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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
J w . .L, & .TL-I CATU2-eV i - - . . . 3, AUGUST 4, 1 . T. f t - i R2S0RT8. . imiui MWtai . . a tb I.umal ea wi iailta, W ea4 haw part. A raeular aa. rter eelivery will k walatal.., Ow-ef 4tfMl llM ear iMl e ton ratal ae he will ttee4 MU ..te LOkA ' IUDX-ImU W, aset, I fcH44ILrtH l Iimm Hk. Da. 4 nn to U palate te keeflh, f SAUDI AhD UAABRAAT FA ' W. B. Wkltmu, eseati kMituuwt , at Lewis Oe.'s m tere, Iw'il'i Or. Salivary tt ail aetata ea the Wbmib. WtWPOB? AWP TAAtrnTA Harrr rMvalkiaar-aeaw : eseer, OareaUU , Eastern railraaA, a rest. , Kaa- (verier at Newport, Or. Delivery U all point ea the haae. WILHOir r.IliOB J. W. Iteleraa, wnt, Wiihoit, 0. . . BOX LAXb-koi lake luHutaa Cksi ereet, hat Lake, Or. CA&80X, WAfct. Kiaaral arlsf ate- ' CAAOADif, rAa& Taaa ' KoMeH, cofuiis MnrzEAt ivinrsa, wabK. ' 0. X. Beleher, ageet, OaUlaa. Wash, SatxjaBaBJB'jBAi ay ra Bej BaSkai , rfovmrrs Airuixmrra. Lyric..... Orea.... Star...... Paatages. , Frank Faanlna la The lantlfrn . . . ; . . . . vaaaeviitv "Hitm Married Men' Vaadevlll The death of Thomas P.. Wright ' At .hla residence, 42t Second atraat. Thurs day algbt removert ona of tha bait known pioneers In tha city. Mr. Wright waa born in London, Ontario. In 11 - ' and waa $1 yeara old at tha tlma of hla , death., Ra waa marrlad In 181 to Mlaa Catharlna Harrlaon.- to , whom th aona wara born. Guy. Will and Auguetus. Tha flrat of tha thro waa killed In an - acoidant aeveral yaara ego. Mr. Wright waa a - contractor by occupation and whUa engaged at hla work An Alaaka ra '. reived Injurlaa which raaultad In hla daath. Ha waa a mambar of tha ehlp bulldere' anion. ' Tha funaral will be .- '. bald from Ftnley'a undertaking parlors ' at 1 o'clock, tomorrow afternoon. Inter- , mini . wiu lane place ai iona ir '. ' cemetery, whera tha - remalna will ba laid bealda thoaa of lira. Wright, who JUJ n -' Tha W, 8. Ladd aatata and a numbar "of othar property ownera. of tha aaat ' alda haya fllad a ramonatranca agalnat tha propoaad filling of . Eaat Bacon d atraat from Baat Oak to Hawthorna Avanua. Enough property la repreaentea on tna rvmonairmnca naiwi iiw ni v. proyemant. It la atatad In tha remon . atraaca that It -la tba Intention of tha - property . ownera to hare all tha low ; ground around Kaat Second atraat filled i with grarel pumped by tha d red re from tha rlrer bai. It la declared alao that ' tha franchlaarof tha O. R. N. for a alda track oh Eaat 8econd atraat re . qulraa that, a fill ba made. Improya- . rnent af tha atraat will ba muen chaapar . after tha railway baa dona Iti abara of ' tha work. Tha plcturajua mountain aeenery to ba viewed from tha wlndowa of tba Brown, tha aplendld atona and brick ' f Iro-atpry apartment hoteL Grand and . Hawtlibrna avanuea. fllla tha heart with contemplation of tha charming romance . for which Oregon la ao dlatlngulahed. -vTha Brown -la-a- raal bosna for every . ; gueit, and Ita new management takea prlda in having tha houee thought of aa .' auob, Ita tablaa are alwaya aupplled with aJmoat everything tha moat Xaatld . Iaii. MMtltA a. lllnmtav walata naa arara Tan ailaataa walk to tba builneae can ' tar,-al carllnea paaa Ita doora, and " everything modern wlU ba found at tha 'Brawn. . . . oounty-court A atatement ahowing tha ' oondltlon of tha tax department to July 11 Tha aherlff reporta that ha oollected ' t.44I.M of tha 101 tax roll during tha month -of July, and that tha amount of UiVi itlll unpaid la I1I7.H1.I1 There waa collected I4.IS of 10! delin. qurnt taxea, I ISl.tS of ltOI delinquent ' clea. and 111 of tha unpaid taxea of 1(04. Penaltlea collected amounted to ! and Intareat 111.4. Whan 'Sheriff Stevena received tha tax rolla from T. M. Word thera wara 1147.007.01 of 101 taxea unpaid. ; '- ' In an affidavit fllad In tha circuit court Harriot M. Neabltt allegea that her huaband, Jamaa D. Neabltt, haa left tha atala In order to avoid being eerved wt . U iiiihinAm In Ha nm m Jt. vorce ehe had brought agalnat him. " Mr a. Neabltt aaka for a ae pa ration on the grounda of cruelty and drunkenneaa Jbfy. Ilvrd formerly at Aatnrla, where Neabltt waa employed by the Aatoria 4k Columbia Rver Railroad company. . . Tha feaat of BL Dominie will ba ceta. br'atad " tomorrow " at tha Holy Roaary church, Eaat Third and Grand avenue. Tha occaalon will alao ba tha fifty-fifth anniversary of tha eatabllahment of tha Dominican order on tha Pacific eoaat o'clock In ' the morning. Tha Right Reverend Abbot Thomaa wlU deliver tha , panegyric and aolemn maaa will be aatd by Rev. Father A. 8. LAwler, Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard, , affecting tha aoldlera mbvementa for w will,,, iivnu,fiiiii . nuivuvaa Iake. August 11. Tha ordera lay aa prciai aircaa upon im conauc or mi men in traveling to Murray etatton. THE ONLY On the East Side iluMil Ka tnldilia nt inHI Th rll. aena Ba,nk added ta Ita regular banklnt; ' bualoeaa a aaVlnga dapaftntentt - Thle la tha only aavlnga bank on tha aaat alda. It la located ae 120 Grand avanua, con venient for aaat aidara, la Bound flnaiw daily and la under tha aama manage. Went aa tha Cltlsena Bank, which baa been doing bualnaaa on tha aaat aida for t . mm . : We W&nt Your Deposits, El md .; - . Little ' " . k . . . . . - ' ' Ona dollar la enough to atart an ao- count, and yon gat 4 PER CENT IN TEREST on all your depoelta. Coma In and aae na, and we'll tall you all about thla naw aavlnga Institution. - v Open tvair,rvla4ra Trox to. B. THE CITIZENS BANK i-o mAn Armmvmjj4 i7u. tlAMBERT. Praaldant.- " : ' "T - ' ' . aa, W. LAMBERT, CAaolar. . Savings Bank Pr-' r n-f - , a t i 0 ; - - - r' Papara t.I tna atory Oh. what Jokaal ." Py. would tha lowly Naaarane . (Thla Juet you and I between) , , Do you think ha would ba aeen ' AtXhe Oa.'jT-.,. '.. , ; Wa' wonder many tlmaa-r- Yea, wa do Why people of tha earth r. Are eo blue, With tha Union Laundry here. Human hearta to nil with cheer, Ob, tha aklea ahould be ao clear. Troublea few. r : ." ' V'.- '' ' Polka are awaking- mirth ' Everywhere, , , - But somehow there' a a dearth Out at' prayer. . , 1 r' Maybe nona of ua do think " . - ' That we're atanding on tha brink, And noon will ewlra or alnk, . Over there I . . : -TJNIOIf LATJNDRT, Tel Mahvttl. Bacond and Columbia. No mora waahing by the pound after Auguat II. whera tha Oregon troopa-wlll hav thai camp. And differ little from 'the order lasued aeverai .day a ago by General Plnier. Ona feature of the raglmental ordera that tha aoldlera are anxloua to have etnphaataed la tba aeetion regulat ing tha direction 'of mall for tha men In camp. -Alf mall ahould be addreeaed to American Lake, Washington, whera It will ba taken eara of la tha regular way. On tha way to. camp, company and detachment oommandera WlU read to their men tha artlclee' of war when ever they find tha time convenient, that tha men may ba fully instructed la tha regulatlona before reaching camp. ' Praa Days at Oaka. tdlea and chll nn at tha Oalca TuaaAava and Thyr. daya ladlaa and children arc admitted' free of charge at main entrance of tha Oaka park from ,11 to o'clock p. m. Evfry comfort, protection and attention shown. Plcnlo -partlea- Invitad. Ra- member tha daya. Bwtnga, music, marry-go-rouud, bathing, etc D. C. Freeman, Superintendent O. W. P. Park Depart- ment. , .... ,. ; " Civil service examtnatlona win ba held in Portland August If and 10 for a forest assistant In the Philippine serv ice and for an engineer In tha Indian anrvlca. . Tha posltlona ara among the moat desirable la tha civil aervlce, , Ap pllcanta ahould apply to Z. A. Leigh, aacretary of tha civil aervlca eommia glon, for full partlculara concerning tha examinatlona. ? , . ' . ; Trolley BxCuralona on O. W. P. Bun- day. To Eataoada and upper Clackamas river polnte, (0 canta round ; trip. Dancing In Pavilion afternoon and even ing; music by Brown a oreheatra. Dinner at Hotel Eataoada, 71 eenta. Cars leave First and Alder streets T:t0. 0:10, 11:10, 1:10. 1:40, t:44.- 7:1.- Tlckata muat ba purchased) on aale In waiting-room. In a sulf for m divorce filed In tha cir cuit court thla morning. Joett LaBarr alleges - that , Everett" LaBarr deaerted bar alx weeka after tneir ' mamaga. Mrs. LaBarr realdea at 144 Oak street Bbe says that aha married LaBarr at Spokane, Waahlngton, In May, 104, and that ha deaerted her In Juna of tha aama year at Spokane. . ' . A '-New Tool. Tho take-down square, a earpenteaja perfect knock-down aquara with framing rule, convenient, true. Whan put together la aa rigid aa a weld. Adolpb A. Dekum, lll-lll First eiraex. la headquarters for them, and la tha beat plac In tha city for machanlca' tools of an kinds, likewise cutlery and flahlng taxikia. '. Water through haae for sprinkling yarda or aid a walks, or washing porchaa or windows, must ba paid for la advance and nsedabnly between tba houra of And I a. m. and i and I Mb. It must not be used for sprinkling street. If used contrary to these rules, or waata- fully, tt will ba hnt off- Wilbur C. Ward, Parley A- Combs and Clarence O. Morgan, appraiaers of tha aatata of Haae! L G. Holdan, have filed report in tha county court showing that tha estate haa . property valued at 11.111. " Thla aatimata Includae a Ufa Inauranca policy for $1,000 In tha Wood men of the World. J.v.-i, . Trolley Tripa. Trolley Trlpo on O. '. P. Sunday. To Oregon City, and Can am ah Park, II eenta round trip. Danclnc In pavilion afternoon and ovon Ing. Care leave First and Alder streets on tha odd hour and every 40 mlnutea. Tlcketa must be purchased; on aale In waltlnr-room. Tailor-Made Suite. For tha particular man who lslookln for something ex "eepOonarTn atyle and"durabtnty. tur aulta ara light In every reepeot.' Wa have only ona price, (, no mora, no lea a. . Call and look out atock ovt TTnlqu Tailoring Co 101 Btark near Sixth, - - ------ , aawaaaaBBiBBBBk ' r River Trln Bunday. Try a r1 tip tha Columbia tomorrow to Cascade Locks and return on steamer "Bailey Gatsert" Tha most enjoyable trip out of - Portland. Steamer laavea Alder street dock f a., m., returns (: p. m. Dinner to cents. Faro $1. Phono Main t. -v . .-.'. 4 . .',;;. y .. Tha estate of A. XL Llndburr onelats of real aatata ' In Portland valued ' at 1(00, according to tba report of tha ap praisers, 8. B. Moody. J. A. Finch and T. B. McDevltt Jr.. which waa filed in tha county court thla morning. . . The New Era Paint Varnish Co., tola dlatrlbutora of the well-known "Acme Quality Una of paints, varnishes, enatnela, etc., have moved to .No. 171 Flrat street, between Morrison 1 and Yamhill. Don't forget tha place, - ' Now la tha time to arrange a trip to your old' homo In tha east. Reduced rata tlckata on sale August T. and B. For particulars call at Chicago, Mil watikee St. Paul railway ofnoe, 1(4 Third atreet , , , ' Oregon City Boata-Hunday river ex cursion from Taylor atraat dock, laavea :0. !!-: a, m., 1:10 p. m. Laat trip from Oregon City 1:10. Show your frienda tharlve, round trlp.v. How to Reach the 'Farmer. Bend for Keaton'a Rural Directory; 10 rural de livery routes, with 10,000 correct namea. Rural Directory company, 104 Ablngtoa building, Portland, Oregon. Rational divine healing. ' embracing natarat, mental end apt ritual lawr- Aak for explanatory pamphlet Eaat 11(1. Rev. P, J. Oman, 141 Eaat Twanty-alxth atraat ; ; , , , Concrete Construction Co., 711 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete atona blooke. Cor tractors for ail klnda of eanaent work. Tel Main 1(0, Launchee to tha Oaka ovary few mln utea every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's, south alda bridge, foot Morrison atreet c . ., , Tho School of Ufa," tha first of tha Ufa series. Rev. B. B. Muckley, First Christian church. Park and Columbia, 4i p. m. " I County .Clerk F. B. Fields haa sub mitted to tha county court a compara tive atatement ahowing tha receipts and dJabursamenta for aii offloa for ; tha m at a a gets locatiq: Rtall Qrocrt Will Mov Building at Fifth and . Stark Streets. to WILL MAKE CHANCE : .; by first of year Building It Now Occupied by Prael, Haglx A Co, Which Will Sooa f .MovB , Into , New 1 Warehouse Other Dc Alt in fetAl Eut World. . Announcement waa made thla morn ing of the execution of an Important leaaa whereby F. , Drecser A Co. ara- to become tha occupants for a long tlma of tho aoutheast corner-, of Fifth' and Stark atreeta,. at preeent occupied by Praal, Hegcle Co.- Tho announcement of thla leaaa hag come aa a great aur prise, for thera haa been eonalderabla conjecture aa to what place tha big grocery firm would locate. It having neen announced soma tlma ago that they would not remain In their present location, on account of tha Increased rant For . some time there were re porta that tha company woo Id go far ther out on Washington street and seek a - location ' somewhere between Thir teenth and Sixteenth, but theee reporta have now bean discredited by tha formal announcement of the leaaa from tha King aatata . of tha Fifth atraat prop erty. ' - X aCsart of BewJl BUrMat, ' ' Thla location Is right In tho heart of the retail district - Prael, Hegele Co. ara naw building a large warehouse Into which they will roove aa soon as com pleted. This will ba sometime along in tha fall and as soon a they move tha King ealate, the ownera of tha building, will turn it Over to Dresser A Co, who will Immediately atart alteration, ' The bulldmg. which la a three-atory brick, occupying a quarter black, will ba uaad entirely by the grocery firm. They will renovate the atructure and place In It all tha modern . features . of eastern grocerlea and when opened, about Janu ary 1,, It la expected to bo tho most complete grocery store . on tho Paclno eoaat v , , ' ; Big deala have been few recently, therefore when a 1100.000 transaction ia announced It causes more or less talk and today tba market la agitated by tha announcement that tha Northwest Guar antee tt Trust Co. Ara going to become factors In tha real aatata market, they making their entrance by purchasing tha Buokmaa tract In Eaat Portland, tha purchase of which and tha contem plated Improv amenta Involving 1100.000. Tha tract ia bounded by East Davis, Eaat Gllsan, East Twelfth and Eaat Six teenth. , There ara 11 building altea In tha tract which will ba laid out tho streets graded and Improved In A modern manner. A building Una will beata,D Uahed ao aa to make tha entire tract uniform and no ona house will ba al lowed to aet nearer the sidewalk than another. In addition to thla no-build' Ing -costing less than" tl.BOO will "be al lowed In the district, tha Idea being to make thla. one of the choice residence aeotlons. - . t AH llii HAY YET RETURH TO HMD. , If Pardon Is Forthcoming There Will Be Money for His -.'-: Passage. If Oovernor Chamberlain can be per suaded to pardon Ah Lin, allaa Lo Te Hon, wbo la earring a three-monthe term In the county Jail for stealing an ax, tha Chinese government will provide him with transportation to China, saya Chong Wan, who haa been In Ban Fran Cisco for two months -aa the represen tative of hla government looking up agedT anddecreplt Chlneee wbo wiah to return to their native land. Both Chong Wah and Hing Kee A Co. deny that Ah Lin haa fallen heir to any amount of money in China or elsewhere. They aay an effort la being made to have him aent back to China because he la getting old, la unable to work, and la continually getting himself Into lall ror ateajing axea ana natcnete. It la aald that the tong of which Ah Lin la a member Is endeavoring to se cure hla release from the county Jail, where he haa served about hair of a three-monthe sentence. A representa tive of the tong asked Chong Wah whether the government would pay Ah Lln'a way back te China If bis pardon could ba obtained, and Chong Wah said It would. Ah Lin la a trusty at the county Jail and la employed at trimming the courthouse lawn. month of July for the laat alx yeara. The total recelpta for July of this year were 11.7(1. being nearly $1,000 less thsn the recelpta for July of laat year. Expenaaa for July of thla year were (1.411, or-1400 leaa than the expanses for July of last year. - The profit to the county for July, of thla year waa 11.1(1. The report ahowa that thera haa been a profit to the county from the elerk'e flftlce for every year alnca 101, whan the expenaaa or the clerk a office were $1(1 more than the receipts. Milton A. Nathans, attorney," 1000 fltelner atreet. Ban Ftanclaeoj Commie alona promptly axecutedVInauraaee ad justed. . - ''.',.''. ' ra41a ' Kdal . Bran Tavern.-Tamlve miles oui Cool grove. French chef. Nuf sed. Coma today. . . . Acme Oil Co. sells the bast safety coal oil and fine gasolines. - Phone Eaat Tit. Dine ' at Rtcharde ' Bunday French dinner With wine, 11 pat cover. Woman's exchange, lit Tenth street lunch,-; 11:1 to I.-?- Panama hatter, 111 4th. Phone PaclOT. . Rental Slgna, Ansley Printing Co, J ; Automobiles for Hire,' Ring up Merrill, Main (IS, or long dis tance Twelve Mile, for big Pope To ledo. - Stand, aoutheaat oomer Sixth and Waahlngton. One hour delightful ride to Castle Edel Brau Tavern. Milwaukee Country Club. - Eastern ? and - Seattle - nftac-Taki I Sell wood arts Oregon City eara at Flrat rr"""i7 oi'n""' Gil PROGRESS District 'on Peninsula Has De- ; veloped Wonderfully Within Past Twelve Months. ' SUBSTANTIAL HOMES . ARE BEING BUILT Business Houses Are Belni Erected and . Pricea of Vacant Property , Have Doubled and Trebled Lack ot Water Is Only-Drawback. ; : BhMrt Side Depajrtaiaiia, In no aectlon of the. city la the spirit of progress. and Improvement more no ticeable than in Piedmont and Wast Piedmont. ' Th aubatantlal character of tha realdencea constructed in the paat year Is evidenced by tha fact that not ona haa coat Jeaa than tl.OOQ. The ad vance in the price of vacant property haa been at least . 10 pec cant In -tha paat It months, and In. the more -favored sections values - have : trebled. Tha General Electric company and the telephone company are preparing to ra build alt ' their linea In thla dlstrlot tha poles In uaa now being entirely too email to meat tha demands of tho com pany'a customers. . Tha Pacific States Telephone company haa -begun-the now atructlon of a 1K.000 central station lo cated at Killings worth and Michigan avtnuea. The General Electrio company la erecting a 140,000 aubpower station on Knott street near Williams avenue. Sixteen montha ago West Piedmont waa a 40-aore bruah waste, now the en tire tract Is covered with neat cottages. In Walnut- Park; adjoining Piedmont the atreeta of the whole addition are being attractively parked. -.Killings-worth avenue between AJbtna and Mis sissippi avanuea, la becoming' a prosper ous business center. 'J. H. Noltna haa just-completed A bualnaaa houae fronting KUllngsworth at a coat of $4,000. Mr. Noltna owns an entire block here, for which he recently refused tll.000. " The only drawback that thla dlstrlot suffers from Is 'the Scarcity of water during the hot mbnthB. It Is the high est point on. the peninsula and conse quently la tha flrat to feel the lessening pre tire. But with the completion of the Highland main from Mount Tabor. the peninsula water supply will bo set tled. The residents of this section com plain that ita development waa for sev eral years retarded because of an inabil ity to get needed street railway exten sions, and aay that alnce the 8t Johns and the new Vancouver llnea were built the dlstrlot haa attained most of Ita growth. ; Realdenta on the Mount Bcott line have complained of the Impurity of the a'r f""iiahfl hy th Wiwdmura Water company. B. B. Kavanaugh of the Laurelwood pharmacy, recently made a partial analyala of thla water. Mr. Kavanaugh's analyala did not disclose 4 tha presence of dlaeaae r garma but showed aa abnormal amount of foreign matter. The apaolmea analyala, dla- played In the window of the pharmacy. developed a red liquid, excited the users of thla water and waa tha causa of all sorts of . rumors aa to what the water contained. But . when Mr. Kavanaugh explained that It was " tha chemicals used. In making the analyala that caused tha red coloring, confidence in Wood- mere's water aupply waa restored. - BV C Heath, a Laurelwood merchant. fell from hla delivery wagon on Grand avenue Thursday morning and Buffered a broken wrtat and dlalocated ahoulder. He waa driving at a brisk paoa along the avenue, when a wheel caught tween A plank and streetcar rail, caus ing a audden atop, throwing htm out on hla shoulders. - He waa removed to hla home, where Dr. . Brlgga attended his injuries. Postmaster ChAmbless of Aleta la an- aeavoring .10 get ine patrons 01 nis or floe to post all their mall there. . He haa offered to cotabllsh several mall boxea in tha town and collect from them. him were canceled at tha office In a ahort time the office would be raised to a higher claaa. . The new Brooklyn englne-houae on Powell street Is neartng completion, within a few weeka a Are company will ba Installed thera to give that part of the city long-overdue protection. For the preeent a chemtoal will be placed there. .- - -'.... ... J. E. Thaeh defeated J. C. Mack for school clerk of St. Johns dlstrlot at aa election held at tha achoolhouae Thura day evening. There were it votes east. Thach receiving 17. --y . , Work on the new Methodist- Aurch, south, building at Union avenue , and Hassalo atreet la under way. The con crete foundation ia In and the atone for the main building la being delivered. Thle- la to be one of . tha - handsomest churches In the city and will coat over 116,000. A little more than two yeara ago 'thla church was organised under the direction- of Rev. B. H. Mowre, the pastor, ! Rev. A. M. Williams, recently called to the pastorate of tha Presbyterian church at McMlnnvllla, will be the principal speaker at the interdenominational serv ices to be held tomorrow evening at :10 o'clock la Hawthorne park. ATTHE THEATRES. V. ;; ;,'At thePanUges.:;-. V ' Tonlaht aad tomorrow Kb Kara, tba aetsd rears atblata, will ssaka bis nai spaearaaee at tha Paotaxe theatre la hla remarkable balancing aoe waatht-Uttlng set. There ara six ether Ma aeta every oae-ef ttera the beat eaa ,Th Smu(gler." In. the araeentatlea af the Brattr taa Tba Bmaaxlers." tha Lrrt stack paa has placed iteelf la a aosltkia to pleees ie th..tra rolos people ta a degree-' aixbly eaaiaiandaala. Tba eharaetarB ara asealleatly artraf ed. the eltmaxee ara stmag aad . th toned Berts exoseclasly httaraatlas ; --. ,..;, At the Sur. ft kt 'aa tee hte ta era "Tbrae MsrrM tin" tha eaaileal fares at the Star. T 111 aa the last ana no. awai, waa hav ao atteaoa a sat tut laaaea - aaaala so, pmvMIng they wiaa te uaca, uataaa panple wsat to laoia taey aasaia aveio iae itar this waak. - At the Orand. Maaralar 4aTalanfaaL Baa foacha It! klsaaat ata( af tfevelnpaKat la the Halleelalre arMbars, k are at tba Orina this week. Thla Is as sat wakh kas SH the tewa talklag. 4 l! V2 Cxwrvatlo Cu$todlan" s.ivir.'ss Dirri , Payt 4 per t cent interest on aving accounts, compounded , semi-annually. . Pays 4 per cent interest on yearly and 3 per cent on aix month' time de- posit., 'a ?",':::;: ' Call and see us at our new bankingrqomJn.' theLabbj . building, corner of Second and" Washington atreet, for further particulars. ' ' vrrsommM Ajrb pxaaoroast ; . ANDREW C. SMITH, Praaldent DAVID M. DUNNS, Vlce-Preetdent LAN8INO STOUT, Cashier. ' C, B. 8EWALL, Assistant Cashier. , JOHN DRI8COLL AND K. C OODDARD. ' E LAW TO BE TESTED AttprneySchnabelVyillContest ' Clause ; Demanding Year's - ' Residence of Plaintiff. SAYS IT APPLIES ONLY- - -',. WHEN CAUSE IS FOREIGN Maintains That When Act Causing Suit Is Committed In Oregon, - Plaintiff Does Not Have to Show . Residence of Year ia State. V - The Oregon law which requires that an applicant for a divorce muat have bean a realdent of tha state for A year before the commencement of the ault will be 'Contested by. Attorney Charles J. Schnabel in tha ault of Belraa Voha for a divorce from Hermann Jultua Voha.': : .:.;-' Tha lltlganta ware married at Ham burg, Germany, in October, 101, In tha famoua cathedral' that was recently de stroyed by fir. Mra. Voha allegee that her huaband began soon after their mar riage to treat her cruelly; that he threatened to kill her and threw her out of the houae repeatedly. He prom ised to reform and Induced her to come to tba United States, arriving hare laat March; : The cruel treatment waa resumed Im mediately on their arrival here, saya Mra. Voha, and ' through Attorney Schnabel aha haa begun suit In the cir cuit court for a divorce. TltOTegoiTTsode provide fhat -in a. ault tet th Alan1iitlnn nt m,iiH,m I contract the plaintiff therein' muat be an Inhabitant of the state at the 00m menoement of the suit, and for year prior thereto, which realdence ahall be eufflclent to give the court Juriedle tlon without regard to tho plaoe where the marriage waa solemnised or the cause of ault arose.' Attorney .Schnabel declares that tha statea of Tennessee and New Tork have similar statu tea and that the aupreme courta of those statee have held that the - atatutea apply only where the cause of ault arose in snother state. He saya tha Oregon law waa meant only to keep people whose trouble arose In another atate from oomtng ' here and nalng tha courta of thla state aa a dumping - ground - for 4 their domestio troublea. Tba question of the Jurisdic tion of our courta Where the grounda for the divorce arose In thla atate when the complaining party haa not redded here a year will be tried on a . de murrer. -' . ' -.. Schnabel saya he haa Secured a re straining order from - the court for- bidding Vohs from Interfering in any way wun nis wire. aire, vone aaaa the custody of her child, which Voha la said to have takea to another atate. -Thla la aatd to be the flrat tlma that tha Oregon law on thla subject haa been tested and It haa alwaya been customary with persona desiring divorcee to live In the atate a year before haying ault brought. CONCERT BY BAND AT CITY PARK TOMORROW The following program win he ren dered at th City Park tomorrow after noon by the Park band. - Tha concert eommeneea at 1:10 o'clock! . MarchFront TannhaueerM....Wagnar Walts -Artist Life'.,.. ....... Btrauss Overture "FeatlvaT , Laasea Reverts Traumerel" Schumann Bzcerpta from "A Society Clroue". Klein " ' Intermlaaion. Scenes from "Cavallerla Rustlcana". . ... Mascaanl Flece do Balon Tlrst Heart Throbs" Ellenberg Paraph raa a "Lorelei" , Nesvadba Paa dee Flaura, from ballet "Naila".. , ,t. Deltbea Two-Btep "HaU to tho Spirit of Lib erty". Bouaa Charles 1 Brown,' Conductor. ' Oars of naaka. The slaters of Providence hospital of Oakland desire to extend their moat heartfelt thanka to the' membere of the Cathedral Ladles" Aid society for their prompt and generoua reeponee to an appeal for help for the poor and Buffer ing refugee of stricken cities In the late calamity.' These noble-hearted ladlaa have ren dered great aervlca by sending n number of large boxea f new clothing which served to clad many a homeleaa mother and chtloVwhosar grateful hearta "turned heavenward and silently breathed a prayer of blessing on the kind Conor. Special thanka are tendered Mrs. Dr. Linden, who donated a largo trunk full of clothing, aheeta and -pillow Blips far the relief of the deatltute and to whom we are most deeply Indebted. - May heaven reward you all. . Across Mountains by Daylight. The famoue "Oriental Limited' leevee Seattle for Spokane and all points eaat dally at 1:10 a. m. , Thla magnlflcant train, wnicn is maaa up 01 moaera tour let ale para, atandard sleepera, up-to-date dining-car and . observation com partment-oar crosses the Cascade and Rocky mountaina By oayiignt. fjnnnect- ng .train leaves Portland at xi: p. m. Ttclrets, sler1ngcar- reserve t tone and full parttcnlara from H. Dickson. C P. Si T. A-, 111 Third street, Portland, DIVORC AMERICAN PLAN. xSArjr mviaatM biioh os tm noma vobtxwkbt. - EletUie Ufht, Stessx, Bo and Cf 3aH-Water ta Etwj. . - Pay Tlckru ta Braakara, PaelA. Ceaaty. Wuo. fMoDaa Aaaraaa, Braakara. Waaa. AJTOSaiaJlarTta. The Grand A Battier' AUAtar ' . Saew, . ... , Th Apollo four Week of July 30 ' 1 Ballalaba Bras, ' Mr. aad Mrs. Jaa. P. Lee aad Ltttla aUaa lalaa. Mr. Traay ataSeraiatt, Harvey aaA DaVam. Mr. laaMa xui . . SiaatlSMys, THB aUYRIC Parfa THE SMUGGLERS THa T? At 1TOalnr " baUaUT Ia Three. Acta. . . THE STAR ltTH WSnt STAB STOOS: OOMTAlfT. Three Married Men' ' la eoaaectJoa arltk a laa TaaaavUle OBe, ... - Besdad hr' - x -, , na rAianAsa " ... Time aaA Prleaa as UsaaL PAVErifiTS bei::s rui::eo .BY CARELESS I'MQII Impropsr; Filling of Cuts ' and Tunnels Mads for Gas and -. - yyater Mains Does It. - Pavement Are being hopaleaaly dam aged by Improper filling of rtuts and tunnels made In them for gaa and water mains, telephone conduits and ao forth, and tba executive board la about to make an order that auch filling be done by the pavement contractor who haa A bond up to maintain the pavement. --. The matte.' came before the executive board yeeterdiv afternoon when Howard Whiting, representing the Warren Con struction company,' aaked that the com panies cutting Into the pavamenta be re quired to make open cute. : Tha tunnala are Improperly-filled,-be aald. and whaa the heavy .roller of hla company-la .working on ' the new pavement on the euta It weight makes a depression over the tunnels. - - Mayor Lane told ' him of the new scheme by which the paving company shall aatimata the coat of replacing the dirt and pavamenta In euta and tunnala and that thla should be done by- tt alona and not by any of the varioua eompaies tearing tin the atreeta. . Thla wll! mean leaa damage to tha hard aurfaoe pavamenta.. It will also tend to lea aan the prioee which paving contractors ' aak for . maintenance ot streets. ; . . . - . . . Chief Campbell reported that Edward Huaton, a fireman, had not reported for duty since he obtained permlaalon to visit tba mayor a office, aparently on private business, aome time ago. Mayor Lane assured the grinning membere of the board that ha had not made away with Huston, and that he had been aeen since. - Huston waa dlatnissed. Hereafter all firemen falling" to give five daya . notice of their realgnatlon will ba fined five days' pay. - To the atreet committee were referred h following gtrjt Improvement bids: Tenlno avenue A. L. Keenan,; Oantanbeln avenue, . Harry Howard. 11,107.0; Benton atreet. Star Sand com pany. 110.192.51: HArry Howard. tt.110.11; Cherry atreet, Harry Howard, 1,I01.0; Star Band oompany, IM17.0T. COMING CIRCUS HAS MANY NEW FEATURES The Adam forepaugh - and - Bella Brothera' United Bhowa offer more novelty eenaatlona and exclusive apeolal tlee thla aeaaon than ware ever before assembled In a circus program. -Beginning with the stupendoue epectacle of Fighting the Flames, which involves more than people,' the ring aots listed number more than 100. - Most of the acta ara naw to America, and the artists- Interpreting the European auc- eaaaea make their first, appearance here with theee big ahowa. , There are sev eral sensations that have created tre mendous Interest In London, Parla and Berlin, and which have repeated thla extraordinary - sucoesa In America. Balvo'a "Trip to the Moon" Is a feat ot hazard, daring and skill that mocKk human underatandlng, and the deeda of Frederick Zo belle. In which he walks open his handa up a ateep spiral stair way to the apex of tba tent, and then, without relaxing hla rigid. Inverted po. sttlon. claapa two frail-looking little wheels and reels with terrific momentum down two steep cables to tho ground, la of. tho earn hair-raising, staggering heroism. - At no time in hla long trip, head downward,- doea the auppla, fear leaa performer relax Ma ' upside-down position, with toea pointed akyward, and body aa atratght aa A plummet- until he haa made the eeemlng Interminable Journey, atep by atep, round toy round, and up the perpendicular height to the vantage point of change for the fierce. Moed-curdJlnaV-topay-turvy.irollay... rid down tha acute Incline. The etraln upon the arma and hack of the performer In thle marvelous Journey head , downward from the ground to the hlgheat point In the canvas dome, and than deaoendlna to the level track, without break and traveling like the forka of lightning, makes this athletic achievement the most marveloue ever wltneaaed at a publls exhibition In the whole range of human hlatory. , The Forepaugh and Bella Brothers' ahowa exhibit here August 1 and 11. and give two performanoee dally, the afternoon at I o'clock and the evening at o'clock. Admission tlckata and ra aerved chair sea ta for the exhlblttone of the Forepaugh and Balls Brothers' ahowa In thla city will be sold clrcu day at the down-town office of Fore paugh and Salts Broth-for exactly the aama prloaa ehArs-aA in tha wagoB on the show grounda, The Hctel Estcccda WUiOM rOM AST ' raVAxvai OVT1BJ8V - Hotel Eataoada, on the brink " of -, the canyon, is . the beet, mo a comfortable, easiest-reached re sort near . Portland. Admirably ' adapted for outing ' parti. A wooded park of 10 sores sur- rounds tna hotel. " . ; Perfect AppointmssU and Rrst-ClassCublr Catering to hlgh-claaa patrona : Magnlflcant aoenary of r-""tnn cnaamiorast ana neic .... "ahrowm'e siukietia af Batarday aad axtAay a tho Bs Trains Every Two ISccrs , Special "ratsar upon appiicattosi to MRS. L. O. VTMAHOk, Man ager. .Phone Eataoada Hotel, T& Portland . PORTLAND ORJDGOIC -KUK.OPKAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . AMD COMMERCIAL . ..i v.. .TRAVELERS...;.. .. r, JBverythlng to eat and drink, aad It coat no more la the Portlana Hotel aUthakeQor than elsewhere in the city, weekday nigbt from 1:10 to 11 M- a iOWKU, Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's ' famoua mountain resort at ' - snow lino ' ' . . on Mount Hood Away from tho heat of the city. The moat delightful resting place la ' the northwest, Full - Information -at the v-.:t ' 'aB.- k. v TICKET OFFICE, Third 6 XVjisjifilnnrAn C4s v V ) ek-Wslal askjavsrv turx ca laAPSLXAaTB . eAr?TB -WO AAA. Artistl Buea ' wate, maaaa Bmbm. C.ay 4 aatVUae week ataaataetara treat. the beat jet axmawsalaa atskal STT A TtSra . a mam ardar prawBtl J Sw. attaaaa ta. V la las Bafias 1 Stnat kvi; I PORT LAND i '-'aniutfag: The following permita have been leaued: W. V. Baker, one-atory dwelllna, Eaat Twenty-sixth between Wygant ant Alberta, coat 1,0; R. R.Hatoh"T. shed. Bldwell avenue between East I "f taenth and Bast Seventeenth, coat .d; He cock A Lawrence, Toondary, Bel"- i between Grand avenue and Eaat I . cost 11.000; B. A. :Seeslis, twvsio -dwelling. Kelly comer Banerott, . 4.00; B, E. Hughson, two-etory d -Ing. Jordan corner Butter, co't II.' J. f. McCann. cna-atory dw,. --, ) avenue between Eaat K!phti a. Ninth, eoat ll.M; A. fcot -, betweea Eaat Eleventh and 1 teentn. cost 1.00: W. C. I -atory dwelling. Eaat Thlrta twaan Eaat Aalmoa An I 11.000; BUr brewery, r tween Stark and V -11.00: O. W. Prleat, two-. Oantanbeln avenue beta. Hhavr, "omt 1U',,; r Vancouver and V. j . X . fflpS IcraOaV m