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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
V , --'" ' V 1:::. I i i8 J0UHL,8iE0UClll0.UC0;IEST IL Ambitious Orphan Doy Forges Ahead Through Hard Work, De i termined to Secure Either First or Second Prize , In Scholarship Race.1'' -' ,..' ; ; stavdxvo or oomRun nr totb, . , s . . , Horace X, Wilson. Ill EilMT it- roruana, ur.v.. ...... ........ io9 V '. Ivy Owni, Cedar Mllla, Or .... ........ ..........i. . Edward L. Kinsman, Idnnton, Or. .......,.,...., - Malsl O'Donnel V Buxton, Or.1LVfj 4 , Dean Knox. Corvallla,- Or. Lillian alcVleker, at Jeans r O. -.. .-....'.-...t .j.4? Nellie May Shannon. Ill Tenlno, Portland. Or...;... ..,,.418(1 Ouy Grshain. Troutdals, Or. ..170X1 Rhoda L, 8talnackr, Albany. Or........ V.....i. .............. ..tl4 Cbaa, Oroas. T. M. C A, Portland............ ...l77 Mlldrsd I Clemen. University Park, Portland, Or. ...... ........18070 Carl Shelton, Forty-ighth trer. Mount" Tabor. Or. ........ ....'.,.111X1 Roy Johnson, T .Division St. Portland, Or..w...... .117.41 Mary B. PowalU'417 Salmon St, Portland. Or. v. .14130 Ma. Pndrgraa. Ill North Seventeenth St, Portland, Or.,.. ,.11185 Gay Jone. 401 XL lth St. Portland, Or.... ......... .............1X440 Bertie 0,'Chan. Mt'Clay St. Portland. Or.... ..,7...'.".101 Paul Nygren, til East Third St. north, Portland, Or...., '..1. .. John Benson,' Chemawa. Or. ........ .....,..,......iiv.,.'Ar.. 01 Edith M. Harris, 410 0rd St. Portland, Or.,. '...V..;, 7160 Dorcas Van Schoonhoven, Cots, Or, ...... ........ ....... ....f.... Tlll Barry Brant Tb Norton. Twelfth and Morrison, Portland, Or..... 1X70 Lloyd Riches, BUvarton,, Or '. , . ... .............. i .. 1800 Clay Cery.' Salem, Or. ...... ......i 1X11 Mabel Uagnesa. Amity, Or................... r". 1020 Allea Hackman. Myrtle Park. Portland,. Or..... V. 181 Louise Boott, Central addition, PortUnd, Or........,........'..... X1X0 R, W. Cyrua, Scto, Or.......... ........ .......... 1841 1(60- 1414 1410 i4ir A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAfrAAfrAAAABSVi.frVa' Ouy Johnson, 101 Grant St, Portland, Or. i .................1230 Ruth-Turner, 801 Ksrby St, Portland, Or. ..................... 100 W. BL Owynn. 141 East Thlrty-venta St. PortUnd. Or......... (00 George D. Kins, Kingston,' Or. ...v. .............. ......... Iv Agnes Evans, LatourelL Or......... ............. .,..,.. IW Horace A. Wiaon of 261 Halaey street Portland, again la enjoying a lead in the educational contest - For some time he hsd been a cloae second. . . But Wilson was one of the flrat lead ers, which the educational con teat de veloped.. He went into the contest with ' determination- and enthusiasm. He was one of the firat to matriculate, and he -. went to work to gather, subscriptions as . soon as he sent In his name to the eon ' teat manager. He has added something ! to his score every day. ' Horace Wilaon la an orphan boy, and - la now In hla eighteenth year. He never waa permitted to aee his father, as that parent died" before he was born. His mother died three years agot She was living on a farm In Washington county. Horace waa not at home at the time of his mother's death. - He was in Hills- , boro attending acbool there. For two yeara Horace' WUnon workwl for bis 'board are hotel" In HHUboro so he might attend achool there. The temp stations and diversions of hotel Ufa did not divert him from hla purpose to ac 1 quire learning. - Nor did his character . suffer from contact - with the travel- In g public " Completing the achool of HUlaboro, Wilaon cam to Portland to attend the """Portland-fclgH school. He ;as? earned - rnr ii mm i - . .mui'i .1 NATUROPATH You Do Not Take a Dru if You Treat With Mc; I do not .enslave - the atomach with ' Muaeoua and poisonous medicines - I ' relieve it of this unneceasary burden. . My marveloua auccesa is directly at tributable to this. Mine is NATUROPATHIC METHOD That means that I iure by Nature's un : falling proceaaes. For the cure of stomach affliction, rheumatism, neu- ralgla, St Vltna Dance and all nervous and female dlaeases, " T ; vo oTm ni4Twm om 1 OOMPABXSS WITH TXXS. It W now well known and conceded that .medicines, cnat more dlaeases than they cur.' I' create no afflictions, for I give no drug, hence ' KT Olttll AM PXUCAXrT.' My patients gat well and remain ' wall J strong, healthy, vigoroua. , I Have Cured Hundreds of Patients In Portland andthe NorthwestTTT - ' Many of the havs kindly permitted , me to give their names and addresses to their afflicted fellows. . If a sufferer, you will be Interested In knowing all about how .theae were oured. . Ton may. . if yo will eall at my residence and sanitarium or Inqqlr of me by mall. ; - Dr. N. J. Fulton .ATffKOFATXt 3 1 5JTWELETiJ STREET .Carar Clr, ee bloek s-mff W.fl. ear. en from UUi 4ift nr. t fimni X.ff.ra ca(. . w . -., Xtltvkoaelila 1128, . ' his wsy. But his earnings are barely equal to the tax Of board and school book, and ao he cannot Indulge In much social life. He has dropped member ship In two fraternal , and beneficiary lodge, which otherwise might now be called upon to aid him In thla conteat But ha la a member In good standing of the T. M. C. A. and of the First Baptist church of Portland. ' The only relative known to this young man in this country is his grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Armstrong, at Cornelius, A burnfng ambition to posaeas a col lege education filla the aoul of young Wilaon. and he aaplrea to study a pro feaelon and to become one of the flrat among men. Nothing daunta him. Hla previous leaderahlp of the conteat laated only two day. . But he Intend to flnlah as No. 1 or Ma X, so as to win ens of the -high cfl prisea. ' Wilson figures tbatiPne of the cash prisea will-enable him to "complete the Portland ' high school, and then, he will, be ready for college. '.....' '...!' .... Promlalag vw Oomtestaat A new contestant to appear' In the score Hat Is Lloyd Riches of Silverton. - Riches cornea Into the contest with 1.000 votes.' Ue 1m- one; of then best- kaowit iiewH agents la the -Wtilaroette valley. Ha has sold newspapers In Sil verton. for years while going ts school. About two months ago hs severed hi newspaper connections so that he might prepare te go to college this winter. - Lloyd "Riches lives with bis parents, who are much respected and who own on of ' the finest homes .' In Silver ton. He always has been Industrious and. thrifty and the peopl of Silverton are proud of him. ' " " - - On Thursday Mis Rhoda Stalnackee of Albany made another ro-jhd of the score ladder advancing from No. 0 to 7. This young lady will soon be with the "High Flv." Miss' Bertie G. Chan of Chinese or igin, during the week hat moved .np from No. 10 to It. She. Is eanvaaalng for subscriptions vigorously and will go higher.- ;' ' Dorcas Van Schoonhoven .. of Cove, eastern Oregon, has advanced from No. It to 14. She la new to the conteat A rich and proaporoua valley supports her the Grand Ronde valey but she 2a industrious and works for all th. sub scriptions which she reports. Mabel Magne of Amity celebrated the midweek by an advance up the line of contestants from No. 14 to In. Th score, list on Sunday may show mora surprising changes than havs oc cured during th 1 week. Th contest ants snd their friends are all working for th aubscrlptlon which glv- th votes showing their ralatlv positions. PRiZE ENGLISH BAND -' NOW JOURING AMERICA (JearairBpecUl Serrlee.) V Aabury Park. N. J.. Aug. 4. In th Casino here today th famoua "Beaaea o" th Barn" band, gav the flrat concert of Its American ' tour. Th band la plon band of England, because of many prises it has won sine It flrat came Into prominence In 1818, during th reign of George III. On of the first prises waa . captured by this or ganisation In the procession celebrating in coronation or . oeorg IV. and an. other at th tlm of th coronation of th late Queen Victoria. In 1818 It held every challenge cup . In Great Britain. After tilling their engagement here th band will play at th Toronto and Pittsburg poltlons snd concerts will be given In all th prlnolpa) cltle to the Paclflo coast, "whence the organisation will sail xor Nw Zealand. rAD AIO J t tUL HZ.',. J That t a let "vi medical wrltan anl teaebera of a.1 the several achooU of practie sndors and reeommend. In- the &roDet term poeslble, sack and verjr lnreuient enterlns; Into the eompoaitloo of Dr. Here' Gulden Medical Discovery for the cur of weak atomaca, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "Uver complaint torpid liver, or biliousness, ehronia bowal gfiectloaa, and all catarrhal dlases of whatever regtesynam or nature. It la also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long I tending ease of catarrhal affec tions and their reaultanta, as bronchial, throat and lung diseases (except consump tion) acoompanTad with severs eoughs. .It is not so good for acuta cold and coughs, but for lingering, or chronic cases ft la especially efficacious In . producing per fecteurea. It con tains Black Cherry bark,. Golden Seal root Blood root Stone root Mandraka root and Queen's root all of which ar highly praised as semedle for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers at Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Mad. Col lege: Prof. Hare, of th Univ. of Pa. Prof. Flnley Ellingwood, M. p., of Ben nett Med, College, Chicago ; Prof. John f:tng, M. D late of ClncinnaU : Prof, ohn. M. ficudder, M. of Cincin nati ; Prof. Edwin M. Bale. M. D., of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and cores ef other equally eminent & their several schools of practice. - Th "Golden Medical Discovery is th only mediciiM put up for sale through druggist for like purposes, that La anv ucE proestioiial endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary teatk monlala. Open publicity of its formula s oest on the bottle wrapper Is the possible guaranty of It merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poison ous or harmful agent and no alcohol chemically purs, triple-refined glycerins being nsed Instead. Glycerin Is entirely unoblectlonabl and besides Is a most useful Ingredient In th cur of all (torn ach as wall as bronchial, throat and lung affeotlona. There Is th highest medical authority tor Its us in all such easea. The "Discovery" 1 a concentrated glyc eric extract of nativa, medicinal toots ana is safe and reliable. , A booklet of extracts from eminent medical authorities, endorsing lUinxre dlent mailed frtm on request AddrsM Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, M. Y. 1- V ; Child's Fear of the Dark. Practically all children, fear th dark. This is an abnormal condition brought about by carelessness oq tha mother's part or Ignoraaoe on the nurse's. To tell a child stories which foster this unnatural 'feeling la a crime and liable to caua lasting injuries. If you find that your little one will not Bleep with out a light In th room and (hakes with fear If compelled, to go Into a dark room, do not pass It by as natural, but inquire Into the caua and do all la your power to overcome tht tendency. - To tell the child that It fear are ground less is futile and accomplishes no good. Probably the easiest and most effective way is to tell-the child fairy atorles of th dark try to make the night seem so attractive that the child will love In- atead of .fear. It -' Summer Shoe. The ahoea worn thla summer a re prettier ; than we have had for year. Although they, are somewhat expensive on account of the number of different pairs that are considered necessary ; they add so much to one's appearance that . the money la well - apent - The whit with embroidered to ar always good, but- lust now th colored shoe is In the lead. These come In all the sired shade, th color of cours should match th gown worn. A gown of th new shad of pink, which has a soft faded look was worn with shoe of th sam shade which were embroidered In ahadca of pink with a touch, of black. Dainty pink ailk hos and an all-black hat somewhat large and tilted to one Bide completed a very chlo looking costume. The heels worn this year ar mostly th Cuban or. military, with an occasional Loul th XV. Whit with a narrow atrip of color la also much worn, th belt and other acceaorles of the costums matching th strip In color. n ' z ' A New Means of Culture. ,""Flrst" cultivate Xhe fingers," then th mind, was th advice of a mediate lec turing before a draaamakara club re cently. , At preaent we expect to be en. tertalned by aplcy tidbit of gossip when we go to have a gown fitted, but If dressmakers realise the error of their preaent attitude in blocking th modern raoe after culture at any eoat'andr at all time; w may expect to choose our. dressmaker not for her ability to hang a gown correctly but because ah talka ao beautifully on the Victorian poet 61 the Harbison School In Art. . By the wayMt would almplif y matters if each modiste would tk up om special known throughout Europe a th cham- L llns of culture, so that omt could go to tllMM STRIKE OF SHINGLE ' WEAVERS IS ENDED tResetal Dtsaetcb t The XonrasLt Hoqulam, Wash., Aug: 4. Tb anlngl weavers' strlk in th mills her has been called off and th man announce their readiness to go back to work on th former basis. A. committee haa waited - on the- jeeal- mills 'and- aotlfted them or their willingness to resume work, but it Is doubtful if their con cessions will b met as the owners ay that they will not recognise the union and refuse to open with a union crew, but declare for th open-shop policy. - Capitalists at Yeltowvtoa. ' ftpr1. Dtaeatrk t Tss learaaLI Castle Rook, Wash., Aug. . Th company of Illlnol peopl who were her recently attending th meetlns of the- stockholder - the- fitr Helen -Ore Mill Power company ar now visiting in i euows ton para. Silver Zka Popmlar. (ptJ Dtapstrk to Tke foarasl.) . Caati Rock. Wash.. Au. 4. Rev. F. W. Jackson and a party of young peopl hav been : ' Damping , on. Silver lake, Sliver lak Is becoming quite a popular resort for camping and Ashing parties. dressmaker on astronomy or the on on classical music, as th fancy dictates. ' rr ft : ft -'ft ; Ellen Terry's Advice. Miss Ellen Terry has written the fol lowing letter to the student at ' th Leeds Dramatic college: '1 have been aaked to say a word to you. If I say one word it will be, Work.' If It were two "words I should Bay, He patient' and If it were three word. -Don't b vain.'" - ft ft ft - Ice. Cream With Popcorn Mold rich vanilla Ic cream in a ring mold. Fill the center with sugared pop corn and arrange th popoora als t th base of the mold. The sugared pop corn with Ic cream is a decided Innova tion. .-, ,' ' - - .. ft ft ft A Iugh. From the Plymouth Weekly. A -lauah is. just like. sunshlnel.. - It freshens all the day. It tip th peak of llf with light And drive th clouds swsy; Th soul grow glad that hear It And feel its courag strong A laugh I Just Ilk sunshln For cheering folks along! ' A laugh Is Just Ilk musts; It lingers In th heart, . s And whr It melody la heard Th ill of llf depart; LAndhappythoughta come crowding Ita Joyful notea to greet A laugh. la Just like muslo ,''"',. For making living sweet! SkaSl . -sjr r7i nn' rr?i vu u...w ux u '(1. f4 t i-.;-c.- ,.. ft ft ft - Buttefmilk. To'bleac'h table linen and" btherwhUe articles that become yellow, put the article la buttermilk, and leave all night -r--". . , . V.: No matter how hot it may be ; cooling breezes are at-your commaridbatwist oLtheswtc In the the ELECTRIC FAN is ever a boon, a comfort, a luxury at a trifling cost " In the up-tondatc stores, during warm weather, a number of fan3 are kept goingday and night, making the establishment so equipped more comfortafble for and attractive to patrons. The cost of this ser-; vice is so small that there is really no excuse for its omission. r A 1 6-inch ELECTRIC FAN can : be operated I at a cost not to exceed one cent' an hour, and a 12-inch FAN can be run for even less. . - V " : The new model ELECTRIC FAN is specially adapted to use liiprtvateresidenTC and attached to any convenient lamp socket No specia wiring is required. Six feet of cord and attaching ipeciaj w lisheajwi plug furnishea with each fan. . -.'. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY made on all fans ordered NOW. . - ' f. !-MSBOBBBfJBBfSBlfJs.Sf ELIEOT11C C(Q)IViiPAP. TELEPHONE PRIVATE EXCHANGE 13 SEVENTH AND ALpER STREETS : : j ' : la th morning tak out shak and re turn te th milk. , Repeat thl thre or four days In uoceaeloiv-When th place may b waahed la th uaual way. ButUrmtlk maks -a eeiicious ana healthful drink, and 1 especially good for sldarly peopl. " Tm nmiM m anj frenVIea and maka h akin soft baths tb face and arm In buttermilk every night. crcraas scxatxoa. R.v. W. L. Riley. LU D.. Cuba. New York, writ: "After fifteen days of excruciating pain from Bclatle rheuma tism, under varloua treatments, I .was induced te try Kauara a snow Ldniment; ika .flrstannflcatlon clvrna mv flrat re lief and the second entire relief. I can glv It unqualified recommendation, tie. tvo, t.e. .n oooaru, viars m v.o BATHi::esujLivs Bimoa ACO .POSTtGE STAHP Escaptdet of Organization : Young - Matrons Causo ' Divorce) '8uhV- of 1 Uearsal hMUl sarvles.l Chlcsgo, Aug. 4. Out i of th ca pades f -an- organisation of young ao clety matrona, known aa th "Olrla" club," at Paw Paw lake, haa been bora a pretty mess that may result In a dosn or more divorce ault. It seem that th young married women were accustomed to wear what they called "Paw Paw bathing suits" and go bathing with Colon! Kelley, a bandsom young army officer, who haa won the hearta of half of Chicago' fair s.x aino his recent return from th Philippines.' The flrat description of a "Paw Paw bathing adit" Is furnished by Dr. John A Whipple, who says It consists of "a collar button snd a postage stamp." Dr. Whipple Is a mlneowner, . holding large Colorado Interests. - He waa pre paring to die cult against hla wife on account of her bathing escapade with tha -Qlrls- club"- when his wife seat htm to the court and, instituted action Srst charging cruslty, . - ' Th mmer-doctor ' haa had detectives watching the "Olrla club" and la t trial h. threaten to reveal the w affair., mentioning all names 1 "Olrls' club" ha a solemn oath of tr berahlp. which demands that the t bare always be "Jelly good fellows." veal no club secrets' and "slws.s ft the name of Hiss' when out" RAREcHAr:cz to t:-. TryV'w, ' r TUkeS I. U. 81 1 . August T. I. . "4 " 10 th O. R. A M. ; vry . tlm. round-trip ti s f potnr. -Partlelr fcy W. Stinger, city ticket t WaahllCtoa street, 1