The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 05, 1906, Image 10

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C: r.tJ V.ln From Seals Review
cf Tennla Tourney Accountant
Crptures Brighton Beach Race.
Enrytklng In Sportdom
Smi:-ny Journal's-Page , of Spouts
x:::d by l A. i:cz:i
: r:t;n ;.::: r.-::;
-In. the nt" r.':t
; trur Cirtbr."!,, Crrt'rj.-
Criticism of. Players ;.That Par
ticipated In Last Week's ;
.if- Racquet Matches, i- :
How The Journal Expert Viewed the
Cuts, Drives, Nets and Strokes of
All That Took a Hand in the Last
. . Tournament ' : . ' ' ' ..'..
' After the tournament la always asked
ths question. "DM the beet man win!
The tennle eraake have been buay dur
ing the last week telling bow - It aU
, happened In ' the Oregon state tourna-
ntent and those that were beaten hare
bean trying to find out how they can
' correct the weak spots.
' There Is no question but ' that the
' state ohamplonahlp tn- gentlemen's sta
tries went to the right nan, although
he flnal match-' was a ' battle royal.
Goss has been' playing a most consist
ent same and it was not thought, that
Bellinger had. even a small chance ot
-winning, but he certainly cava a good
aocount of - himself. Goss placed his
( reliance In his ability to decipher his
opponent's game, but Instead of -doing
this his own game- was time and time
gain torn to pieces. ., .
Bollinger's. Crood Work. ).
: Bellinger is. to bo', congratulated for
his line game. Very often" he asserted
himself rn a, wonderful manner, end he
kept his head straight through the'
match. His overhand drive la a beauti
ful shot and for. the first time he ueed
it to Its fullest Talus.. No man In Port
land has so perfect a stroke, but here
tofore Bellinger has played It short snd
full half of his returns dropped between
the net snd the service line. -, la his
match with Ooss, however, he not only
played ' his ' shots very deep, but Used
excellent judgment, in placing. :
Bellinger certainly has the making of
- a great tennis player. He Is easily up
. set on the courts and gets disgusted If
i he makes a poor shot. This Is to be
: lamented, for It only allows his oppo-
" rent to get control of the situation. It
- should be said to his credit, however,
that he is fast overcoming, this fsult
i and a cleaner, better sport never batted
a tennis ball than Dan Bellinger. , .
Wloksrsham'S amsi '.
I , Wlckersham fought a good fight and
played good, consistent tennis. For the
' first time Wlckersham has been using
' Jus head ss well as bis muscles and-the
' results have been most noticeable. He
has an -excellent serve and Is very fast.
He has a world of confidence, which is
a good thing, and tt Is to be hoped that
,'. he will keep up his steady, consistent
work. " - - . "
. Dick Wilder was unfortunate In her
Ing a bad streak of being off his game,
and be did not play the gams of which
he is capable.
Turner, from Ban - Francisco, Is a
new msn and for a set was a great pus
sle to Goes, whom hs met In the early
part ef the tournament.- He-has many
' peculiar shots and strokes, but has thus
fsr played with great unsteadiness, snd
. It is hardly known Just how good a man
t be- really la. , , . ..... r
. -(- ' ChaBsng Btetoh. -. - -' . .
- '' The challenge - match in the. men's
doubles was a great disappointment, for
many thought that Ooss snd Lewis
' would at least give Bellinger and Wlck
" era ham a big fight. If they did not win.
It ended In an easy victory for the last
'year's champions. '- Wlckersham and
' Bellinger are both good net players and
they stood there like a stone wall, -and
1 were rarely passed. Ooss snd Lewta
are squally good at the net and their
team work Is perfect. They were easily
beaten, but should have given a far
' better account of themselves and another
match would be worth seeing.
Miss Amy Heltshu successfully de
- fended her title saalnst lilss Nan Rob-
er-tson. Miss Heltshu Is without doubt
- the best tennis player la Oregon, but
he will have to broaden her gams If
he expects to maintain her supremacy.
Nearly every stroke Is a severs cut
' This does very well for the present, but
. . te
. '-''.'
ri Um :
m . . '' I . f-
t : i
1 j
3eautiful Trophies Won by the Portland Rowing Club Oarsmen at Nel-
: , - ; . , son,' B. C, Regatta. " '. 1 ' '
ere. long somebody will learn how to
dispose of those miserable . cuts and
Miss Heltshu would do well to' prepare
for such a calamity by learning a good
rorehand and backhand drive. ..
'" .',-- f With the Women.
Miss Nsn Robertson, .must Improve
her backhand and her service. In Miss
Gladys Wetdler we predict a champion.
Her drives are beautiful, but she must
vary them with an occasional lob. Miss
Lessle Leadbetter Is also a very clever
player and her game Is perhapa aa va
ried as sny of the ladies. ' It Is no
ticeably a fault with the ladles to And
l ....... i .j T,i f.m.,n m, .rnm..,.,
, , , v, l ',1
: vri
-tw-'lr km
. . V -V-V- - - . . ? v. . T, '
i " 'V.
i - , , -c, k -
Dan Bellinger, Who Will Represent
M. A. A. C in Tacoma Tennis
r -
i i
V , , ' J
, . ... J ;
Brant Wickersham, Who Will Com
pete in Tacoma Tennis ' Compe
tition. -U-...;,T.r'-'r'--
them - attempting but one stroke, and
thelrwhole game centers on their 'abil
ity to play this one stroke well. Miss
Heltshu relies on her' cut. Miss Josephl
on sn overhand drive. Miss Weldler on a
forehand drive, but Miss - Leadbetter
can take almost any kind of a shot. .She
seeds more confidence and experience. -
. - Vised Boablss. -The
mixed doubles Vere very pretty
snd interesting games and It should be
Id to the credit of ths men that they
were very gentlemanly In their games
snd treated their partners with sll due
consideration. - -
To Richard Wilder ia due alt praise
for the way In which the tournament
was conducted.
Much interest was shown by the large
gallery and all players are looking for
ward to the open handicap tournament.
which will be held the last of August
by ths Irvington Tennis club. '
Timothy Hurst Is a bit fatter now
than he was In his former days, but hs
has changed none tn his disposition.
Hurst and Clarke Griffith' had a historic-battle
at' New Tor k this season
for which both had to do pennance, but
the funny side of the story has as yet
to be told. Just what Hurst and Grif
fith said jt each other before the bat
tle began Is known only to the pair,
but It must have heen something pretty
sarcastic,, as both are good at handing
out "roasts.' Hurst was supposed, of
course, to make a report of the affair to
Ban Johnson. . Now Hurst would rather
talk an hour any day than to write a
letter IS lines long. - 8o Hurst's report
to Johnson was very much like Finns-
gan's abbreviated report of ths train
wreck. It merely said: -l
-Griffith and myself had a little mix-
up this afternoon, but I don't think he
will give me sny mo.'s trouble."
Of course, the papers the next day
came out with long and detailed stories
about the trouble, or at least as detailed
an account as they could get with Hurst
snd Griffith trying to say nothing, and
Johnson hsd to hurry to New York- for
a verbal explanation from Hurst of why
hs "soaked" Griffith. . v .
Giants Fall on Seal Twirler and
' Land Another, Vic-;
OregonianVFelf on Hitt in First In.
ning and Drove Out Five Safe Hits,
Scoring Three Runs Moors Bats
Like a Lajole-r The 8cortvX4-
(Speclal Dlspetea by Lease wire te Its Joaraal)
Oakland, CaL, Aug. 4. It was up to
Roy Hltt to turn ths trick and send
the Seals back Into first position today
at mora park. He failed to do It He
was not there. His twirling wing, -the
left one, wss very much to ths bad. At
the outset his wins Dlaved him false.
He could not get them over, and when
he did well, those Giants from Port
land simply drove Ms delivery, all over
the lot Flvs big hits off Hltt was ths
result of the first spasm. Ths blnsles
piled up throughout ths game until.
when ths snd came, there was ths mys
tte "IS" In ths final score. - Oum was
ths guy that did ststlon duty for lie
credle, . and ha seemed to have It on
the Seals from ths drop of the hat He
tied up ths refugees from ths very be
ginning ana it was not until ths tail
ing process came that hs was ever in
danger. - With the score to 4 In the
ninth, two men on bases and two out
Hltt had a chance to drive out a live
one and tie up ths score. Had he had
a home run stored away hs could have
won his game.- But ho had not It was
sll off with Hitt when he sent an easy
one. to the short field. The 8eals had
gone farther In the hole. The foorek
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
McHale, cf. ......
Sweeneib. as. . . . . .
Mitchell. If.
McCredle. rf.
Smith, 8I. .
Moore, 2b. .
Mclean, c .
Lister, lb. .
Gum, p. t.t.
Totals , ..
..' ...II It IT 11
Spencer, cf. ......... 4 0.010.0
- aaeba at JTewberg.
" t"perll Pteeateh tu It Joernat.) '
Newbers. Or.. Au. 4. Business
houses took-a -vacation between t aad 4
o'clock yesterday In order that ths peo
ple might sttend the gams between the
two fire eompany teams. Ths result
was: Hooks II. Hoss It.
- ." - . ..
Tory ; tow, bong-Tim, '' Bonmd-Trlf
nekets Tk O. m. sr.
August 1. (. . snd September I and
IS ths O. R. a N. sells very low, long
time, round-trio tickets to- eastern
points. Particulars bv nalllna unoa CI
4 W.-Strnger.-city ticket agent. Third and
J Washington streets, Portland. , ,
Wheeler, ss.
Mohler, Zb.
Hlloebrand. If. ......
Williams, lb. ........
Irwin. lb
Sears, rf. -.
Wilson, c ..........
Hltt p. ....i. .......
uiis . .... .
San Francisco
Totals , ...... 8 4 10 I? It
i l e e o e l i
..tiiiiiti l it
..0-0 0 0 0 1 t 1 4
..ltiisiii i 1
-.- SUM MART; - -
Three-base hits MoLearv Hlldebrand.
Two-base hits Mohler, Moore, McHale.
Sacrifice hltswMltcbelL I- Moore. Bwee.
ney, Hnencer. . First base on called balls
Off Gum, 5; off Hltt, t. Struck out
Vr Gum, ; by Hltt. 4. Stolen base
Sweeney. . Hit by pitcher Hltt. Dou-
Die piays-Himerirand to Wilson; Irwin
to Mohler to Williams. Tims of game
One hour and to minutes. , Umpires
noason ana rerrine. - . .
The East Portland Grays leave this
morning for a trip to Astoria and Fort
Stevens, playing Jha soldiers at jroct
mevens mis arternoon. . Ths Orays hava
been atrengtbened up considerably by
the addition of Probst and Kotteman.
two clever amateur twirlers; Shea,
catcher; Lodell. seoond bass, and Turk,
shortstop. The team Is now well bal
anced and able to make a good showing
sgalnst the fastest amateur teams of
the stats. . Ths team to line up against
Uncle Sam's boy will consist of Shea,
Kotteman, Probst Oearln. Lodell. Turk,
Myers, Tauschsr, Jodon, Thing; Morrow
and Anderson. . v
Bam Rerger may give .
fight before another at
O-BrleSk .. '
i with Jack
"Among American girls Iswn tennis Is,
comparatively speaking, a new game,'
says Miss May Sutton, In ths London
Express. "I mean It la only recently
that girls on ths other side of the At-
lantlo have begun to regard the gams ss
a serious pastime, so that ths number of
players who have acquired that particu
lar standard of excellence which pieces
them obviously in a distinct class from
the timers' snd "duffers' is small. In
England ths general standard of play
among ths gentle sex is beyond question
far higher than in America,, mainly be
cause they are more ambitious and en
thusiastic. In 1 England, so I havs
been told, and can, from what Z have
seen, ceadlly believe, ilreotly. a girl be
gins to play passably wall her thoughts
turn to Wimbledon, snd in dus course of
time ahe probably finds herself there.
Philadelphia, la ths mecca of the Amer
ican lawn tennis girl, but comparatively
few look forward to going there.
V Beg-aralag IrtasAards. ' -
"But tt must be remembered that ths
championship meeting at Wimbledon has
oeen a very much longer time In exist
ence than the annual gathering at Phila
delphia. . When the American girl begins
to compare her standard of play with
that to be seen at Philadelphia, just as
ths average English clrl has ths Wim
bledon standard always In view, I should
say ths general standard of- ths
American" girl's . play will become
greatly Improved. Without boasting. I
do not think, with the exception ot my
sister, there la a girl In America who
would havs very much chance against
ms In a single. I took to ths gams seri
ously directly I began to play. I played
In my first tournament at It .years.
From ths day I played in my first tour
nament I felt full of ambition and full
of anthuslssm. I wanted to rise clear
above the players I saw about mo, snd
reit I could do so. This Is ths feeling
that to my mind, must animate the suc
cessful player. I havs always watched
first-rste play with Immense Interest
It - possesses a fascination for me like
nothing else in the world. But I think
can safely say I have never copied any
one'a style. ' 'The successful player must
diss suttoh on
Clever California Player States
' Her-View on the Rao- -''..
. quet Sport." .
The Tendency to Specialise Abroad
Is Cause of More Concentration in
Tennis, With a Review ol Some
Day Playing at Wimbledon. ;
Gay Lombard in His Speedy Pope-Toledo. Mr. Lombard. Says His Car
' Xa the Fastest in Oregon, but the Police Won't Let Him Prove It
'-.'"'.;v--?. .... . r
Effort Being Made to Have Gana
and 1 Nelson Meet in
' v California. -' ?'::'-' v :
be original la her methods of attack and
defense, -
- aTerves a Trouble.
"Nerves, are, of course, a trouble' to
moat players, and It- is rather a popular
error among the people In tbla county
to supposs that ths nerves of ths Amer
ican girl are stronger than those of her
Saxon sister. simply don't let my
nerves get the upper band. "I never
played a gams yet when I let ths desire
to piay with undue or unnecessary oau
tlon Influence my stroke. . "Go for ths
stroke has at sll times been my princi
ple. It does not always corns off. of
course, but anything la better than let
ting an opportunity alio of Irvine- to set
a winning stroke In. - Boms one asked
ms ths other dsy if I trained very hard.
never train at ail. . That Is, I . never
start out on a regular course of exercise
ana diet with ths. object of keeping my
self what is popularly know as flt' I
take so much outdoor exercise that I
havs not had to so through anr soeclal
course or training, it is ths same with
moat American girls. . Ws are actively
disposed aa a race, but find It harder
to concentrate our activity in one direc
tion than you do In England. Ws want
to go in for all sorts -of outdoor games,
and when a girl does that ths chances
are that she will not acquire a great de
gree of excellence In any of them. That
is another reaaon. perhapa, why ws havs
not produced ss many first-rate players
on the other side of the Atlantlo aa you
have In England. Tou havs mors spe
cialists in sport thsn we havs In America.".-
.-: . -
'Jos Hetarioh of Spokane, one of the
cleverest wrestlers in the northwest is
la. Portland and. would like to take on
soms good sisad fellow for sport or coin.
Helnrlch weighs ITS pounds and says hs
Will, taokjs any man In .town, catch-aa-catob-oan,
Jlu Jltsu or any old way.
' ' Larry rHestsrf er, Newark's great
southpaw, hss quit his team and la
pitching independent ball. .
Cote, Bellinger,- Benham- and
Wlckertham Will Compete
In the Championships. .
' Ths local tennis cracks, Goss, Wlcker
sham, . Benham and probably Bellinger,
will Journey te Tacoma - tomorrow te
copete in two championship tourna
ments to be held under ths ausplcss of
ths Tacoma Tennla club beginning on
Tuesday morning, - . '
Ths tournaments will . bs for ths
championship of ths Padflo northwest
snd for what Is known as tbs
international championship, respectively.
While both tournaments are open to
sll comers ths latter will be sn excep
tional drawing card for racket wlelders
from across the Canadian border, Ths
cleverest experts In ths northwest are
expeoted to bs en hand to contest for
ths prises hung up by ths two asso
ciations. Walter A. Ooss now holds ths
northwestern cup. wbtls - the interna
tional trophy la held by W. A. McBur
ney ef Spokane. ' All tbs men from
Portland will enter In ths slnjgles,' but
ths make-up of ths double teams hi un
certain. If Bellinger falls to go. Goss
and Wlckersham will double up. ' If
Bellinger goes hs will play with Wick-
srsham and Benham will probably bs
Ooss partner. Benham la strong- In
doubles and la a member of ths team
which now holds ths doubles champion
ship of ths northwest Last year Ben
ham entered from Tacoma. -Hs has
lately moved to Portland, however, and
will hereafter play under ths colors-of
ths Multnomah club.
Meridian snd Mobtls have bean setting
the pace in the Cotton States league of
late. ,v , -'- v .-'...;.'. 7: - ;
Naughton Reviews the , Fight Situa-
-tioii for.' the '. Benefit of Journal
' Headers How the Situation Looks
fjjr Dane and Colored Man.' . ,4
By W. W. Naughton.
(Speelal Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Jearaal)
. Ban Francisco, Aug. 4. Ths light be
tween Ba tiling Nelson and Jos Dana,
which appeared to bs settled for Gold
field, may still bs brought off la" this
city..' . .-. -.
: Tsstsrday Oraney received a telegram
from Billy Nolan, dated Bait Lake,
August- ,- reading: "Will expect you
hers Sunday morning. Win be at Bait
Lake. , , . BILL NOLAN.'
. "Nolan Old not state how hs expected
Oraney to leavs Baa Fraaolsoo on
Saturday and get to Bait Lake on Sun
day morning, but Oraney determined to
make another attempt to bring the light
to Baa Franolsoo and . left last night
for ths Mormon city. . , v ,
Before starting Oraney was aanaulne
that hs would be able to get Nolan and
Nelson to agree to fight In Baa Fran
cisco. . Hs said: 1 want to see this
affair settled In Baa Franolsoo. I am'
for this town and I think I can convince
Nolan that there will be mors money
hers than hs oould got out ef ths Gold-
field !1,00 purse. J know Rlokard
and hs Is good for any sum he promises,
but Ban Franc! boo is ths place to hold
a fight and after the long tlms that has
elapsed since ws had a fight hers .the
people would turn out strong. Oaas
spoks to ms this morning shout accept
ing tno ooianeid orrer ane told blm
to fight where hs oould got ths most
money. Maybe by ths tlms Nolan and '
get through talking this matter ovsr
Oans - sad Nelson win find that' Ban
Franolsoo Is tbs plaos to get ths money.
One thing- you can tell ths publlo la that
If ths match la held here Oans will
weigh every day for ths last It days of
his training before ths press representa
tives and ths publlo; so that there will
bs no question at the last minute ss to -whether
hs can make ths weight or not
will do my utmost to get ths match
and hops I will bs successful In bring
ing It hers."' .s . .
v " '. sTolaei jVooepts Off as.
Ooldfleld has offered tts.eoe la hare
cash for ths Battling Nelson -Joe Qens
(Continued -on Page Busts.)
lis Mil
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w mm t .
That opened yesterday, proved to be a record breaker for this house, and we take occasion to thank
our public foMthe immediate and hearty response to our announcemeAt appearing in Thursday's and
Friday's papers. ' We have, simply proven again that we never misrepresent, and those who pin their
faith to thia store will never tra wrnrnr -- Thm aalsi wtlt emrinna nnttl the ! tUm ,,,m,A
- O - ii.w mm w UlV lUVUHIHI .
juits and overcoats is gone, and any parent who fails to attend will miss the greatest bargain op- ;
port unity of the season.;"'; - ------ .-'..'.r:- rr--:r7"JT.'.-.:T,
AU $7.50 Suits All $4.00 Suits $
Closing-Out Price tyUollW Closing Out Price W
'" v ' "
All $6.00 Suits (S9 All $3.50 Suits- (M 7
Closing-Out Price qyrJoHVHj Closing-Out Price CUiio U
All $5.00 Suits m m All $3.00 Suits
All $4,50 Suits m 6)P All $2'.50 Suits
Closing-Out Price tyklohiz) Closing-Out Price
mm i lit i ' n tr i -1 - t r i n i' 1 1 r ' i - - i i i - ) ' i n i' i ' V " ' i ' i ' ' n 'i I " ' - - - V
All Mall Orders Filled PromptlySatlsf action Quaranteed
1 ,r THE STC2E WITH TCE CPEW WL'VSvWS 7 Third StTCCt ' r ' '
' '
. ... J