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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1906)
TH3 ctjzzcu cih.-dat- jotjzz:: rcrrtAKo; Sunday i:c"::::;o. august . ieci BOCK PROCLAIMS IIIS lOHOCEIlCE SOLDEDS AT" Af4EISM LAKE ENCAi-iPMENT The BREAKERS HOTEL T AJUEJUCAJf PLAJC , Say He la Victim of Conspiracy Because of Being Leader of ' r-. Labor Organization, f - STANDS' CONVICTED OF MURDEROUS. ASSAULT MMl .... V :;.'. -! t . . . Wrlteg Lengthy Letter to The Jour -. nal Alleging That ' DetectiVes Forced Witnesses to Identify Him - as Leader of Gang. ' kAxo uvmrnuB use or Memo voBTsnms. Kleetrts IJghU BtMav B sad Cels Salt Water ia tvery Tea, Bay TWfeets sweaharai , rmriae CMaty. waaa. rastarsee AdStvaa, BrsalMra, Wash. -I . : i 1 y , . v : ' : . v v- :: .. a-. A..:.: ".vv,.-jc.-i--' : : r. if - lit.! . ; landil Dlsneteb t The JauaU Amerioun Lake, Wub, Aug. 4. -The organisation of the camp of Instruction . , :t American Lake, named Camp Ta- eoma by Brigadier-General Funaton, . commanding. Is rapidlr spproachtng . completion. The around Xo be occupied by the vaxioua regiments and corps to take part in the maneuvers has all been mapped out by the engineers under Cap tain Meriwether Walker, end the sites - for each camp staked ready fpr . the erection of tents. . , - ' The encampment la divided Into two 'parts, an of whleh lies along the North era Paclflo railroad from Murray north, a distance of a mile and a half, and the , jether from Huflna crossing to Nil ' iqualljr, about three miles from Murray, in a southerly dlreotlon. The troops are to be more or leas evenly divided ' between thesa two sections of the en ., icampmeiit, - v . - , j The National Quard of Oregon, con stating of It companies of Infantry, . .With the National Guard of Montana, eight companies, will be camped near Murray station, while the Washington ' and Idaho militia are to be quartered .: at Nlequally. The regulars are divided . up much In the same way, with: cavalry :ln each section of the encampment. j xaxray Oamp. ' The Murray camp is really the most important, having the quartermaster's and commissary departments and the amp of the headquarters staff, which Is situated at the most northern end of the line of camps from 'Murray, r In many of the sham battles to take place during the encampment the troops quar- tared at Nlequally will be opposed to those at Murray, each forming a brlgj ade of some 1,000 officers and men, t The camp at Murray has already as-. turned an air of activity. There are now on the ground the following or- ganlsatlonar Twenty -aecond infaptry; Fourtaenth- infantry, -two battalions; lret-battalion or englneera'Tone eom- - pany of tn signal corps; CDmpaiy b of the hospital corps, with full field hospital equipment of 101 beds, and the headquarters staff, consisting of . . the following officers: Lieutenant . Burton i Y Mitchell, Twelfth- infantry, aid-decamp; Lieutenant Edwin C, Ixing, ar- tl Uery-corps,-ld-de-cmp and military . secretary; Captain William C. Haan. Cnerai staff, chief of staff; Colonel John clem, assistant quartermaster-general, chief quartermaster; Captain -J. -J. ' Bradley, Fourteenth Infantry, assistant chief quartermaster Lieutenant A. M. Ferguson, Fourteenth infantry, assist ant to chief quartermaster; Lieutenant : Colonel George B. Davis, deputy eom-mlssary-general, chief , commissary? . Captain William Elliot, commissary, as sistant chief commissary. Lieutenant Colonel William H. Corbualer, deputy Burgeon -general, chief surgeon; Captain aym "jryFty""'" y"r"j'it""'; , - ft " View of Flerre Stevens, paymaster, chief pay master: Captain Edward P. Orton. pay 'master; Captain Meriwether L. Walker, anglnears, chief engineer officer; Captain Kenneth Morton, ordnance department chief ordnance officer; Captain Leonard ft ' Wlldman, signal corps, chief signal officer.- ' '. ,fli- z Vo Program Prepared. -.. Te-dateof .the opening at the en. eampment Is the tenth Inst., but it is doubtful If any Important maneuvers will be gotten under way before the ltth. Aeoordlng-to- tha-atatement-of -General Funaton, there will be no dress parades Included In 'the pragram, the two months of ths --pen-alr life being de voted to work for ths benefit of officers and mere-- Wo program of ths maneuvers has been prepared as yet, and It is Stated at headquarters that there Is tie ALWAYS RESTORES COLOR AND BEAUTY OF YOUTH TO GRAY HAIR, no matter how long It ha been 0 RAY or WHITE, ft soothes and heals scalp, atop Itching; and promotes a fine, luxuriant growth .Of hair. Phlla May Co., Ifewark, If, J. . .COO. AIL DRV3CI3TS. . . mm ' 1 Quartermaster Supplies at Murray, Including Tentage, V h '1 ..' n . . -: it-:' ft Resting After a Long "Hike." Member of Cornpany C, Engineers, After .! ' Vancouver, Washington. ' intention to draw up any plan Wfore hand. Two days In each week, will be devoted to big naneuvere or sham fights and each- will' be prepared when - the other is executed. The work will em brace every branch of the service and will include a number of "problems' for unravelment by-the officers. 1 r The ground to bo covered by the op erations' of thejtroops is about 70 square miles in sztent, and takes in both open prairie and wooded country, offering good facilities' for artillery work and splendid ground for Infantry operatlona Tha -country is situated on tha shore I Of American lake, a fine sheet pf water fed- y springs a nd - offering - excellent bathing f aollltlejt.-.whlch are already be ing taken advantage of by the troops In -earn a. . . - BaaHary Arraageaaeats. The water supply and sanitary ar rangements ars on an elaborate scale and will Insure tho good health of -the camp. Today General" Funsroir-lssued general orders dealing with these mat ters and the general "conduct Of the camp, and if the rules laid -down are kept and there will be a strict super vision by tha staff officers -there should be no' sloknesa of a serious character in tha field. The water supply is from wells sunk by tha engineers and pumped through S7.000 feet of piping to every kitchen of every corps to be in camp. The water is of first-class quality and the ice supply Is generous. Tho commis sary department, is supplying the very I r the Camp Site of the Twenty-Second bast class f rations to tha man and there is no grumbling on that score In camp. - The signal' corps has established tele phone and telegraph communication all through ths oamp, snd all Paclflo coaat and sunset stations will connect with Tthe offices at Camp Tacoma. The quar termaster's department has already a large quantity ef -etoree-wn the- greand and more are arriving dally. The offi cers of this, department have had some difficulty In getting their -freight through owing to the congested stats ef tho Northern Paclfle railway, but for tunately a start was made several weeks before the opening of tho camp. . ' Weather conditions are excellent. It being warm and flry.wmr no tlgat of a change tatloas ef Troops. . Ths troops to take part In tha en campment and their stations era as fol Iowa: Taooma Camp No.,1 Regulars:. First battalion engineers. First battalion field artillery, hospital corps. Fourteenth In fantry, signal corps, Twsnty-second In fantry, Becond cavsjry. ,., - National Guards " Oregon " troops, Washington, signal corps and one troop of cavalry, Montana, troops. Tacoma Camp No. P-Reg-ulars: Four teenth cavalry, Twentieth Infantry, Eleventh battalion- field artillery, Sev enth, infantry, Third Infantry. National Guards-Wsshlngton, Reo ond regiment and hospital corps; Idaho, ne regiment. r" ' "" The Third Infantry baa received ths following ordera from Colonel Oauten 0 At tha Right Tin Paila, Made by a; Portland PirraT 4. ' In complianse with ' General j Orders No. 16, A..OJ. O., ths Third Infantry will participate in the Joint maneuvers at American 'Lake, Washington, for a pe riod of 10 days front August 11 to Au guat 20, 1906. - Head quart ere, - hospital detachment and companlea B, C, 13. F, H and K will aaaembls In the 7 Multnomah county armory, August 11. at 8:10 o'clock a, ra in the following uniform and equipment: Fon of floera Olive ' drab uniform, campaign hat with coed, blue shirt, puttee leggings. Overcoat (to bo shipped with personal -baggage, -weatner per- mitting)riisversack,-eanteea and russet shoes;. 'Officers having the khakr uni form m take It Into uD 1 addition to the olive drab. For enlisted men Khaki blouae snd trousers, campaign bat with cord, leg. glnga. blue shirts blanket, shelter half complete, haversack, mess kit, canteen, tin cup, cartridge belt and black shoes. Field and staff officers Will report tothe -colonel- dismounted, and non commissioned staff and field music to the adjutant at the hour - and place designated above. Assembling of Companies.. . . The remaining alz eorapanles will as. sembla in their respective ' armorlss fully uniformed and equipped as pre scribed In the preceding paragraph, in time to leave their stations and proceed to Portland. , ' ' - Companlea will leave their home sta tions as follows: t ' Company A. Baker City, -August 10, :05 p. m.S train No. I. . i. .- j. --:'-::'-y. .-":-.-' ,': ' v Regiment. Officer Row on the Company L. La Qrende, 'August 10, 7:Bb p. m.; train No. t. Company P. The Dalles, August 11, 4:40 a, m. ; .train No.' I. - Company O. Albany, August 11, -7:JI a, m.j train No, 14. ., v .. Company M,' Salem," Auguat 11, 1:21 a. m.; train No. 14. Company I, Woodbura, August 11. 1;01 aT m.j train" Na.'14r""T-' . Company commanders are directed to take -with them to camp field- deaks with all books, records and a full sup ply of blank forms and stationery neces sary for .ths transaction of military bualneas. They will aleo provide .the necessary material for the proper care and .repair. Of pieces. They will see that their men take wlthThenrto camn-tme extra pair of underwear; three extra pairs of socks, an extra pair of stout, essy black shoes, snd a sufficient sup ply of toilet articles to Insure conifort and cleanllneee. They will cause their men . to have -, these articles In the armory ready - for Inspection not later than Thursday, August t, at 1:10 o'olock p. m. - -' -, ;.- Xaseota Forbtddea. The conical tent will be used In this enoampment. and the attention of com pany command are . la invited . to their drill regulations covering pitching of these tents. It Is earnestly desired that the men be Instructed as far aa practlo abla. - - , . Officers and enlisted men who1 ere veteraAe of tha Eighth Army corps will wear the-EIghlH Anny eorpsr badge-on the left breast. ...... Under no- circumstances will "mas cote" ' be permitted to accompany ths troope to Amsrloaa Lake. , ' , . A - .7. ZD Marching to American. Lake From Subalatenco will be by eompany meas. All regimental .offleera will mess to gether. The band, . non-commlssloned staff and hospital detachment will con' stitute one mess. Captain W. B. Gilbert, chaplain fs hereby detailed as mete of fleer for the officers' mesa. Mall will be addreaaed to American Lake. Washington, giving the rank and name of the addreaaed, with the desig nation of the company and-. regiment of which he Is a member. - CALIFORNIA MECCA OF BOGUS MONEY-MAKERS ' fWuhhurtaa Bareaa of Te JoaraaL) ' Waahlngton. Aug. . Of 166 arreata for' counterfeiting by the united states aecret service of floe re last yeai i cording to the report of Chief Wllkle, Orea-on auDDlled only 10. California fur nished the largest number of any state, ST; Washington 13, Idaho S snd Mon tana 1. , i VfNEGAR FACTORY IS : TO STAY IN EUGENE (Special Napatcb te The JearaaL) Bugene, Or Aug. 4. It . was an nounced today that ths large vinegar factory operated In Eugene oy the Ingham Vinegar company will remain here Instead of being removed to Port- -t.-,- f ;:: ,y Right land, ss recently announced. Several months ago the owners announced that they would move to Portland en acaunt of the exeesslv.e freight - rate out of Eugene,, but -the railroad company has made a satisfactory rate andsit Is posi tively announced that the plant will re main. . REAL ESTATE MEN TO ; BEAUTIFY LANDSCAPE f.peclal Dtspstrh to The loernal.) . Eugene, Or., Aug. 4. The Kugene real estqte exchsnge Is planning a novel method of advertising the city and Lane county to the world. The plan Is to erect signboards,- one-on -each- aide of tha fouthsrn Pacific tracks at the depot here, these bosrds to set forth ths ad vantages of this community and to. In vite the travelers to return to ths city. t 1- . . . UBBnra Renders the bile more fluid snd ' thus helpe (he blood to flow; it affords prompt relief from biliousness. Indi gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and overindulgence in food snd drlhk. O. L. Caldwell. Agt. M. K. T. R. R, Checotah, end. Ter- writes, April II; "I was alrta for over two years with en largement of the liver and spleen. Ths doctors did me no good and I had to give up all hope of being cured, when my druggist sdvlecd ms to use Herblna It has made me sound and well." loo. Woodard, Clarke A Co. Q - 1 Charles "Bock, business agent of the sailors' 'union of this city, '-who a. few days .ago was sentenced to - serve six gears In the penitentiary for having led an: assault. upon ths non-union crew -of the steam-sohooner-Johan Poulsen at the wharf of the mills pf Inman, poul sen aV Co.. proclaims his Innocence la a long letter written to The Journal.. He saya that he 'has been persecuted; and that, the witnesses who testified sgainst him perjured themselves repeatedly. The letter, which is too lengthy for publica tion In full, goes deeply Into the history of unionism, snd the antagonism' of the Cltlsens alliance towards bualneas sgents and of' labor organisations and their leaders. ' t ' "I would willingly go, to the peniten tiary to serve the six years In fuH," ssys - trre writer, "If the cold-blooded murderers of Andrew . Kellner -.' (the sailor who was shot In Ban Francisco harbor) were Justly tried and given their punishment. Innocent as I am of the crime of whleh I have been found guilty, hut I aak the cltlsens of port land to watoh tha trial of these San Francisco murderers snd see how' Boon they will be set free, because they are hirelings of ths capitalistic employers. "A- reward was offered snd the best legal talent was engaged for the purpose or convicting me because the mill com pany that wss furnishing the cargo for the Johaif Poulsen was afraid, that their plant might become unionised. These conspirators -who, worked to have me convicted did not even deem the state's attorney capable to satisfactorily finish this high-handed conspiracy, but en gaged a - special attorney to asjlat in sending me to the penitentiary, an In nocent victim in their fight against un ionism. , . "Why do not tha high-salaried detec tives catch and punlah ths guilty per sons T Who committed that aasaultT : Book's Argasaeat. -' "Does It seem reasonable to believe that If It men were on. board of the steamer Johan-Poulsen on the night of June II these men could on)y identify one and no other. Why no, they want to make an example of a law-abiding, sociable and honorable, hard-working man, which I can prove myaelf to be. The mock form of getting these men-to Menury me in the polios station Is truly aa outrage... Whan they would not identify me -the proaeoutlng wit nesses were mads to do so by tha de tectives. These men were asked to pick me out st the preliminary hsarlng in the police court in order to make the public believe that this was ths first tlms they had seen me. - Why, these witnesses had -oeen .roroed tor identify me by the de tectives right In my presence. 'Ths question naturally arises, "Why did I not prove thlsr Simply because I am not a Harry k. Thaw with a mil lion of dollars for my defease. I hsd no money with which to psy wltneeses for their trouble, and they stsysd awsy while the state paid Its witnesses' fees. Why did not the prosecution-hold -the two mart who were accused of hsving been Implicated "with met Why .were they frightened so as to leave town snd not return for the trial T Why. again, did not tha detectives bring my revolver to the trial? Because they knew that my revolver had not been fired " for nearly two rears. . . , "I have trusted too much upon my In nocence to clear me snd my attorney to show that I am Innocent" Immediately after being found guilty Bock moved for a new trial, but the motion was denied, and ha Is now In the county Jail awaiting the outcome ef a notice of appeal. The bill of excep tions is being prepared and will be forwarded to the supreme court shortly, . The assault was one of the meet pl ratlcal aver enaoted on the water front. and one of ths nonunion ssllors will be a cripple for life. Ha was given no chance for his lifs. but, like his shlp- roaiea, waa nree upon by the mob with out warning. Bock declares he was not ons of ths attacking party and that he knew nothing of the asssult until ar rested by the detectives early on the morning ef June 11. In view of the evidence Introduced St the trial, how ever, his statements now probably will not bs taken seriously. SKIPPER WITH A RECORD. Oaptala Ames of the laaash Bva, a Xnf-Ilstaace Pedeetrlaa. Captain Amos of tha gasoline boat Eva has the distinction of having walked from Montreal, Canada, to Van couver, British Columbia, and beat the raltroadW did hot beat his wayfbut reached Vancouver ahead of the Can adian Paclfle, because It happened near ly 10 years ago whan the railroads were not what they seem todsy. I naa just come over from England." said ths skipper In rsferrlng to the Inci dent, whleh, by the way, la only one of minor Importance In jils checkered ca reer, "snd decided to go west In' search of sdventure and possibly s fortune. I struck -Winnipeg In the midst of winter, bus that proved lucky, because I had only enough meney to pay room rent for one week. . The law at that time pro vided that no tenant should be elected while thre was enow on the ground. and consequently I managed to remala in my lodgings until sble to strlks out for ths west, severe! weeks Ister. The trip was a hard one. but I snioyed it Just ths same." - TO PORTLAND FOR LUMBER. Big- Fleet f .eUUlag-. Ysseela-Steertaa- Vp- the Coast. . Ths old bark Hesper. built at Port Blakaly In ltt, will coma to this port to losd a esrgo of lumber for Redondo. Bhe-wssr-ehartered -yesterday- by - ths Thomas-Ritchie Lumber company, a new concern in the field, and will be here as soon as her white wings can bring her. The Hesper has been en gaged In ths sugar traffic from ths Ha. wailan islands for a good many years, but the great demand for lumber, droghera on ths oaast eaueed her owners ta withdraw her from the favorite run and pises her .Where she csn do better even In her old age. Although freights dare soaring ' sky ward In a way that makes ths shipown ers smile the broad smile of content ment, tha demand for carriers Is con tinually increasing: as will bs seen from the enormous' fleet of sailing vessels heeded this way. New and eld bottoms ilka are finding business, and a con Ens Cafe snd rJusic Dall Week Bcglnrilnir nonday, Aug. 6 ALL. 8TAR BIL.L RETURN ENOAOSUSNT. 'BIFF and BANG , , , COMEDY .ACROBATS. ' -.The FREEHANS ! HIgh-arade Bketoh Arttata LILLIAN LESTER IN "OLD IREXAND." ' DORETO C0R0I0 CHIC 80UBRETTJC. ' ; Belle Lawrence - THE BOHEMIAN NIQHTIN - - OALB. . , stOTtva vxortnaas,- The Pirate's Revenge' " ( Daily MaUneea front 1 to I ....r. .l - o'clock.- .' llattaee Scsday 2 1 o 5 P. It .ProgTam Changed Safly. aatsaaees a SX VorU Tkite etrsse, SI, S3 aad SS STosth See eat street, aad SS, S4S aad SdT Baraslde street. tinual string of whits wings will be ssen crossing In ovsr tne Columbia river bar for several weeks to come even should not another charter be closed for many . days. . The following sailing vessels, sre now headed for tbe Colum bia river to load lumber for eoastwlse ports: . " Schooner A. F. Coates, from San Fran-Cisco-schoonsr Alumna, from Ban Fran cisco; - bark Chehalls, San Francises; barkentlne Amaranth, from . Manila; schooner Admiral, from San Pedro; schooner Churchill, from Manila; bark Coloma. from Santa Rosalia; schooner Hogan, from San Francisco; brig L,ur 11ns, from Bsn Francisco; schooner No comls, from Ban Diego; schooner Ori ent, from Sen Francisco; schooner Se quoia, from San Francisco; schoonsr Tsurus, from . San Diego; barkenttne Tropic Bird, ' from Ban ' Francises; schoonsr William A. Holdsn. from San Pedro; schoonsr William Olson, from Ban Francisco; ship W. M. Babeock. from Baltimore; schooner - W. F Osrmes, from San Diego; schooner Vir ginia, from an Francisco; ship Falls ef Clyde, from HUo; bark Hesper, .from Redondo; -- schooner Lottie Bennett, from Redondo; barkentlne' Qeorgtna, from San Francisco; schoonsr Alvsna, from San Pedro. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Ths French bark Jaquea will some to Portland soon with a general cargo from Antwerp. She was here last season, and loaded wheat for Europe. The Norwegian steamer Thyra ,wlll be at the- Portland Lumber company's mills this morning to finish her lumber esrgo for Port Pliie, Australia 8 he hss bean at Vancouver since last Sunday morning. Tho steamer Sutherland will shift from tha mills ef Inman. Paulsen Co, to the Victoria dolphins tomorrow to finish her lumber cargo. . The large tramp steamer' sighted off the bsr yesterday afternoon proceeded south. The report of the steamer being outside created some excitement along the water front because none ef the big tramps w route-are; expected ta arrive before the latter part of this week at the best. , MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Aug. 4 Condition of the bar at I p. m- smooth: wind northwest i f weather-cloudy. Arrived eewrv e- 4;!t a. m., and sailed at 1:10 p. ., steamer Coata Rica, for San Franeiseei arrived, at T:0 a. m steamer Heather left aa, at ll:to p. m., for Bt, Helena, steamer Meteor; tramp eteamer reported out side, proceeded south. . Ban Frsnolsoo, Aug. 4. Balled, steam er Tiverton, for Astoria. alvestoa's Baa Wan - makee life now ss safe In that city as on ths higher uplsnd. E. W. Qoodlee, who realdea on Dutton street, 1n Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for ssfety. He writes: "I hsve used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption the paat Ave years snd It keepe me well and esre. Before that time I had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now It's gone." Curee thronlo Coughs, La Grippe, -Croup. -Whooping .Cough ? and prevents Pneumonia. Pleaaagt to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Skldmore Drug Co. Price loo and 11.00. Trial bottle free. . . - f Tbe Hotel Estacdo moi roa a FMSXVB OVTHOi Hotel Estaeada, en ths brink ef the canyon, is the best, -most comfortable, eaaleat-reaChed re- sort near Portland. Admirably adapted for outing parties. A wooded park of 100 aerea sur rounds the hotel. '. Perfect Appointments and First-Class Cuisine Catering to high-class patronage. .Magnificent scenery of mountain, chasm, forest and field. a'a eroaeetra ef Portland, Satarday aad Smaday at taa Pa- TUloa. ';' ' ': -' Trains tvery Two Hours Special ratea upon application to itrJS. L. O. M MAHON, Man ' agar. Phone Estaeada Hotel. . HOTEL MOORE ' . OPBaT 1U Clatsop Eesca, Setsldc, Crc;:3 to eurr mow of omacKm," Directly oa the beach, overlooking the ocean. Hot salt baths and surf aa th ins. ' Recreation pier for Ashing. , Sun, parlora, electric lights, Breplace and furnace heat - Fine walks and drives Sea foods a specialty. Sates 12.51 and IJ.CI PcrCiy SPaCZAXi KATBS BT TXS WSJUB. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Eaton oos. voaxjcox an irxn pass sis. U NEW - BsadsesMly feraieaee, elesaatty ssalssid, Sr. proof, St stratae- walk frost heart e sbosptac aa4 koslaeae Siatriet, all larse. slry, stitslde TaosM, staeai heated, eleetrte ll.hta. teleDboae la sack anrtnMOt. ate. tars etaeea, IsbbcIbs. SSKklas. wvittas. IsoImP teeeptloa aarlera. r sB r tensaotia. Vrivate eajalVas suel HmomM ft.OO to $3.00 a Day Bssslsl Kates te Oiaiannlsl Kes. ' XXa. MAM KATOV, fTerSMrly ef Bote! riapets, Spatasal i - - "'e SEASIDEHOUSE SKASIDB. OtJtCOM P. B. BAMKTT, ataaager. aesslse, Or, .. - Coder saw aMaueaieat, reawdeled sod sawly raml.k4. eleetrte llrhts. rreeh asd aalt water belblas. seattaa. ftaBlaf. ' Free aillh aad ereesi nest ear ewa uairy. yresa TetaTames ireai ear awn serdaa. Katesi ta MM act mr. peetal rates hy tbe week er sMetb. Free aea. ? CUT RATES . For 30 Days Only MOO Gold Crowns..... ff.OO 41.00 Oeld Orewaa ...i&.tO TtlOOe Plates s-e . fit SO Plates BT.0 Fillings, up from 8e -Wet tVaaaaatsed. - Boston Dental Pcrbrs a ft, ops, 9. w, a x-raajcs. ELAH CO. artlatle sweex meats, aiaaaa. hraaa. Ceatetser ssd aalMlrtwetk Siaaafaetaree trow tbe nisrble aad avaalte. OerrMBsaaesc aad sreere sreaisUf Stteade te. last tU K3e . .Street sVs FOT LAND OR OOK Dcnlinipt Sch lCtliif 0,000 Stock , . ot r. L.MINC &. CO,. 3 6th St. Udtae' aad 0ats mrit.iilag Cteeaa ef all alaea al KALI raia. Com hi ssd look ever ear IsiaMses Stoeb berete basing alaewbere aad yea Will bs tare ta stake a sarebaM tmr sa after getting ear low trim. TW pkices aas an m bait. . - MAN, SINO CO M llsta I treat, Setweea Oab aad Steia. OSTEOPATH . DR. & P. SHEPKrXD sol - Maaleay Blag. Pkoae IT i f President California Collage of C athy. Member Cat State Board of r -'--,-1