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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
'aucu:? '4, J tr: CHUFF - DEFEATS AND TOUCH TYPEWRITirro m - ' are so taught' at our school that students aways 'becer: ; ". L SSAfl FRANCISCO competent stenographers. The incomparable Benn Pitrr system is rCadily mastered and leads oySw for speed n3. c'ertainiyT! Itwasaded'the gold medal al't Louis Fair for superiority; :.MimeogTaphyeard indexes, methods ; for filing, follow-up systems,' etc., are included 3! Clever Young Twlrler Holds Hard : Hitting Seals Down to J. w..;:V:' : Four Safes. ' j inthe. conrse.Learn wAatnj howxk. teach (Ml, phone -GIANTS FIND O'BRIEN or wnie lor new catalogue tree for the asking. Do U now. ' FOR ELEVEN DRIVES ...... VI itvW McCredl e't Mea Land on the Irish , Pitcher In First Two Inning! and "to Brief Time Cinch the Contest ;,8tory of the Gams. ' '- - -f ' ' (Jeurnal Special' hnin.) . Oakland. Cat, Aug. . The ' Giants .. won yeaterday'a game In the first two Inninge by bunching hits off O'Brien. f Caiiu was In rare form for the work of tbe box and pitched various rings 1 around the San Francisco batsmen. For - four Innings Calls did not allow a hit In the fifth one hit was made and blank (Sams in the sixth.. In the eighth Sweeney playeS, football with the Spald Ing and Calls got nervous and passed a man. A corking -single followed which scored Spencer and Spies. Califf got busy again and put the quietus on tbe Beala In the ninth. Tbe Glints found O'Brien In every in ning but two. Two bite In the first and three in the second put Portland three to the good. Two more In ths fifth sent another Portlander across ths rubber. ' To make the situation secure. McCre dle's men tallied the fifth and last run In the ninth. In 'Frisco's turn there . , was nothing doing In . the run line. Mitchell, McCredle, McLean and Lister ' each found O'Brien for two hits. One . of Mitchell's and ons of McCredle's went for a triple, and Larry McLean credited with a double. Tbe score: '-' -V , PORTLAND. ,' - ': "v ' ', - AB.R.H.PO.A.E. McHaie, cr. i i i e Sweeney, as. ......... 4 Mitchell. If. 4 - McCredle, rf. ........ 4 Smith, lb. 4 ' Moore, 3b., .......... 4 ' McLean, 4 IJster, lb. 4 Califf. p. ............ I Mili t t t it Totals.. ...........It i 11 IT II 4 , SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Spencer, of. Wheeler, as. 4 1 0 I e 1 I I I II I 4 Monier, .2D. ...... Hlldebrand, If. -Williams, lb. Irwin, so. ' Seers, rf. Spies, a . T 1 .. Totals ......II I 4 IT 17 8CORB BT INNINOS. : Portland i ..,.,..1 10(1111 1 I Hits . ....... .t llUl t ) 1 Jl Ban Franclsoo ...tllllioi 0 ! Tj -,BUtsrJllt4,....0 l i t 1 1 4 SUMMART. Three-base hits Mitchell. McCredle. Two-base hit McLean. Sacrifice hits . Sweeney. Califf. Bases on balls Off Califf. I. Struck out By Califf. I: by O'Brien. I. Hit by pitcher Spies. Double piay eweeney 10 Moore to li ter. Balk O'Brien. Tims of same- One hour and 46 minutes. Umpires jf errine ana noason.- j PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. Loet. P.C. ,.04 -Portland . . t . Ban Frsnclsee) ........ S7 Ixs Angeles ..., tl ..Seattle . . ....... . Oakland . . 12 Jresno . ...... n .611 .44 .411 .t4 .114 Baadolph's l e Work. '. tjoeraal Special Servlee.) , Fresno, Cel., Aug. 4. Randolph's ' pitching was too much for ths Tigers yesterday, score: s "R.H.E Is Angeles ..t.lOt 11 OOt0 11 0 Fresno 0 0 1 o 1 I I Batteries Randolph and Mangerlna; Wolters and Dashwood. , ' Triple Does the Triok. ' (.Special Dlepttea te The Joaraal. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 4. Blankenshlp's triple In tbe seventh gave Seattle yes terday's game. Score: . . v. , 's R.H. E. Sesttle . . Id M I 4 I Oakland ...... .00 100000 i 4 4 Batteries Vlckers and Blankenehlp; Hopkins and Bliss. Umpire Msbaffey. , i NORTHWEST LEAGUE. ... ,V;;:r.l::..S'aR:B Spokane ..'....001001 SO I Tacoma 0 X 4 1 1 1 11 14 1 Batterlea Rush and Suees; . Doyle and Shea. Umpire Turner. , , , ' At oqalaae. R. IT S3. Butte . . .......41441I4? I t 1 Grays Harbor . .41414146 0 0 14 Batteries Bsndelln and Swindells; Brinksr and Boettlger. Umpire Hue ton. -j . ' ' ,-t- . .' ; V- YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY AT BRIGHTON TRACK '-. . ' . ..' NewSTork, Aug. 4. Brighton Beach : summary; - ' Sailing, : sis furlongs Jscquln won, Novena. second, Belle of Portlend third; time. 1:15 l-l. 1 ' .. Five and a Jialf furlongs Botanist won, Laura -A. second. Fantastie third; time, 1:01. - Selling, mile end a sixteenth Sonatns Bells won, Tyron second. Little Scout third: time, 1:41. - Mile and a - furtong Anglsr .-. won. Sailor Boy Second, corrigan third: time, 1:41. Mile Belle of Peqaest won, The down second. Mollis Donahue third; time. 1:41 l-S. - Five and a half furlongs Alt a Far ola won, Buadam second, Krestet third; time, 1:10. Renders the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow; It affords prompt relief from bliloosneas, indl geetlon, sick and nervous headaches, and overlndulgenoe In food and drink. O. L. Caldwell, Agt M. K. T. R. R , Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April II:. "1 was sick for over two- yeare with en largement of the liver and spleen. . Ths doctors did me no good and I had to give up all bone of being cured, when ny arupgiei aavisea me to use Heroine. It has made me sound and welL" 60o, Woodard, Clarke aV Co. 3 r, v . ! . . A'l v y ... I - i, ; U;i" - , ;i':..I'-y :: -::-:,::;. I ; 4j' ' :: ..: . v :, . '., : I ' ' . ' .5, -i-i v'r:...:,;-f ' .. ,x;k ' -. ' -; : ... " . . .; ''...::::..'...' . ft. i " 'K ; . ' ' ' - x. 1' ' " . , 1 ' " ' . 1 ' ' Ho-re Blf Field in ths Greatest Turf Battle Fought tt Brighton Beach Track ?f '"r; '"7"' miuin, Tiptoe, Consistent, Handzarra, Lady BRITT WILL BOX THE WinilER Eloquent Jimmy Doclarss He WiU Fight Cant or ths Dans. STATEMENT SURPRISES : HIS 'FRISCO FRIENDS After All the Rumpus the Calif orn lan and , Colored Man Raised Several Months Ago About Crooked Deals, Britt's Declaration Not Expected. (Journal Special Serrtre.) Ban' Francisco, Aug. i. Jlmmly Britt treated his friends to a surprise this week, and it earns about this way. With a party ef sport lovers Jimmy was sit ting around a table down where - the Wurtsburger flows when a fight fan referred to the arrival of Joseph Oana of Baltimore. At the time Mr. Gens' name was mentioned ' Mr. Britt was holding forth en the Thaw ease with all ths sloqusnce he oould mustsr. The Thaw ease) was dropped anon, and the probability ef Nelson fighting ths col ored gentleman was discussed. Jimmy wsa a patlsnt listener, and then the little fighter startled the erowd by coolly remarking: "Well, If they over get together, I'll be ready to fight the winner.".. ., . ., " , , "Whatf Ton fight the - wlnnerr chirped Jimmy Coffroth, who - wasn't eocksure that he understood Jimmy. "That is what I said. I'll fight ths winner, end beat him." retorted Britt and then everybody looked at one' an other aa muoh as to sa, "Who wou havs thought Itr These who HatenAf to Britt's startling declaration recalled all that scandalous . muck which Gani raked up before the fire. When rsfused return match, Oana billed the . city with confessions and charges which put Jimmy In anything but an enviable light, Eddie Oraney, the referee, and ethers were drawn Into the nasty affair, which did the game . no, good. Gana failed In .his purpose to capture a re turn match. Brltt'a reply waa that he fought on the level, end If there was any faking. Gans was the guilty party. Britt thought that ho had demonstrated to the eportlng world -that he wae Joe'e master. At sny rats, he avowed that he could not afford to mingle with a con fessed faker, and the result was thst Gana, disappointed, turned his attsntlon to Mike Twin Sullivan, Dave Holly, Jack Blackburn and flghtera of that stripe. Even though Nelson la the apple of. his eye at present. It te not Improbable that Joe would measure science with Jimmy before fighting the' Dana, Joe le dead anxious to meet both Nelson and Britt, It. matters little which one fecee him first, so long as he hae the pleasure bt fighting ths two.. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. r ,' : " Won. Lost: S3 t P.C. Chicago . . IS , new yora . ..... Plttaburg Philadelphia . ......... 41 Cincinnati . . .........41 Brooklyn -, . ....... .. .IS St. Louis . tt Boston r Sli . - At iiasipkU. First game , i Chlcaa-o . ...1 SO Fhlladeiphli .......0 I Brown and Kllng; Lush Batteries and Donovan. Second gam Chlcsso . . .. ', ' It. H. X. T II 1 Philadelphia . . 0 T S Batteries Reulbach and Moran: Due- gieby. noy ana Jjonovan. ympli uonway ana carpenter. . ; , At Slew Tosk. R.H. . lJ W. Mar Umpire St Louie . ................. New Tork Batteries Thompson snd shall; Ames and Bowsnnan. Klero. At Brooklyn. R.H. BL Pittsburg . . Brooklyn . . , e Batteries i tnch snd Gibson; Sasnlon 'mplre Johnstone. and Bergen. At '.'-lLH.'- Boston 11 Cincinnati . . ...a..... 1 f Batteries Linesman and Need nam: Wicker and lijOnastoB. i'mPirerEjns-l TOM SHARKEY. RETURNS FROM : : ; v HIS EUROPEAN- PILGRIMAGE aeorsal BpecUl rrlce.t New York, Ang. 4. Tom Bharkey Jias returned to the old stand at Fourteenth street after a trip to Europe that bene flted him greatly. Thomas said that ha really oould not concentrate his mind on any one feature that bad tmpreaaed him to any great extent e "Did you atop off at Ireland" asked a wag In the erowd at the cafe. "Did I stop off at Ireland" returned Tom. "Well. I should think I did. 1 know everybody In Ireland, and tbey all turned out to eee me. - I got a great sendoff st Killarney, another at Dub lin, another at Belfast and the beet of all at my own home, Dundalk. I tell you It was great to shake the hands of all the boys with whom I used to -play and fight my childhood battles. -'"This trip has certainly done me a world of good-, I can now plunge Into business with a vengeance, for that Is all I'm Interested In lust now. From RUNNING RESULTS AT ; SEATTLE MEADOVyS (Special Dwpateh te TSe JeenaLt . Seattle, Aug. 4. The Meadowa raoee: ' Seven furlongs Seed Cake won. Black Gem Second, lad ore third; time, 1:17)4. seven runongs iron . Watson won. Silver Sue aecond, Santa Bay third; time, 1:17. Six furlongs Ltbervale won. Madden second. Woodthorpe third; time, lilt ' Mile " Supreme Court won, Ralph Toung second, Major Tenney third; time. 1:40. Five furlongs Grace St Clair won. Lucy C second, Tsnkts Jim third; time, 1:00 H. Mile Florence Foneo won. Cabin seo- end. Dusllst third; time, 1:40. FAREWELL SMOKER FOR -YACHT CLUB MEMBER On Tuesday evening the members of the Oregon Yacht elub will give a. fare well smoker te William Kelm, one of the most popular young yachtsmen In ths city, who will shortly leave for San Francisco, -where he will make his future home. Mr. Kelm has accepted tbe management ef the Paclflo eoeat ageney of a large eastern firm. . Mr. Kelm owns Skylark, one ef the fleetest yachts on tbe river. Commodore Knight wishse every member of the club to attend the fes tivities on Tuesday evening, aa a spe cial program has been arranged. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' .-. ' Won.' Lost.. P.C. .410 .04 .ttt .147 .614 .tot .170 .171 Philadelphia . tt , New Tork BR , Cleveland . . . .tl Chicago tl ' Detroit . , . .. 4t St. Louie . ...........47 ' Washington.. ........14' Boston . It. 14 , ( 40 41 46 4 It 70 At Detroit. R.H. E. Detroit Batterlea Donovan. Schmidt and Warner; Orth and Klelnow, At Cleveland. ' . ' . ' n. ft m. Cleveland.'. .................. T.S i Phliadeipnia io s 4 Batteries Knoaaea ana - uueiow: Plank, Powers end Scbreck. At Oaioago. " ' ft Chicago ....4 1 1 Boston . 0 11 Batteries-wsisn ana suuivan: Har ris and Armbrustsr. At St. toala. R.H. E. St. Louie . 0 4 Washington 1 t 4 1 Batteries Olade Hue-hes and Wakefleld. and , O'Connor 7 Positively" Cored by "Nature's Own Remedy, tVeaaett's NATIVE RERBor costs you nothing 25c and tl (contains Sight Draft for return of your !!) eMWa) AtDfa (Ms On tM M at Tnat Baa ftCE anuwa ' E BasssH'a Nattva Herbs Company CiSaaim, See ruarlm.OI. StomnchlQUtles This Season. The Hones Are, Reading From Left to Right First Pre- j ,nne, La Sorciere, Monet. Gentian, Rubric. V and I went to London and met a number of old friends there. - After that I went up to Paris" at the special re quest of my wife, who wsa deeply In terested In the art galleries. I 4f think thst the pictures would be much of an attraction, but after I bad wan dered through about sis miles of ths Parisian galleries I became a regular con on " . . , , , -TonnolsseurT" questioned some one. ' Tea. that's it Ths pictures were' great. . No,, the didn't have anything to do with fighting. - I'm oat of that game entirely bow, and have not even been paying attention to it, Sam Ber gert He used to light out weat, didn't he? I thought I had heard of him. No, I have never met him. . I gained It pounds- while on the trip, and now tip ths beam at Sit. I am in the best ot health, and am glad of It, for I won't be doing any more training, . Business calls me." . .... . , . . - -. SEATTLE FANS ARE GLOOMY AND SAD The Seattle Times of. Thursday' has ths following; "sad words to say upon the condition of Ross Hall's Slwasbss; "The Sesttle team, which baa been limping around tike a lame duck ever since Russ Hall got hurt, seems to have collapsed entirely now thst Johnnie Kane Is out of the gams. .The showing tns team made yesterday would not en title It to a membership In the Puget Sound Amateur league,, and after tbe horrible nightmare waa over the boy manager limped to the clubhouse, hoarse from yelling at his brave athletes, and his hair was plentifully streaked with gray. Unless Russ gets sonfe ball play ers pretty soon he will be a candidate for - the bughouse, for tbe strain ef watching mea making dumb plays Is bound to wear even upon the strongest constitution. , Isbell- looked awfully buah-league yesterday. ' it wae not ao much that he booted live chancea ae that he did not seem to know what to do with the ball when ha got It. The lad was probably rattled at getting off bedly, but the Cobs were whslsd so soundly that a fsw errors or rune 'more or less mads no difference. Harper may do better aa an Innelder than he did tn the outfield, but unless he le better then he looks he le not going to scare any of the pitchers In thle league. Harper has been pitching and playing 'the In field for Stan wood and other teams, so that his poor showing In the oatfleld can-be overlooked. . FAST TIME MADE ON THE GRAND CIRCUIT (Joarnal Special Set lee ) Cleveland, Aug. 4. Grand elrcnit sum mary: . 1:14 class, trotting. M. A M. consola tion, purse 11.000 Caarina Dawson won three straight hsats snd the race ' In Ml. 1:11 and 1:14. - Free-for-all pace, purse 11.000 The Broncho won three strslght hosts and the race In 1:01, l:0IH and 1:01V 1:10 class, pacing, purse tt.000 Italia' won three etmlght heats and the raoe In 1:01. :lt4 and 1:11)4. Harry i. atso atartea. ; , SPORTING GOSSIP. ' Portland got back at the Seals yes terday in good shape. . Califf wae on the firing Una for the Giants and this clever youngstsr allowed Parke Wilson's crew but four scattered singles. That's going 'some for Califf or sny . other capable pitcher."' ; " ,, .,. Cy Seymour, whar-was purchased by the New Tork Nationals several days ago from Cincinnati for 110,000, refused to Plsy yesterday with his team. He ssya he will never play baseball again uajless he Is given a snare or nia release money, to which he aaaertaJie 1 Joetty 1 entitled. Seymdur Is a star and the Olanta, need him badly in center field. In hit claim for a shars of ths money, which hie eervlcea are worth and ths reputation which he mede by hard and honest work on the dlsmond. there eeeme to be a good lot of common eenae. If Seymour's servlcea'are worth tlO. 000 to New Tork he Is certainly entitled to some share of the prise money. Good boy, Cy. . . v Charles Arnold, a colored comedian. dropped -dead yesterday while playing be ae ball at Chicago. Arnold had juat been declared "out" at first base. . e ' . ' Now that there la a good chance for Gana and Nelson te 'meet In the ring and aa sxoellent opportunity for James Edward Britt to fJght the wtsaer lei ' t.-' I - v". I .ft. ' , , v , I . ; - :' . I T s . I . . -v ir , s . ' - I .-;:-,.A.::.f .' i COOTTEE 111 BEGi;i -wosKoanow Rowing Club's Friends Will Ba Asked to Contribute to Senior Crew Expense Fund.' Secretary Hart of the Portland Row ing club, who Is chairman of the com mittee appointed to -raise funds for the payment of the senior erew's trip to the Worcester regatta, aanounoed this morn ing that active work would begin' en Monday, when the committee will be formally organised. Mr. Hart eaya the outlook for the success of ths fund is very bright and that hs dose not think that any difficulty will be experienced In the effort. . - The senior erew and Coach Murphy were scheduled to arrive In Worceetsr, Massachusetts, this ' morning, although nothing hae been heard from them Since they left Spokane last Tuesday evening. thoss who said that the fight scandal In San Francisco before the earthquake would make the participants enemies for life getback to the tall grass once more. . . . e e ' Tbe members of the New Tork Teeht club are enjoying their annual eraise. The affair started yesterday and will last for four days. a e - . , . Mitchell, McCredle - and McLean- hit for extra baaea yesterday at Oakland. The first two made trlplea and Larry connected Tor a two-bagger. - Miss Sutton is meeting all comers In the British isles in tennis match ea. They can't oome too faat for the clever Calif ornlenne, - . ...:''. - v -. e ' e '. . New Tork fane think that Gilbert will be the next Giant to go. Gil le aa good as the best at the second station, but always has been a weak hitter. At the present time It looks as though the Cincinnati Reds have been eonaid erably strengthened by ' the recent trades, - --..- And still they boost Hal Chase. A well known baseball scribe comes forth this week with the opinion that "Prince Hal" will develop Into the greatest ball player the w.orld ever has seen. , . " . e The Chlcsgo White Sox will hsvs to start pretty soon If they expect to make a run for ths pennant - 'r When it eomes to keeping a baseball club near the top year after year yon will have to pin the ribbon on Connie Mack. ::-..: ....; e e . . , : Thle le the fourth season that New Tork, Pittsburg snd Chicago have been the contestants for ths National, league pennant, with the other Ave clube trail ing. ... . . (, : e . e . .- The Columbus club of the American aasoclatlon won II ont of 10 games on their recent- western trip. . '.;. e , e . Calumst, Houghton and Winnipsg are having a red-hot fight for the pennant In- the Northern Copper Country league. .,.: e e . , Tbe Houston elub won II out of the first It games In the second half of the South Texas league season. SWORE FALSELY TO MARRY YOUNG GIRL (Special ptaeatek fc The JearaeL) Perry, Orv Aug. e.-Tlyilo Han tors of this place Is now tndor bonds to si-pewr before the circuit oourt of Union county or the oharge of having tuarried a girl under age. A few rtayt ego he secured a marriage llcens to. wed Jllsa Tony Brown and he took with him his father to act as wHuei.t. "tn lettny In trllgt capacity It was necessary to swear that the man and girl In question were of legal ege. The parents of the girl now allege that the girl la only a little m-we than II yeira of age and a charge of perjury waa eitorn out . against ths slder Bantoes. ' . , The Sad ef the World ' of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, ef Bear Grove, la., of all uaefulneaa, cam when he began taking Electrlo Bitters. He writes: "Two years sgo Kidney trouble oaused ms great suffering, which I would never have survived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They alsoeured me ef General Debility." Sure cure for all. Stomach, Liver and Kidney com plaints. Blood diseases. Headache, Dts tineas and Weakness or bodily decline. Prioe toe. Guaranteed, pr ,ore OrtM ca ' , -. ; - '.. - . ' .' ' OFEN ALL Park aa Washington Streets tfert calls for help tkanwt can KUL1ATH FALLS PREPARES ' FOR POM 1.1 ; Ch tmbw'r -o - Commerce - Rs organizes , in 'Anticipation of Pilgrimage From City. -' rSneeiai nieaateh to The Jotarnal.l' ' " i Klamath Falla, Or. Aug. 4. The prin cipal event of the past week was the re organisation or the chamber or com merce last evening. Most encouraging re porta were received and 11 new mem- ere added. ; - The 10.000 pamphlets Issued by the ohamber a short time sgo are almost sxhsuated. and a new lot, sections of which will be devoted specifically to dlf fsrent parte ef the county and giving more definite Information aa to quality of land and purposes to which best adapted and probably accompanied with a good map, will aoon be Isaued. " -' - . Taere wiu be a srood-sised delegation from Klamath county at the .Boise Irri gation congress In September, ant painstaking' efforts will be mede te give euch Information to the Inquiring publlo with reference to conditions and values here, with reference to Industrial and commercial possibllltlss as will sat isfy those who. seek Information, and flattering Inducements will be offered Inquirers to visit the county, as few who have visited here leave without making Investments or returning home only to msks arrangements to locate or gam holdings here. . The new offloars elected for the en suing; year rare: President, Colonel M. O. Wilklns: vice-president. H. U Hoi. gats; secretary, C F. Stone, and treas urer., Alex. Martin Jr. Each pledged .himself to the hopeful work of making Klamath county second to none In the state. , The Portlend delegation to arrive on August 10 Is to be steered shout by the same committee which bandied the ex- curslonlsts from esa Francisco, . OFFICERS OF DANISH V CHURCH VISIT COAST (Special Diepeteh te Tbe Jeoraal.) Junction City, Or., Aug. 4. Rev. J. M. Gregusen of Klmballton. Iowa, who Is vice-president xt the Evangelical Luth eran eharch In America, and Professor Benedict Kordentoft. nrincinal of the Danish theological seminary at Grand MURDERER'S -WHEREABOUTS . , . REMAIN HIDDEN MYSTERY .. ? 1 ' ') AV -i. ; I ;v , -. Jcy ... . x. .' X . '. ' " v 'v : :j--U4d''j '". V'. -nf-'v.; 'v' t-;v. ' it '(f fVt.i- v -r -- fv 'v ?-' Mrs. Arthur (Jearaal Special Banlca) ' Chicago, Aug. t The release ef the held at Poughkeepsto for tbe mur der of Mrs. Arthur W. Gentry In a fash ionable apartment la Chicago last win ter, has only Intensified tbe mystery concerning the whereabouts ot Frank J. Constsntlno, the supposed . murderer, who fled when th orlme waa committed and hae not atnee been seen. The murderer's name, real or as sumed, le Frank J. Conetanino, and that kla mother aad slater u4 kreuer lire, THE YEAR V.' A. P. Anastroag, LL. B., PrlKlpal meet . It pays to attend 'cur school PORTLAND ACADKiY : ; t Portland Oregon v uth tzab wiu ora an. it., Fits boy a" and g'irls for Eastern aad Westsm collagea l . Includes a primary, and ., grammar school. -. ;, , ' Boarding hall for girls affording the oomforts and care of, a reoned heme. , Office hours during ths Summer from I s. m. to 11 m. . . . . . - . For catalogue write to the T address given abova . - e.. MILITARY ACADEriY A Boarding and Day School for Boys. Manual Training, Military DleclpUne. College Preparation, admitted at any time. Boys of any age Writs for .luus- t rated Catalogue. Dr.J. W. HILL, Prop, and Prbcfcal Fall term will open Sept.. It, .tsoC FOBTUn, O BOO. :SS?'.'CUT.' RATES For 39 Days Only . ' 11.00 Gold Crowns. ........ ...ifS.OO 11.00 Gold Crowns B3.SO 110.00 PUtea ......... .fw.OO 111.00 PUtee 9T.60 Fillings, ap from ........&A4 Boston? Dental Parlors SSlte ISorrUea st, Op.. O. and - -. .v. View college, Des Molhea, Iowa, vlalted ths Danish congregstfon at thla lace August t, . ' Ths members of thslr church at this place took a holiday and all met at their church, and after lietenlng to an address from the two visitors, they -spent ths afternoon In visiting. The two gentlemen left today for ether points north, ss thsy are to visit all ths Danish settlements On the coast, Allen Lewis' Bset Brand. W. Gentry. , . st No. tO Kst Ons Hundred " Eleventk street. In HsrUm's "f Italy." Is known. Inveailr'"n tv Chicago and New Tork po. r -the facta that the brothers. yeare for unexplained reasocie. I Insisted -that his eognomaa is " There Is a little dlacrepf nrr Is of -the brothers, but tnt " wslk silks, talk silks snd o. ' k measurements proved l(it a i keepsle saaneet was tie bri . gsaa vaster HIMi