaT.. Table and Lledklnal Vines Extra SpecM-r50 Bottle for $7c Sights and Scenes of the Fair Portland . and the Golden West A book containing ill View of th Lewi and ' Clark Exposition and a oollecUon of q ' - View of Portland and Oregon. . Special... QC render Begnla SI 0O Spsolal 50. CABERNET , . . BURQUNDT . ZXNTANDBli SAUTKRNB . ; CLARXT : t , POBT ANGELICA MADEIRA MTTSCATEXi TO EAT CATAWBA 8HERRT , Blackberry Brand, $tC0 Value, U; Household Emergency Case ' -For the camp, horn or coast . Contain Oana Bandage. Oaoae, Cotton, Adhesive . Plaster, Safety Pin. Mustard Plaatsrs, Court Plaatar, etc. :';,. bo a Champion Dog Biscuits Supply both meat and vegetable : food. ' producing gloeay ooata, regular habits, firm maaole and solid bone,-. x '-.-; . . Especially good for pwppl, ft la asHy eated, prevenu eonsUpatloo, thereby preventing rickata and other dlsoaao. B04 vAOXAOa. arest yen, ,.. II 1 1 1 1 ' 'I 301 noi loi, , ioiottoi 101 101 o a Q (A O o August 7, 8, 9 September 8, 9, 10 - Portland to Poiats East mm ST. PAUL DULUTH, FARGO,' MINNEAPOLIS AND x : THE EAST - mm DAILY TtlMIS - , - - , . LINCOLN, T. JOSEPH, KAN SAS CITY, ST. LOUIS v v. AND THE EAST r -The Regular Yellowstone lational ParK Route .iu.-..t. if - A t-v ; Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the ; SEND SIX CENTS FOR WONDERLAND, 1906, OR IT CAN : BE HAD AT THE . . suffice: f ok jtiaskiimo.- t- SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS IF. INTERESTED IN OUR ' " '' ' - ' . '- . i . .- -: ,, 99 - t v BOOKLET. JUST OU"T AD particulars, rates, routes, etc., at Ticket Office, 255 Morrison Street, corner Third, or by letter to T A. B. ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON O L. O fc Cola fouraal Uteres- t I. . ' ' ' IOI 20: :o: io: ic: ;. .l;:;1,r:....,.'.t-V 4 ' '